Percubaan JULAI2011 P.Pinang BI PDF

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024/1 SULIT Questions 1-4 Read the text and choose the best word based on the pictures given. Jonathan and his family were on their way to Sarawak. Jonathan was very excited because it was his first time on an (1) . At the boarded the plane. A (3) helped Jonathan to put on departure hall, their (2), an were scanned. After that, they é his seat belt. A few minutes later, the pilot in the (4), announced that the plane would be taking off soon. 1.A. airline 3. A. salesgirl B. aircraft B, waitress C. airspace C. stewardess D. aircraft carrier D. receptionist 2. A. wallets 4. A. aisle B. suitcases B. cabin C. handbags C. cockpit D. knapsacks D. ae o24/ SULIT SULIT NO. KAD PENGENALAN/ j T NO SURAT BERANAK Eel NAMA: | JABATAN PELAJARAN PULAU PINANG UJIAN PENGESANAN TAHAP PENCAPAIAN 2011 BAHASA INGGERIS 024/1 Kertas 1 50 mnt Lima puluh minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan. 2. Jawab semua soalan. 3. Tiap-tiap soalan ditkuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan kamu pada kertas jawapan objeltif yang disediakan. 4. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru Kerias soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak [Lihat halaman sebelah 024/41 SULIT SULIT 4. 024/1 Questions 5-7 Choose the best phrase to complete the sentence below. 5. She was searching for her purse but could not find it. A. to and fro B. up and down C. high and low D. time after time 6. The new hotel in town is managed by directors. A. ateam of B. astaffof C. aboard of D. acompany of 7. Do not be afraid of that dog because it is a dove. A. as loyal as B. as friendly as C. as playful as D. as harmless as Questions 8 - 10 Choose the best sentence that describes each picture. A. A git is buying a cabbage from the greengrocer. B, Many housewives go to the supermarket every morning. C. The fishmonger is weighing some fish for his customer. D. Many people are buying and selling things at the market. A. The woman is sitting on a chair. B. She is scrubbing the floor with a brush. C. The maid is busy cleaning the bathroom. D. My mother is washing clothes in the bathroom. [Lihat halaman sebelah 024/1 SULIT SULIT Questions 11-15 Choose the best answer to fit the 4 vamp pam> vamp 024/1 ‘A. The man is wearing a straw hat. B. There are many fruit trees in the orchard. C. The farmer is watering the vegetables on his farm. ; : D. The gardener is watering the flowers in the garden. situation shown in the picture. . Can I sit here? . L want to stand. . Why are you so kind? ). That’s very kind of you. .. How much is this fruit? .. Why is it so expensive? . Is this honeydew melon fresh? |. What is the weight of this fruit? . Do you like this toy? . Son, I bought this toy for you. . Where did you get this toy from? . Please keep this toy in the drawer. SULIT 5 024/1 . Don’t ask me. . I'm sorry. It was my fault. . Why are you accusing me? .. The ball hit the window pane. 14, cvam> . Do you have a smaller size? . Where is the fitting room? . Does this dress suit me? . Can I try on this dress? paAD> Questions 16 - 20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 16. We owe our thanks to Alexander Graham Bell for the telephone. A. invent B. invented C. inventing D. invention 17. Brian left Australia Monday. A. to, on B. to, at C. for, on D. from, on 18. There isn’t porridge left in the pot. A. much P B. some C. many D. little 19. Hui Man the candles on the cake. A. blew off B. blew out C. blew up D. blew at 024/1 - SULIT SULIT 6 a 20 Mary ‘Alex will attend the birthday party at John’s house tonight. A. Either, nor B. Neither, or C. Neither, nor Question 21 Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the word underlined. 21. There are many modern buildings in Kuala Lumpur. A. ancient . antique . historical . intelligent caw Questions 22 - 23 Choose the answer with the correct spelling. 22. . tortese . totoise . tortoise . tortoese vamp 23. . chrysanthemam . chrysanthemum . chrysanthimem chrysenthemum ypowp> {Lihat halaman sebelah 024/1 suiif SULIT 7 024/1 Questions 24 — 25 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. 24. A. The boy, whose mother is a dentist, is our class monitor. B. The boy whose mother, is a dentist, is our class monitor. C. The boy, whose mother is a dentist, is our class monitor D. The boy whose mother is a dentist, is our class monitor. 25. A. Samuel morse asked the United States Government for help. B. Samuel Morse asked the United states government for help. C. Samuel Morse asked the united states government for help. D. Samuel Morse asked the United States government for help. {Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT 024/1 SULIT 8 024/1 3 on on anise Bae: choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows. It is a Monday moming. Everyone__26 __ rushing to work. There is a traffic jam along the main road. An___27 has just occurred. A lorry has 28 into a car. The back of the car and the front of the lorry are 29 damaged. One of the wheels of the car has 30 off and it is lying on the road. 26. Ais 29. A. badly B. are B. roughly C. was C. strongly D. were D. seriously 27. A. incident 30. A. come B. accident B. came C. activity C. comes D. event D. coming 28. A. pushed B. crashed C. crushed D. bumped 0241 SULIT SULIT 9 024/1 Questions 31-35 Study the advertisement and answer the questions below. HANAYO RESTAURANT Unit 1-9, First Floor , Wisma UOA II 21 Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur Lunch & Dinner Promotion * Dine in pairs and the second person pays only RM20.00! * Unlimited flow of iced lemon tea. * VIP members enjoy a 5% discount Enjoy the Japanese buffet with ice-cream delights from Hagan Das. Buffet Lunch : RM77 Children : 10 — 13 years old : RM20.00 Buffet Dinner : RM88 Below 10 yearsold : Free Terms & Conditions : * Valid only from Sundays to Thursdays * Not applicable with other promotions. * Promotions are available at our branches in Sunway, Cyberjaya and Bangsar = I 31. The Hanayo Restaurant A. has three branches B. serves only buffet dinners C. is only located in Kuala Lumpur D. has daily promotions for lunch and dinner 32. For dinner promotion, all customers can enjoy _ A.a 5% discount B. free refill of iced lemon tea C. free ice-cream from Hagan Das D.a RM20 discount for the second person 33. Who is qualified to enjoy the buffet without having to pay? A. Siti who has just sat for the UPSR. B, Shanker who is in Year 5 Merah. C. Jalani who is studying in a secondary school. D, Daniel who is a Year 3 pupil of SIKC Chung Hwa 3. [Lihat halaman sebelah 024/1 SULIT SULIT 10 o24/1 34. From the advertisement, we know that__— ‘A. VIP members enjoy a 50% discount on their meals B, lunch promotion is available every day C. Hanayo Restaurant serves western food D. the buffet dinner is more expensive than the buffet lunch 35. Mr Kong took his wife and his twin sons aged 10 for the buffet lunch last Saturday. They paid : A. RM137 B, RM154 C, RMI74 D. RM194 024/1 SULIT SULIT 1 024/1 Questions 36 — 40 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. A long time ago, a donkey and a fox were good friends. The donkey possessed a trusting nature and was simple minded. He believed everything that the fox said. The fox, on the other hand, was very cunning. He always made use of the donkey to get food for him, He was very lazy and a great liar, too. One day, the fox and the donkey were walking in the jungle, Suddenly, they saw a fierce and hungry lion. They were very frightened but the fox pretended to be brave and went up to meet the lion, The fox whispered to the lion, “Oh, Your Majesty! Please don’t hurt me. I will help you to lure the donkey to a cave and you can eat him there. He is all yours. I'll make sure he does not escape by hook or by crook.” The lion was very happy and agreed with the fox’s suggestion. In a split of a second, the fox sped off to see the foolish donkey. Then, the fox told a white lie to the donkey. He boldly told the donkey that the lion had agreed not to eat them. The donkey was on cloud nine, He even thanked the cunning fox. “Now you must hide in a safe place so that the lion won't be able to find you again,” said the fox. The fox took the donkey into a deep cave. Out of the blue, the lion walked into the cave. He attacked both the fox and the donkey. Finally, he had the two animals for his meal. It does not pay to be cunning. 36. From the story, we know that the ‘A. donkey was very cunning B. donkey trusted the fox completely C. fox easily believed what others say D. fox was a trustworthy friend of the donkey 37. The fox pleaded to the lion A. to set them free B. not to harm them C. to go with them to the cave D. to exchange the donkey’s life for his 38. The fox lured the donkey to the cave so that A. the lion could not find them B. the lion could eat the donkey C. they could get away from the lion D, the donkey would be safe and sound 024/1 SULIT SULIT 12 024/1 ‘The phrase ‘on cloud nine’ in the passage means A. delighted B. surprised C. grateful D. foolish 39. 40. The moral of this story is who is wise and smart would be able to escape unhurt. B. people who cheat others can end up being cheated too. C. one who is fierce is always the winner. D. one who is timid is always the loser KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT 024/1 SULIT SULIT NO. KAD PENGENALAN/ | | NO SURAT BERANAK JABATAN PELAJARAN PULAU PINANG ae UJIAN PENGESANAN TAHAP PENCAPAIAN 2011 BAHASA INGGERIS 024/2 Kertas 2 Ogos - 1% jam Satu jam lima belas minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Tulis nombor kad pengenalan atau nombor surat beranak kamu Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa pada petak yang disediakan. 2. Kertas soalan in mengandungi tiga | Banagi Markah Markah — bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian | | Penuh _| Diperolehi B, dan Bahagian C. ] 3. Jawab semua soalan. A 10 | 4. Jawapan kamu hendaklah ditulis pada ruang yang disedakankan B 15 dlam kertas soalan ini, Sekiranya ruang yang disediakan _ tidak mencukupi, sila dapatkan helaian c 15 tambahan daripada _pengawas pepertiksaan. Helaian tambahan (jika ada) hendaklah diikat dan dihantar _bersama-sana___ kertas soalan pada akhir peperiksaan. ee Kertas ini mengandungi 8 halaman bereetak [Lihat halaman sebelah beac SULIT 024/2 SULIT 2, SECTION A [ 10 marks ] [ Time suggested : 15 minutes ] Based on the picture, write one correct sentence. You must use both the words given. lL — toolbox — ladder [I mark] — wears — wrist [I mark] 024/2 SULIT SULIT 3 024/2 3. [1 mark] 4. — skateboarding — park [1 mark] 5. — dragon fruit — seeds {1 mark] [Lihat halaman sebelah 24/2 SULIT SULIT 4 mies 6. — aspires — engineer [i mark] sprang hone 7. — thief — snatched Ti mark] 8. Ti mark] 024/2 SULIT SULIT 5 me 9. = young ~ lamb [I mark) 10. — train — tunnel {! mark} [Lihat halaman sebelah 242 SULIT 024/2 6 SECTION B [15 marks ] [ Time suggested : 25 minutes ] SULIT Read the information carefully. Use the information to complete the passage. PRACTISE the 4Rs REFUSE — buy only what you need REUSE - plastic containers, glass bottles KEEP OUR RECYCLE - glass, paper, aluminium cans ENVIRONMENT CLEAN! REDUCE — use shopping bags made of cloth instead of plastic bags Don't throw away your unwanted oo things. RECYCLE THEM! = RECYCLE BINS: Glass -Blue | Paper — Green Aluminium Cans — Orange All of us should practise the 4Rs in our daily lives. The 4Rs stand for (11). Buy only what you need and reuse (12). Separate your recyclable wastes and put them into the blue, green and orange (13). Finally, we should reduce the use —__ ty and bring along our own shopping bags made of cloth. It is our responsibility rr 024/2 SULIT oe 7 024/2 SECTION C [15 marks ] [ Time suggested : 35 minutes J The series of pictures below show an event. You may use all the words to describe the pictures. Write your answer in the space provided. @ - Sports Day — gathered — field — parents — seated — tents {Lihat halaman sebelah 024/2 SULIT SULIT (ii) — Boon Seng — took part — race — cheered — won 024/2 Gi) —S> i | be A ee — headmaster — prizes — congratulated winners — proud 024/2 KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT SULIT BAHASA INGGERIS AUGUST 2011 Suggested Answers Paper1 CTT s 14 D 2 A un al 2 B 12 A 22 c 32 8 3 Cc 43 B 23 B 33 oD 4 c 14 8 24 A 4 D ig c 5 A 25 D 3 A (ps Cc 16 Cc 26 A 36 8 7 D 17 c 27 B 37 o emma) aD) 78 A 28 B 38 B oa) aa) 19 B 29 A 39) A mi ¢ 20 e 30 A 40 B Paper 2 Section A (1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer) 1. The toolbox is under the ladder. / There is a toolbox under the ladder. 2. The man / He wears a watch on his wrist. ~3—Thereis-a flood in the /a/-my village. 4, He is / likes skateboarding in / at the / a park. 5. A/ The dragon fruit has (many) tiny (black) seeds. 6. He aspires to be / become an engineer. 7. A/The thief snatched her / the / my handbag last night. 8. He is as tall as his / my father. 9. The young of a sheep is (called) a lamb. / A young sheep is (called) a lamb. 10. The train passes / travels / goes through the /a tunnel, ** (Any other suitable answers may be accepted) Section B (15 marks) 11. Refuse, Reuse, Recycle and Reduce 12. plastic containers and glass bottles 13. recycle bins 14. of plastic bags 15. to keep our environment clean

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