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Fundamentals of Hydraulics

Name: Sayed Hashmat Sadat
Ph#: +93 744 327 392

Introduction Introduction
Hydraulic (Hydro ‘water’ + aulos ‘pipe’) engineering as a sub- The term 'Hydraulics' is related to the application of the Fluid
discipline of civil engineering is concerned with the flow and Mechanics principles to water engineering structures, civil and
conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage. environmental engineering facilities: e.g., canal, river, dam,
reservoir, water treatment plant.

Introduction Introduction
Hydraulic engineering is the science of water in motion, and the Hydraulic engineers are concerned with application of the basic
interactions between the flowing fluid and the surrounding principles of fluid mechanics to open channel flows and real
environment. fluid flow hydrodynamics. Examples of open channels are
natural streams and rivers. Man-made channels include
irrigation and navigation canals, drainage ditches, sewer and
culvert pipes running partially full, and spillways.


Introduction Introduction
Hydraulic systems are designed to transport, store or regulate As a hydraulics engineer, you can play a vital role in the design
water. and functionality of bridges, dams, levees and canals.
Fundamental principles of fluid mechanics (necessary)

For proper planning, design, construction, and operation of hydraulic

Soil mechanics
Structural analysis
Engineering economics
Geographic information systems
Environmental engineering

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Fundamental properties of water The three phases of water:

It is important to understand the physical properties of water
to solve properly the various problems in hydraulic engineering Depending on its energy content, water may appear in solid,
systems. For example, the density, the surface tension, and the liquid, or gaseous form.
viscosity of water all vary, in one way or another, with water
Solid form: snow and ice
Liquid form: water
Gaseous form: moisture, water vapor in air

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The specific weight (weight per unit volume) of water (ϒ) can be
determined by the product of the density (ρ) and the gravitational
Mass (Density) and Weight (Specific Weight) acceleration (g).

The ratio of the specific weight of any liquid at a given temperature to

The unit of measurement for mass is either gram (g) or kilogram (kg). that of water at 4°C is called the specific gravity of that liquid.
Density is the mass per unit volume.
ρ = m/V Example 1.1
Weight of an object is defined by the product of its mass and the An aquarium holds 0.5 m3 of water. The weight of the aquarium is 5,090
gravitational acceleration. N when full and 200 N when empty. Determine the temperature of the
water. Ans. T ≈ 25°C
W = mg
The unit of weight in SI system is newton (N).
One Newton is the force required to accelerate 1 kg of mass at a rate
of 1 m/s2.

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Viscosity of water Shear Stress in Fluids:

Water responds to shear stress by continuously Water fills the space between two parallel plates (lightweight plastic) of
distance y apart. A horizontal force T is applied to the upper plate and
yielding in angular deformation in the direction moves it to the right at velocity v while the lower plate remains
of the shear as shown in the following figure, stationary. The shear force T is applied to overcome the water resistance
R, and it must be equal to R because there is no acceleration involved in
which leads to the concept of viscosity. the process.

Moving plate

Stationary plate Stationary plate

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The resistance per unit area of the upper plate (  R / A  T / A)

µ is the absolute viscosity of the fluid. Equation 1.2 is
is proportional to the rate of angular deformation in the fluid: commonly known as Newton’s law of viscosity.
 dv 
d dx dy dx dt dv      (1.2)
     dy 
dt dt dy dy
 dv 
     (1.2) Most liquids abide by this relationship and are called
 dy  Newtonian fluids. Those do not abide by this relationship are
Moving plate
known as non-Newtonian fluids (including house paints and
human blood).

µ is usually measured in the unit of poise,

1 poise = 0.1 N sec/m2
Stationary plate

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Example 1.2
A flat plate of 50 cm2 is being pulled over a fixed flat surface at a constant
In engineering practice, for convenience often the term kinematic velocity of 45 cm/s. An oil film of unknown viscosity separates the plate
viscosity, ʋ, is used.
and the fixed surface by a distance of 0.1 cm. The force (T) required to
  pull the plate is measured to be 31.7 N, and the viscosity of the fluid is
constant. Determine the absolute viscosity.
The kinematic viscosity carries the unit of cm2/s (with the unit of
stokes, named after British mathematician G. G. Stoke). The abs.
viscosities and the kinematic viscosities of pure water and air are Ans. 14.1 N s/m2
shown as functions of temperature in Table 1.3 of the text book.

Moving plate

Stationary plate

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Surface Tension and Capillarity Surface Tension and Capillarity

• Even at a small distance below the surface of a liquid body, liquid
molecules are attracted to each other by equal forces in all directions. • Most liquid adhere to solid surfaces. The adhesive
• The molecules on the surface form stronger bonds with adjacent liquid force varies, depending on the nature of the liquid
molecules. This causes the liquid surface to seek a minimum possible and of the solid surface.
area by exerting surface tension tangent to the surface over the entire
surface area.

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 The angle θ at which the liquid film meets the glass depends on the nature
Capillary action is the phenomenon of rise and fall of liquid in a of the liquid and the solid surfaces.
glass tube as shown in the following figures.
 The upward (or downward) motion in the tube will cease when the vertical
component of the surface-tension force around the edge of the film equals
the weight of the raised (or lowered) liquid column.

h is determined by the balance of adhesive force between the liquid

and solid surface and the weight of the liquid column above or
below the liquid free-surface.

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Surface tension is usually expressed in the units of force per unit

length. Its value depends on the temperature and the electrolytic
When the very small volume of liquid above (or below) the base of the content of the liquid.
curved meniscus is neglected, the relationship may be expressed as Small amounts of salt dissolved in water tend to increase the
electrolytic content and, hence, the surface tension.
Organic matter (such as soap) decreases the surface tension in water
Hence, D 2 and permits the formation of bubbles.
(D) sin   (h)

4 sin  The surface tension of pure water as a function of temperature is listed

h (1.3)
D in Table 1.4 of the text book

σ: surface tension
ϒ: unit weight of the liquid
D: inside diameter of the vertical tube

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Example Elasticity of Water

Water at 10°C stands in a clean glass tube of 2 mm diameter at a Water is commonly assumed to be incompressible under
height of 35 mm. What is the true static height?
ordinary conditions. In reality it is about 100 times more
compressible than steel.
Solution It is necessary to consider the compressibility of water when
water hammer issues are possible.
At 10°C, ϒ=9804 N/m3, σ=0.0742 N/m.
For clean glass tube: θ=90° The compressibility of water is inversely proportional to its
volume modulus of elasticity, Eb, also known as the bulk
2 20.0742 N m modulus of elasticity.
h 
r 9804 N m3 0.001m
 0.01514m  15.14mm

True static height = 35.00-15.14 = 19.86 mm

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The pressure-volume relationship may be expressed as Example 1.3

 Vol 
P   Eb   (1.4) The density of seawater is 1,026 kg/m3 at sea level.
 Vol 
Determine the density of seawater on the ocean floor
Vol is initial volume; P and Vol are the corresponding changes in
pressure and volume, respectively. 2,000 m deep, where the pressure is approximately
2.02 *107 N/m2.
 The bulk modulus of elasticity of water varies with both temperature
and pressure.
 In the range of practical applications in typical hydraulic systems, a
Ans. 1.040 kg/m3
value of 2.2 *109 N/m2, or BG units, 3.2 *105 lb/in2 (psi).

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