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Festival is sample things people join any special occasion and celebrate something, it can
also refer to a particular day or groups of the day when people in a country have a holiday,
therefore, they can celebrate something. In a world, all countries have diverse festival-related
to their own religion and culture and particular occasion. It depends on countries religion
culture because every country has different religions or culture and relationship with each
other. Therefore, every country has own method to celebrate the festival. For instance, most
of the Islamic countries celebrate two types of festival in a year one of the Eid Ramazan and
second on Eid al Adha. Additionally, a religious festival is critical to help us balance our
emotions. People mostly celebrate the festival their family members or with a neighbour.
Festival is more vital and I beneficial for a human being which people come together and they
also huge honour their religion and culture. Although the festival also gives a sense of
enjoyment relaxation and also it gives us a special offer the time needed a contract with
family members we never really see. Festival educate us to forget an enmity and embrace
one another generate a relationship of love an environment of cultural harmony. When the
family is connected to the festival it's most precious and joyful time. because of this festival
is an important vital fart in our life. Ultimately, festivals are highly crucial in our life because
all people live separately do not connect with each other an

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