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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify the three basic components of sandwich.

b. Prepare a sandwich showing the three basic components.
c. Share the importance of each component of sandwich.


Topic: Three Basic Components of Sandwich
References: K to 12 Basic Education Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module Cookery, pp. 149-150
Instructional Materials: Visual aid, sandwich

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
5. Review of Past Lesson
B. Developmental Activities
1. Awareness
 Present a picture of sandwich.

 What do you see on the picture?

 Who among you here loves to eat sandwich?
 What have you observed on the sandwich? What are the
ingredients of the sandwich?
 Our lesson for today is about the three basic components of

2. Activity
 I would like you to form a group. Each group should have three
members. Brainstorm on the kind of sandwich that you want to
 The teacher will talk about the three basic components of
1. Bread - it is the part where the ingredients are placed. It must be
sturdy enough to hold the ingredients without becoming limp or
2. Spread - act as protection of the bread from soaking the moisture
from the filling and it also adds flavor.
3. Filling-it is the main event. It consist of one or more ingredients
that are stacked and layered on the bread to form a sandwich. The
filling can be meat, fruit, cheese and vegetables or a combination of
any of them.
3. Analysis
 What is the purpose of putting spread on the bread?
 Why do we need to consider the sturdiness of the bread when
making sandwich?

4. Abstraction
 To sum up everything, again what are the three basic components
of sandwich?
 Do you have clarifications?

5. Application
 The students will go back to their group and prepare the sandwich
that they planned during the brainstorming activity.


Presentation 40%
Taste 30%
Creativity 30%

In a one whole sheet of paper, answer the following question:
1. How do you maintain the freshness of sandwich?

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