Department: (Computer Science / Information Technology) Assessment (Name & No) : Assignment N0:10

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Department: (Computer Science / Information Technology)

Assessment (Name & No): Assignment N0:10

Program: BSCS(4-A)

Session: 2018-2020

Semester: 4th Semester

Course Code: CS403

Course Name: Database Systems

Instructor: Asif Raza

Instruction for Assignment: (Set by Teacher)

1- Assignment Should be not more than 3 pages

2- Assignment should be in PDF Format
3- Strict action will be taken if submitted solution is copied from any other student
4- It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if the assignment is submitted after
the due date

Question No 1

You have to answer the following questions

1. Explain all transaction property with suitable example?
2. What is transaction log? What are the typical kind of records in a transaction
3. Explain Transaction Control Statement of SQL with Syntax and Example?

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