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Please look at the dialog below and try to understand about the vocabulary!
Dialog 1

Emily : Erlin, Raka, what are you doing here? Is the OSIS meeting over?
Raka : It was over the minutes ago, so we are now enjoying iced tea.
Emily : So, who is our new OSIS chairperson?
Erlin : Who else? The one and only Raka.
Emily : Really? Congratulation, Raka! I knew you would be the chosen one, as
you’re a good person and a good leader.
Raka : Thank you, Emily. Well, this is to early to assume I’m a good leader.
Erlin : I know, but I believe you have the capability to lead the student organization.
Raka : Thank you, Erlin. I promise to do my best and I hope both of you keep
supporting me in the future.
Emily : As long as your programs are the beneficial to us and our school, we will
always support you. Am I right, Erlin?
Erlin : Definitely.

After you read the dialog, you have to find the meaning of the word in your dictionary and you
make a note of vocabulary like a difficult word list.
You have to master about the essential vocabulary.

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