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Teacher: Christine Jade B.

Lopos, LPT Date: May 28, 2020

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, 95% of the Grade 10 students are expected to:
A. State the meaning of public speaking in their own words,
B. Compare and contrast the three types of public speaking,
C. Identify the features and components of public speaking,
D. Differentiate the ethics and components of public speaking,
E. Deliver a speech about a quote from famous people; and
F. Appreciate the importance of public speaking to improve one’s communication

II. Learning Content

A. Subject Matter: Public Speaking
B. Reference: Jemma Development Group. Interactive English. Public Speaking.
Jemma, Inc. 2016, pp. 13-32
C. Materials: Blackboard, book, visual aid, chalk, printed materials and multimedia
D. Skills Developed: Communication skills
E. Method: Lecture Method

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Warm up drills
Checking of classroom cleanliness
Checking of classroom attendance

2. Motivation

The teacher presents 4 pictures to the class which relate to public

speaking. Afterwards, the teacher elicits ideas from the students about the
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation

Public speaking – (sometimes called oratory or oration) is the process of

performing a presentation (a speech) focused around an individual directly
speaking to a live audience in a structured and a deliberate manner in order to
inform, influence, or to entertain them.

The teacher asks;

 Why do you think people make public speeches?
3 basic types of Public Speaking
When it comes to being a public speaker, the type of speech to give depends
on what you’re trying to accomplish. The different types of public speaking are:

 Expository Speech (informative, argumentative speech)

 Persuasive Speech (to motivate, or take action, argumentative,
controversial, policy speeches)
 Entertaining Speech (funny, special occasion speeches)
To Inform – when the speaker is presenting interesting facts or lessons to the
audience, or explain how to go about doing something. This could be a
teaching lecturing about the Civil War, a student giving an oral report or
showing how to decorate a cake or set up a blog, a museum docent
explaining the history of painting, or a doctor explaining a procedure.
To persuade, Motivate, or Take Action – this is when the speaker will try
influencing the audience in some way. The speaker might be trying to change
your mind about something, to persuade you to change your opinion, to
motivate to change a behavior, or to take action. Some examples are
explaining the benefits of a non-profit for the purpose of eliciting donations,
trying to get people to change bad eating habits by explaining all the benefits
of eating healthily or attempting to convince people to vote against a
candidate in an election.
To Entertain – this type of speaking is often found at events like banquets,
weddings, or dinners. The speaker is usually sharing a funny story or other
anecdotal information. Some examples of this would be the best man speech
at a wedding or an after-dinner speech given by a host of a party to thank
guests for coming. They could also be planned as entertainment at an event.
Topics are usually humorous and light and could serve a very specific
purpose, like introducing a featured guest or giving a toast.
The teacher asks;
 What is a feature?
 A distinctive attribute or aspect of something.
Features of Public Speaking
1. Speaker
2. Purpose
3. Message – fabric of words, presentation aids, gestures and vocal cues meant
to achieve the purpose.
4. Medium – the channel through which the message is transmitted.
5. Setting
6. Listener
7. Response
8. Interference – factors that can disrupt the communication process and defeat
its purpose
9. Consequences – the impact of communication both in terms of immediate
effects and of long range ethical influence on speakers’ and audience
The teacher asks:

 What is a component?
 A part or element of a larger whole.
Components of Public speaking
Voice Volume Speed of delivery Facial Expression
Voice Pitch Gestures Body Movement
Voice Tone Eye Contact Verbal Pauses and Crutch words
The teacher asks:

 What is ethics?
 Rule of behaviour that is based on ideas about what is morally
good and bad.
Ethics in Public Speaking
1. Show respect for your audience.
2. Respect your audience’ time.
3. Prepare your speech.
4. Be honest and do not mislead your audience.
5. Avoid plagiarism
2. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
The teacher lets the students watch a video from Ted Talks entitled,
“Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game” by Marianna
Pascal. On a ½ sheet of paper crosswise, the students will answer the following

 Who is the speaker?

- Marianna Pascal
 What is the purpose of the speech?
- The purpose of the speech is to inform the audience of the
simpler approach to learn the language.
 Describe the components of expressed in the speech.
- Answers may vary.
 Did the speaker performed well in terms of ethics? Yes or No? Why?
- Answers may vary.

b. Analysis
 The class will be divided into 4 groups. The teacher will give 3 texts to
each group. The group will discuss and analyse what type of public
speaking is expressed in each text. Fill out the table below.

Text 1
Type of Public Speaking

(cite lines from the speech)
Text 2
Type of Public Speaking

(cite lines from the speech)

Text 3
Type of Public Speaking

(cite lines from the speech)

c. Abstraction
 Define Public Speaking in your own words
 Answers may vary.
 Why are speeches important?
 Speeches are important because they held messages that inspire
people and change the world.

 Why do we have to know the art of public speaking?

 Answers may vary.

d. Application
Direction: identify whether the statement refers to a component or an ethic in public
speaking. Write COMPONENT or ETHIC inside the box.

1. Don’t insult your audience in any ETHIC

2. Show concern in tone of voice ETHIC
and facial expression when
talking about an issue facing the
3. When looking at the audience, COMPONENT
be sure to make eye contact.
4. Speak in an appropriate speed COMPONENT
5. Show evidence of your claim. ETHIC

e. Assessment

The teacher prepares strips of paper containing quotes from famous people. The
students will pick one strip and shall make a 3-paragraph speech out from the quote.
The students shall deliver her/her speech in the class for a minimum of 3 minutes
and maximum of 5 minutes.


Voice Volume - 10
Voice Pitch -10
Voice Tone -10
Speed of delivery -10
Gestures -15
Eye Contact -15
Facial Expression -15
Body Movement -15
Total -100 pts

IV. Assignment
Read in advance the ff. kinds of speech delivery.
1. Impromptu
2. Extemporaneous
3. Manuscript
4. Memorized

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