Measurement of Electrical Quantities (4-12) PDF

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Measurement of Electrical

Outline 2

• Measurement of Resistance
• Measurement of Medium Resistances
• Measurement of Low Resistances
• Measurement of High Resistances
• Localization of Cable Faults
• Measurement of Inductance
• Measurement of Capacitance

Abidur Rahman
Measurement of Resistances 3

Classification of Resistances:
• Low Resistance: below 1 Ω.
• Medium Resistance: From 1 Ω up to 0.1 MΩ
• High Resistance: 0.1 MΩ and above.

Abidur Rahman
Measurement of Medium Resistances 4

Measurement of Medium Resistance

• Ammeter-Voltmeter method
• Substitution method
• Wheatstone-Bridge method
• Ohmmeter method

Abidur Rahman
Ammeter-Voltmeter Method 5

This is the most popular since the

instruments are available in the
Two types of connection
employed in this method.
In both cases,
R = V/I

Abidur Rahman
Ammeter-Voltmeter Method 6

Now in figure 1, the voltmeter measures voltage drop across ammeter

and the unknown resistance, hence

Hence, the relative error will be,

It can be observed that the relative error is zero for Ra


Abidur Rahman
Ammeter-Voltmeter Method 7

For connection in figure 2, the ammeter measures the sum of current

through voltmeter and resistance, hence

The relative error will be,

It can be observed that the relative error is zero for Rv


Abidur Rahman
Ammeter-Voltmeter Method 8

Now which connection to be used in which case. To find out, we

equate both the errors.

Hence for resistances greater than that given by above equation we

use the first method and for less than that we use second method.

Abidur Rahman
Substitution Method 9

The figure below shows the circuit diagram for resistance

measurement of an unknown resistance R. S is a standard variable
resistance and r is a regulating resistance.

Abidur Rahman
Substitution Method 10

First the switch is placed at position 1 and the ammeter is made to

read a certain amount of current by varying r. The value of ammeter
reading is noted.
Now the switch is moved to position 2 and S is varied in order to
achieve the same ammeter reading as it read in the initial case. The
value of S for which ammeter reads same as in position 1, is the
value of unknown resistance R, provided the EMF source has
constant value throughout the experiment.

Abidur Rahman
Wheatstone-Bridge Method 11

It mainly consists of four arms of resistance P, Q; R

and S.
R is the unknown resistance under experiment, while
S is a standard resistance. P and Q are known as the
ratio arms.
An EMF source is connected between points a and b
while a galvanometer is connected between points c
and d.

Abidur Rahman
Wheatstone-Bridge Method 12

It works on the principle of null detection. Here the

standard resistance, S is varied in order to obtain
null deflection in the galvanometer. This null
deflection implies no current from point c to d,
which implies that potential of point c and d is
same. Hence

Abidur Rahman
Measurement of Low Resistances 13

Measurement of Low Resistance

• The current is flown through current terminals C1
and C2w hil
e the po
te nti
aldrop i
s m e as u
across pote n t
erm inal
s V1 and V2.
• This method helps us to exclude the contact
resistance due to current terminals. Although
contact resistance of potential terminals still
comes into picture, it is very small and hence
induces negligible error.

Abidur Rahman
Measurement of Low Resistances 14

The methods employed for measurement of low resistances are:-

• Kelvin’s Double Bridge Method
• Potentiometer Method
• Ducter Ohmmeter

Abidur Rahman
Kelvin’s Bridge Method 15

Abidur Rahman
Kelvin’s Double Bridge Method 16

Abidur Rahman
Kelvin’s Double Bridge Method 17

Abidur Rahman
Kelvin’s Double Bridge Method 18

Abidur Rahman
Kelvin’s Double Bridge Method 19

Abidur Rahman
Measurement of High Resistances 20

The methods employed for measurement of high resistances are:-

• Loss of Charge Method
• Megger
• Megohm bridge Method
• Direct Deflection Method

Abidur Rahman
Direct Deflection Method 21

D’Arsonval Galvanometer is used which can detect 0.1-1nA.

If 1kV is used, then 1012Ω to 10x1012Ω can be detected.

Abidur Rahman
Loss of Charge Method 22

Abidur Rahman
Measurement of Resistances 23

Abidur Rahman
Megohm bridge Method 24

Abidur Rahman
Localization of Cable Faults 25

Localization of Cable Faults

1. Murray Loop Test
2. Varley Loop Test
3. Fisher Loop Test
These tests are used to find the fault location in an underground
cable by making one Wheatstone Bridge in it and by comparing the
resistance, the fault location can be determined. The known length of
the cables are used in this experiment.

Abidur Rahman
Murray Loop Test 26

Abidur Rahman
Murray Loop Test 27

Abidur Rahman
Murray Loop Test 28

• Length of cable must be know
• Effect of fault resistance
• Effect of temperature

Abidur Rahman
Varley Loop Test 29

Abidur Rahman
Varley Loop Test 30

Abidur Rahman
Varley Loop Test 31

Abidur Rahman
Varley Loop Test 32

Abidur Rahman
Varley Loop Test 33

• Effect of fault resistance
• Effect of temperature

Abidur Rahman
Example 14.2 Page 518 34

A resistance of approximate value of 80Ω is to be measured by

ammeter-voltmeter method using a 1A ammeter, Ra = 2Ω,50V
vo l
tm eter,
R v= 5kΩ .
1. Suggest which one of the two methods should be used?
2. Suppose in the suggested method
• I = 0.42A
• V = 35.5V
What is the resulting error if the instrument accuracy is ±0.5% and
errors are standard deviation.

Abidur Rahman
Example 14.3 Page 519 35

A resistance R is measured using the 1st connection of ammeter

voltmeter method. The current measured is 10A on range 10A and
the voltage measured is 125V on 150V range. The scales of the
ammeter and voltmeter are uniform, the total scale divisions of
ammeter are 100 and that of voltmeter are 150. The scales of these
instruments are such that 1/10 of a scale division can be
distinguished . The constructional error of the ammeter is ±0.3% and
that of voltmeter ±0.4%. The resistance of the ammeter is 0.25Ω.
Calculate the value of R and the limits of possible error in the results.

Abidur Rahman

Abidur Rahman
Reference 37

• A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and

Instrumentation BY A. K. SAWHNEY
• Weblink:
• Weblink:

Abidur Rahman
Questions & Confusions?!?! 38

Abidur Rahman

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