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Group Discussion Topic 2018

Group Discussion (GD) is an important part of MBA selection process. GD Topics for MBA
including topics on Current Affairs, Business & Economy and even Abstract topics to check the
creativity of college students. Read below for 100 latest Group Discussions Topics 2018 with
answers for your MBA selection.
Check CAT 2018 Exam Slot Analysis. CAT Percentile Predictor CAT Cut o
Type of GD Topics
There are four types of GD Topics for MBA:
• GD Topics on Business & Economy: It includes current trends in business and economy, major
policy initiatives, latest business trends, and their impact globally and nationally.
• GD Topics on Current Affairs: The GD topics on Current affairs may be based on national or
international political development, Policies and issues which are highly debated in media.
• GD topics on Social Issues: Top MBA Colleges are focussing on developing socially responsible
MBAs. Hence, there is a greater emphasis on issues like gender and environment sensitivity, ethics
• GD Topics on Abstract Topics: You may be thinking what are abstract GD topics? These are the
topics which have multiple interpretations and candidates can show their creativity and smart
thinking. Prepare well for these tricky ones!

GD Topics for MBA 2018

Following are the GD topics which have appeared in 2018 Group Discussion and Writing Ability
Test (WAT) process at premier B-Schools.
Topic Type B-schools

Business & IIM Bangalore, MDI Gurg

1. End of Globalization/ De-Globalization/ Nationalization
Economy Lucknow

2. Climate Change/Pollution Social Issue IIM Bangalore, IIM Trichy

Retirement Homes: Do advantages of living in them outweigh

3. Social Issue TAPMI, IIM Indore
the disadvantages?

4. Social Media: Impact on human behavior and society Social Issue IIM Ranchi, IIM Ahmedab

MDI Gurgaon, CAP proce

5. Impact of technology on Jobs Current Affairs

6. #Me too campaign Current Affairs IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Calc

7. Crypto Currency/ Bitcoin Current Affairs IMI Delhi

8. Banking Scams Current Affairs MDI Gurgaon

9. Mars Mission for India Justified? Current Affairs MDI Gurgaon

Decline in open spaces and playgrounds can lead to negative

10. Social Issue IIM Ahmedabad
tendencies in children

11. Knowledge is the biggest asset you can accumulate Abstract Topic IIM Lucknow

12. Is India ready for cashless Economy? Business & Economy IIFT

Does Travelling help in generating ideas and experiential

13. Abstract Topic CAP process for New IIM

14. Zero Abstract Topic XLRI

Death penalties for perpetrators of crime against women. Is it

15. Social Issue IIM Indore

How to prepare for GD Topic:

Before we give you 100 top GD Topics 2018 with answers, lets briefly discuss how to prepare for GD
Topics. First GD preparation tip is, Read, Read, and Read! The more aware you are, better will be your
chances. Second, practice with your friends on the how to participate in a live GD.. Read more about
GD Tips and How to Prepare.

100 Top GD Topics 2018

In addition to above latest GD Topics that have appeared in MBA admissions,
experts have prepared a comprehensive list of 100 current GD Topics with answers for Admissions
2019. So, click on the links below to read.. You can also download PDF of list of Top 100 GD
Topics for MBA 2018.

Group Discussion- Types and Topics

Business & Economy: Group Discussion Topics
• Ease of Doing Business Ranking of India: Will the Improvement in Position really help?
• RBI Autonomy: Is the Government out to Impound its Autonomous Status?
• Renewable Energy: Can India lead Solar Energy, Wind Energy revolution?
• Banking Frauds: Result is Rising NPAs; Better to Prevent now than to run after
• Minimum Support Price: Really helpful or a Political gimmick
• Agriculture Vs Manufacturing Industry in India - priorities for future
• Walmart and Flipkart Deal: Impact on Indian Economy
• Is MBA necessary to be Successful in Business?
• Cashless Economy: Is Society ready for transformation?
• Impact of Technology on Jobs: Will Automation & Artificial Intelligence reduce or increase
• Globalization: An Opportunity or a Threat?
• Crypto Currency: A bright future or just a fad?
• The Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill 2017
• Startup India: Boosting Entrepreneurship
• Merger of Public Sector Banks: How beneficial is the merger of Banks?
• Water Transport Tourism: A shot in the Arm for economic development
• Budget Cycle Change: Only a move of convenience
• Bank Recapitalization: NPA reduction and not bank recapitalization can cure the health of
PSBs in India
• RERA: Will it restore the trust of home buyers?
• Moody’s Rating Upgrade: Will the improvement enhance economic growth of India?
• YONO: One Banking Digital platform for all financial solutions.
• Demonetisation: Success & failures
• Indian Economic Slowdown: A long term problem, how to come out of it?
• GST: Will economy grow faster with reduced rates of Goods & Services Tax?
• Farmers’ Income: Will India be able to double it in next 5 years?
• Privatization of Indian economy: Should India go ahead with the idea?
• High Deficit Financing V/s high interest rates: Both cannot go together
• Union Budget: Merging the General & Railway Budget will save exchequer from
unnecessary spending
• India V/s China: Will India remain way behind China?
• Employment Generation: IT industry will create huge job opportunities in India
• FDI in retail: Good for India?
• Business Lobbying: Make it legal in India
• Corruption in Economy: It is the root cause for Indian Economic slowdown
• Make in India: The idea will make India a manufacturing hub

Current Affairs: Group Discussion Topics

• Statue of Unity: Symbol of Pride or Wastage of Public Money?
• US Trade Policy: Is Trump creating World Trade War?
• Media Freedom: Should there be a limit?
• Fake News will kill Social Fiber of India unless checked
• Individual’s Data Privacy: Protection is More Important than Before
• Mobocracy is led by Fake News resulting in Lynching
• TRUMP-KIM SUMMIT: Will De-Nuclearization Instill World Peace?
• GD Topic: Union Budget India 2018
• Is India ready for Electric Vehicles?
• Modicare: Affordable healthcare or a piped dream?
• Bullet Train: Does India really need it?
• Sensex: Sensitivity has nothing to do with economy and society?
• Companies Amendment Bill: Will it be helpful in ease of doing business?
• Gujarat & Himachal Assembly elections: Implications at national level.
• IIM Bill 2017: Is it really beneficial for the students?
• End of subsidy regime: Step needed to propel the wheel of growth
• Mission to MARS: Can India afford spending a fortune on such projects?
• E-commerce: Discounts are harmful in long run?
• War Kashmir Crisis: War not dialogue will end the Crisis?
• Preponing the General Budget: Is preponing the presentation date a good decision?
• Terrorism: Is this the price we have to pay for democracy?
• Linking of Aadhaar: Is making Aaadhar mandatory a good idea?

Social Issues: Group Discussion Topics

• Swachh Bharat Mission: Success is still at Large
• GD topic: Retirement Homes
• Social Media: A boon or a bane for society and individuals
• Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: Will it abolish the orthodox mindset?
• Law should be an instrument of Social Change
• Browsing at Workplace affects productivity
• Social Activism is necessary for survival of democratic society
• India needs a uniform civil code
• Difficulties in implementation of Climate Change Summit Resolutions
• Net Neutrality is essential to make India Digital
• Smart City Project will give wings to growth
• Gender bias in portraying Women in Advertisements
• India needs a uniform civil code

Abstract Topics: Group Discussion Topics

• Friends, Enemy or Frenemies?
• Hard Work Vs Smart Work
• Me Too Campaign: Breaking Silence to Win the War
• Your failures can be your stepping stones or your stumbling blocks
• GD Topic: Ethics or Profit?
• GD Topic: Zero (0)
• Black or Grey
• Work- Life Balance is a Myth
• Roses are red, crows are black
• Water or Oxygen
• East or West India is the best
• Patience: A virtue in Business and Management.
• Innovation Vs Invention: What is more important?
• Change is the only constant
• Freedom is a myth
• Fact Vs Opinion: There are no facts only opinions
• Leader or Follower
• Strategy or Execution
• Means or End
• Effective manager or Ethical Manager
• It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.
• Red is red, blue is blue and never the two shall meet
• Brevity is the soul of wit
• Gender bias in portraying Women in Advertisements
Group Discussion (GD) Topics for MBA Students
Nov 1, 2018, 05.09PM IST by SoumiyaAwasthi
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GD Topics

GD Topics for MBA - Group Discussion (GD) is one of the most important selection
parameters for admission to top B-schools in India. Soon after the CAT result is
announced, management schools conduct Group Discussion (GD) and Written Ability
Test (WAT) rounds.
The selection process differs for every B-School differ but generally, it is a combination
of two or more of the following:
• Group Discussion (GD)/Group Exercise (GE)/ Case Discussion(CD)
• Written Ability Test (WAT), Academic writing Test (AWT) also known as Essay
• Personal Interview (PI)
Talking about the IIMs, earlier, the selection process consisted of GD and PI. However,
now many institutes have done away with the GD and have started including WAT.
Candidates can expect 4 types of GD Topics in MBA. Group Discussion Topics can be
classified into the following categories:

Type of Group Discussion (GD) Topics asked in MBA

• GD Topics on Current Affairs
• GD on Abstract Topics
• GD Topics on Business & Economy
• GD Topics on Social Issues

Group Discussion (GD) Topics on Current Affairs

• Should there be a limit to Media Freedom?
• Is Trump creating World Trade War?
• Discuss about Union Budget India 2018
• How beneficial is the IIM 2017 bill for students?
• Is India ready for electric vehicles?
• Will fake news kill Social Fiber of India if unchecked?
• Does India really need Bullet Trains?
• Why Individual Data Privacy is important?
• Will companies benefit from Companies Amendment Bill?
• Discounts on E-commerce website are harmful in the long run?
• Is preponing the presentation date of General Budget a good decision?
• Will De-Nuclearisation Instill World Peace?
• Can India afford spending a fortune on projects like Mission to MARS?
• Making Aadhaar mandatory is not a good idea- for or against?
• Implication of Gujarat & Himachal Assembly elections at national level?
• Modicare: Will it be an affordable healthcare project?
• Is banning of Pakistani artists from India justified?
• Global warming
Group Discussion (GD) on Abstract Topics

• Hard Work Vs Smart Work

• Work- Life Balance is a Myth
• Change is the only constant
• Friends, Enemy or Frenemies?
• Ethics or Profit?
• Thoughts on Me Too Campaign
• Can failures teach you important lessons in life?
• How important is it to be patient in Business and Management?
• Building strategies Vs Execution
• Leader Vs Follower
• Innovation Vs Invention
• Freedom: A Myth?
• Do we need more entrepreneurs than managers?
• Women are better multi-taskers- agree or disagree?

Colleges accepting CAT scores range 70 to 80 Colleges accepting CAT score above 85
percentile percentile
Colleges accepting CAT scores range 80 to 90 How to crack GD-PI/WAT rounds of top B-
percentile schools
Colleges accepting CAT scores range 60 to 70 13 must do things to crack GD-PI-WAT
Colleges accepting CAT scores above 90
15 MBA colleges you should apply for apart
from MBA
Group Discussion (GD) Topics on Business & Economy
• Will reduced Goods & Services Tax (GST) help the Indian economy in growing
• How capable in India of leading Solar Energy, Wind Energy revolution?
• Is MBA necessary to be Successful in Business?
• Views on Bitcoin/Crypto Currency
• Ways in which Technology is impacting the Banking sector
• Banking scams – How to prevent this?
• Is Globalization an Opportunity or a Threat?
• How is the falling rupee impacting the Indian economy?
• Cashless Economy – Is India ready for it?
• Should the Indian economy be privatized?
• Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India- agree or disagree?
• Agriculture Vs Manufacturing Industry in India
• Minimum Support Price: Is it a Political gimmick?
• How will the deal between Walmart and Flipkart impact the Indian Economy?
• Is ‘Startup India’ Boosting Entrepreneurship
• How beneficial is the merger of Public Sector Banks?
• Will India be able to double Farmers’ Income in next 5 years?
• India V/s China: Will India remain way behind China?
• Make in India campaign
• Will RERA restore the trust of home buyers?
• Demonetization: Discuss its Success & failures
• Is Corruption in Economy the root cause for Indian Economic slowdown?
• High Deficit Financing V/s high interest rates: Can both go together?
• Should Business Lobbying be made legal in India?
• Views on YONO
• Views on Merging the General & Railway Budget

Group Discussion (GD) Topics on Social Issues

• Success of Swachh Bharat Mission
• Social Media: A boon or a bane for society?
• Will Beti Bachao Beti Padhao abolish the orthodox mindset?
• Views on Retirement Homes
• Does Browsing at Workplace affect productivity?
• India needs a uniform civil code- For or against?
• Smart City Project – How useful will they be?
• Is Net Neutrality essential to make India Digital?
• Crime against women
• Views on Climate Change Summit
• Should national anthem be played in cinema halls?
• Give views on the present system of education in our country
Since there is no definite set of topics that can be asked in the Group Discussion (GD),
CAT aspirants are advised to keep an eye on the latest happenings and prepare
Business and Economy: Latest Group Discussion Topics
• Merging the General and Railway Budget will save exchequer from unnecessary spending.
• Will Indian economy grow faster with reduced Goods & Services Tax (GST)?
• High interest rates and deficit financing cannot go together
• Is FDI in retail good or bad for India?
• Social security in India
• GST - Pros and Cons
• Are MNCs colonizing the Indian market?
• Ease of doing business in India - Does it really exist?
• Should business lobbying be made legal in India?
• Corruption is the root cause for Indian Economy slowdown
• "Make in India" - will the idea make India a manufacturing hub?
• Steve Jobs: The biggest icon of the 20th century?
• Should there be Reservation in private sector jobs?
• Demonetization 2016 in India adversely impacted Indian Economy.

Current Affairs: Latest Group Discussion Topics

• No subsidy regime would propel the wheel of growth
• Man on Moon or Food for Man?
• E-commerce discounts are harmful in long run
• Should Pakistani artists be banned from working in India?
• Global Warming
• Intellectual Property Rights Issues in India
• War, not dialogue, will end Kashmir crisis
• Making Aadhar mandatory is not a good idea

Social Issues: Latest Group Discussion Topics

• Law should be an instrument of Social Change
• Social activism is necessary for survival of democratic society
• India needs a uniform civil code
• "Facebook": Socialization to degradation of society.
• Naxalism: The biggest internal security problem.
• The Growing Menace of Casteism And Regionalism.
• Difficulties in implementation of Climate Change Summit Resolutions
• Net Neutrality is essential to Digital India
• Cricket: Overpowering other sports in India.
• News channels - breaking rules to give breaking news.
• Smart City Project will give wings to growth
• Gender bias in portraying women in advertisements

Abstract: Latest Group Discussion Topics

• Shahrukh Khan: Brilliant Actor or Marketing Guru?
• Brevity is the soul of wit.
• A common currency for Asia. Is it possible?
• Red is red, blue is blue and never the two shall meet.
• It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.

Group Discussion Topics on Current Affairs

Read detailed answers for the following GD topics (with ‘for’ and
‘against’ points).
1. Digital payments are secure and India is ready to go cashless.
2. Chinese goods are a threat to Indian businessmen and economy.
3. Modi’s ‘Make in India’ campaign is better than the old ‘Made in
India’ campaign.
4. Demonetization is a successful and effective move.
5. Govt. can easily control the rising petrol prices.
6. India needs bullet trains!
7. India should implement a uniform civil code.
8. Superintelligence and AI: Is it a boon or bane for India?
9. Should national anthems be played in cinema halls?
10. Is Sarahah promoting cyberbullying?
11. Online games like Blue Whale and Slendarman are dangerous
for the youth. Hence Whatsapp should be banned in India.
12. Driverless car ban in India – is it a right move?
13. Is victim shaming (as in the high-profile Chandigarh stalking
case) justified?
14. Women’s IPL is a welcome move.
15. Minor’s abortion: should it be left to the mercy of the court?
16. More and more mobile towers in residential areas. Boon or
17. Caste-based reservation must be replaced with economic status
and education of parents.
18. Can privatization save Air India?
19. Is GST a ‘one nation’, ‘one tax’ reform?
20. Will the Chinese project OBOR or ‘One Belt One Road’ benefit

Group Discussion Topics on Social Issues

Click here to read detailed answers for the following GD topics (with
‘for’ and ‘against’ points).
1. The Supreme Court of India recently declared the instant triple talaq
as unconstitutional in a landmark judgment. Discuss.
2. Indian adolescents need sexual and reproductive health awareness.
3. Girl infanticide and sex determination is a crime. Yes or no?
4. In the world, more than one in 5 deaths of children under five happen
in India. Immunization in India is poor. Yes or no.
5. Tobacco smoking is already a major health problem in India. Tobacco
must be banned. Yes or no.
6. Juvenile crimes are increasing day by day in India. Yes or no.
7. Delhi needs to revise air and vehicular pollution laws. Yes or no.
8. Three out of 4 households in rural India earns less than Rs 5000 per
month. We are still economically backward. Yes or no.
9. Overharvesting of groundwater in cities is causing water shortage in
villages. Yes or no.
10. Women empowerment is the solution to violence against Indian
women. Yes or no.
11. Forty-six percent of women in India get married before the age
of 18. Child marriage is still a rampant practice. Discuss.
12. Economic prosperity is taking its toll on Indian marriages with
divorce rates shooting up. Yes or no.
13. India’s water pollution situation as a time bomb waiting to
explode. Yes or no.
14. Khap panchayat is a modern day evil that needs to be uprooted.
Yes or no.
15. Gender discrimination and child mortality are not specific to any
caste or class in India. Yes or no.
16. Mental illness is more commonplace in urban India, as compared
to rural India. Yes or no.
17. Anaemia affects the urban society; the main reason is people
here prefer diet fad or junk food. Yes or no.
18. Drug abuse is rampant among Indian teenagers. Yes or no.
19. Indian states are poorer than African nations. Yes or no.
20. Status of sanitization os equally poor in cities and villages of
India. Yes or no.
21. One in five births is delivered by C-section in India today. Is it
becoming a money-making practice? Discuss.

Group Discussion Topics on Business and Economy

Click here to read detailed answers to the following economics and
business group discussion topics (with ‘for’ and ‘against’ points).
1. Despite the comparisons, India’s Aadhaar project is nothing like
America’s Social Security Number. Share your thoughts.
2. Is the Aadhaar database secured enough?
3. Are the charges on ATM cash withdrawals justified?
4. Is demonetization affecting common people more than black money
5. India ranks 79 in Corruption Perception Index in 2016, according to
the Berlin-based corruption watchdog Transparency International (TI).
6. The subsidy-led, asset-light cab service model like Ola and Uber, is
not good for drivers and customers. Agree or Disagree?
7. Indian IT industry contributes immensely to the US economy. True or
8. How effective are social security systems and retirement welfare in
9. Instead of bullet trains, investment in existing Indian railway
infrastructure can spur economic growth in India and also benefit the
global economy. Yes or No?
10. Privatizing the Indian agriculture sector can solve marketing and
distribution problems. Yes or No?
11. NRIs do not invest in India because of bureaucratic hurdles. Yes
or No?
12. Will the great Indian real estate bubble burst soon?
13. Deloitte recently revealed that not even one percent of India’s
total solar energy potential has been harvested till date. What do you
want to say about this?
14. Should the rich and wealthy in India be taxed more?
15. 61,000 Indian millionaires have migrated overseas in last 14
years. Are the uber-rich flocking outside to evade taxes?
16. According to RBI, fresh 100 rupees notes will be launched in
April next year. More chaos coming our way?
17. Beurocracy is a hindrance to economic reforms in India. Yes or

Abstract Topics for Group Discussion

1. Don’t you think too much importance is given to cricket as compared
to other sports in India?
2. Polythene bags should be completely banned! Yes or no.
3. Selling alcohol on highways should be banned to curb accidents.
4. Night Owls Versus Early Birds – What do you prefer?
5. Regular physical activity can help prevent obesity, heart disease,
hypertension, diabetes, and other lifestyle diseases. Agree or
6. The pharmaceutical industry mainly influences drug regulation. World
governments are also turning a blind eye to bribery and corruption in
the pharma sector. Share your thoughts.
7. Global warming could do more than just melt polar ice.
8. Facebook should update policies on content removal.
9. Hard work or smart work?
10. A positive attitude can make a huge difference in your
productivity. It can also improve workplace morale. Yes or no?
11. Peer pressure: does it make or mar your future?
12. Diesel vehicles should be banned in Indian cities.
13. Is gender pay disparity within global organizations justified?
14. The Science of Posture: sitting up straight improves focus at
work. Yes or No?
15. Soft skills matter more than technical skills. Do you agree or
16. Has employee work-life balance reached a crisis point? Share
your thoughts.
17. Bill Gates, Barack Obama, and Julia Roberts have something in
common. All 3 of them met their spouses at work. Would you go for a
workplace relationship as well? Yes or No?
18. Workplace politics reduces the productivity of individuals and
eventually, the organization is at a loss. Would you agree or disagree?

General Interest Group Discussion Topics

1. English must remain the official language of India. Agree or disagree?
2. Beef ban is illogical. Yes or no?
3. Love marriage vs. arranged marriage. What would you prefer?
4. Joint family vs. nuclear family. What is your choice?
5. Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are killing creativity.
Yes or no?
6. A borderless world is practically impossible. Yes or no?
7. Corruption is a necessary evil.
8. The dark side of junk food is still unknown. Yes or no?
9. Illegal immigrants like Rohingyas and Bangladeshi Muslims should
be deported. Yes or no?

Group Discussion Topics on Education

Click here to read detailed answers for the following GD topics (with
‘for’ and ‘against’ points).
1. Should the practice of Yoga be made compulsory in schools?
2. Increasing the number of Engineering Colleges is a welcome step. Do
you agree or disagree?
3. Does dress code really matter at educational institutions?
4. Is compulsory attendance really needed in schools and colleges?
5. How safe are our kids in Indian schools?
6. Govt. should divert more funds towards primary education. Yes or no?
7. Government school dropouts – how to stop?
8. Should Government intervention in Indian education system be
9. Should school children be allowed to own and use mobile phones or

Group Discussion Topics on Indian Politics

Click here to read detailed answers for the following GD topics (with
‘for’ and ‘against’ points).
1. A corrupt but efficient politician is better than a truthful and
inefficient one. Yes or no?
2. Voters must be given a NOTA (None Of The Above) choice. Yes or
3. Indian politics is the reason behind the country’s backwardness. Yes
or no?
4. Indian election has nothing to do with good governance today. Yes or
5. Political parties should not give tickets to contestants with criminal
records. Yes or no?
6. India needs a bi-party system like the US.

Creative Group Discussion Topics

1. Bollywood films and Hollywood influence on Indian music is harming
folk culture.
2. Advertisements on TV are all glitter and little truth.
3. We are raising a generation of computer-literate idiots. Yes or no?
4. Criticism is good.
5. Freshers are better than laterals.
6. Western culture must be adopted by us. Yes or no?
7. Beauty contests do little to empower women.
8. Euthanasia: To do or not to do?
9. Growth and integrity are poles apart! Yes or no?
10. A room without books is a body without a soul! Yes or no?
11. Is silence golden in the present day world?
12. Work for money, not passion! True or false?
13. Break-ups are start-ups! Discuss.

Group Discussion Topics on Case Studies

1. Say for instance that the Cyberlaw bill has failed. Cyberspace
patrolling is just not possible.
2. BCCI should be dissolved by the government.
3. Why are restaurants not ready to accept the Food Security Act?
4. A company fired an employee. As a result, the other employees went
on strike. The question is ‘Why do you think the company fired the
5. People today are becoming more and more health conscious, come up
with a business model that you would implement to target these
health-conscious customers.
6. How are successful athletes such as P.V. Sindhu offered deals worth
7. Talk about the decreasing productivity of the Japanese Workforce and
what measures should be taken to improve that.
8. The relevance of reservation for girls at top academic institutions in
today’s context.
Group Discussion Topics on Sports
1. Cricket should be made the national sport of India.
2. Cricketers (male) are overpaid in India.
3. Should India bid for 2024 Olympics?
4. Membership of Parliament is not a trophy. Sachin Tendulkar has
misused his fame. Yes or no?
5. Mahesh Bhupathi and Leander Paes should not wash dirty linen in
6. Saina Nehwal made the right move by reuniting with chief national
badminton coach Pullela Gopichand. Yes or no?
7. The indifference and apathy, of Indian officials towards Indian players
(in Rio Olympics), is heartbreaking. Discuss.
8. Indian paralympic sportspersons are often neglected and overlooked
when compared to the kind of reception meted out to the Olympic
9. Who is responsible for poor performance of India in sports?
10. Salaries of CEOs, Athletes and Actors should be capped

Group Discussion Topics on Environment and

1. Should the government give more subsidies to farmers or provide a
better mechanism for a loan?
2. Villages are the pride of India. Discuss.
3. Discuss the operatives relevant in today’s environment.
4. Ever growing air and water pollution levels – where does the problem
5. Increasing demand for houses is leading to deforestation, which is
worsening the quality of air in Indian metros. Discuss.
Socio-Political Group Discussion Topics
1. Indian entertainment – where is this industry headed?
2. Should women join the army in more numbers?
3. Secularism is dangerous for a country like India.
4. Its high time that we re-wrote the Indian constitution.
5. What do you prefer, cheap trash or expensive quality?
6. Rural placements of doctors should not be forced.
7. Indian citizens deserve social security.
8. Movies encourage social evils.
9. The beauty and fashion industries are degrading womanhood.
10. Justice delayed is as good as justice denied.
11. Reservation should be removed from the public sector.
12. Business houses must adopt BPL families in large numbers.
13. Politicians must have a retirement age.
14. India needs a Dictator now. Yes or no?

Socio-Cultural GD Topics
1. Classical music is dying due to the growing pop-culture in India.
2. Is remixing original songs a good practice?
3. There should not be any restriction on Foreign media. Yes or no.
4. Censorship in movies and our culture is useless.
5. Do we need a censor board at all?
6. Movies are corrupting the Indian youth. Yes or no?
7. Indian culture is decaying as we are gradually forgetting our trends,
spirituality, and traditions.
8. Western culture is making us forget our cultural heritage.
9. Culture is not law, change is the law of nature.
10. Globalization has affected the Indian youth and overall
population in many ways.
11. Western culture is more progressive and upgrowing when
compared to Indian culture.

GD Topics on International Affairs

1. United we stand and divided we fall. Discuss with respect to India and
its neighbouring countries.
2. How should global economies deal with International terrorism?
3. The crisis among the Middle Eastern countries might be resolved in
the short run but is very unlikely to be solved for the long term.
4. Qatar dispute is the biggest political crisis to hit the Middle East in
years. Yes or no.
5. Is the United Kingdom falling apart?
6. Donald Trump will cause US power to collapse. Yes or no?
7. The gun law in the USA is a huge flaw. Discuss.
8. Among developed nations, the US is the most violent with too many
mass shootings taking place in the recent months.
9. US healthcare is the best and the worst.

Management Related GD Topics

1. Is theoretical knowledge sufficient for managers today?
2. Do women make good managers?
3. How professional are the professional companies today?
4. B-schools fit square nuts into round holes.
5. Is management art or science?
6. Business ethics in today’s market and future.
7. Unethical practices lead to success in business.
8. Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
9. Five people go on a strike in an organization, should they be thrown
10. Discuss the relevance of family run business in India.
11. Indian Administration should recruit from MBA colleges.
12. India needs more job creators than job seekers.
13. The credibility of B Schools ranking.
14. In most corporates, ethics is a show, corruption is for real.
15. Will stringent laws prevent cases like Satyam?

Controversial Group Discussion Topics

1. Animals should not be used in medical research. Discuss.
2. Gay marriages should be made illegal. Discuss.
3. Happy family life and successful career don’t go hand in hand. Yes or
4. Military service should be made obligatory at 18 years of age. Yes or
5. The world does not need religion. Yes or no?
6. Obesity is a disease. Yes or no?
7. Cloning should be legalized. Yes or no?
8. Prenuptial agreements make a wedding healthier. Yes or no?
9. Drinking age should be lowered. Yes or no?
10. Your race affects your intelligence. Discuss.
11. Single-sex schools are silly. True or false.
12. War is the best option to solve international disputes.
13. Single people are the happiest of all. Yes or no?
14. Steroids should be accepted in sports. Yes or no?


New Topics
• Digital India: Whom Does it Benefit?
• Merits and Demerits of Cashless Economy
• Is the Aadhaar database secured enough?
• Making Aadhaar Mandatory: Benefits and Drawbacks
• Impact of Technology on Jobs
• Whether Digital Education has taken over Traditional Education?
• Education industry is a business these days.
• Demonetisation has reduced the Corruption, Black Money and Terrorism?
• Is the World Ready for Cashless Currency?
• Future of Crypto Currencies
• Future of Sports in India
• Black Money in India
• Make in India vs Make for India
• Is GST really a One nation, One tax system?
• Will Indian economy grow faster with reduced Goods and Services Tax (GST)?
• Should Triple Talaq be Banned in India or Not?
• Regional languages in India are fading out in today's world.
• Gold Monetization Scheme
• Difficulties in Implementation of Climate Change Summit Resolutions
• Farmers' Income: Will India be able to double it in next 5 years?
• Should India have a One Child Policy?
• Which is more important: Creativity or Efficiency?
• Role of Engineers in Disaster Management
• Walmart and Flipkart Deal: Impact on Indian Economy
• Is India ready for Electric Vehicles?
• Mars Mission for India Justified?
• Tobacco must be banned. Yes or No.
• Is Social Media Actually Connecting People?
• Impact of Social Networking Sites
Current Topics
• Are digital payments secure enough for the Indian economy to go cashless?
• Ban 500, 1000 notes - Corruption Uprooted or just changing clothes!
• Can we dream of hosting the Olympics?
• Chinese Goods vs Indian Goods
• Do we really need Smart Cities?
• Economic growth is more important than Ecological protection
• EQ or IQ
• Extra curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
• Facebook needs to clarify policies on content removal!
• How demonetization is affecting common people more than black money holders?
• How is Technology impacting the Banking sector?
• Is compulsory attendance really needed in college?
• Is it fair to spare political parties from income tax investigation?
• Is the youth of India confident or confused?
• Non-execution of GST bill might herald end of present government
• One India One Election - Pros and Cons
• PM's vision to make India a Manufacturing Hub - dream or a practical possibility?
• Polythene bags must be banned!
• Problems unite us, Religion divides us
• Should Hindi be the official language of India?
• Should national anthem be played in cinema halls?
• Should we change the present system of education in our country?
• Solution of corruption is a mirage till we catch top public figure
• Will Reliance Jio be a sustainable business model in a country like India?
• Youth in Politics
Economics & Business
• Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India?
• How to Deal with High Oil Prices?
• Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise?
• Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?
• Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad
• Is the Consumer really the King in India?
• Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad?
• Is there any Point in having a Business Strategy when the World changes from Month to
• Is the Patents Bill Good for India?
• Is the Business of Business only Business?
• Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth
• Capitalism is a very Flawed System but the others are so much worse
• How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned?
• Government Pumping Money into the Economy is not the Solution for our Economic
• Is the Budgeting Exercise of any Use?
• Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
• Is MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?
• Advertising is a Waste of Resources
• Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
• Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan?
• Use of Force by Banks to Recover Loans
• Skilled Manpower Shortage in India
• Technology Creates Income Disparities
• In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than
• Every cloud has a silver lining
• Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order?
• Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?
• Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatally
addictive in larger doses.
• Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for
• Reforms have to grow up.
• Globalization vs. Nationalism
• Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and
• Should businessmen run the finance ministry?
• Should important services like transport be left to market forces?.
• Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?
• What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies.
• Trade can help the poor?
• Water resources should be nationalised
• Are Co-operatives Relevant in Today's Global Environment?
• Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
• Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India
• Satyam Scandal would Impact Foreign Investments in India
• Private Participation in Infrastructure is Highly Desirable
• Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid
• Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries
• Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle!
• Is Globalization Really Necessary?
• What shall we do about our Ever-Increasing Population?
• Banning of Trade Unions will be Beneficial in Growth of the Economy
• Why can't India be a World-Class Player in Manufacturing Industry as it is in IT & BPO
• We Need Drinking Water and Not Coke & Pepsi in Rural India
• Rise of Regional Blocs Threatens Independent Nations like India
• Should the public sector be privatized?

General Interest
• Is India a Soft Nation?
• Should Research on Human Cloning be banned?
• Should Sting Operations be Carried Out?
• Nuclear War cannot be won and should not be fought
• Is Swapping Terrorists for Hostages an Encouragement to Plane-Hijackers?
• Brain-Drain has to be stopped
• Doctors' Accountability to Improve Health-Care
• Universal Disarmament is a Must
• Is India Aping the Western Obsession with Celebrities?
• India at 60: A Senior Citizen?
• Unrest in Countries around India
• Flexi Timings or Fixed Timings - Which is better at Work?
• Individual Brilliance Certainly makes a Difference
• Is Paperless Office a Reality or Not?
• Rules & Regulation Breed Corruption
• Do NGOs in India Really Work for Others OR Work for their Own Vested Interests?
• Science Is A Boon Or Bane
• Should Animals be used for Testing New Drugs & Medical Procedures?
• Security Cameras & Privacy
• Advertisements Cheat People, Hence Should Be Banned
• Borderless World: A Threat?
• Borderless World: A Myth or Reality?
• Secularism has become a Tool to Justify the Wrongs done by the Minorities
• What is the Difference between People who do Things Rightly and People who do Right
• Corruption is a Necessary Evil for Success in Any Sphere
• Beauty Pageants are a Must
• How to Deal with International Terrorism?
• Are Peace and Non-Violence Outdated Concepts?
• Indian Army as a Career Option
• Capital Punishment should be Banned or Allowed?
• Is Dependence on Computers a Good Thing?

Management Topics
• We Need More Entrepreneurs than Managers
• Rise in MBA Salaries is Not Sustainable in the Long Run
• Can One Contribute to the Social Sector while Being Employed in the Corporate World?
• The Rush for MBA is really a Rush for Big Money
• Will Mumbai's Film Industry ever evolve into a Truly Modern Corporative One?
• Indians Perform Better as Individuals than in Groups/Teams
• Positive Attitude and not Knowledge is required for Business Success
• Are Ethics just Business Pretence?
• Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion
• Is an MBA necessary to succeed in life?
• Family owned business vs. professionally run businesses
• Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope for professional growth.
• Dot com or doubt com?
• Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience
• Management Education in India
• Is Leaders Born or are they made in Business Schools?
• Is Management an Art or a Science?
• The objective of Management is to maximize profits
• Should GD be Part of Campus Placements?
• Role of Ethics in Business
• Is Management Education Required for Business?
• Whether Hard-Working or Smart-Working is Desirable?
• Women are better at Multi-Tasking
• Does Morality have an Essence in Corporate Life?
• Retention of Employees
• Do Women make Good Managers?
• Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?
• The Salaries that MBAs Get is more than they deserve
• Engineering Students are wasting their Time in Management Studies; they have Another
Way to go
• MBA in India is highly Over-rated
Creative Topics
• A Ship Docked in Harbor cannot face the Storms
• Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?
• Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
• Rules are Meant to be Broken
• Food Comes First, Ethics Later
• Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
• There is No Right Way of Doing the Wrong Thing
• Is Love Precious or Poisonous?
• Is God Male?
• Good Things Always Come from Good Thinking
• In Today's World, Everything is Uncertain except Death & Taxes
• Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus
• Cleanliness is a Fundamental Responsibility of an Indian Citizen
• A Person should not be too honest; Straight Trees are cut first
• Nice Guys Finish Last
• All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy
• The Wheel is Turning Round and Round
• If I was the Finance Minister/Prime Minister
• Group Task: How can we have Mount Everest in India?
• When I woke up in the morning I saw?
• Up the Down Staircase
• Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones
• The Nostradamus Code: World War III

Social Topics
• Terrorism in India
• Religion should not be mixed with politics
• Should Smoking be Banned Completely?
• Effects of Television on Youth
• Love Marriages Vs Arranged Marriages
• Are beauty contests degrading womanhood?
• Films are corrupting the Indian Youth
• Morals & Values among Indians is Degenerating
• Censorship in Movies & Our Culture
• Foreign Television Channels are Destroying Our Culture
• With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia, Censorship is the Need of the Hour
• Women are not fit for Defense Services
• Women Empowerment - A Cause for Increasing Divorce Rate in India
• Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television.
• Classical Music Heritage and the Growing Pop-Culture
• Individual Freedom and Civil Society
• Influence of Online Social Networks on our Youth
• Is Remixing Good Trend in Music?
• Bride burning and dowry may look bad, but are an integral part of India.
• Our Culture is Decaying
• We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment
• The education system needs serious reforms
• The Internet is an exercise in hype
• Marriage is a social trap

• Should voters be given a NOTA (None Of The Above) choice?
• Is our Political System Reason for our Backwardness?
• Educational qualification for Politicians
• Necessity of Women Quota Bill for Women Empowerment
• Voters, not Political Parties, are Responsible for the Criminalization of Politics
• Should We Pursue our Policy of Dialogue with Pakistan?
• The Way Forward for India is to Join Hands with Pakistan on Nuclear Matters
• Need for Good Leaders in India
• Politics is run by the Barrel of Gun
• Retirement Age for Politicians
• Corruption is the Price we pay for Democracy
• What India needs is a Dictatorship?
• Value-based Politics is the Need of the Hour
• Religion should not be mixed with Politics
• Democracy is Hampering India's Progress
• Should Tainted Ministers Allowed to Contest Elections?
• Presidential v/s Parliamentary Form of Government in India
• Reservations in the Private Sector
• Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour
• India should go for the presidential form of democracy

• If Winning isn't everything, why do they Keep the Score?
• Cricket in India has lost its Sheen
• Is T20 Cricket killing Real Cricketing Skills?
• Six Billion and One Bronze!
• Are Cricketers to be blamed for Match Fixing?
• Modern Day Sport in Industrialized Society is an Industry
• Cricket as a National Obsession is a Detriment to Other Sports

• Advantages of Co-education
• Examinations - has it killed education
• Do we really Need Education to be Successful?
• Government Control in Higher Education is Interfering and Not Required
• Privatization of Higher Education
• Should the Government Set-up More IITs and IIMs, OR should it be use the Money for
Primary & Secondary Education?
• Foreign Universities in India
• E-Learning: A Substitute for Classroom Learning?
• Is Reservation in Higher Education Only Alternative for Social Equality?
• Private Educational Institutions: Good or Bad
• Should Management Education be subsidized?
• How effective are Indian B-schools?


Hr topics for Debate Competition

1.21st century is in the hands of Hard workers or Smart workers
2.Layoffs / Recession
3.Employee knowledge on labour laws (what is legal, what is not, etc,
are employeesignorant)
4.Your current HR policies - Best Policies v/s Worse Policies
5.HR Rights and HR Violations
6.Should HR represent employees? Stockholders? Manage ment? CEO?
7.Would it be easier and less expensive to hire people if we got rid of all hiring
laws? (E.g.civil rights laws). Would the end result be a better chance for everyone of being
8.Should HR and employers be more involved in designing education curriculum to better reflect
jobs? If so, how?
9.Is HR still a people profession?
10.India will emerge as world superpower only with the contribution of its young population.


13 Mar 2018—Student Tips
A debate is a usual and powerful task in colleges which is an essential part of the
academic program and also quite an engaging activity for young people despite the fact
that many students have problems while they are preparing to debate.
The most common difficulty is to choose a debate topic for students. It should be a topic
you are interested in and at the same time, it should be practical for your class or
another public audience you are speaking to. So how does one find this kind of o topic?
We have prepared some tips on how to choose college debate topics for college
students. If you have to prepare an essay, we can also help you do it using the custom
essay writing service for students.

Quick Navigation
How To Debate Using Pro And Con Arguments?
Best List Of Interesting Debate Topics 2019
How To Choose A Debate Topic?
Debate Topics By Levels Of E
1. Elementary School Debate Topics

2. Middle School Debate Topics

3. High School Debate Topics

4. Debate Topics For College Or University Students

5. Debatable Topics For Undergraduates In 2019

Types Of Debate Topics By Format
1. Persuasive Debate Topics

2. Controversial Debate Topics

3. Argumentative Debate Topics

List Of Debate Topics By Field Of Knowledge
1. Education

2. Science And Technology

3. Health And Medicine

4. Psychology, Sociology And Ethic

5. Policy And Finance

6. Leisure (Music, Games, Etc.)

7. Environment

8. History
Funny And Interesting Debate Topics

How To Debate Using Pro And Con

One of the most important things you should consider when going into a debate is your
opponent from the opposite side of the table, as well as your audience, are going to
have controversial opinions on your topic. They will have some points against your
position and you have to be ready for this. The best way to be prepared for such
situations is to outline both pro and con arguments on the topic you’ve chosen. This will
help you see the whole picture. After all, providing pro and con arguments on a specific
topic is a popular practice in debates, so you should understand how to do it right. For
this reason, we have prepared an example of how you can do it with the topic “How
social media can make people more or less sociable”:

• Pro: The popularity of social media has helped us meet new people and communicate
• Con: With the appearance of social networks, people started to interact less in the real

• Pro: Social media helps less sociable people develop their communication skills without

• Con: Social media takes almost all our free time, making us too busy to connect with
each other in the real world

Best List Of Interesting Debate Topics 2019

Here is our best list of interesting debate topics 2019 which will generate more passion
for a debate:

1. Debating in school: does it help children get engaged in the classroom?

2. Which would you choose: to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich?
3. Is there plausible reason for the American war on terror?
4. Do you think the death penalty should take place in the modern world and why?
5. Alternative sources of energy: how are they effective
6. Social networking platforms: are they an effective tool for quick and convenient
communication, or are they just a sophisticated means for stalking people
7. Is it still appropriate to use torture as a part of national security measures?
8. Is it justified to develop nuclear energy for commercial use?
9. Credit cards versus debit cards
10. The most intense presidential debate in the history of the USA
11. Use of stem cells in medicine
12. Definitions of death in relation to terminating life
13. Is there a real way of prolonging a human’s life?
14. Is using humans for clinical trials more ethical than animal testing?
15. Personal responsibility and genetic determinism: is our behavior determined only by our

All these topics can be a good match, but in this article, we have prepared even more
interesting topics. Continue reading to find your perfect debate topic!

How To Choose A Debate Topic?

Where does one find some easy debate topics? There are many things to debate about
but it is not very easy to choose the right topic that will be interesting for most students.
Here are a few tips on how to make the right choice:
• Think about some topics that interest you – what sort of discussions do you like the
most? You can pick something from the curriculum also. This way, you will be able to
help other students learn material they will have on their tests and the topics they may
face in the future. It is possible to work with this the way you work with your essay topic
• Also, keep in mind that your discussion topics must fit the other students’ level – some
of them can be unable to handle the topic that has too many aspects to consider. Highly
complex issues should fit the students with a great standard of reasoning. But most
students usually come up with a few arguments and these arguments rarely relate to
the opposing parties points. In this situation, the debate can become confusing or
embarrassing. Make a list of suitable debate questions.
• Consider your students’ access to research all necessary materials – if other students
have to conduct significant research while preparing for the debate, it can’t be a good
debate. This is something you have to keep in mind. For example, when you pick a
theme in modern art and literature with many specific terms and present it to a math
class, your debate won’t have good results. Do not forget to prepare your personal
speech or buy one from a reliable speech writing service.
• Do not forget about time! All students must have enough time to prepare for the debate,
so it is reasonable to pick out a topic that the students are studying now or one that they
have already studied. This way, they will be able to come up with strong and clever
• While debating, assume that you are right – in order to succeed, you have to be
completely sure in your position and have some strong supporting facts.
• Do not insult the opposition. Be polite in every situation that could happen.

When choosing the best debate topic ideas, we considered several criteria as level of
education, type of debate, and subject or sphere of knowledge. We’ve divided the best
ideas into categories to make your search simpler.

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Debate Topics By Levels Of Education

Going to a debate, students have to consider their level of education to pick a relevant
topic that suits both your needs and your level. How to choose a topic that suits you?
Below, we have prepared a few tips and examples for different levels.

Elementary School Debate Topics

Searching for a perfect topic for elementary students, keep in mind that kids of this level
are not experienced and mature enough to be able to handle complex controversial
issues, so it’s a good idea to opt for something less complicated. These students also
lack knowledge and skills for researching topics. Therefore, it is important to choose a
topic that wouldn’t be hard to study. Finally, the best ideas for elementary school debate
topics have to be easy to understand and engaging to boost students’ participation and
here you can see a few great ideas of debate topics for elementary students:

1. Should your class go on field trips each year?

2. Should elementary students be allowed to bring as many toys to school as they want?
3. Should each class be allowed to have a pet in the classroom?
4. Should students watch cartoons during the study hours?
5. Should you be allowed to wear anything you want to the school?

Middle School Debate Topics

Topics for this level may be more complex and give a boost to students’ analytical and
critical thinking skills. For this level, you can opt for slightly controversial topics. Debate
topics for middle school still shouldn’t require too much from a student but have to give
some information to think about for a student to develop an individual position on a
specific issue. Here are a few ideas to opt for:

1. Are gadgets in the classroom helping or harming the educational process?

2. Books versus movies: which is better and more educating
3. Benefits of doing sports in school
4. Seasonal holidays: do we need to have more or less of them?
5. What are the best ways to increase student engagement in the classroom?

High School Debate Topics

In the high school, debates are excellent tools not only for getting students involved in
the class but also for helping them gain new knowledge and skills that would be
important for their future education and life. Debate topics for high school become more
controversial and complex. Below are some good examples of good high school debate

1. Hazards of peer pressure in schools

2. Should final exams in schools be cancelled? Why?
3. Is sex education useful for high school students?
4. GPA’s: is it an outdated way of evaluating student knowledge?
5. What are the most effective ways for fighting bullying in schools?

Debate Topics For College Or University Students

When it comes to choosing debate topics for college or university, there are many
things to keep in mind – it has to be controversial, relevant, have significance, and
clearly demonstrate a student’s knowledge and skills. Choosing a good topic can be
hard. However, in our article, you will find many good examples and here are a few of

1. Does living in a dorm help students assimilate into the college community or does it hurt
the educational process?
2. Does cheating get worse when students enroll into university or college
3. Does technology get in the way of studying or does it help?
4. Should student ID cards come with a tracking device
5. Is face-to-face interaction with professors more effective than online sessions and

Debatable Topics For Undergraduates In 2019

Choosing a great debate topic is half the success of a performance. We have already
given you a few tips on how to choose the right topic and here are some topics that
great college debaters can use:

1. Alternative sources of energy: explain why they are effective or not

2. Should we take away the death penalty completely?
3. The impact of social networking on the development of our society
4. Single-sex schools: are they more effective than traditional ones? Why?
5. Should we use school vouchers?
6. Prescription drugs: explain why they should or shouldn’t be advertised to consumers
7. Beauty pageants: are they a way to objectify women
8. Drug testing: explain why we should or shouldn’t make it mandatory for all schools
9. Should parents have the possibility to ban certain books from libraries and schools?
10. Is setting special curfews an effective way to keep teenagers out of trouble?

Any of these topics can help you succeed in debates. However, keep in mind that if you
want to perform well, it is not enough to just pick a good topic, you also need to
know how to prepare for debates.

Types Of Debate Topics By Format

Apart from academic level, you should also consider the type of debate format to
choose and an appropriate topic. When choosing the format, consider the audience and
the course objectives. Some formats, such as a persuasive format will develop a
student’s ability to give presentations where they need to convince the audience of an
idea. On the other hand, an argumentative topic develops skills of negotiating and a
controversial format gets student’s accustomed to speaking about ideas that may not be
comfortable or popular. Here is a break down of the primary three formats:

Persuasive Debate Topics

The main goal of such topics is to persuade the audience. Persuasive debate topics
have to cover a problem or subject that people care about and it also has to be
something you are personally interested and knowledgeable in. If you are going to
choose this type, you will have to carefully study the subject you have and prepare a
powerful base of arguments and facts to be able to prove the validity of your opinion.

Controversial Debate Topics

The main characteristic of such topics is they are always challenging for a student –
controversial debate topics usually cover significant and powerful issues and have lots
of space for arguments. Such issues may have two or more absolutely different public
opinions. Therefore, they also assume prolonged and intensive public discussion. A
good controversial theme arouses different opinions among the people and makes them
come up with questions that can’t have one specific answer.

Argumentative Debate Topics

Argumentative debate topics cover specific issues, problems, phenomenon or subjects
that you can deliberate. Selecting such topics you have to be ready to do in-depth
research, study materials, and pick arguments from time-tested and reliable sources to
support your ideas.

These three formats are different in nature and purpose. However, regardless of what
type you are looking for, to choose a good topic you have to follow these basic rules:

• It has to be fresh and relevant;

• It has to be something that people and you personally care about;

• It has to be interesting;

• It doesn’t have to be too broad or too narrow;

• It has to have value;

• You have to be able to find enough supporting material on it.

List Of Debate Topics By Field Of Knowledge

It is not possible to become a great debater if you have no clue how to choose an
engaging and relevant topic for your debates. Choosing topics can be hard. However,
we have done all the hard work to give you a list of great ideas that can work for any
purpose or level, so we hope each of you will find something suitable and interesting in
the list below.

1. Home-schooling: is it better than studying at school?
2. Homework at school: give your opinion on why homework should be banned or whether
it is an essential part of our studies that teaches us to work independently.
3. Is a college education useful and essential?
4. Computer tablets. Should they be allowed at school?
5. School uniforms: explain why students should wear school uniforms or why they should
have a choice
6. Standardized tests: explain how they are improving education in America and all over
the world.
7. The harm and benefit of early admissions policies in modern colleges and universities
8. Knowledge of at least one foreign language should be required in the universities
9. Electoral colleges have to be cancelled
10. Athletes should be paid for playing on university and college teams
11. Should a certain period of community service be required for all students, who apply to
12. Should elementary school students wear uniforms?
13. Should school last all year long?
14. Physical education has to be compulsory in school
15. How music and art classes are useful in school?

Science And Technology

1. Is Google the best search engine or should we use another one?
2. Cell phones and smartphones. Are they safe for us?
3. Explain how science and religion can coexist
4. Should children use smartphones?
5. Is online study more effective than traditional?
6. How has TV brought culture decadence in our country?
7. Are people with a mathematical mindset more successful?
8. Do you believe that economically, space travel is worth the cost
9. Genetically modified children: hazards and benefits
10. How can science do without animal testing?
11. Should people go to Mars?
12. Fully automated cars: pros and cons
13. Can the laws keep up with today’s internet technology?
14. Technology harms our future
15. Should technology fuse with the human body resulting in a mechanized biological

Health And Medicine

1. Smoking: describe effective methods to quit smoking and explain why smoking is
reasonable or not.
2. Euthanasia: is it justified?
3. Marijuana: explain why recreational marijuana should or should not be legal.
4. Sports and drugs. Should performance enhancing drugs be acceptable for sportsmen?
5. Discuss the necessity of vaccination for young children or give counter-arguments
against it
6. Legalization of drugs: describe how can it decrease the level of organized crime.
7. Medical phenomenon: discuss one or several
8. How the Internet influences our health?
9. What are the hazards of technology for human health?
10. Should health insurance be obligatory?
11. The impact of air pollution on our health
12. Drinking – is it really that harmful
13. Why antibiotics should or shouldn’t be banned?
14. Why are parents against vaccinations?
15. Alternative medicine: pros and cons

Psychology, Sociology And Ethic

1. Guns: should adults have the right to carry them and be able to defend themselves?
2. Adoption: the pros and cons of adopting and reasons why people should adopt children
instead of having their own children.
3. Same-sex marriage. Should it be legal?
4. Abortion. Should it be legal?
5. Religion. Can religious belief make you happy?
6. Prostitution: what if prostitution were legal?
7. God: is there any true proof of his existence?
8. How far has psychology as a science developed over the last decades?
9. How to explain violent behavior among school students?
10. Kids’ mental disorders are caused only by wrong role models in the family
11. Explain how moral values differ in various social groups
12. Should students study ethics in schools?
13. Is hunting ethical?
14. How do social groups influence child behavior?
15. Should cigarettes be banned from society?

Policy And Finance

1. Our votes: do they really matter?
2. Intellectual property: discuss whether it is necessary to preserve rights for different
types of intellectual property
3. What are the main factors of the country’s financial stability?
4. Taxation: is it good or bad
5. Is the repeal of anti-sodomy laws important for national development?
6. Do you think the USA will soon have a woman President?
7. Is mobile banking secure?
8. Should we trust banks?
9. Can we have free education around the world?
10. Will we still use credit cards in five years?
11. Is it time to adopt a fee-only standard for financial advice?
12. Should children be taught to manage finances in school?
13. Can financial problems destroy a country?
14. Are wars economically profitable?
15. Should the voting age be lowered?

Leisure (Music, Games, Etc.)

1. Books and TV: which is more interesting and which is more useful?
2. Games and television. Which is better?
3. Social networking: discuss how social networks are useful or harmful to our society.
4. Social networking restrictions: explain why social networks should be available for
children or why they should be restricted to over 18.
5. Discuss how social media can make people more or less sociable and give a few
examples that prove its usefulness for us.
6. Drinks: discuss what are the reasons alcoholic drinks should or should not be available
for young people who are less than 21 years old
7. How can music help reduce stress?
8. Is art therapy a good tool for fighting mental illness?
9. Is listening to music good for pregnant women?
10. Should we use video games in education?
11. Are movies good tools for education?
12. Are scientific clubs in school good for student’s leisure time?
13. Are concerts good or bad for us?
14. Pros and cons of attending a circus with children
15. The role of games in early education

1. Tests on animals: should animals be used for scientific achievements?
2. Ecology: the best ways to protect nature and ideas on how to save the environment
3. Discuss climate change and the reasons or human activity that cause global climate
change, what can people do about this
4. Future cities: how would they look in 200 years?
5. Explain why all plastic packages should be out of use
6. How can we prevent an environmental catastrophe?
7. Is solar energy more expensive?
8. People should do more to protect wildlife
9. Reforestation as a reasonable solution to the potential problem of global warming
10. Vegetarianism: risks, pros and cons
11. Vehicle fuel economy standards
12. Oil drilling in wildlife refuges
13. Zoos: are they good or not
14. Should countries have special taxation for international aviation
15. Should people get paid for not cutting down trees?

1. Does history matter?
2. Haig and British generalship during the war
3. Did King Arthur really exist?
4. Genghis Khan did more good than harm
5. The Soviet Union instigated the six-day war
6. Historical background of World War Two
7. Should all immigrants be asked to pass a historical test or is it unimportant?
8. Role of Britain in the First World War
9. Presentism versus Historicism
10. Who was the first to find the effect of gravitation? Newton or Haitham?
11. Ancient Romans were Prudes
12. Was the USA a provocateur for Japan in the war?
13. South Korean provocations sparked the Korean War
14. Alternative views of historians on World War Two
15. The Revolutionary War

The discussion can help you talk about hot and interesting topics and learn others point
of view. It can also allow you to overcome stage fright. While performing at such an
event, students learn to think spontaneously and defend their points of view politely.

Funny And Interesting Debate Topics

Not every time you prepare for debate you will have to be serious. Sometimes you will
get an opportunity to set your creativity free and just enjoy the process as you are
participating in a debate on funny or just interesting debate topics. However, this does
not mean you won’t have to prepare. To not lose face, you will still have to choose a
topic and prepare arguments, so here are some fun topics to debate on we have
prepared for you:

1. Art and music as tools for reducing stress in schools

2. Are celebrities good role models or not?
3. Can vampires get AIDS from sucking blood that is affected?
4. Which is better: daydreaming or night dreaming?
5. Homework should be dismissed in elementary school
6. Importance of extracurricular activities and clubs in schools
7. Should we make cartoons and TV a part of the educational process in the elementary
8. What is the best TV show of all time?
9. Should zoos be done away with?
10. What is the best pizza topping?
11. Can we call superheroes misleading role models?
12. Schools shouldn’t track students by academic level
13. Public prayers should be banned in schools
14. Should social networks be blocked in schools?
15. Students should have an opportunity to get an after-school job
16. It’s a good idea to allow high school students leave school during lunch
17. Did God create our world or did it just occur naturally?
18. Which of these are more real – pirates or ninjas?
19. Should juveniles be treated as adults?
20. Should people live together before they marry?
21. What are the perks of being a woman?
22. What are the perks of being a man?
23. The harm and benefits of peer pressure
24. Do nursery rhymes have secret interior meanings?
25. Fast food shouldn’t be on the school menu
26. Phones should be allowed in schools
27. Schools should have an option for online attendance
28. Do people depend on computers and other gadgets too much?
29. Animal dissections have to be prohibited in schools
30. Should parents not purchase war or destructive toys for their children?
31. Nuclear energy and its impact on our society and environment
32. Is human cloning a real thing and should it be allowed?
33. Sex education: should it be started in middle school or later
34. How do books influence personality development?
35. Is there life after death?

Debating is a useful practice for all people thanks to the experience and skills it gives
you. Preparing for a debate, you gain more knowledge on a specific topic. In addition,
you get the possibility to develop your problem-solving and communication skills, which
are the most in-demand skills for modern employers.

Debating helps enhance rigorous critical thinking and higher order skills. It teaches
people to organize and structure their thoughts well. If you participate in debates, you
can also develop your research, note-taking, and analytical skills, as well as gain the
ability to create balanced, informed arguments and use evidence and reasoning. All the
skills mentioned above are vital for every successful student. Remember, the best way
to gain and improve skills is to practice debating!

If this article was useful for you, share it with your friends!
Group Discussion Topic Ideas
Factual group discussion topics are – as the word says – about facts. This is a sample
list of speech topics on current issues and facts:
1. Conspiracy is a very common form of political behaviour.
2. The pros and cons of having a credit card.
3. A chain gang is a modern form of slavery.
4. Why drinking and driving is dangerous to yourself and others.
5. Passive smoking is equally harmful.
6. The economic boycott causes most of the problems in Cuba.
7. International trade barriers work.
8. City curfews help to prevent juvenile crime and to protect youth from victimization.
9. The U.N. is mainly based on diplomacy and enhancing relationships.
10. Affirmative action draws people to work they never considered before.
11. Ban child stars from stages and movies – it will ruin their lives.
12. Gambling should be allowed from the age of sixteen.
13. It is important to hold value in what you argue.
14. Public schools are not safe.
15. Software should be free for everyone.
A controversial speech topic is one with many controversies, read: the pros and the
cons. Keep in mind that all current group discussion topics are notmy opinion, but just a
sample list of speech topics!
1. Sustainable urban living without the use of excessive natural resources must be
our future.
2. Are there extraterrestrials who influence events on Earth?
3. Marijuana has a medical value.
4. Direct mail is a special form of junk mail.
5. The pros and cons of a female President.
6. Online dating chats have nothing to do with a search for a soul mate.
7. Should schools distribute condoms?
8. Most people support embryonic stem cell research.
9. Life imprisonment is a good alternative to capital punishment.
10. What is wrong with child labor?
More abstract discussion topics for a group are things that cannot be touched, not be
easily defined or formulated. Just think in a creative manner and start a vivid group
discussion with one of these abstract motifs to talk about:
1. The Nostradamus Code – the value of these predictions on judicial astrology.
2. Breast Implants – saline and silicone types and safety.
3. Bribery in Business – why it is unethical and not honest and causes inequality.
4. Computer Viruses – recent attacks and removal strategies.
5. Bigamy – compare federal laws with state regulation.
6. Hidden Persuaders – why subliminal advertising is banned.
7. Moral Majority – examine the faith and values of this political action coalition.
8. Hippocratic Oath – ethical medical professional behavior in modern times.
9. Political Correctness – when does this policy cross a line?
10. Vegetarianism – benefits and disadvantages of such a diet in relation to the food
Case Studies
The fourth type of group discussion topics are so-called case studies. You determine a
problem and together with the other team members you have to find a satisfying
These are small-team ideas. Just modify and alter where necessary, these are just
guiding light topic ideas:

1. Leadership – What necessary changes are needed in your community

organization and how do you want to lead the process?
2. Malpractice Insurance – Doctors walk out on the job to protest the rising
malpractice insurance costs. What to do about it?
3. Work Ethics – Can we shape workers who have the sense that they serve the
company ГЎnd community?
4. School Violence – What are the real causes of violence and bullying in Schools?
5. Recycling – Sort out how to make money with recycling.
6. Dropouts – Individual attention in safe schools and smaller classes; is that the way
to stop students to drop out?
7. Iraq – What are the best exit strategies?
8. Privacy – What are the best technologies to safeguard the right of free speech
privacy on the internet?
9. Minimum Wage – Why should we have a minimum wage or why not?
10. Burnout – Should everybody check his or herself of burnout signs? How?
Tip: Try to make an inventory of various angles of view and opinions you find in
education articles on the themes you consider to work out as group discussion topics.
Short Stories
The fifth type of group discussion topics are short stories. These short stories are good
group speech topics:
1. A Dark Brown Dog by Stephen Crane
2. A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor
3. A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
4. A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury
5. Brer Rabbit and the Tar-Baby by Joel Chandler Harris
6. How the Leopard Got His Spots by Rudyard Kipling
7. In the Penal Colony by Franz Kafka
8. Resumed Identity by Ambrose Bierce
9. Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving
10. Scarlet Stockings by Louisa May Alcott
11. The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky by Stephen Crane
12. The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe
13. The Dancing Partner by Jerome K. Jerome
14. The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy
15. The Doctor’s Son by John O’Hara
16. The Final Problem by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
17. The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry
18. The Idiots by Joseph Conrad
19. The Imp of The Perverse by Edgar Allan Poe
20. The Killers by Ernest Hemingway
21. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
22. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
23. The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs
24. The Mortal Immortal by Mary Shelley
25. The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell
26. The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol
27. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber
28. The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin
29. The Vampyre by John Polidori
30. To build a fire by Jack London

Interesting Debate Topics for College and Beyond

Once people hit college, they have a pretty good idea about how the world
works and should have some set beliefs and standards based on what they
believe to be moral or immoral. Here’s a course on effective public
speaking and interesting topics to debate for college and beyond!

• Are social networking sites effective, or are they just a sophisticated

means for stalking people?
• Is torture justified when used for national security?
• Should cell phones be banned in schools?
• Is peer pressure harmful or beneficial to individuals?
• Should violent video games be banned?
• Should the death penalty be taken away completely?
• Are beauty pageants a way to objectifying women?
• Should cigarettes be banned from society?
• Is it unethical to eat meat?
• Should homework be banned?
• Can people move in together before they are married?
• Do celebrities make for bad role models?
• Are credit cards are more harmful than debit cards?
• Should the concept of zoos should be nullified?
• Should fried foods come with a warning?
• Should sex education be banned in middle schools?
• All schools should make it a requirement to teach arts and music to
their students?
• Should juveniles be tried and treated as adults?
• Is human cloning justified, and should it be allowed?
• Has nuclear energy destroyed our society?
• Should parents not purchase war or destruction type toys for their
• Should animal dissections be banned in schools?
• Should plastic bags be banned?
• Are humans too dependent on computers?
• Are security cameras an invasion of our privacy?
• Should gay marriages be legalized?
• Is co-education a good idea?
• Does money motivates people more than any other factor in the
• Is it ethical for companies to market their products to children?
• Is age an important factor in relationships?
• Should school attendance be made voluntary in high school?
• Is the boarding school system beneficial to children?
• Are curfews effective in terms of keeping teens out of trouble?
• Should libraries have a list of books that are banned?
• Will posting students’ grades on bulletin boards publicly motivate
them to perform better or is it humiliating?
• Do school uniforms help to improve the learning environment?
• How far is competition necessary in regards to the learning process?
• Can bullying in schools be stopped? How so?
• Is it important for all schools to conduct mandatory drug testing on
their students?


Interesting and Funny Debate Topics

Debate topics do not always have to be serious – they can definitely be
humorous as well! Sometimes the subjects that we feel strongly about fall on
the lighter side of things. Debate topics in general are meant to hold to
attention of listeners, and we have some that are sure to hold anyone’s

• Who is more complicated gender: men or women?

• Should humans eat to live or live to eat?
• Do video games cause bad behavior in children?
• Should older women be allowed to marry younger men?
• Is it better to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich?
• Do nice girls finish last?
• Do nursery rhymes have secret interior meanings?
• What are the advantages of being a man over a woman?
• Which of these two are more real – pirates or ninjas?
• Do vampires get AIDS from sucking blood that is affected?
• Which is better: daydreaming or night dreaming?
• Do you think the United States will never have a woman President?
• Did God create the universe or did it just occur naturally?
• Do we have less face-to-face interaction because of Facebook?
• Is there life after death?
• Are we aliens of some sort?
• What are the best dating techniques out there?
• What are the advantages of bottled water vs. regular water?
• Which is a better show: Vampire Diaries or FRIENDS?
• What is the best pizza topping?
• Are Batman and Superman misleading idols?
• Which is better: Rock n Roll music or Hip Hop?
• Which is better: Harry Potter or Twilight?
• Which is the best season of the year?
• Is it better to date someone attractive and popular or intelligent and
• Which is better to have as a pet: a cat or a dog?

Seeing Both Sides

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