Sameh Mohssin Deif Khataab: Personal Information

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Sameh Mohssin Deif KHataab

Production Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt

Phone Number: 01099940304

Email Address:
Address: kom_Elfarag, Abu_Elmatamir ,Al Buhayrah.
Military Service Exempted

Personal Information:
Date of Birth: Jun, 12, 1993
Nationality: Egyptian
Marital status: Single

Job Objective:
Looking for Vacancy as a fresher to work in a stimulating environment
where I can apply & enhance my knowledge, skill to serve the firm to the
best of my efforts, and having the opportunity to capitalize my technical
skills and abilities.

Alexandria University , Faculty of Engineering
Bachelor of Production Mechanics
Graduated - June 2019
Grade of project: excellent
Graduation project: Virtual laboratory

NDT level2 (VT, PT, MT)
Welding Technology
Principle of mechanical equipment installation

Experience and training:

Rashid petroleum company(2015)

Skills (professional & software):

Human resources development and Presentation & Soft Skills.
Solid work

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