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1. Introduction

2. Pipe Design Consideration

3. Pipe Joints

4. Design Of Circular Flanged Pipe Joints

5. Design Of Oval Flanged Pipe Joints

6. Design Of Square Flanged Pipe Joints

7. References

Pipes are used for channeling steam, gas, air, oils, chemicals, water, etc., from one place to another.
Fluids are transferred through pipes from reservoirs or tanks to different sites, as in a chemical plant, or
in a power plant or in a building. Pipes are made of a number of materials, such as cast iron, wrought
iron, steel, stainlesssteel, brass, bronze, and even concrete.Cast iron pipes are used for low pressures, up
to 0.7 N/mm2, for water, steam and sewerage systems. To facilitate steam fl ow, steam temperature has
to be less than 250°C, and for the transportation of oil, the temperature of the oil must be less than
180°C. CI pipes cannot be subjected to shocks and vibrations due to their poor toughness.These pipes
are used for underground water pipes, sewerage systems, and gas mains. Wrought iron and medium
carbon steel pipes are used for transferring steam, oil and air fl ow. Stainless steel, red brass and
phosphor–bronze pipes are used for such media which cause undesirable corrosion especially in the
paper, pulp and chemical industries. For the transportation of petroleum products, seamless pipes made
of chromium–molybdenum alloys are used, which are heat resistant and can endure a pressure of up to
4 N/mm2 and temperatures up to 440°C.\ Brass pipes are used in power plants since they resist
corrosion and provide lubrication.To control the rate of fl ow of fl uid or, to stop the fl ow of fl uid, valves
are used in the pipe line, or in the reservoir installation. General purpose pipes, such as, GI pipes are
available in various thicknesses for the same inner diameter. Thickness of the pipe determines the
quality and cost of the pipe.Concrete pressure pipes are designed for a specifi c range of internal
pressure and external loading. The diameter of the pipe, wall thickness and reinforcement in the pipe
are determined according to the requirements of medium, pressure, and temperature. These pipes
should not be used in the vicinity of acids. These pipes can be used over a pressure range of 0.3 – 2.5
N/mm2.Pipes are available in standard lengths and in order to make a pipeline from a reservoir to a
particular site,several pipes are joined by means of sockets, elbows, T joints, union joints, etc. The larger
pipes are joined by fl anges. In this chapter, we will study the various types of screwed, welded, and
bolted socket and fl ange joints.


8. Piping materials

Pipes can be broadly classified as metallic type and nonmetallic type. Commonly used metallic pipes are
carbon steel, copper and ductile iron. Metallic pipes and fittings have been used for ages and continue to
be used extensively.
9. Sizing

For hydronic applications, velocity and pressure drop (due to friction losses) are the two primary factors
that are considered for sizing pipes. The intent is to select the smallest possible pipe size while ensuring
that velocity and pressure drop are within limits.

10. Pipe supports

Pipe supports must be designed to support the static and dynamic loads anticipated during operation.
Static loads include weight of pipe system (pipe, valves, fittings, insulation, etc.), weight of fluid and
weight of supporting elements. Dynamic loads include wind loads (for piping installed outdoors), seismic
loads and forces generated by thermal expansion and contraction.

11. Pipe expansion

Pipe length alters with changes in its temperature. For an unrestrained pipe, the magnitude of change
depends on the pipe material (coefficient of thermal expansion), original pipe length and magnitude of
temperature change. compared to metallic pipes.

Author Bio: Saahil Tumber is technical authority at ESD. He is responsible for the overall design of
mechanical systems for data centers, trading areas and other mission critical facilities requiring high
availability. He is a member of the Consulting-Specifying Engineer editorial advisory board.

Sice the pipes are employed to transport the fluid which may be water , gas or steam any vessel or
resvoir to any distant place , they should be joined at their ends one with other at places of requirement
due to limited length of pipes and other reason .For transport of fluids under low pressure such as water
carrying from one place another , coupler joints, nipple joints , spigot and socket joints are used . in case
of high pressure application such as carrying gas , steam at gigh pressures, flanged joints are used. the
important types of pipe joints are used in practice are:


A socket or coupler joint is the most commonly used form of pipe joint , it is formed when a small piece
of pipe known as socket.having threads on the inside is joined half way through both the pipes to be

Has a small piece of pipe having threads on the outer side , in this joint , pipes having internal threads
screwed through the small pipe. the main disadvantage of this type of joint is that it reduces the flow
area in the pipe.


Serve a purpose to disengage pipes having very long lengths with convenience . they are mainly used in
industries where pipes of very large lengths are used.


In spigot and socket joints the spigot end of one pipe is joined to the socket end of tje joint.the clearance
space between them is filled by covering it withe jute rope and a ring of lead , this ring when solidifies it
seals the joint between the tow pipes. the advantage of this joint is tts flexibility which makes it usable
for pipes buried in earth , where there are changes due to settlement of earth .

As the name suggests that these joints are formed due to expansion , such joints are extensively used on
road over bridge.where there are temperature changes during the day and night.


A hydraulic joint consist of oval flanges which are joined by means of tow bolts.such joint is usually used
for joining small piece pipes which carry at varying pressure.such joint can be seen in cars.

It is one of the most widely used pipe joints especially for high pressure applications . in this joint flanges
which may be cast intgeral with pipe or loose flanges screwed or welded with the pipes , are connected
by means of bolts . the joint may be made leak proof by placing a gasket of soft material , rubber or
canvas between the flanges. usually the flanges are made thicker than pipe walls in order to get
sufficient strength to meet out the high pressure of fluids , for large diameter of pipes and very high
pressures of fluids , the flanges are further strengthened by ribs or stiffeners . the ribs are placed
between the bolt holes.


This is specifically called as hydraulic joint. here the flanges are oval shaped and are fastened together by
means of two bolts. this joint is mostly adopted for transporting fluid under high pressure varying from 5
to 14 MPa in case of applications such as hydraulic pimps , accumulators , intensiflers , lifts , presses ,
riveting machines and so on.


This pipe joint is also called as circular flange pipe coupling since it resemble the power transmitting
shaft coupling in shape .In shaft coupling , the tangential force due to torque decides the parameters of
the coupling whereas in pipe -coupling , the fluid pressure justifies the dimension of the coupling .when
designing this pipe joint , it is assumed that the fluid pressure acts in between the flanges and tends to
separate them with a pressure existing at the point of leaking . the bolts are required to take up the
tensile stress produced by the fluid force in order to keep the flanges together .

· inner diameter of the pipe

Q=AV ......(1)

A=(π/4)D2 .......(2)

by substituting equation (2) in equation(1) we obtain:

Q= (π/4) D2 ×V

thus, the inner diameter of the pipe will be :

D=( 4Q/π × V)0.5

where :

-Q is the rate of fluid

-A is the cross sectional area of the pipe

-V is the velocity

20. thickness of pipe

t= pD/2σt + C (thin cylindrical formula)

or t= R[ (σt +p/ σt +p )0.5 -1]


-t is pipe thickness

-σt is the allowable tensile stress of pipe

-p is internal fluid pressure

-R is internal raduis of the pipe

-C is constant

21. design for bolts

n = 0.0275 D + 1.6
d= 0.7 t + 10 (in m)

or d= dc / 0.84

Dp= D +2t+2d + 0.012 (in m)

pc =π dp/ n

22. where:

-n is the number of bolts

-d is the nominal diameter of bolts

-Dp is pitch diameter of bolts

-pc is the circumferetial pitch of the bolts

core diameter of the bolts:

As fluid flows through the pipe , it applies pressure force on the joint. this force will try to tear the bolts , the bolts should resist this force.the magnitude of this force is ginen by:

F= (π/4) dc 2 σ tb × n

Fb = (π/4)D12 × p


dc = ( D12 × p /σtb × n)0.5

23. where :

-F pressure force acting on the bolts

-F2 is pressure force on the flanges

-D1 is the effective diameter on which the fluid pressure act

-σtb is the permissble stress for the material of the bolts

-dc is the core diameter of the bolts

NOTE : F > or = F2

24. Design for flange

tf =1.5 + 3 (in m)
B= 2.3 d

Do = D + 2t + 2B

25. where :

-tf is the thickness of flange

-B is the width of flange

-Do is the outer diamter of flange


In this pipe joint the fluid force is resisted by tow bolts and also the flanges are made in oval shape . this
kind of joints is used for small pipes up to 175 mm in diameter . they are preppared for underground
works . a spigot and socket setup is provided for locating the pipe in stright line and the jont is made leak
proof with the help of packing of trapezoidal section .

F1 = π/4×D2 × p

F2= π/4 ×[(D1)2- (D)2]p

F = F1 + F2 == π/4 ×D2 × p + π/4 ×[(D1)2- (D)2]p == π/4 (D1)2 p

Fb = F/2 == π/4 (dc )2 σtb

Z = 1/6 b(tf)2

Mxx= Fb × e== σb.Z

26. where:

-F1 is the force separating the two flanges due to fluid pressure

-D is the Internal diameter of the pipe

-F2 is the force tending to separate the flanges due to pressure in the packing

-D1 is the Outside diameter of the packing

-F is the total force trying to separate the two flanges

-Fb is the load taken up by each bolt

-Mxx is the maximum bending stress

The design of a square flanged pipe jointis similar to that of an oval flanged pipe joint except that the
load has to be divided into four bolts. The thickness of the flange may be obtained by considering the
bending of the flange about one of the sections A-A, B-B, or C-C. A little consideration will show that
the flange is weakest in bending about section A-A. Therefore the thickness of the flange is calculated
by considering the bending of the flange, about section A-A.

27. Text book of machine design by J.K Gupta & R.S Khurmi.

28. Text book of machine design by U.C Jindal .

29. Text book of design machine of elements by K Ganesh Babu & K Sirther.

30. Engineering consulting specifying \pipe system and material design consideration .
31. Youtube \ magic marks\ pipe joints.

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