Lesson Activity Plan: ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019/2020

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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019/2020

Junior High Grade : 9 Term : 4

Subject Week/Session Theme Lesson Topic
Mathematics 7/1-5 Essay Presentation

Main Competencies
1 Respect and appreciate their religion.
2 Respect and appreciate the behavior of honest, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, cooperation), polite, confident when interacting effectively
with social and natural environment in a range of social and existence.
3 Comprehend and apply the knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and another which
is related with nowadays phenomena.
4 Processing, presenting, and reasoning in the concrete domain (using, explaining, connecting, modifying, and creating) and the abstract domain (writing,
reading, counting, drawing, and arranging) appropriate that learned in school and other sources that same in the point of view / theory.
1 Distance Learning

Time Teaching
No Activity

1 Essay Presentation

2. Essay Presentation

Jakarta, 02nd April 2020

Acknowledged by: Prepared by:
F-ACD-14JS Revisi : 00
Halaman 1 dari 2 Tanggal Terbit : 10 Juli 2014
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019/2020

Fosawato Zalukhu, S.Th.,M.Si. Arnold Novemri S, S.Pd

Principal Teacher

F-ACD-14JS Revisi : 00
Halaman 2 dari 2 Tanggal Terbit : 10 Juli 2014

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