Dialog 1: He Heard Betty Won The Speech Contest

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Dialog 1

Betty, I heard you won the speech contest congratulations

thanks a lot terry

what are you going to do next

now i'm preparing for the national's speech contest

that's great go for it . good luck

thanks Terry

1. What does Tery say to Betty ?

He heard Betty won the speech contest .

2. What has Betty achieved ?

Betty won the speech contest

3. What is Betty planning to do ?

Betty is preparing for the national's speech contest

Dialog 2

Have you heard the news

No. I haven't to heard anything yet.

I won a scholarship

did you?

yes i'm really happy

congratulations on the achievement

thank you very much

i am really proud of you. You deserved of this

is that what you really think

yes i really do

4. What has Jason achieved ?

He won a scholarship

5. What does Fatima say to Jason on his achievement ?

She congratulated him and said that she really proud of him

6. What does Fatima feel after hearing the news ?

She shocked to heard the new (she said "Did you?")

Dialog 3

happy b'day to you

Thank you so much

it's difficult to put in words how much you mean to me. I wish you all the best

thanks a lot Dion, hearing this from you means a lot

you will always welcome

7. Why does the man congratulate the woman ?

Because her B'Day

Dialog 4

I have good news

what's that

I have been promoted as manager

have you?

seriously i am so excited

well congratulations on your promotion

thank you i'm so happy for you


yes you really deserve this promotion

do you think so

Yes good for you

8. Why did Neni congratulate Martin ?

He has been promoted as manager

9. What did Martin feel ?

He was very excited

10. What did Neni feel ?

She was very happy

11. What did Neni say to congratulate Martin ?

She said, "well congratulations on your promotion" and he really deseve that promotion.


4. What has Jason achieved ?

5. What does Fatima say to Jason on his achievement ?

6. What does Fatima feel after hearing the news ?

7. Why does the man congratulate the woman ?

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