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2 А Complete the questions with words from the

Ьох. Do not use one of the words.

1 А Work in pairs and look at pictures А-Е.
Where are they? 1 are (х 2) they how her his is (х 2) it
В Read the messages. Write the names next to 1 Аге Katja and Lukas from Spain?
the letters. 2 Lukas а singer?
А Katia с --- з 1s Katja sister?
в __ D __ 4 Where Azra from?
5 When is concert?
а 3.10pm l 16/09/16 I Azra
Azra is а singer from Bogota, Colombla. She's
7 Аге
Fifi and Bruno cats?
twenty-four years old and sings at fes tivals all over 8 old is Bruno?
the world. Нег music is а mix of traditional lndian
and modern rock. Нег concert is tonight at 8p.m. В Work in pairs and take turns to ask and answer
Please come and see her sing! the questions.

А: Аге Katja and Lukas from Spain?
4.14pm l 16/09/16 I Katja2411 В: No, they aren't. They're from Gегтапу.
Hi, everybody! l'm Katja and l'm from Germany.
l'm here with my brother, Lukas. He's also German, Э Complete the messages with the correct form of Ье.
of course. We're office workers in Berlin. Lukas is
а Ьig music fan. lt's my first time, and l'm very
happy to Ье here. We're in the Festival Hotel in 1' 1 _m_ here with а group of students from St.
room 217 - please come and say hello! Petersburg, and we' 2___ at the festival for the
first time. Му room 3___ in the student hotel.

The hotel 4___ (not) very nice, but the hotel
LOST Fifi an d Bruno, my two dogs. Fifi is Ыасk and workers 5 ___ all very friendly. 6___ you
she's one year old. Bruno is white and he's four. here alone? Don't Ье alone - come and see us.
They're very friendly. l f Fifi and Bruno are with you, Let's have а party!
text me Uasmine) on 4L13 908 9L1L12.

С Read the messages again. What are the

numbers? Write age, room, or phone and the name.
Arturo, 7 ___ you hеге? Where аге you?
4 age, Вгипо Jeff and 1 8 at the HJ Hotel in room 102.
217 Please come and see us!
D What festivals are in your country? Аге they good?

ЭА Undertine the verbs in the sentences. ?А Number the days of the week in огdег.
1 Emma lives and works in Manchester. Monday _l__
2 Ben watches TV. Saturday
3 Не doesn't like beach holidays. Thursday
В Comptete the taьte. Use the sentences above Wedпesday _
and the text in Exercise 1 to hetp. Sunday
+ Не comes from а Ьig family.
She like football.
lt cost а lot of money. В � 4.4 Listen and check. Then listen again
Не ha two brothers. and repeat.
- Не go out in the week.
8 А Complete the taьte with in, оп, at or every.
She have апу sisters.
1 ever� hour, day, week, month, Мопdау,
С Complete the rules. weekend, morning
2 the weekend, night
:а 1 He!she/it + verb + ---
с 2 With have: use he/she/it +
3 the morпing, the afternoon,
r- the evening, а minute
С1 3 With verbs ending-ch and---o:--
4 Monday, Wednesday
use verb + ---
4 ln the negative: use ___ + verb. В Underline the correct alternatives.
1 1 have coffee in/on/every morning.
4 А� 4.3 3RD PERSON s Listen and write the verbs.
2 1 don't have coffee in/on/every the evening.
В Which verbs end with /s/ /z/ /rz/? Listen and 3 1 meet my friends in!at/on Fridays and Saturdays.
check. Then listen again and repeat. 4 1 don't work on/at/every the weekeпd.
[> page 124 LANGUAGEBANK 5 1 study English on/at/every day.
6 1 watch films in/at/on Sunday afterпooпs.
5 А Complete the text with the correct form of the С Change the sentences above so that they аге
verb in brackets. true for you. Then work in pairs and compare your
Му name's Alex and my girlfriend Keira is very answers. Find two things the same and two things
different from me. 1 1 ____ (have) а small flat that аге different.
in the city centre, but she 2 ____ (live) with her А: / have tea every morning.
parents in the countryside.I 3____ (work) as В: / don't. / have coffee.
а doctor but she 4____ (not have) а job and
she 5____ (have) а lot of free time. She D Work with other students and tell them two
____ (not go) out in the evenings because it things that аге different.
____ (cost) а lot. We 8____ (meet) at А: / have tea every morning but Bernard has coffee.
the weekends, but she 9____ (not know) many
of my friends. She 10____ (say) she
11 ____
(love) me but she 12____
(not want) to live in the city.
В Work in pairs and ctose your books. Write what
you remember about Alex and Keira. Аге they аге а
good match? Why?/Why not?

6 А Work in pairs. Student А: turn to page 149.
Student В: turn to page 153.
В Find five differences between Daniel and Yoshi,
and one thing that is the same.
А: Daniel studies Chinese. How about Yoshi?
В: Yoshi studies English.

1А Match the words in the Ьох with events A-F.

а film а party а play а concert
а festival а match

В Work in pairs and take turns. Ask and answer

about the events in the Ьох.
А: Do уои like concerts?
В: No, / don't. What about you?
А: / don't like concerts, but l like plays.


2 А М 4.5 Mia and Pete are in London for the

weekend. Listen to their conversations and write
the events in the order they talk about them.
1 а concert
4 ____
В Listen again and complete Mia's diary.
Э А � 4.6 Listen and repeat the times.
Saturday Sunday

В Work in pairs and take turns. Student А: ask the

time. Student В: say the time.

Dl:3D D8: 15

D8: 19=Ч5
С Listen again and complete the conversations.
1 В: What's time is the concert?

12: 15
А: Let те check. lt's at half past ___
2 В: Do you want to go at six?
А: Let's go at quarter to ___
З В: What time's the party?

12:30 13=0D
А: From --- o'clock to six ---
4 А: What time in the evening?
В: Half ___ seven. Seven thirty.
5 А: l'm tired. What time is it?
В: lt's quarter past ___. Let's get а taxi.
А: What time is it in number опе?
[> page 124 LANGUAGEBANK
В: lt's half past seven. What time ... ?
[> page 142 PHOTOBANK
Cinepark cinemas ., ,
Now showing
**** The Hunger Games
SAT 6.15, 8.45, 10.30
SUN 5.30, 8.00, 9, 45

5 А Work in pairs. Student А: look at
4 А Look at the conversation. How does the speaker check the the information below. Ask Student
time? Underline three sentences. В to соте to the events. Student В:
turn to page 149.
В: What time is the match?
А: lt's at а quarter past two. Saturday Sunday
В: Sorry? What time? 10.15а.т. - film
А: Quarter past two. 1.45р.т. - play
В: Quarter past two. ОК.
9.ЗОр.т. - party
В � 4. 7 INTONATION: checking Look at the intonation in the
questions. Then listen and repeat. А: Do уои wont to see а [1/т оп
'-...?! �
Sorry? What time? В: What film?
А: Тhе new )omes Bond film.
С Work in pairs and take turns. Student А: say one of the times В: What time does it stort?
below. Student В: check the time and write it. А: lt starts at quarter past ten.

1 1 11:30 1 1
В: ln the morning? ОК! Let's go.
1 9:30 11 5:30 11 8:15 11 7:45 7:30 В Student А: write the events and
А: Quarter to eight. times that Student В suggests.
В: Sorry? Whot time?
А: Quorter to eight.
В: Quorter to eight. Thonks.

speak:out TI Р
Use sorry in different ways in English: Sorry? = please repeat
something. /'m sorry /'т /ate. = 1 feel bad because l'm late. You step оп
someone's foot = Oh, /'т sorry.
1 А М 5.1 Listen and match the
sounds with the verbs in the Ьох.
get up 1 go to bed have dinner
go to work have lunch get home
have breakfast

В Work in pairs and take turns. Ask

and answer about your daily routines.
А: What time do уои have breakfast in
the morning?
В: At seven o'clock in the week and at
nine o'c/ock оп Saturday and Sunday.
And уои?
А: / have breakfast at ...
[> page 143 PHOTOBANK

speak:out TI Р
Practice helps you to remember. Write
seven sentences about your daily routine
in your phrasebook. Practise saying them
every day.

2 А Work in pairs and look at the
photos. Who is angry and why?
В М 5.2 Listen and match
conversations 1-3 with photos А-С.
1 2 3
С Listen again and tick one true GRAMMAR
sentence. Correct the false sentences.
1 Clara has а job.
С/ага doesn't have ajob. Э А Complete the taЫes with does and doesn't.
2 Clara gets up at twelve at the
weekend. What time she get up?
З Clara talks to her parents. When he go to bed?
4 Julio listens to Paula. What it mean?
5 Paula doesn't talk about her
proЬlems. she have а jоЫ
6 Wayne's neighbour works at night. he play loud music?
7 Wayne's neighbour gets home at Yes, he/she No, he/she
8 Wayne gets up at eight o'clock.
В М 5.3 WEAK FORM: does Look at the pronunciation of does
he/she/it in the questions. 1s does stressed ог unstressed?
D Work in pairs. Do you have these Then listen again and repeat.
proЫems with family, friends, 1 What does it mean? /dant/
neighbours or people at work? Tell 2 When does he go to bed? /dап/
your partner about the proЬlems. З Does she have а jоЫ /daJr/
[> page 126 LANGUAGEBANK
6 А Read the sentences below. Complete them with always (А),
4 А Undertine the words in the Ьох in usually (U), sometimes (5), not о�еп (NO) and never (N).
the text from Exercise ЗВ. ln the morning, 1 •••
• have а coffee before breakfast.
sometimes always never often • have а Ьig breakfast.
not often usually • make а sandwich for lunch.
В Put the words in the Ьох in the • read my emails.
correct place оп the tine betow. Use • drive to work/school.
the texts in Exercise 3 to hetp you. ln the evening, 1 •..
100% • cook dinner for my family.
• eat after eight o'clock.
• watch TV for two hours.
60% • go out with friends.
40% sometimes • have а hot drink before I go to bed.
10% В Work in pairs and compare your answers. Find two things
in common.
А: / пеvег have а coffee before breakfast. What about уои?
В: / never drink coffee.
С� 5.5 WORD STRESS Listen and С What other things do you usually do in the morning and evening?
undertine the stress in the adverbs.
Then tisten and repeat.
g_/ways WRITING
D Look at sentences 1-3. Undertine LINKERS ТО SEQUENCE
the correct alternatives in the rules.
1 l'm never hungry because I eat а lot. ?А Read the description. 1s it similar to your morning?
2 1 love steak but I don't often eat it .. .
З I usuaHy have а small breakfast ...
Му morning
::а 1 The adverb goes before/after
? the verb 'Ье'. Every day I get up at six. First, 1 make а Ыасk coffee
С1 2 The adverb goes before/after апd I read my emails. Тhеп I have breakfast and listeп
'don't' and 'doesn't'. to the radio. 1 usually have cereal and coffee but 1
З The adverb goes before/after sometimes have toast and an egg. After that, 1 often
other verbs. read the news online. Finally, at half past eight I go to
work. 1 always walk to work because it's only fifteen
[> page 126 LANGUAGEBANK minutes to my office. At work I have another coffee
and sometimes а cake.
5 А Put the words in the correct order
to make sentences.
1 have / usually / 1 / Fridays /оп/ fish
/ usual/y have fish оп Fridays. В Read the description again and number the linkers in огdег.
2 eat / never / 1 / sweets
З hungry / l'm / never 1 then first 1 finally after that
4 eat / often / chicken / 1
С Which tinker does not have а comma after it?
5 home / dinner / for / usually / l'm
6 fruit / eat / don't / 1 / often ,.::.
7 have / sometimes / 1 / luпch / for /
speakout TI Р
vegetaЫes Linkers are very important in writing. They connect ideas and help
8 1 / eat / Suпdays / steak / always / оп your writing become clearer. Which of these words is NOT а linker?
and, but, first, because, at, then
В Work in pairs. Which sentences
аге true for you? Change the other
sentences to make them true. 8 А Write а description of your typicat morning. Use tinkers and
write 60-80 words.
В Read other students' descriptions. Аге they similar to your
Lesson 2.з FEELINGS
1 А Match the adjectives with photos А-Н.
1 angry 5 scared/afraid
2 happy 6 surprised
3 ill 7 unhappy
4 interested 8 well/fine

В Are the adjectives good (+) or

bad (-)? Complete the tаЫе.


С Cover Exercises А and В and practice alone or with another student.

Point to а picture and say the sentence.
He's angry. She's i/1.

1А �--
Match the names of the objects with .
the photos A-J.
1 а bag 6 а business card .• � -·.........

2 а credit card 7 а newspaper
З а picture 8 а clock
4 а dictionary 9 а pencil
5 а glass 10 а watch 11
В Work in pairs. Which objects аге in
the classroom?
2 А Write the plurals of the words in Exercise lA in the
correct place.

most words + -s key- keys pens

а Ьоу
after -х, -ss, -sh, -ch + -es Ьох- boxes

after consonant + -у у+ -ies city - cities

В Write the words in the Ьох

under the photos.
а-1эеу а man children girls
boys а woman а girl men
а child women

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