Mid Sem II Questions: What Is Symbol Rate Packing?

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Mid Sem II Questions

1. The transmission of information bits through a noisy channel is independent event with error
probability ‘p’. Find the probability of at most two errors in the transmission of 10-bit
2. An image uses 512×512 picture elements. Each of the picture elements can take any of the 4
distinguishable intensity levels. The maximum entropy in the above image will be
524288 bits
3. The relation between entropy and mutual information is
I(X;Y) = H(X) - H(X/Y)
4. What is termed as syndrome polynomial in decoding of cyclic code?
Remainder Polynomial
5. What is the channel capacity if the SNR is 6 for a band limited channel to 6 kHz?
6. The generator polynomial is a factor of x^n + 1 with the value of n=______
2^m - 1
7. The entropy of the memoryless source ________ if ‘n’ messages with each of probability ‘p’
are generated.
Increases as n
8. A communication channel with AWGN operating at a signal at a signal to noise ratio SNR >>1
and bandwidth B has capacity Cx. If the SNR is quadrupled keeping B constant, the resulting
capacity Cy is given by
9. K stands for ______in a convolutional code represented as (n, k, m) code.
Memory order
10. The selected paths in Viterbi decoder are termed as _______
11. The memory less source refers to
Emitted message is independent of previous message
12. In a linear code, the minimum Hamming distance between any two code words is
______minimum weight of any non-zero code word.
Equal to
13. Assuming that the channel is noiseless, if TV channels are 8 kHz wide with the bits/sample = 4
Hz and signalling rate = 8 Mega samples/second, then what would be the value of data rate?
64 Megabits/sec
14. Let U and V be two independent and identically distributed random variables such that
P(𝑈=+1)=𝑃(𝑈=−1)=1/2. The entropy H(U+V) in bits is
15. In a baseband communications link, frequencies upto 3500Hz are used for signalling. Using a
raised cosine pulse with 25% excess bandwidth and for no inter-symbol interference, the
maximum possible signalling rate in symbols per second is
16. What is symbol rate packing?
Maximum possible symbol transmission rate
17. The channel capacity is
The maximum information transmitted by one symbol over the channel
18. Which one is correct for error detection of ‘t’ number of errors and minimum hamming
distance of dmin?
t + 1 <= dmin
19. Roll off factor depends upon
Excess BW & min. Nyquist BW
20. A computer puts out binary data at the rate 56 kbps. The computer output is transmitted
using a 8-level PAM system that is designed using to have raised cosine spectrum. What will
be the transmission bandwidth if roll off factor is 0.5?
14 kHz
21. The channel with absolute bandwidth of 40kHz is available to transmit binary PSK signal. A
raised cosine pulse of 20 micro seconds is used for signalling. What will be the roll off factor?
22. An analog signal of bandwidth 10 kHz is sampled at a rate of 24 kHz, quantized into 256
levels, and coded using M-ary multi amplitude pulses satisfying the Nyquist criterion with roll
off factor of 0.2. a 30-kHz bandwidth is available to transmit the data. The smallest
acceptable value of M is
23. Pulse shaping is used
to limit the ISI
24. Nyquist criterion is used
Increase in transmission BW
25. In digital communication, equalizer is used
All of the above
26. The transmission bandwidth of the raised cosine spectrum is given by
B = W (1 + r)
27. If information rate is less than the channel capacity the error probability for large number of
equally likely messages is
Very small
28. According to Shannon Hartley theorem
The channel capacity does not become infinite with infinite bandwidth
29. If x and y are number of information and transmitted bits per second respectively, then
channel capacity is greater than
30. x and y are number of information and transmitted bits per second respectively. If the error
probability is Pe then number of digits in error are

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