Final Assessment - MoD Friday 8 May (5474)

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Final Assessment – Spring 2020

Course Title: Management and Organizational Dynamics Course Code: MAN 418w1-5474
Faculty: Dr. Kazi Afaq Ahmed Section: W1
Day / Date: Friday 8, May 2020 Timings: submission 24 hours
(2pm 8/5/20 – 1.45pm 9/5/20)
Total Marks: 55 Marks

Student’s Name Student ID:

Q.No-1: Please review and assess, how the “Investors in People” principles are practiced or not adopted
in your organization. Consider all principles one by one

1. Commitment
2. Planning
3. Action
4. Evaluation.

Such as commitment: elaborate all actions, policies and intervention being practiced point the practices
lacking. Accordingly mention all (10 marks).

Q.No-2: You have joined this company as Organizational development and Strategy Manager. You have
been assigned the task of preparing the strategy for the organization for next year. Please prepare the
strategy of the organization where you work, taking hypothetical example wherever required following
the course learning and pattern studied tat includes. (30 marks)

1. Conduct internal analysis of your company – internal analysis matrix (5 marks)

2. Conduct external analysis of your company – use external analysis matrix (5 marks)

3. Review internal analysis, external analysis, SWOT and prepare the strategies on “tows” matrix
(10) marks

4. Review the strategies finalized in “ tows” matrix above and evaluate whether these strategies
are acceptable, viable and feasible using the Strategic Evaluation Criteria”. Write down
strategies to be presented to the board eliminating strategies that are not acceptable/feasible /
viable. (10 marks)

Q.No-3: What need to be balanced? You understand the four perspective of the balanced score card
approach. You are required to prepare the balanced score card of your Head of department, Your
immediate manager and for your own position for the year 2021, using balanced score card matrix
separately for each position. Please ensure KPIs for all four areas are present in the relevant section. (10
Q.No-4: Prepare an organogram of your company where you work. You must include all key
management levels, all key department positions, section positions from CEO to section in-charges. (5
Good Luck

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