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Love is a Fallacy
Comprehension Questions

1. How would you describe the narrator in the story?

The narrator sees himself as the smartest person in the room and use it as his advantage to
pursuit love.

2. Do you think that the character are really dumb as they were described?
No, the narrator is just arrogant and self-centered.

3. What is the narrator's reason for wanting Polly?

The narrator wanted Polly for display. He liked the idea of having a partner so that he
could be presentable in society. Having a wife could mean that a person is worthy of
respect and power and success.

4. From whose point of view is the story told? Is the telling of the story logical? Why or why

It was from the narrator’s point of view. The story was logical since the narrator
believed that he has a powerful intellect, and he must be the perfect match for Polly.
This alone is a logical fallacy in itself.

5. In which parts of the story did the narrator commit fallacies? Can you identify the other
instances that he committed fallacies other than those that Polly has mentioned? For
example, in the first part of the story, what fallacies are committed?

In the first part of the story, he already committed the fallacy called, “Poisoning the Well”.
Before the story began, he already instilled in everyone’s mind that he is smart and Petey is

There is also a part where he remembers his observation of the successful lawyers. Because
they have beautiful, gracious and intelligent wives, he thinks that it is suitable to have a
wife with those qualities. This is a fallacy that is “False Analogy”

6. Using your annotation and summary, identify the following: a) Purpose/Intention of the
author, b) Assumptions of the author, c) Claims of the author

A)The author's purpose is to tell the readers that emotions and logic don’t go hand in hand.

B) The author made unjustified assumptions of the other two characters’ intellectual
C) The author claims that he is a very intellectual person, and that he is better than

7. Is the author successful in accomplishing his purpose? Why or why not?

Yes, the author demonstrates how logic and emotions, especially love, does not go hand in

8. Do you agree that love is a fallacy? Why or why not?

Yes, because sometimes we disregard the clear indications of error in loving someone. We failed to
recognize the warnings because love blinded us

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