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ECET 2O1O OUESTION FAPER ...s.\i \r. s\: $\:r :r$t s\r\ \1$ .

\\\\ S$ ii\S \n> SS-$


t#"4yfuivii -'I ;''-;';irfj{

l. Asau which cuis wood curing the retlm sboke of thc ag

(1) Prsh saw (2) Pull saw

(3) Rip saw (4) Hand sarv

2. The operltion of cutting a fl;t sheet to the desired shape is called

rl) (2) Piercing

(3) Punching (4) Blanking

3. A hacksaq, blade is specified by its

(1) Lcngth (2) Matedal

(3) widtl' (4) Number ofieeth

4, Thc ac,ilrtiicy oI micromctcl$, calipers and dial indicators can be checked by

(1) I i:cl,t grugr. (2) Siip gtoge
(3) l? ing !,ouge (4) PIug gauge

5. th( ,i: ' r.\:rlt Llsid to Ineastlrc gxternal and inrcn rl diameyg[s[ parts 8nd
deprh,r n.'i(., .
r: i1&.
(I ) Dr!,,I ejug< rnicrr,lnctcr (2) lofiic rimii1netff
(.1) ()r,Lir(i. nri,:rometer .J+r $ifu3trffiJ-
6. A raohct sprilg is provided on a
(l) Lock reacllng{ f,
mcasured reading
L(,c|. the mcasued
(l) Mrintarn constant rccd rn{fft4eY
(3) Prc\.nr *ea4pg of screwffiffi
o;lL ln
(4) Allur\ .,Sfalfilstntents JtP

7. tn is the Pocess of ntkins ()

lgrvcr q'ffi (2) clircular holcs
'id&*"16h tt or work piece (4) A .ecess in tho middlc of work piece
" "ag" ()
chips with built up edge are forrned during machining of

) Itrittle mctals (2) Ductile me1a1s

(l) Hard metals (4) Soti metals
9. Driliini is an example of ()
(1) ii.ihogonaL cutting (2) obljque cutting

(3) Simple cutling (4) Unifo.m cutiing

Nl ss SS S,L .:N.\i .\*- -\iN \\ sr si \> ss s !a {E C ET 201t}) " '* *t s s is ss! J'\\ s N s N N:::\r:it

10, In drilling bakelite and fibrous plastics, the poid angle ofa drill is ( )
(1) 9oo Q) t2\o
(3) 1350 . (4) lsoo
ll. lntemal or extemal tkeads of difrerent pitches can be produced by
(l) Panthoglaph Milling machine (2) Profiling machine
(3) Plano milier (4) Planetary miliing machine
12. The process oi .emoving metal by a qltter which is rotated in the sane direction of travel of .-
work piece is called ( '') " 1
(l) Up milling
' (2) Down milling
.il 1

(3) Facernilling (4) Eodmiuing +;

13, Welding ofglass is done by ()
(l) Ultrasonic relding (2) Electron b€am weldi[g.
(3) Laser beam weiding (4) Explosive welding
14. The oold chisels arenade by
(l) Dmwins (2) Rollins
(3) Forging (4) Piercing
15. Sh[cturai sections such as rails, angles, j-beams are ma<ie of.,^
(l) Hotrolling (2) Hot
(3) I{ot piercing
16. The mode of dilldmation of the rnetal ()
(1) Bending
(3) Bending and stretching
17, In die casting maohining ()
(l ) Snall (2) Large
(3) Very large (4) Not provided
cut by oxygen cuttilg will get ha{dened when the carbon contert is
(2) Less than 0.1%
0.3% (4) More tlan 0.3%
resistance weld is. ()

(1) (.- (2)

(3) A
ll (4)
L] l
S$SNNN N* ..;l!rss lsws*&Es (ECET 201 O) Ex*$ ---.( i\ ssN s s& BIEGgEi

PAPLR.. \:.ri s !i! r:n: i\is !i.i:r -ii:si !'srs \i s'\l\S !r':\!i ir'\i:+ !\\ti] NS 121

21t. If the aritimetical difference beflveen the hole and the shaft sizes befbre assembly is negative'
tlrcn the tlpe of fil is
( )
(1) Ciearance fit (2) Transition fit
(3) Intefbrence fit (4) Running {it
21. A material is -saiC to he duciile iltho elongation is
(1) Less than 5% (2) 5to l0%
(3) lC to 15% (4) More than 15%
a high stress
22. The p.openy of the material u'hich enables it to be rwisted, bent or stretched under
befoie ,upture is known as ( )

(1) Ilardness (2) Ioughness

(3) Resilicnce { l) Suenglh

23. Thc shock rcsistancc ol stccl is increased by adding

(l) Nn:kei (2) ChromiLttn

(3) I'licLel and clu()ffiun

24, 'l'he process which impruvcs
(l)'foirueling (2) Arlreali m r-
(3) llom li?ing (4) Splcroi

25. In poudcr mctallurgv the range of pressures to ls in desircd propo(tions

are coilprg$scd ,l lnri)ulds iS -;;,i'* "
(1) 10 to 50 bar (2) 50ito 300 bar

(3) 310 to 650 bar 90 to 13750 bar

26. The lbroe svstcm actinB is a a camcra ls ()

(l) Non

urrent force system

I l'orce system

hetween two lorcos to make their resuliant a minimum and a maximum respectively
(1) 0o and 90') (2\ 1800 and 900

(3) 9l)o an<l 1B0o (4) 1 800 and 0o

24. Breaking strcss is {)

(l) I-ess lhan ullimate slress (2) Greater tha! ultimate stress

(3) Equal to uitinute slress (4) L,ess than wolking stress

NSSS\S !\i-.\N sn: s-.. si\ r.,!.ri$s$ss* (ECrT 20iCrr-*ss$:ss\:sssr-iss*sd\sNsNii\'li'":il"

122 SSS i-\\t S.\i -i,.!ii ll,i :rt\ :\\ s* :ss s sr s!. -i! s !\r s ECET IFDHI MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
29. Hoop stress is stress ()
(i ) Bending (2) Compressive
(3) Tensile (4) Shear

30. The Poisson's ratio ior Cost irol1 vades from ( )

(l) {).21
0.23 to (2) 0.25 to 0.13
(3) 0.31 10 C.-14 (4) 0.34 Io 0.42
A cor inuo s bcrm is one which is ( .

(l) Fixed al both ends (2) Fixed at one end and free at the other elld
(3) Extending bey.rnd the supports (4) Supportcd on more than two supports
37. A shetched slrirg posses the energy is the tbrm of ( )
(l) cncrgy
Internal (2) Stain energy
(3) Potential enelg_v (4) Kinetic energy
33_ When o bclt js a\ initial tenqku]?nt$,vali
si3ti.,narl; i[ is subjccted to some tension known as
is si3ti.,nar!; tension]{
this tcnsion is.q,'i,
tension is eqLral rJ
!o _. .:', ( .- .*;iJ
',' '''
(l) Iensiol io rtic trght side of the belt ,fi! "*y.
(2) 'Ieusio| iu lllc slack side of: the beltt
.*,-, 14
. ,._:-." .E:- -
(3) Sum
SLrm . ,,lr0sions
oi light sidc
rFions o0 the tight side and slack ijfffie
side rif ihe bbeffi
{4} Averagi r,rn,.,r r,t the tight and slact si*s ffihelt ..::,,. #
34. ]'hc cantriluglrt rixrsjon in the belt ()
(l) lncrcases thc powor transmlttcd s the power hansmitted
(l) Has no rlli.r or) thL" equal to the maximum temion in the b€lt
.15. ln actual nuohi os. thc is velocitv ratio ()
(l) Equalto r'":. (2) Less than
(3) rts&j
t1611.;"*: i (4) No relation between them
36. In avd,{$p#t peration, the minimum nlrllrber ol'tceth on thg small€r sprocket for
edd tlY$uld bc ()
(2) 17
(4) 23
thc axes o[ ibe first and last wheels are coaxial, ther the gear tmin is known as ( )
(l) Simple gear triin (2) Compound gea. tmin
(3) Reverled gcar irain (4) Epicyclic gear trair
3E" Which oi the lbilowing springs is Llsed in mechadcal wrist \yatolt ? ()
(l) Spiralspring (2) Totion
(3) Bevel spring (4) Helical compression spring
i\\NNSsNS\N j.:i.,.:.n -r.ssisN=-- ([CET 201O) sss-r:..r is: i\ \\'!$ iiss *+sS wsE&ssi
ECET 2O1O QUESTTON PAPER --:.-=--*:ss*.=r:\t*ss$si sN NSS SN SSS\\S 123
ihe slxess induced is
39. - is subjected t'r a couple about its a"\is'
Wten a closely coiled helical spring
( )
the wire material ofthe spring is
( l) Bending sne.s
(2) Combination of torsional shear and bending stress
(3) Direct shear stress
(4) Combination of bending and dilect shear shess
40. The cam follower extensively used in afu craft engine is
(1) FIat faced follower (2) Knife edge follower
(3) Roller follower (4) Spherical faced follower

41. The pressure vessel is said to be thick shell, if the ratio of wall thickness to its diameter is ( )
(1) t-ess than l/8 (2) Equal to U8

(3) Etlual to t/10 (4) Greater than l/ 1{)

42. Iwo stufts have equal $trenBth, if

(l) lwisting moment of both the shafts is same
(2) Diamcter of both thc shafts is same
(3 t Angle of twist ol both the shafu is samc
(4) Mate al of both l.hc shafts is same
43. In designing a kcy, it is assurned that the distribut of key ()
(l) varies lineaxly
(2) is uniform throughout
(3) varies exponentially being
(4) varies exponentially bgj torgpd$input erul

44. The sleeve or mufl couPli

.'t. (2) Thick cylinder
(4) Solid shafl

all perfect gases change in volume by of i1s original volumc at 00C

in temperatue, when plessure remains constant ()
(2) 1le3
1t173 (4) 11273
The amount of heat transferred during constant pressure process is equal to ( )
(1) Change in internal energy
(2) Sum of changes in intemal energy and flow work
(3) Change in flo\ $ ork

(4) Change in displacement work

. \'\ .i\ r'n's s s B * * T * * *' * s s s s s ss sl sN s:N :!! \\\ \S\

N s! \N N$ Ns (E C E 2 0 1 0 )
124 XE-X5K$' $5erx$**Ex-- ECET TFDHI MECHA ICAL EilGlilEERrl{G
.17. The workdone in a steady flow prccess is given by ,i_1..0.1,:.-,, .,, ( )-...
(tt Jpdv 12y - :."
Jpdv fiirt..r : _,.
(l) lvdp t4) - lvdp !":
- "
;._.- .. .. -..-:
48. A mixtue of of 10 bar and absorbs
gas expands from 0.02 mr to 0.05 m3 at a constant plessule
80 kJ ofheat during the process. The change in intemal eners/ of mixhre is ()
(l) 30 kJ (2) 50 kI
(3) 60 kJ (4) 80 kJ
49. A theunodynamic cycle consisting of two colstaot pressue and two isentropic processes is
known as ()
(l) Camot cycle (2) Striug cycle
(3) Otto cycle (4) Joule cycle ia
50. Tle effective inhibitor o[pre-igoition


Alcohol Water
--: .:'-- &-
(3) Irad (4) Dies€l
51, The ratio of workdown pe! cycle to the stoke voluIIE of the
as ( )
(1) Cor.pressor capacity (2)
(3) Me&n eff€ctive pressure (4)
52. The type of compressor used in gas turbinos is ()
(1) Reciprocating
(3) CentriflteBl <4)
33. ln the expression of brake p"rrffi1zfudr"a four strok€ engine, 'n'should be ( )
(t) N '}.:1 .l!..i" ?) N'
(3) 2N
i (+) ltr+
54. The aim inlet valve in the air psssage ofcompression ignition engines is io
(2) Enhance flow rate
swirl (4) Induce secondary turbulence
autonpbile climbing up a hill, the engine should have ()
) Hieh power (2) High torque
(3) Hieh sp€ed (4) Low weight
56. In a jet engine, the air-fuel ratio is ()
(l) 20: I Q) 40,1
(3) 60: I (4) 80: I

NNxtrrE rr**-s-sd-* (ECET 2010) rr-r--rE:FtERs*f f

ECET 2o1o QUESTIoN PAPLR ****dxw sssss ffisNNSN 125

57. A glass tube ofsmall diameter (d) is dipped in fluid The heighr ofrise or fatlitrthe tube is given
by ..(
(l) 4od,/ocoscr (2) ocosc/4od
(3) 4ocosq./@d (4) <od/4ocosct
58. A flow though atr expandi[g tube at constant rate is called ()
(l) Steady uniform flow (2) Steady [otr tmifomr flow .

(3) Unsteady uniform flow (4) Unsteady rct-uniform flolv

( ,,
59. Euler's equation in the differcatial fordi for the motiou of liquids is given by )
dD dp
(l) i +sdz-v.dv=0 (2)
; -gdz+vdv=0 J
(3) pdp+gdz+vdv=0 (4) pdp-gdz+vdv-0
60. The theoretical velocity ofjet at veDa cotrtracta is, where II = Head water at YetrE contracta

(l) 2eH @ HJzc

(3) 2cJH @JW
61, In ord€r to avoid tetrdency of separatiofl itr a venturi metrr, the q
the diameter ofpipe shottld be
(l) l/16 to l/8 (2) tts t
(3) .1/4 to t/1 (4),r&.to
62. A pipe of leng6 npre than dguble the axtemally or intemally to the
orifice is called ()
(l) Notch
(3) Mouth piece Nozzle
53. The loss of head at €ntrance ()
(1) Vt2s (2) 0.5vne
(4) 0.1s vzDE
transmission tlrough pipe is ()
(2) H_r\

H +hr
65. The power transmifted rhrougb a pipe is ()
(l) w xQ/ H (2) wxQx\
(l) w,Q. (H-hJ (4) wxQG+hJ
ItrI-rr (ECET 201 0) cr-qB5lxrE-r rIrHslxs
66. A compound pipe is required to be replaced by a new pipe. The two pipes are said to be equivalent,
if ()
(l) Length of both Pipes is same
(2) Diameter of both pipes is same
(3) lnss of head and discharge of both the pipes is sarne
(4) Loss of head and velocity of flow in both the pipes is same
67, Binary vapour cycle is used to ( )
(i) Increase the p'-rfoniance of the condenser
(2) Increase the efficiency of the plant
(3) Increase the ell'iciency of the turbine
(4) tncrease the efliciency of the boiler
68. For the induced draught, the fan islocatcd jt )
(l) near the bottom of chimney (2) near thc bottom of furnace -.i,6r
(3) at the top of chimney (4) Any where permissible *
69" The elibct ofconsjdering ftiction losses in steam nozzle for the sarne pressure mtio lgids to Sil
(l ) tncrease in exit velocity fiom the nozzle
(2) decrease in exit velocity from the nozzle
(3) No ohange in exit velocity from nozzle

10. ()

(3) simple, single wheel,

t4) Muhi-whedteaclion steafr-tu bine

?1. In a surfao6:ltahd&6ee if air ii removed, there is ()
(t I.R' fill in maintained in condenscr

ute pressue maintained in condenser

nge in absolute pressure in the condcnser

4afja:i'. i Rise in the tempflature of condensed steam

..- ..q2" Ultimate analysis of fuel is determination of percentage of ()
(l) lblal carbon by weighl
(2) Total carbon by weight and unit weight of H, ()2 N, Sulphur and ash
(3) Ash, voiatile mafter and moisture
(4) Only ash
s N N N Nl r\\ rs s s s N B es ** C ET 2 0 1 0 ) :s i: s s s N rs *E !3K N s$ ss ss NW N
EcEr 2o1o QUESTIoN PAPER *****-*,r*rsN sEs ffimmN 127
73. Bucket elel€tion axe used for ( )
( l) carrying coal in hori/ontal direction
(2) carrying coal itr veflical direclion
(J, carrying coal in any direction
(4, not rc carry loads at all
74. ThemEl efficiency of the steam plant is of the order of ( )
(l) 30% (2) so%
(3\ 60./" (4) 80%
75. Water hamnrcr ii developed in ()
(l) penstock (2) &aft tube
(3) tubine (4) surge tank
76. Franscis tubine is usually used for
(l) Low head installation upto 30m (2) Medium head installation ftom
(3) High head installation above l80m (4) For all heads
77. Fast breeder reactors are best suited for India, because of
(l) large thorium deposits . (2) large uranium
(3) large plutonium deposits . (4) large chronlgm
78. In a diesel engine, the heat lost to the cooling weter is
(l) l0% (2)
(3) 30o/o

79. The capacity ofa dornestic ()

(l) 0.1 to 0.3 TR 3TR
(3) 3io5TR
(1) one (2) two heat exchangers
(3) (4) four heat exchangers
81. In' chart, the space io the left of0le saturated liquid line represents ( )
) regon (2) super heat€d vapour rcgion
(4) saturated liquid
(l) does not aller co, (2) increases cop
(3) decrease cop (4) becoirEs zero cop
83. ln aqua-ammonia absorption reftigeration systen! i{cornplete rectification leads b eccumulatiotr
of water in ()
(1) condenser (2) €vaporator .

(3) absorber (4) genrator

WSSEKII-x!*ss***-- (:ECET 201O) sssssss. $s *t[E'ls*lE

84. The fluids used in Electrolux refrigerator are
(1) Water and Hydrogen (2) ,A1nmonia and Hy&ogetr
(3) Ammonia water and Hydrogen (4) Rl2 and R22
85. Production cost refers to prirne cost plus ()
(1) factory overheads
(2) factory and administxation overheads
(3) factory administation and sales ovelheads
{4) factory adminisEalioD. sale6 overheads aDd profil
86, ABC analysis is used in ()
(l) cPM (2) PERr
(3) Inventory control (4) labor coffiol
87. In invertory control theory the economics order quantity order quantity is
(l) average level oll inventory
(2) optimum iot size
(3) capocrty ot a warehouse
(4) lot sizE ior respondir8 to break eve[ anal]sis
88. Which ofthe fbllowiflg type of layout is suitable for iompany ?( )
(l) Producl layout (2)
(3) fixed positiun layout (4)
89. The chart which gives an estimrte a vanous
wo.rkstaions is known as ()
(1) flow chart process chart
(3) kavel chart , (4) operation chart
90, Ifl term "dispatching" is used to describe ()
finished product oi the user
tch of work ordel tlrough shop floor
a square type engine ()
(l) The geometrical shape of the etrgine is square
(2) Diametsr and length of piston are same
(3) Two cylinder are placed horizontal and two vertical
(4) Stroke lcngth and cylinder bore arc sarDe

sG& XllB sN N+ ss s * lrr -n::- (ECET 2O1O) i*s*ws-E&rtliii xatEtnlEIm


92. The compression mtio for diesel engiDes usually lies in the iaryo of ( )
(1) 6-10 (2) l0- 15

(3) t5 -2s (4) 2s-40

93. The function of a first compression riDg (top ring) is that it ()
(l) ircreas€s the combustion temperature
(2) creares swirl

(3) maintain a seal and prevents the fircl leakage

(4) maintai[ . seal and prev€nts escspe of butnt gases end loss of presswe io the combusti@ {:

94. The valve overlap in four stloke gttrol engine is approximatrly ()

(1) 3oo (2) 600

(3) 9oo (4) t20o

95. The cetane nwlber of a diesel fuel is a measure of

(l) volatility (2) viscosity
(3) ignition quality (4) delay period

96. The l el that detonates easily is ()

(1) n-heptane (2)i
(3) benzene (
The firing order for an in lirc four cy IC ()
,vt. (t) t-2-3-4
(3) L-2-+3
98. The diesel engines as requup ()
(l) flJ wheel
biggpr (2) smaller fly wheel
(3) salrc fly wheel (4) no fly wheel
99. The in large quadities of HC emiseion is ()
ture combustiotr .

igh ahr$pheric tenp€iaturo combustion

The information Fovided by th6 oxygen sensor to the feedback control system is about lhe
(1) Air-Fuel Ratio (2) Air Tenperature
(3) Atu flow sp€ed (4) exhaust g.s volune

KKk!5!Ia E6*ts'---' (ECET 201O) !------ -e !t t ISSII

l3O NNS nN^- ti\\ \:\\ \\\*N!N!\\* --\r

l. 2 2.4 3. 4 4.2 5. 4 6.2 7.4 8.2 9. 2 l0 1

tt.4 t2.2 13. 3 14.3 ,5. 1 1'.7. 4 18. 4 19. r 20.3

21. 4 22. 2 23. 3 24.2 25.. 2 26. 2 27. 4 28. 1 29. 3 30. 1

1t. 4 32.2 33. 4 34. 2 35. 2 36. 1 38. 1 39. 2 40.4

4t. 4 42. I 43. 2 44. 3 45.4 46.2 4'7. 4 48. 2 49.4 .50-3
5t. 3 52. 2 53. 2 54.3 55.2 56. 3 51. 3 58. 2.
w, 6U. 4:


3 62.

-1 63.2


1 65.

3 66. 3
69., 70. 3

L I I 76 t.77 1* ,#{. 3 79. 1 80.2

81. 3 84.3
85!B! 86.; h 87. 2 88. I 89. 2 90.3
Ili F;-'G
91. 3 92.3 93. 4 e4. H '"&3 96. t 91.2 98. I 99. 2 100. r

- ::: .ti *j.n I

i,r. I ij:q-],.
:-,. ... _ _ .:.::;a21 E i4S.i;:. ,

N. N * N s$ :i-\: i-!r *-.i :ir. s s-.. i\.^* * *.. (E CET 20l 0) --**--. -. -\sF s s s s N s!*sSK

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