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City Government of Addis Ababa Science and Technology Agency

Terms of Reference (TOR)


Design, Supply, and Implementation of Network infrastructure and physical securities

system for Addis Ababa Police commission (Addis ketema and Yeka ) Sub city G+6

National Competitive Bid (NCB)

Prepared By:

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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Version History (For internal use only)

Version Description of Change Author/Reviewer Date

1.0 AASTA and AAPC 17 June 2020

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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Team Member:

Name Signature Date

1. Berhanemeskel Yihun
2. Banchayehu Damte
3. Ewnetu Belay
4. Samrawi H/mariam

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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Version History (For internal use only) ........................................................................................................ 2

List of Abbreviation ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Purpose........................................................................................................................................................ 10
1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 10

1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 10

1.2 Organization Structure .................................................................................................................... 11

1.3 Existing Network Infrastructure...................................................................................................... 11

Section I ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Network Infrastructure ................................................................................................................................ 12
2 Objective of The project ..................................................................................................................... 12

2.1 General Objective ........................................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Specific Objective ........................................................................................................................... 12

2.3 Scope of the Work .......................................................................................................................... 13

2.3.1. Wide Area Network Activities...............................................................................................................13
2.3.2. Local Area Network Activities ..............................................................................................................14
2.3.3. Other Activities ......................................................................................................................................14

2.4 Statement of Needs ......................................................................................................................... 15

3. Network System Requirement ............................................................................................................ 16

3.1 General Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 16

3.2 Design Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 17

3.3 Security Requirement...................................................................................................................... 18

3.4 Testing Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 18

3.5 Server Room Requirements ............................................................................................................ 18

3.5.1 Technical specification...............................................................................................................................20 Server Room Door ......................................................................................................................................20
Table 1.7: Smoke Detector ....................................................................................................................... 25
AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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No................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Features ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Description of minimum requirement....................................................................................................... 25
compliance.................................................................................................................................................. 25
Table 1.8: Heat/Fire Sensor (Qty=2) .......................................................................................................... 25
Features ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Description of minimum requirement....................................................................................................... 25
compliance.................................................................................................................................................. 25
Table 1.9: Fire Extinguisher ........................................................................................................................ 25
4. Server Room Video surveillance ............................................................................................................ 26
Table 1.10: Server Room Video surveillance general requirement .........................................................................26

4.1. Material Specification of Network Equipment’s ............................................................................ 29

5. Public addressing and digital notice board specification .................................................................... 44
6. Notice board Specifications ................................................................................................................ 46
SECTION II ................................................................................................................................................ 48
VIDEO SERVILLANCE SYSTEM ........................................................................................................... 48
7. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT....................................................................................................... 48

7.1. General Objective ........................................................................................................................... 48

7.2. Specific Objective ........................................................................................................................... 48

7.3. SCOPE OF THE WORK ................................................................................................................ 49

7.4. STATEMENT OF NEEDS ............................................................................................................. 49

7.5. IP based-video surveillance System General Requirements ........................................................... 50

7.6. Design Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 52

7.7 Video Monitoring and Control System Software/Central Management Platform system .............. 53
7.7.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................................53
7.7.2 Video Monitoring and Control System Software .......................................................................................53
Table 1.31 Video Monitoring and Control System Software ..................................................................................53
7.7.3 Specification Requirements........................................................................................................................57
IP Video Cameras –Dome (qty=20) ........................................................................................................................57

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2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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7.7.4 IP Video Camera–PTZ ...............................................................................................................................59
7.7.5 IP-NETWORK FIXED CAMERA ............................................................................................................61

7.8 IP: based Joystick with Controller .................................................................................................. 64

(26).IP base Joystick with Controller .....................................................................................................................64

7.9 Workstations and accessories for Central monitoring Station ........................................................ 64

(29). Workstations and accessories for Central monitoring Station .......................................................................64

7.10 Network Video Recorder ................................................................................................................ 65

7.11. Network Attached Storage (NAS) .............................................................................................. 68

8. For CCTV ........................................................................................................................................... 70

8.7 Name display screen System........................................................................................................... 71

8.8 Meeting hall sound system.............................................................................................................. 71

communication method ............................................................................................................................. 72

Protocol ....................................................................................................................................................... 72

Power source ........................................................................................................................................... 72

Static power ................................................................................................................................................ 72

Maximum power ......................................................................................................................................... 72

Output Power.............................................................................................................................................. 72

Audio output ............................................................................................................................................... 72

Microphone input ....................................................................................................................................... 72

Frequency response .................................................................................................................................... 73

Signal to noise ratio .................................................................................................................................... 73

Harmonic distortion .................................................................................................................................... 73

Over-carrier distortion ................................................................................................................................ 73

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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9. Video Conference Room and IP VSS Required Materials ................................................................. 81
5x RCA ....................................................................................................................................................... 84

11.1 General Technical Requirements .................................................................................................... 86

12. Qualification of the company/companies........................................................................................ 87

12.1 General Qualification and experience of the company ................................................................... 87

12.2 Consultant Qualifications (Key Personnel Qualification and Experience Requirements) .............. 88
11.2.1. Project Manager: ....................................................................................................................................88

12.3 Network Engineer/ communication Engineer: ................................................................................ 89

12.4 Server and Storage Expert: ............................................................................................................. 89

12.5 Communication Engineer/CCTV specialist .................................................................................... 89

12.6 Security/system engineer ................................................................................................................ 89

12.7 Supportive staffs ............................................................................................................................. 90

13. Work Progress Plan and Reporting Mechanism ............................................................................. 90

13.1 Inception report ............................................................................................................................... 90

13.2 Weekly report.................................................................................................................................. 90

12.1. Monthly Report: .......................................................................................................................... 90

13.3 Draft Final Report: .......................................................................................................................... 90

13.4 Final Reports: .................................................................................................................................. 90

14. Project Scheduling and deliverable ................................................................................................. 91

14.1 Deliverable ...................................................................................................................................... 91

15. Knowledge Transfer and Documentation Requirements ................................................................ 92

15.1 Knowledge Transfer Requirement .................................................................................................. 92

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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15.2 Training Type.................................................................................................................................. 92
16 Warranty, Maintenance and support ............................................................................................... 93

16.1 Scope of Warranty – Hardware / Infrastructure .............................................................................. 95

17 EVALUATION............................................................................................................................... 96

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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List of Abbreviation

AASTA Addis Ababa Science and Technology Agency

AKS Adis Ketema subcity
CGAA City Government of Addis Ababa
CMS Central Management System
EC Ethiopian Calender
EEPCo Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
GC Gregorian Calender
HQ Head Quarter
ICT Information Communication Technology
INSA Information Network Security Agency
JIMS Jail Information Management System
KKS Kolfe Keraniyo subcity
LAN Local Area Network
MINT Ministry of Innovation And Technology
NAS Network Attached Storage
NLS Nifas Silk Lafto Subcity
NVR Network Video Recorder
ToR Terms of Reference
WAN Wide Area Network
YS Yeka subcity

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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This document is prepared to provide sufficient information to allow bidders to respond to the
bidding process for analysis, design and implementation of Network, VSS, and IP Based prison
phone system Infrastructure, for Addis Ababa city government police commission branches in
Yeka and Addis Ketema sub city buildings.

1 Background

1.1 General
The Addis Ababa city government police commission is established by the council of ministers
regulation number 96/2003 with a mission to maintain peace and security of the dwellers under
the city administration. The commission is a military like organization in which each sworn
officer holds a rank. Ranks begin with constable and end with police commissioner. The job of
managing and directing the different and services rests in the hands of the commissioner and
deputy commissioner. The commissioner reports to the federal police commission and the mayor
of the city administration. To undertake its functions the commission has organized itself in to
various divisions and departments each having its own specific objectives.
Currently the commission HQ has a well-established commission –wide data center that
coordinates the overall information and communication technology related activates. But it has
also newly established sub city branch offices which have their own building in four sub cites of
the government of Addis Ababa, so they need to implementing a standard network infrastructure
and integrated system.

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub cit(Version 1, November
2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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1.2 Organization Structure
The Addis Ababa police commission hierarchical structure is:.


Yeka Sub City

Addis Ketema Sub City

Division Office

Division office

Crime ICT HR Logistics Crime ICT HR
prevention prevention

1.3 Existing Network Infrastructure

 Currently all the four police commission new sub city buildings have G+6 floors and will accommodate different
departments/offices. Almost there is no network infrastructure implemented within the AACGPC. However, some network devices
available and that may be used.

Sector LAN Internet Existing active Existing Existing IT

Office Availabilit Availability network devices Servers Workstations administration
YSCP YES YES EPON(fiber) 0 200 2
- y- - 6 TP- Link TL-SF1024D 24 Port Switch - - -

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019) Document: Statement of Requirements
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Section I

Network Infrastructure

2 Objective of The project

2.1 General Objective

The objectives of the project is to design and implement a secured network infrastructure with server
room, video conference , meeting hall sound system, video surveillance system, IP based prison phone
Inmate System , public addressing system ,naming display system, interrogation system and JIMS ,
which enables the Addis Ababa police commission sub city branches with the ultimate goal of
effective and efficient file, data ,and information exchange with in and with their stakeholders, reform
systems so that they can provide secure, effective and efficient services to customers .

2.2 Specific Objective

The specific objectives of this project for the new sub city buildings include:
- Design, Supply, installation, and implementation of secured network, video conference,
meeting hall sound system, video surveillance system, IP based prison phone Inmate System
and JIMS.
- Integrate all the new system that means the Video surveillance, Network, video conference
system, hall audio system and IP based prison phone Inmate reception System and JIMS.
- Supply ,installation and implementation of public addressing system
- Supply , installation and implementation of Notice board system
- Supply , design , integration, and implementation of interrogation system for three room(
men, women, and Children)
- Establish and Implement a standard server room with all equipment redundant
- Implement, configure, secure, and test all LAN and WAN connectivity.
- Implement VSS system with a centralized monitoring room for the selected areas such as data
center, lobbies and prisoners building.
- Install and configuring all the network services and devices including backup and integrating
with the existing police commission HQ disaster recovery sites

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
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- Provide a full package video conference system to get service from AASTA and/or police
commission HQ linked to existing VPN called Woreda Net.
- The bidder should provide and implement a wireless access for each floor and meeting rooms
in addition to wired network installation.
- Implement a meeting hall non-furnished sound system with all necessary equipment.
- Provide training and knowledge management to AASTA, Police Commission HQ, and sub
city ICT professionals through involvement and on job training's.

2.3 Scope of the Work

 Supply, install, implement, and commission network equipment, and related software to
provide network services for a minimum of 400 Data nodes for each sub cites users.
 Deliver complete system design and detailed Engineering to meet the overall system
availability objectives.
 Provide an overview of the proposed system's architecture, detailed bill of material (BOM).
 Supply, install, and implement at least 14 wireless accesses for each sub cities users.
 Supply, configure, integrate, and implement server room for each sub cities.
 Supply and implement video conference and sound system for each sub cities.
 Supply and implement CCTV and video surveillance system for each sub city
 Supply and implement naming display system for each sub city
 Supply ,installation and implementation of public addressing system
 Supply and installation of Notice board system
 Supply and implement IP based prison phone Inmate system
 Supply and integration of interrogation system
 Provide all system integration, security, testing, and functionalities.
 The architecture of the network to be implemented to meet all features, functions and
performance mentioned in this document. Some of the major activities include the

2.3.1. Wide Area Network Activities

- Implement, test and secure the WAN system in communication with MInT, AASTA and Ethio-
telecom so as the wide area network (WAN) is to be implemented through Woreda-Net to

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
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connect to the AAPC HQ central data center. The Internet and data access for all nodes shall
also be through Woreda Net.
- Configuration of all security devices with respect to the WAN system in a way to assure
secured and verified outside access.
- WAN security must be configured by the bidder or together with MInT and Ethio-telecom in
order to secure the internal system from any security threats.
- Testing the suitability and accessibility of the WAN system, that it is already done.

2.3.2. Local Area Network Activities

- Analysis the existing office layout concerning the built in conduits and installed cables.
- Design and propose a suitable LAN and WAN system based on the assessment made by the
- Implement the proposed design after approval and detailed review by AASTA.
- Testing the LAN and WAN system for its successful and healthy operation on deployment of
the systems through the involvement of professionals from AASTA and AAPC HQ and sub
city office.

2.3.3. Other Activities

- The company must do the survey to bring a better LAN and WAN design and implementation.
- Supply all network devices, IP based prison phone Inmate system, VSS and video conference,
meeting hall sound system, Name display equipment's, JIMS and related software’s as per their
design solution.
- Supply servers for each service like DC, and FTP, Backup system and storage with 8 ports
- Minimum of 3 years license for each server services
- The server room equipment must include like rack mountable AC, battery and UPS, power
distribution system…etc.
- The access switch racks must be a floor mounted, putting the rack on the wall is not
recommended for the good looks of the new building.
- For each Floor Switch rack there must be a rack mounted ups.
- All the connection from the Server room to each floor switch must be by indoor fiber in order
to get a fast connection so that each office can give its own service quickly.
AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
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- Any kind of material required for this project is expecting from the bidder according to bidders
proposed design.
- All floor access switches should connect to the Server room Switch using main and backup up
link line.
- Supply and install any kind of power related solutions for the project is duty of the bidder.
- Implementing the cabling system based on ISO 11801standard.
- The entire site must be connecting to the AAPC HQ data-center through Worda-Net VPN.
- Any kinds of power installation issue from the main EEPCO line to the data center including
the breaker is the bidder responsibility.
- All kind of communication with ethio-Telcom related to Woreda-Net and the bidder must do
public IP configuration.

2.4 Statement of Needs

The following points need to be considered:-
- Standard and secured network infrastructure implementation.
- Easy, reliable and accessible network system implementation.
- Improved communication between offices (LAN) and outside the building (WAN).
- National networking standard (both master plan and policy) as well as international standard
should be considered and implemented properly.
- The active directory, file server, and other peripheral devices communicate properly.
- Affordable, scalable and easily maintainable network infrastructure.
- The building will have its own dedicated LAN with routers, firewall and switches properly
configured and maximum-security measures implemented.
- Information can be accessed remotely with determined access control.
- The bidder is expected to join and configure the new system through Wereda Net VPN.
- A parking lot and lobby of each floor should have a VSS with the necessary number of
cameras and monitoring system plus the system should be integrated with the data center.
- The bidder should provide meeting hall audio systems and a video conferencing system with
all input, output, storage and terminal equipment will be implemented

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
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- IP based prison telephone system, which is proposed by the bidder, must be modern functions
and services required of VOIP SIP version in today’s modern business world and other
- The bidder can propose the best solution for IP based prison telephone system and visitors
reception with JIMS (Jail Information Management System) software.
- Every system mentioned in this document should be integrated to the data center and the
network infrastructure.
- NB.
1. If there is any kind of better technology, specific service, material, or part of equipment,
which is not mentioned but required for the project, the vendor should propose on their
technical document.
2. Any software associated with this project must have License.

3. Network System Requirement

3.1 General Requirements

The sub city police commission network and related project expects the following general
- Functionality: the network must function properly. It should accommodate all services, tasks,
data and systems of the different offices located in the building.
- Scalability: the network must be able to grow as the city government needs grows. It should
consider all aspects of the future expansion of the offices.
- Adaptability: the network should be designed by considering future technology advancement.
It should include no design element that would limit adoption of new technologies.
- Reliability: to keep with user expectations and industry standards, both the LAN’s and the
WAN are expected to operate at 99.5% uptime all the time and a 99.8% uptime during the
office operation hours from Monday until Sunday 24/7. The expected undiscovered error rate
should be 0.001%.
- Speed: required transmission speed in the WAN between the central data server and clients
should be 30ms.

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
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- Cost effectiveness: the cost of implementing the network design must be within agreed cost.
The estimated cost must be reasonable enough and should be based on proper estimation of the
design proposed.
- Standard: the network shall use industry-proven, mainstream technologies based on open
standards and architecture. It should comply with different network related ISO/ IEC standards,
ISO/IEC 279033 series as well as all available national and international standards.
- Design an open standard system that that it must manage different vendor IT Devices.
- Any system supplied shall be open architecture for future expansion and growth.
- Easy, flexible, reliable, Affordable, scalable and easily maintainable with HQ.
- System should be Must fit with affordable cost

3.2 Design Requirements

The network system design should meet the following minimum requirements:
- WAN aggregation layer that securely connect the building to the Wereda Net VPN.
- Based on the design to be provided by the bidder and proper verification by the bidder, the
main servers should be identified and accommodated including Domain Controller (DC), Anti-
Virus, and file servers.
- Connection to the internet through Wereda-Net.
- Better design for efficient usage of bandwidth and network traffic.
- Proper analysis has to be made while designing LAN
- Integrated design for All core, distribution, and access layer
- Optimum utilization of space in the data center for strategic placement of equipment
- Inter connectivity between core, distribution, and access layer should be fiber.
- During the survey the bidder should consider either the built in or external LAN cabling
design., and If the built in conduits are not enough to accommodate the lines for all required
data and telephone nodes, bidder are expected to install external trunks.
- The bidder is expected to consider electrical system, mechanical system, networking system,
IP-VSS, and integration system among each other while designing.
- The design solution open standard system- which means that it must manage different
vendor IT Devices.

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
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- The design solution should be an open and flexible environment that can support different
- Solution must be able to scale - which means that we wish to start from a level where we can
scale if we need further.
- Design is open architecture for future expansion and growth.

3.3 Security Requirement

- Securing the internal internet edge design network using, firewall and intrusion prevention
systems and server based anti-virus.
- A state full packet inspection to control incoming and outgoing data flow traffic and session
monitoring using hardware and software firewalls.
- An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) at all levels and notification of malicious or suspicious
- Providing and applying Layer two or three security, such as VLAN
- All possible security solution implementation and configuration
- IPSec encryption considerations
- Site-to-site IPSec VPN or any other technology

3.4 Testing Requirements

The following testing procedures should be implemented
- Connectivity testing
- Configuration testing
- Service testing
- Availability and accessibility testing
- Unit and integration testing
- Security testing
- Performance and load testing...etc….

3.5 Server Room Requirements

Server Room core sub system must include:
i. UPS system
 Rack mountable

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
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 40KVA
ii. Power distribution system
 ATS module
 Rack power Distribution system
 Indicator Module
 Critical AC power distribution
 rPDU
 Electrical System
 Grounding work
 Auxiliary power
o Lighting: (LED 300lux)
o Emergency light
o Security lighting
iii. Refrigerating system(AC)
 Variable –frequency air conditioner
 Rack-mountable
 Low-load dehumidification
 Emergency fan
 Cooling system
iv. Batteries
 The bidder shall deliver 22 external battery proportional to the requested UPS(40KVA)
V. Fire extinguisher
 Class B and electrical fires
 Used regardless of high and low voltages
 Effective against liquid flammables
 CO2 Fire Extinguisher
Vi. Decoration System
Bidder decorates the appointed space in Server room.
The decoration materials should be fire-resistant and no polluted. Decoration system includes:
 raised floor, ceiling
 Painting

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3.5.1 Technical specification
Table 1.1 Server room general specification it should be 80KVA

No (1) Uninterruptible Power Supply: (Qty =1)

. Feature Description Of Minimum Requirement Complianc
1 Product type Uninterruptible Power Supply e
2 Product • 40 KVA Scalable to 120KVA N+1,
Features • 400V 3ph, 50 Hz Input and Output Frequency
•PDU and UPS Card Management System - Quantity 2
•Power Distribution Strip 10 ways, 220-230v, 40A Surge
Protection with Circuit Breaker, Standard Plug - Quantity 6
•PDU 32KW Scalable to 120 KW, 400V Quantity 2
•High Performance Battery Module Compatible with the PDU -
Quantity 6
•UPS Network Management Card with Environmental
Monitoring & Out of Band Management- Quantity 1
3 Bypass 5•Power Module,
wire (3PH + N 10/160
+ G) KW, 400V- Quantity 2
4 Connection
Regulatory CE, EN/IEC 62040-2, EN/IEC 62040-3
5 Warranty 4. year Server Room Door power socket -6

network node -4
The server room are walled up to avoid direct sunlight and to provide better security and weather
Alarming and Fire Extinguishing Controller

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- The bidder implement a biometric access control system to open the main door of the server
room include fingerprint, card, user name and password.
- The door is scalable, both manual and automatic system.
- The door is an imbedded in built system Door Open Button
Access Card Reader
Table1.3: Access Door Controller:
No. (2) Access Door Controller(qty=2)
Feature Description Of Minimum Requirement Compli
1 Product type Access Door Controller
2 Real time alarm & access control
Full mirror database for offline condition
Features Global anti-pass back
User counter, interlocking, card + PIN
4 reader inputs with built-in interface
No. Aluminum Fixed Access Door:
Integrator software with license CD
Feature Description Of Minimum Requirement
1 Product feature Made of pure aluminum
2 Door size W145mmXL 210mm and thickness less than 1.5

3 Door lock type cm

Fixed locker with six keys
4 Handler Made of steel or iron and industrially laminated
with plastic
5 Accessories All screws fishers and mounting materials included Electrical requirement

The Bidder should consider a full power solution for the Server Room electrical cabling, installation
and integration. The bidder also responsible for electrical architecture principals such as availability,
resilience, redundancy, flexibility, and modularity. Design philosophy of the electrical architecture is
as follows:
o There should not be “Single point of failure”
o Dual power distribution from LT Panels to each rack
o Incomers of main LV panel, PDUs are to be provided with Multi data meter.
o Isolators are to be provided at UPS Output for isolating and for easy maintenance
o Bidder should provide the electrical/line diagram of the Electrical Architecture based on above
approach and philosophy

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 Considering the existing generator and the new UPS electrical panel
 The bidder including the cabling and breaker responsible to bidder shall do the connection
from the EPCO civil power to server room power panel.
 UPS point wiring.
 Power Cabling for Utility component and utility points etc.
 Separate Earth Pits for the component.

Cabling & Equipment Racking System

- The Server rooms’ cabling pathways are designed to offer best maintainability and optimized
for electromagnetic compatibility.

Table 1. 4: Electrical Lighting Bulbs: Emergency light Bulb must be added

No. (5)Electrical Lighting Bulbs: (qty =as required)

Feature Description Of Minimum Requirement Compliance
1 Product type Florescent Electrical Lighting Bulbs
2 Product Features • Low Temperature
• Lowest Power Consumption
• Maintenance-Free
• No Flicker, No Buzzing
• Multipoint Source Lighting
3 Electrical Interface High Intensity
• Standard powerand Full Spectrum
supplies and cables
4 LED Types • Full Spectrum
5 Mounting • Multi-Angle bracket
• Adjustable bracket
6 Lumen Output • Up to 50 lumens per LED
• 350 lumens per foot
• 5 W/ft 12VAC
7 Power Supply • Input Voltage: 12 VAC
8 Power Cable • 2.5 mm rated power cable of total length
300 meters
Table 1.5: Main Distribution Board
No. (6)Main Distribution Board: (Qty=1)
Feature Description Of Minimum compliance
AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
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1 Product type Power Main Distribution board
2 Output Power Capacity 6400 Watts / 8000 VA
3 Max Configurable Power 12.8k W / 16k VA
4 Nominal Output Voltage 120V, 208V
5 Output Voltage Note Configurable for 120/208 or
120/240 output voltage
6 Output Voltage Distortion Less than 5% at full load
7 Output Frequency (sync to mains) 47 - 63 Hz
8 Output Connections (1) Hard Wire 4-wire (2PH + N
9 Bypass Internal Bypass (Automatic and
10 Nominal Input Voltage 208V
11 Input Frequency 45 - 65 Hz (auto sensing)
12 Input Connections Hard Wire 4-wire (2PH+N+G)
13 Input voltage range for main 96 - 138 (Line to Neutral)
14 Other Input Voltages 240V
15 Battery Type Free sealed Lead Acid battery
16 Operating Relative Humidity 0%
with suspended electrolyte leak
17 Operating Elevation 0-10000 feet (0-3000 meters)
18 Storage Temperature 5 - 113 °F (-15 - 45 °C)
19 Storage Relative Humidity 0%
20 Storage Elevation 0-15000 feet (0-4500 meters)
21 Regulatory Approvals CSA, FCC Part 15 Class A, UL
22 Warranty 3 years repair or replace
Table 1.6: Air Conditioner

S.N0. (7) Indoor In-Row AC( qty=2) Compliance

Feature Description Of Minimum Requirement
1 Product type Air Conditioner - Cooling Type: Indoor
No. Nominal Cooling 7.5-10 kW
3 Running Current
Capacity 10-15A
4 Heating capacity 10KW-14KW
5 Input Power 2.20-2.77KW
6 EER Cooling 2 to 3.21W
7 Coop heating 2 to 3.61 W
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S.N0. (7) Indoor In-Row AC( qty=2) Compliance
Feature Description Of Minimum Requirement
8 Entering Air 96.0 °F (35.56 °C)
9 Compressor
TemperatureType Rotary
10 Air Discharge Patterns Horizontal
11 Sound pressure <=40DB
12 Intake Air Rear Return
13 Moisture Removal >=2.5I/h
14 Refrigerant Charge 1.36 KG
15 Air Flow 1600-1900 m3/h
16 Total Cooling Capacity 15KW
17 Condensate Pump 0.002 lps (liters per second)
18 Number of Power Cords 1 or More power cords
19 Nominal Input Voltage 220/230
20 Input Power 2.20-2.77KW
21 Input Frequency 50 Hz
22 Operation Range -150 to 460c
23 Rack Height 42U
Refrigerant R410A
18 Standard Warranty 3 year
No. Outdoor In-Row Cooler:
1 year (parts only)
Feature Description Of Minimum Requirement
1 Product type Heat removal designed to use water or glycol
for row and room cooling products
2 Air Flow 3600-3800m3/h
3 Nominal Input Voltage 380 (3PH), 400 (3PH)
5 Input Frequency 50 Hz
6 Nominal Input Voltage 380 (3PH), 400 (3PH)
7 Input Power < 2.88kW
Sound pressure <=55DB
8 Regulatory Approvals TUV
Operation Range -150 to 500c
Running Current 12.2-14A
9 Standard Warranty 3 year
No. AC Piping Accessories
1 Flexible Fluid Piping
2 Stainless Flex Pipe Kit
3 Flexible Fluid Piping Clamp/Hanger
4 Flexible Fluid Piping Insulation
5 Fluid Piping Couplings

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Table 1.7: Smoke Detector (qty=2)
No Features Description of minimum requirement compliance
Operating voltage 9-28 VDC volts non polarized
Standby current <=12 A @ 24VDC
Maximum alarm current(LED) <=15mA @24VDC(1k ohm current
Operating humidity range <=95%RH(40 degree celisous)
Operating temperature Range -100c to 500c

Table 1.8: Heat/Fire Sensor (Qty=2)

Features Description of minimum requirement compliance
Operating voltage 15-30VDC
Average coverage 100m2
Start-up current :on 340homamper
Heat class A2R
Alarm temperature 770c
Operating temperature -20 0c to 60oc

Table 1.9: Fire Extinguisher

Fire extinguisher (Qty =1)
No (8)Specification Description Minimum specifications compliance
Propellant type Automatic CO2
Extinguishing medium 40% ABC Dry Chemical Powder
Weight 6-9Kg
Fire Rating 14-23A
Working pressure 10-23Bar
Discharge Time >=18 sec
Discharge Range >=7m
Working Pressure >=14
Class fire A,B,C
Working Temperature -200 C to +60 0 C

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Hose Length >=50M
Standard KM Approval
Atmospheric lifetime 30-40 year
Capacity Up to 9kg
warranty 7 ×24, 3 years

4. Server Room Video surveillance

o Built-in watchdog: The working status of chips and software can be regularly detect, and the
system can automatically reset. caption superimposition
o Support independent caption super imposition, including time, date, and title superimposition,
for various channels of video.
o Built-in direct-drive motor of High Speed Dome Camera, smoothly rotating even at a low
o The cameras are all-in-one IP cameras and they are audiovisual encoding device that integrates
audiovisual collection and encoding functions.
o High-reliability embedded design delivers 7 X 24 uninterrupted working capability and self-
restoration after a power failure.

Table 1.10: Server Room Video surveillance general requirement

(9)Server Room Dome Camera (Qty=2) Comply/not
S.No. Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications comply
1 Network interface 1 RJ-45, 10M/100M adaptive
Network protocols TCP/IP, HTTP, RTSP, RTP, RTCP, ARP,
DHCP, PPPOE and wireless network

IE application A Web Server is imbedded. Users can

directly use IE to browse and control images.

Network-based time check Provide an interface for network-based time

Device search Support searching for devices through
Ethernet multicast
6 Network Management Support TR069 and SNMP protocols

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Motion detection 12*16 detection areas and 9-level sensitivity
adjustable can be set
Detail specification is not

1.1.1. Camera type and features :  Color IP-Network Camera with

 LAN connectivity
 integrated IR LED provide illumination up
to 20M
 Image sensor 1/3”, 3MP,
 Maximum resolution: 1920/1080
 Maximum connection>=14x
Lens: 2.8 ~ Support
8 mm (motorized
SD memoryVFcard
lens) , f = 2.8 to 10
mm, F1.6
Audio code: G.711 / G.726
Compression: H.264(MP/Bp), MPJEG4, 3(variable) H265 or better
 Shutter time => frequency 50 Hz to 60 Hz
Full HD 1080p @ 60fps
Ethernet :>= 10/100mbps
1.1.2. Environmental standard IP66-rated outdoor casing, Vandal
1.1.3 On-board storage: Built-in SD/SDHC/SDXC slot, >=32GB
1.1.4. Pan angle: + 170° (360° endless desirable)
1.1.5. Tilt angle 0° to 90°
1.1.6. Optical zoom 18x or higher
1.1.7 Illumination Color: 0 . 3 lux, B/W: 0.001luxor
1.1.8 White balance Auto/Manual
IR Range 30’(depending on scene)
S/N ratio >=50dB
IR LEDs >=12
Analytic Motion detection
DDNS support: free
1.1.10 Aperture/Iris Auto/Manual ,with AGC
1.1.11 Day/Night functions:- Auto/Manual

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1.1.12 Interface. 10/100/1000BaseTEthernet
1.1.13 Configurability From central server through
Ethernet/LAN with password Authentication
1.1.14 Camera controls From central server through
1.1.15 Enclosure: Outdoor, weatherproof, vandal proof, clear
Dome type, industrial grade & compliant to
with internal power
1.1.16 Temperature/Humidity: supply,
0°C to fan, heater
50°C, 85%and

1.1.17 Power supply PoE, 12VDC ,DC adaptor supplied by

manufacturer and PoE support
1.1.18 Security:-, User ID & Password protection, IP address
filtering, HTTPS, digest authentication user

1.1.19 Power consumption access log

<=12 Watt
1.1.20 Other features D o m e preset positions (20 min.), video
motion detection (VMD), event/alarm trigger
with pre &
post recording facility, dual , multicasting video,
1.1.21 Protocol supported streaming
1.1.22 Web Browser Support Internet explorer , Chrome, Firefox and other
1.1.23 Standard: IEEE802.11a/b/g/n and DHCP client, SSH,
1.1.24 Electrical Safety: Built-in surge and lightning protection.
1.1.25 Alarm:- Camera Tamper Detection
1.1.26 Updating: Remote firmware updates, Smart Coding: yes
1.27 Warranty 3 years

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Table 1.11: HD TV for Video Monitoring
No. (10) HD TV for Video Monitoring: (qty=1)
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Comply/no
t comply
1 Product type HDTV 50 inch

2 Product Features Support IP connectivity

Built in speakers
Support H.264, MPEG-4 video streaming
4 Resolution capable contrast ratio 1920x1080 pixel
3 Video output support NTSC & PAL, Full HD
5 Convergence Maximum 0.4mm
6 Warranty 3years
4.1. Material Specification of Network Equipment’s
Table 1.12: Core Router Specification
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Comply/not comply
12) Core Router Specification(qty=1)
Brand and Model To be specified
Chassis Configurations 2 MCU, minimum 3 service slots
Backplane Bandwidth Minimum of 1.3Tbps
Switching capacity Minimum of 1.8 Tbps
Interface types 100 GE/40 GE
OC-192c/STM-64c POS
OC-48c/STM-16c POS
OC-12c/STM-4c POS
OC-3c/STM-1cPOS Channelized
OC-3/STM-1 Channelized STM-4
OC-3c/STM-1c ATM
OC-12c/STM-4c ATM
Forwarding performance Minimum
E3/T3 of 360 Mpps 540 Mpps
Routing Protocol IPv4: Static route, RIPv1/v2, OSPF, IS-

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Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Comply/not comply
IS, BGP IPv6: Static route, OSPFv3, IS-
ISv6, BGPv6
Power consumption <= 1070(AC)
Warranty 3 years
Table 1.13 Distribution Switch
(13) Distribution Switch(qty=2)
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Comply/not
Brand and Model To be specified
Switching capacity >=3.84 Tbps
Forwarding performance Minimum 2880Mpps
MPU slot >=2
Chassis Configurations At least 6-slot for expansion
Backplane Bandwidth Minimum of 300-Gbps switch fabric
Maximum Power 2,200W
Consumption of the Entire
Maximum PoE Power 8,800W
CSS Switch Fabric CSS Switch Fabric Clustering
 Access, trunk, and hybrid interface types, auto-
negotiation of LNP links
 Default VLAN
 VLAN switching
 QinQ and selective QinQ
 MAC address-based VLAN assignment
CSS Switch Fabric CSS Switch Fabric Clustering (S7706 and above)

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 LACP and E-Trunk between devices
 VRRP and BFD for VRRP
 BFD for BGP/IS-IS/OSPF/static route
Reliability  TE FRR and IP FRR
 Ethernet OAM (IEEE 802.3ah and 802.1ag)
 ITU-Y.1731
 802.1x authentication and portal authentication
 MAC Sec
 RADIUS and HWTACACS authentication
 Different user levels for commands, preventing
unauthorized users from using certain
Security and Management commands
 Defense against DoS attacks, TCP SYN Flood
attacks, UDP Flood attacks, broadcast storms,
and heavy traffic attacks
 Ping and traceroute
 Service Chain
Wireless network  Native AC
management  AP access control, AP region management, and
AP profile management
 Radio profile management, uniform static
configuration, and centralized dynamic
 Basic WLAN services, QoS, security, and user

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 Access, trunk, and hybrid interface types, auto-
negotiation of LNP links
 Default VLAN
 VLAN switching
 QinQ and selective QinQ
 MAC address-based VLAN assignment
Redundant Components • Power supplies (1+1)
• Switch fabric (1+1)
• Replaceable clock
• Replaceable fan tray
Routing Protocol IPv4: Static route, RIPv1/v2, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP
IPv6: Static route, OSPFv3, IS-ISv6, BGPv6
High-Availability Features • Gateway Load Balancing Protocol
• Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
• Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)
Advanced Services • Firewall module
Modules • IDS module
• IP Security (IPsec) VPN module
Warranty 3 years
Table 1.14: Access Switch
(14). Access Switch 24 port (Qty=14) Comply/not
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications
Brand and Model To be Specified
Switching capacity Minimum 256 Gbps
Power supply AC/DC
Port Density • Might vary depending on the solution
Backplane Bandwidth • Minimum of 32-Gbps switch fabric
Forwarding Performance • Minimum of 96 Mpps

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Routing Protocol IPv4: Static route, RIPv1/v2, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP
IPv6: Static route, OSPFv3, IS-ISv6, BGPv6
Port 24 RJ-45 connectors for 10BASE-T/100BASE-
TX/1000BASE-T with 4 Gigabit combo ports
shared between mini-GBIC ports; console port;
auto MDI/ MDI-X; auto negotiate/manual
setting; RPS port for connecting to redundant
power supply
Buttons Reset
LED PWR, Fan, Link/Act, PoE, Speed, RPS, Master,
Stack ID 1 through 8
Brand The equipment should be mainstream brand.
The supplier provides corresponding proof.
All the network equipment (router, LAN
switch, firewall, NMS) should be the same
Warranty 3 years
Table 1.15: Access switch 48 port
(15). Access switch 48 port(qty= 4)
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Compliance
Brand and Model To be Specified
Switching capacity Minimum 256 Gbps
Power supply AC/DC
Port Density • Might vary depending on the solution
Backplane Bandwidth • Minimum of 32-Gbps switch fabric
Forwarding • Minimum of 132 Mpps
Routing Protocol IPv4: Static route, RIPv1/v2, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP
IPv6: Static route, OSPFv3, IS-ISv6, BGPv6
Port 48 RJ-45 connectors for 10BASE-T/100BASE-

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TX/1000BASE-T with 4 Gigabit combo ports
shared between mini-GBIC ports; console port;
auto MDI/ MDI-X; auto negotiate/manual setting;
RPS port for connecting to redundant power supply
Buttons Reset
LED PWR, Fan, Link/Act, PoE, Speed, RPS, Master,
Stack ID 1 through 8
Brand The equipment should be mainstream brand. The
supplier provides corresponding proof.
All the network equipment (router, LAN switch,
firewall, NMS) should be the same brand.
Warranty 3 years
Table 1.16: Firewall specifications
(16).Firewall Specification (Qty=1)
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Comply/not comply
Brand and Model To be Specified
IPV4 firewall throughput Minimum 2 Gbps
IPV6 firewall throughput Minimum 2 Gbps
firewall throughput(packets/sec) Minimum 0.6Mpps
Connections per second 60,000
Number of concurrent connections 1,600,000
Maximum VPN throughput 2 Gbps
Number of VPN tunnels 15,000
Maximum number of virtual 100
Firmware/OS/software updates via support
Web UI / TFTP or equivalent
Supports NAT traversal yes
IPS Support
Web content filtering yes

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AV Support
URL Filtering Support
Gateway Antivirus Should provide protection
Fixed interfaces 4 GE optical/electrical interfaces
1 Console port
2 USB interfaces
Rack mountable Yes
Logging and Reporting support
All SNMP versions support (v1, v2c and v3)
Number of expansion slots 2
Expansion slot type 4 x FE (10/100M) module; 2 x
GE electro-optical interface
module; 4 x GE electro interface
Certification ICSA,EAL
CC,CE etc
The system shall support Inherit all the standard RFC’s
Warranty 3 years
Other requirements For all requirements listed above, the necessary cables,
connectors, external software media, manuals or any other
hardware and software must be bundled and included with
the firewall appliance.
NOTE: Below features (IPS, IPSEC VPN, SSL VPN) can
be embedded in the firewall or bundled as standalone
solution (separate device), which must be compatible
(integrated) with the firewall appliance

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Table 1.17 Wireless LAN controller
(17)Wireless LAN Controller (Qty=1) Comply/not
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications comply
Brand and Model To be specified
Wireless Access points supporting IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b,
802.11g, 802.11d, 802.11h, and 802.11n
Interface Module type 48-port 100/1,000 BASE-X Interface
Networking Between APs Layer 2 networking
and ACs* Layer 3 networking
Direct AC connection to APs
Forwarding module AC Layer
Tunnel 2 bridging or Layer 3 routing
Direct forwarding

Wireless Networking Mode WDS bridging:

Point-to-Point (P2P) wireless bridging
Point-to-Multipoint (P2MP) wireless bridging
Automatic topology detection and loop prevention
Wireless Mesh networking:
Access authentication for mesh APs
Mesh routing algorithm
AC Discovery Zero-touch
AC configuration
discovery through DHCP Option 43
AC discovery through DNS
AC discovery through CAPWAP
AC discovery through static IP
CAPWAP control
AC IP address list channel and data channel
CAPWAP Tunnel (optional)
Forwarding mode configuration based on service
Intra-chassis ENP card backup
AC Backup
Inter-chassis heartbeat detection
card backup in a CSSand tunnel
Number of VLANs 4,000

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Number of Managed Aps Up to 4,000 per card
Number of Access Users Entire device: Up to 16,000
Number of ARP Entries 256,000
Managed Access Point At least 100 Managed Access Point, Support
802.11ac standards At least 2 x10G BaseX ports populated with LR
PORTS optics and 2 x10/100/1000 BaseTx Ports
Management port one
Serial Console Port one
Upgradability Support up to minimum 300 managed access Points

Encryption WPA2, AES, TKIP and WEP encryption

Security User Based/Group based security Policy for Secure
roaming, Local or RADIUS Server
Standard IEEE 802.1X Authentication, Dynamic change in
access permissions, assignment of AAA policies to
user, subnet, or device groups for WLAN
Management Interface Web-based: HTTP/HTTPS
Command-Line Interface: Telnet, SSH, serial port
Product compatibility Latest version of Router, access point, management,
location tracking wireless LAN controllers
Power Supply Redundant Power Supply
Warranty 3 years
Table. 1.18 Wireless Access Points
(18) Wireless Access Points (Qty=14) Comply/not
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications comply
Brand and Model To be Specified
Architecture Managed Wireless Wall Mount 802.11ac
dual radio, Plenum UL-2043 rated PoE
Access Point
Maximum number of users >=256
Maximum transmit power >=25dBm
Radio protocol 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
Maximum speed 1.75Gbps

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Antenna type/antenna gain Built in antenna/2.4GHz
Power input 20V DC±10%

Data Rate Minimum 2.4 GB/S

Antenna Integrated/External Antenna, 3x3 MIMO

Power Consumption 13 W maximum with PoE port

Receiver Sensitivity Better than -76Dbm for 300Mbps operation
Media Access CSMA/CD
Security 802.11i, Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)
AES and TKIP encryption; 64/128/152-
bitWEP encryption; 802.1X with EAP-TLS,
authentication; MAC address authentication
and filtering; 802.1Q VLAN; multiple SSID

Operating Range support;

Minimum 80Mtrs with 802.11 a/b/g/n
Warranty 3 years

Table 1.19 IT rack

(19). IT Rack (Quantity=3) Comply/not
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications comply
Type 42U Server Rack
Rack Size 42U of usable rack space, color Black
Rack Standard Compliant. Square mounting holes
Rack Depth The Uprights are adjustable from 6”
(152mm) to 30” (762mm) in 1 increment.
740mm is the standard depth for any
Usable Internal Space 1000mm
Dimensions Width – 600 mm x 1000mm
Height – 2052 mm( on casters)

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Ventilation 63% (+/-2%) perforation on the front and
rear doors. Meets or exceeds all OEM
requirements, Vented ceiling panel
Security All doors and side panels are locked ( 1 for
side panels, 1 for front, if applicable)
Construction Heavy-duty steel construction, Extremely
rigid frame.
Assembly Shipped fully assembled on a pallet.
Rack Casters Front and Rear swivel casters, All casters are
no lockable
Kit Content Full depth server cabinet, 2 x mesh doors, 2
x steel side panels, 4 x mounting profiles and
Body components Mounted fans, ventilator and power socket
Table 1.20 IT rack
(19) IT Rack (Qty=16) Comply/no
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications t comply
Type 27U Server Rack
Rack Size 27U of usable rack space, color Black
Rack Standard Compliant. Square mounting holes
Usable Internal Space 1388mm
Dimensions Width – 600 mm x 1388mm
external 600mm x 1388mm
Ventilation 63% (+/-2%) perforation on the front and rear
doors. Meets or exceeds all OEM requirements,
Vented ceiling panel
Security All doors and side panels are locked ( 1 for side
panels, 1 for front, if applicable)
Environmental protection IP20
Frame thickness >=1.2mm
Mounting rail thickness >=2mm
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Glass Thickness >=5mm
Construction Heavy duty steel construction, Extremely rigid
frame with lock
Assembly Shipped fully assembled on a pallet.
Rack Casters Front and Rear swivel casters, All casters are
no lockable
Features - Compatible with metric ETSI standards
Kit Content Full depth server cabinet, 2 x mesh doors, 2 x
steel side panels, 4 x mounting profiles and
Frame End Frame + 4 x square cut vertical mounting
railings + depth supporters + Mounting support
Body components Mounted fans, ventilator and power socket
Kit Content Full depth server cabinet, 2 x mesh doors, 2 x
steel side panels, 4 x mounting profiles and
Body components Mounted fans, ventilator and power socket
Table 1.21 Rack Mountable UPS
Rack Mountable Ups For Floor Access Switch (qty=16) Comply/not
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications
Power Rating (VA) 6000VA
Power Rating (Watts) 5100 W
Nominal Voltage 230 VAC
Voltage Range 140-300 VAC
Frequency Range 50Hz
AC Voltage Regulation (Battery Mode) ±10%
Frequency Range (Battery Mode) 50Hz ±1%

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Battery Type & Number 12V 7AH x 1
Typical Backup Time* Approx.15 min.
Typical Recharge Time 6-8 hours up to 90% capacity
Output Receptacles with UPS Battery Backup 3
Output Receptacles with Bypass Surge 1
Smart Communication Interface USB Port
Data/Telephone Protection RJ-45
International Manufacturing Standard EN 60950
Humidity 0-92% RH @ 0-40°C (non-
Noise Level Less than 40dB
Warranty 3 years
Table 1.22Server Specifications
Requirement Minimum specifications Compliance

(21) Server (Qty=4)

Form factor/height 2U
Processor (max) Intel Xeon >= 3.0 GHz (8-core)/133 MHz memory
Number of processors 2/4 per node (optional 2-node support)
Cache (max) 16 to 30 MB
Memory (std/max) >=32 GB/2.0 TB max PC3-10600 DDR3L, up to 3.0 TB
with MAX5
Expansion slots 7 total PCIe half-length
Disk bays (total/hot- 8/8 2.5" Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) or 16/16 SAS SSD

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Requirement Minimum specifications Compliance

minimum internal storage >=4.8 TB (supports 8 × 73.4 GB, 146.8 GB, 300 GB,
500 GB and 600 GB SAS hard disk drives, 8 × 160 GB
and 500 GB SATA hard disk drives, or 16 × 50 GB and
200 GB solid state drives)
Network interface >=10 Gbps Fibre Channel over Ethernet Dual Channel
Converged Network Adapter, integrated dual Gigabit
Ethernet with TCP-IP off-load engine, 10 Gbps Ethernet
Power supply (std/max) <=1975 W 220 V 2/2
Hot-swap components Power supplies, fans, hard disk drives and solid-state-
RAID support Integrated RAID-0, 1,5 ; optional RAID -6,10
Systems management Alert on LAN 2, Automatic Server Restart, Systems
Director, Server Guide, Integrated Management Module
(IMM), light path diagnostics (independently powered),
Predictive Failure Analysis on hard disk drives,
processors, VRMs, fans and memory, Wake on LAN,
Dynamic System Analysis, QPI Fail down
Operating systems Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or (Enterprise and
supported Data Center Editions 64-bit), 64-bit Linux enterprise,
VMware v Sphere Hypervisor
Limited warranty 3-year customer replaceable unit and onsite limited

Table 1.23. Server minimum Specification Required

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KVM 8 Port VGA/USB Server Technical specifications
Description Minimum specification Compliance


portability: Yes

Interface: VGA/USB

Supporting System: Window XP, 7 /8 / 10 ,Microsoft, Linux, UNIX

Rack-Mountable yes

Resolution 2048×1536 or better

Directly access and control Up to 8

Response time <=5ms

Security Layer two authorized user

Input voltage 110 ~ 230 AC

Output voltage 12 DC Output

current 4A

Warranty 3year

NB. Table1.23: Power and UTP Cables

NO Requirement Description Quantity Comply/Not Comply)

1 Patch cord 1m 300
2 Patch cord 3m 100
3 Patch cord 5m 100
4 UTP cable Cat6A full copper As required
5 Optical fiber 500m
6 Optical fiber Box As needed

7 Fiber Patch Cords Single and multi-mode duplex

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8 UTP Cable Full copper cat6a
9 Patch Panel Patch Panel, Cat6 48 port , with 48
modules and label
10 Fiber Optic Distribution 48 ports, pre-install various kinds of
Frames(ODF) fiber optic pigtails inside the frame,
flexible connection patterns
11 Data wall outlet for LAN Single and double outlet.
12 Faceplate for category 6 -8 positions, 8 wire/conductor universal
modular jacks T568A and T568B wiring scheme RJ45
-They should the highest standard,
ultimate performance, easy to install
and maintain, and will live up to owner
of the project expectations time and
time again (reuse many times).
1. The bidder shall include any missing cable and device that are necessary for the project.
NB 2. All the connection from the server room to the entire floor until the switch is through
fiber cables.
3. Related the bidder should include all materials, transceiver modules, cords, fibers,
connectors, etc.
4. All Patch Cords,Cat6+ /UTP copper,RJ45-RJ45,LSZH with standard support ,and other
relates must be prior readymade(made only in a factory i.e. not crimp manually
allowed ).
5. All the cables shall be weatherproof, outdoor grade.
6. Cat 6 factory terminated patch cords shall be used.

5. Public addressing and digital notice board specification

Table 1.24 Ceiling speaker specifications (qty=1)
per floor

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Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance

Frequency response 100Hz to 14khz +/-2 dB

Power Handling 50W
Sensitivity 88dB 1watt/1 meter
Impedance 8Ohm nominal
Mounting Spring loaded mounting tab
1.25 Public Address Microphones (qty=2)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Frequency response 20Hz-80KHz
Impedance >=600Ω
Effective sound- 0mm-650mm
receiving distance
Power supply DC 24V
Power consumption Maximum 3W
Signal to noise ratio (S / N) > 80dB

Loss true <0.10%

Warranty 3 years
Table 1.26 Amplifiers (qty=1)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Input Impedance: balanced 20 KOm, unbalanced: 10 KOm
Frequency response 50Hz-15,000KHz ±3dB
Input Sensitivity 0dB (0.775V to power)
Dumping factor 250 / 1,1KHz / 8Om
Signal / noise ratio > 103 db
Rated Power output 120W
Power consumption <=170W
Power Supply AC 220V-240V(+10%) / 50-60Hz
Warranty 3 years

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6. Notice board Specifications
Table. 1.27 Media server (qty=1)
Media server Compliance

Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications

Form factor/height 2U
Processor (max) Intel Xeon up to 3.0 GHz (8-core)/133 MHz memory
Number of processors 2/4 per node (optional 2-node support)
Cache (max) Up to 30 MB
Memory (std/max) >=32 GB/2.0 TB max PC3-10600 DDR3L, up to 3.0
TB with MAX5
Expansion slots 7 total PCIe half-length
Disk bays (total/hot-swap) 8/8 2.5" Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) or 16/16 SAS
Maximum internal storage 4.8 TB (supports 8 × 73.4 GB, 146.8 GB, 300 GB,
500 GB and 600 GB SAS hard disk drives, 8 ×
160 GB and 500 GB SATA hard disk drives, or 16 ×
50 GB and 200 GB solid state drives)
Network interface >=10 Gbps Fibre Channel over Ethernet Dual Channel
Converged Network Adapter, integrated dual Gigabit
Ethernet with TCP-IP off-load engine, 10 Gbps
Power supply (std/max) <=1975 W 220 V 2/2
Hot-swap components Power supplies, fans, hard disk drives and solid-state-
RAID support Integrated RAID-0, -1,5 ; optional RAID -6,10

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Systems management Alert on LAN 2, Automatic Server Restart, Systems
Director, Server Guide, Integrated Management
Module (IMM), light path diagnostics (independently
powered), Predictive Failure Analysis on hard disk
drives, processors, VRMs, fans and memory, Wake on
LAN, Dynamic System Analysis, QPI Fail down
Operating systems Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or (Enterprise and
supported Data Center Editions 64-bit), 64-bit Linux enterprise,
VMware v Sphere Hypervisor
Limited warranty 3-year customer replaceable unit and onsite limited

Table1.28: 42 inch Display (qty=1) per floor

Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance

Display Type LED
Screen Size 42
Connectivity HDMI,USB,RJ45
Resolution 1920x1080
Number of Speakers 16Watts
Warranty 7 ×24, 5 years
Table1.29. Network controller, digital signal player (qty=1) per floor quantity should be added

Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance

processor Intel dual-core 1.86GHz
Memory DDR III 2GB
Hard disk Minimum 320GB
Network >=1 Gigabit
USB USB2.0 and better
Power supply 12V 5A external power input
Play content Video, audio, picture and PowerPoint etc...

Video format MPEG-1 / 2/4, DivX5.0, Xvid, WMV9, VOB,

AVI, SWF, RME and etc...

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Audio formats MP3, WMA, WAV, AIF, MPA, MP2, M1A,
M2A, M4A, CDA and
Picture format BMP, JPG, GIF, etc.
Resolution 1024 * 768 or more




7.1. General Objective

Objectives of the system include
 Increase and automate the security systems for the police commission two sub city buildings
and the compound of the building.
 Equipped with advanced security ( like video surveillance, control system for VSS, electronic
Recording, storage devices, Systems monitoring display and so on)
 Knowledge transfer.

7.2. Specific Objective

 Monitor the perimeter and inside of the building activity 24/7 with advanced security
 To design and implement for the following required systems
o video surveillance
o control system for VSS,
o Central management platforms,
o application software's for each system
o streaming media and storage subsystems,
 Avoid crimes against staffs and reduce theft and vandalism.
 Retrieving back valuable evidence from recordings.

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 Assist security man power and reduce drawbacks on duty.
 Gathering valuable audio/video information from security technologies to be implemented.
 Protect the building, the employee, customers and materials from any accident.


The scope of the project includes:
 Preparing Detail Engineering design of the integrated physical security solution(which includes
: like video surveillance, control system for VSS, Hall sound system, video conference,
Recording, storage devices, Systems monitoring, and Public addressing display and so on ).
 Deploy the designed integrated physical security.
 Provide AS-built-in system documentation of all systems.
 Provide separate security policy recommendation
 Provide Training to IT Professional of AAPC HQ ICT,AAPC sub city and AASTA selected
personnel’s how to operate, administer and maintain the deployed system.


 Video Surveillance: System shall use video signals from various types of indoor/outdoor CCD
color cameras Installed at different locations, process them for viewing on screen or
workstations at Central Control Room/local control rooms and simultaneously record all the
H265 or better
camera safer compression using MPEG 4 or better standard.
o In Side the Building: -Fast and easy to install and set up. Offer automatic day/night
operation with wide dynamic range (WDR) technology that allows to capture clear
images even in difficult lighting conditions and Siemens infrared/white light
illumination system
o In The Compound :- System shall have combination of Digital CCD Color video
Cameras with individual IP address, PTZ Lens CMOS
o In Fence: - System shall have combination of Digital CCD Color video Cameras with
individual IP address, PTZ Lens.
 Control System For VSS:- The Area under surveillance shall be monitored and controlled
from Central/Local Control Room(s) through screen or workstations and Joystick controllers

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 Recording: -System should ensure that once recorded, the video cannot be altered, ensuring
the audit trail is intact for evidential purposes.
 Storage Devices:-the storage area system shall be well designed by the bidder and the System
shall provide sufficient storage of all the camera recordings for a period of 3 month or more @
25 FPS, at 720p or better quality using necessary compression techniques for all cameras
(extended capacity of cameras i.e. present capacity + 25 %).
 Systems monitoring and Display: for all systems implements it is required integrated system
monitoring and display system.

7.5. IP based-video surveillance System General Requirements

 Establishing control rooms for configuration, operation, monitoring & maintenance with two
High resolution 70'' LED TV display for Monitoring purpose has to be setup & joystick based
zoom control for camera for configuration of minimum 100 Camera. The AAPC sub city
office will provide control room location and facilities.
 Installation & commissioning Network Attached Storage (NAS) for Digital Video Storage,
Desktop PC, Workstations, Weather Proof Panel box for cameras, Industrial grade Outdoor
Switches, Fiber Laying & Termination, LAN/Power cables, UPS, poles for camera, Power to
camera and weather proof enclosure and Surge & lightening protection for each camera
Installation, configuration & customization of video software. The software package will
support up to 2 x 100 cameras at a time from the Main Control Room etc.
 Proposed VSS system shall be an open standard based integrated system with IP network
centric functional and management architecture aimed at providing high-speed
manual/automatic operation for best performance. CMOS
 System shall use video signals from various types of indoor/outdoor CCD color cameras
Installed at different locations, process them for viewing on workstations/monitors at Central
Control Room/local control rooms and simultaneously record all the camera safer compression
H265 or better
using MPEG 4 or better standard.
 System shall have combination of Digital CCD Color video Cameras with individual IP
address, analog CCD Color Video Cameras with Fixed or PTZ lens, encoders / decoders,
Network Video recorders (NVR/CAMERA SERVER), Network attached storage (NAS) /
Application software, Color Video Monitors etc.

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 System should ensure that once recorded, the video cannot be altered, ensuring the audit trail is
intact for evidential purposes.
 The Area under surveillance shall be monitored and controlled from Central/Local Control
Room(s) through workstations and Joystick controllers.
 Training :- Vendor will provide training of Minimum 20 working days for ten IT professionals
from AAPC Sub city ICT expert and AASTA
 Video surveillance, Access Contorl, and other necessary physical security systems should be
 System shall provide high-quality delivery and processing of IP-based video and control data
using standard Ethernet-based networks.
 System shall have integration of all video surveillance and control functions.
 Graphical user interface software shall manage all IP-based video matrix switching and
cameraControl functions and recording and archive/retrieval management .IP system shall also
be capable of integrating in to larger system environments.
 System design shall include all necessary compression software for high-performance, dual
stream, Motion JPEG and H.264 video. H265 or better

 All camera signals shall be compressed to H.264, encoded, and delivered on to the network for
H265 or better
processing and control by the IP video-management software.
 Camera system units shall be ruggedly built and designed for extreme adverse environments,
Complying with NEMA Type environmental standards.
 The Camera’s recorded images shall include masking of the unwanted areas within each
cameraView to minimize storage space.These recorded images shall be defined with the the
subcity ICT expert and with its technology consultant.

 Configuration of the Video Server to utilize two (2) Ethernet connections and Network
Interface cards;one(1) to stream video and recording and one(1) forclient access.

 All system configuration(s) shall be included to attain afully functional system and shall be
within the scope of work of the awarded bidder of this section.

 Configuration of all LAN switches-Active Electronics,as related to the systems specified

Within this document Including VLANS and IP addressing shall be as specified by AASTA.

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7.6. Design Requirements
The IP based physical security system desgin will be a gudie for the implmentation of integrated
physical security system for AAPC subcity building. The related requirments for sub city buildings
 The Video system should be quality to provide clearly identifiable images.
 Exterior cameras in areas of low light shall be inclusive of IR (infrared) or low light
capabilities to provide a clearly identifiable image when viewed.
 This Video surveillance system described within this specification shall be fully integrated
with The monitoring and accesscontrol systemsdetailed below.The access control system shall
be an S2 platform.Complete interface,including user access and browser interface to this S2
platform is responsibility of the vendor.All installation of each product specified within this
document,peripheraldevices,required licensing and configurations are required as part of this
specification to establish a coherent, functional system as described within this bid document.
 The system designed shall provide monitoring access at multiple securty levels as defined by
the sub-city and shall be inclusive of monitoring functionality via a secure, off-site connection.
 The design for exterior cameras shall include weatherproof housing.
 The design consider monitoring selected areas of sub city buildings office locations 24/7
 The design also support Integrate VSS with other security systems and store video data for
further analysis.
 Recording all inside and outside activities of the building and enable to playback the recording
data to study or investigate if something happened.
 The design also support Integrating all systems in the control room to make the operator
/administrator and security personals can easily monitor all activities centrally and manage if
any incident happens.
 The design also support Camera with external encoder or IP Camera shall be used for image
 The design also support Indoor cameras shall be either with fixed focal length lens or with
Pan/Tilt & Zoom lens as per site requirement. All outdoor Cameras shall be Day/Night

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 System must provide built-in facility of watermarking or Digital certificate to ensure tamper-
proof recording so that these can be used as evidence later, if so desired. The recording shall
support audit trail feature.
 System to have facility of additional camera installation beyond the originally planned capacity
for futurity.
 System shall be triplex i.e. it should provide facility of Viewing, Recording & Replay
 The offered system shall have facility to export the desired portion of clipping (from desired
date/time to another desired date/time) on CD or DVD. Viewing of this recording shall be
possible on standard PC using standard software like windows media player etc.
 Physically Redundancy/Fail-over feature is required i.e. in case of failure of an NVR/camera
server the relevant cameras shall automatically switch over to the redundant NVR/camera

7.7 Video Monitoring and Control System Software/Central Management Platform system

7.7.1 General Requirements

 Reception of the digital video from all cameras at the Control room called Central Monitoring
Station (CMS) and additional stations over Web Browsers. CMS should have computer with
customized software for all two-way control system, monitoring on all LED display, data
logging and recording of the operation on the CMS as well as the Network Attached Stored
(NAS) at Central Monitoring system.

7.7.2 Video Monitoring and Control System Software

Table 1.30 Video Monitoring and Control System Software

Vidio monitoring and controlling system software (Qty=1)
No Specification Features Comply/ Ref.
not Page
I Compatibility Supplied Cameras (must be from same
supplier/manufacturer. No third party software will be

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No Specification Features Comply/ Ref.
not Page
Monitoring, Controlling and Recording
Software along with Network management software shall
be compatible with supplied cameras (must be from same
supplier/manufacturer. No third party software will be
Monitoring, Controlling and Recording Software
Along with Network management software
II Control Camera configuration and basic I/O, validation
Functions and control.
Network Configuration, control and management.
Video display control, mode selection.
Video Archive Control and management.
Security Control with password and encryption.
III Security Password, encryption, authentications
IV Camera I/O  Automatic / manual configuration of IP based
Functions camera units and all I/O
software  Automatic / manual configuration of IP based
camera units and all I/O
 Software must be capable of simultaneously
handling multiple (at least 4) camera units using
multiple monitors at a single workstation.
 MPEG/ JPEG video or photo capture and online
display on same screen (up to 16)
 Software should be from the OEM of cameras only.
 The Video Management System should be capable of
live viewing, recording, playback and archiving of

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No Specification Features Comply/ Ref.
not Page
video/data to an external storage device
 Software must be capable simultaneously handling up
to 200 camera units for CMS using four monitors at
single workstation.
 Support E-map feature
 Support integration with Video analytics from
same OEM.
 support third party Interfacing/integration of IP
 Video Management System Should support
seamless integration with access Control and intrusion
detection system.
V Management Configuration of all switches for camera
and Control connectivity
 Network control from password protected accounts only
VI Access  The user permission system shall provide multiple levels
Control of user access to the system.
 Provisions to assign permissions to individuals, groups
for making user and permissions management easier.
 Permissions including but not limited to the
 View Live Video - Defined to specific camera groups or
 View Recorded Video – Defined to specific camera
groups or locations.
 Delete recorded video

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No Specification Features Comply/ Ref.
not Page
 Download Recorded Video (Export)
 Operate PTZ Controls
 Lock PTZ Controls, etc.
VII Central work station & Desktop PC should be connected with
Monitoring Suitable switch (100/1000T base) at CMS with
Station Capable of online I/O with 16/64 video channels display
single mode fiber in gigabit ring topology.
Bidder to size as per required bandwidth for video
Each camera should be connected to Individual switch
through CAT-6E STP cable
Two- fiber port of the switch will connect in ring.
Industrial grade switch will be mounted on each OFC
termination location.
Viii Recording Capable for automatic and manual configuration settings.
and Archival Automatic recording disk area management with System
of video area/Video area partition on disk / Camera Wise
Recording on NAS.
Sub Frame rate (Settable) video recording
All camera/Selected camera recording capability
Disk full alarms/alerts
Playback (menu based and smart Search integrated utility
for retrieval of particular events etc.)
Date/Time stamped recording Windows compatible and
Linux media file format of MPEG/JPEG standard (or)
any other format, which consumes less memory.

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7.7.3 Specification Requirements

IP Video Cameras –Dome (qty=20)

Table 1.31: IP Video Dome camera

S. No Requirement Description Detail specification compliance
Brand : To Be specified
1.1.1. Camera type and features :  Color IP-Network Camera with
 LAN connectivity
 integrated IR LED provide illumination
up to 20M
 Image sensor 1/3”, 3MP,
 Maximum resolution: 1920/1080
 Maximum connection>=14x
 Support SD memory card
 Audio code: G.711 / G.726
Lens: 2.8 ~ 8 mm (motorized VF lens) , f = 2.8 to 10
 Shutter time => frequency 50 Hz to 60
mm, F1.6
Compression: Hz
H.264(MP/Bp), MPJEG4, 3(variable) H265 or better
Full HD 1080p @ 60fps
Ethernet :>= 10/100mbps
1.1.2. Environmental standard IP66-rated outdoor casing, Vandal
1.1.3 On-board storage: Built-in SD/SDHC/SDXC slot, >=32GB
1.1.4. Pan angle: + 170° (360° endless desirable)
1.1.5. Tilt angle 0° to 90°
1.1.6. Optical zoom 18x or higher
1.1.7 Illumination Color: 0 . 3 lux, B/W: 0.001luxor
1.1.8 White balance Auto/Manual
IR Range 30’(depending on scene)
S/N ratio >=50dB
IR LEDs >=12
Analytic Motion detection
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S. No Requirement Description Detail specification compliance
DDNS support: free
1.1.10 Aperture/Iris Auto/Manual ,with AGC
1.1.11 Day/Night functions:- Auto/Manual
1.1.12 Interface. 10/100/1000BaseTEthernet
1.1.13 Configurability From central server through
Ethernet/LAN with password Authentication
1.1.14 Camera controls From central server through
1.1.15 Enclosure: Outdoor, weatherproof, vandal proof, clear
Dome type, industrial grade & compliant to
IP66, side shelter cover
with internal power
1.1.16 Temperature/Humidity: supply,
0°C to fan, heater
50°C, 85%and

1.1.17 Power supply PoE, 12VDC ,DC adaptor supplied by

manufacturer and PoE support
1.1.18 Security:-, User ID & Password protection, IP address
filtering, HTTPS, digest authentication user

1.1.19 Power consumption access log

<=12 Watt
1.1.20 Other features D o m e preset positions (20 min.), video
motion detection (VMD), event/alarm trigger
with pre &
post recording facility, dual , multicasting
1.1.21 Protocol supported IPv4,
1.1.22 Web Browser Support Internet explorer , Chrome, Firefox and other
1.1.23 Standard: IEEE802.11a/b/g/n and DHCP client, SSH,
1.1.24 Electrical Safety: Built-in surge and lightning protection.
1.1.25 Alarm:- Camera Tamper Detection
1.1.26 Updating: Remote firmware updates, Smart Coding: yes
1.1.27 Warranty 7 ×24, 5 years

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7.7.4 IP Video Camera–PTZ
Table 1.32: IP-NETWORK PTZ CAMERA(qty=6)
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Complian
Image Sensor 1/2.8 inch 2 MP CMOS ce
Max. Resolution 2MP, 1920(H) x 1080(V)
Scanning System Progressive
Electronic Shutter Speed 1/25~1/10000
IR Distance 4~8m
Lens Type Motorized/ Auto Iris(DC)
License Plate Recognition Embedded
Detection model Loop or video detection
Snapshot Overview and cutout of plate for picture
OSD overlay Time, place, plate number, lane No
White list 10000 recording
Barrier control 1 inch relay out to control the barrier
Ethernet RJ-45 (10/100Base-T)
Interoperability CGI, SDK, Onvif
Max. User Access >=20
Web Viewer IE8,IE9,IE10,IE11,Chrome V33, V41
Compression H.264M/H.264H/H.264B H265

Resolution 1080P(1920x1080)
Frame Rate 1080P(1 ~ 25/30fps WDR on; 1 ~ 50/60fps WDR
Bit Rate Control CBR
off VBR
Bit Rate H.264: 80K bps~ 10Mbps
Day/Night Auto(ICR) / Color / B/W
BLC Mode BLC,HLC,WDR(120db)
Gain Control Auto/Manual
Noise Reduction 3D
Audio Interface Input/output 1 Input / 1 Output
Power Consumption <15W (with IR on, motorized lens working)
Ingress Protection & IP66
Vandal Resistance

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Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Complian
Camera type Color IP-Network PTZ Camera within built ce
LAN connectivity
Sensor type CCD, 440000 (752x582) pixels or better
Resolution 2CIF, CIF and QCIF or 640x480,320x240
and 160x120 (4CIF, 704x576, 352x288 &
176x144 desirable)
Video compression M-JPEG/MPEG-4, H.264 H265
Pan angle + 170° (360° endless desirable)
Tilt angle 0° to 90°
F-number 1.6 (wide) or better
Viewing angle 48° (wide) minimum
Optical zoom 18x or higher
Illumination Color: 0.5 lux, B/W: 0.001 lux
(minimum) or better
White balance Auto/Manual
Aperture/Iris Auto/Manual, with AGC
Day/Night functions Auto/Manual
Interface Ethernet 10BaseT/100BaseTx. RJ45 port
Configurability From central server/computer through
Ethernet/LAN with password Authentication
Camera controls From central server/computer through
Ethernet/LAN including PTZ Function
Enclosure Outdoor, weatherproof, vandal proof, clear
dome type, industrial grade & compliant to
IP66 with internal power supply, fan, heater and
Temperature/Humidity blower
0° C to 50° C, 85% RH (non-condensing)
Power supply 230 volts AC, 50 Hz, Mains or Original
DC adaptor supplied by manufacturer and/or PoE
Other features PTZ preset positions (20 min.), video motion
detection, event/alarm trigger with pre & post
recording facility, dual video, streaming,

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Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Complian
Protocol supported RTP/IP, UDP/IP, TCP/IP,IPV4/IPV6 multicast ce
IP, DNS and DHCP client, TELNET
ONVIF Along with the Camera shall confirm to the
ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum)
Electrical Safety Built-in surge and lightning protection
Alarm Camera Tamper Detection
Updating Remote firmware updates.
Warranty 3 years


Table 1.33: Fixed camera(qty=20).
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Compliance

Camera Fixed Day and Night Full HD/1080p Color

IP camera
Alternate Camera specification Box type IP Day/Night camera
Image Sensor 1/2.8" 2 Mega pixels CMOS or better
Effective Pixels 1930(H)×1088(V); High speed, long
distance real-time transmission
Electronic Shutter 1/50s~1/100,000s
Video Frame Rate 25fps@1080P
Min. Illumination 0.01Lux@F1.2(AGC ON), 0Lux IR on
Video Output 1-channel BNC HDCVI high definition
video output
Focal Length 2.8mm
Power Supply DC12V±20%
Power Consumption Max 2.5W
Working Environment -30°C~+60°C
Picture Elements / Video Resolution 1920(H) x 1080(V)
Shutter Speed 1~ 1/50000 sec
Latest Imager 1/2.8” CCD or better
Minimum Color illumination 0.25 lux for Color and 0.15 Lux for B/W
for deliverance of video captured in very
low luminous environment/conditions

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Use MPEG-4 compression, with
H265 or better
controllable frame rate and
bandwidth to efficiently manage
bandwidth and storage requirements
while delivering the best image
quality and resolution
Support bi-directional Audio, with Line In/Out
video resolutions 704x576
phone jack(4 CIF)
704x244 (2 CIF)
352x244 (CIF)
Support Network Protocols IPv4, HTTP, TCP, RTSP, RTP, UDP,
Bonjour, IGMP;
AGC ranging 10-30 dB or better
Signal/Noise Ratio > 50 Db or better
Back light Compensation off/on selectable
Automatic Electronic Shutter with 1/50 to 1/100,000 sec (PAL) and
speed ranging controllable as Auto/Manual;
White Balance ATW (2800 -8000K), and other modes
like User Fixed (preset – 4700 K),
AWC(Auto or Manual), Fluorescent (4200
K), MWB (Manual Mode), Indoor (3200K
Network connectivity Ethernet, 10/100 Base T, Autosensing
), Outdoor (6300 K) or better
Wide Focal Length IR corrected lens at least 5 to 50 mm or better with auto
IRIS control;
Settings on Screen Display for Camera programming
Accept options 12VDC or 24 VAC as input power and at
the same time also be PoE 802.3af
compliant and; Camera Tamper Detection
C/CS mount Lens 3.5 mm ~ 8mm with DC Auto Iris
support,Full HD and IR Corrected

Video Streaming Minimum

Dual H.264illumination 1 Lux @ F2.0
Simultaneously H.264 + MJPEG
Resolution H.264: 1920x1080, MJPEG: 1920x1080

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frame rate H.264:@ 25/30 fps/@ 25/30 fps MJPEG
30/25 FPS @ HDTV/ SVGA/ VGA/
30/25 FPS @ UXGA at both H.264/
Image Setting Brightness Manual yes
MJPEG resolutions
White Balance Auto / Manual yes
Digital Zoom 1x ~ 12x yes
Image Rotation Flip, Mirror, and 180 yes
Degree Rotate
Motion detection ON/OFF
Privacy Mask ON/OFF
Alarm Input 5V 10kQ pull UP
Privacy Mask Type Mosaic, Transparent, Color
Output Photo Relay Output 300VDC/AC
Network Interface 10/100Mb Ethernet (RJ-45)
Audio Two-way Audio
Protocol supported HTTP, HTTPS, TCP/IP, IPv4, SMTP,FTP,
Password Levels User
Telnet and Administrator, Https
Internet Browser Internet Explorer
Operating Temperature 0°C ~ 50°C
Humidity 10% to 85%, Non Condensing
Power Source DC12V adaptor should be from original
manufacturer or inbuilt 230V AC,
50Hz and/or PoE support
Housing for Camera (Enclosure) Aluminum Alloy, Weather Proof, Vandal
Proof, IP66 with Inbuilt blower and heater
Sharpness & Contrast Manual
Warranty 3 years

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7.8 IP: based Joystick with Controller
Table: 1.34 IP: based Joystick with Controller (optional)

(26).IP base Joystick with Controller (qty=1)

Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications Compliance

Joy stick Controller: Three axis ,two button Hall

IP68-rated outdoor casing.
Minimum Programmable Buttons: 8
Interface: RJ45/USB
Joy stick Travel:- 36°(18°from center)
Centering:- Singles pring, Omni-directional
Housing: High impact, glass-filled nylon
Lifecycles: 10,000,000 hr or higher
Operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C
7.9 Workstations and accessories for Central monitoring Station
Table 1.35 : Workstation
(29). Workstations and accessories for Central monitoring Station (qty=1)
for access control add 1

Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications compliance

INTEL 3560 Xeon 3.2 GHZ (or higher), 8 MB min. Cache, 4 core, 4.8 Gt-
Memory 16 GB DDR3 UDIMM, RDIMM 1600 MHz,
expandable to 32 GB
HDD (SATA): 1 TB x 3 nos HDD (7200 rpm, 16MB cache) (For data
app. and O/S)
MB based Storage Controller SATA Controller with RAID 0, 1.
Graphic Card NVIDIA Quadra FX 580, PCI X16, with DVI-d,
HDMI outputs. 27” LED color monitor, aperture grill, anti-
Resolution 2560 x1400 @60Hz or better, 24 bits color

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Energy star compliant & DVI-D, HDMI compatible
compatible with graphic card
Keyboard Standard Keyboard
Mouse Optical Scroll Mouse
PCI Slots 4 PCI/PCI Express including 1 PCI Express X 16
Bays Total 4 Bays (2 internal, 2 external)
Ports 6 USB 2.0, RJ-45, audio in, audio out, mic in)
Cabinet Mini tower
Blue Ray Blue Ray writer
Optical Drive 8 X DVD writer
Networking Integrated 100/1000 GB/s port
Speakers and Microphone for
multimedia Support
Power supply 500 watts
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Professional preloaded (with
OEM PACK media.)
OS Certifications Windows 10 Logo and Red Hat or Sues Linux
100/1000 Tx network Interface, Dual print mode, USB
& Parallel port, Windows operating system compatible
Network Interface 100/1000 T network Interface
Media for Backup DVD media – 8.4 GB & Blue ray media 25GB, - 100
nos each
7.10 Network Video Recorder
Table 1.36: Network Video recorder specifications (qty=1)
Requirement Minimum specifications compliance Ref.
descriptions Page
Product feature Network Video Recorder Server
Support >=280 Mpbs ( recording, viewing & Export) to
support IP and analog video
Camera Streams Supports up to 100 IP Camera Streams; up to 20
Analog Cameras per server
Main Processor Quad-core embedded processor
Cache memory 4x2 Mb
Internal memory 8GB RAM DDR3/4

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Requirement Minimum specifications compliance Ref.
descriptions Page
Software Optimized to Support NVs Software & Integrated
into the NVR Hardware
Recording Records H.264, MJPEG, and MPEG-4 IP Streams

Expandability Expandable by Networking an Unlimited Number

(Dependent on Available Network Bandwidth)
Internal Storage Up to 8 TB internal per server
Operating System Embedded LINUX ,and support other operating
IP Camera Input 32-64 Channel and support Various camera models.
BNC port
Video frame rate 1-25fps/PAL/1-30fps/NTSC
Encode control: Fixed code rate, variable code rate
optional Video rate: 48Kbps~2048Kbps
Life display rate Upto 420 fps
Stream type: Video audio hybrid
Interface 1 RJ-45 Port (10/100/1000Mbps)/HDMI, VGA ,VDI
and others
Resolution HDMI1: 3840 × 2160 , 1920 × 1080 , 1280 ×
1024,1280 × 720 , 1024 × 768
VGA1: 1920 × 1080 , 1280 × 1024,
1280 × 720 , 1024 × 768
HDMI2/VGA2: 1920 × 1080
HDMI2/VGA2: 1920 × 1080
Decoding Capability 4-ch@6MP(30fps),16-ch@1080P (30fps)
Multi-screen Display 1st Screen: 16CH: 1/4/8/9/16
32CH: 1/4/8/9/16/25/36
64CH: 1/4/8/9/16/25/36/64
OSD Camera title,1/4/8/9/16
2nd Screen: Time, Camera lock, Motion detection,
Compression Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
network Support Gigabit Ethernet
Two-way Talk 1 Channel Input, 2 Channel Output, RCA

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Requirement Minimum specifications compliance Ref.
descriptions Page
Bit Rate 16Kbps ~ 20Mbps Per Channel
Resolution 12MP, 8MP, 6MP, 5MP, 4MP, 3MP, 1080P, 1.3MP,
720P, D1 etc.
Record Mode Manual, Schedule (Regular, MD(Motion Detection) ,
Alarm, IVS), Stop
Sync Playback 1/4/9/16
Record Interval 1 ~ 120 min (default: 60 min), Pre-record: 1 ~ 30 sec,
Post-record: 10 ~ 300 sec
Alarm input 16 Channel
Relay Output 6 Channel
Third-party Support Are count Vision, Air live, AXIS, Canon, Dyna
color, JVC, LG, Panasonic, Pelco, PSIA, Samsung,
Sanyo, Sony, Watchnet and more
Search Mode Time /Date, Alarm, MD and Exact Search (accurate
to second)
Video Detection Motion Detection, MD Zones: 396 (22 × 18), Video
Loss and Tampering
Playback Function Play, Pause, Stop, Rewind, Fast play, Slow Play,
Next File, Previous File, Next Camera, Previous
Camera, Full Screen, Backup Selection, Digital

Trigger Events Zoom

Recording, PTZ, Tour, Alarm Out, Video Push,
Email, Snapshot, Buzzer and Screen Tips
PoE 16 ports (IEEE802.3af/at)
1-8 ports support ePoE & EoC
Network Function HTTP, HTTPS, TCP/IP, IPv4/IPv6, UPnP, SNMP,
PPPoE, DDNS, FTP, Alarm Server, IP Search
(Support Dahua IP camera, DVR, NVS, etc.), P2P
Max. User Access 300 users
Smart Phone iPhone, iPad, Android
Interoperability ONVIF 2.4, SDK, CGI

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Requirement Minimum specifications compliance Ref.
descriptions Page
Internal HDD 8 SATA III Ports, Up to 10 TB capacity for each
USB 4 USB Ports (2 Rear USB 3.0 , 2 Front USB 2.0 )
RS232 1 Port, for PC Communication and Keyboard
RS485 1 Port, for PTZ Control
Power Supply Single, AC100V ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60 Hz
Fan Smart fan, automatically adjust running speed
Operating Conditions -10°C ~ +55°C (+14°F ~ +131°F), 86 ~ 106kpa
Storage Conditions -20°C ~ +70°C (-4°F ~ +158°F), 0 ~ 90% RH
Power Consumption NVR: <17.5W (Without HDD)
PoE: Max 25.5W for single port
150W total rated power, 80% control for protection
Warranty 8 ×24, 5 years

7.11. Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Table 1.38 Network attached Storage specifications
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications compliance
Storage >=80 TB raw unformatted
Capacity and expandable up to
160 TB
Vendor to Populate require nos. of 80 TB yes
HDD's to achieve 160 TB raw capacity + 1 Hot
Spare drive support c) CPU should be
Multicore processor
Should have Dual Redundant Power Supplies yes
preloaded in the offered device
Interface Gigabit Ethernet
USB 3.0 expansion port (x2)
Support For Browsers Internet Explorer® 10 or higher
Safari® 6 or higher
Firefox 30 or higher
Google Chrome 31 or higher
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Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications compliance
Support includes Network Attached Storage
Ethernet cable
AC adapter Quick Install Guide
Memory >=16 GB ECC RAM
Support for SATA-III Drives Minimum
12 Drives in a 2U enclosure
Hot-swappable and lockable trays for HDD's yes
port Minimum 2 nos. of 10 Gb/s
Ethernet ports and ports should
have network support for Auto
Failover, Round robin, 802.3AD
USB link Aggregation
USB3.0 Ports - minimum 2 nos.
for Connecting Backup Devices
such as USB HDD's
RAID It should support DHCP Server to
support DHCP clients and inbuilt
routing capability’s) RAID levels

Hot-swap and Hot Spare Drive support m) Disk 0/1/5/6

Background volume check yes
web browsers Support: HTTP and HTTPS for
web browsers, FTP and FTPS
Depth of Soft and Hard Soil trench: - 3 Feet x 1 Feet.
Length of OFC cable to be laid 4.00 kms approximately
Operating system Supports Windows, Mac,
Linux/UNIX clients, CIFS/SMB
for Windows and Mac OS X
Route indicators (Metallic) O22FC cable are to Be placed for
every 100 meter
The Pits are to be covered back on both sides yes
after Work Completion

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Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications compliance
All the Location in the building where the
Network Switches are terminated. OFC cables to
be terminated fully for all cores in proper LIU’s
using SC Adapter plates / Couplers and pigtails.
Online File System Consistency Check required
iSCSI target supported over Ethernet Port to required
archive SAN Functionality
Joint indicators for OFC cable are to be placed required
for every OFC joint
Cameras will be connected through OFC gigabit required
ring. v3 for Linux/UNIX required
OFC cable has to be spliced and jointed required
Wherever required and tested by the vendor
OFC will be routed in ring mode across required
buildings & all
Warranty 7 ×24, 5 years

8. For CCTV
Table 1.39: 70 inch wall mounted LED TV
70 inch wall mounted LED TV(qty=4)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Screen type LED
Screen size 70 inch
resolution >=1080dpi
Screen refresh rate 120HZ
Contrast ratio Maximum 4million :1
speakers >=2
Speaker output power 20W
AV input/output 3-HDMI
Ethernet port yes

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8.7 Name display screen System
This Out Door LED system is to display the name of the AAPC subcity office both front and side
direction at the top of the building. The pixel distance for the LED display is proportional the viewing
distance that is visble about 500m from the building.
The size of the screen should be:-
 Quantity is two 10.24 Meter widith and 1.5 Meter height

8.8 Meeting hall sound system

Tabel 1.40: HD 4 Channel Mixed Matrix Switcher(qty=1)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
CPU ARM microprocessor
COM port 4th DB9 male port, two-way transmission of the RS-
232, the RS-485 and RS-422 signals.
Infrared IR port >=8 terminal modules, 16PIN output pin and any better
AV-NET port 2 terminal modules, 4PIN headers, support AV-NET
control bus, and provide DC24V / 1A output power.
Input/output number of cards 2/4
Support input/output card S-2HDMI-I , S-2DVI-I , S-2VGAU-I , S-2DVIU-I ,
S-2SDI-I , S-2RJ45-I , S-2OPS-I , S-WIFI-I, etc.
Power source AC 100 ~ 240V, 50/60 Hz.
Matrix power 50W
Central control power 65W
Chassis size 1-2 U
Warranty 7 ×24, 5 years
Table 1.41: Power supply
Power supply
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
power supply mode DC 12-24V or AC 100-240V
leakage short circuit protection 25A-32A bus leakage circuit breaker
channel switch support
on / off / lock switch control support
Cabinet installation 1-2 U
WARRENTY 7 ×24, 5 years
Table 1.42: Programmable control host

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Programmable control host (qty=1)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Processor-CPU ARM microprocessor
COM port 8th DB9 male port, two-way transmission of the
RS-232 , the RS-485 and RS-422 signals.
Infrared IR port 8 terminal modules, 16PIN output pin.
Input I / O port 8 terminal blocks, 9PIN output pin, with protection
circuit, support 0-5V digital input signal.
Weak current relay port 8 terminals, 16PIN output pin, normally open
independent relay, rated 1A / 30V AC / DC.

Expansion slot 2 multi-function expansion slots,

support all expansion cards
Computer Management 1 MINIUSB1.1 (compatible with USB2.0 ) and
port interfaces ,1 DB9 female port
1 MINIUSB (compatible 2.0 ) interface (front
Power source AC 100 ~ 240V , 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 130W
warranty 7 ×24, 5 years
Table 1.42: Conference system host
Conference system host (qty=1)
Requirement Minimum specification Compliance
description method RS-232, 9- pin female D -type connector
Baud rate: 38400 bit/s(PC/ other equipment
control ) , 9600 bit / s ( camera tracking )
Protocol Start bit: 1 bit;
Data bits: 8 bits;
Stop bit: 1 bit;
Power source AC 110V-240V , 50Hz / 60Hz
Static power 8-10W
Maximum power <=350W
Output Power ≤ 110W / 24V each
Audio output Impedance: 100 Ω; Mode: Unbalanced
Microphone input Impedance: 100K [Omega; level: - 60 dB ;
ways: Unbalanced
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Frequency response 20Hz-25KHz
Signal to noise ratio > 80dB
Harmonic distortion <0.5%
Over-carrier distortion <1%
Heavy volume 2- 2.8KG
Warranty 3years
Table 1.44: Desktop Chairman / Delegate Unit

Desktop Chairman / Delegate Unit(qty=1)

Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Unit interface 8 core aviation head
Power source DC 24V ( powered by the host )
Power consumption <=3W
Headphone output >=3.5mm socket
Speaker power >=3W
Microphone type Capacitive diaphragm
Signal to noise ratio (S / N) > 80dB
Crosstalk attenuation > 80dB
Loss true <0.10%
Frequency response 20Hz-25KHz
Equivalent noise ≈ 20dB SPL
Sensitivity -22dBv / Pa
Warranty 3years
Table1.44: Desktop Discussion Unit
Desktop Discussion Unit(qty=1)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Frequency response 20Hz-25KHz
Effective sound-receiving distance 0mm-650mm
Power supply DC 12v-24V
Chairman unit with highest priority to support
control in order of conference
Power consumption Maximum 3W
Signal to noise ratio (S / N) > 80dB
Crosstalk attenuation > 80dB

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Loss true <0.10%
Warranty 3years
Table 1.45: Wireless Conference Host
Wireless Conference Host(qty=1)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Carrier frequency band UHF770 - 820MHz
Modulation FM
Effective working distance >= 60 meters
Oscillation mode PLL phase locked frequency synthesis
Sensitivity The offset >= 25KHz
Enter At 6dBV , S / N> 60dB
Band width >=30MHz
Maximum offset + -45KHz
Comprehensive S / N ratio > 100dB
Comprehensive THD <0.7% @ 1KHz
Comprehensive frequency response 45HZ -18KHZ + -1dB
powered by DC12-18V
Table 1.46: Dual Channel True Diversity Wireless Microphone
Dual Channel True Diversity Wireless Microphone(qty=2)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Number of channel groups Dual channel
±0.005% , PLL phase-locked loop
Frequency stability frequency control
Carrier frequency band UHF 620-850 MHz
Factory preset channels Up to 32 preset channels
Effective working distance Generally >=90 meters (open space)
Oscillation mode PLL phase-locked loop frequency control
Sensitivity Offset is equal
to 25KHz, input 6dBμV time , S / N>

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Band width >=30MHz
Maximum offset ± 45KHz
Comprehensive S / N ratio >105dB

Comprehensive THD <0.7% @ 1KHz

Comprehensive frequency response 45Hz ~18KHz ± 3dB

powered by 100-240V AC50 / 60 Hz, 10W
Table 1.47: Amplifier
Amplifier(qty=1) Qty=2

Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance

Input Impedance: balanced 20 KOm, unbalanced: 10 KOm
Frequency response 60Hz-20KHz
Input Sensitivity 0dB (0.775V to power)
Dumping factor 250 / 1,1KHz / 8Om
Signal / noise ratio > 103 db
Power 8Om Stereo 2 x (300W-400W)
Power 4Om Stereo 2 x (500W-700W)
Power 8Om Bridged 2x(1200W-1400W)
Power Supply AC 220V-240V(+10%) / 50-60Hz

Table 1.48: Power sequencer 8 channel

Power sequencer 8 channel (qty=1)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Power Capacity Up to 1800 W
Maximum Load 15 Amps / 1800 W (@ 120 VAC)
Delay Time 0.5 to 2.0 Second Variable Pot
Remote Switch On/Off Function
Remote Terminal Rear Mounted 4-pin Connector
Line Filtering RFI / EMI
Power Requirements 105 to 125 VAC / 60 Hz
Power Capacity <=1800 W
Maximum Load 15 Amps / 1800 W (@ 120 VAC)
Outlets 8 x Rear Mounted Individually Sequenced Outlets,
1 x Front Mounted Unswitched
Delay Time 0.5 to 2.0 Second Variable Pot

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Remote Switch On/Off Function
Table 1.49: Digital Audio Processor
Digital Audio Processor(qty=1)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Audio Inputs 8pcs, Mic / Line
Audio Outputs 8pcs, Line
Management Interface LAN / RS232 / RS485
Sampling rate: 40KHZ-48KHZ/24Bit
D/A DYN range >=116dB
I/O DYN range >=112dB
power 110-130 AC(+10%) 50-60HZ
Power consumption <=60W
Table 1.50: Column wall –mount speaker
Column wall –mount speaker(qty=7)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Rated Power Output 36 / 18 / 9 W (54 W Max)
output 114 dB
Frequency Range 160 Hz to 19 kHz (-10 dB)
Input Voltage 100 V / 70 V
Impedance 278 Ohms
Power capacity Maximum 60W
System Sensitivity Maximum 87 dB
Operating Temperature -13 to +131°F (-25 to +55°C) (< 95% Relative
Table 1.51: Surface mount speaker
Surface mount speaker( qty=2)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Power Rating 400W-600W Program
Peak Power Capacity <=1200W
Impedance >=8 ohms
Inputs >=2 x speak ON/1/4” Combo
Frequency Range 55Hz-19kHz
Crossover Frequency >=2.2kHz
Maximum Peak SPL >=128dB
Horizontal Coverage Angle >=90 Degrees
Vertical Coverage Angle >=50 Degrees
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Warranty 3years
Table 1.52: LCD Laser projector

LCD Laser projector(qty=1)

Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Size of effective display area 0.95” (24.1 mm) x 3 Bright Era LCD Panel,
Aspect ratio: 16:10
Number of pixels >= 1920 x 1200 pixels
Focus Focus Powered / Manual (Depend on lens)
Zoom Zoom - Powered/Manual Powered / Manual
(Depend on lens)
Lens shift Lens shift - Powered/Manual Powered /
Manual (Depend on lens)
Filter cleaning / replacement 20000 H *2 (cleaning)
Cycle (Max.)
Screen size 40” to 600” (1.02 m to 15.24 m) (measured
Light output :Lamp high High 7000 lm
Light output :Lamp mode Standard 5600 lm
Color Light output: Lamp high Minimum High 7000 lm
Color Light output: Lamp mode Minimum 5600 lm
Contrast ratio (full white / full 8000:1
Displayable screen frequency Horizontal 14 kHz to 93 kHz
Vertical 47 Hz to 93 Hz
Input/Output RGB / Y PB PR input connector
DVI-D input connector
HDMI input connector
S VIDEO IN S-video input connector
VIDEO IN Video input connector
OUTPUT Monitor output connector*5:

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Support LAN RJ-45, 10BASE-T/100BASE-
Power Requirements AC 100 V to 240 V, 5.0 A to 2.1 A, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption AC 220 V Lamp mode: High: minimum 476 W
to 240 v

Table.1.53 LED 70” Wall mounted TV ffor meeting hall

Requirement description Minimum specification Complianc

70 inch wall mounted LED TV (qty-1)
Screen type LED
Screen size 70 inch
Resolution >=1080dpi
Screen refresh rate 120HZ
Contrast ratio Maximum 4million :1
Speakers >=2
Speaker output power 20W
AV input/output 3-HDMI
Ethernet port yes

8.9 Technical specification for Interrogation system

Security User accounts to protect against unauthorized access. Each interview is logged and
tagged with an owner allowing users with administrator access to easily analyze and
Cameras Primary
verify thesuspect-view camera and room-overview cameras: Dome
chain of evidence.
cameras with vari-focal lens for adjustment of zoom and three-tax
adjustment for setting custom position of the camera angle. High-
resolution color camera with 700 lines at 0.0003 lux.

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Network Remote monitoring of live interviews via web browser from any PC on your local
Viewing network.
Maximum simultaneous viewers per room: Seven
Audio Microphones: Two microphones
Streaming bandwidth: wall-mount
800 K bits/second microphones,
resembling light switches, provide stereo, low-
impedance, balanced audio for clear audio recording without hum
One Touch The system
pickup features two loss
or high-frequency setseven for long cable runs.
Operation of indicator lights, one set in
and the interview room and one
Monitoring set outside the room. The In-
room indicator light before
the recording is started (left)
and while a recording is in
In-Room Indicator Lights
progress (right).
Recordings cannot be stopped
using the push button on the
indicator light. The push
button is used to start a
recording. In order to stop a
recording, you must click the
recording Stop button in the
Outside of Room Indicator Lights
Interviewer software program.

Specifications Stereo Shotgun Microphone

Requirement description Minimum specification Complianc
Elements Fixed-charge back plate, permanently-polarized
Polar Patterns Line-cardioid, Figure-of-eight
Frequency Response 40 - 20,000Hz
Low Frequency Roll-Off 80Hz, 12dB/octave

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Open Circuit Sensitivity Mid: -30dB (31.6mV) re 1V @ 1Pa; Side: -34dB
(19.9mV) re 1V @ 1Pa; LR Stereo: -36dB (15.8mV)
re 1V @ 1Pa
Impedance 200Ω
Maximum Input Sound Mid: 123dB SPL, 1kHz @ 1% T.H.D.; Side: 127dB
Level SPL, 1kHz @ 1% T.H.D.; LR Stereo: 126dB SPL,
1kHz @ 1% T.H.D.
Dynamic Range (typical) Mid: 101dB, 1kHz @ Max SPL; Side: 101dB, 1kHz
@ Max SPL; LR Stereo: 102dB, 1kHz @ Max SPL
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Mid: 72dB SPL, 1kHz @ 1Pa; Side: 68dB SPL, 1kHz
@ 1Pa; LR Stereo: 70dB SPL, 1kHz @ 1Pa
Phantom Power 11-52VDC, 4mA typical at 48V, each channel
Switches M-S, LR Stereo-Wide (LR-W),
LR Stereo-Narrow (LR-N); Flat, roll-off
Output Connector Integral XLR5M-type
Cable Dual 24" shielded 2-conductor, terminated in two
XLR3M-type connectors

8.9.1 Interrogation room

Decoration requirement
 One table, two comfortable chairs,
 clock on wall and air ventilation system
 Light
 Huge glass window, the two-way mirror should be placed at a height of about five feet; the
subject should not be able to see his own reflection in the mirror when seated.
 The walls and ceiling should be well insulated to dampen outside noises
 For a floor covering, a short fiber carpet works well in that it absorbs sound and is easy to
 Head phones and speaker
 Access control for the room
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8.9.2 System requirements
 Live streaming view pause and record again functionality
 The HD cameras must show the suspect in all angle of view
 The microphone should be install at the ceiling or under the table
 Real time NVR recording up to 1000 Hours
 Fast download for the recording
 Searching mechanism from archive based on suspect name, case and date of interview
 Export the recording to DVD ,USB, or external hard drive
 Two chair and table

9. Video Conference Room and IP VSS Required Materials

The specification of video conference and IP VSS materials are expected from the bidder.
Minimum Required materials for video conference room:
- Video input : video camera
- Video output: plasma television and projector
- Audio input: microphones, CD/DVD player, cassette player, or any other source of Pre Amp
audio outlet.
- Audio output: loudspeakers associated with the display device or telephone
- Terminals that process the data.
- Mixer
Table1.54: Video conference specifications
(23)Video conference specification(qty=1) Compliance
Requirement descriptions Minimum specifications
Brand To be specified
System capacity (equipped)  6party (5 remote + 1 host) Video conferencing with
and type multi-party license
• Rack mountable
Video Standards • Full HD
H.261, codec
H.263, H.264, H.264 High Profile
Support for people + content using standards based

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Inputs Video
(Video/Audio/Data) • 1xHD input for connecting main HD camera
• 1x HDMI 1.3
• 1 x VGA
• Microphone input port (suitable for 4 Mic arrays)
• 1x HDCI
Outputs (Video/Audio) Video
• 2 xstereo
• 1x 3.5mm HDMIline
• 1xHDMI
High Definition Support Yes • 1x 3.5mm stereo line out
Electrical Auto Sensing 115/230V@50/60Hz
Dimensions 13.87"(H)x5.08"(W)x11.00"(D)
Weight 20.3lbs
Screen LED 70 inch
Bandwidth Usage Point-to-Point @ 6Mbps
• Total bandwidth supported should be 6 Mbps
• It should give Standard Definition for Multiparty call.

Network Interface 10Mbps /100Mbps /1 Gbps auto NIC (RJ-45)

• H.323 at 6 Mbps
• Lost packet recovery
camera • ½.33" CMOS, 1920x1080 (1080p)
• 12x optical zoom,
• Auto Focus
• 60- 85 degree or better
• 30- 36 degree or better
• Pan should be +100 to -100 degrees
• Must have tilt range of +20 to -30 degrees
Number of Cameras 2• Min Illumination : 50 Lux
supported • Focal length – f=3.76 – 37.6 mm

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Video Resolution HD720p 60 from 832 kbps, HD1080p 30 from 1024
kbps, HD1080p 60 from 1740 kbps. 4SIF/CIF 30,
Content Resolution Input: HD1080p,WSXGA, SXGA, HD720p, XGA,
Output: WSXGA, SXGA, HD and XGA
Audio Standard Stereo sound
• 22kHz crystal clear audio
• 14 kHz bandwidth with G.722.1 Annex C
• 7 kHz bandwidth with G.722, G.722.1
• 3.4 kHz bandwidth with G.711, G.728, G.729A
• Automatic Gain Control, Automatic Noise
• Keyboard noise reduction
Other Standards H.224/H.281,
• Audio Error H.323 , H.225,
Concealment H.245,Adaptation
• Instant H.241, H.239,
H.243, H.460, BFCP (RFC 4562)
Media encryption AES 128 and AES 256
Security • System Management by web interface, SNMP
• Authenticated access to admin and web interface
• Local account password
• Network intrusion detection system
Number of audio inputs 2-Digital,
PC line-in
H.235v3, H.233/234
Number of microphones 2
Automatic Gain Control Yes
Noise Suppressions Yes
Audio Outputs 1-HDMI embedded, 1-RCA L+R
Standards Shall be configured on IPV4 and it should be ready for
IPV6 in future and Ethernet,
Data Rates 10/100/1000
Interface H.323, SIP, H.350, XMPP presence
Max call rate No limit
Directory Services Support Yes

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Remote Management HTTP/HTTPS, SNMP, CMA, XML provisioning over
NB. The bidder shall supply one MCU for HQ data center. It is not part of this project.

N.B all the equipment’s of the video conference must deliver with rack mountable kits with full
Table 1.55: HD video conferencing endpoints (bundle)
HD video conferencing endpoints (bundle)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Resolution 1080p @ 60 fps from 1Mbps
1080p @ 30 fps from 512 Kbps (Optional)
1080i @ 60 fps from 512 Kbps (Optional)

Vedio coding standard 720p @ 50/60

H.264,SVC andfps from 512 Kbps(Optional)
Dual stream Dual 1080p @ 60 fps ; Dual 1080p @ 30 fps
(Optional); Dual 720p @ 30 fps
Video Inputs 1 x HD-VI / DVI
1 x HDMI / DVI
1 x VGA/YpbPr
Video Outputs 2 x HDMI / DVI
1 x VGA/YpbPr
Audio Inputs 1 x XLR
2 x RCA
1 x HDMI
1 x HD-AI (Mic Array/Audio external)
Audio Outputs
5x RCA
2 x HDMI
Audio coding standard G.722,G.722.1,MPEG-4,G.823 and etc
Interfaces 10/100/1000 Base-T, 2 x RJ45;
PSTN(#): 1 x RJ11
Wireless: Built-in Wi-Fi;

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2 x RS232 COM;
2×USB 2.0 Host
Multi-view 2-view
Bandwidth 64kbps8Mbps
Working voltage 100V to 240V AC
Working frequency 50 Hz to 60 Hz
Power consumption >=60 W
End point support Multi point call and continous presence
Web based management for vedio conference
Microphone support At least 1
Camera support At least 1

Table 1.56: 70 inch wall mounted LED TV

70 inch wall mounted LED TV(qty=2)
Requirement description Minimum specification Compliance
Screen type LED
Screen size 70 inch
resolution >=1080dpi
Screen refresh rate 120HZ
Contrast ratio Maximum 4million :1
speakers >=2
Speaker output power 20W
AV input/output 3-HDMI
Ethernet port yes

10. Jail management information system this one should be out

System requirements
 The management system must have five modules one is the suspect registration system with
automatically generated ID
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 Two the inmate visitors module, this module must have the form to fill the suspect name ,visitors
name ,ID, kefele ketema/worda/house number, sex, Date of birth visitor relationship with the
suspect and phone number
 Third module user
The user should be registered and given password and user name and privilege level to them
 Fourth module
The inmate visitors and inmates report viewing and searching
Searching the visors and inmates based on name, Date of Birth, gender and ID
The reports must generate with PDF and EXEL format
 The Fifth module the inmate phone assign
Assign the inmate phone to the visitors based on registration and call initialization and call termination
time should be set on the system
Once the call is stop the communication must be terminated and the session must be stop.

11. Inmate Prison Phone System specification

11.1 General Technical Requirements

General Requirements
1. The system shall be a Windows-based, easy to use application.
2. The proposed system shall allow inbound calls, only.
3. The system shall include visitation phones for two cubicles to allow the inmate to talk to a visitor
separated by a partition. This will require six (6) phones. Conversations should not be recorded in the
same manner as the other inmate phones.
4. The proposed system shall allow inmate calls to be restricted according to the department rule.
5. The users – inmate and called party – shall be notified of limit in advance of the system terminating
the call.
6. The proposed system shall permit speed dials to be programmed alert or other emergency alerts
deemed appropriate by the police commission authority.
7. If the system needs any construction work or partition wall the bidder have the responsibility to do
System Security

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1. The proposed system must be programmed for auto shut-off when the time is up.
2. The sub city police office personnel must be able to manually shut down the system in case of
3. The proposed system shall be password protected to permit only appropriate facility personnel
access to the system.

12. Qualification of the company/companies

12.1 General Qualification and experience of the company

 The company is expected to be a company or a group of companies who have legal license to
work in Ethiopia.

 The Bidder company/companies should:-

 Provide detailed company profile highlighting organization strength and technical expertise
and financial position.
 Provide a brief description of the company and an outline of recent experience on projects of a
similar nature, with focal contact person, email address, phone number and fax number of the
company for reference.
 Provide Prior work recommendation and goodwill award certificate.
 Provide at least ten (10) years solid experience in network supply, installation, and
implementation and CCTV camera implementations for large organization.

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 Submit the entire bid document in English language including supporting document,
certificates or any documentary evidence. If there is, any document rather than English
language should be legally translated otherwise non-responsive.
 Provide a combination of different qualified personnel is including project managers, technical
personals, and supportive staff assigned to this specific projects.
 In case of a consortium, the domain expertise of each team member from all companies and
sub-contractors shall be clearly stated in line with the project specific roles and responsibilities.
 The company shall provide assurance in writing that project team as designated and detailed in
the proposal shall not change during the conduct of the project. However, any change required
later shall be permissible with mutual consent and confirmation letter in writing.

12.2Consultant Qualifications (Key Personnel Qualification and Experience Requirements)

 The consultant shall provide a complete list showing the designation and professional
background of the staff having their qualification, experience, certification, and other related
references in the implementation of such project as well as list of project manager and the
project implementation team including professional skill matrix
 The team composition of the staff includes a combination of Project Manager, senior Network
/ communication engineers, supportive staff, CCTV specialist, System designers, storage and
system specialist and Security specialist.
Keynote: The bidder must submit educational qualification of the employees, special certificate of
the employees, CV, and there experience in detail.

11.2.1. Project Manager:

Project manager should have a minimum of MSC/BSc degree in Computer engineering, electrical
engineering, project management, Information Technology, Computer Science, Information systems
& related fields and having a general work experience at least 8/10 years in information technology
sectors of this, six (6) years in IT project work (Networking, CCTV, and related work). Besides, the
project managers should have Project management certification.

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12.3 Network Engineer/ communication Engineer:
The bidders propose at list four Network Engineer/communication Engineers for the project. The
minimum qualifications of those experts includes MSC/BSC degree in Computer engineering,
electrical engineering, project management, Information Technology, Computer Science,
Information systems, and related fields minimum 6/8 years of experience in network installation,
CCTV camera installation and related service. The employs should have certifications such as

12.4 Server and Storage Expert:

The bidder should assign at least four experts for storage and server configurations. The minimum
qualification for this expert is MSC/BSC degree in Computer engineering, electrical engineering,
Information Technology, Computer Science, Information systems, MIS and having experience of 6/8
year of this, three (3) years in server and storage configurations.
In addition to that the assigned personnel should deliver certification in storage management or
server and storage management certifications.

12.5 Communication Engineer/CCTV specialist

The bidder should assign at least four experts with a minimum of MSc/B.Sc. in Computer Science,
communication engineering, computer engineering, Information Technology, information science,
and related subject with a minimum of 6/8/ year’s direct experience. In addition to that, the assigned
personnel should be CCTV camera management certifications or Security certification.

12.6Security/system engineer

The bidders propose at list two securities engineer one for network and one for software position.
The minimum qualifications of those experts includes MSC/BSC degree in Computer engineering,
electrical engineering, project management, Information Technology, Computer Science, software
engineer, Information systems, and related fields minimum 8/10 years of experience in network
installation, CCTV camera installation ,software security ,and related service. Each employs should
have security certifications for the proposed assignment.

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12.7 Supportive staffs
The bidder proposed at least four employees for this project for general-purpose support. The
minimum qualification for those supports are BSC/BA degree in Business management IT or any
social sciences with at least four (4) years’ work experiences.

13. Work Progress Plan and Reporting Mechanism

The bidder reports the status of the project to the office at every milestone throughout the life of the

13.1 Inception report

The inception report start from first week after the agreement of work .This report shall include
analysis of key issues, problems, constraints, etc. that the project may encounter in each phase. The
report also includes a revised and detailed work plan for the assignment containing project
implementation methodologies, timing and outputs. The report shall be reviewed and approved by
AAPC and AASTA concerned bodies.
13.2 Weekly report
The weekly report covers activity carried out within the weeks, problems, and status of the
project against the proposed plan. The report also shows major deviations, major strength and action
necessary to be needed as recommendations. This report started from the date of the first week of the
12.1. Monthly Report:
The report shall cover general work progress against the work plan. It starts at the end of the first
month from the commencement of the project. The report shall cover work carried out, progress
against the work plan initial recommendation on issue encountered, recommendation and agreed
revised plan for the rest of the tasks.
13.3 Draft Final Report:
The report shall cover work carried out during the period of the assignment, recommendations and
deliverables. The report will be presented at a workshop to the concerned employee and
management body of AASTA and AAPC.
13.4 Final Reports:
The report shall be submitted four weeks after receiving consolidated comments on final draft report.

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Remark: All reports are to be provided in English with hard copy and softcopy (CD).The final
report and deliverables shall be provided in DVD and CD in addition to Hard copy.

14. Project Scheduling and deliverable

The overall project time-line must be estimated to fit shorter timeframes as much as possible for the
design, implementation, testing, commissioning, and execution as well as training phases.
 The project is expected to be completed less than 16 weeks from the date of signing of the
 The bidder is required to provide on-job training plan and strategy to accomplish the major
tasks within the project schedule.
 The bidder is also required to plan, prepare approach and methodology with details within
the requirement to deliver the project requirement functionalities.
 The bidder is required to submit detailed project schedule showing time required to achieve
various milestones during the execution of the project.

14.1 Deliverable
The bidder should submit any necessary document to the agency with both softcopy and hardcopy
during the whole cycle of the project life.
 Requirement analysis document that clearly shows the existing and proposed system.

 Video management software

 Network management software

 Provide Low Level Design Document for all systems.
 Provide inception document.
 Project schedule using Microsoft Management.
 Testing and Acceptance plan document
 Detailed Technical Specifications (Both Hardware and Software) with bill of material
 User Guides and Manuals
 Original Training Material (for end users and professionals)
 Support and maintenance procedure and strategy Document.

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 Configuration code
 Complete and full documentations for all functions and process, operational manuals,
Guidelines, and high level document for the system future expansions.
 Complete and full documentation of the project both in hardcopy and softcopy.

15. Knowledge Transfer and Documentation Requirements

15.1 Knowledge Transfer Requirement

 The bidder should prepare and deliver documents (hard copy and soft copy) to the trainee
during or before local on-job training given.
 The bidder provides factory for ten (10) professional for 28 days, on-job and local training
for ten (10) IT Professionals for 15 days.
 The bidder should provide all the necessary facilities required for the trainees.
 Bidders should clearly state detail outline and duration of the trainings that they plan to
The training course content should include at least:
 Detail design, Configuration, Implementation, and Security of each system:
 Administration and maintenance of each sub system in each section of this document.
 Detail configuration of each and every device (core/distribution/access switches, routers,
firewalls etc.)
 Network management software’s, Wireless technologies, server applications and related
 Basic networking (switching, routing, server configurations, e-site configurations and
major system components included in these projects) and CCTV configuration.

15.2 Training Type

 Basic Networking (Switching, routing, Configurations)

 Security( firewall and NMS)
 Network management software and CCTV camera managements
 Window server 2016 configurations and Active directory.

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Hence, the bidder is expected to provide:

 Detail work plan and schedule for training

 Detail course content for all requested training
 Educational qualification work experiences including detail CV and certifications for trainer

NB. All the documents that are provided should be highly standard, fully documented and English

16 Warranty, Maintenance and support

The total offered solutions (Hardware and Software) must cover a minimum of 3 years 7/24 service,
spare parts, entire system failure and support warranty from the factory company after successful
completion (acceptance) of the project. The bidder/ the company also supplies spare parts at least
for 10 year after the project acceptance.

The bidder should give on-site service for all solutions depending on the severity of the problem and
when AAPC requests an off-site or on site in case of any problem anticipated.

The following are the maintenance and support requirement to be considered by the company during
the warranty period.
 Warranty - Provide a copy of the warranty on the proposed system or a narrative description
of the provisions of the warranty.
 Qualified Personnel - Indicate the number of service personnel in the city administration area
qualified to maintain the proposed system. This should include factory-trained personnel,
personnel trained by the Bidder, and all other individuals who can perform technical services
on the system.
 Service Centers - Provide the locations and hours of operation of the service centers to be
utilized. The City may wish to conduct a site visit to the contractors’ Service Center.
 Spare Parts - Provide a general listing of the spare parts available from each of these service
 Maintenance Plans - Provide details on maintenance service arrangements for the proposed
system. Please provide information on any charges associated with customer provided

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 Repair Response Times - Describe the expected and guaranteed response time for “regular”
and “emergency” services. Indicate what you define to be “regular” and “emergency” service.
Guaranteed response times of greater than 4-hours for emergency services, and next business
day for regular services, will not be acceptable.
 Service Alternatives - Indicate the provisions for service and spare parts if your business
terminates, is subjected to a strike, or shut down for any reason.
 Default - State what recourse is available if the proposed system does not perform as quoted
and the customer is faced with loss or interruption of service. Be advised that some form of
liquidated damages for non-performance and/or system failure will be required in any final
 Performance of Maintenance - Clearly identify if the proposer or a third party will provide
maintenance services. The City will require the right to reject any third parties or sub-
contractors under this agreement and in any event proposer will be responsible for all
maintenance services.
 The company should be liable for the maintenance and support of the system at least for
three years from the delivery of the project
 The company should give on-site service depending on the severity of the problem and
when AASTA requests and off-site in other cases.
 The company should also organize and train a team that will enable the continuity of the
 The Bidder will provide comprehensive warranty for all IT equipment under scope of work for
a period of three years starting from commissioning of the respective Hardware (i.e. after
acceptance of implementation). During the warranty period, the Bidder should offer services
from Hardware OEM / OEM certified service providers of the highest service standards. The
Bidder should ensure that experienced, certified and qualified service engineers are present on
site at AASTA on 7x24 basis all throughout the warranty period.
 Any defective subsystem that has been replaced by the Bidder shall become the property of the
Bidder. These warranty terms also apply to development and all other periphery systems along
with production environment.

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 Any scheduled outage should be outside of the normal business hours of the institute, and
should be done over weekends with a 1 week advance notice

16.1 Scope of Warranty – Hardware / Infrastructure

 Warranty shall be offered for Camera, NAS storage, switch, digital video recorders, and
network infrastructure. During warranty period, the Bidder should ensure 24x7 Support.
The Bidder shall maintain adequate stock of spares and standby equipment at AASTA
premises. The Bidder should support in the following:-

 Maximum 2 (Two) hour’s response time for any reported fault.

 Maximum 8 (Eight) hour’s resolution time to all hardware and OS related issues on
Warranty shall cover the following:
 Repair/replacement of Hardware and other supplier items inclusive of all types of spare

 Installation/re-Installation/maintenance of OS, System software and other supplied


 Installation of system software, patches, upgrades, service packs etc.

 System Management

 Periodic health checks/ preventive maintenance of the systems and implementing

proactive rectification measures.

 Troubleshooting Servers, OS, NAS and Digital video recorders related issues.

Supply during Warranty shall include:

 24x7x365 national telephonic support.

 Access to raise technical assistance requests at Hardware OEM’s website and Call

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NO Main Criteria Sub Criteria Weight

Capability and Experience
1 8
of the bidder
 Understanding of the project (the bidders
1.1 Bidders Understanding of
understanding about the project judged by the overall
the project and technical
technical document ) 2.5 pt 5
proposal address issues
 technical proposal address issues relevant to this
relevant to this assignment
assignment 2.5 pt
1.2 Is the technical proposal
prepared based on our  See annex 3
suggested format
Adequacy of the proposed
2 35
methodology and work plan
Technical approach and • State your technical approach and methodology to
2.1 2
methodology accomplish the project
• Should be detail described using Microsoft project
2.2 Work plan 3
office or any similar tools
• Provide the project organizational structure and
2.3 Organization and staffing 1
staffing for this project
2.4 Technical design feasibility 29

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NO Main Criteria Sub Criteria Weight
 Proposed Network solution and design ,Inmate
phone system,meeting hall auidio system ,Video
Conference system, audio System will be considered

 Integrated physical security plan (Design)

 fiber connectionDesign for at list form the follwing
systems but not limited to.
 How service is designed in terms of hardware and
 The proposed network should be redundent
 video surveillance
2.4.1 suggested integrated  control system for VSS,
physical security design  automatic and manual fire extinguisher 5
feasibility  centeral managments platforms,
 application softwares for each system (if it is
 sreaming media and storage subsytems,
 Prision inmate phone system,
 electronic notice board systems,
 Systems monitoring,
 Name display
 storage backup
 Integration each proposed systems

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NO Main Criteria Sub Criteria Weight
 All system should be modular, scalability ,and future 5
2.4.2 Modularity and  Open system architecture
scalability for platforms and  All software should be upgradable without any
application software additional cost.
 The central management software should have the
feature to expand and customize easily.
 The NVR management software license should
2.4.3 Maintainability • Warranty
easily flexible and have the capability to add 6
• Repair Service
additional Centers
• Spare Parts
• Maintenance Plans
• Hourly Service Rates
• Modification Lead-Time
• Repair Response Times
• Service Alternatives
• Performance of Maintenance
 Remote Maintenance
• Software solution
• Workstation monitoring
• Independency at the time of failure
• Standby system, backup and recovery
• Error reporting
• Log file
• On-site/Off-site service
• Post implementation help and support/customer
satisfaction letter

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NO Main Criteria Sub Criteria Weight
• All proposed solutions by the bidder should provide 13
2.4.4 Equipment and their Owen specifications considering that all
software specification specification listed in the documents are minimum
compliance requirement that meet the city administration
minimum requirements.
Organizational capability of
3 10
the bidder
• Work experience directly related to the assignment
3.1 Company Profile  Work experience with in Ethiopia or Africa 5
 Business stability
3.2 Specific system design, • International standard certification
installation and • Certificate of completion
implementation network
installation experiences of the
firms in past project similar to 5
this project references with
certificate of satisfaction.
Certificate of satisfaction is
mandatory and goodwill.

4 Quality of the personnel 37

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NO Main Criteria Sub Criteria Weight
The bidder shall provide the following information
regarding the Project manager:
Qualifications (MSC/MBA, BSC, + related
Certifications, etc.), expertise and past performance on
projects of similar size and complexity. (1pt)
A minimum of three project management reference
Project Manager examples demonstrating relevant experience. (1pt) 5
Description of the project manager’s respective role and
availability for the Project including capacity to respond
to critical time and complex scope requirements (1pt)
Resume including work experience of projects of
similar type, scope and scale as the proposed Project and
where the scope of professional services is similar. (1pt)
the “Key Members” of the
should have technical
been gained Team
the Bidder
last fiveshall provide:
(5) years. (1pt)
Qualifications (MSC/BSC, + related Certifications, CV,
etc.), expertise and past performance on projects of
similar size and complexity.
Description of the key member’s respective role and
Key Technical team availability for the Project including capacity to respond
to critical time and complex scope requirements.
Resume for each key member to include work
experience of projects of similar type, scope and scale as
the proposed Project and where the scope of
professional services is similar.
This work experience should have been gained within
the last five
Network (5) years.
engineer/ Please limit Engineer.
Communication resumes to two (2) 7
pages perand
Storage person.
server engineer 5
Communication Engineer/Specialties in CCTV system 5

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NO Main Criteria Sub Criteria Weight
Security/system engineer 5
Supportive staff 5
Software programmer 5
Suitability of the knowledge
5 10
transfer methodology

6.1 Proposed training for the • Proposed course content

new system
6.2 Proposed training schema
prior to the project, training • Properly designed plan
materials and facilities for • Training Materials and Facilities
6.3 Commitment for
• Training for IT Professionals + On Job training
knowledge transfer during 2
project implementation.

Mandatory key point

Compliant point Comply/not comply
1 MAF for active devices
2 Financial capability
3 Proof of past performance: The bidder should have implemented
similar Network and CCTV infrastructure at least in three sites in
Ethiopia or any other countries within the last 5 years
4 Technical compliance to required specifications
5 Warranty and Support

Key Note:
1. Better product and Option from Bidders will be encouraged.
2. Products should meet the minimum specification mentioned above and better products and
specifications gets higher points, and the evaluation will be done accordingly.
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Evaluation criteria for assigned staff for this project (32%)

3. Bidders should include the product brochures and bill of materials with detail specification
4. Bidders for the sub systems, sections, lots, or slices of the overall system will not be accepted.
5. The technical document will have 80 % weight and the financial document will have 20 %
6. Bidders who score greater than 80% of the Technical Evaluation will be considered for further
financial evaluations.
7. The bidder is expected to make site survey based on the schedule that notify later in the bidding

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Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria
Network engineer/ >4pr=3pt Qualifi All Experien All Certi All
communication =2-3pr=2pt cation pr>=MSC/BSc= ce related professional ficati certified
engineer <=2pr= 1pt 1pt to this >=5yrs=1pt on =1pt
If 0=0 If <BSc=0 <5yrs=0.5pt
Server and storage >=1pr= 2pt Qualifi All pr>=BSc= Experien All Certi All
/Specialist 0pr = 0pt cation 1pts ce professional ficati certified
<BSc=0 related to >=5yrs=1pt on =1pt
this else=0pt
Communication >=1pr=2pt Qualifi All pr>=BSc= Experien professional Certi Related
Engineer specialties 0pr = 0pt cation 1pts ce related >=5yrs=1pt ficati certificat
in CCTV <BSc=0 to this else =0pt on ion =1pt

Supportive staff >=2pr=1pt Qualifi All pr>=BSc= Experien All Certi All
=1pr=.5pt cation 0.5pts ce professional ficati certified
No Pro = 0pt <BSc=0 >=4yrs=0.5pt on =0.5pt
At least
Security Engineer >=2pr= 2pt Qualifi All pr>=BSc= Experien All Certi All
=0pr=.5pt cation 1pts ce professional ficati certified
No Pro = 0pt <BSc=0 >=5yrs=1pt on =1pt
At least
Software Developer >=1pr=1pt Qualifi All pr>=BSc= Experien professional Certi Related
or Programmer: 0pr = 0pt cation 0.5pts ce related >=5yrs=0.5pt ficati certificat
<BSc=0 to this else =0pt on ion

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 103

Design, Installation and Implementation of network, IP PBX and Integrated

physical security for City Government of Addis Ababa Police Commission
office Building
Lot 1: Addis Ketema Sub city
No Discription of Items descrption unit Quantity Remark
I server room
civil and interior work
Thickness 32MM ,
1 Raised Flooor Size600mmx600mmx450 M3 4.5
2 False Ciling 0.8mm m2 7.2
4 Fire Rated door Size 145mmx210mm m2 1
5 Wall Partion m2 30
6 Fineshing and Painting m2 30

Door access controller piece 1

1 electrical Light bulbs upto 50 lumnes per LED piece 6
2 Light switch 10A/ three switches piece 3
UPS Uninterrupted Powee supply system
1 40KVA Modular UPS set 1
2 Rack Mountable Ups(6000VA) set 14
Rechargeable Battery atleast for
3 30 minute backup piece 20
Air conditioning system
Subsystem in equipment room
1 Indoor In-Row AC set 2
2 Outdoor In-Row Cooler set 2
3 AC Piping Accessories piece 12
4 Refrigerant kg 30
Fire protection system
Smoke detector piece 3
1 Heat detector piece 3
2 Fire emergency button piece 1
3 Gas fire alarm controller set 1
4 Bell piece 1
Gas extinguishing system
2 9kg fire extingusher piece 2

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 104
Network system
Name of
1 Core Router piece 1
2 Firewall piece 1
3 Server piece 5
4 Distrbution switch set 2
5 access switch (48-port) set 14
6 access switch (24-port) set 8
7 wireless AP piece 14
wireless AP access controller (The
wireless AP access controller
integrate in 48-port
100/1000BASE-X interface
8 Card(X1E,SFP) set 1

IT cabinate(Racks)
1 42U cabinet piece 3
2 27U cabinet piece 16
4 8 port KVM piece 1

Vidio Surveillance System

No. Name of equipments and materials
1 Indoor dome camera piece 23
2 indoor/outdoor fixed camera piece 20
3 PTZ camera piece 6
4 Camera Vertical bar piece 6
5 NVR piece 1
video management and controlling
system software piece 1
6 Entreprise storage disk 4TB piece 80
7 NAS 80 TB piece 4
Vedio surveillance Monitoring
1 Management computer piece 1
2 ip based joystick controller piece 1
3 70 inch LCD TV piece 4

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 105
Electronic Notice board and Public Addressing System
No. Name of equipments and materials
Digital media information release
1 system software set 1
2 information publishing server set 1
3 digital signal media player set 7
5 42 inch LCD Monitor set 7
public Addressing System
1 Ceiling Speaker 6W piece 14
2 Public Address Microphone piece 2
3 digital power pre-amplifier piece 1
IP network broadcast control
5 center set 1
Power sequencer piece 1
Name Display System
1 Name dispaly LED system WxH =15.36mx1.5m set 1
Sound Hall and Video conference system
1 confernce System host set 1
2 chairman/delegate machine unit piece 1
Representative machine in digital
3 conference piece 3
4 Programable control host set 1
5 HD4 channel Mixed Matrix set 1
6 Digital audio proccessor set 1
7 Wireless handheld microphone piece 2
8 Wireless confernce terminal set 1
9 power supply controller set 1
10 Power Amplifer set 2
11 Power sequencer set 2

1 Column wall-maounted speaker piece 7

2 LCD Laser Jet projector set 1
3 projector screen set 1
4 Surface Mounted speaker set 2
vidio conferencing
1 HD camera 1080P set 1
2 vidio conference terminal set 1
3 Multipoint Control Units(MCU) set 1
Power supply system
1 Main distribution Board set 1
AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 106
2 PDU set 5
Plug ( wall plug,ground plug new
13 air machine ) pcs 3
Furniture for Montoring room
1 Operating Table pcs 1
2 office chair pcs 2
Cabling system
1 Cat 6A UTP cable box/roll 60
2 Cat 6 patch cord-3m pcs 80
3 Cat 6 patch cord-5m set 80
4 Cat6 module pcs 450
5 LC fiber pach cord(3m) set 80
6 LC fiber Pigtail(1m,2m) set 80
7 sc fiber pach cord(1m,2m,3m) set 80
indoor /outdoor fiber cable(6 core,8
7 core) roll 4
Introgation room system
1 Stereo shotgun Microphone pcs 2
2 70 inch LCD TV pcs 1
3 NVR pcs 1
4 Indoor dome camera pcs 2
Inmate Phone system
1 ip telephone for prison pcs 6
2 Server pcs 1

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 107
Design, Installation and Implementation of network, IP PBX and
Integrated physical security for City Government of Addis Ababa Police
Commision office Building
Lot 2: Yeka Sub city
Quantit Remar
No Discription of Items descrption unit
y k
I server room
civil and interior work
Thickness 32MM ,
1 Raised Flooor 0 M3 4.5
2 False Ciling 0.8mm m2 7.2
4 Fire Rated door Size 145mmx210mm m2 1
5 Wall Partion m2 30
6 Fineshing and Painting m2 30

Door access controller piece 1

1 electrical Light bulbs upto 50 lumnes per LED piece 6
2 Light switch 10A/ three switches piece 3
UPS Uninterrupted Powee supply system
1 40KVA Modular UPS set 1
Rack Mountable
2 Ups(6000VA) set 14
Rechargeable Battery atleast
3 for 30 minute backup piece 20
Air conditioning system
Subsystem in equipment room
1 Indoor In-Row AC set 2
2 Outdoor In-Row Cooler set 2
3 AC Piping Accessories piece 12
4 Refrigerant kg 30
Fire protection system
Smoke detector piece 3
1 Heat detector piece 3
2 Fire emergency button piece 1
3 Gas fire alarm controller set 1
4 Bell piece 1
Gas extinguishing system

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 108
2 9kg fire extingusher piece 2
Network system
Name of
s and
1 Core Router piece 1
2 Firewall piece 1
3 Server piece 5
4 Distrbution switch set 2
5 access switch (48-port) set 14
6 access switch (24-port) set 8
7 wireless AP piece 14
wireless AP access
controller (The wireless AP
access controller integrate
in 48-port 100/1000BASE-X
8 interface Card(X1E,SFP) set 1

IT cabinate(Racks)
1 42U cabinet piece 3
2 27U cabinet piece 16
4 8 port KVM piece 1

Vidio Surveillance System

Name of equipments and
No. materials
1 Indoor dome camera piece 23
2 indoor/outdoor fixed camera piece 20
3 PTZ camera piece 6
4 Camera Vertical bar piece 6
5 NVR piece 1
video management and
controlling system software piece 1
6 Entreprise storage disk 4TB piece 80
7 NAS 80 TB piece 4
Vedio surveillance
1 Management computer piece 1
2 ip based joystick controller piece 1

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 109
3 70 inch LCD TV piece 4

Elecrtonic Notice board and Public Addressing System

Name of equipments and
No. materials
Digital media information
1 release system software set 1
information publishing
2 server set 1
3 digital signal media player set 7
5 42 inch LCD Monitor set 7
public Addressing System
1 Ceiling Speaker 6W piece 14
2 Public Address Microphone piece 2
3 digital power pre-amplifier piece 1
IP network broadcast control
5 center set 1
Power sequencer piece 1
Name Display System
1 Name dispaly LED system WxH =10.96mx1.5m set 2
Sound Hall and Video conference system
1 confernce System host set 1
chairman/delegate machine
2 unit piece 1
Representative machine in
3 digital conference piece 3
4 Programable control host set 1
5 HD4 channel Mixed Matrix set 1
6 Digital audio proccessor set 1
Wireless handheld
7 microphone piece 2
8 Wireless confernce terminal set 1
9 power supply controller set 1
10 Power Amplifer set 2
11 Power sequencer set 2

Column wall-maounted
1 speaker piece 7
2 LCD Laser Jet projector set 1
3 projector screen set 1
4 Surface Mounted speaker set 2
vidio conferencing
AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 110
1 HD camera 1080P set 1
2 vidio conference terminal set 1
Multipoint Control
3 Units(MCU) set 1
Power supply
1 Main distribution Board set 1
2 PDU set 5
Plug ( wall plug,ground plug
13 new air machine ) pcs 3
Furniture for Montoring room
1 Operating Table pcs 1
2 office chair pcs 2
Cabling system
Cat 6A UTP cable
1 l 60
2 Cat 6 patch cord-3m pcs 80
3 Cat 6 patch cord-5m set 80
4 Cat6 module pcs 450
5 LC fiber pach cord(3m) set 80
6 LC fiber Pigtail(1m,2m) set 80
7 sc fiber pach cord(1m,2m,3m) set 80
indoor /outdoor fiber cable(6
7 core,8 core) roll 4
Introgation room system
1 Stereo shotgun Microphone pcs 2
2 70 inch LCD TV pcs 1
3 NVR pcs 1
4 Indoor dome camera pcs 2
Inmate Phone system
1 ip telephone for prison pcs 6
2 Server pcs 1

AAPC- Project: Network Infrastructure, and CCTV camera Implementation for Addis Ababa policy commission sub city (Version 1, November 2019)
Document: Statement of Requirements
Issued by: Page 111

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