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a. When the courts are confronted
DEFINITION: with a “conflicts” problem, the
solution is found in the application
- Part of Municipal Law of the State which of local law or foreign law.
directs its courts and administrative b. In some instances, the local courts
agencies, when confronted with a legal are left with no discretion but to
problem involving a foreign element, apply the local (domestic, municipal
whether or not they should apply foreign law) law of the forum as when the
law or laws. foreign law has not been properly
pleaded and proved.
a. While Private international law is If the foreign law has been properly pleaded and
given the appellation of an proved and the local court applies the foreign law,
international law, it is not in reality does it recognize the superiority of the foreign
international in character- IT IS state?
b. The appellation of “international” - No. Each sovereign state is supreme within
attached to its title is simple because its own limits. It is within its power to
of the presence of “foreign exclude or recognize foreign law. Hence,
element” in the legal issue. (See when it decides that a foreign law be given
element no.3.) effect in its territory, it is because the
municipal law temporarily abdicates its
2. THERE IS A DIRECTIVE TO COURTS AND supreme authority in favour of the foreign
ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES- law which for the time being with
a. The courts and the administrative reference to that matter becomes by itself,
agencies (quasi judicial bodies that its municipal law.
decide/resolve preliminarily) are the
What is the basic cause of “conflicts” problems?
fora or tribunals tasked to resolve
legal issues/ controversies. - Multiple governments have separate and
different legal systems. As a results, there
3. THERE IS A LEGAL PROBLEM INVOLVING A is variance in the decision or resolution of
FOREIGN ELEMENT- problems involving the same set of facts.
a. The presence of a “foreign
element” is what places the legal
problem within the context of 1. DIRECT SOURECS- constitutions,
private international law. codifications, special laws, treaties and
b. “Foreign element” must be present conventions, judicial decisions,
before the matter can be considered international customs
a “conflicts” problem.
c. E.g. Validity of marriage in the UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMS:
following cases: a. Lex situs- law of the place where the
- A Filipina married an American in U.S. property is situated governs every
- A Filipina married an American in China. transaction concerning such property.
- Two Filipinos married in U.S. (Art. 16, par.1, NCC)- applies to both
- However, if two Filipinos married in Manila, real and personal property
the matter will not be a “conflicts” problem b. Lex loci celebrationis- law of the place
because there is no “foreign element” of celebration or execution governs all
involved. transactions on formalities and
solemnities except when property is
involved in which case “lex situs” is When applicable:
controlling. (Art. 17, par.1, NCC)
The tribunal has jurisdiction but it may
c. Lex nationalii- national law is
refuse to assume jurisdiction when:
controlling. (Ex: Art. 16, par.2, NCC- The
national law of the deceased governs 1. Evidence and witnesses are not readily
the successional rights to his estate) available.
d. Lex domicilii- domiciliary law is 2. Court dockets are clogged- adherence to
controlling. speedy administration of justice rule.
e. Territoriality- law of the place of the 3. There is forum shopping- the first tribunal
territory where the crime was to take cognizance shall have jurisdiction.
committed has jurisdiction to try the 4. The local court has no particular interest in
offense committed subject to the matter.
exceptions. (Art.2, RPC) 5. The case is better tried in other open
f. Generality- criminal laws of a country courts.
bind both citizens and aliens in the said
territory subject to exceptions. (Art. 14, In Manila Hotel Corp. Vs. NLRC G.R. no. 120077
NCC) 10/13/2000

- The NLRC was an inconvenient forum.

2. INDIRECT SOURCES- natural moral law,
Under the rule of forum non conveniens, a
works of writers
Philippine court or agency may assume
jurisdiction over the case if it chooses to do
so, provided:
NOTE: When courts are confronted with a a. That the Philippine court is one to which
“conflicts” problem, it becomes an issue of the parties may conveniently resort to;
jurisdiction. b. That the Philippine court is in a position
to make an intelligent decision as to the
JURISDICTION- is the authority to hear, try and law and facts
decide a case and to enforce its judgment. c. That the Philippine court has or is likely
to have power to enforce its decision
In Conflict of Laws, it includes enforcement of
judgment in foreign state. LEX FORI
QUESTION: When applicable:
Since there is a directive to courts and 1. When the law of the forum expressly
administrative agencies to resolve the issue, provides that its law shall apply.
what must they do if confronted with a 2. When foreign law has not been properly
“conflicts” problem? pleaded and proved. (We do not take
judicial notice of foreign laws.)
- If there is no jurisdiction-
 Dismiss the case. Otherwise, all
When the foreign law is:
judgments shall be null considering that
a. Contrary to public policy
the tribunal acted with grave abuse of
b. Contrary to public morals (contra bonos
discretion amounting to less or excess
of its jurisdiction.
c. Procedural
d. Criminal
- If there is jurisdiction-
e. Fiscal
 Refuse to assume jurisdiction- FORUM
f. Will do injustice
g. Against national security
 Assume jurisdiction-
h. When the case involves real or personal
a. Apply internal law- LEX FORI
property situated in the forum.
b. Apply foreign law- LEX CAUSAE
When applicable: jurisdiction. If the court had no jurisdiction,
said judgment cannot be given effect.
1. When foreign law has been properly
pleaded and proved. EFFECT OF FOREIGN JUDMENT
2. When the cases do not fall under any of the
Section 50, Rules of Court- Effect of Foreign
exceptions to comity.
ii. B. FOREIGN JUDGMENTS In case of judgement against specific thing-
judgment is conclusive upon the title to the thing.
Like foreign law, we cannot take judicial notice of
foreign judgments. The same must be properly In case of judgment against a person- judgment is
pleaded and proved to enforce it in another presumptive evidence of a right as between the
country. A foreign judgment does not of itself have parties and their successors in interest by a
extra-territorial application. It can only be enforced subsequent title.
within the territory of the court issuing it.
Note: The local court may recognize a foreign CHARACTERIZATION OF CONFLICT
judgment but not necessarily enforce it RULES

RECOGNITION ENFORCEMENT - Conflict rules are the provisions found in

Foreign judgment Foreign judgment is the country’s own law which govern facts
is allowed to be carried out or made
with foreign element.
presented as a effective in
defense in Philippines. INTERNAL RULE VS. CONFLICTS RULE
Philippine courts.
Sense of justice Act of sovereignty - Both are found in the country’s own law.
Does not require Necessitates a
action or
proceeding proceeding to make Governs domestic Governs a problem
the foreign problem with foreign
judgment effective element
May exist without Necessarily carries Directly responds to Indirectly responds
enforcement. with it recognition. problem applying to the problem by
the law indicating whether
internal or foreign
Requisites for recognition and enforcement: law is applied

1. There must be proof of foreign judgment.

2. Judgment must be on civil or commercial KINDS OF CONFLICT RULES
1. One sided- indicates when Philippine law is
3. There must be no lack of jurisdiction, no
want of notice, no collusion, no fraud, no
Ex: Art. 15, CC. Law relating to family
mistake of law or fact.
rights, duties, status, condition and legal
4. It must not be contrary to public policy.
capacity are binding upon Filipino citizens
5. The judgment must be res judicata
even if living abroad.
Baretto Gonzales vs. Gonzales 58 Phil. 67
2. All-sided- indicates when foreign law is
To obtain divorce in Reno, spouses had a collusion
for the husband obtained Reno residence.
Ex: Art. 16, CC. Intestate and testamentary
QUESTION: Can the said divorce decree be given successions as to order of succession and
effect in Philippines? intrinsic validity shall be regulated by the
national law of the deceased regardless of
- No. In view of the collusion and non bona the nature of property and wherever it may
fide residence, court did not acquire be found.
COMPOSITION OF CONFLICT RULES comply with certain requisites in
Germany. Hence, he is considered
1. Factual situation-
German in Germany and naturalized
- set of facts presenting a conflict problem
Filipino in Philippines.
- raises question
- In case of doubt, apply characterization
2. Point of contact or connecting factor
of the forum.
- The law of the country where the factual
situation is intimately connected.
-answers the question
- Procedural matters- governed by the
law of the forum
Ex: Art 16, CC. Intestate and testamentary
- Prescription of action/ statute of
successions as to order of succession and
limitation-sui generis
intrinsic validity shall be regulated by the
- This characterization becomes
national law of the deceased regardless of
irrelevant if there is a “borrowing
the nature of property and wherever it may
statute”- directs state of forum to apply
be found.
foreign statute of limitation to claims
based on foreign law. It treats foreign
Factual situation- intestate and
statute of limitation as one of
testamentary succession as to order of
succession and intrinsic validity
- A” borrowing statute” is a statute under
Point of contact-national law of the
which one state may borrow a shorter
statute of limitations for a cause of
CHARACTERIZATION OF CONFLICT RULES action arising in another state to
prevent forum shopping. (A party
Characterization- “classification”- the process of would resort to forum shopping to find
determining under what category a set of facts or the longest available period for
rules fall to enable the forum to select the proper prescription.)
law. (doctrine of qualification) - Ex: A and B were involved in a collision
where B suffered injuires/damages. The
collision occurred in state C. B is a
1. DETERMINATION OF FACTS citizen of State D. A is a citizen of State
- The forum is guided preliminarily by the E. The plaintiff, B, in filing a claim, may
law of the forum. resort to forum shopping and find the
- Ex: intestate succession of a German longest prescriptive period. To prevent
residing in Philippines. this, a state may provide for a
2. CHARACTERIZATION OF FACTUAL “borrowing statute”. Hence, if State C
SITUATION has the longest prescriptive period and
- Assigning facts to proper category State D has the shortest prescriptive
- Ex: Succession period, State C can apply the law of
3. DETERMINATION OF CONFLICT RULE TO BE State D if it has a “borrowing statute”.
APPLIED - Ex. Sec. 48, Code of Civil Procedure
- Determine the precise country that has “If by the laws of the state or country
most intimate connection with the where the cause of action arose, the
facts action is barred, it is also barred in
- Ex: Succession- national law of the Philippine Islands.”
LWV Construction Corporation vs. Marcelo V.
Dupo G.R. no. 172342 7/13/2009
- In case issues arise regarding the point As a general rule, a foreign procedural law will not
of contact be applied in the forum. Procedural matters such
- E.g.: The German became naturalized as service of process, joinder of actions, period and
Filipino during his lifetime but failed to requisites for appeal and so forth are governed by
the laws of the forum. This is true even if the action will
is based upon a foreign substantive law. 4. Universally
A law on prescription of action is sui generis in
Conflict of Laws in the sense that it may be viewed
either as procedural or substantive, depending on E.g. Marriage of A and B
the characterization given such law. - By their marriage, the State conferred the
However, the characterization of a statute into a status as “married” to A and B, predicated upon
procedural or substantive law becomes irrelevant their voluntary act to marry each other. Public
when the country of the forum has a borrowing knows of their marriage as the same is
statute. Said statute has the practical effect of registered. They cannot by their own will
treating the foreign statute of limitation as one of terminate it as filing of annulment is necessary.
substance. A borrowing statute directs the state of They are recognized as married anywhere.
the forum to apply the foreign statute of PERSONAL LAW- the law that attaches to an
limitations to the pending claims based on a individual wherever he may go.
foreign law. While there are several kinds of
borrowing statutes, one form provides that an Theories:
action barred by the law of the place where it
1. NATIONALITY THEORY- status and capacity
accrued will not be enforced in the forum even
of an individual is governed by the law of
though the local statute has not run against it.
his nationality
Section 48 of our Code of Civil Procedure is of this
2. DOMICILIARY THEORY- status and capacity
kind. The Civil Code repealed only those provisions
of an individual is governed by his domicile
of the Code of Civil Procedure as to which were
3. SITUS THEORY- situs of event or transaction
inconsistent with it. There is no provision in the
is the controlling law
Civil Code which is inconsistent with or
contradictory to Section 48 of the Code of Civil

6. PLEADING AND PROVING OF FOREIGN Importance of national law: nationality or domicile

LAW connects a person to the state.
-membership in an - membership in a
ethnic, social, racial, political society
STATUS CAPACITY cultural group
Place of an individual Part of status, sum total - include not only
in a society, consists of a person’s rights and citizens but those who
of personal qualities obligations owe allegiance including
and permanent all inhabitants
relationships with - a state may have
which the several nationals
community and the Note: In Conflict of Laws, they are used
state are concerned interchangeably.
Characteristics: Kinds:
1. Conferred by 1. Active (capacity Kinds of citizens:
state to act)
1. Natural born- citizens from birth (where
(predicated - Power to act
born or parent’s nationality)
upon with legal
voluntary effects 2. Naturalized- citizens through judicial
act) 2. Passive (juridical proceedings- direct naturalization (judicial,
2. Matter of capacity) legislative, administrative), derivative
public or - Fitness to be naturalization
social subject of 3. Citizens by election- by electing Phil.
interest legal
Citizenship at age 21 or within reasonable
3. Cannot be relations
terminated at time thereafter
Determining citizenship: where he appears to be most closely
1. Jus soli- place (NA in Phil)
2. Jus sanguinis-ancestry (ff in Phil) Roa vs. B. Stateless:
Collector of Customs 13 Phil 321. - Deprived by cause such as commission of a
Some legal provisions wherein the national law is
- Renunciation of nationality
the controlling law:
- Voluntary release
Art. 15, 16, 1039, NCC, Art 21, FC - Non-application of both jus soli and jus
sanguinis- born of American Parents (jus
Issue on nationality soli) and born in Phil (jus sanguinis)
A. Dual, multiple nationalities: Problem: What is their personal law?
- When there is combined application of jus
soli and jus sanguinis- born of Filipino Hague Conference of 1928 on International
parents (jus sanguinis)- Filipino and born in Private Law- law of domicile and secondarily, law
U.S. (jus soli)- American of temporary residence
- Failure to comply with certain requisite
E.g: Stateless person whose domicile is in
- Legislative act of state
Philippines died in Manila leaving properties in
- Voluntary act of individual
Philippines- apply law of domicile- Philippine law.
Problem: What national law must be applied in the
Note: there is no independent action for judicial
case of multiple or dual nationals?
declaration of citizenship of an individual. E.g.
Rules: Petition for correction of entry where an
illegitimate child of a Filipino mother and Chinese
1. If one of the recognized nationality is father was registered as Chinese. (In Re: Petition
Filipino, apply Phil law since we regard him for Correction of Entry of Certificate of Birth of
as Filipino minor, Chua Tan Chuan L-25439, March 28, 1969)
2. If not Filipino, national in his domicile,
apply the law of which he is both a national Exception: Lorenzo Lim vs. Juana Lim Alvarez vs.
and domicile. Dela Rosa, L-17790, March 31, 1964 - petition for
3. If not a Filipino and not a national in his injunction where the petitioners are being
domicile, apply either of the national law. compelled to register as aliens
In case of conflict, refer to law of domicile.
A. Filipino woman married to foreigner:
1. Filipino-Chinese died in France leaving
Before 1973- if woman acquired husband’s
properties in Phil- Since he is also a Filipino,
nationality, she lost Fil. Citizenship.
apply Phil law.
2. Chinese-Japanese whose domicile is in If she became a widow before the effectivity of
China died in Manila leaving properties in Comm. Act 63 (Oct. 21, 1963 )- she immediately
Phil- Since he is not a Filipino but a national reacquires Phil. Citizenship. If on or after Oct. 21,
in his domicile (China), apply Chinese law.- 1963- repatriation is necessary.
“theory of effective nationality”
If woman repatriates, it does not carry
3. Chinese-Japanese whose domicile is in
repatriation of minor as the minor was never a
France died in Manila leaving properties in
Filipino previously.
Phil- Since he is not a Filipino and not a
national in his domicile, apply either Under 1973- woman retains Fil. Citizenship unless
Chinese or Japanese law and in case of renounced by act or omission
conflict, refer to French law.
Under 1987- same
Note: in the point of view of the third state, he
shall be treated as having one nationality only- B. Foreign woman married to Filipino:
one where he is a habitual resident or one
BURCA RULING- L-24252, Jan. 30, 1967 - An alien Born after naturalization
woman who marries a Filipino citizen, does not,
a. born in Philippines- Filipino
by the mere fact of marriage, automatically
becomes a Filipino citizen. Petition for citizenship b. born outside- Filipino unless within one
or naturalization is necessary. year upon reaching majority he fails to register as
a Filipino
Moy ya Lim Yao vs. Comm of Immigration , G.R. No.
L-21289 41 SCRA 292- An alien woman marrying a If children are already of age at the time of
Filipino citizen becomes ipso facto a Filipina naturalization they are not Filipinos unless they
provided she is not disqualified. It is not necessary themselves be naturalized.
for an alien to prove in a judicial proceeding that
she possess all of the qualifications and none of the R.A. 9225 Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition
disqualifications under Comm. Act 473 (Revised Act of 2003
Naturalization Law)
Sec. 2- Filipino citizens who became citizens of
CITIZENS OF THE PHILIPPINES another country shall be deemed not to have lost
their Philippine citizenship under this Act.
1935 1973 1987
Citizens at -same- -same- Sec. 3- Natural Born Filipino citizens who have lost
time of their Phil. Citizenship through naturalization as
adoption citizens of foreign country are deemed to
Born of reacquire Phil. Citizenship upon taking oath of
foreign allegiance to the Republic.
elected to Natural born citizens who after the effectivity of
public office this Act became citizens of foreign country shall
retain their Phil. Citizenship upon taking the oath.
Fathers are Fathers or -same- Sec. 4.- unmarried child, legitimate or not, below
citizens mothers are
18 y.o. of those who reacquire Philippine
citizenship upon the effectivity of this Act shall be
Mothers are Those who Born before
citizens who elect Phil Jan 17, 1973 deemed citizens of the Philippines.
elect Phil citizenship of Filipino
Sec. 5. Those who retain or reacquire Fil.
citizenship under 1935 mothers
upon who elect Citizenship shall enjoy full civil and political rights.
majority Phil cit upon
- Suffrage- R.A. 9189
Naturalized -same- -same- - Seek public office- personal and sworn
in renunciation of any and all foreign
accordance citizenship before public officer authorized
with law to administer oath

Maquiling vs. COMELEC GR No. 195649, April

C. Minor children of naturalized Filipino 16, 2013
- With all due respect to the dissent, the
Rules: declared policy of R.A. 9225 is that all
Filipino citizens who became citizens of
Born before naturalization
another country shall be deemed not to
a.born in Philippines- Filipino have lost their Philippine citizenship under
b. born outside the conditions of this Act. This policy
* dwelling in Philippines at time of parent’s pertains to the reacquisition of Philippine
naturalization- Filipino citizenship. Section 5 (2) requires those who
* dwelling outside- Filipino only during have re-acquired Philippine citizenship and
minority unless he resides permanently in who seek elective public office to renounce
the Philippines. any and all foreign citizenship.
Citizenship shall be declared by a person
This requirement when read with Section whose mother is a Filipino. (July 7, 1941)
40 of the Local Government Code which
Statement signed and sworn by concerned
disqualifies those with dual citizenship from
before party authorized to administer oath and
running for any local elective position,
file with Civil Registry
indicates a policy that anyone who seeks to
run from public office must be solely and COMMONWEALTH ACT 473 AS AMENDED BY
exclusively a Filipino citizen. To allow a R.A. 530
former Filipino who reacquires Philippine
citizenship to continue using a passport- COMMONWEALTH ACT 63 AS AMENDED BY
which indicates the recognition of a foreign R.A. 106
state of the individual as its national- even
Steps for Naturalization
after the Filipino has renounced his foreign
citizenship is to allow a complete disregard 1. Declaration of intention to be a Filipino
of this policy citizen
2. Filing of petition within one year
There is no doubt that the use of a passport 3. Publication and hearing
is a positive declaration that one is a citizen 4. Rehearing after 2 years
of the country which issued the passport, or 5. Taking of oath of allegiance
that a passport proves that the country
which issued it recognizes the person
named therein as its national. 1. Naturalization certificate is obtained
through fraud
Arnado is a natural born Filipino citizen who 2. Within 5 years from issuance, person
became naturalized American who concerned return to native country or
reacquired Filipino citizenship by taking his other country and reside therein
oath of allegiance and he renounced 3. Invalid declaration of intention
American citizenship by such oath. It is, 4. Minor children failed to graduate from
however, indubitable, that after public and private school, (curriculum of
renunciation, he used his U.S. passport six which teaches phil. History, gov’t, civic)
times. If there is any doubt, it is regarding through neglect
the efficacy of his renunciation which must 5. Person acted as dummy in violation of the
be complete and unequivocal. The Constitution.
requirement that it must be through an
oath emphasizes the solemn duty to DOMICILIARY THEORY
remain true to what one has sworn to. To -status, condition, rights and obligation, capacity
allow the subsequent use of a foreign governed by the law of the domicile of the
passport reduces it to a mere ceremonial individual
- Those appointed to public office- subscribe
1. Domicile is easier to change (a person may
and swear an oath of allegiance prior
easily change domicile if its legal system
assumption of office and renounce their
does not work in his favour.)
2. Characterization of domicile differs
- Practice of profession- apply for license or
- Right to vote and be voted- not extended to CITIZENSHIP
those in public office in country where they One’s permanent Ties of loyalty and
are naturalized and those in active service place of abode allegiance
in the armed forces

COMMONWEALTH ACT 625- An Act Providing Significance:

the Manner in which the option to elect Fil.
1. Law of domicile is the controlling law in the rules. If voidable- same, after annulment- wife
some legal situations. Art 829, 816, CC can choose, if void- wife can choose
2. Nationality theory may refer to one’s law of
Domicile of others:
domicile in certain instances (dual citizens,
stateless) Convicts- domicile before incarceration
DOMICILE- where a person has settled, fixed legal Soldiers- before enlistment
Public officials or employees abroad- domicile
OF BY OPERATION OF BY CHOICE before assigned elsewhere
(BIRTH) (CONSTRUCTIVE) DOMICILE BY CHOICE- voluntarily chosen with
Fixed by Fixed by law Voluntary intention to return
law will
At birth After birth After birth Rules:
Applies Other le Capacitated
to infants gally incapacitated 1. No one is without domicile
Never May change May change 2. No two or more domiciles except in certain
changes purposes. No two simultaneous domiciles
3. May change and once acquired the same
remains to be his domicile unless a new one
is obtained by a capacitated person with
DOMICILE OF ORIGIN (BIRTH) own freedom of choice and having physical
presence over such domicile.
Legitimate child- father’s domicile at time of birth, 4. Presumption is on the continuance; burden
now: parent’s domicile unless separated- of proof is upon one who alleges change of
custodial parent domicile.
Illegitimate child- mother’s domicile CHANGE AND RETENTION
Legitimated child- father’s domicile at time of To change domicile, one must reside therein with
birth intention to reside therein. Residence alone will
Adopted child- domicile of real parents suffice for retention.

Foundling- where found To obtain new domicile:

Family domicile: joint prerogative of husband and 1. Bodily presence

wife 2. Intention to remain
3. Intention to abandon old domicile
Case: Gallego vs. Vera GR L- 48641 11/24/41
Legitimate child- either parent’s domicile. In case
of disagreement- father except there is judicial Cases: Imelda Marcos vs. COMELEC GR 119976
order to the contrary Agapito Aquino vs. COMELEC GR 120265
Illegitimate child- mother’s domicile DOMICILE RESIDENCE
Permanent Temporary
Adopted child- adopter’s domicile
Only one- if absent, Can be several
Ward- guardian’s domicile there is intention to
Insane, imbecile- if minor, apply same rules, if of
age and with guardian- domicile of guardian, if
without guardian- domicile of choice before they
Wife- if marriage is valid- both spouses’ domicile - status, condition, rights and obligation,
unless she has separate domicile as permitted by capacity governed by the law where an
important element of the transaction back to Phil law. English law is
occurred inadequate as it is
- Ex: Marriage founded on different
Rule: Determine if parties’ participation is active or
passive 4. Foreign court- foreign court will take the
case if litigated in foreign country may
If active- actual situs reject or accept the renvoi, apply
If passive- legal situs (domicile) desistment or follow the foreign court
Marriage- parties participation is active- governed Reject- apply local law
by actual situs. The marital obligations are set by Accept- “double renvoi” – when local court
law, passive- legal situs. in adopting the foreign court theory
discovers that the foreign court accepts the
In the Phil- marriage valid abroad is also valid here
renvoi- apply foreign law
except bigamous, polygamous, incestuous.
English refers to Phil (domicile)- which
v. THE PROBLEM OF RENVOI refers to English (national law)- English
Desist- apply foreign law
- Literally means “referring back” Foreign law- vicious cycle
- A procedure whereby a jural matter
presented is referred by the conflict of laws
rule of the forum to a foreign state which in -process of applying the law of a foreign state thru
turn refer the matter back to the law of the the law of a second foreign state
forum (remission) or to a third state
- Arises when the states are governed by An Italian National domiciled in Philippines died in
nationality theory on one hand and England.
domiciliary on the other.
England- apply law of domicile (Phil)
Phil- apply national law (Italian)
An English national domiciled in Philippines
died in Manila leaving properties. England thru Philippines applies Italian law
Succession- is governed by the national law
of the decedent (English)
If English law provides- law of the domicile
is applicable- refer back to Philippines
(Philippine Law)- this referring back by the
foreign state to the law of the forum is what
we call “renvoi”.

Ways in treating Renvoi:

1. Reject – apply foreign law

2. Accept- Single Renvoi/ Single Transmission-
apply local law
3. Desistment theory (mutual disclaimer of
jurisdiction)- apply local law by desisting to
apply foreign law as it is limited in

Accept Desist
Refer to English law- In desisting, no
English law refer referral because the

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