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April 25, 2011

10 Commandments of Greatness

1. You shall remember who you are.

2. You shall let go of anything that stands between you and your greatness.

3. You shall take the high road in everyday thoughts, words and acts whether is
anyone is looking or not.

4. You shall say yes to the spirit within you, without reservation.

5. You shall act in faith.

6. You shall fully express your purpose, innate gifts and talents.

7. You shall live from your highest vision, and manifest the life that is worthy of

8. You shall love, be love and be in love.

9. You shall allow yourself to stand out naturally.

10. You shall assist others in remembering who they are. And stepping into their

* * Playing small is not what I had in mind for you.


The Devine

*Charisse Marks -Rosedoterra

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