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Dnd 5E

A lich is dark creature that is the definintion of Neutral Evil. It kills without
remorse, constantly seeks power, is more cunning than any creature, and fears death

more than anything

Class: Wizard, Warlock, possibly Cleric

When it comes to make a lich, one has to keep in mind the nature of what strives
someone to become a lich, as it is not something people want typically.
- This can be some fear of Death, so they strive to learn about Necromatic
magic inorder to prevent their demise
- Maybe they need the magic to ressurrect a loved one, that died tragically
- Maybe they accidently made a deal with something, and were tricked into
starting down this road
Whatever it may be, a Lich is not something a person wants to become. The person
wants a form of power, why they want it is the tricky part to figure out

The transformation into a Lich is some of the most Dark magic in DnD, and has to be
treated as such. I found that making it shrouded in mystery is the most necessary
part when it comes to the information of the transformation, as it is ancient and
dark magic. The most likely way to get the information is by making a deal with a

If a player wants to become a Lich, a good DM should try to steer them away at
first, as it typically spells the death of a game. If a player wants to become an
allignment, they could likely kill their own party, resulting in only one person
having fun. And as DnD is all about fun, it is hard to play this in a fun way.
Now if the player is persistant, and the DM thinks they can work it out, then the
transformation is a long, haunting, and expensive process. It must be a secret as
and must be as dark as possible.
- I might even add a side mission for the players to figure out the recent
dark events occuring, only for them to realize in the end it was their fellow party
the whole time

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