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1Intdodudtio n

11 Pudpose
7he Sotcoase is fo5 the outomation 0f
Manaqem ent of uBeTS : O Admin
7stoatod Levet
It ointains tu0o le ve/g USeo 1e vel
Patient details
The softwase in thudes Main-taining aduice.
Poes coiption ,PTecaution3 and Diet
B1in9 Ond Peport gepeaHon
Hosprtal Manag
1:2 Scope poodUGIS-the
o The p00pO80d be ubedo get
sy8-teM cOl
SustemcHMS), The and-th SHo@i rng -the
in0 f0on the pa-en

dota fos FutuTe USag6 use iS a papEG

baaed Sptem
T h e u T o e n t s ystem
in the
psoide pdaled liSts
T iS o o Sloco ond con 4
potient cofthin reasonable -HmeFoamG
to e d u v e
OveHrme pas
tem is
hein-ten tion 0F{heSuS -that Can be
h nuhbes os OTeN-t3
Cnd incDEALe
tJ6a ted aGoiately
1:3 OUezife isthe
The SOftuwaDe Peauioemerr Spec iGo-tion (SPS)
hat t00mally Speake
the oeAioem ents t00OK pobt
HOSpYtá Manogement Stys1erD ( HIIS).
Tt intudes the e u14 0F both busine analySiS
and systems
syS anolySS efFOTtS vsious techniques
w eoe
o eicit the eyuioemertS arnd we
have iden tified yous. need s , onaly zed and
OEAined themD
2-bneneoal DescopHON
2-1 PoOduGt PeDspe. c-Hve
h The t/MS isa se/f -Contained sitem the monageme
40ties of -the hospital
S0re ho IdODS
asPatiet Int0. Uaorous
inUolued in the hospi-ta paten
Sys ten
22 Poodu ct
The S
SySt¬m functio ng con b0 desCoibEd as 40lo ro
ReqistdOHn: (when a pat ient is adrited yhe
deS Sta f
CheLK3 t0 See It he
gisteTEd toith the hospita patient is aloeak
Potient Check ocd Tia pa-tient
Checrz ouly the
Odminists0-tion StOfF Sholl detele -the PHN FT0m Ih6
Cirnd ypr
just evotunte bed is inCuded in avai labie-ds
Coenebaion The System genesates veposis on he
infogmaHon Lis-t fOllocnna
ofdetailed iniooma Hon Teganing
the po4Heot who ha s been dmi tHed in he
hosp/ tar
23 Used Chaga cte oisHOS; The Sy Stem coil be used in
Spi-aI The administtoos, FoontdeSk Staf co1l be
the main usess 0 veN no t al he cuse0S av6 Cornptte
4ebOv6 *Some useGS n y
have 40 be tOaineo 0p ussng
he SySHEm
obe tseg-fgi BNly H euleg a
oaphi'oal vseo Ined Face (h0 1)
3 Spectie Regpi vEmANAS
Fun chonas 260cuiemerus: ()2egistOYoD
Add Potien+3 This allowS s ex t0 aód
ASSin ID: he Foon t -desr S+aFf sho eubne0bePaHiNt
ass allovdad
Check oct iqn eath PHeNtaTD.
Del8tg HNt ID:tohB AdminigtIaHUe cDAG Shall bealbcras
O Add to beds dOIetO the ID0f he paHiona
-a ni ia bl8
is4: The HPIMS
administDAUe Shall
cDOVd t0
ppdae he beds just Jehe
2epot benesation evMual
Poient Man n formaHon The HPIMS Shall qeneoH3
D0pos on paients a bocut-their delais.
Sp-PE7: Bed Availabiliy8 The HMS Shall genl0te
oepor On bed-avai labiltt abou the Octupied
n DCCopied beds
ELLZET NOn- Funcionas
3-22 Secujentifiioton resthe
LeiPPAHOD &The SysS +ern e?fui
POten+ PH.
himserf/heoae/7 uß ing
patrent to identify
cho use3 thE Sq8+OM Shall
Logon ID Any used
hove a1020D Id and paBco08d
Msfcation: Any modificaton linseDthdele,cpaiA)
Shol d be avau hble.
3. Pe6fo6mon e RegweMeD 8
B3 Resp orse me3 he Seysteo Shall gite oeLpon
n 1SC cond aftedCheckng he patioDtIs nfoomH O
Go9agts : The System must suppott1000pepp /e
InteD{ae:he uSer-intesfate SLoeLD 3 hau
espond Whin 5 secDndS«
3 Maintainabily
the capY HO kaCr
O BaCe Up: The systero Sha li poovide
4P the odaa
o 6 o 0 S : The Systed Sho) eep
a l0 0ta heesdps

&6 20Jioblye
ua 10biliH: The gg1ea Shal beauai1able e1-he time

( Conclus top;
The S23 doument is ebed tog ve detai is vegaoding
HOSpHal Patiert Tn fo Management SysHeD Fungwonau
and non-Punctional eapfcemep t8 Ae Spefied
inpodes to geta Ceas Cidea -40 develop a

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