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Could I’m A Celeb be
filmed in Barnard Castle?
It’s very popular..


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It’s Bake
A LOT Britain


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 Bieber has

1 (1) HEAD & HEART 2)/2449*6
JEREMY scotched rumours that
2   SAVAGE LOVE...  %85,  %521)47/2 his wife Hailey is
%6,%1% 8)*6!  who?   BANDIT’s
3 (4) LIGHTER Get ready for the pregnant.
%449!69/)5 12-hour Global Citizen
4 (7) WATERMELON SUGAR all-new Lizzo show. Reflecting on their
virtual gig kicks off
5 (9) WEST TEN "4%')9*6%&)/ summer road trip, he
)+%4( %9) The diva has said: “We’ve just been today at noon.
6 (11) SECRETS landed a deal with enjoying our time Watch the band’s
7 (-) MY FUTURE -//-)-/-5, YouTube channel to
Amazon Studios together and getting to
8   ONLY YOU FREESTYLE to create TV know each other see the exclusive first
9   GREECE ,%/)( *64%.) deeper.” performance of 
content for Corry and MNEK’s
10 (14) GO CRAZY Prime No1 Head & Heart.
★ Stand

1 (1) FOLKLORE "%9/24!8-*6 by for
2 (-) A HERO’S DEATH 216%-1)5 cooking
3 (3) SHOOT FOR THE STARS... 23!02.) and beauty
4   LEGENDS NEVER DIE 7-')#4/( tips from
5 (-) SEX DEATH & THE INFINITE VOID 4))3)4 Lizzo, who said:
6   TWENTY TWENTY 21%1)%6- 1+ “I can’t wait to
7   DIVINELY UNINSPIRED… )8-5%3 %/(- get started and
/%1-524-55)66) share my vision

9 (7) FINE LINE %449!69/)5 with the world.”



WHEN One Direction celebrat-
ed their 10th anniversary last
month another, lesser known,
musician also raised a glass.
!!was considered the
unofficial sixth member of 1D having
contributed to all of their albums
with hits like Story Of My Life, Night
Changes and Drag Me Down.
Jamie, who still works with the 1D
lads as solo artists, gushed: “Words
will never be able to describe what
that was actually like. 
“I think a lot of very famous pop side the gate in case they got a
stars won’t even experience some- glimpse of you. It’s the maddest thing
thing like that. It was a phenomenon I’ve ever been part of and seen.”
and I imagine it was like travelling 1D enjoyed a 25million streaming
with  ! when they first spike during their anniversary.
came out. It was something that was Jamie added: “I was lucky enough
just incredible. It was just absolute to write 29 songs with them and be
love for five guys.” the only person that worked on all
Scott regularly got as much atten- their albums.
tion as One Direction when he was “From the days spent in my garden
with them: “It was walking into a car making the albums to the nights on
park at two in the morning, trying to tour to even supporting the guys on
get away from fans their US stadium tour, it really was a
on your way dream.”
back to your Now Jamie is able to help find the
hotel and next One Direction thanks to that
having success.
5,000 peo- He explained: “I’ve got a new
ple wait- record label that I have with my
ing business partner called BSW. 
out- “We’ve got our first artist that’s just
come out on that called "
And he’s also got a very fine
solo album of his own out this
week, How Still The River:
“They’re songs that I’ve had
around for four or five years. 
“I’d be driving along or I’d
be in the gym and one of the
songs comes on and I was
like: ‘I just love this song’. 
“The idea of waiting for
an artist to put it out or
whether it’s make this
record, I was just like:
‘You know what? I’m go-
ing to turn these
into how I do
them and I’m
going to release



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of £200) and £5.00 (‘The Health Lottery 100K Card’: jackpot of £100,000). Odds of winning the £100k jackpot (;,55,9 -*-/&#+.&'-#


are 1 in 200,000. The Health Lottery scheme manages multiple society lotteries that operate in rotation and each <:,+0;;67(@-69(*6<73,6-*6F,,: ,0+/30-&*(95(9+(:;3,
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online | mobile | in-store
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In response to the Covid-19 pandemic which continues to

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Players must be 18 or over. Game rules and procedures apply. Excludes NI. The Health Lottery operates 5 weekly draws (Tues – Sat) each with a jackpot of £25,000. Every £1 line for the £25,000 main
lottery draw on a Wednesday and Saturday will also automatically be entered into a free prize draw to win £100,000. The free prize draws also takes place on these days. For full T&Cs visit The Health Lottery’s
QuickWin game is a live online lottery draw every 3 minutes. The jackpot in each QuickWin draw is £25,000. The Health Lottery offers online scratch cards on its website. Scratch game entry varies between 5p (‘Elephant Scratchcard’: jackpot
of £200) and £5.00 (‘£100k’: jackpot of £100,000). Odds of winning the £100k jackpot are 1 in 200,000. The Health Lottery scheme manages multiple society lotteries that operate in rotation and each represents a different geographical
region of Great Britain. This month’s society lottery is Health Lottery South East. The Health Lottery™ logo is a registered trademark of The Health Lottery Ltd. For more details on which society lottery is running each month please visit or ask your Health Lottery retailer.
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24 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020

Jail for
A TRUCK driver killed a
boy and a mum while play-
ing a game on his phone.
James Majury, 33, was
playing Hustle Castle,
using the SkySports app
and Facebook and texting.
His 19-tonne truck
ploughed into a stationary
school minibus at 50mph
at roadworks on the M58 in
Bickerstaffe, Lancs.
Joe Cairns, 14, and
mum-of-two teaching as-
sistant Anne Kerr, 50, died.
Joe’s mum Steph, of
Radcliffe, Lancs, said it had
“ripped her apart”.
Majury admitted caus-
ing death by dangerous
driving. A judge at Preston
Crown Court jailed him for

eight years and 10 months.

melting on a roll
GLACieRS in New
Zealand’s Southern Alps –
home of the Lord Of The
★ NORMAL People’s Paul Mescal
smokes, drinks and thrusts his hips
in a rock ‘n’ roll video for the Rolling
Rings and Hobbit films – Stones’ track Scarlet.
are disappearing. The Irish heartthrob, 24, lets loose
They have lost more ice inside London’s posh Claridge’s hotel as
since the industrial he laments upsetting a woman.
Revolution than remains
today, warn scientists.
Dr Jonathan Carrivick of
★ After a heart to heart with a lipstick
drawing of Scarlet on a mirror, he
hits the hotel’s dining room to dance
the University of Leeds wildly before crashing out on the floor.
said: “The acceleration in Delighted Mick Jagger, inset, then had
the rate of ice mass loss a zoom call with the actor to thank him.
may only get worse as not

only climate, but other
local effects, become more
The Southern Alps were
chosen by Sir Peter Jackson
as the location for his Lord
of the Rings and Hobbit
trilogies because of their
spectacular glaciers.


link to
TRANSGeNDeR adults are
three to six times more

Singer changes tune on city veto

likely to be diagnosed as
autistic than non-trans
people, says a new study.
The University of
Cambridge’s Autism
Research Centre analysed
data from 600,000 adults. CONTROVeRSIAL singer ■ by JeRRy LAwTON career”. Morrison hopes to set up an
Dr Meng-Chuan Lai Mark Morrison is returning he told how he had turned his life enterprise hub with a recording
from the study said: to Leicester to help combat around since early brushes with the studio in the city.
“Understanding how au- youth crime on the streets law in the city. He said: “i felt i needed to come
tism manifests in transgen- where he grew up. He recently met Tory Baroness back and do something for the city.
der and gender-diverse The R’n’B star, who topped the Sandip Verma to advise “Young black people are now
people will enrich our charts with Return Of The Mack in her on how to reduce endangered people. These people
knowledge about autism in 1996, once vowed never to go back to knife crime in the city. look like me, they know me.
relation to gender and sex. the city. Morrison said: “i grew “People here look at me and think,
“This enables clinicians But in a change of heart the up on the St Marks estate. ‘we know him, we know he went to
to better recognise autism 48-year-old now plans to help get “Return Of The Mack prison, but we know he came
and provide personalised Leicester’s young people off the was written in Welford out on top’. everyone gets a
support and health care.” streets and away from a life of crime. Road Prison (in second chance. it took me
Transgender people Morrison, who runs his own label Leicester). 20 years to get mine.
have a gender identity that called MackLife Records, has been “i’m from here. “We must not write
differs from their sex living in Palm Beach, Florida, for five That’s where i people off.’’
assigned at birth. heLPINg OuT: Morrison. Right, in 2001 years. But as he returned to Leicester began my music
Enders soap duds
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 25

BOMBS: Lapshyn

in penis
at judge
A CONvICteD murderer
and terrorist ripped off his
shirt to reveal a penis draw-
ing on his chest to a court.
White supremacist pavlo
Lapshyn, 32, showed it off
via videolink from HMp ‘BIG SHOES TO FILL’: Lorraine Stanley as Karen

Whitemoor in March,
Cambs – known as mon-
ster mansion.
He was also heard sing-

ing as he was about to be
sentenced for making ex-
plosives in his cell out of
salt, copper and pencil.
Chemical engineer ■ by PETEr DYKE
Lapshyn, originally from
Ukraine, was jailed in 2013 EaSTEnDErS’ famous laundrette is a washout
for stabbing grandad-of-22 because the machines don’t work.
Mohammed Saleem, 82, to Instead crew members have to spin the drums around
death in Birmingham. off-set by hand to make it look real.
He also planted three The secret about Walford’s wash house has been
bombs near mosques in spilled by actress Lorraine Stanley.
the West Midlands in a bid She is best known for playing Karen taylor who has
to start a race war. taken over running the place from Dot Cotton (June

You’re nicked,
Judge tom Bayliss QC Brown). The star has revealed how there is a lever at the
passed a new two-year back that someone has to
sentence to run alongside turn by hand.
the minimum 40-year term She appears on BBC
he is already serving. One’s eastenders: Secrets

reddy or not!
Mr Bayliss said: “He From The Square on
wouldn’t even be consid- Monday night and takes
ered for release by the host Stacey Dooley to visit
parole board until he is 65 the laundrette.
and he is very unlikely ever
to be released given his Fun
position.” Lorraine says: “You’ll see
parts that you’d not nor-

Barn owl alba
■ a DOPEY driver is in jail after painting
his green BMW red – but failing to
remove its distinctive window stickers.
mally see. The laundrette
was especially fun.
“I showed Stacey how
SECrETS: actress
stunned her owner James Uyterhoeven-Pursey, 27, pleaded the washing machine from Dot – and following in
Graeme neilson, 48,
by finally laying an guilty to dangerous driving and perverting worked out the back and the footsteps of pauline
egg for the first time, at the course of justice after cops were able how they have to spin it by and ethel (Wendy richard
15 years old, at to link the car to a police chase. hand. I think she was sur- and Gretchin Franklin)
Strathblane Falconry
in Stirling.
BURST ■ He was jailed for nine months and
banned from driving for two years
and four months at Swindon Crown Court.
prised by that.”
Stacey will be seen hav-
ing a turn herself but she
who also worked there.
She said: “June Brown is
an absolute legend. So
Uyterhoeven-Pursey’s lawyer Emma gets tired out after just a when I got a job in the
Handslip said: “It is pure stupidity and few goes. laundrette I was like ‘oh my

Pervert he’s been caught out and he’s going to

face very serious consequences.”
Lorraine admits she has
a tough job on her hands
God, these are big shoes to
fill’ cause she’s amazing.”

filmed ■ The Swindon man was caught when

police saw photos of the car, with the
same stickers, on his Facebook profile.
taking over the laundrette

assault ■ rED-FaCED:
The 27-year-
old outside court
A pervert videoed him-
self sexually assaulting a
naked woman and then
shared it with friends.
Mark Stevens, 34, abused
his victim while she was
naked and either asleep or
unconscious at her home.
It was not until weeks
later that the woman be-
Pictures: SWnS

came aware of the footage.

Stevens, of St Leonards,
east Sussex, who admitted
sexual assault, was jailed
for three years and nine
months at Lewes Crown
Court. CLaSSIC: Pauline, Willy the pug, Ethel and Dot
26 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020


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1 4 6
6 5 3

7 2 3 9
7 9 2 6
8 1 5 4 9
4 9 2 3
4 7 9 3
3 1 2
9 3 5

pagE & QUIZ




Cruise and Kelly
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aliens called thetans being car-
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oversubscribed, we reserve the right to send a suitable alternative. Contract for supply of goods is with YouGarden Ltd, Eventus House, Market Deeping, PE6 8FD. ers cringing when he jumped on
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surcharges may apply to outlying areas. Customer Service: Call 0800 9 558 558 or email Offer closes 31st August 2020.
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 27


Where have Top

Gun stars gone?
★ GET set to enter the
Danger Zone once
more with the return of
yesterday, Val Kilmer – who
is back as Iceman – has
vowed to work until
Maverick and co in the new he’s 150.
year to see Top Gun:

★ While we wait NADINE

LINGE reveals what
Top Gun film. Fans of the 1986 classic those hotshot pilots have
As we reported will have to wait until next been up to since...

SpoIlEr AlErT: Maverick’s pal TV but left to pursue a career
Nick “Goose” Bradshaw meets in directing.
a sticky end in Top Gun in an He’s since had minor roles
aviation accident. in TV shows including Girls,
Edwards went on to play Dr Billions, law & order and
Mark Greene in hit medical most recently Designated
show Er for eight years, Survivor on Netflix
opposite George Clooney. opposite Kiefer
He won awards for the Sutherland. Divorced
Kilmer played
Iceman and went on
role and was one of the
highest-paid men on
Edwards, 58, has
four children.
to star as Batman

tHeN aged 24, ryan had a small role
as Goose’s wife Carole but became a
star in When Harry Met Sally in 1989.
She went on to develop a reputa-
tion as America’s sweetheart in rom-
coms such as Sleepless In Seattle and

You’ve Got Mail but appeared naked
in 2003’s erotic thriller In The Cut.
ryan was married to actor Dennis
Quaid for 10 years but had an affair roBBINS’ character Merlin
with russell Crowe when they filmed was an officer who worked
Proof Of Life. She and Quaid divorced with Maverick.
in 2001. In 2006, ryan adopted a He played a man wrongly
ut Kidman hasn’t 14-month-old girl from China. imprisoned for murder in The

hem in years. Shawshank redemption and
die Newton also won a Best Supporting Actor
d how “dominant oscar for 2003’s Mystic river.
Cruise left her He married actress Susan
insecure” when LIeuteNANt tom “Iceman” Kazansky is was diagnosed with throat cancer. A life- Sarandon in 1988 but they
sion: Impossible Maverick’s rival, competing to be “the long Christian Scientist – a branch of reli- split in 2009. robbins, 61, is
best of the best”. gion which believes prayer can heal sick- outspoken about his liberal
Playing Iceman made Kilmer one of the ness – he tried to pray away his cancer. political views and protested
biggest heart-throbs of the 1990s. He played But, after his family begged him to get against the Iraq War.
Jim Morrison in The Doors and starred in medical help, he had surgery and At 6ft 5in, he is the tallest man
Willow, tombstone and Heat. chemotherapy, although he publicly de- to win an oscar.
Kilmer’s biggest role was as the Caped nied anything was wrong.

Crusader in Batman Forever but He had a tracheotomy – a proce-
critics slated his performance and dure where a tube is inserted into
director Joel Schumacher called the windpipe to help breathing –
him “psychotic”. which left him struggling to
Flops The Island of Dr speak and altered his voice. MAverICK’s love interest, a barmaid at a restaurant
Moreau and The Saint fol- Kilmer was married to British Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood McGillis owned with her
lowed and as Kilmer earned a actress and Willow co-star was an astrophysicist and top then-husband.
reputation of being difficult, Joanne Whalley from 1988 to Gun instructor. In 2016, a woman broke into
once touching a lit cigarette to 1996 and they have two chil- McGillis went on to star in her home and attacked her.
a crew member’s sideburn, dren, including daughter The Accused with Jodie Foster. The experience led McGillis to
the phone stopped ringing. Mercedes, who appears She was married twice but apply for a permit to carry
In 2014, Kilmer found a with her dad in new came out as gay in 2009 and a gun.
lump in his throat and film Paydirt. entered into a civil union with The 63-year-old split from
sales executive Melanie Leis. Leis in 2011 and now teaches
The pair met when Leis was acting in North Carolina.
72 Spectacular 72 Perennial Plants

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D. Verbena ‘Buenos Aires’ - The long lasting blooms attract
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G. Gaura 'Sparkle White' - Something different to delight
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I. Doronicum 'Little Leo' - Perfect for the front of shaded
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K. Dianthus 'Rockin Red' - Colourful, incredibly long-lasting
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Staying in touch with T&M
Please read each statement carefully
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Offer subject to availability. We reserve the right to substitute varieties if necessary *Please note that savings are based team on 0333 400 0033 or emailing us at ccare@
on the equivalent of multiples of the cheapest pack size. © 2020 Thompson & Morgan. † For full T & C’s, please visit To find out exactly how
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DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 29

IZ ➤


TEXT DSTAR to 85525 Text DSTAR followed by a space, your comment and name to 85525. Texts
25p plus your usual network operator rate. SP: Spoke. Helpdesk: 0333 202 3390.

Hang crims to
cud we
have a pic of
alice goodwin,

make Britain
pennant’s ex.

BRAVE: Sette Buenaventura

Wonderful great again!

Sette is a ❑ Dstar yr article about p C Harpers about tine the government got some
death will change nothing. The b*lls and grow a backbone and said no
truth is the great went out of GB with the send them back to where they came
abolition of the death penalty, and cor- from. neal blackpool

credit to ❑
poral punishment + soft sentences, and if stupid johnson wants to put me
no caning in schools. Since the 50s our in lockdown again will he make
governments have openly destroyed a sure I get help this time. I am 72 and just
nation and a society that was respected had a pacemaker fitted not had any help

all nurses
around the world, to the soft touch it is at all forced to go out 2 hours a week for
now with a misguided belief that leni- food or starve to death. Yet people who
ency will cure crime. truth is we have live nearby party, drinking, barbecues
no deterrent for crime or criminals left till all hours and walk through market
when their welfare becomes priority without face masks bumping in to peo-

❑ The story in the paper this

morning about the nurse so
busy working on Covid care who’s
over society and its victims with armys ple. Geoff elsworth halifax
of lawyers to protect their rights and
treatment for unlimited fees. Justice as ❑ Steve.n95: pubs today esp Wether-
poons are glorified clinics and
own health got put on hold. Her died on the altar of finance and stupidi- nurseries. The days of having a quiet
was leg amputated to save her life ty. Bazboy pint and a bite to eat are gone.
after putting the pain of a tumour
down to cramps from long hours ❑ It’s time a lot of the
laws changed as well JOKE OF
At times it resembles a play
school. Mal the claret

on the front line of the coronavirus

pandemic. You are a credit to
as for killing a police of--
ficer, it should be a mur-- THE DAY ❑ Our local has been
buzzing this week
to se nd
your job and I hope you now get der charge for going out Mum used£1 to the with 50% off food. My
the care and support you deserve. and stamping on a per- me w ith a a suggestion is for all
came with
I want to wish you well Sette. sons head that dies shop and I toes, bread, pubs and food places
Ollies mum from injuries or 5yrs ta
bag of po milk, cheese, to keep it up after
3 pints of nd six eggs.
❑ Is the BBC licence fee value
for money? 55% of progs
for starting fights on
innocent people these
a ba gs,a
ese da
’t do that th curity
August – maybe 20%
off cos after all it’s the
across all channels are repeats. Do thugs need punishi- – too many as drinks that make the
we need a News channel that re- ment not treating like camer money and it’s good to
peats items on an hourly basis victims. Stockton jeff Bricky Dav see people out again.
when there is 5hrs of news on BBC
1 doing the same. Cut your cloth
BBC and over 75s can watch
❑ What happened to priti
atel’s tough on crime
you’ve only got to look at pC Harper’s ❑
Cassa Lil
Will texters stop moaning
about the virus. It’s there
free. anon killers sentences to see she’s a joke. LEVI and no amount of texting is going to

❑ sad 2 hear of the sudden

death of tony morris granada
tv, first rate notherner will be
❑ Why is there a little englander atti- change that. I’ve sent many texts about
tude to migrants, these are humans tv licences. What’s happened? Have we
fleeing from dictatorship or wars mostly caved in? Well, I haven’t. C mon texters.
missed. les st helens created by the west. Stevie, m/well BUDDY FAN

❑ rIp tony morris with ur meg-

awatt smile – u made the
news interesting. stocky shell
❑ Thank god the present royal Navy
weren’t about in 1940. They can’t ❑ to all those lefties moaning about
the peerages being awarded to
even stop pedalos getting across the close friends & colleagues there’s noth-

❑ The channel 4 program lose a

stone in 21 days. I don’t want
chanel. The Germans could have swam ing new in this. Blair filled the Lords
across no prob. SE9 Biffo with his chums. Now if you are genu-
to eat blueberries for breakfast! I
want to know what cereal is best
for weight loss and which sand-
❑ regarding all these illegal imigrants inely wishing to get rid of The House of
coming to sneak into britain its Lords and not just Boris bashing, that is
another debate that needs a party to

wich filling is best! It’s not rocket include a plan to abolish with alterna-

science! Tony
My wife Kelly is like a news-
paper, there’s a new issue
■ Kipper
waiting for
a treat on one ❑
tives, in their next manifesto. TLB
Just put a few coppers on the rates,
everyone gets the benefit eventual-
every day. PUBLUNCH SENd us your photos of his daily ly. Bonita Bill
walks! Barbara
❑ isn’t it great how garages
leave black buckets out for
your dead flowers. Fred futtock
of anything you like. It
can be you with a top
celeb, some funny
Naylor ❑ to fed up Daily star 3rd aug: You are
spot on. The commentators are
talking about something completely dif-

❑ I’m here agin with daft ads.

the woman plugging a sham-
poo whispers “4 over 40s. since
looking food, a
fantastic view, or
maybe your artistic Become
ferent to what is going on on the pitch.
At one game john murray asked chris
sutton what musical instrument did he
wen over 40s qualify 4 a rest side is coming out? a selfie play at school. We who listen want to
home? An the “perv the surf” ad Email with details of know what’s going on on the pitch.
with a idiot. Any other annoying what’s going on in the superstar! russ b
ads star texters find stupid? oh for-
got the irritant schofield. schburt
pic, who you are and
Rocky in the sun. Chelsea where you’re from. ❑ What’s happened to all the
moths around the street lights?
Ray, Keighley @dailystar Readers’ Editor, Daily Star, One Canada Square, London E14 5AP
30 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020

*HELPLinE: 0333 202 3390 (9Am – 5.30Pm)
sErviCE ProviDEr: sPokE

FACtor Don’t miss

16 18 9 6 6 4 8 23 9 3 4 18
special puzzles section
Puzzle actor
1 Who starred as rebellious teen Ren Find out how much you know about

9 13 11 4 14 21 24
in 1984’s Footloose? 12 Which Downton Abbey actress 17 Which former Beatle recently 1 Oliver Stone; 2 Quentin Tarantino;
style, soaps, TV and pop with our starred in BBC1’s The Secrets turned 80?
2 …and who played Bible-thumping

fantastic quiz. Check your answers 3 Harry Styles; 4 Coronation Street;
minister Rev Shaw Moore? She Keeps? 18 What’s Your Pleasure? is the latest 5 Neighbours; 6 Dermot O’Leary;
in next week’s Daily Star Sunday. hit album by which British singer?
3 What’s the title of the No.1 hit 13 Which boyband’s hits included 7 EastEnders; 8 Michael McIntyre’s;
by Jawsh 685 and Jason Derulo? 7 Which US rapper recently 1998’s Got The Feelin’? 19 Family Romance, LLC is the new 9 Brad Pitt; 10 The White Stripes;
4 Who decided to look into fostering suggested that he would run 14 Who played detective Chandler movie by which film-maker? 11 Bob Dylan; 12 Broadchurch;
with her partner Imran in Corrie? 10 Which Aussie star had a 2001 Jarrell in 1986’s The Golden Child? 20 Which new film stars Simon Pegg 13 Luciano Pavarotti; 14 Adam
for President? Sandler; 15 Suzi Quatro; 16 Michaela
5 Which Casualty nurse met her birth 8 Who played conservative Phyllis No.1 album with Fever? 15 Ghost Town was a 1981 chart- as a schizophrenic music producer?
topper for which band? Coel; 17 May; 18 Neil Young;
mother Susie? Schlafly in BBC2’s Mrs. America? 11 Which band of sisters has topped If you can’t wait until next Sunday for the answers, ring
19 Eurovision Song Contest: The
6 Which Dirty Dancing star recently 9 Who voiced the title character the album chart with Women In 16 Which comic presents his Sporting 0907 181 2654. Calls cost 80p per minute plus your Story of Fire Saga; 20 Irresistible.
telephone company’s network access charge.
split from husband Clark Gregg? in the Shrek movies? Music – Pt lll? Nation on BBC1? SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390


Complete the puzzle, then rearrange
the shaded squares to find the name
of an actor (4,5).

24 14 12 3 13 5 12 16 18 9 2 4 Stuffed

Walk like
a duck





film, _
In Samurai Sudoku, normal sudoku rules apply for all five 9x9 sudokus, but the 9x9 inner sudoku
shares four of its 3x3 boxes with those of the outside sudokus.

2 1 4 9 6 8
Alphapuzzle® tests your logic and word power. Each grid number
represents a letter. Each letter of the alphabet is used. Use the given
letter or letters – below the main grid – to start. Can you beat the
Target Time? Call for an Extra Letter Clue if you get stuck. Solution
tomorrow. DIFFICULTY: 10/10; TARGET TIME: 30 minutes
CLUE: Certify you’re this if you’re at Lord’s.
Fill the grid so that
every column, row and
3x3 square includes all
the digits from 1 to 9.

LEVEL: Gentle
Using only the letters in the
wordwheel, take 10 minutes
to find as many words as
possible, none of which may
be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word
Victor Hugo
novel, _
8 1 9 3 4 9 8 1 26 14 12 9 16
TARGET: 16 minutes
Solution tomorrow
must contain the central
letter and at least three
others. Letters can only be
5 1 8 1 8 2 22 23 15 11 18 26 18 17 2 12 11 YESTERDAY’S SoLUTIoN
used once in every word.
There is at least one nine-
5 2 9 2 1 4 23 11 18 3 2 16 letter word in the wheel.
_-up rays

2 7 6 3 1 2

14 15 14 12 4 7 13
Meadow Allow Flattens 3 15 9 25 26 19 12 16 23 12 18 26

To hear the solution call 0907 181 1079. Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.
8 6 9 8 3 11 9 11 7 23 C D
9 7 1 3 6 1 N W
3 26 20 26 16 18 21 26 5 12 9 26
4 7 4 8 6 3 26 Extra clues: 0901 322 5604 Today’s Solution: 0907 181 2630
8 9 1 1 9 1 2 7 13 26 3 14 15 16 6 12 3 12 6 26
*Calls cost 75p plus your telephone company’s
network access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390
*Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone
company’s network access charge. O U
8 The capital and largest city of Chile (8) 1 Light horse-drawn carriage with low
2 1 7 9 N T
9 2009 novel by David Nicholls, also a wheels and a folding top (6)
2011 film of the same name (3,3) 2 In Greek mythology, the river that 24 9 3 3 3
10 Breed of cat with a naturally occurring
mutation that shortens the tail (4)
forms the boundary between Earth
and the Underworld (4) 7 1 1 23 7 15 6 12 18 26 8 26 12 25
11 Sean _, former footballer now manager 3 Late American actor whose films

2 18 14 21 8 12 6 24 16 24 13 5
To hear the full solution call 0907 181 1078.
of Premier League club Burnley (5)
1967 horror novel by Ira Levin,
included 1989’s Crimes And
Misdemeanours, Martin _ (6)
5 3 2 8 2 19 10 12 13 11
Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s
network access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390.
4 Large neck ring made from metal (4) Welcome to our
Rosemary’s _ (4)
US Chinese dish of meat, vegetables
and a thickened sauce (4,4)
5 Insect in the Syrphidae family that
resembles a wasp or bee (8)
5 7 1 7 8 6 3 4 9 18 4 26 26 12 9 18 26 3 11
R T U o T S c B L L Wordsearch with a
difference. Not only
1 6 3 2 7
16 Type of hat with a soft brim and 6 Word that in syntax conveys an action, are there 16 lost words
indented crown (6) condition or experience (4) hidden in the grid, written
18 Landscape recess that creates 7 City that was formally named 9 21 4 11 4 E A c Y K V M P S Q forwards, backwards, up,
a vertical barrier while also
providing a clear view (2-2)
the capital of Australia in 1913 (8)
14 Adam _, British swimmer
7 4 4 8 6 1 B c H K S E P R H U down or diagonally, but if
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 you find them and cross Using the clues provided, fill
20 The _ Cokey, popular
campfire song (5)
who won a gold medal in the
100m breaststroke at the 2016 3 1 2 3 2 G R o c S A A A E E E them out, the letters that
remain will spell out a
in each step of the ladder
21 Frog-like creatures with Olympics (5) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
with a new word, changing
drier, rougher skin (4)
Organ in the top of the
15 Smallest and westernmost
of Canada’s three territories (5) 2 3 4 5 4 1 further related word. As
usual, we’re not going one letter at a time.
neck also known as the 17 Small to medium divot created A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z N D o H G D I I R R to tell you what the lost
voice box (6)
Arm of the Atlantic between Great
to channel water (5)
19 City in the US state of Texas that
Across: Crossed, Poker, Haiku, Microbe, Brandish, Chum, Tycoon, Dimwit,
D A c W R o L c Y V words are, but they do all
have a strong connection.

12 18 4 8 9
Britain and mainland Europe (5,3) was originally named Oneida (8)
26 British author whose novels include
Fever Pitch, _ Hornby (4)
Six-pointed geometric star figure (8)
African country whose capital city
2 6 9 3 5 2 Dove, Foolscap, Glacial, Grain (clue), Treat, Pretext.
Down: Cohabit, Digit, Ouija, Caviare, Squadron, Mist, Demise, Dollop, Pace,
Y S S E I V R A K I The hidden word is a
particularly smooth and

T E N G A P M A H c dark variety – and that’s

28 Round yellow tropical fruit with pink or
white flesh (5) 25
is Kigali (6)
Unit of currency formerly used in 1 6 9 7 6 7 9 1 Dialogue, Knowhow, Craze, Rheum, Topknot. Alphapuzzle® © 2020 Acorn Editorial Ltd
a clue!
30 _ Gauff, US tennis player who beat Portugal and its colonies (6)
1 7 8 4 3 5 ExTRA cLUE LETTERS: 0907 181 2628
The hidden word is BLACK VELVET.
Venus Williams in the opening round 27 American rock band whose members WHISKY, all alcoholic drinks. Lofty
at Wimbledon in 2019 (4) include Gene Simmons and Ace
31 US state whose capital is Juneau (6) Frehley (4) (Deduct two minutes from target time for each extra letter heard.) Alternatively, for six extra clues to your
32 Dry, uncultivable terrain where heavily 29 Scottish Gaelic name for Scotland (4) for extra clues call 0905 789 4163 Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge. mobile, text
mobile, text DSSALPHA
DSSALPHA to to 85088.
84901. Texts
Texts cost
cost £1
£1 plus
plus your
your usual
usual network
network rate.
eroded rock has often worn into 30 Combustible black or dark brown FULL SOLUTION: 0907 181 2629 *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge. ANSWERS: The lost words are ADVOCAAT, BEER, BRANDY,
strange shapes (8) sedimentary rock used as fuel (4) Ribbon

Mix up the letters in the shaded squares

TWO-WAY TEASER call 0907 181 2588

to reveal the name of a US singer (4,4) TYPE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
for today’s solution. *calls cost 80p per minute
plus your telephone company’s network access charge.
8 9 Fill in each series of blank squares using the Starting with the highlighted letter C, follow a

20 26 16 9 9 21 8 12 5 7 12 20
numbers 1 to 9. Each series – across and down path to find 19 garden herbs. The trail passes CRYPTIC CLUES 11 Give one’s address (5) 23 Church recess (4)

ACROSS Two sets of clues but the answers are the same
– must add up to the number in the shaded box through every letter once (but only once) 1 General worker for the Canine League (8)
12 Swear to develop new cures (5) 24 Squabble (4) ANSWERS TOMORROW
14 Master hard on a dog (7)
at the beginning or top of the series. A number and may go up, down, left or right, but not 5 Music means nothing to a Manx cat (4) 16 Silly types, but they have many years of
25 Tuneful shows (8)
10 11 12 may be repeated in each line but not in a series. diagonally. 8 The aforementioned Samuel East (4) experience (7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 Countryman giving a fellow member a bit 17 It’s played by quartets (with drive) (5) DOWN Which of the
of help (4,4) 19 Possibly frees of certain barriers (5)
T F N E O M F I A E R 10 Put back in stock (7) 20 Brown colour very good in water (5)
Abandons (7)
Amusements (5)
four shapes
13 14 15 16 17
16 12 19 22 10 14 12 Flower colour (5) 21 It’s handy for dates (4) 8 9 below is an
3 Bid (5)
23 21 N E N L C E R R N D B 13 In which the Chinese may be having
a row (6) 4 Tale (4)
exact mirror
17 15 Where to watch football, or a good bit of
QUICK CLUES image of the
ACROSS 6 Tableland (7)
17 8 I M M L A Y C O I S A boxing (6) 1 Skivvy (8) 7 ‘--- and Gomorrah’ (5) 10 11 12
one to the right?
18 19 20 21 17 Result of upsetting a stew (5) 5 Numbered work (4)
7 11 Speechify (5) A B
R R A G B R U E L C H 18 The EastEnder has a motive for this
crime (7)
8 Identical (4)
12 Imprecation (5)
14 22 Give a start (8)
9 Agricultural worker (4,4)
14 Big dog (7)
A T Y O N O M L L I I 10 Renovate (7) 13 14 15 16
23 17 23 Chaps with no church have a key to part
16 Asses (7)
12 Milky colour (5)

14 21 8 14 9
22 23 24 25
of one (4)
35 24 Quarrel possibly plain in court (4) 13 Oriental skiff (6) 17 Card game (5)
3 7
R O R N B A E L F D C 25 Shows I see a learner in, when 15 Earth (6) 19 Marine ridges (5)
extraordinary sums are laid out (8) 17 Misuse (5) 17 18 19 20
20 Brown tone (5)
26 27 28 29 30
7 8 8 M S A S E Y L E A R O DOWN
Treachery (7)
Originate (8) 21 Flat of the hand (4) 21
1 Leaves the rest to Mr O’Connor, C D
15 10 A E M P V I H R O Y S maybe (7) YESTERDAY’S SoLUTIoN 22 23

2 Talk about me, making fun (5)

7 12 13 AcRoSS: 1 Double, 4 Refuse, 7 Pail, 8 Amicable, 9 Netting,
31 32
R O J A I L C E E G A 3 The promise of sports official returning (5)
4 Story in which any change is made
12 odd, 14 Amused, 15 Dances, 16 Yes, 18 Derange, 22 Dripping,
23 Stop, 24 Starve, 25 Repair. DoWN: 1 Diplomacy, 2 Union dues, 24 25
outright (4) 3 Exact, 4 Reign, 5 Fray, 6 Solid, 10 Trend, 11 Grain,
M A R R V H C G A N O 6 It’s high, and that’s flat (7) 12 orchestra, 13 Distemper, 17 Egret, 19 Exile, 20 Anger, 21 Spar
11 7 Once the place for bad moods (5)
To hear the across and down solutions call 0907 181 1080.
Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.
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8 9 25 4 22 9 17 6 16 14 23

12 12 5 17 9 18 3


17 14

16 12

14 17


18 14

12 21

YESTERdaY’S SoluTion
20 18 4 14 20 23 18 4 20 4 19 20
4 9 2 3 5 ■ FILL the
grid so
that every 3 2 7 8 5 9 1 6 4
column, row
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
5 7 2 and 3x3 5 4 6 7 1 2 3 8 9
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 square
T 1 2 8 7 includes all
9 8 1 6 3 4 2 5 7
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z the digits 2 9 3 5 7 1 6 4 8
EACH grid number in Alphapuzzle® stands for a letter. YESTERdaY’S SoluTion
3 8 1 from one to 9.
Every letter of the alphabet is used. Use the given letter or Across: Cute, Judicial, Piquant, Fiend, Omega, 6 1 4 9 8 3 7 2 5
letters – below the main grid – to start. Solution tomorrow. Karate, Relate, Alkali, Packet, Rifle, Ashen,
Difficulty: 6/10 Target Time: 20 minutes
Clue: Seed article in fake smile.
Fanzine, Moreover, Arms.
Down: Cupboard (clue), Palm, Toque, Leather,
3 8 7 ■ LEVEL:
ate: 22 Mins
7 5 8 2 4 6 9 1 3
Extra lEttEr cluEs: Vacant, Kendo, Uptake, Stifle, Infer, Larynx, 8 6 9 4 2 7 5 3 1
9 8 6
0905 817 2648
Inertia, Friar, Lode, Wireless.
1 7 5 3 6 8 4 9 2
*Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone
company’s network access charge. The Daily Star Bookshop stocks a wide 6 7 9 8 4 3 2 1 9 5 8 7 6
Hear up to six Extra Letters. Deduct two minutes from selection of puzzle books across all
today’s Target Time for each clue letter heard.
Alternatively, for 6 extra clues to your mobile, text
DSALPHA to 84901. Texts cost £1 plus your usual
crossword puzzle genres. For our up-to-date
list, visit,
7 3 4 Extra clues: 0901 322 5606 *Calls cost 75p plus your
network rate. © 2020 Acorn Editorial Ltd telephone company’s network access charge.
call 01872 562316 or write to Daily Star
Full solution: 0907 181 2594
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company’s network access charge. Please enclose an SAE for return. your telephone company’s network access charge.

two-wAY tEAsEr
Two sets of clues but the 25 Go about two? (6)
CALL 0907 181 2623 For toDAY’s soLUtion
*Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.
12 Sort of stall for the frisky 8 Friendly (8) 1 2 3 4 5 6

answers are the same... DOWN

carthorse (9)
13 Not a good state of mind
9 Meshed fencing (7)
12 Strange (3)
1 It may help to rescue a for decorating? (9) 14 Entertained (6)
CRYPTIC CLUES country from mad policy (9) 17 Regretted caging a bird (5) 15 Capers (6)
7 8
ACROSS 2 Tributes paid to organised 19 He’s forced to live off his 16 Affirmative (3)
1 A drink is maybe what the labour (5,4) land (5) 18 Upset (7)
darts-player needs (6) 3 Insist on getting the payment 20 Old car doesn’t start, 22 Meat fat (8) 9 10 11 12 13
4 Don’t agree to amalgamate absolutely correct (5) causing exasperation (5) 23 Cease (4)
once more (6)
4 Rule that holds George 21 A boom in shipping, 24 Famish (6)
7 I take friend out in vessel (4)
8 Vehicle in the distance is initially in check (5) perhaps (4) 25 Mend (6)
not hostile (8) 5 Combat wear (4) DOWN 14 15

9 Scoring in many games 6 Firm I didn’t buy out? (5) QUICK CLUES 1 Tact (9)
but not tennis (7) 10 Mind about the ACROSS 2 Subscriptions to workers’
12 Dad loses his heart and mid-afternoon drift (5) 1 Twofold (6) organisations (5,4)
16 17 18 19 20
follows love that’s strange (3) 11 Smallest possible quantity 4 Turn down (6) 3 Precise (5)
14 Made to smile by a of cereal (5) 7 Bucket (4) 4 Rule (5) 21
thought? (6) 5 Wear by rubbing (4)
15 They may be square or YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: 6 Dense (5) 22 23
round (6) 10 Tendency (5)
ACROSS: 1 Vanished, 5 Cash, 8 Love, 9 Dog-tired, 11 Cereal (5)
16 An agreeable answer (3)
18 Unusually angered and 10 Allowed, 12 Socks, 13 Number, 15 Launch, 17 Bully, 12 Musical group (9)
upset (7) 18 Captain, 22 Bears out, 23 Sofa, 24 Side, 25 Hardware. 13 Decorating material (9) 24 25
22 It’s fat and very wet (8) DOWN: 1 Villain, 2 Novel, 3 Hedge, 4 Digs, 6 African, 17 White heron (5)
23 Halt returning vessels (4) 19 Banish (5)
7 Hades, 11 Weedy, 12 Sharp, 14 Mallard, 16 Henbane,
24 Averts disaster only to
die of hunger (6) 17 Babes, 19 Actor, 20 Aroma, 21 Moth.
20 Ire (5)
21 Pole (4) AnswErs in tomorrow’s
ExPrEssBooks.Co.Uk Puzzle books are available from Express Bookshop with free Uk delivery, call 0871 471 3467 (*Calls cost 13p per
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32 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020



but no 1 later, Perry is walking home from work 2 He is drinking at the bar

sense THErE is one simple

solution to this… stop
At what point does a drinking.
luxury purchase Once you have had
This is my third... now your five pints your
become an essential
it’s time to go home... I self-control is
don’t believe it... it’s a non-existent.
My girlfriend loves I’ll just have one text from Megan Stop going to that
her £90 trainers, pint, maybe two,
designer handbags and pub and give up the
then home to booze and you’ll
expensive perfumes. Emma
She insists she has to hopefully be able to
look good for her resist this woman.
mates and work. Not only that, but
Admittedly we do you won’t have to
spend our own money
on personal items, but
3 But the beer clouds his judgment
4 And... pass her door to get
too often she runs out So when you leave
of cash and cannot pay work don’t go to your
her half of the rent. local, instead go home
When I complain she to Emma and behave
snaps: “It’s only yourself. The ability to
money” but I feel I am sort this out is within
being punished for your power, all you
living a more have to do is want it
responsible life. and mean it.
I will not see Megan I can’t stop myself... Once you have
JANE SAYS: Your tonight... I’m going I’m hooked on sex resolved to cut this
girlfriend can’t to walk by and not with her woman out of your life
continue to rely on even look at her then you must put all
you to bail her out. your effort into making
Spending all of her your relationship work.

money before her Terms & conditions: Calls cost £1.54 per minute from landlines.
rent and bills are DO you have an emotional or sexual prob­
Call us now on
Press 1 for GENERAL COUN­ Calls from mobiles will be higher. Max call duration 20 minutes.

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if it’s always your Service provided by Telecom Express Ltd, W1B 2AG

I want wild life back

money that keeps a
roof over her head
then that’s not fair.
Sit her down and
insist she sets an
amount of cash aside
each month for the
Should you have a
joint account in place


or should she send
you a fixed sum on I long to be wild again. I miss about feelings of paranoia, self-
the day she is paid? my old, promiscuous way of life. loathing and disgust?
Of course she likes My lovely husband and I have every- Your current sex life doesn’t have
nice things, we all do, thing we need. he’s actually really good that were a huge part of my naughty look back at the past with affec- to be boring, but don’t kid yourself
but trainers and in bed and I genuinely love him. past, but I’d dive in again in a heartbeat. tion, but you were a different per- that going backwards would be a
handbags aren’t But sleeping with a large variety of It’s been eight years since I slept son then. good idea. Life moves on. How pa-
imperative and she’s different men is something I constantly around and I’m itching for passion. Of course you had a great time; thetic would you feel the night af-
in danger of turning fantasise about. I’d give up this house how do I shake off these memories? you were young and free. But, eight ter sex with yet another stranger?
you against her. and every penny to have it all back. years on, those famous hangovers Count your blessings and start to
I remind myself of all the hangovers JANE SAYS: You may choose to would be even worse. And what realise how lucky you really are.


*Calls cost 80p per minute plus your
telephone company’s network access
charge and last approx. 4 minutes I’m way down
on fella’s list
SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390

09057893400 Do you have a personal or emotional 09057893406

Super sex issue? Need to spice up your relationship Stressed out?
or sex life? Call these phonelines for When a guy at work asked me out, I was thrilled.
09057893401 Jane O’Gorman’s expert advice on the
matters that affect you!
09057893407 We’ve been dating for six months and I adore him.
But I’ve just found out that he approached six fe-
Brilliant orgasms Stay together
male colleagues before me. I was his seventh choice!
09057893402 09057893404 09057893408 Should I be upset that I wasn’t even in his top five?
Is that kinky? Turn your man on Hate your body?
JANE SAYS: I encourage you to live for the day.
09057893403 09057893405 09057893409 If you’re happy and feel appreciated by your
boyfriend, that’s all that matters.
Erection problems? Turn your woman on Jealousy hell
He may have gone around the houses to find
you but here you are, six months later, in an es-
WRITE to Just Jane, Daily Star, One Canada Square, London E14 5AP or email jane.o’ tablished relationship with someone you adore.
Don’t allow your pride to ruin what could be a
Please note that Jane cannot respond to individual letters and not all problems will be published. good fit for both of you.
34 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020

RAVEL Contact us at

★ Pit
it your wits
against the
Daily Star travel
the City of Bridges.
it’s also famed for its
top sports teams,
desk and see if you arts and vintage
can work out where funiculars on its
this place is. hills.
it’s a city at the
confluence of three
rivers and known as
★ You’ll find the
answer at the
bottom of the page.

Ferry safety’s
plain sailing
■ by ViCkY LiSSAmAn

TRAVELLING on one of Brittany Ferries’ first sailings
to St Malo in France after operations resumed last
month, I boarded the ship with optimism.
Check-in at Portsmouth, now 90 minutes before
departure (increased from one hour) to allow for
staggered boarding, was slick. At Passport Control,
all drivers are given a colour-coded sticker for their
windscreen. This determines when they and their
family/travel companions are permitted to use the
restaurant and return to their cars – almost wiping
out any need for queuing.

It’s compulsory to wear face-coverings while
boarding, disembarking and in all public areas on
board – although a few people standing out on
deck took them off to enjoy some fresh sea air.
All passengers must now book cabins or reserve
seats. Our four-berth en-suite outside cabin was
clean with free tea and coffee-making facilities.
To comply with social-distancing, half of the tables
in the bar and restaurants are taped off. In the new
normal, staff take orders then place drinks at a
collection point at the other end of the bar.
The gift shop now operates a one-way system.
But no testers are left out at the cosmetics counters
so you must ask staff for a trial squirt of perfume or
blob of face cream.
The children’s indoor soft play area is closed and BiG LOSS: BA jumbos are being retired
arcade games roped off.
At Passport Control in France on the return leg, I the 195ft
was asked if I’d submitted the online government ChiEF test pilot Jack Wadell ever-larger versions, 8in wingspa ing the four corners of
Public Health Passenger Locator Form. opened the throttles and the By NIGEL THOMPSON the global fleet of Boe
of the first greater the world, meet-
four roaring Pratt & Whitney as
This requires your travel booking reference 747s have flown 747-100 w stance of ing in friendship
numbers, seat/cabin number and the address Jt9D engines unleashed neering and design innovation more than 5.9billion than the di Brothers’ and understand-
where you’ll be staying at for the next fortnight. a combined 174,000lbs of with a double-decker “bubble” for people. the Wright in 1903, ing the people of
Border security at thrust. extra seating upstairs and a twin- To create this titan first fligh t other nations and
Portsmouth did ask The mighty plane, serial num- aisle wide-body fuselage typically of the skies required at just 120f races”.
to see this, so make ber RA001, hurtled down the run- carrying up to 416 passengers, the construction of the So to work.
sure you have the way and soared into the skies over almost doubling the capacity of world’s biggest building, at Nicknamed “The
document to hand. western Washington State, USA. aircraft it replaced. It also offered Everett near Seattle, for Boeing Incredibles”, 50,000 Boeing
Crossing to France It was February 9, 1969 and Jack, an impressive range of 5,320 miles to manufacture it, after being staff – engineers, mechanics, con-
remains a pleasant with co-pilot Brien Wygle and range, cruising at 650mph. asked by 1960s airline giant Pan struction workers, administrators
experience although flight engineer Jess Wallick, was at These extra seats enabled (in- Am to design an aircraft more than – responded by creating the larg-
the reduced capacity the controls of a prototype world- deed compelled) airlines to offer twice the size of the Boeing 707 est-ever civilian aircraft in under
means you lose that shrinking passenger jet that would much more competitive fares to and Douglas DC-8 jets. 16 months.
air of excitement and change the face of global travel. fill the “back of the bus’’ and make Pan Am’s visionary chief Juan New, more powerful engines
anticipation – but it’s While the oh-so-glamorous flying long-haul far more Trippe wanted a plane that would were needed too, with US manu-
a small price to pay supersonic Concorde would be affordable. empower travellers who were facturers General Electric and
to stay safe. making its first test flight just a few And how they responded: in its “charged with curiosity, enthusi- Pratt and Whitney rising to the
More info: britta- weeks later, it was only for the elite 50 years of service and in various, asm and goodwill, who can roam challenge, followed by Britain’s SAFE: the Lissamans and not a game-changer like the

tourist attraction.
big bird flying over the Pacific
Coast that winter’s day.
‘This is not how we wanted or expected to have to say goodbye to our
incredible fleet of 747 aircraft. So many people, including many thousands of our
For the Boeing 747 – the glori-
the Duquesne incline (funicular) is a popular
ous jumbo jet hailed as the Queen colleagues past and present, have spent countless hours on and with these
wonderful planes – they have been at the centre of so many memories, including
and birthplace of pop art icon Andy Warhol.
(American football), Penguins (ice hockey) of the Skies – would revolutionise
and “democratise” long-haul avia-
home of the Pirates (baseball), Steelers
tion for the masses for five dec- my very first long-haul flight. They will always hold a special place in our hearts at

British Airways - BA chief Alex Cruz
ANSWER: it’s Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,
ades. It was a tremendous engi-
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 35

ready to go on
Edited by holiday abroad
again? travel

NIGEL association Abta has

created a Covid-19
information leaflet for

THOMPSON overseas getaways in safe

new normal. Downloa the
for free at
d it
twitter: @travelednigel restartingtravel

British Airways Boeing 747-400

Jumbo specs

Number in fleet: 31 (retired)

Passenger capacity: up to 345
Length: 231ft 10in
Wingspan: 211ft 5in
Height: 68ft 8in
Engines: 4×Rolls Royce RB211-524H
Thrust: Up to 60,600lb each
Maximum speed: 614mph
Range: Up to 8,357 miles

for first 747

HiGH FLieRS: Crew at new York , and taking off
■ commercial flight in January 1970PanAm pilots
for first time in February 1969. aircraft
in cockpit and a mock-up of the


to the
Swinging 60s & Super 70s
Summer Seaside Party
Warner Norton Grange, Isle of Wight

Rolls-Royce. The original order
was for 25, and today 1,556 have
been delivered, logging between
year. The 747 is loved by pilots, better.’ Today’s long-haul fleets are
cabin crew and passengers. But now mostly made up of fuel-effi-
the airline accountants do not love cient twin-engine aircraft such as
economy seats in the 747 bubble
and what a cool “upgrade” it was
to end up in that select little cabin. S



Friday 18-21 Sept, 2020

howaddywaddy, Union Gap
UK and The 60s Explosion star
them more than 75billion her because she’s a four-engined the Boeing 777 and composite- And, once, I got lucky with a “turn
miles flown. all-metal fuel-hungry giant from a material Boeing Dreamliner and left” to First Class seat 1A. Beyond at our exclusive Warner Norton
But now the Queen of the Skies, bygone age. Airbus A350. as good as it sounds. Grange party. Over 40s only.
which went into commercial ser- There are now only 30 left in And, they are whisper-quiet So farewell you noisy, glorious, INCLUDED: Free drinks 6pm to
vice on January 22, 1970 on Pan passenger service worldwide after compared to the jumbo. gas-guzzling, gutsy old girl and midnight every night - house
Am’s New York City–Heathrow the BA announcement. If you were on board a 747 thanks for all those air miles of beers & spirits, wine by the glass,
route, has abruptly abdicated. However, there re- you certainly knew when marvellous memories – from
British Airways, the world’s larg- main several hundred it was taking off with a Sydney and Singapore to Los pumped soft drinks & mixers ●
th e 747 Entertainment with featured artists
est operator of jumbos with 31 still plying cargo real sense of speed Angeles and Las Vegas via
w as a movie
747-400s in the fleet, last month routes.
A -l is te r, appearing and surging power Vancouver, Dubai, South Africa, ● 3 breakfasts and 3 dinners ● 3
said it will retire all of them with As BA Captain an 300 on the runway - the Caribbean and Brazil. nights standard chalet - upgrades
immediate effect – not 2024 as Dave Wallsworth in more th films and it had a stu-
stu Times change and huge, much-
planned – as the coronavirus pan- said on Twitter af- Hollywood ort 1975, pendous jet roar needed advances in aircraft tech-
available ● Return car ferry
g A irp
includin ne, Die Hard you could hear

Call 01895 83 33 33
demic hits airlines worldwide. ter the news nology mean the reign of the
And now Boeing has said it will broke: “An avia- Air Force Obonkers but from the Queen of the Skies is over.
end production of the jumbo in tion icon and the 2 and the Snakes Heathrow airport That first test in 1969 was cut
br ill ia nt
2022, saying the decision had been aircraft most pilots . hotels on Bath short when the three flight deck
made “in light of the current mar- grew up wanting to On A Plane Road and beyond. crew decided to return to the Open: 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday QUOTE
ket dynamics and outlook”.
Somewhat ironically, one of
fly... along with
Concorde, the most recog-recog modern
Compare that to the
Boeing plant in Everett after the jet
developed a technical fault, but it DSTX0456

those heading to the scrapheap (or nisable aircraft in the world.” Airbus A380: I was in my seat on was still regarded as a triumph.
second hand plane shop) is BA’s In modern aviation terms, sadly, the top deck lost in my Kindle and Their verdict on what would
stylish 1964-1974-look British the 747 is a dinosaur. To misquote didn’t even notice we’d taken off become known as the Queen of
Overseas Airways Corporation the tyrannical pig Napoleon in as it was so quiet! the Skies?
(BOAC) jet which got a retro livery George’s Orwell’s Animal Farm: That A380 seat was economy Appropriately enough – “rather
You cannot book this exclusive party break direct with Warner.
to mark the carrier’s centenary last ‘Four engines good, two engines and, similarly, some carriers had majestic”. GN Holidays reserves the right to change the acts performing.
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 37

The JUMBO puzzle

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15

16 17 18
TEST your brains with our tantalising Pub
19 20 Quiz. But beware – one of the 20 teasers
is a trick question. Answers on Monday.
21 22 23 24

25 26

27 28 29

30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37

38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 Q12: Sportswoman Gemma Dryburgh

plays which professional sport?
WHICH publication WHICH listening
1 provided a printed 11 device designed by
46 47 48 49 50 51 summary of world news Leon Theremin was
between 1931-1986? hidden in a plaque given
a) Eltonian Monthly to W Averell Harriman,
52 Digest US Ambassador to the
b) Keesing’s Soviet Union, in 1945?
53 54 55 56 57 Contemporary Archives a) Super Seal
26 ACROSS c) APHD Gazetteer b) The Thing
c) Western Bug
58 59 2 OF which African
country was the
Republic of Katanga a
12 WHICH professional
sport is played by
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 breakaway state in 1960? Scotland’s Gemma
a) Angola Dryburgh?
b) Congo-Lé opoldville a) Badminton
67 68
c) Kenya b) Darts
c) Golf
69 70 71 3 WHICH dog is also
known as a Russian BY what name is the
13 Indian board game
72 73 a) Borzoi Pachisi also known?
b) Blini a) Twenty-Five
c) Bouzouki b) Thirty-Five
74 75 76 77 c) Forty-Five
78 ACROSS 57 ACROSS 4 WHAT might you do
78 79 80 81 82 83
with a chillum?
a) Carve wood
14 WHO plays the title
role in 2020 film
b) Sit in it Artemis Fowl?
84 85 86 c) Smoke cannabis a) Ferdia Shaw
b) Ashif Dewar
5 WHICH was the
last of three UK
c) Fred Aiwash
87 88
No 1 singles by Mud?
a) Oh Boy
15 WHICH is Rufus
Wainwright’s 2020
89 90 b) Tiger Feet studio album?
c) Lonely This Christmas a) Defollow The Science
b) Refollow The Leader
WHAT type of vehicle


6 was the Fouga Jalon, c) Unfollow The Rules
ACROSS 11 Rounded part of a thermometer (4) developed in France WHEN was chef
1 Squint (10) 12 Female supervisor (9)
during World War II? 16 Ainsley Harriott
13 Irritable (9)

7 Precipitation (4) Complete the Jumbo Puzzle and rearrange the shaded squares to a) Glider born?
14 Noisy (4) 17 and 41 Across Roo Stewart in
15 Bad temper (3,6)
reveal a hidden celebrity name. TO ENTER: Call 0905 789 3450 and soap Home and Away (7,6) b) Motor car a) 1953
16 Words made from rearranging leave your answer and details, or text DSJUMBO followed by a space, 18 Happy (6) c) Tank b) 1957
your answer, name and address to 84901. Calls cost 80p per minute 22 Weak people (5-7) c) 1964
the letters of another (8) IN which group did
18 Hit hard (4) plus your telephone company’s network access charge. Texts cost £1 plus 23 Muse of lyric poetry in Greek 7 Nick Knox replace IN which British
19 and 45 Across Nicky Wheatley in your standard network rate. Or send your completed grid to Daily Star mythology (5) Miriam Linna as drummer 17 TV soap does
ITV soap Coronation Street (8,4-7) Jumbo, PO Box 12579, Sutton Coldfield, B73 9BU. Please include your 24 Nimble (5) in 1977? the character Leela
20 See 1 Down name and address. Lines close at 23:59 on August 14. Postal entries 25 Seem (6) a) The Cramps Lomax appear?
21 Taking an interest in (4) must be postmarked by August 14 to qualify. Service provider is Spoke Ltd 33 and 31 Across Laura Awoyinka b) Thin Gamma Bobs a) Coronation Street
23 Fairy (3) in BBC1 soap EastEnders (5,4)
0333 202 3390. Winner (August 25): G Langridge of Wootton, Isle of Wight. 34 Tropical tree with hard
c) Those Naughty Lumps b) EastEnders
25 Berkshire horse racecourse (5) c) Emmerdale
26 and 38 Across Elly Conway in reddish-brown wood (8) WHICH waterway
Channel 5 soap Neighbours (4,6) 72 Loathe (4) DOWN 35 Bullfighters (7) 8 separates the WHICH football club
27 Polluted air (4) 73 Collect (5) 1 and 20 Across Leonie Farrell in BBC1 36 Lariat (5) Labrador Peninsula from 18 has Germany winger
28 Interval (3) 74 Frozen water (3) drama series The Heights (5,7) 37 US ten-cent coin (4) Newfoundland, Canada? Leroy Sané joined from
29 Haul (5) 76 Vegetable, a Welsh emblem (4) 2 Narrow sea inlet (3) 39 Ability to work with numbers (8)
78 and 62 Across Hayden Cole in BBC1 a) Yeadon Strait Manchester City?
30 Beat (5) 3 Asian country; capital Baghdad (4) 40 Defensible (12)
drama The Secrets She Keeps (7,7) b) Strait of Belle Isle a) Bakirkoyspor
31 See 33 Down 4 Adhesive strip used in decorating to 42 Significant (3)
81 and 47 Across Alistair Lauderback cover areas not to be painted (7,4) c) Middleton Strait b) Barcelona
32 Term for virtual reality (10) 44 Those who carry the golf clubs (7) c) Bayern Munich
in BBC1 drama series The 5 Slender (4) 48 Consent (5)
34 Spotted (7)
38 See 26 Across Luminaries (8,6) 6 Ancient Roman festival of 50 Loop in a hangman’s rope (5) 9 WHAT colour was
the vexillum, the WHO does Matt
41 See 17 Down 84 Behind (4) purification and fertility held 51 Ornamental carp (3) military standard of the 19 Berry play in
43 Colour of unbleached linen (4) 85 One-wheeled vehicle (8) annually in February (10) 52 Requests information (4) Ancient Roman army? BBC2 television
45 See 19 Across 87 Pasta in the form of long strings (9) 8 Off (4) 55 Immoderation (6) a) Blue comedy series What
46 Comply with (4) 88 Twist (4) 9 and 68 Down Gandalf in BBC2 56 Measure of cold or heat (11) b) Purple We Do In The Shadows?
47 See 81 Across 89 Carbonated water (4) comedy drama There She Goes (5,6) 59 Brave (10) c) Red a) Lyn Andersson
49 See 75 Down 90 Audience (10) 10 In addition (4) 60 Polite term (9) b) Gay Le Cristalle


51 Touch with the lips (4) 61 Slip (9) to a c) Laszlo Cravensworth
53 Political movement for reformation 63 Garlic mayonnaise (5) survey conducted by
in 1980s Soviet Union (11) 64 Seawater (5) Green Flag, what ACCORDING to a
66 See 57 Across percentage of 20 new survey from the
54 Cosy place (4) Across: 1 Forward-thinking, 9 Juror, 12 Inkling, 13 Armed, 14 and 38 Down Roz Hammond, 16 Sisal, 17 Haste,
57 and 66 Down Dawn Taylor in 18 Undiscerning, 19 Citric, 21 Rouleau, 24 and 1 Down Paloma Faith, 26 Arc, 28 Marc, 30 Oar, 31 Offload, 68 See 9 Down 18-34-year-olds said they British Heart Foundation,
ITV soap Emmerdale (6,7) 32 See 22 Down, 34 Activity, 35 See 59 Down, 36 Mercy, 40 Star, 41 Ninja, 42 Nymph, 43 and 64 Down Amar 75 and 49 Across Ross West in had planned to avoid what percentage of UK
Adatia, 44 See 62 Down, 46 Worm, 47 Asterisk, 51 Reptiles, 53 Visible, 54 Ton, 55 Ludo, 57 Roe, 58 Throbs, BBC1 drama series Casualty (5,6) adults said they have
58 Small bone at the base of a spine (6) 60 See 49 Down, 65 Louvre, 66 Civil Service, 68 Ducks, 71 India, 72 Koi, 73 and 37 Down Giles Clark, 74 Natural, public transport when
62 See 78 Across 75 Hydra, 76 Dressing station. Down: 1 See 24 Across, 2 Rakes, 3 Asides, 4 See 9 Down, 5 Hoarder, 6 Numbskulls, 77 Retains (5) travelling to work eaten more junk food
65 Sash worn around the waist (10) 7 Indie, 8 Geranium, 9 and 4 Down Jessica De Gouw, 10 Reservoir, 11 Reluctantly, 15 Zone, 20 Caravans, 79 Dull pain (4) resumed last month? during lockdown?
67 Employs (4) 22 and 32 Across Edan Hayhurst, 23 Schoolmaster, 24 Pays, 25 See 44 Down, 27 Continuously, 29 Awakens, 80 Stringed musical instrument (4) a) 76% a) 12%
33 Use, 34 Actor, 38 See 14 Across, 37 See 73 Across, 39 Threaten, 43 Aliens, 44 and 25 Down Kirsty-Leigh Porter, 81 Group (4)
68 Wait (5) 45 Lot, 48 Alps, 49 and 60 Across Mimi Slinger, 50 Ginger ales, 52 Persuaded, 56 Ossified, 59 and 35 Across b) 86% b) 23%
69 Large bay window (5) Barbara Knox, 61 Reins in, 62 and 44 Across Nick Kroll, 63 Beings, 64 See 43 Across, 67 Segue, 69 Corgi, 70 Salon. 82 Country pubs (4) c) 96% c) 35%
70 Female animal (3) PRIZE NAME: Judy Finnigan. 83 Half a quart (4)
71 Spheres (4) 86 Murmur softly (3)
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DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 39



in association with
I CAN WORK ■ by darren witcoop

Fabio Jakobsen has
been woken from his
coma and his condition
has been described as
“good”, Tour of Poland race

made of the fact that
interview by
darren HanLeY
organisers said last night.
The 23-year-old Dutch
I spoke with eddie This is about the fans rider was placed in a
Hearn for the first time and the future of our medically induced coma
earlier this week but sport. after sustaining life-
there’s not much to Social media went threatening injuries in a

sharp aims for

report besides my into a frenzy this week high-speed crash at the
offer to take him to when I suggested end of Wednesday’s
lunch at some point in blockbuster bouts like opening stage in katowice
the near future. Daniel Dubois vs Dillian and had facial surgery on
It can’t come soon Whyte, Joe Joyce vs

Frampton bout
enough, as far as I’m Dereck Chisora and Tour of Poland posted
concerned. Anthony yarde vs an update on Twitter,
The time has come Joshua Buatsi. saying: “We have good
to give British boxing That shows me there news from the hospital in
arcHie SHarp will be the shot in the arm it is an appetite for these sosnowiec! Fabio
sharing a hotel with carl so desperately needs fights and, more Jakobsen is awake now
Frampton next week – and that’ll involve the importantly, an from the coma. Condition
and he will tell him he biggest appetite for me is ‘good’.”
wants to share a ring promoters and eddie Fellow Dutchman Dylan
with him soon. coming (left) to Groenewegen has
The rising super-featherweight together for put our apologised for
ace takes on Jeff ofori on the the good of differences Wednesday’s collision,
undercard of Frampton’s return the sport. aside and get which occurred after he
next saturday night, at bT sport
studios in stratford.
Unbeaten sharp, 25, knows his
■ RooM AT
THe ToP:
Archie Sharp
I said as
much on
Tuesday when I
to work for the
Before we get
had drifted across the road
into Jakobsen’s path
during a downhill sprint
19th career win will keep him well has set his reached across the there, though, we both finish.
placed in the Wbo rankings at 9st sights on aisle and challenged have other business to “i hate what happened,”
4lbs. frampton (left) eddie’s Matchroom attend to. Up next for Groenewegen said on
and with belfast boxer roster to a series of Queensberry Twitter. “i can’t find the
cross-promotional Promotions is the

Frampton due to face Jamel world, i’m among the big names words to describe how
Herring later this year for the and getting up there in the fights against the best return of Carl sorry i am for Fabio and
Wbo title, then sharp wants to be rankings.” boxers I have to offer. frampton next others who have been
our sport cannot Saturday on BT Sport.
his first defence. but sharp has also been noticed dropped or hit.
The pair will be down the hall for his flash hairstyles, which have afford to be Carl has had a “at the moment, the
this weekend at the fight hotel, got some varied reviews over the constrained by the terrible bit of luck with health of Fabio is the
in quarantine ahead of Frank by CHRIS McKENNA last few years. coronavirus pandemic injuries and opponents most important thing.
Warren’s latest behind-closed- “i’ve had some stick over the a second longer. pulling out, but I know “i think about him
doors fight card. ability. i want my name out there years with the hairstyles,” he said. If travel is going to he’s desperate to get constantly.”
and sharp said: “i just want to and i need these big names. “I like to change it up, you’ve continue to be an out again ahead of a Jakobsen (above)
fight for the Wbo title, whoever “That would put me on the got to have a go. My friends and issue, if foreign world title fight with crashed over a barrier and
has got it. but for sure i want to map.” fans love giving it to me over it. opponents can’t be the American Jamal into a race official and was
fight Frampton. The slick Londoner is not short “i’ve had perms and the lot. flown in, then let’s get Herring when things airlifted to hospital.
“i sparred with him when i was of confidence or moves in the ring “i just jump straight in at the together and make the return to normal. His team, Deceuninck-
young, coming up and to share and he is starting to get noticed as barbers and let them have a go.” biggest British fights The world has Quickstep, later confirmed
the ring with him would be a promising prospect. and now he is ready to jump possible for the fans. changed and, like I he had not suffered brain
amazing. He said: “i’ve been under the straight into the big fights. It’s not about me or say, it’s up to us now or spinal injuries.
“For sure, it will be spoken radar a little but now i’m starting ■ Sharp v Ofori is live on BT Sport my ego, nor is it about to make sure boxing Groenewegen crossed
about next week. i believe in my to get recognised. i’m no.4 in the next Saturday, August 15. eddie and his ego. changes with it. the finish line first, but the
27-year-old rider was later

Which club coached by ROACH RECORD PREDICTED ■ HoT STUff: With the
heat rising, carp will
➊ Jack Charlton won the
1975-76 Anglo-Scottish
JAMeS BRoWN has got the top of the carpet of feed to
be feeding off the top so
why not try some surface
feeling his Norfolk lake has lure 18 bream including 14 fishing! I caught this big
a roach record up for grabs. doubles to 15lb 14oz. common on a pop-up
For which Champion-
➋ ship club has Wakefield The boss of Highbridge
fishery is confident his ■ THe top five in the
latest fish o’ Mania
boilie, hair rigged to a
Trinity half-back Danny size 12 hook, and 8lb line.
venue will re-write history. qualifier all took over 200lb.
Brough signed for 2021?
Which team is Fernando So much so that he will with RICHARD LEE John Light Snr was lead
➌ Alonso set to join for a be on the scene with a new rod with 253lb 2oz of carp
third spell for the 2021 F1 weighing machine the we’ll do a record in the next on pellet, from peg 113 on
World Championship? moment anyone catches a few years, so we need to be Monk Lakes, in Maidstone.
From which country of roach that can challenge prepared,” said Brown. That edged out Adam
➍ the British Isles are MMA
fighters Brett Johns, John
the 4lb 4oz British record.
A carp angler recently ■ Joe Royffe landed a
season’s best haul of
Southgate with his 253lb on
paste in the margins.
Phillips and Jack Shore?
➎ Which Australia batsman
has had his contract with
fluked a 4lb 2oz roach.
That was weighed on a
heavy dial designed for
specimen bream at Lea
Valley pit after pre-baiting.
He primed his swim with
■ THe sport’s governing
body has confirmed
angling will not be banned
Middlesex CCC deferred until specimen fish, so Brown groundbait and 8kg of as part of the tightening of
2021-2022? invested in precise scales. pellets then presented lockdown restrictions in
anSwerS: page 49 “I’m very confident that maggot feeder rigs over the regions of the UK.
40 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020

LESSONS: Vunipola

Parents I’M BIG FAN OF

tell Billy
admitted he was a bad
influence on the England

Powell backs nippy trio

squad during the World
But he reckons he has
wised up after finally
listening to his mum and
dad. ■ LITTLE
The Saracens No.8 was
part of Eddie Jones’ side
(above) and
Castleford playmakers CASTLEFORD v
who fluffed their lines in
the 32-12 defeat to South
Trueman (left) Danny Richardson, Jake
Trueman and Paul Mc- CATALANS 4.15pm
Africa in Yokohama after Shane can lead a revival ■ by GARETH WALKER
demolishing the All Blacks of the little man under
a week before. Super League’s new rules. we’re all pretty excited about
Vunipola then blotted Stand-off Trueman is the tallest what’s ahead of us.”
his copybook by ignoring of the three at 5ft 10in in a sport Hooker McShane made new
social distancing rules where size often does matter. England coach Shaun Wane’s first
during Covid lockdown But the scrapping of scrums and squad announcement earlier this
when he was spotted out the new six-again rule has quick- year and Powell (inset) says his
and about with Sarries ened the pace of Super League and hard work to transform his game
team-mates in St Albans. kept the ball in play for longer – should pay dividends in the new-
But the 27-year-old and Powell believes the trio will look competition.
insists Saracens and thrive as a result. Powell added: “With Paul
England will have a new Powell said: “If you look it’s been a bit of a battle to
man on their books after at the stats in Australia, get him to do what he’s
an ear-bashing from father there’s been the rebirth doing.
Fe’ao, a former player, and of the little man in terms “But he’s taken the
mother Iesinga – a of the way the game’s bull by the horns this
Methodist minister. played. season and has got out of
He said: “I talked to my “Half-backs are run- dummy half consistently.
parents a lot about it. They ning a lot more which has “He’s run more metres
are an amazing sounding been highlighted statistically. than anybody else from dum dum-
board. “If you look at our half-backs my half. When you’ve got some-
“I probably didn’t listen they both like to run the ball and body doing that it’s really exciting.”
to them as well as I could have a lot of instinct about them. However, Powell has warned his
have in the last two or “Paul McShane is the same and team that it won’t all be attacking
three years. while I’m expecting us to have tiring defences ahead of the Tigers’
“They gave me advice to some difficulties with it, I think we clash with a Dragons side that fell
go out there and search for can do well under the new rules. well short against St Helens.
a higher meaning. I had a “When you take away scrums “It’s not only a great opportunity
real good look at myself. and a lot of penalties, the game be- with the ball but a real challenge
“Obviously there was the comes completely different. without it,” Powell said.
episode where we got in “It’s a bit more reactionary and “Teams in Australia have
trouble for having a few Castleford’s being able to organise on the hoof, tended to stay around the middle
coffees with the boys. GREG EDEN to and the halves are excited because which means some guys could be
score first try

1 1/ 1
“I did a lot of self- they are instinctive players. doing 10 consecutive tackles.
reflection after the World “Danny looks a bit bigger than “Anyone who’s played rugby
Cup and during this Covid before lockdown and he’s been league knows that’s an interesting
period. great looking after himself. Truey thing to do and we saw with
“There are things I could is just a naturally strong kid. Catalans and what St Helens did
have done better and “With Macca there as well the to them what can happen with
things that affected the
chemistry of the team.
“I think I could have
Danny Richardson
axis we’ve got is really strong – real fatigue.”


been better at the World
Cup in terms of off the
field. I think my head was
in the clouds, that’s
something I always battle
with. I find it hard to keep
my feet on the ground
WARRINGTON boss Steve Price
expects a revitalised Hull KR when WARRINGTON v who we’ve got to be on high alert
for.” Price also believes that the
when I do something well.
“That’s been a massive
challenge for me over this
the teams relaunch their Super
League campaigns tonight.
The Robins restart the season
HULL KR 6.30pm faster version of Super League will
suit the Wolves.
He added: “I thought it was a
period of lockdown. If you at the foot of the table after five fantastic spectacle last weekend.
reach success again, both defeats from six amid a crippling now and will be healthy and “We got some metrics and the
as a team or personally, injury list. energised. They’ve got a very ball was in play an extra 12 to 14
how do I stay grounded? But coach Tony Smith (right) good coach in Tony Smith, who minutes compared to
“My parents probably now has a much healthier squad gave great service here at pre-Covid.
helped me the most there. and without the threat of Warrington Wolves and is held in “That’s quite a
“I always looked to relegation has promised an high regard here. change and will make
blame someone else or expansive approach. “We’re expecting a really tough for more
something else and I And Price (left) said: game. They’ve got dangerous entertaining
finally realised, when I “Their team pre-Covid was players all over the park – football. I’d like to
spoke to my parents, that I decimated by a lot of injuries, especially at No.9 in Matt Parcell, think it’ll suit my
need to take ownership. but they’ve got those back and Adam Quinlan at full-back, team.”
“Those guys never lie to
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 41

giant FOOtiE XwOrd ■ VERY

But which
country does

win £25
Everton star Gylfi
Sigurdsson play
■ Send your answers, name and address to: Giant Soccerword,
PO Box 12579, Sutton Coldfield, B73 9BU. Entries must arrive by
first post Friday. The first correct one drawn will receive a
for? See
prize of £25.
Last week’s winner was Paul Hale, of Birmingham.

across Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. 1967 Inter-Cities Fairs 2. Kenny .....,

Cup Final winners (6,6) 1999-2003 Huddersfield
8. Barry ....., 1968-76 midfielder signed from
Fulham midfielder (5) Tranmere (5) 8 9

9 and 44 Across. 3. Newcastle striker;
1978-84 Cambridge 2010 England debutant
winger signed from against France (4,7)

Northampton (7,8) 4. Zdenek ........, FC Dallas
forward; 2019 Czech 10 11
10. Tomasz ........,
Republic debutant
2003-12 Poland and
against England (8) 12
2015-19 Birmingham
5. Fraser ...., Canada
goalkeeper (8)
midfielder at Rangers
11. The ...., FC Halifax from 2012-17 (4) 13 14
Town home (4) fwafoty everton
6. Alois ........., 1984-91
13. Spain, PSG and Bayer Leverkusen Which Liverpool player won Which country did this
former Man United 15 this season’s Football Writers’ 2019-20 Everton player
defender; 1988 UEFA Association Footballer of the represent at the 2018 FIFA
midfielder (5,7) Cup Final winner (9) Year award? World Cup?
16. Micky ......, Dundee 7 and 19 Down. Arsenal 16 17 1. 1982-83 1. Gylfi Sigurdsson
United boss (6) and England youth 2. 1975-76 2. Jordan Pickford
3. 1983-84 3. Yerry Mina
17. Dominic ......, former defender/winger (6,4) 4. 1988-89 4. Alex Iwobi
Scotland, Liverpool 12. 2012-13 Scunthorpe
18 5. 2008-09 5. Fabian Delph
and Leeds defender/ boss (5,4)
premier 1988
midfielder (6) 14. See 48 Across. 19 20 21
15. See 20 Across. Of the twelve 2020-21 Which British club did this
19. Jimmy ......., 1964-73 Scottish Premiership clubs, Euro 1988 England squad
Cardiff boss (7) 18 and 40 Down. which last finished third in the member manage for this
20 and 15 Down. Portugal midfielder top flight in this season, period?
signed by Man United under this coach? 1. John Barnes, 1999-2000
1988 League Cup 1. 2012-13, Steve Lomas 2. Peter Reid, 2004-05
Final winners (5,4) from Sporting in 22 23 24 25 2. 2009-10, Peter Houston 3. Bryan Robson, 2007-08
January (5,9) 3. 2004-05, Tony Mowbray 4. Glenn Hoddle, 2000-01
22. Harry ...., 2018 FIFA
19. See 7 Down. 4. 2001-02, Jim Leishman 5. Tony Adams, 2008-09
World Cup Golden Boot 26 5. 1979-80, Jim Clunie
21. Club Gimnastic de away
winner (4)
24. David ........, West
........., 1947-48 to 1962
1949-50 La Liga club in Against which team did this
Ham and Aston Villa 27 Who was the only member of relegated club win their only
Segunda Division B in the England 1962 FIFA World away game in this Premier
defender between 2019-20 (9) Cup squad to represent this League season?
spells at Everton; 1995 23. Emmanuel ....., 2004-11 28 29 30 31 club at the time of the 1. Fulham, 2018-19
England debutant (8) tournament? 2. Hull City, 2016-17
Arsenal defender (5) 1. Arsenal 3. Huddersfield Town,
26. Christian ....., 2003-08 24. Ifeanyi ....., 2000-05 2. Blackpool 2018-19
32 33 3. Liverpool
Nigeria and 2005-12 Nigeria defender; West 4. Aston Villa, 2015-16
Udinese midfielder (5) 4. Sheffield United 5. Middlesbrough, 2016-17
Brom loanee from 5. Wolverhampton Wanderers
27. Mia ...., a 2002 FIFA PAOK in 2003 (5) fa cup
World Player of the 25. Tomer ....., Israel, argentina
Which 1992-93 Premier
Year (4) Charlton and former
34 35 36 37 For which European club did League club were knocked
29. David ....., Brighton & Hove Albion this Argentina 1978 FIFA out of the FA Cup that season
1999-2012 Honduras striker (5) World Cup final winner play by this club at this stage?
for this period? 1. Arsenal, sixth round
and 1999-2007 Cagliari 28. Joel ...., 1983-89 France 2. Tottenham Hotspur, fourth
1. Daniel Passarella, 1986-88
forward (5) goalkeeper; 1986 2. Daniel Bertoni, 1980-84 round
FIFA World Cup 3. Alberto Tarantini, 1978-79 3. Sheffield United, sixth
32. Danny ...., 2010-15 38 39 40 round
ever-present (4) 4. Mario Kempes, 1984-86
Stirling Albion 5. Ubaldo Fillol, 1985-86 4. Tranmere Rovers, third
29. John ........, 2013-15 round
defender (4)
33. Craig ........,
Plymouth boss (8) 41 le fwafoty 5. Arsenal, fifth round
30. Alan ....., 1959-76 Man
2013-15 Colchester
City midfielder, 1969
Which Frenchman scots
representing this club won
FA Cup Final winner; 42 this season’s Football Writers’ For which of the ten 2020-21
signed from Arsenal (8) 1976-82 Chester Association Footballer of the Scottish Championship clubs
34. Martyn ......., 1969-74 Year award? has this man played since
player-manager (5) 43 1. Manchester United, this year?
Newport defender (7) 31. Ander ........., Espanyol 1995-96 1. Kyle Benedictus, 2015
36. Adam ....., Sheffield and former Spain 2. Arsenal, 2002-03 2. Stephen Dobbie, 2016
Wednesday midfielder/ and Athletic Bilbao 44 45 46 3. Tottenham, 1998-99 3. Mark Whatley, 2014
4. Arsenal, 2001-02 4. Jordan McGhee, 2019
defender from 2016 (5) midfielder; 2012 Europa 5. Chelsea, 2016-17 5. Andy Graham, 2016
38. Glenn ......, 2001-03 League Final 47
Spurs boss (6)
39. Pablo ......,
VfB Stuttgart defender
runner-up (9)
35. 2000 UEFA Cup Final
winners (11) 48 49
37. Harry ...., 1969-76
5. Alloa Athletic 4. Southampton 1. Inter Milan
at Man City from 4. Dundee United ARGENTINA
2015-18 (6) Celtic striker; 1971 3. Arbroath 3. Sheffield
Scottish Cup Final
South 2. Coventry City 5. Ron Flowers
42. 2010-13 Norway and 2. Queen of the 1. Celtic Hodgkinson
2014-16 Ipswich replay scorer (4) 1. Raith Rovers 1988 4. Alan

defender (8,4) 40. See 18 Down. 50 SCOTS 3. Roger Hunt

41. ........ League, fifth
5. England Armfield
44. See 9 Across. Forest 4. Nigeria 2. Jimmy
tier of the football 5. Nottingham 3. Colombia Eastham
46. Tony ...., 1984-94 West
pyramid (8)
Athletic 2. England 1. George
Ham defender signed
last week’s answers
4. Oldham 1. Iceland 1962
43. ...... match, Rovers EVERTON
from Fulham (4)
second-leg of a tie (6)
3. Blackburn 5. St Mirren
48 and 14 Down. 2004-05 45. Pepe ....., former Spain ACROSS: 1. Ebbe Sand; 5. Sam Sodje; 8. Elm; 9. Elmander; 10. Arshavin;
2. Norwich City
1. Ipswich Town
5. N’Golo Kante
4. Robert Pires
4. Livingston
3. Hibernian
Spain and 2005-06 goalkeeper currently 11. Enckelman; 14 and 38 Across South Korea; 16. Kenya; 20. Panathinaikos; 21. Keena; FA CUP 3. David Ginola 2. Dundee United
Chelsea defender (5,3,5) 23. Djourou; 24. Neale; 25. Keane; 26. Nikolic; 29. Mancini; 31 and 50 Across Conor
on loan at Aston Villa
2. Thierry Henry 1. St Johnstone
Townsend; 32. Vydra; 33. Sankofa; 35. Adler; 37. Saido Berahino; 38. See 14 Across; 5. Sunderland 1. Eric Cantona PREMIER
49. Georges-Kevin ......., from Milan (5) 41. Zauri; 43. Maccarone; 46. Ben Sahar; 47. Mendieta; 48. Lee; 49. Rob Hulse; 4. Bournemouth LE FWAFOTY
Besiktas and former 47. Raymond ...., France, 50. See 31 Across. DOWN: 2. Bilbao; 3. Sanneh; 4 and 33 Down Derek Stark; 5. Small;
ton Wanderers
3. Wolverhamp- Madrid
5. Steven
Spurs winger (7) Angers, Reims and 6. Schenk; 7. Joicey; 12. Castagne; 13. McFadden; 14. Stockholm; 15. Train; 17. Ekoku; 2. Swansea City 5. Atletico 4. Steve Nicol
50. Netherlands, Werder 18. Abdou; 19. Kieran Sadlier; 22. Amavi; 27. Kenna; 28. Casiraghi; 30. Ivanovic;
Real Madrid midfielder; 31. Carvalho; 33. See 4 Down; 34 and 40 Down Kwame Ampadu; 36. Dunga;
1. Bournemouth
4. Hercules
3. Ian Rush
2. Kevin Keegan
Bremen and former 1958 Ballon d’Or 39. Oviedo; 40. See 34 Down; 41. Zenden; 42. Rattin; 44. Curle; 45. Rimet. 3. Birmingham 1. Kenny Dalglish
Everton midfielder (4,8) winner (4) 5. Portsmouth 2. Fiorentina FWAFOTY
42 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020

SHORTS ■ A fire saw play

suspended at the
first ladies’ professional
claimed his game was
■ by neiL McLeMAn
to close within two shots of
scorable. I’m not going to
say I am playing the best I
Clubs get event held at Wentworth.
The Surrey course
was evacuated as a
“coming back” after a
superb 64 at the US PGA in
clubhouse leader Haotong
Li on six-under.
have ever played or felt as
sharp as I have ever felt but

in touch
only his third event since Now the Southport-based it is definitely coming back.”
wildfire took hold. Play lockdown. star, who spent most of the Li, who finished third at
will resume today at the The Ryder Cup star summer playing social the 2017 Open, is bidding to
■ rugby union Rose Ladies Series. (right) opted not to golf with his mates, is become the first Chinese
RFU chiefs are set to fly over to the USA in contention to win male to win a Major.
announce a return for when the PGA Tour his first Major. The world No.114 shot a
the community game returned in June Fleetwood, who bogey-free 65 to move to
today with matches and he only opened with a eight-under par.
starting tomorrow – but returned to action level-par 70, said: “I He said: “I think I did feel
with massive changes. last month. feel like my game is pressure last year because
Twickenham have After missing the improving day by day everyone put high
proposed 10-a-side touch cut in his first event, he since I have come back expectation on me.
rugby for amateur teams shot a closing 65 at last to playing. “But I’ve got no
who have struggled since week’s WGC-Fedex St “I like playing golf and I expectation now because
lockdown. Games will Jude’s Invitational. played golf over the break. for the last few months I
have no scrums and no And the world No.13 went “But tournament golf is have stayed at home doing
tackling and played on a one better at Harding Park not the same as leisurely, nothing. I just want to out
three-quarter sized pitch. last night with seven birdies even on a course that is here have fun.”

Elina out

I won’t
■ tennis
Kiki Bertens have joined
■ OH BOY: Williams
with his son Kian

Rafa Nadal and Ashleigh

Barty in pulling out of
the US Open due to
coronavirus fears.
World No.5 Svitolina

go nuts
said: “I still don’t feel
comfortable to travel to
US without putting my
team and myself at high
risk.” Dutch world
No.7 Bertens said the
situation was “worrying”.


if I win
TEXT DSSPORT followed by a space, then
your name and comment, and send to 85525.
Texts cost 25p plus your standard network
rate. 18+ only SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390

■ Steven gerrard says

Alfredo morelos has
been distracted by
speculation over his future
but the truth is stevie boy
he can’t play against
decent sides, never scored
against celtic and didn’t
have a sniff against Bayer
leverkusen I could go on, I
wouldn’t pay £18 for him
never mind £18m. glesga


■ The situation at Real

Jester does
Madrid re. Gareth Bale
needs sorting. Zidane


obviously doesn’t like him
and only plays him

just enough
occaisionally. He wont CHAMPION:
travel to Manchester yet Williams after
Ramos who can’t play gets winning in 2018
to travel. Bale would drop
into any premier league ■ by HeCtor nunns
team here, but he is on an
astronomical wage he is MArk WiLLiAMs has ruled ■ by HeCtor nunns that later. He wasn’t much help this MARK SELBY breathed a sigh
quite happy to stay. But out another victorious naked one. I am one behind John Higgins but morning though.
something doesn’t add up. of relief after scraping into the
Mal the claret press conference if he wins a there is a long way to go. “He was supposed to be picking the Crucible quarter-finals for the
fourth world title.
■ commiserations to
Brentford on missing
out on promotion it would
“It would be incredible to match his balls out in practice but sat there on his
The 45-year-old from Wales edged number but that’s all too far ahead. phone.
first time in three years.
The Leicester Jester beat
have been nice for into the quarter-finals of the Betfred “And I won’t say anything stupid “I’ll have to crack the whip, take him Thailand’s Noppon Saengkham
someone different to grace World Championship with a thrilling about another naked press conference, out on to the golf course later and give 13-12 at the Betfred World
the premier league instead
of the usual yoyo clubs. 13-11 win over the 2015 Crucible king there is nothing happening there this him a b********g. Championship and will now
The Salford rocket Stuart Bingham. year. “He’s quite dry and takes the mickey face either world No.2 and
former champion Neil
■ To Stupid Silly
Clueless spurs fan.
Roman put millions into
And memories are still fresh of his
unexpected triumph two years ago
“The nation couldn’t bear to see that
again so I’m not saying anything stupid
– no idea where he gets that from.
“It never gets easier coming here, Robertson or Barry Hawkins.
Chelsea. He got his billion when he honoured a rash promise and keeping my mouth shut because if I only more difficult. I can pot anything or Selby, who produced a
pound back when his made earlier in the tournament. said it, I’d have to do it in the unlikely miss the easiest ones you have ever brilliant break of 124 in the
130m club is now worth
2.5 billion. The 130m
Williams appeared for questioning event it happened.” seen. tense decider, said: “It is a
turnover is now 500m. The wearing only a towel, which he then With players restricted to one “I am 45 going on 46, I won’t get any sense of relief more than
Academy is now turning shed once sitting down. supporter in the arena, Williams is better now and my form will decline. It anything else after that.
out players adding millions World No.3 Williams said: “It would being cheered on by his 13-year-old son is frustrating, some of them even Steve “I threw everything at Noppon
to the clubs assets. He
gets his outlay back when be unbelievable to win a fourth world Kian. Davis or John Parrott could still pot!” and he kept coming back.
he sells the club. 1 trophy title, I had only won it twice until two He added: “He is here with me… he Masters champion Bingham said: “I That’s the pleasing thing, I
this century spurs mug years ago and thought I’d never win it said I was crap after the first round. You am gutted to be out, so many frames stood up to it.”
worrying about CFC. Spurs
empty trophy cabinet again but managed to scrape a third can only laugh but I got him back for could have gone either way.”
millions in debt. CFC1
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 43

cricket: FirSt teSt, tHirD DAY

HeArt OF
He’s our golden arm
ENGLAND will look to ■ by DEAN WILSON
Ben Stokes to guide
them to another matched Stokes by
stunning fourth- taking 2-11.
innings run chase after He said: “I’d seen

delivering with the ball him bowl in the
when he wasn’t warm-ups and he
supposed to. seemed to be fine.
Stokes is meant “So I’m not overly
Buttler catches
first innings centurion
to be playing this
game as a batsman,
not an all-rounder,
surprised he could do
what he did. That’s
Ben, we know he is
Masood for a duck but he hauled his capable of miracles.
body to the crease “The length he’d had
at the back end of to recover probably
day three to take helped. He’s got a bit
two crucial wickets of a golden arm, he
and give his side always has had. He
the chance of a has the knack of
Saturday thriller. picking up wickets.
Just as he “When you are in a
powered England bit of dogfight, he’s the

the pain barrier

to an astonishing sort of player you want.
victory with ball “You have to believe
and then bat at and there is definitely
Headingley last the belief in the

won’t stop Ben

summer, there changing room that we
could be can chase any target
another down.”
special day On a dry pitch,
in store. though, and with
“I had no Pakistan’s leg spinners
idea Yasir Shah and Shadab
HALF-FIT all-rounder Ben whether he sharing six wickets in
Stokes answered Joe Root’s was able the first innings, any
SOS call yet again to try and to bowl or target will not be easy.
give England a chance of ready to “We are very
stealing the first Test from bowl,” said confident,” said
under Pakistan’s nose. Chris Pakistan spin coach
Declared unable to play a full part as Woakes Mushtaq Ahmed.
a batting and bowling all-rounder at who “The way Yasir and
the start of the match, neither Root nor Shadab bowled in the
Stokes could resist the chance to bring first innings, I think
him on and make an impact – and it they’ve got the
worked wonders. momentum now.”
With the Test in the balance and
Pakistan just 227 ahead at Old Trafford,
Stokes removed wicket-keeper bats- scoreboard
man Mohammad Rizwan lbw for 27 Overnight – Pakistan 326 (Shan
to break open the game with two days Masood 156, Babar Azam 69).
to play. England 92-4.
ENGLAND 1st Innings (cont)
He followed it up with another O Pope c Shadab b Naseem .......... 62
scalp before the close, bouncing out J Buttler b Yasir Shah ..................... 38
C Woakes b Yasir Shah................... 19
Shaheen Afridi to give England extra D Bess c Shafiq b Yasir Shah ........... 1
hope ahead of day four. J Archer c Rizwan b Shadab .......... 16
S Broad not out .............................. 29
At 137-8 and with a lead of 244 at the J Anderson lbw b Shadab ................ 7
Extras (b8, lb4, w1, nb8) .............. 21
close some might think that Pakistan Total (70.3 overs) ........................ 219
have already got enough under their Fall: 1-4 2-12 3-12 4-62 5-127
6-159 7-161 8-170 9-197.
belt thanks to their impressive bowling Bowling: Afridi 18-4-51-1, Abbas
line-up – but this game is far from over. 15-6-33-2, Naseem Shah 16-4-44-1;
Yasir Shah 18-2-66-4, Shadab Khan
Pakistan had made all the running 3.3-0-13-2.
for the first two-and-a-half days to earn PAKISTAN 2nd Innings
Shan Masood c Buttler b Broad....... 0
a lead of 107 after the first innings, Abid Ali c Woakes b Bess ............... 20
but when it came to their second Azhar Ali lbw b Woakes .................. 18
Babar Azam c Stokes b Woakes ...... 5
chance to bat they have fallen to pieces Asad Shafiq run out ........................ 29
in classic style. Moh’d Rizwan lbw b Stokes ........... 27
Shadab Khan lbw b Broad.............. 15
Chris Woakes and Stuart Broad were Yasir Shah not out ........................... 12
a constant threat, with Dom Bess Shaheen Afridi c Burns b Stokes ..... 2
Mohammad Abbas not out .............. 0
causing problems with plenty of turn Extras (b4, lb1, nb4) ....................... 9
on a dry surface. Total (8 wkts, 44 overs) .............. 137
Fall: 1-6 2-33 3-48 4-63 5-101
The only disappointment was the 6-120 7-122 8-137.
lack of a wicket-taking edge from James Bowling: Anderson 9-2-34-0, Broad
Anderson, who saw his one chance of
taking one dropped by Stokes.
Stokes played a
blinder on day three
9-3-23-2, Archer 5-0-13-0, Bess
12-2-40-1, Woakes 5-1-11-2, Stokes
Resumes at 11am
Anderson is fighting against time as
he inches ever closer to 600 Test
wickets and he hardly appears to be play as you will be lucky to find. The might be more than a little worry in the
enjoying the battle that required him to Pakistani pace attack was relentless, England dressing room that they have
bowl again after just 70 overs. hostile and in England’s face. been presented with the driest surface
If England’s batting does not give It was a wonder that Ollie Pope and of the summer just when they come
him the time to rest up between Jos Buttler were able to survive the up against a sub-continent side
innings then clearly it reduces the onslaught. containing two leg spinners.
effectiveness of a 38-year-old body. But having battled to 62, there England often try and replicate the
Where Pakistan have played most of was very little Pope could do about the likely threat with similar kinds of net
the game with energy, intensity and delivery from Naseem Shah that bowlers, but they are not as readily
bundles of skill, England have lurched demanded it take the shoulder of the available in these Covid conditions –
between being slow to adapt and slop- bat and land safely in the hands of especially with no left-armers or leg
py to being inspired and tenacious. Shadab Khan. spinners in their extended squad.
It has made for a brilliant game of
Test cricket so far.
After lunch, though, it was the
Pakistan spinners who were the key
But they will be hoping that one
innings worth of experience will be
■ FLYER: Asad
Shafiq takes off to
dismiss Dom Bess
The first hour of play was as highly with Yasir Shah and Khan taking the enough to get them over the line with
skilled and as absorbing a passage of last five wickets for 60 runs. There their upcoming chase.
44 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020

FAST: Razgatlioglu

has Top Legend Lewis
has made
ranking ■ THAT WAS
■ by ZOE BURN Lewis inspects
TURKEY’S Toprak the damage
Razgatlioglu took control after his final
of the opening day of lap puncture
World Superbike action. last week
He scorched to the
fastest lap at Portimao in

his Merc
The PATA Yamaha rider
set a blistering lap of 1min
42.103secs in first practice.
Despite a charge from
Ten Kate Honda’s Loris
Baz during the afternoon,
the Frenchman ended the
day four-tenths of a second
Razgatlioglu, who won
the first race of the year at
Phillip Island in February,
said: “I like this track
because although it is very
tough, there is a good flow
to the circuit.”
Kawasaki Racing Team’s
Jonathan Rea was third
fastest after a tough round


at Jerez last weekend, just
ahead of Goeleven
Ducati’s Michael Ruben
Championship leader LEWIS HAMILToN has been ■ by ANDY DUNN positive Covid-19 test result.
and series rookie Scott given a veiled warning he facing budget restrictions, He had been given the oK to
Redding was fifth in his might have to take a pay cut which makes contract return on Thursday after he
first ever visit to the track. when finally getting round to negotiations for Hamilton and spent seven days in quarantine
But the Aruba Ducati agreeing a new deal with Mercedes delicate. for an earlier failed test.
pilot remains confident Mercedes. But Wolff (inset), just like But ahead of practice, his
he can still win this Hamilton’s £36m-a-year Hamilton, is convinced an team confirmed his latest
weekend. contract expires at the end of agreement will test was positive. The
“I want to win races here this year. eventually be reached. 30-year-old will again be
and I do think it’s As he heads towards a He added: “There is replaced by German
possible,” said the reigning record-equalling seventh world such a fundamental Nico Hulkenberg.
British Superbike title, the 35-year-old Brit would base of trust Racing Point
champion. normally expect a salary rise. between us, we are described Perez, who

Ace Jase But Mercedes boss Toto

Wolff hinted that will be
unlikely in the financial climate.
not at all in a hurry.
“We will eventually
sit down somewhere, carve
contracted the virus
visiting his mother in
Mexico, as “physically well

runs hot Wolff said: “The world has

changed a lot, we face difficult
times and Lewis completely
it out in a few hours and go for
a pizza like last time.”
Racing Point’s Sergio Perez
and recovering”.
Valtteri Bottas saw off
Mercedes team-mate
■ by ZOE BURN understands that and we will has been ruled out of Hamilton to finish fastest in
JASON O’HALLORAN discuss what that means.” tomorrow’s 70th Anniversary opening practice by just
drew first blood as the All Formula one teams are Grand Prix after returning a 0.136 seconds.
Bennetts British Superbike
Championship finally
roared into action at


Donington Park.
The Brit-based Aussie
had already been sitting at
the top of the timesheets
when he powered his
McAMS Yamaha to a best FABIo QuARTARARo’S domination ■ by ZOE BURN It hasn’t been an easy day but it’s
lap of 1min 6.535secs in continued in Brno as he ended the good to know where the problem
the final seconds as the opening day quickest despite tyre Morbidelli off the top spot by just is so we can improve. I don’t
temperatures soared. problems. 0.007secs. remember having this problem
That beat Rich Energy The Moto GP championship But he was seen angrily shaking anywhere before, but as a team
OMG Racing’s Hector front-runner led a Petronas his head as he crossed the line, we’ll work on it.”
Barbera by 0.019secs. Yamaha lock-out at the sharp end which he later admitted was Monster Energy Yamaha’s
“It’s really nice to finally with a best lap of 1min 56.502secs frustration over the tyre problem. Maverick Vinales, who sits second
be here, it’s been a good at the Czech Republic track. “We’ve had a really bad feeling in the points, bounced back from a
first day and I feel really That was good enough for the with tyres. I’m feeling good with the crash in the morning session but
strong on the bike,” said Frenchman (left) to beat team-mate bike but I don’t understand why the was only able to set the fifth fastest
O’Halloran. “I tried a few Franco Morbidelli with Red Bull tyre consistency is really bad,” said time.
things earlier on but KTM’s Miguel oliveira close behind Quartararo, who has won both Cal Crutchlow ended the day
everything seems great.” in third. races so far this year. 16th as the LCR Honda man
With a new format this Despite early grip issues, “We made a big step in Jerez continues to recover from a
season, the BSB pack will Quartararo appeared to shrug off with this new character of the tyre fractured scaphoid.
be back out for qualifying the problems as he hit the track but here, every lap I’m losing Fellow Brit Bradley Smith was
this afternoon followed by on new tyres for one hot lap in two-tenths, so we need to 20th on the Aprilia Racing Gresini
the first race, then a further the closing minutes, knocking understand what’s happening. machine.
two races tomorrow.
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 45


– AND HIS SpecIAl cAr CHAMP: Turkington

LANDO NOrrIS believes
Lewis Hamilton will set
Formula One records that
Schumacher on 68 in the all-time list. is Turks
“The records are something that will
will NEVEr be broken. probably not get beaten,” says Norris.
And he has no doubt his fellow Brit “He has already beaten a lot of the
will go down as one of the greatest records. A lot of people and I will see
Grand Prix drivers. him as one of the best if not the best ■ by SIMON MELLUISH
But Hamilton’s position in the list driver in Formula One history.” Colin TurkingTon
of F1 legends is hard to establish Norris, 20, is a possible successor to returns to the scene
because of Mercedes’ utter domi- Hamilton as the dominant driver in of last season’s
nance, suggests Norris. British motor sport. last-gasp title win as
He said: “They (Hamilton and his Like Hamilton, Norris has stepped the British Touring Car
team-mates) have been driving for up from the junior ranks into a Championship rolls into
the last few years with a massive McLaren Formula One car. Brands Hatch this
advantage over every other team. But there is a difference between weekend.
“Mercedes have been the best with the 2007 McLaren and the 2020 The legendary grand
the car, the best with the engine and McLaren. Prix circuit usually
that has allowed him to achieve the Norris says: “There’s a lot of things I hosts the season finale.
things he has done. admire about Lewis and I can try to But the calendar rejig
“If Lewis was in a McLaren, he achieve similar things but things are due to Covid-19 sees
■ WinnEr:
lifts the trophy
wouldn’t look anywhere near as good too different now to when he joined.
as what he has done. “He joined in a race-winning car
“Mercedes have been so dominant and we are very far from that.
the uk’s top
motorsport series make
the trip to kent for its
at Silverstone over the last few years, it’s not been “He joined F1 when you could do second of nine events.
last week after often they have had to race many as many test days as you wanted so he “it’s great to be
his 87th grand other cars. came in with a lot more experience back,” said BMW driver
Prix victory “But I don’t think you can take any- than new drivers do nowadays. Turkington.
thing away from him. He’s had some “And he’s pretty much always been “We have work to
good team-mates, (Nico) Rosberg in a race-winning car.” do and that work has
and (Valtteri) Bottas. New regulations are being brought already started.
“Especially with Bottas, he has into the sport in 2022, designed to “We need to turn up
clearly had the upper hand on him prevent one team from developing at every event pushing
the whole time they have been at the sort of superiority Mercedes have to improve and to beat
Mercedes.” enjoyed for the past six years. our competitors.
With 87 Grand Prix wins, Hamilton And that is the main reason Norris “it’s not going to be
is closing in on Michael Schumacher’s thinks Hamilton’s numbers will be easy but we’re fired up
record of 91. unmatchable. for the fight.”
Hamilton already has a 30-point He says: “As much as I would love reigning champ
lead in the drivers’ championship and to be compared to him, I don’t think Turkington got off to a
looks almost certain to finish 2020 by it’s possible because of how different flier with a win at
joining Schumacher on a record circumstances are. Donington Park last
seven titles. And his 91 pole positions “In terms of records and wins and week, although title
is out of sight of second-placed championships, I would love to be rivals in the shape of
compared but it is Honda’s Dan Cammish
not something I and laser Tools racing
see as being driver Ash Sutton also


possible.” tasted victory.
In the mean- “The win was mega
time, Norris is and a huge clap on the
Drivers’ Championship ConsTrUCTors proud to line up back to the whole
1 Lewis Hamilton (GB, Mercedes) 88 1 Mercedes 146 behind Hamilton team,” said Turkington.
2 Valtteri Bottas (Fin, Mercedes) 58 2 Red Bull 78 on the grid. “You can’t beat that
3 Max Verstappen (Hol, Red Bull) 52 3 McLaren 51 He smiles: “He’s winning feeling.”
4 Lando Norris (GB, McLaren) 36 4 Ferrari 43 one of the best Three races will
5 Charles Leclerc (Mon, Ferrari) 33 5 Renault 32 drivers ever and it take place this
6 Alex Albon (Tha, Red Bull) 26 6 Racing Point 27
Sergio Perez (Mex, Racing Pt) 22
Lance Stroll (Can, Racing Pt) 20
Daniel Ricciardo (Aus, Renault) 20
Alfa Romeo
■ lEArning CurVE:
norris listens to
the master last year
will be cool to say
to my kids one
day that I got to
weekend, with all the
action being screened
live on iTV4, before the
10 Carlos Sainz (Spa, McLaren) 15 10 Williams 0 race against him.” BTCC moves on to
oulton Park in Cheshire
in two weeks.

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46 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020

HEND a Hot tip

is favourite to win the
Young Player category,
Alexander-Arnold is

on Call
Premier League Player joined by Jack Grealish
of the Season award. (Aston Villa), Mason
The Liverpool Greenwood, Anthony
captain is one of three Martial and Marcus
■ by DAVE ARMITAGE Reds on the seven- Rashford (Manchester
WEST BROM are ready to man shortlist United), Christian
join the race to land announced yesterday. Pulisic and Mason
Bournemouth striker He is joined by Mount (Chelsea) and
Callum Wilson. striker Sadio Mane Dean Henderson
The newly-promoted and right-back Trent (Sheffield United).
Baggies are desperate to Alexander-Arnold. Liverpool boss
get in a front man with The other players are Jurgen Klopp is up
proven Premier League Kevin De Bruyne against Frank
experience. (Manchester City), Nick Lampard (Chelsea),
Wilson, 28, is set to leave Pope (Burnley), Danny Brendan Rodgers
the Cherries following Ings (Southampton) (Leicester) and Chris
their relegation on the last and Jamie Vardy Wilder (Sheff Utd) for
day of the season. (Leicester). In the the Manager award.
Tottenham have been
linked with a £15m move
for the England inter-
national. But the south
coast club are believed to
be ready to hold out for
nearer £20m.
Bournemouth are in a
position to play for time
with a number of other
top-flight clubs showing
an interest.
Newcastle and West
Ham are also keen and
though Spurs would be the
glamorous option, Wilson
knows he might be seen as
adorns a new mural
back-up for Harry Kane in Liverpool
and get limited game time.


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Bayern Munich v Chelsea

ham’s Premier League
vowed not to wreck Ful-

dreams by repeating past

When the Cottagers last won
promotion in 2018, owner Khan
splashed out more than £100m on
Khan and targets
Fraser and Sessegnon
12 new players, most of whom

Khan won’t spend big

But he will not spend big this
time, giving manager Scott Parker,
who is set to sign a new contract,
more control of transfers.

after agony last time

It will be a much more targeted
approach with Fulham unlikely to
invest in more than four or five
Parker is keen to bring Ryan
Sessegnon back to the club on and sacrificed to return Fulham to Fulham Football Club. There is a
loan from Tottenham, and free the Premier League. lot to like in this team today, and
agent Ryan Fraser is also on his “Building a squad can be a just as much to like in our future.”
radar. tricky proposition for a newly pro- The owner had special praise
In an open letter to fans, Khan moted club, and that is especially for Parker and director of football,
wrote: “Be assured that we will be true this year with the start of the Tony Khan.
a team, in its truest sense, moving season already nearly upon us. He added: “I do want to
forward. “Turnover in football is inevita- commend Tony Khan and Scott
“We will be unafraid to improve ble. But, this club has Premier Parker, and Scott’s superb staff,
and add pieces to our line-up, but League experience and our play- for building, guiding and inspir-
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DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 47


shOOts FrOM the LiP

Bad Will
big signing’s gunner hurt
wIllIan would be an unbeliev-
a sad
able signing for arsenal but to ■ by paul brown
do it while making redundancies
shows a lack of class. they want to give Mikel Arteta the best
team they can. And I think Willian is a
The Gunners won’t be the only club laying special player who ticks all the boxes. I ALEXIS
people off this summer. You just can’t keep can’t believe Chelsea are letting him SANCHEZ is the
everyone in a job if you have no fans coming go to be honest. only one who
into the ground. I know he’s 31 and wanted a three- knows why it all
But it doesn’t sit right that they are trying to year contract but football is all about went so wrong for
sign players on big money when they can’t now, and right now he’s a great him at Manchester
keep all their staff in a job. player. No manager is thinking United.

is merse
Surely Arsenal have got the about what might happen Sometimes
kind of money to do that – in three or four players can get a
they’ve just won the FA Cup years’ time. They big move and lose
focus. Was that

Final and qualified for Europe! need results now.
Football can be ruthless So it’s no surprise hunger still there
sometimes. And clubs move to me Frank Lampard doesn’t like it was when he
on. I was there 14 years and want him to go. first signed for
they never ring me now to ask Text DSSport fol Arteta won’t be Arsenal Arsenal?
your comments low ed by
how I am. It’s just the way it is. to 86611. manager forever. He needs to You can’t
But they are missing a trick. It Tex ts cos t 25p plus your win now. Willian can help him become that poor
usual network rat
wouldn’t have hurt them to keep e do that. He’s a special player and a that quickly, so
those people on. They could have blinding signing in my opinion. something has
shown some class and not done this. Okay, he probably won’t be pulling up happened there
Some of those people will not be on a lot of any trees in his third year, but who cares? and it’s sad to see.
money, and it can’t be nice for them when Willian ticks every box. Sanchez (above)
they see their club offering someone like He won’t have to settle in London as he’s clearly needed to
Willian £250,000-a-week. been here for years and his family love it. move on and he
You have to remember as well, Arsenal And he won’t have to adapt to a new will get a fresh start
didn’t blink giving £350,000-a-week to Mesut league because he’s already a proven with Inter Milan,
Ozil. So they are performer for a top club here. where he could still
obviously going So he should be able to hit the ground run- be a success.
to get criticised. ning, he won’t need time to adapt like a player To be honest, I
But there will coming in for big money from a foreign club. thought he was
be other clubs He’s quick, works hard and has plenty of made to look good
following suit. experience. He also has that guile Arsenal lack at Arsenal because
Some in the low low- sometimes. He could even play as a No.10. people were
er leagues won’t You just hope he’s not being brought in to always saying how
be able to sur sur- soften the blow of losing Pierre-Emerick much harder he
vive without fans Aubameyang (left with Arteta). Arsenal have worked compared
at matches. got to keep him. His goal in the FA Cup Final to Mesut Ozil.
Arsenal are was world class. It’s not easy to replace that. With Sanchez,
obviously going Even if they get Willian, though, Arsenal are the first thing you
spend- still a few players away from being major
to keep spend thought of when he
ing this summer contenders. They need another centre-back, was at his peak
regardless as and a dominant central midfielder, too. was that he worked

Ake won’t plug City’s leaks

so hard all the time.
But why did he
work hard?
Because he gave
NATHAN AKE going to need centre-backs. That Bournemouth either. It was the ball away more
Manchester City has shocked suggests to me they think poor organisation at the back than anyone else!
me. something is missing in his that cost them so many He was always
Bournemouth got relegated game. points. chasing down his
and they let in about a million City are not the biggest Defending is own lost balls.
goals. I don’t think Ake (inset) team in the world. They can City’s Achilles That workrate is
really stood out as struggle to defend heel and to never going to be
anything special there set-pieces at times and get that area the same again.
either. Ake isn’t going to help sorted out, Not as his age.
Chelsea had an them there. they will His best years
option to bring him You never really need are now behind him
back to Stamford
Bridge and never took
saw him trying to get
players going or show
top-drawer ■ CLASS ACT:
Willian shows
his qualities on the
and United were
quite right to get
rid of him.
it, even though they much leadership at centre-back.
ball for Chelsea
48 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020


Traore’s slick MISFIT: Anderson


return is
not be joining Napoli or
Lazio this summer as both
clubs are set to pass on the
West Ham misfit.
The Hammers will listen
to offers for the midfielder,
27, and he had been on the
radar of both Serie A clubs.


But Napoli have now
told them he is no longer
of interest and it is
understood former club
Lazio will do likewise.


Anderson was West
Ham’s £36m record
signing when they bought
him from the Italians in
2018 and a return looked
possible this summer.
FLyiNg winger Adama Traore ■ by DAVE ARMiTAgE But Lazio are about to
will get well-oiled whether or level of form has Coady being touted sign David Silva instead
not Wolves go on to lift the for an England call. and will not pursue
Europa League trophy. But the 27-year-old (below) revealed their interest in the
The £70m-rated pace ace’s cunning he has blinkers on whenever there’s Brazilian playmaker, who
plan to give defenders the slip is the talk of a call from Gareth Southgate. has two caps.
talk of the Molineux dressing room. He said: “It’s something other Meanwhile, Hammers
Traore smothers his arms in baby oil people have talked about for a couple have made a £5m bid for
to stop opponents making a grab to of years but I can honestly say the Slavia Prague winger
stop him in his tracks. same thing, it’s not something I think Lukas Masopust and are
Wolves clinched a Europa League about and it’s not something I’ve ever battling AC Milan to land
quarter-final spot and skipper Conor thought about. Wigan’s Antonee Robinson
Coady revealed how they’re hoping to “And I won’t start now. The only in a cut-price £1.5m deal.
benefit from a bit of greased-lightning. thing I want to try to focus on is the Boss David Moyes went
Coady said: “It’s something that’s thing that I can affect and that’s to watch USA defender
come from him and the physios. It Wolverhampton Wanderers.” Robinson, who is 23 today,
makes it harder for people to grab him. Coady puts his astonishing record of in action for the Latics at
“Everyone knows he gets fouled a lot not missing games down to his total Charlton last month.
because he’s so quick and so direct. If it love of what he’s doing, adding: “I Right-winger Masopust,
works for him, it’s not a problem to us. just want to play game after 27, scored seven goals and
“To be honest, when I first saw it, I game. I just really love every provided five assists for
thought ‘he’s having himself a bit here!’ minute of playing for this Slavia Prague last season.
But there’s a reason behind it.” football club.”

■ Addicks
Muscle-man Traore is the fastest WOLVES have
player around, clocking times over escaped major
100m that would put him in punishment after
international sprint contention.
Coady said it would take a brave
man to question the ploy, adding on
failing to meet
UEFA’s Financial
Fair Play rules.
in a hole
talkSPORT: “He’s got big arms, so he They will pay ■ by PAUL BROWN
can pull it off.” back up to £540,000
Scouser Coady is another reason – £180k in full and CHARLTON have been
why Wolves have put themselves on another £360k thrown into chaos once
the tails of the Premier League’s elite depending on more after three of their
over the past couple of seasons. compliance – owners were barred by the
The 1-0 win over Olympiacos which and also only be EFL.
clinched a last-eight clash with
five-times winners Sevilla was Wolves’
58th game of the campaign – and he
allowed a 23-
man squad if
they reach the
Traore gets his
arms greased with
Would-be chairman
Paul Elliott and lawyer
Chris Farnell are believed
hasn’t missed a single minute. That Champions League. baby oil pre-game to be among those who
failed the league’s owners’
and directors’ test.

Sanchez takes a farewell swipe at United their place in the last eight of Brazilian international said: “I
Elliott was announced
as the new power behind
ESI, the group that owns
From Back Page is to make all the fans happy. Charlton, on June 10, but
happy to be staying here with I’m here to win and I’m happy the competition this week like playing all types of the club’s future is now
you. I’ve found a family here that I’m staying here at Inter.” when they defeated LASK football, whether it’s a back in doubt.
and the staff are great. Sanchez is now relishing Linz 2-1 at Old Trafford to tournament or a points-based Addicks boss Lee
“It’s a group where the chance to help Inter win secure a 7-1 aggregate win. championship like the Bowyer’s plans for next
there’s a real desire to trophies after agreeing a £9m Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s men Premier League. season have also been
win something big. pay-off from United along will face FC Copenhagen in a “But I think in tournaments thrown into disarray.
“People here want to with significantly reduced sudden death quarter-final on you need to concentrate The EFL blocked the
fight together as a wages at the Italian club. Monday. more. There are two club’s moves to bring in
team to give the club Fred (left) has warned Fred says United’s important games, and a two new signings – MK
the success it United that the biggest threat concentration levels will have single match in the final and Dons midfielder Alex
deserves. to their chances of Europa to be 100 per cent because you have to make sure you’re Gilbey and Hearts striker
“I’m hungry and I League glory could be one mistake could kill their highly prepared. You can’t Conor Washington – due
want to win. My goal themselves. United booked European dream. The make mistakes.” to a transfer embargo
imposed in January.
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 49

UEFA Champions League


FRANK LAMPARD says Round of 16, 2nd leg
Juventus (1) ...........2 Lyon (1) .....................1
Chelsea did everything to keep Ronaldo 43 (pen), Depay 12 (pen)
wantaway Willian and will hold 60

no grudges if he leaves. ■ by JOHN CROSS to say his own words. But I respectively, while Christian
(2-2 on agg, Lyon win on away goals)
Man City (1) ...........2 Real Madrid (1).........1
Willian, 32 tomorrow, is set terms of being disappointed, don’t want anyone to try to find Pulisic could miss the start Sterling 9 Benzema 28
Gabriel Jesus 68
to join Arsenal and will miss certainly as a club we have a negative attitude. of next season with his (Man City win 4-2 on aggregate)
the Blues’ trip to Bayern done everything we can to “The club have acted very hamstring injury. GOLF
US PGA Championship (Harding
Munich tonight as they try to explain it to Willian. well in this as well. If he moves Chelsea are up against it Park, San Francisco, US) – leading
overturn a 3-0 deficit. “I would have no feeling of on I will wish him well. He tonight but Lampard (right) early 2nd rd clubhouse scores (US
unless stated, par 70): 132 H Li (Chn)
Lampard insists Willian has disappointment if he does leaves a hole as a player who said: “If we don’t believe 67 65; 134 T Fleetwood (Eng) 70 64;
an Achilles tendon issue and move on. He is a fantastic man has been here seven seasons.” we can do it, then 135 P Casey (Eng) 68 67; 136
L Griffin 68 68; 137 M Wolff 69 68,
will wish him well for the future and a fantastic player. Cesar Azpilicueta and we should H Matsuyama (Jpn) 70 67; 138
despite him joining a rival. “I think he will feel like that Pedro are out for three not be H Varner III 72 66, B Snedeker 72 66,
P Reed 68 70; 139 V Hovland (Nor)
The Chelsea boss said: “In about Chelsea. I will leave him and six weeks here.” 68 71, A Hadwin (Can) 68 71, J Luiten
(Hol) 71 68, K Streelman 69 70.
Other: 146 G McDowell (NIrl) 72 74.
PGA European Tour – English

■ FIRED UP: Olivier

Giroud gets in
some shots ahead of
Championship (Hanbury Manor GC,
Ware, Herts) – leading 2nd rd scores
(Gbr & Irl unless stated, par 71): 128
A Sullivan 62; 129 L Canter 65,
the Bayern clash D Burmester (Rsa) 63; 131 R Bland
66, S Brown 65, A Johnston 65,
J Donaldson 64, B Stone (Rsa) 66,
N Colsaerts (Bel) 66, O Lengden
(Swe) 66, A Otaegui (Spa) 66, M Woo
lAST-16 Lee (Aus) 67.
B MUNICH Eastern Conference Round
Robin: Philadelphia 3 Washington 1.

v CHELSEA Qualifying rd: Columbus 4 Toronto 3

(OT) (Columbus lead best-of-five
series 2-1).
Western Conference Round
BAyErN (4-2-3-1): Neuer; Kimmich, Boateng, Robin: St Louis 4 Las Vegas 6.
Alaba, Davies; Goretzka, Thiago; Gnabry, Qualifying rd: Minnesota 0
muller, Coutinho; Lewandowski. Vancouver 3 (Vancouver lead series
2-1), Winnipeg 0 Calgary 4 (Calgary
CHELSEA (3-4-3): Caballero; Christensen, win series 3-1).
Zouma, Rudiger; James, Barkley, Kovacic, MOTOR RACING
Emerson; Hudson-odoi, Giroud, mount. Formula One 70th Anniversary
GP (Silverstone) – 1st Practice:
1 V Bottas (Fin) Mercedes 1min

8pm, Live on BT Sport Ref: O HATEGAN (Rom) 26.166secs, 2 L Hamilton (Gbr)
Mercedes 1:26.304, 3 M Verstappen
(Hol) Red Bull 1:26.893. Other:
12 L Norris (Gbr) McLaren 1:27.846
2nd Practice: 1 L Hamilton 1min
25.606secs, 2 V Bottas 1:25.782,
3 D Ricciardo (Aus) Renault
MASON MO UNT 1:26.421. Other: 8 L Norris 1:26.867.
to score first SNOOKER
Betfred World Championship (The
Crucible Theatre, Sheffield) – 2nd rd:
M Selby (Eng) bt N Saengkham (Tha)
13-12, M Williams (Wal) bt S Bingham
(Eng) 13-11, R O’Sullivan (Eng) level

fLICk: frANk’S
with D Junhui (Chn) 4-4, J Clarke
(Wal) leads A McGill (Sco) 6-2 (both
resume at 2.30pm).
UEFA Champions League
Round of 16, 2nd leg
Barcelona (1) v Napoli (1) (8pm). ..................
Bayern Munich (3) v Chelsea (0) (8pm). .......
Ladbrokes Scottish P’ship
Hamilton v Ross County (3pm) .....................
Livingston v Hibernian (3pm) ........................
Motherwell v Dundee Utd (3pm)...................
St Johnstone v Aberdeen.......................OFF

(Postponed following Covid-19 tests.
Rearranged for Sunday, August 23)
(all 11am)
Bob Willis Trophy (day 1 of 4) –
Central Group – Bristol: Gloucs v
Warks. Northampton: Northants v
Somerset. New Road: Worcs v
Glamorgan. North Group – Chester-
le-Street: Durham v Lancs. Grace
Road: Leics v Derbys. Trent Bridge:
Notts v Yorks. South Group –
Chelmsford: Essex v Surrey.
Canterbury: Kent v Sussex. Radlett:
Middlesex v Hants.
MotoGP rd3 (Brno, Czech
Republic). Also tomorrow.

Bayern boss believes

BAYERN MUNICH boss and I know the English football, how it World Superbike Champ’ship rd3
(Portimao, Portugal). Also tomorrow.
Hansi Flick has praised is played there and if you look at the British Superbike Championship
Frank Lampard for doing developments for years now, it’s rd1 (Donington Park). Also tomorrow.
an “extraordinary” job at MOTOR SPORT
unbelievable, it’s fantastic how they British Touring Car Championship
Chelsea. bring up new young players and focus rd2 (Brands Hatch). Also tomorrow.

Lamps is shining light

Blues boss Lampard goes to Munich on the youth. RUGBY LEAGUE
Betfred Super League
needing a miracle to overturn the 3-0 “Chelsea has a great team also filled Castleford v Catalans Dragons (4.15pm).....
first-leg defeat from back in February, with a lot of young players but, as I said, Warrington v Hull KR (6.30pm) .....................
with Bayern red-hot favourites to with a great potential and yet we will be (both matches at Headingley)
progress into the quarter-finals. well prepared to face them.” TOMORROW
But Lampard was named on the names for the trip to Munich as Flick will be without the injured FOOTBALL
Ladbrokes Scottish P’ship
four-strong shortlist as Premier League Christian Pulisic, Cesar Azpilicueta, Kingsley Coman and the Bayern boss Kilmarnock v Celtic (4.30pm) .......................
manager of the season along with for the Champions League next season Pedro and Willian will all miss out. has also warned that they must not Rangers v St Mirren (3pm) ............................
Jurgen Klopp, Brendan Rodgers and via the Premier League. Lampard will have to draw on take it for granted they will get MOTOR RACING
Formula One 70th Anniversary
Chris Wilder after guiding Chelsea “They were pretty successful after the his young players with Callum through to Lisbon. Grand Prix (Silverstone).
into the top four in his first season as restart and I watched the last matches Hudson-Odoi set to start in Flick added: “If I was in the RUGBY LEAGUE
top-flight boss. of Chelsea and I like the way they play Munich against the club he position of Chelsea manager or a Betfred Super League
The experienced Flick led Bayern to and how they performed. could have joined before Chelsea fan, I would say, ‘we have Leeds v St Helens (6.30pm) ..........................
Salford v Hull (1pm) .......................................
the Bundesliga title this season and “It was a difficult situation of course committing himself to a new nothing to lose, we can try to give Wakefield v Wigan (3.15pm)..........................
was part of the Germany set-up which with difficult conditions. contract at Chelsea. all we have and then we will see’. (all matches at Headingley)
won the 2014 World Cup. “But when you look at the end of But Flick (right) said Bayern “The most important thing is
Former Bayern midfielder Flick the season and what he achieved, how will be well prepared and added: to have respect for your ANSWERS
praised Lampard for the job he has he performed, he really had an “We have all the information opponent and be full of YESTERDAY’S SPORTWORD
done at Stamford Bridge in the face of a extraordinary season with his team. about all of the players. confidence in the match. Across: 1 Ditka; 4 Batth; 7 One; 8
Fleck; 9 Ahmed; 10 Roma; 11
transfer ban and also bringing through “So I guess that Chelsea are very “We know Chelsea has a big and “Lisbon is not in our Robbie; 14 Melani; 15 Renk; 18
young players. happy about him and his work. great squad with a lot of players minds at all. We focus Anglo; 20 Ennis; 21 Lea; 22 Silke; 23
Flick, 55, said: “Lampard has been Compliments to him.” who have a fantastic potential. completely on this Down: 1 Defar; 2 Tremmel; 3 Aoki; 4
Beavon; 5 Tim; 6 Hodge; 12 Bresnan;
doing an extraordinary job at Chelsea Chelsea now face another major test “I know from my time with match and we want to 13 Insole; 14 Mears; 16 Kashi; 17
because they have managed to qualify because they are set to be without big the German national Federation show our potential.” Kean; 19 Gil.
1 Middlesbrough, 2 Bradford Bulls, 3
Renault, 4 Wales, 5 Peter Handscomb.
50 DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020

Raheem Sterling fires
home the opener despite
the efforts of Militao and
(right) Gabriel Jesus nips
in to score the second to
stun Real boss Zinedine
Zidane (inset)

Karim Benzema
climbs high to equalise
RAHEEM StERling made
it a ton of goals for
Manchester City and a ton
of trouble for Zinedine
Champions league
eague dream.

Zidane, meanwhile, made four
changes to the side that started
the first leg almost seven
months ago. Eden Hazard was
passed fit having battled an
ankle problem in recent weeks,
while Toni Kroos, Rodrygo and
Sterling struck his 100th goal for City win 4-2 on agg Eder Militao all returned.
the club before Gabriel Jesus added a with Real at the 13th time of asking. The visitors were without
second to fire Pep Guardiola’s men But this season could still provide suspended captain Sergio Ramos
into the quarter-final knockout Guardiola’s with his finest hour since following the 26th red card of his
stages in Portugal this month. taking charge in 2016 following this career in the defeat in Spain, while
Karim Benzema had pulled one seismic triumph that will send a Gareth Bale was nowhere to be seen.
back for the Spanish giants before statement across the continent. Guardiola had insisted he wanted
half-time to set up a tense finale but Guardiola made two changes to ‘hurt’ his old rivals – but all the
City held firm to book their place in from the side that started the final damage was self-inflicted following
the mini-tournament in Lisbon and Premier League game of the season, two horrendous mistakes from
the chance to become kings of recalling Fernandinho to captain Raphael Varane on a night to forget
Europe. the team along with Ilkay for the floundering Frenchman.
Zidane has worn the crown Gundogan. Real had arrived in Manchester in
three times as a boss and this was the Phil Foden was preferred to Riyad confident mood following a stunning
first time he had lost a knockout tie Mahrez in a three-pronged attack. run of 10 wins from 11 games since
DAILY STAR, Saturday, August 8, 2020 51

PFA fury
over cap
pLaYerS’ union bosses
have described the eFL
salary caps as
“unlawful and
CriSTiaNO rONaLDO crashed out of unenforceable”.
the Champions League last night it comes after League
despite scoring twice. One and Two clubs
Maurizio Sarri’s Juve, trailing 1-0 voted to bring in wage
from the first leg, fell further behind in limits of £2.5m and
Turin in the 12th minute thanks to £1.5m respectively
Memphis Depay. which are effective
The former Manchester United man immediately and have
converted a penalty after a foul by been brought in to stop
Federico Bernardeschi. clubs going bust.
Depay soon turned from hero to Wages, bonuses,
villain, however, when he conceded a taxes and image rights,
penalty for handball in the area, with plus agents’ and other
ronaldo stepping up to level. relevant fees, will be
ronaldo was constant thorn in included within the cap
Lyon’s side and, in the 60th minute, but have drawn an
his long-range left-foot shot sailed angry response from
into the top corner. the pFa, who said in a
But an injury to Juve substitute statement: “The legal
paulo Dybala – who lasted just 12 advice we have
minutes before limping off – saw Lyon received is clear that
hold on to secure victory on the away the salary cap
goals rule and set up a quarter-final envisaged by the eFL
against Manchester City. would be unlawful and
The eFL are also
planning to have a
salary cap in the

Aaron is
a target
will submit a second bid
for goalkeeper Aaron
Ramsdale after
Bournemouth rejected
their £12m offer.
Blades boss Chris Wilder
refuses to give up on
bringing the England
Under-21 keeper back to
Bramall Lane three years
after he left as a rookie.
Wilder also remains

interested in midfielder
John Swift after Reading
rejected their latest offer
of £3.5m.
Wilder has been
pursuing Swift, 25, since
January and he is confi-
dent the Blades can beat
off interest from Aston
Villa and Leeds to sign the
former Chelsea trainee.

Villa get
Sterling hits milestone to stun Real
Craig ShakeSpeare
is back in football after
joining aston Villa as
Dean Smith’s assistant.
lockdown to take the La Liga title. It second youngest behind Wayne wide and Thibaut Courtois denied The 56-year-old and
all pointed towards a classic of epic Rooney to achieve the feat. Jesus with a wonderful save. Smith are lifelong
proportions. Real’s defence looked lost without But Real were left dead and buried friends after their time
Zidane has had the Midas touch Ramos and Sterling shot inches over in the 68th minute when Jesus together at Walsall.
in this competition and needed a minutes later, before blowing a picked the pocket of Varane before Shakespeare was the
golden performance from his side, golden chance to double his side’s beating Real keeper Courtois with a long-time No.2 to Nigel
but saw them gift City a 1-0 lead lead as City threatened to rip apart sublime finish. pearson at Leicester
within nine minutes following the European specialists. MAN CITY (4-3-3): Ederson 7; Walker 7, Fernandinho and Watford and
Varane’s first blunder. Real needed to wake up and did 8, Laporte 7, Cancelo 6; De Bruyne 7, Rodrigo 6 assistant to Sam
(Otamendi 89), Gundogan 6; STERLING 9 (D Silva 81),
He was robbed by Jesus deep just this when Benzema met Foden 7 (B Silva 67, 7), Jesus 8. Subs: Bravo, Stones,
allardyce at everton.
inside his own area, allowing the Rodrygo’s cross on 27 minutes to Zinchenko, Mahrez, Garcia, Doyle, Harwood-Bellis, Shakespeare also
Brazilian to tee-up Sterling for his beat Ederson with a clinical header took over at Leicester
31st goal of the season – and the
simplest he will score.
to blow the tie wide open again.
City, who had held a 2-1 lead from
Palmer, Bernabe.
REAL MADRID (4-3-3): Courtois 5; Carvajal 6 (Lucas
83), Varane 4, Militao 6, Mendy 7; Kroos 6, Casemiro 6,
■ TOp MaN: Sub
John Stones
jumps on Jesus
as manager following
Claudio ranieri’s axing.
Modric 6 (Valverde 83); Rodrygo 7 (Asensio 62, 6),
The strike saw him become just the the first leg in Spain 163 days ago, BENZEMA 8, Hazard 6 (Jovic 83). Subs: Areola, Nacho, after his goal Smith said: “he’s a
sixth different Englishman to score continued to create chances to put Marcelo, Diaz, Isco, Vinicius Junior, Altube, Hernandez. vastly experienced
20 Champions League goals – and the tie to bed but Sterling blazed Referee: Felix Brych (German) 7. coach who will add
another dimension to
our team.”


WIN 4-2
Sterling roars with
delight after grabbing
his 100th goal for city

in swipe
at United
had a dig at Manchester
United by insisting the
team spirit is much
better at Inter Milan.
The chilean (below)
completed a free
transfer to Inter this
week to end his Old
Trafford nightmare.

The 31-year-old
joined United from
Arsenal in
2018, on
– but
just 21
starts and scored
only five goals.
United insiders claim
Sanchez, who was sent
out on loan to Inter at
the start of this season,
was difficult to manage.
Yesterday he told

Sterling and Jesus strike to

Inter fans: “I’m really
Turn to Page 48 Saturday, August 8, 2020
in association wi

racing pullout

Star F
Brita numB
num Ber one
Britaiin’s numBer

keep Guardiola dream alive

■ With three wins out
of five, Theotherside
well fancied at Ascot

RAHEEM STERling scored his ■ by DAViD AnDERSOn
100th goal for Manchester City 163 days previously and hand Zinedine
form of
continue the red-hot
Richard Hannon at
today. her five
The filly has won three of rapidly.
career starts and is improving on
She scored cosily at Newmarket
a 7lb hike
her most recent run and

as they sealed their place in the Zidane his first exit in the knock-out stages.
in the weights may not stop
taking the ITV Home of
Racing Handicap. so far,
It is her toughest assignmentrivals,
especially as she faces older
but she has the scope to the 14-1
further. Woven at around
mark is an each-way alternative.

Champions league quarter-finals. David Silva came off the bench for his final

ATASER (1.15) won a Ripon after a
maiden with real authority and is
promising racecourse debut
tipped to take the Berkshire
Nursery Handicap. from
He gets some useful weightmain
Jadwal who looks to be at

Raphael Varane blundered for Sterling’s Etihad appearance as City progressed to face
danger after a fluent victory
Turn to Page 3

opener and the Real defender was also to Lyon on August 15 at Sporting Lisbon’s
Jesus and (right) blame for Gabriel Jesus’ strike.
Pep Guardiola’s men fully deserved to
Estadio Jose Alvalade.
Guardiola celebrate
repeat their first-leg success in the Bernabeu


1st TEST
Page 43
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Saturday, August 8, 2020 1

or m
BritaIn’s number one racing pullout

ar F
in association with


With three wins out
of five, Theotherside is
well fancied at Ascot

But Hollie’s in
the big time
PAGE 2-3


THEOTHERSIDE (1.50) should
The Couch’s
continue the red-hot form of
Richard Hannon at Ascot
telly fancies
today. PAGE 2
The filly has won three of her five
career starts and is improving rapidly.
She scored cosily at Newmarket on
her most recent run and a 7lb hike
in the weights may not stop her

taking the ITV Home of Terrestrial
Racing Handicap.
It is her toughest assignment so far,

Hannon filly
especially as she faces older rivals,
but she has the scope to improve

further. Woven at around the 14-1
mark is an each-way alternative.
ATASER (1.15) won a Ripon

can show a HOT DOGS

maiden with real authority after a
promising racecourse debut and is
tipped to take the Berkshire Vision
Nursery Handicap.
He gets some useful weight from
Keeping track
killer touch
Jadwal who looks to be his main
danger after a fluent victory at
Newmarket. with top tips
Turn to Page 3

2 Saturday, August 8, 2020

britain’s no.1 PULLOU

Australis is off a
very competitive mark
at Ascot today

5ft Hollie is beating
LAST time out at Newmarket
racing’s big boys
over today’s trip,
THEOTHERSIDE bolted up off
a perch of 81, so off a revised
ledge of 88, she can capture the
Bagshot Handicap (1.50) over
By Mark Winstanley
six furlongs at Ascot. Newbury last month, so this
Richard Hannon has his race is well within his compass.
horses in great form and this The son of Shamardal has
three-year-old filly will bounce
off the fast ground. Andrea
looked a much-improved animal
since joining the champion
Hollie’s style
Atzeni is a good jockey booking trainer from Ed Dunlop at the brought her
as his quiet style will suit this start of the season. success on Dame
strong-travelling horse. In the Runnymede Handicap Malliot last month
Having landed the Group One (3.00) run over two miles at at Newmarket and
Falmouth Stakes at Newmarket Ascot, AUSTRALIS can snare praise from Kieren
last July, VERACIOUS looks a the prize racing off a mark of 92. Fallon (below)
penalty kick in the Listed Dick On his last trip to the belts
Hern Stakes (2.05) run over a and braces, the four-year-old
mile at Haydock Park, as she was second of 18 at the end of
escapes an impost for this June at Newcastle over today’s
much easier contest. journey, when he raced off a
Throw in the fact that Sir rating of 86. That very
Michael Stoute has given the competitive event has thrown up
113-rated five-year-old a wind three subsequent winners, so I
operation since her last run – believe that Roger Varian’s
when she was fourth of 16 in a progressive stayer is still a
Group One affair at Ascot in well-treated horse.
October – and she is going to Charlie Appleby’s DANILOVA
take a world of beating under recorded a very fast time, when
Ryan Moore, who loves booting hosing up on the July Course
home winners for his guvnor. last Saturday under Will Buick,
At the royal jamboree at this so it rocks my boat that the local
course in June, SHELIR was trainer has decided to turn out
fifth of 23 from stall six, while the daughter of Dubawi quickly
the first four home came out of in the Group Three Sweet Solera
stalls 26, 22, 17 and 27. David Stakes (3.20) run over seven
O’Meara’s ex-Dermot Weld furlongs at Newmarket. AFTER Hollie Doyle ■■ by CHRIS GOULDING
trained beast was rated 97 on The two-year-old produced a sealed her new role as becoming a future champion.
that occasion, so he has to be sparkling turn of foot, once her retained rider for Derby- He said: “I rode work with her
worth an each-way wager jockey asked for maximum winning owner Imad most mornings when we were
running off a mark of 92 in the effort approaching the furlong Al Sagar with victory in California.
Sandhurst Handicap (2.25) run pole, and she looks a top-class on Faisal at Lingfield “She rides a great race. She’s
over a mile at Ascot. filly in the making. on Tuesday, winning switched on and has a clock in
The Yorkshire trainer landed At Kempton Park on his last connections remarked her head, unlike most boys.
the Stewards’ Cup at outing in July, OMNIVEGA that “she’s a champion “She’s strong. She’s clever and
Goodwood last Saturday when accounted for Cepheus over jockey in waiting”. she has what it takes. Her riding
Danny Tudhope was in the today’s trip, and that horse Before Al Sagar, who style suits any horse. She rides a
saddle and the dynamic duo franked the form when taking a celebrated success in the great race and is seldom in the
can prove that lightning does red-hot handicap at Glorious 2007 Derby with Authorized wrong place. Horses run for her.”
strike twice in a week. Goodwood last Friday. and currently has 30 horses Doyle has shown, like all the
Frankie Dettori is making the David Simcock’s improving in training, snapped up the other female jockeys, that when
long haul up north to ride sort has been raised 5lb to a five-foot pocket rocket, she given the ammunition they can
GLOBAL GIANT in the Group new perch of 90, and he has yet had been turning heads and take top honours.
Three Rose Of Lancaster Stakes to win a race on grass. wowing racegoers. Admittedly, it has taken an
(2.40) run over a mile and a But as a son of Siyouni, he Kieren Fallon, former age for female riders to be
quarter at Haydock Park, so should enjoy fast ground, so he six-times champion jockey, accepted. But now the gender
take the very strong hint. John will carry my money in the is one of her many admirers bias has been kicked into the
Gosden’s progressive five-year- Virginia Water Handicap and also has no doubts long grass.
old obliged in Listed company (3.35) run over a mile and a about the 23-year-old After Doyle’s victory for her
over this afternoon’s trip at half at Ascot
Saturday, August 8, 2020 3


in association with

LADY: Hollie
wins at Royal
Ascot on Scarlet
From Page One Khaloosy, Grand
Dragon and,
left, with partner IRREVERENT (3.50, Bazaar and Carlos
Tom Marquand nap) is back to the Felix last October is
handicap mark that terrific form and means
last saw him win a race he is potentially very
and he is fancied in the well handicapped.
BetVictor Gamble Better is expected
Responsibly Handicap from al hajees
at Haydock. (3.15) with Ryan Moore
He really caught the an eye-catching jockey
eye at York on his last booking, while the
start where he held penny has dropped for
every chance before LE REVEUR (1.00) and
weakening late on. he should complete a
The drop to 7f will quick hat-trick of wins
suit and Richard for Sir Mark Prescott.
Fahey’s horse could be Best bets at
hard to beat. Newmarket are HIGH
Another who ran well PEAK (2.50) who looks
last time was COUNT well treated and
and he can take the who ran a nice race at
BetVictor Make Your Doncaster on his
Best Bet Handicap. return and can strike
His defeat of for the in-form Fahey.

new boss she struggled to winners in a season by a woman male colleagues, but she has Ascot this year when partnering
control her delight when asked with 116 victories, they have repeatedly shown that riding Who Dares Wins.
about her appointment. now vanished. winners is not about brute Both riders have established
“Pretty thrilled, to be honest, A first Group Two was strength. their own identity.
who would have thought I recorded with Dame Malliot in “You have to be a bit of a Marquand, a former
would be riding a winner for the Princess Of Wales’s Stakes at horseman,” she explains. “You champion apprentice, has
John Gosden (Faisal’s trainer) Newmarket last month. see people that haven’t got an formed a formidable alliance
this time last year. I’m grateful to Racing was always going to be ounce of muscle on them and with Newmarket trainer William
Imad for giving me an a calling for Doyle, who grew they can hold the strongest Haggas.
opportunity like this.” up in Herefordshire. Both of horses. But away from the domestic
In recent months Doyle has her parents rode and she “It’s technique. Strength bliss it is very much each to their
shown that she is more than was on the back of a pony helps. But a lot of people own on the racecourse.
capable of punching above her before she could walk. can’t afford to be “I’ve only got one thing on my
weight when the stakes are high. Her first winner putting muscle mass mind, which is winning,” said
She became only the third came when on because of their Doyle.
female to partner a winner at partnering The weight.” “I don’t pay attention to what
Royal Ascot this year when Mongoose at Not to be he’s doing – half the time I don’t
Scarlet Dragon won the Duke of Salisbury in May outdone by Doyle, even know if he’s in the race.”
Edinburgh Handicap. 2013 when 17. her long-term Marquand remarks: “Hollie
If Doyle had doubts about The five-foot partner Tom doesn’t see herself as a female
bettering last year’s Doyle might lack Marquand also jockey; she’s a jockey. That’s the
achievements when she
recorded the highest number of
the size and the
muscle of her ■ TALENTED:
Hollie Doyle
rode his first
winner at Royal
attitude which has got her to
where she is.”
4 Saturday, August 8, 2020

number one FOR RACING

in association with


JASON HEAVEY STAR TIP 2.50 BETWAY NURSERY STARFORM Fox Champion 20-1 (9-3) Prominent, driv-
en over 2f out, beaten from over 1f out,
COURSES will ensure that racehorse’s welfare Class 3 2YO 7f (7 runners) £5,822 stayed on one pace inside final furlong, 6th of 11, 3 1/2l behind
Judicial (9-3) at Newcastle 6f Group 3 stks (3yo+) (1) in Jun.
is paramount during the extreme hot weather Babindi 1.40 Wakening 1 (2) 616 SPIRIT OF SISRA (18)(CD,G) T Dascombe 9 7...........T Marquand 82
Bear Force One 7-1 (9-7) Led centre group, led overall over
2 (5) 211 MAGISTERIUM (28)(D2,A,G) M Dods 9 5.................. P Mulrennan 80
currently gripping the country. Astapor 2.15 Jessop 3 (1) 43 AESTHETE (20) M Bell 9 3............................................. C Shepherd 87 2f out, ridden over 1f out, wandered under pressure inside
final furlong, ran on, won at Newmarket 1m hcap (3) gs in Jul
Ascot have misting cooling fans for the High Peak 2.50 Magisterium 4 (3) 313 THANK YOU NEXT (8)(A) R Hannon 9 2.........................S M Levey 85
5 (4) 662 SPANISH COLT (24) A Balding 9 2....................................D Probert 86 beating Modern Millie (8-13) by 1 1/4l, 6 ran.
runners after they have competed at today’s Spirit Of Bermuda 3.20 Danilova 6 (6) 21 HIGH PEAK (53)(D,S) M Johnston 9 0.................................W Buick 83 Al Rufaa 11-4 (9-10) Taken to post early, held up, switched
7 (7) 534 SAUNTON (20) R Hannon 8 11....................................... Rossa Ryan ★88 right over 2f out, headway entering final furlong, ridden to lead
fixture, where temperatures could be in the 30s. Tomfre 4.00 Al Rufaa Star Betting: 3 Aesthete, 7-2 High Peak, 9-2 Magisterium, inside final furlong, ran on, won at Newmarket 7f hcap (4) gf in
Also, there will be an abundance of excess Duesenberg 4.35 Zegalo 6 Thank You Next, 13-2 Spanish Colt, 7 Spirit Of Sisra, 10 Saunton. Jul beating Swift Approval (9-1) by 3l, 11 ran.
points for water throughout the racecourse to Emissary 5.10 Cognac
wash down runners. Coltrane 5.40 High Wells 3.20 SWEET SOLERA STAKES (FILLIES & MARES’ GP 3)
Class 1 2YO 7f (9 runners) £14,461 4.35 HEED YOUR HUNCH AT BETWAY HANDICAP
Class 2 3YO 1m (7 runners) £9,704
Newmarket will also have cooling fans and
iced water tubs at today’s meeting. GOING: good to firm 1 (8) 331 COUL QUEEN (18)(D,G) P Evans 9 0..................................J F Egan 83
2 (3) 21 DANILOVA (7)(CD,G) C Appleby 9 0.....................................W Buick 96
1 (2) L-45 TORONTO (35)(D) J Given 9 7........................................S De Sousa 100
2 (4) 1064 LASER SHOW (28)(G)(P) S bin Suroor 9 5.................... C Shepherd 106
3 (6) 112 DUBAI FOUNTAIN (18)(BF,D2,G,S) M Johnston 9 0...S De Sousa ★106
A BHA statement said: “At present there is JACKPOT AND PLACEPOT FirST SIX RACES 4 (1) 1 FLY MISS HELEN (21)(G) R Hannon 9 0..........................S M Levey 97
3 (6) 2-13 EVENING SUN (14)(C,G) R Charlton 8 11............................W Buick 106
4 (7) -331 ZEGALO (18)(D2,G,S) R Varian 8 8...............................T Marquand 107
no evidence of any raised risk associated with TRACKFACTS The July course is right-handed and just over
two miles in extent. The track is quite testing and suits the
5 (2) 55 MERE GREEN (21) R Fahey 9 0.......................................B McHugh 91
6 (9) L36 SEATTLE ROCK (29) S Kirk 9 0........................................D Probert 95
5 (3) 53-6 DUESENBERG (39)(S) R Fahey 8 7..................................B McHugh 104
6 (1) 2-00 SEA VOICE (13)(S) R Hannon 8 5............... T Hammer Hansen (3) 104
racing in the hot temperatures.” long-striding type. High numbers have a slight advantage in 7 (5) 123 SETARHE (18)(C,G) R Varian 9 0................................... Rossa Ryan 105 7 (5) -636 AJAX TAVERN (13)(A) R Hannon 8 4................................H Bentley ★108
races up to a mile. Stalls today Stands Side Course; 1m2f & 8 (4) 1 SPIRIT OF BERMUDA (9)(D,G) W Haggas 9 0............T Marquand 88 Star Betting: 15-8 Evening Sun, 3 Zegalo, 4 Laser Show, 7 Ajax
1m6f Centre; Remainder Far Side. 9 (7) 2014 STAR OF EMARAATY (18)(D,G) K Ryan 9 0.........................K Stott 91 Tavern, Duesenberg, 16 Toronto, 25 Sea Voice.
Star Betting: 13-8 Fly Miss Helen, 4 Dubai Fountain, 5 Setarhe,

2019: Davydenko 8 13, Louis Steward 5-1 (Sir M Stoute),
Danilova, 8 Spirit Of Bermuda, 16 Seattle Rock, 25 others. drawn (3), 6 ran.
2019: West End Girl 9 0, Franny Norton 11-2 (M Johnston),
Class 5 2YO 7f (12 runners) £3,493 drawn (1), 8 ran. STARFORM Laser Show 12-1 (9-4) Keen led under
stand side rail, ridden and headed over 1f
1 (10) ARION FOX R Varian 9 0..................................................S De Sousa — STARFORM Danilova 4-6fav (9-0) Prominent, led over out, kept on one pace, 4th of 10, 3l behind Establish (8-11) at
1f out, soon edged left, pushed out, won at
Class 1 3YO 1m 4f (6 runners) €48,051
2 (3)
3 (2)
4 (8)
BABINDI W Haggas 9 0...................................................T Marquand —
CLEARLY CRYSTAL(H*) M Botti 9 0............................S Cherchi (5) —
IN THE GENES E Dunlop 9 0............................................... N Currie —
Newmarket 7f 2yo fll nov stks (5) gf beating Senita (9-0) by 1
1/2l, 7 ran.
Newmarket 1m 3yo hcp 0-100 (2) gd in Jul.
Evening Sun 11-4 (8-13) Raced stands side centre, took
keen hold in rear, headway over 1f out, kept on, went 3rd
5 (11) JOY CHOI R Hannon 9 0....................................................S M Levey — Dubai Fountain 2-1fav (9-0) Led, ridden over 1f out, headed
1 (1) 161-22 KETIL (25)(G) P Bary 9 2....................................................................S Pasquier ★ inside final furlong, stayed on, 2nd of 7, 1l behind Fev Rover close home, 3rd of 8, 4l behind Tsar (9-5) at Ascot 1m 3yo hcp
2 (5) 216-211 VOLKAN STAR (25)(D,G) C Appleby (UK) 9 2...................................... James Doyle 6 (4) LATE MORNING S bin Suroor 9 0.................................. C Shepherd — 0-105 (2) gf in Jul.
7 (6) LOOKTOTHERAINBOW C Appleby 9 0................................W Buick — (9-0) at Sandown 7f 2yo fll Listed stks (1) gf in Jul.
3 (3) 1-11 TUSCAN GAZE (27)(G,S) L Bietolini (ITY) 9 2......................................... P C Boudot
Fly Miss Helen 11-4fav (9-0) Held up in mid-division, closer Zegalo 7-2 (9-2) Tracked leaders, switched to outer over 2f
4 (2) 1115 PORT GUILLAUME (34)(A,S) J C Rouget 9 2............................................C Demuro 8 (1) MCGIVERN A Keatley 9 0..........................................Killian Leonard — out, headway to lead over 1f out, ran on, won at Sandown 1m
5 (6) 11 DICK WHITTINGTON (39)(D,G) Y Barberot 9 2.........................................G Benoist 9 (12) PEPINILLO R Hannon 9 0............................................... Rossa Ryan — tracking leaders halfway, went 2nd over 1f out, led inside final
10 (5) SIXNTWOTHREES M Channon 9 0...................................G Bass (7) — furlong, ran on well, won at Newbury 6f mdn flls stks (5) gd in hcap (4) gf in Jul beating Mostawaa (9-12) by 2 3/4l, 13 ran.
6 (4) 211-16 PAO ALTO (34)(G) C Ferland 9 2....................................................................M Guyon STARFORM: LASER SHOW Danger: Evening Sun
Star Betting: 2 Port Guillaume, 3 Volkan Star, 4 Pao Alto, 5 Dick Whittington, 8 11 (9) STATEMENT M Meade 9 0.................................................H Bentley — Jul beating Sarsaparilla (9-0) by 2 1/4l, 14 ran.
Ketil, 10 Tuscan Gaze. 12 (7) WAKENING J Gosden 9 0......................................................R Havlin — Setarhe 3-1 (9-0) Keen held up towards rear, pushed along
Star Betting: 3 Looktotherainbow, 9-2 Wakening, 6 Arion Fox, and headway over 1f out, ridden and stayed on inside final
7 Late Morning, Babindi, 8 Joy Choi, 12 Statement, 14 others. furlong, 3rd of 7, 1 1/4l behind Fev Rover (9-0) at Sandown 7f Class 2 1m 2f (5 runners) £9,704
2019: Leafhopper 9 0, Robert Havlin 9-4 (J Gosden), drawn (4),
7 ran. 2yo fll Listed stks (1) gf in Jul. 1 (3) -210 HARROVIAN (21)(D3,G)(P) J Gosden 4 10 4.........O Stammers (7) 97
STARFORM: LOOKTOTHERAINBOW Danger: Arion Fox Spirit Of Bermuda 8-1 (9-0) Held up towards rear, steady 2 (2) -300 GOOD BIRTHDAY (21)(D2,G,S)(P*) A Balding 4 9 12..S De Sousa ★102
headway on outside 2f out, stayed on inside final furlong, led 3 (5) 1-20 EMISSARY (35)(A) H Palmer 3 9 7.....................................H Bentley 95
2.15 Class 5 2YO 7f (10 runners) £3,493
final strides, won at Goodwood 7f mdn (2) gd in Jul beating
Iconic Queen (9-0) by hd, 9 ran.
STARFORM: DANILOVA Danger: Dubai Fountain
4 (4) 3641 DATA PROTECTION (14)(CD,C,G,S)(T) W Muir 5 9 2...... N Currie 99
5 (1) 2-13 COGNAC (15)(A,S) M Johnston 3 9 2...................................W Buick 97
Star Betting: 2 Emissary, 11-4 Harrovian, 4 Cognac, Data
Protection, 8 Good Birthday.


1 (5) 006 ASTAPOR (22) M Channon 8 13.......................................G Bass (7) 63
2 (7) L0 CECCO BRAVO (11) R Eddery 8 13............................S Cherchi (5) 36 STARFORM: COGNAC Danger: Emissary


3 (8) ICONIC MOVER P Phelan 8 13......................................... C Bennett — Class 2 7f (8 runners) £9,704
4 (9) MR BUZZBEE J S Moore 8 13..............................................D Brock —
5 (3) 4250 MYBOYMAX (4)(P*) R Hannon 8 13................................S De Sousa ★80 1 (7) -L06 FOX CHAMPION (42)(D2,A,G) R Hannon 4 10 4..........S De Sousa 95 Class 3 1m 6f (6 runners) £6,728
6 (6) OPEN THE EAGLE(T*) J Ryan 8 13............................D Keenan (3) — 2 (1) L-00 ROYAL MARINE (184)(D,S)(T) S bin Suroor 4 10 4.....T Marquand 92
7 (10) 0 SAY IT AS IT IS (18) P Evans 8 13......................................J F Egan 47 3 (8) -031 BEAR FORCE ONE (30)(C,D2,A,G,S)(P) R Teal 4 9 13.....W Buick 98 1 (1) 4-0L QULOOB (7)(C,F,G,S)(B*) G L Moore 6 10 0.......R Clutterbuck (7) ★90
8 (4) 65 AYO PATSY (8) J Osborne 8 8.............................................. N Currie 71 4 (3) -011 AL RUFAA (15)(CD,D2,A,G,S)(H) J Gosden 3 9 7..............R Havlin 97 2 (2) 1510 MOURIYANI (28)(D,A,G) Tom Ward 4 9 8.....................T Marquand 87
9 (2) 0 BEAR ME IN MIND (37) Adrian Nicholls 8 8...................B McHugh 47 5 (2) 0-0L NO NONSENSE (28)(A) D Elsworth 4 9 6...........................J Haynes 75 3 (4) /1-4 DAZZLING ROCK (26)(A) R Beckett 5 9 5.......................H Bentley 79
10 (1) JESSOP M Channon 8 8......................................................D Probert — 6 (6) 0206 TOMFRE (7)(CD,C,D,G,S) R Beckett 3 9 5.......................H Bentley ★99 4 (5) 220- HORATIO STAR (J183)(D,G) C Gordon 5 9 4.............W Carver (5) 85
Star Betting: 7-4 Myboymax, 4 Astapor, Ayo Patsy, 6 Jessop, 7 (5) -106 ZIGGLE POPS (13)(D2,A,G) R Hannon 3 8 13................S M Levey 97 5 (6) 0/21 HIGH WELLS (23)(D2,F,G)(B) G McPherson 6 9 4.......... S W Kelly 86
12 Open The Eagle, 14 Bear Me In Mind, 16 Mr Buzzbee, 25 others. 8 (4) -300 YOSHIMI (28)(D,G) R Fahey 3 8 5....................................B McHugh 94 6 (3) 241 COLTRANE (22)(G) A Balding 3 8 11....................................W Buick 84
2019: Walkonby 8 8, David Egan 2-1 JtFav (M Channon), Star Betting: 6-4 Al Rufaa, 9-2 Bear Force One, 7 Royal Marine, Star Betting: 5-4 Coltrane, 11-4 High Wells, 6 Mouriyani,
drawn (5), 7 ran. Tomfre, 8 Fox Champion, 10 Ziggle Pops, Yoshimi, 25 No Nonsense. 7 Dazzling Rock, 12 Quloob, Horatio Star.
STARFORM: MYBOYMAX Danger: Ayo Patsy 2019: Qaysar 4 9 7, J Doyle 9-4 (R Hannon), drawn (8), 6 ran. STARFORM: HIGH WELLS Danger: Mouriyani

JASON HEAVEY STAR TIP 6.00 HANDICAP HURDLE (GBB RACE) TRACKFACTS Left-hand oval track of about one mile two
furlongs with a 170yds run-in. Eight fences and five hurdles
Class 2 (12 f) 2m 7f (7 runners) £8,187 per circuit, the easy bends favours front runners.
TOP TRAINERS (with runners) D Skelton 75 winners, (28.5%
Enemy Coast Ahead 4.30 Elleon 1 314- JUSTATENNER (239)(C,G,S)(H) T Davidson 9 11 12........H Reed (3) 131 strike rate), -£8.50, Jonjo O’Neill 29, (12.6%), -£6.00, Dr R
2 2-31 RHYTHM IS A DANCER (25)(G)(P) P Nicholls 7 11 11...... H Cobden 133 Newland 23, (29.5%), +£4.00, P Hobbs 20, (18.7%), -£5.62.
Yccs Portocervo 5.00 Aeglos 3 PL-3 SHANTOU VILLAGE (33)(G,S)(P,T) N Mulholland 10 11 9
Pacify 5.30 Leapaway Millie Wonnacott (7) ★135
4 P-1L SEBASTIAN BEACH (29)(G,S)(T) B Pauling 9 11 8..........DOUBTFUL
Yeavering Belle 6.00 Mister Universum (nb) 5 L0-L GOODBYE DANCER (25)(BF,G,S)(T) F O’Brien 9 11 7...... P Brennan 124 Class 4 (9 f) 2m (11 runners) £3,509
6 11-1 YEAVERING BELLE (27)(D,G) K Bailey 6 11 4.........................D Bass 131
The Boola Bee 6.30 Istimraar 7 0L-1 MISTER UNIVERSUM (33)(CD,G)(B,T) D Skelton 8 11 4...H Skelton 134 1 0-21 CAPTAIN TOM CAT (23)(CD,G) Dr R Newland 5 11 5
Anywayyoulookatit 7.00 Game Line 8 44-1 YES NO MAYBE SO (16)(C,G)(P*) Tom Lacey 6 10 3..........J J Burke 133 S Twiston-Davies ★131
Star Betting: 5-2 Rhythm Is A Dancer, 11-4 Yeavering Belle, 2 AMARETTO (F43) J Boyle 5 10 12.............................. Page Fuller (3) —
Light In The Sky 7.30 Captain Tom Cat 4 Mister Universum, 8 Yes No Maybe So, 10 others. 3 3 DECORATION OF WAR (19)(H) A Ralph 5 10 12...............L Edwards 121
4 00 EMPLOYER (16) Dr R Newland 5 10 12.....................C Hammond (3) 77
John Constable 8.00 Teqany STARFORM Yeavering Belle 6-4fav (11-12) Made all, 5 FOYLESIDEVIEW (F1218) H Chisman 8 10 12.................DOUBTFUL
not fluent 8th, drew clear from 2 out,
Freddy Fanatapan 8.30 Hello Fellas comfortably, won at Bangor-on-Dee 2m 7f hcp hdl 0-120 (4) 6 000- JIM JA (297) J Butler 6 10 12................................................J Quinlan 95
gd in Jul beating Parody (11-10) by 8l, 6 ran. 7 215- WBEE (269)(G) G Hanmer 5 10 12......................................... H Brooke 59
8 LEROY LEROY (F21) J Boyle 4 10 11...........................Robert Dunne —
Rhythm Is A Dancer 2-1 (10-12) Went right at times, made
GOING: GOOD-GOOD TO FIRM IN PLACES all, stayed on well, unchallenged, won at Southwell 3m hcp hdl
4 LIGHT IN THE SKY (16) P Nicholls 4 10 11........................ H Cobden 122
L LOCH NESS MONSTER (20) M Appleby 4 10 11.........W T Kennedy 85
(2) gd in Jul beating Jacks Last Hope (11-6) by 3 1/2l, 6 ran. 11 0L-P BOB’S GIRL (19)(H) M Mullineaux 5 10 5....................... H Nugent (5) 77
JACKPOT AND PLACEPOT FirST SIX RACES Mister Universum 16-1 (11-0) Chased leaders, switched 12 00 JOIE DE VIVRE (18)(H*) M Todhunter 5 10 5.......................S Quinlan 106
right after 2 out, led before last, clear flat, ridden out, won at
Star Betting: 8-13 Captain Tom Cat, 4 Light In The Sky,
Uttoxeter 2m 7f hcp hdl 0-140 (3) gd in Jul beating The Vollan 10 Decoration Of War, 14 Wbee, 16 Leroy Leroy, 25 others.
Class 4 (10 f) 2m 4f (9 runners) £3,509 (11-12) by 4l, 9 ran. STARFORM: CAPTAIN TOM CAT DANGER Light In The Sky
Yes No Maybe So 11-4fav (11-4) Chased leaders, not fluent

1 2-11 ENEMY COAST AHEAD (20)(G)(T) O Murphy 6 11 12..... A P Heskin ★125
2 60-5 AHEAD OF SCHEDULE (15) Mrs N Evans 5 10 12............J Nixon (5) 94
3 S0-5 ARCADIAN SPRING (23) H Whittington 6 10 12.................... D Jacob 92
5th, pushed along after next, closed 3 out, soon led, driven
flat, held on, won at Uttoxeter 2m 4f hcp hdl 0-110 (4) gd in Jul
beating Espalion (11-3) by nk, 10 ran.
Class 3 (9 flights) 2m (8 runners) £5,393
4 130- ARCTIC VALLEY (287)(G)(P*,T) G Hanmer 6 10 12............ H Brooke — STARFORM: YEAVERING BELLE DANGER 1 F4-1 DEAR SIRE (27)(D5,G,S)(H) D McCain 8 11 12...................B Hughes 135
5 105- ELLEON (183)(S) W Greatrex 5 10 12................................. G Sheehan 117 Rhythm Is A Dancer 2 21-3 TEQANY (18)(D3,G)(T) F O’Brien 6 11 6............................. P Brennan 137
6 23P/ OI THE CLUBB OI’S (F34) I Williams 5 10 12.................. T J O’Brien — 3 1P-6 LOVATO (16)(CD,D2,G)(V*) Dr R Newland 8 11 2..S Twiston-Davies —

7 0 CRIMSON KING (29) M Appleby 4 10 10...................C Hammond (3) 66
8 00-P MIDNIGHT JEWEL (18) Kayley Woollacott 4 10 10.............J J Burke
9 26-0 LEESWOOD LILY (16)(S) Jennie Candlish 7 10 5.................S Quinlan 123
— 6.30 Class 5 (18 f) 3m (9 runners) £2,924

4 /L-1 ESPRIT DE BAILEYS (23)(CD,G) Amy Murphy 8 11 0........J Quinlan 139
5 22-2 PERCY (23)(S) Mrs S Leech 6 10 12................................... A P Heskin 139
6 5-54 GATEWAY TO EUROPE (15)(BF,G)(P) N King 6 10 11.. Bryony Frost ★141
Star Betting: 6-5 Enemy Coast Ahead, 5-2 Oi The Clubb Oi’s, 7 244- WHAT WILL BE (F43)(D,G)(T*) Olly Murphy 4 10 10.........R Johnson 131
1 2L-1 THE BOOLA BEE (12)(D3,F,G)(H) N Hawke 7 12 1...... T Buckley (7) 104
6 Leeswood Lily, 8 Elleon, 12 Arctic Valley, 14 others. 2 423- SCHNABEL (257)(G,S)(P,T) T Symonds 8 11 12....S Twiston-Davies 101 8 00-2 JOHN CONSTABLE (16)(D3,G,S)(T) E Williams 9 10 8.......I Williams (5) 140
STARFORM: ENEMY COAST AHEAD DANGER Oi The 3 F4-L SILVER MAN (20)(G,S)(B) L Horsfall 13 11 11....Tabitha Worsley (5) 89 Star Betting: 4 Dear Sire, 9-2 What Will Be, 11-2 Teqany, 6 John
Clubb Oi’s 4 12-5 LUCK OF THE LEGION (27)(G) T Lacey 7 11 10.....Mr T O’Brien (5) 100 Constable, Lovato, 7 Percy, 10 others.

5.00 HANDICAP CHASE STARFORM Dear Sire 9-1 (11-4) Held up towards rear,
5 L-L2 TRUMPS BENEFIT (10)(G)(T) P Bowen 7 11 8..................... J Bowen 108
6 P0-3 GO TO COURT (27)(T) Miss J Foster 7 11 8........................ H Brooke 102 headway after 3 out, went 2nd 2 out,
Class 4 (15 f) 2m 4f (8 runners) £3,964 7 -412 ISTIMRAAR (9)(D,G,S)(P,T) A B Hamilton 9 11 4... Sam Coltherd (3) 102 challenged last, soon led, hung left flat, stayed on, won at
8 6PP- PACKETTOTHERAFTERS (198)(G)(P,T) G Hanmer 11 11 0....DOUBTFUL Bangor-on-Dee 2m 4f hcp hdl 0-140 (3) gd in Jul beating
1 U4-2 POKER SCHOOL (9)(D2,G,S)(P) I Williams 10 12 0............C Todd (5) 127 9 P6-6 PERPIGNAN (27)(G)(P) Christian Williams 8 10 1........Jack Tudor (5) ★111 Some Day Soon (11-10) by 1 1/4l, 11 ran.
2 L4-3 YCCS PORTOCERVO (18)(G,S)(H) Dr R Newland 5 11 12 10 22-P BITE MY TONGUE (25) J G O’Neill 7 10 0.........................L Edwards — What Will Be 14-1 (10-12) Held up in last pair, smooth
S Twiston-Davies 115 Star Betting: 3 The Boola Bee, 7-2 Istimraar, 4 Trumps Benefit,
3 03-6 HENRIETTA BELL (29)(G,S) H Whittington 7 11 12......... G Sheehan 111
headway on outside before 2 out, ridden and weakened run-
6 Schnabel, Luck Of The Legion, 8 Go To Court, 16 others. in, 4th of 9, 6l behind Langer Dan (10-12) at Wetherby 2m
4 5-36 ELKSTONE (20)(D,G,S)(H) Mrs C Bailey 9 11 7.................... S Bowen 128
5 /L-L AEGLOS (20)(G) Jonjo O’Neill 8 11 4................................R McLernon 56 STARFORM Trumps Benefit 11-1 (11-3) Soon led, Listed hdl 3yo (1) gs in Nov.
ridden and headed before 2 out, no Teqany 9-2 (11-7) 2nd or 3rd throughout, ridden after 2 out,
6 /03- MINE’S A PINT (195)(D,G)(H,T) K Burke 8 10 13...............T Bellamy 119 impression on winner last, stayed on same pace, 2nd of 8, 8l
7 32L- BENI LIGHT (260)(BF,CD,G)(T) D Rees 9 10 5.............B R Jones (3) ★132 3rd and held last, one pace, 3rd of 9, 9l behind Cubswin (11-9)
8 -353 MURRAY MOUNT (2)(D2,G) S-J Davies 10 10 0..................J Bargary 120
behind Damut I’m Out (11-4) at Bangor-on-Dee 2m 4f hcp chs at Stratford 2m hcap hdle (3) gd in Jul.
Star Betting: 9-4 Poker School, 5-2 Yccs Portocervo, 7 Henrietta 0-105 (5) gd in Jul. John Constable 11-2 (10-13) Waited with towards rear,
Bell, Beni Light, 10 Aeglos, 12 others. The Boola Bee 5-1 (10-12) Held up in rear, niggled along good headway after 2 out, kept on well run-in, went 2nd final
STARFORM: YCCS PORTOCERVO DANGER Poker School and still behind after 4 out, some headway before 2 out, 75 yards, not reach winner, 2nd of 12, 1 3/4l behind Get Back
almost on terms jumping last, ridden to lead run-in, kept on Get Back (11-7) at Uttoxeter 2m hcp hdl 0-120 (4) gd in Jul.
5.30 NOVICES’ CHASE (GBB RACE) well, won at Market Rasen 3m hcp chs 0-105 (5) gd in Jul
beating Black Anthem (11-12) by 1 1/4l, 6 ran.


Class 3 (12 f) 2m (5 runners) £6,303 Istimraar 6-1 (10-6) Raced keenly, held up towards rear,
1 65-1 LONGHOUSE SALE (31)(G,S)(T) D Skelton 6 11 8..............H Skelton 143 hampered 3 out, headway before next, went 2nd approaching Class 5 (12 f) 2m 7f (14 runners) £2,794
2 2-64 LEAPAWAY (15)(G) P Hobbs 8 11 2.....................................R Johnson ★145 last, not trouble winner, stayed on, 2nd of 7, 1l behind Black
3 12L- PACIFY (184)(G,S)(T) J Snowden 8 11 2............................ G Sheehan — Anthem (11-12) at Southwell 3m hcp hdl 0-105 (5) gd in Jul. 1 30-3 HANDY HOLLOW (27)(CD,D,G,S) D McCain 7 11 13.. L Murtagh (3) 109
4 310- STAND BY ME (343)(BF,G)(P) A Jones 10 11 2............... T J O’Brien — STARFORM: TRUMPS BENEFIT DANGER The Boola Bee 2 02-2 PRESENT CHIEF (23)(BF,G) Jonjo O’Neill 6 11 12..Jonjo O’Neill Jr. 105
5 140- TIMETOCHILL (149)(G,S) Miss Kelly Morgan 7 10 9............ A Wedge — 3 U/F- HELLO FELLAS (154) F O’Brien 8 11 11...................... L Harrison (7) —
Star Betting: 15-8 Pacify, 9-4 Longhouse Sale, 7-2 Leapaway,
Timetochill, 66 Stand By Me. 7.00 Class 5 (18 f) 3m (9 runners) £2,924
20-5 AIRTON (16)(G)(P) D Pipe 7 11 11.............................. Mr F Gillard (7) 110
33-P THE DARLEY LAMA (32) C Mann 6 11 10.......................H Bannister 104
STARFORM Pacify 12-1 (11-9) Led, headed after 1st, 6
00-1 FREDDY FANATAPAN (23)(C,G)(V) W Kittow 5 11 7....T Scudamore 100
PP-4 BENDY BOW (31) M Bradstock 5 11 3......................... N De Boinville ★112
chased leader, raced wide, weakened 1 P-22 HIDDEN CARGO (20)(BF)(P) P Bowen 8 12 0.............Mr P Bryan (7) ★106
before 2 out, 4th of 5, 33l behind Shishkin (11-4) at Huntingdon 2 5-53 MIDNIGHT MAGIC (16)(G)(T,V) D Pipe 8 11 12.................. D Noonan 105 8 40-4 LITTLE SAINT (16)(P,T) Sean Conway 5 10 11..........A Anderson (7) 109
2m 4f Listed nov hdl (1) gs in Feb. 3 21-3 JACK SNIPE (31)(G,S)(B) R G Hawker 11 11 11............. B Carver (5) — 9 2P-2 SIMPLY MANI (31)(P) P Niven 8 10 10..................................B Hughes 111
Longhouse Sale 10-3 (10-12) Held up in touch, went 2nd 4 U0-2 ANYWAYYOULOOKATIT (23) Jonjo O’Neill 7 11 9..Jonjo O’Neill Jr. 104 10 3F-2 GOLDSLINGER (20)(S)(T) A B Hamilton 8 10 9...... Sam Coltherd (3) 109
5 2P-4 WEST TO CROSSGALES (25)(G) C Pogson 9 11 7............C Todd (5) 93 11 060- TIPALONG TYLER (195)(G) Kayley Woollacott 6 10 8...... M G Nolan 106
home bend, led flat, stayed on, won at Stratford 2m 1f nov chs 12 05-3 HAHADI (25)(BF,S)(P) T Symonds 8 10 6................S Twiston-Davies 102
6 LP-0 GAME LINE (27)(G,S)(P) Christian Williams 6 11 6.....Jack Tudor (5) 58
(3) gs in Jul beating Scardura (10-12) by 1 1/2l, 9 ran. 7 13-6 HONOURMISSION (23)(S)(P,T) Sam England 6 11 2..........J England 101 13 540- SPIRIT OF ROME (188)(P,T) K Burke 6 10 0................B Godfrey (7) 104
Leapaway 5-1 (10-12) Held up in rear, plugged on in 5th 8 L3-L BURNING ISSUES (25)(G,S) S Smith 13 10 4...... Mr A Fielding (10) 102 14 P-43 FRANZ KLAMMER (16)(H) P Pritchard 8 10 0..........C Hammond (3) 107
from 3 out, modest 4th approaching next, never on terms with 9 P6-4 MISDFLIGHT (27)(V*) Miss J Foster 10 10 0........................S Quinlan 100 LONG HANDICAP: Spirit Of Rome 9-8, Franz Klammer 9-3.
leaders, 4th of 7, 4 1/2l behind Beat The Judge (10-12) at Star Betting: 9-4 Anywayyoulookatit, 3 Hidden Cargo, 9-2 Star Betting: 7-2 Present Chief, 6 Hello Fellas, Freddy Fanatapan,
Newton Abbot 2m nov chs (3) gd in Jul. Midnight Magic, 10 West To Crossgales, Jack Snipe, 12 others. 8 Simply Mani, Handy Hollow, 10 Little Saint, Hahadi, 12 others.
Saturday, August 8, 2020 5

number one FOR RACING

in association with

Petite Amie
3 (4)
7f (20 runners)
1 (12) 021-012 MUSIC TO MY EARS (20)(BF,D,A,G)(T) J P O’Brien 3 10 0......W M Lordan 86
2 (9) 1L5-05 FRENCH RAIN (20)(G) G M Lyons 3 9 10.............................Sam Ewing (10) 82

66-1 PEARLS GALORE (22)(D,G) P Twomey 3 9 8....................................W J Lee 77

4 (16) 04-0060 STORMY BELLE (7)(CD2,D3,G,S)(T) P A Fahy 6 9 8..............D McDonogh 82
5 (17) 000-630 GALTEE MIST (11)(D2,G) Joseph G Murphy 4 9 7............... P A Harnett (7) 86
Pronouncement 3.40 Southern Horse 6 (13) 0-00420 MARY SALOME (7)(C,D,G,S)(P,T) A Kinirons 4 9 7.............L T McAteer (7) 91 EARTHLIGHT attempts ■■ by chris goulding Power with Golden
7 (11) 5-41 ROCKET SCIENCE (11)(D) Mrs J Harrington 3 9 7.......................... C Hoban 77
Rocket Science 4.15 Bestrella 8 (3) -203110 LADY SCATHACH (12)(BF,D,G)(V) T G McCourt 5 9 5.... Danny Sheehy (5) 86 to extend his dominance Horde 7-2 , Space Blues 5,
Silk Cravat 4.50 Adapt To Dan 9 (8) 31 MAUD GONNE SPIRIT (31)(D,S) Mrs J Harrington 3 9 5................... S Foley 77 over Golden Horde when not prevented a host of Hello Youmzain 6, Lope Y
10 (14) -350300 SHE’S A BABE (12)(D,A,S)(B) A Fogarty 4 9 5....................... Shane Crosse 90
Crystal Dawn 5.25 Amazing One 11 (20) 433-253 VISIONARA (12)(D,A)(H) Miss A Mooney 4 9 4.........................G M Ryan (3) ★92 they meet for the third Brits throwing their hat in Fernandez 13-2, Wichita
Cayenne Pepper 5.55 Cayenne Pepper 12 (15) 0210 LAUREL WREATH (17) Brian Nolan 3 9 1................................... Rory Cleary 83
13 (18) 0-00250 MIACOMET (5)(C) Jack W Davison 4 9 0....................................S B Kelly (3) 90 time in tomorrow’s Prix the ring. 10, Wooded, 12 and
14 (6) 0-32104 POWERSVILLE (13)(G,S) Thomas Mullins 5 9 0................. J M Sheridan (5) 88
15 (5) 35-2412 BESTRELLA (19)(BF,D,A)(P*) J P Murtagh 3 8 13....................Ben Coen (3) 89
Maurice de Gheest at Recent Goodwood Spinning Memories 14.
GOING: good to yielding 16 (19) 3526 LINE JUDGE (45) J P O’Brien 3 8 11............................................. E Greatrex 82 Deauville (2.50). winner Space Blues from The Brits are also mob
17 (1) 221-06 HIEROGLYPHIC (42)(D,A)(T) M Halford 3 8 10............................... R Whelan 84
PLACEPOT FirST SIX RACES 18 (10) L56-0 PRINCESS XENA (50) Mrs P Dobbs 3 8 9........................................J J Doyle 41 Unbeaten in his six the Charlie Appleby handed in the Prix Club
19 (2) 3-0533 ABEONA (8) G M Lyons 3 8 8............................................................ RESERVE 87 races, Earthlight stable lines up. Hipico Santiago (3.25).
2.00 2YO 1m (9 runners) €7,881
20 (7) 03-0 JAZZ AND BLUES (50) J Barcoe 4 8 7........................................... RESERVE 58
Star Betting: 9-2 Music To My Ears, 6 Bestrella, Maud Gonne Spirit, 7 Rocket
Science, 10 Powersville, 12 French Rain, Lady Scathach, Line Judge, 14 others.
– trained by Kevin Ryan Appleby saddles Lazuli.
1 (6) 6 AHANDFULOFSUMMERS (41) J A Stack 9 2................................C D Hayes 68 2019: Peshkova 4 8 7, A J Slattery(5) 12-1 (R P Cody), drawn (10), 15 ran. Andre Fabre also sends over Archie Watson will be
2 (5) 4 APRIL SHOWERS (20) Donnacha O’Brien 9 2..........................G M Ryan (3) 81 STARFORM: MUSIC TO MY EARS Danger: Visionara (right) – proved Hello represented by Silver
4.50 HANDICAP (45-65) (DIV 1)
3 (4) 5 BEAGNACH SASTA (8) J S Bolger 9 2................................... Kevin Manning 75
4 (7) 52 DIVINELY (32)(BF) A P O’Brien 9 2...............................................W M Lordan ★82 the superior to Youmzain, the Machine and Maystar,
5 (9) 5 EMANIYA (20) D K Weld 9 2............................................................... Oisin Orr 80 7f (21 runners) €4,576 Golden Horde winner of the mount of jockey of the
6 (2) EMPHATIC ANSWER J P O’Brien 9 2........................................D McDonogh —
7 (1) LA JOCONDE A P O’Brien 9 2.......................................................M C Hussey — 1 (12) -120000 BELEAGUERMENT (11)(D,A)(T) J McConnell 4 10 2...................... R Colgan 49 in last year’s Diamond Jubilee moment Hollie Doyle.
8 (8) LIGHT OF MY EYES Mrs J Harrington 9 2........................................... S Foley — 2 (6) L0L-000 USTINOV (46)(D,A,G)(T) Mrs A M O’Shea 8 10 0......................G M Ryan (3) 54
9 (3) PERILOUS Augustine Leahy 9 2......................................................... R Colgan — 3 (4) L0-0006 WOODS (11)(B,T*) O McKiernan 4 9 13..........................................C D Hayes 59 Middle Park at Stakes at Ascot in Kevin Ryan also has
Star Betting: 6-4 Divinely, 5 Light Of My Eyes, April Showers, 11-2 Emaniya, 7
Beagnach Sasta, 10 La Joconde, 12 Ahandfulofsummers, 33 others.
4 (11) 4-33550 JM BARRIE (23) D Marnane 3 9 12.............................Donagh O’Connor (3) 60
5 (18) 4536243 SILK CRAVAT (16)(D2,A)(P) J G Geoghegan 7 9 12.................Ben Coen (3) ★65
Newmarket and also in June. two stabs with Galadriel
2019: Yaxeni 9 0, Colin Keane 12-1 (G M Lyons), drawn (11), 10 ran. 6 (16) 00-0 ECLIPTIC MOON (27) N Slevin 3 9 11........................................... C J Orr (5) 53 the Prix Morny at Aidan O’Brien will be and Celtic Beauty.
STARFORM: DIVINELY Danger: April Showers 7 (20) 40440-0 YOUCEEYOUCEECEE (49)(D5,S)(P) Miss S A Finn 8 9 11..............W J Lee 64
8 (17) 0053-60 CHAGALL (35)(CD,G) E Lynam 4 9 9................................. D McMonagle (7) 60 Deauville. represented by Lope Y Charles Hill has Royal
2.30 IRISH
5f (13 runners) €7,881
9 (7) 00L DREAL DEAL (29)(T) Ronan McNally 5 9 6...............................Mark Enright 43
10 (13) 00-2055 LADY SONIA (27)(CD,G) Andrew Slattery 5 9 2......................... Gary Carroll 63
11 (2) /05000- LAST JUDGMENT (260) S P Hennessy 4 9 2........................S Cummins (7) 42
Having skated up on
his return at Deauville
Fernadez, the mount of
Ryan Moore, and Frankie
In the Prix De Reux
12 (19) 340430- ADAPT TO DAN (291)(BF) Denis Hogan 4 9 1................................J J Doyle 63
1 (5) 60 GINATO (5) Kevin Prendergast 9 7......................................................G Halpin 63
2 (3) 30L20 HYDE PARK BARRACKS (20)(B) A P O’Brien 9 7......................W M Lordan 83 13 (10) 00-003L FASCINATING SPIRIT (14) E McCarthy 5 9 1.......................M P Sheehy (7) 58 last month, Earthlight Dettori is booked for (4.35), Ryan Moore is a
3 (6) 0 LARADO (61)(B*) J P O’Brien 9 7............................................. Shane Crosse 71 14 (3) 00L0-60 GUANABARA BAY (16)(D2,A,G)(V) A McGuinness 7 9 1............... R Whelan 48
15 (21) 24L5-60 GUIDING STAR (44)(G)(T) P J McKenna 6 9 1......................A Farragher (7) 63
looks set to retain his Wichita. significant booking for the
4 (1) MINSKY J P O’Brien 9 7...............................................................D McDonogh —
5 (8) STRIBLING J M Barrett 9 7............................................................ Rory Cleary — 16 (1) 530003/ LAKE GEORGE (610)(D6,G) J M Barrett 12 9 1......................... Rory Cleary — unbeaten record. Earthlight heads the David Menuiser-trained
17 (15) 060L/L- PIRATE’S TREASURE (350)(A) Charles Coakley 7 9 1.............S B Kelly (3) —
6 (10) 00 ALEXANDRA COLLEGE (13) Mrs J Harrington 9 2............................ S Foley 64
7 (2) 522L MOONEISTA (27) Jack W Davison 9 2............................................. R Whelan ★93 18 (14) 000 RUDI’S PRINCESS (31) Shane Nolan 3 9 0....................................... C Hoban 54 But his presence has betting at 2-1 with Paddy Thundering Blue.
8 (13) 4 PETITE AMIE (27) John Murphy 9 2................................................. R Colgan 81 19 (5) 0050-50 ASK DELANEY (22)(P) Augustine Leahy 4 9 1................................ RESERVE 60
9 (7) 6 QUEENS CARRIAGE (50) Kevin Coleman 9 2.............................M C Hussey 72 20 (8) /000-16 PIMSTREL (22)(S)(P) J P Fahey 4 9 9.............................................. RESERVE 59
10 (9) L SHESSWEET (13) Miss S A Finn 9 2...................................................W J Lee 18 21 (9) 2030-B0 SILK AIR (17)(T) J F Levins 4 10 7................................................... RESERVE 55
11 (11) 5 SLOANE PETERSON (13) J A Stack 9 2........................................C D Hayes 74 Star Betting: 5 Silk Cravat, 6 Jm Barrie, Woods, 7 Adapt To Dan, 10
12 (12) 0 STAR ACT (13) A McGuinness 9 2..............................................Leigh Roche 36 Beleaguerment, 12 Guanabara Bay, Lady Sonia, Chagall, 14 others.
13 (4) 0 WRITEWHENYOULAND (13) Mrs A M O’Shea 9 2.......... Adrian O’Shea (5) 67 STARFORM: LADY SONIA Danger: Silk Cravat
Star Betting: 5-2 Mooneista, 3 Sloane Peterson, 4 Hyde Park Barracks, 8 Petite
Amie, 10 Queens Carriage, 12 Ginato, 14 Larado, 16 Minsky, 25 others.

(45-65) (DIV 2)
7f (21 runners) €4,576
3.05 5f (14 runners) €20,339
1 (3) 0002-03 FUGACIOUS (27) John Feane 4 10 2.................................Nathan Crosse (5) 64
2 (20) 0413600 POET’S PRIDE (28)(D2,A) D Marnane 5 10 2....................................W J Lee 68
3 (8) 000L- RAMIRO (332) John Murphy 4 10 0................................................... R Colgan 60
1 (10) 0L-2160 LAUGH A MINUTE (6)(G,S) A McGuinness 5 10 0....................G M Ryan (3) 97 4 (17) 1204442 BILLYFAIRPLAY (12)(A)(P) Denis Hogan 6 9 11................. J M Sheridan (5) 65
2 (11) 0015101 NORDIC PASSAGE (13)(D,A,G)(T) J F Levins 5 9 10.Donagh O’Connor (3) 98 5 (6) 025204- KUDBEGOOD (294)(T) J McConnell 5 9 9........................................... S Foley 67
3 (1) 253-05L WHEELS ON FIRE (20)(D,S)(B) A Fogarty 3 9 9................................W J Lee 102 6 (15) 0604500 TENNESSEE WILDCAT (14)(A,G)(P) J F Levins 10 9 8.Donagh O’Connor (3) 66
New & Existing Customers

£2 BET
4 (8) 00-2400 ARDHOOMEY (17)(CD,D4,A,G,S)(T) G M Lyons 8 9 6.......Sam Ewing (10) 102 7 (11) 0-00343 CRYSTAL DAWN (27)(BF) G Cromwell 4 9 6.............................. Gary Carroll 64
5 (12) 324-112 STRONG JOHNSON (30)(BF,D3,G,S) Kieran P Cotter 4 9 6............. S Foley 100 8 (2) 20416L- DROMBEG DUKE (246)(D,A) Augustine Leahy 4 9 5...............Mark Enright 65

6 (2) 3L200-5 GOODNIGHT GIRL (29)(G) S Lynam 5 9 2.................................D McDonogh 105 9 (7) 00-00 CHRISTINES ANGEL (58) Andrew Slattery 3 9 3......................Ben Coen (3) 63
7 (5) 41004-6 MY LAUREATE (49)(D,G) G M Lyons 4 9 0................................ Gary Carroll 101 10 (19) LL0-35 GORMANSTON (58) N Slevin 4 9 3................................................... Oisin Orr ★71
8 (4) 46-4416 INFLECTION POINT (13)(D) Kieran P Cotter 4 8 13................... Rory Cleary 98 11 (9) 00-0045 LADY BOOMERANG (14)(G)(P) J G Geoghegan 5 9 2............... J Maye (10) 68
9 (6) 041-510 TIDE OF TIME (13)(D3,G,S) E Lynam 6 8 13................................... Oisin Orr 99 12 (4) 630/220 ACCLADORA (23)(G)(P*) T G McCourt 6 9 0.................... Danny Sheehy (5) 67
10 (9) -25L430 MASTER MATT (5)(D,G,S)(B*) Matthew J Smith 4 8 12............Leigh Roche 100 13 (18) 0-35010 AMAZING ONE (44)(D2,A,G)(T) T J O’Mara 6 9 0......................W M Lordan 70
11 (3) 003012 ELZAAMONE (13)(D)(P,T) Niall Egan 3 8 7.....................................C D Hayes 101 14 (21) 05-0L00 SAPHIRI (14)(B*) P McCreery 3 8 11....................................... A C Persse (7) 55
12 (14) L01 CHOCQUINTO (13)(D) Miss H McLoughlin 3 8 6.........................W M Lordan 97 15 (12) 00-0050 HARRY SPEED (5)(D,G,S)(P,T) G Donnelly 7 8 10................M P Sheehy (7) 60
13 (13) 3-62516 LADY MAURA (13)(D,S) J P Murtagh 3 8 6...................... Danny Sheehy (5) ★106 16 (14) 000-L30 PADDYTHEIRISHMAN (16) P Gilligan 10 8 10............................ Rory Cleary 61
14 (7) 04-0331 MUSICAL RUE (15)(D,G) W McCreery 3 8 6....................Nathan Crosse (5) 100 17 (10) 202004- POPSICLE (262)(D,A) J Larkin 5 8 10...................................C D Maxwell (3) 69
LONG HANDICAP: Musical Rue 8-1. 18 (1) 000 WIGGLES (27) Daniel Howard 6 8 10...........................................Leigh Roche 57
Star Betting: 4 Strong Johnson, 5 Nordic Passage, 6 Elzaamone, 10 Lady 19 (5) 00-L0 SOUTHWOOD (22) Leonard Flynn 3 8 10......................................... RESERVE 52
Maura, Chocquinto, 12 My Laureate, Inflection Point, Ardhoomey, 14 others. 20 (16) 0-00 DAAYEB (17) Kevin Prendergast 3 9 10........................................... RESERVE 63
STARFORM: STRONG JOHNSON Danger: Nordic Passage 21 (13) L0312/0 JACKMEL (17)(D,A)(P,T) Kevin Smith 6 8 10.................................. RESERVE 37
Star Betting: 4 Crystal Dawn, 9-2 Billyfairplay, 5 Fugacious, 8 Kudbegood, 10

Class 1
7f (14 runners) €19,068
Drombeg Duke, Amazing One, 12 Gormanston, 14 Tothers.
STARFORM: FUGACIOUS Danger: Crystal Dawn

1 (7) 0003-40 CHESSMAN (41)(D,A)(T) Richard O’Brien 6 9 9............................... Oisin Orr 102
2 (11) /34-301 COULD BE KING (17)(D2,G,S) K J Condon 4 9 9.........................C D Hayes 104 5.55 STAKES (FILLIES & MARES GROUP 3)
Class 1 1m 4f (11 runners) €33,051

3 (12) 21-0201 CURRENT OPTION (6)(D3,G,S) A McGuinness 4 9 9....................G M Ryan 109
4 (5) 30-LD4L FLASH GORDON (29)(B) Mrs J Harrington 4 9 9...................S T McCullagh 104 1 (10) 21L1-31 BOLLEVILLE (16)(D,G,S) J P O’Brien 4 9 11........................... Shane Crosse ★109
5 (2) -230400 NO NEEDS NEVER (17)(D2,A,G) J P O’Brien 4 9 9............... Shane Crosse 98 2 (9) 1131-14 HELIAC (14)(C,D,A,G) G M Lyons 4 9 11.................................... Gary Carroll 99
6 (4) 12400-2 RHYDWYN (52)(T) T Hogan 4 9 9................................................Leigh Roche 94 3 (4) 114-33 LOVEISTHEHIGHERLAW (34)(C,G,S) P Twomey 4 9 11...................W J Lee 99
7 (1) 00-3465 SMASH WILLIAMS (17)(D,G)(T) J S Bolger 7 9 9................. Kevin Manning 107 4 (5) 522-312 NAN YEHI (14)(G)(P) Mrs J Harrington 4 9 11................................... C Hoban 96


8 (3) 1040-25 SOUTHERN HORSE (49) Mrs J Harrington 5 9 9................................ S Foley 108 5 (8) 650-326 SNAPRAECEPS (20) J P O’Brien 4 9 11....................................D McDonogh 100
9 (13) 2211-34 SILK FOREST (27)(D,G) P Twomey 4 9 4...........................................W J Lee ★110 6 (6) 310110- TARNAWA (294)(CD,G) D K Weld 4 9 11.......................................... Oisin Orr 107
10 (8) 1-52040 KING OF ATHENS (17)(D,A)(B*) A P O’Brien 3 9 3....................W M Lordan 101 7 (11) 3232-13 TRAISHA (14)(P,T) J P O’Brien 4 9 11............................................ E Greatrex 95
11 (14) 233-132 PRONOUNCEMENT (17)(G) J P Murtagh 3 8 12.............................Ben Coen 104 8 (1) 1114-22 CAYENNE PEPPER (21)(BF,G) Mrs J Harrington 3 9 1...................... S Foley 108
12 (9) 1-3L RIDENZA (20)(D,G) M Halford 3 8 12............................................... R Whelan 100 9 (2) 0-0011 ELIZABETHOFARAGON (15)(D,G) A P O’Brien 3 9 1................M C Hussey 88
13 (6) 42-0153 SOUL SEARCH (27)(BF,D)(B*) G M Lyons 3 8 12...................... Gary Carroll 106 10 (7) 05-231L GETAWIGGLEON (35)(G) David J Geary 3 9 1...........................C D Maxwell 78


14 (10) 40-4325 UNFORGETABLE (17)(G) J P O’Brien 3 8 12.............................D McDonogh 106 11 (3) 10-4353 PASSION (21)(C)(P) A P O’Brien 3 9 1..........................................W M Lordan 106
Star Betting: 9-2 Soul Search, 5 Unforgetable, 6 Southern Horse, Silk Forest, 8 Star Betting: 15-8 Cayenne Pepper, 3 Passion, Tarnawa, 8 Bolleville, 12
Could Be King, 10 Current Option, Pronouncement, King Of Athens, 12 others. Snapraeceps, 14 Loveisthehigherlaw, 16 Heliac, Nan Yehi, 20 others.


TRACKFACTS A sharp undulating right handed course of 9 furlongs, with 6
NEIL RANDON STAR TIP fences per circuit.
TOP TRAINERS (with runners) W P Mullins 31 winners, (37.8% strike rate),
-£3.79, G Elliott 27, (12.3%), +£4.94, H De Bromhead 22, (19.8%), +£5.00, N
Curlew Hill 4.40 Larry O Meade 10, (11.4%), -£8.50, G Cromwell 9, (15.3%), -£1.50, D A McLoughlin
5, (12.5%), -£2.00, Andrew McNamara 5, (20.8%), +£0.20, P Gilligan 4,
Sayo 5.15 Mengli Khan (26.7%), -£2.00, M Hourigan 3, (20.0%), -£1.00.
Thousand Tears 5.45 Santana Plessis TOP JOCKEYS (with mounts) Paul Townend 21 winners, (36.8% strike
rate), +£18.84, M P Walsh 15, (20.0%), -£1.54, Rachael Blackmore 13,
In Your Shadow 6.15 Musical Ava (17.1%), -£2.00, Danny Mullins 8, (11.8%), -£5.25, Darragh O’Keeffe 6,
Doctor Duffy 6.45 Doctor Duffy (13.0%), -£1.50, C A Landers 5, (13.9%), -£1.00.
Stamp Your Feet 7.15 Peacocks Secret JOE COONEY MEMORIAL HURDLE
I A Connect 7.45 I A Connect 5.15 (12 flights) 2m 4f (6 runners) €5,847
1 6333-1L MENGLI KHAN (8)(CD,G,S)(P,T) G Elliott 7 11 7.................................. L Dempsey 147
GOING: GOOD TO YIELDING-YIELDING IN PLACES 2 L/544L- DOLCIANO DICI (F36)(P*) R K Watson 7 11 2...................................D J O’Keeffe 149
3 1/3300- MISTER BLUE SKY (F12) W P Mullins 6 11 2..................................... D E Mullins 145
PLACEPOT FirST SIX RACES 4 LL32-03 ORNUA (32)(G) H De Bromhead 9 11 2....................................Dylan Robinson (3) 123
5 LP300-0 SAYO (8)(P*) W P Mullins 6 11 2............................................................. P Townend ★156
KILBEGGANRACES.COM MAIDEN HURDLE 6 44L3-22 JAIME SOMMERS (F2)(CD,C,G,S) M Bowe 8 10 9.............................E Walsh (7) 146
4.40 (8 flights) 2m (16 runners) €5,085
Star Betting: 15-8 Sayo, 9-4 Mister Blue Sky, 5 Mengli Khan, 11-2 Ornua, 15-2
Jaime Sommers, 25 Dolciano Dici.
2019: Westland Row 7 11 2, Denis O’Regan 7-2 (G Elliott), 6 ran.
1 035-41# CURLEW HILL (24)(G) G Elliott 5 12 0.................................................Mr J J Codd — STARFORM: MENGLI KHAN Danger: Sayo
2 10-U PRESENTING MEGHAN (6)(BF,S) G Cromwell 6 11 7................Jonathan Moore —

3 4406-66 ASHQAR (9)(T) P Gilligan 5 11 6.............................................................P T Enright 123
4 PPPLP/L CENTRAL COURT (7) K Thornton 7 11 6...........................................D J O’Keeffe 72
5 43225-4 CITY LIMITS (26) J Nash 6 11 6........................................................... K J Brouder 116
7.15 (13 fences) 2m 4f (11 runners) €8,136
6 DE MILANO J Grace 7 11 6............................................................P K Donovan (7) — 1 /54630- ASK NILE (299)(G,S)(T) S Neville 8 11 10............................................. R Doyle (3) ★138
7 66/2L GRANGE WALK (10) J P Ryan 5 11 6................................................... D E Mullins ★124 2 /64BP0- GWENCILY BERBAS (202)(S) E McNamara 9 11 3.................C P McNamara (5) 126
8 4# LARRY O (29) Paul Nolan 5 11 6.............................................................B J Cooper — 3 255620- QUANTATMENTAL (139)(G) G Cromwell 5 11 3..........................Jonathan Moore 126
9 0 MY FRIEND THE WIND (16) E McNamara 5 11 6...............................R Treacy (3) 81 4 12440P- THE CADDY ROSE (147)(D,G) N Meade 6 11 2...................................E Walsh (7) 130
10 /L000-6 MY WINGS (16)(B) Neill McCluskey 6 11 6............................Gearoid Brouder (7) — 5 /10L0P- CECIL CORBETT (337)(C,G) G Elliott 13 11 1............................... K M Donoghue —
11 5 YOU SAY NOTHING (7) G Cromwell 5 11 6.................................... K M Donoghue 68 6 0462PP- FINAL LIST (163)(S)(P) G Elliott 6 11 0.............................................S O’Keeffe (5) 135
7 000U-50 PEACOCKS SECRET (10)(D3,G,S)(B) J J Hanlon 8 10 13..................B J Cooper 129
12 0-0 CASHINS HILL (19)(H*) P Byrne 5 10 13............................................B Browne (5) 42
8 /5000-1 STAMP YOUR FEET (26)(G,S) E Bolger 8 10 11................................... M P Walsh 137
13 0L- JAIPORE (220) J Nash 5 10 13.......................................................C A Landers (5) — 9 LL-0030 REACH UP (8)(S) J P Ryan 7 10 6......................................................... D E Mullins 136
14 04-05 LAYLA’S COURT (7)(T) D A McLoughlin 5 10 13............................... A W Short (3) 103 10 031PFP- PERSIAN WIND (140)(G,S)(T) J P Dempsey 10 10 5........................... L Dempsey 134
15 P/31-06 WALKING THE WALK (8) G Cromwell 5 11 6.......................................... RESERVE 67 11 /PL-630 CRAZYWORK DE VASSY (8)(S)(B) M J McDonagh 8 10 0...............D J O’Keeffe 128
16 ORMOND STILE(T*) P Byrne 5 11 6.......................................................... RESERVE — Star Betting: 9-4 Stamp Your Feet, 4 Ask Nile, 5 The Caddy Rose, 7 18+, UK only. First race at selected meeting Bet £10 Get £2 Free Bet if the winner’s SP is less than 100/1.
Star Betting: 13-8 Curlew Hill, 3 Presenting Meghan, 5 Grange Walk, 10 Ashqar,
Larry O, City Limits, 12 You Say Nothing, 20 Layla’s Court, 33 others.
Quantatmental, 10 Reach Up, Final List, 16 Peacocks Secret, Gwencily Berbas, 20
Cashed out or void wagers do not qualify. Max 1 free bet per customer per race, maximum total free
2019: Brog Ahaon 5 11 4, Sean Flanagan 11-4 (M McCabe), 13 ran. 2019: Just A Normal Day 9 10 0, Conor Orr(5) 8-1 (Mrs D Love), 9 ran. bets available limits apply per customer. Full T&Cs apply.
STARFORM: CURLEW HILL Danger: Presenting Meghan STARFORM: STAMP YOUR FEET Danger: Cecil Corbett
6 Saturday, August 8, 2020


ITV4 1.50-3.35
Class 2 2m (11 runners) £12,938
Megallan 12.40 Spirit Mixer 1 (1) ERNESTO (29)(G) 1
Ataser 1.15 Jadwal (nap) 356-00 I Williams 5 9 7......................... S Donohoe 105 2-6
Theotherside (trb) 1.50 Hamish Macbeth
2 (2) HOLY KINGDOM (29)(A,F,G) 2
Wild Hope 2.25 Shelir
32-110 Tom Clover 4 9 5........................ J Mitchell 105 2/4
Diocletian 3.00 Australis
Look Closely 3.35 Spanish Archer 3 (8) EDDYSTONE ROCK (52)(CD,D,G,S) 3
110-30 J Best 8 9 5..............................C Fallon (3) 109 0-0
Grand Bazaar 4.10 Wise Glory
Bay Watch 4.45 Han Solo Berger 4 (5) SLEEPING LION (28)(BF,A,F) 4
201-02 J Fanshawe 5 9 4............................A Kirby 105 332
GOING: good to firm 5 (10) DIOCLETIAN (18)(BF,G,S) 5
231-06 A Balding 5 9 4........................... O Murphy 107 406
6 (11) ISLAND BRAVE (28)(A,G) 6
12.40 Class 5 2YO 7f (12 runners) £3,881
5-3530 Mrs H Main 6 9 2..........................M Dwyer ★111 114
7 (4) CHARLIE D (28)(D,A,F,G)(P,T) 7
1 (1) AJRAD E Dunlop 9 5........................................................................... David Egan —
2 (2) ESCOBEDO R Hannon 9 5.......................................................................P Dobbs — -41215 T Dascombe 5 9 1....................Jane Elliott 106 055
3 (10) FREDDY FLINTSHIRE M Botti 9 5...................................................... D Muscutt —
4 (11) FRENCH CONQUEST C Cox 9 5........................................................D Tudhope — 8 (6) AUSTRALIS (42)(A) 8
5 (3) IMPACOBLE Mrs L Jewell 9 5...............................................................W Cox (3) — 212-12 R Varian 4 9 1...........................David Egan 104
6 (8) LANEQASH R Varian 9 5.......................................................................J Crowley — 044
7 (12) LAXTON LADD T Dascombe 9 5...................................................... Jane Elliott — 9 (9) KALOOR (18)(G)(T)
8 (7) MEGALLAN J Gosden 9 5.......................................................................M Harley — 9
9 (6) MOTATAABEQ S bin Suroor 9 5........................................................ C Fallon (3) — 3L-553 D Menuisier 4 8 11..................... J Crowley 105 20-
10 (4) OUTBACK BOY M Johnston 9 5...............................................................A Kirby —
11 (9) SPIRIT MIXER A Balding 9 5................................................................ O Murphy — 10 (3) MONDAIN (14)(D2,A,G) 10
12 (5) THE WHIPMASTER G L Moore 9 5..................................................T P Queally — 50-L1L M Johnston 4 8 11........................A Atzeni 105 563
Star Betting: 3 Laneqash, 7-2 Megallan, 5 Motataabeq, 10 French
Conquest, Outback Boy, Spirit Mixer, 12 Escobedo, Laxton Ladd, 16 others. 11 (7) RED FORCE ONE (J29)(F,G) Banus, 6 Ber
STARFORM: SPIRIT MIXER Danger: French Conquest
0/22-5 P Nicholls 5 8 10......... Megan Nicholls (3) 105 10 Kenstone, 1
1.15 Class 3 2YO 6f (7 runners) £7,763
Star Betting: 2 Australis, 5 Sleeping Lion, 6 Kaloor, 13-2 Holy Kingdom,
8 Red Force One, 12 Eddystone Rock, Charlie D, 14 Diocletian, 20 others.
1 (4) 1L6 FIRST PROPHET (28)(G) C Fellowes 9 7.......................................... S Donohoe 85
2 (1) 51 JADWAL (15)(D,G) C Hills 9 7..............................................................J Crowley 87
STARFORM Mondain 9-2 (9-4) Tracked leader, pushed along 3f
out, ridden and weakened approaching final furlong,
last of 4, 31l behind Nuits St Georges (8-13) at Newmarket 1m 6f hcp
3 (7) L12 ET TU BRUTE (15)(D,G) Eve J-Houghton 9 5......................................C Bishop 88
4 (6) 3521 LINE OF DEPARTURE (11)(D,G) R Varian 9 2................................ David Egan ★90 0-95 (3) gf in Jul.
5 (2) 41 ATASER (25)(D,G) T Kent 9 1.....................................................Ray Dawson (5) 89 Charlie D 11-2 (9-7) With leader, dropped behind leader halfway, 1
6 (3) 506 COBWEB CORNER (13) N Tinkler 8 8............................................. C Fallon (3) 86 ridden and lost place over 4f out, no impression, 5th of 6, 12l behind 21-
7 (5) 66 SHANGHAI ROCK (14) R Hannon 8 8....................................................P Dobbs 87 Cosmelli (9-0) at Newcastle 2m hcp 0-95 (3) in Jul.
Star Betting: 5-2 Jadwal, 11-4 Line Of Departure, 5 Ataser, 11-2 Et Tu Australis 5-1 (8-2) Led early, chased leaders, pushed up to 2
Brute, 6 First Prophet, 12 Shanghai Rock, 16 Cobweb Corner. challenge from over 2f out, stayed on inside final furlong, no
impression on winner final 100 yards, 2nd of 18, 1 1/2l behind Caravan
1.50 Class 2 6f (10 runners) £12,938
Of Hope (8-5) at Newcastle 2m hcp (2) in Jun.
Sleeping Lion 5-2fav (9-7) Tracked leaders, upsides leader 6f out,
led going well over 4f out, ridden over 2f out, headed over 1f out, kept
on but not match winner, 2nd of 6, 1 1/4l behind Cosmelli (9-0) at 4
1 (1) HIGHLAND DRESS (20)(D2,A,F) Newcastle 2m hcp 0-95 (3) in Jul.
211026 A Watson 4 9 12......... Adam J McNamara 103 Kaloor 9-2 (8-11) Held up, ridden and edged right 2f out, switched
left approaching final furlong, ridden and stayed on to go 3rd towards 5
2 (5) DAZZLING DAN (20)(D3,G,S) finish, 3rd of 7, 3l behind Mancini (9-0) at Sandown 1m 6f hcp 0-100
(2) gf in Jul. 346
04-005 Mrs P Sly 4 9 12..............................A Kirby 101 STARFORM: MONDAIN Danger: Charlie D
(8) WOVEN (30)(G)
D M Simcock 4 9 7.............. D E Hogan (3) 99 3.35 THAMES HOSPICE HANDICAP
Class 2 1m 4f (12 runners) £12,938
1 (10) SPANISH ARCHER (15)(D,F,G)(H) 260
12-040 Eve J-Houghton 3 9 5................. C Bishop 98
324-51 J Fanshawe 5 9 7...................... D Muscutt 107 8
5 (3) EQUITATION (13)(CD,D3,F,G)(T)
2 (5) CARADOC (21)(BF,F,G) 342
10-062 S C Williams 6 9 4...................M Ghiani (5) ★105
314-60 Ed Walker 5 9 6.........................D Tudhope 108 9
6 (4) WILL TO WIN (14)(D4,A)
3 (2) JEREMIAH (13)(CD,D,G)(B) -20
112602 S & E Crisford 3 9 4.................C Fallon (3) 104
01/001 C Fellowes 5 9 6......................... J Crowley 107 10
7 (9) EQUIANO SPRINGS (15)(D5,A,F)
1L-110 4 (9) KOEMAN (13)(CD,D4,A,F,S) 00-
T Tate 6 9 2.............................. T P Queally 101
-L52L3 M Channon 6 9 5.......................... P Dobbs 107 Star Betting
8 (2) CHIL CHIL (17)(D3,A,F,G) 10 Kayewhykel
1131-2 A Balding 4 8 13......................... O Murphy 102 5 (11) HYANNA (21)(D3,F,S)
640-10 Eve J-Houghton 5 9 4... Georgia Dobie (5) 107 STAR
9 (6) THEOTHERSIDE (14)(D3,F,G)
1-3121 R Hannon 3 8 12.......................... P Dobbs 101
10 (10) HAMISH MACBETH (14)(D2,F,G)
(12) LOOK CLOSELY (14)(CD,D,F)
R Varian 4 9 3................................A Atzeni 107 1.30
L-3L03 H Palmer 3 8 11.......................... J Crowley 103 7 (8) PROTECTED GUEST (13)(F,G)
22-50L G Margarson 5 9 2.................. T P Queally ★112
Star Betting: 7-2 Theotherside, 4 Highland Dress, 5 Chil Chil, 7 Equitation, 23-
Dazzling Dan, Will To Win, 12 Hamish Macbeth, 14 others. 8 (6) HASANABAD (34)(D,G)
L1L-50 I Williams 5 9 1......................... S Donohoe 106


9 (7) MEDAL WINNER (11)(A,F)
Class 2 1m (10 runners) £12,938 1-1646
Archie Watson 4 9 0................... O Murphy 110
1 (1) CAP FRANCAIS (21)(D3,F,G) 10 (1) FOX VARDY (30)(BF,D,F,G)
LLL-10 Ed Walker 4 9 7.......................... O Murphy 110 620-13 M Meade 4 8 13.......................C Fallon (3) 110
2 (3) SILENT ATTACK (14)(D3,A,S) 11 (3) OMNIVEGA (24)(D3,A)(H)
33-111 5
3-1205 A Carroll 7 9 4.........Elisha Whittington (5) 111 D M Simcock 4 8 11..................... H Turner 111
3 (9) HATEYA (11)(D,A,F,G) 12 (4) KYLLACHY GALA (24)(D2,A,G)
6546L4 -16625 6
J Boyle 5 9 2............................C Fallon (3) 108 M Loughnane 7 8 10................David Egan 108
4 (6) KASBAAN (14)(D2,A) Star Betting: 9-2 Omnivega, Look Closely, 5 Fox Vardy, 11-2 Jeremiah, 8
-00306 M Appleby 5 9 2.....................A Rawlinson 107 Spanish Archer, Caradoc, 10 Medal Winner, 12 Hyanna, Koeman, 25 others. 7
STARFORM Caradoc 11-2fav (9-2) Held up in mid-division,
raced freely, headway over 2f out, edged right over 1f
5 (8) GAME PLAYER (372)(A,G)
41230- R Varian 5 9 2................................A Atzeni 100
out, one pace and no impression final furlong, 9th of 22, 8l behind 8
Sinjaari (8-11) at York 1m 2f hcp (2) gd in Jul. 31-
6 (7) SHELIR (14)(D,G) Look Closely 7-1 (9-12) Bumped start, soon led, headed 9f out,
chased leader, led again 2f out, edged right entering final furlong, 9
0-0560 D O’Meara 4 8 13......................D Tudhope 107 soon clear, pushed out, won at Ascot 1m 4f hcp 0-90 (3) gf in Jul
beating Mankayan (9-8) by 2l, 10 ran. 23-
7 (5) JALAAD (20)(D2,A,G)(P)
Omnivega 4-1 (9-12) Held up towards rear, wide and headway over 1f
16-641 S bin Suroor 5 8 10.................... J Crowley 108 out, ridden and ran on to lead close home, won at Kempton 1m 4f TRACKFACTS
Handicap (0-88) (3yo+) (3) pol in Jul beating Cepheus (9-1) by 1/2l, 14 ran. hand course w
8 (2) EJTILAAB (13)(G)(H) Fox Vardy 11-8fav (9-9) Soon tracking leader, led over 3f out, slightly uphill
1-63 I Williams 4 8 6.........................David Egan 107 headed well over 1f out, stayed on, lost 2nd close home, 3rd of 11, 1/2l straight of abo
behind Mr Carpenter (8-7) at York 1m 4f hcp 0-90 (3) gs in Jul. and a half furl
9 (10) VIA SERENDIPITY (20)(CD,D4,A,F,G)(T) STARFORM: CARADOC Danger: Look Closely Emphasis is v
21L050 much on stam
C Fellowes 6 8 4........................... H Turner 110
10 (4) WILD HOPE (14)(D2,F)(P) 4.10 Class 3 3YO 1m 4f (6 runners) £7,763
when the goin
heavy. High nu
best in sprints
L3-0L1 K Ryan 4 8 3.................Josephine Gordon ★112 1 (2) 1-1L AL MADHAR (30)(G) R Hannon 9 8.....................................................J Crowley 99 the going is so
2 (1) -211 GRAND BAZAAR (15)(D,G) J Gosden 9 0............................................M Harley 103 Stalls today 5f
Star Betting: 3 Jalaad, 4 Game Player, Shelir, 7 Cap Francais, 8 Kasbaan, 3 (5) 341- SHANDOZ (322)(A) R Varian 8 11..................................................... David Egan 99
12 Wild Hope, 14 Silent Attack, Via Serendipity, 16 others. 1m2f Centre; 7
4 (4) -211 WISE GLORY (29)(D,G,S) S & E Crisford 8 10.......................................A Atzeni 102 Inside.
STARFORM Game Player 15-2 (8-11) Tracked leaders on inside, 5 (6) 3024 BRONZE RIVER (18)(A) A Balding 8 9................................................ O Murphy ★104
pushed along over 2f out, ridden and losing place 6 (3) -126 ORCZY (18)(A) R Hannon 8 5...............................................................J Mitchell 101
when hampered on rail over 1f out, 9th of 20, 6l behind Beat Le Bon Star Betting: 2 Grand Bazaar, 3 Wise Glory, 4 Shandoz, 6 Al Madhar, (with runners)
(9-2) at Goodwood 1m hcp (2) gf in Aug ‘19. Bronze River, 16 Orczy. Dascombe 66
Shelir 14-1 (8-9) Held up in rear, hampered 2f out, headway over 1f STARFORM: AL MADHAR Danger: Wise Glory ners, (16.7% s
out, soon switched right, kept on inside final furlong, 8th of 19, 4l rate), +£178.10
behind Blue Mist (8-11) at Ascot 7f hcp (2) gf in Jul.
Jalaad 11-2 (9-10) Tracked leaders, ridden to chase leader over 1f
out, led inside final furlong, ran on, won at York 1m Handicap (0-88)
Class 4 5f (10 runners) £6,469
Haggas 44, (2
+£5.00, M Joh
38, (15.0%), -£
(3yo+) (3) gd in Jul beating Star Of Southwold (9-9) by 3/4l, 17 ran. 1 (7) 1612 HAN SOLO BERGER (14)(BF,D4,A,G,S)(P) C Wall 5 10 0................... G Wood 89 R Fahey 28, (8
Cap Francais 9-2 (10-0) Steadied start, held up in rear, effort when 2 (3) 3541 BLUE DE VEGA (14)(CD,D2,A,G)(T) R Cowell 7 9 13............Ray Dawson (5) 88 -£146.40, J Go
not much room over 2f out, hung left and weakened over 1f out, 10th 3 (6) -052 DASCHAS (5)(BF,C,D4,A,G)(T) S C Williams 6 9 12.......................... O Murphy ★91 25, (23.1%), -£
of 12, 9l behind Qaysar (9-13) at Haydock 1m hcp 105 (2) sft in Jul. 4 (8) -641 WHELANS WAY (31)(C,A,S)(V) R Teal 4 9 9.......................................J Mitchell 88 TOP JOCKEY
Kasbaan 80-1 (8-11) Held up in rear, switched right and effort over 5 (4) -111 BAY WATCH (14)(D3,F,G) Mrs T Barfoot-Saunt 6 9 8............... Tyler Heard (7) 88 mounts) Richa
6 (5) 6226 SPIRITED GUEST (24)(D2,A) G Margarson 4 9 6..........................T P Queally 90 Kingscote 75
2f out, not able to get on terms, kept on, 6th of 19, 4l behind Blue Mist 7 (10) -LL3 PRINCESS POWER (18)(D,G,S) N Tinkler 4 9 6.......................D Redmond (5) 88
(8-11) at Ascot 7f hcp (2) gf in Jul. 8 (2) L006 KICK ON KICK ON (12)(D3,G,S)(P*,T) I Williams 5 9 4................. S Donohoe 86 ners, (18.2% s
Wild Hope 18-1 (10-0) Steadied start, held up in rear, headway over 9 (9) 4360 TABAAHY (14)(D3,A) D O’Meara 5 9 3...............................................D Tudhope 89 rate), +£71.03,
1f out, ridden to lead inside final furlong, soon hung left, ran on, won 10 (1) 6125 BIG LACHIE (14)(D4,A,G) M Loughnane 6 9 2................................. D Muscutt 89 Curtis 16, (10.
at Doncaster 1m Handicap (0-78) (3yo+) (4) gf in Jul beating Polyphony Star Betting: 4 Han Solo Berger, 9-2 Blue De Vega, 5 Whelans Way, 6 Bay -£45.38, P J
(9-6) by 1 1/4l, 10 ran. Watch, 13-2 Daschas, 8 Princess Power, 10 Big Lachie, 12 others. McDonald 15,
STARFORM: GAME PLAYER Danger: Shelir STARFORM: TABAAHY Danger: Daschas (11.9%), -£33.
Saturday, August 8, 2020 7

aydock StarForm
in association with

ITV4 2.05 & 2.40

3 (10) AL TARMAAH (14)
0 Class 5 1m (10 runners) £3,493 JASON HEAVEY STAR TIP 0 W Haggas 3 9 2............................ D O’Neill 54 NEW QUARTERS
4 (2) DECEPTION VALLEY HORSES having their first runs for
(6) PUERTO BANUS (21)(BF Anna Of Lorraine 12.30 Huwaiteb M Channon 3 9 2.........................R Hornby —
new trainers.
ASCOT: 2.25 Via Serendipity
6220 I Williams 4 10 1..................... R Kingscote 72
Le Reveur 1.00 Star Of Valour (S C Williams to C Fellowes).
Count Of Amazonia (nb) 1.30 Nicklaus
R Hannon 3 9 2.......................Hollie Doyle —
WHO’S HOT, WHo’s not HAYDOCK: 1.00 Ghayyar (T
Tomorrow’s Dream 2.05 Veracious TERRIFIC TRAINERS: (Most
Easterby to A Whillans), 3.15
4 Sir M Stoute 4 10 0................... R L Moore 61 Global Giant 2.40 Zaaki 6 (11) KING FAN (345)
Sansevero (Archie Watson to
wins last 14 days) T Easterby 16; J Tate), 4.25 So Sharp (Archie
(10) BERTOG (21)(F) Al Hajees 3.15 Ajyaall 5- M Johnston 3 9 2....................... J Fanning ★78 W Haggas 15; J Gosden 14; R
Hannon 12; R Fahey 12; M
Watson to J Tate).
NEWMARKET: 2.15 Bear Me In
0160 J Mackie 5 9 13.................................J Hart ★73 Irreverent (nap) 3.50 Breath Of Air 7 (5) NIAGARA (17) Johnston 9; D O’Meara 9; R Varian Mind (H De Bromhead to Adrian
(8) AL OZZDI (21)(D,A,F) Aristocratic Lady 4.25 Aristocratic Lady L E Alston 3 9 2..............Rachel Richardson —
8; K Ryan 8; C Appleby 8; F
O’Brien 8; Archie Watson 7. Nicholls), 4.35 Toronto (A P
242L Roger Fell 5 9 12........................... B Curtis 72 Our Little Pony 4.55 Nibras Again SUFFERING STABLES: (Runners O’Brien to J Given).
8 (12) ONE STEP TOO FAR (6) since last win) Mrs M Fife 91; Mrs UTTOXETER: 6.30 Schnabel
0 (David Dennis to T Symonds), 7.30
(3) KENSTONE (18)(D4,A,G)(H) M Channon 3 9 2........................ T Ladd (3) — N Evans 77; S-J Davies 65; P
60-4 A Wintle 7 9 12........................Hollie Doyle 70 GOING: good-good to firm in places 9 (1) SEND IN THE CLOUDS (13)
Pritchard 58; Roger Fell 45; H
Chisman 41; M Appleby 38; J
Jim Ja (Michael Butler to J Butler),
8.30 Hello Fellas (Sally Randell to
PLACEPOT FirST SIX RACES Goldie 38; Tom Ward 37; D Rees F O’Brien).
(5) DAAFR (32)(A) 00 A Carroll 3 9 2.............................H Crouch 55 36; J Butler 33; E Dunlop 32; J
4L06 A Brittain 4 9 10........................... C Hardie 70 10 (5) COUNT OF AMAZONIA (12)(A) 10 (4) AL HAJEES (67) Boyle 32; Katie Scott 29.
(2) HUWAITEB (39)(H) 661-02 R Hannon 3 8 13....................K Shoemark 96 0 R Hannon 3 8 11....................... R L Moore 47 days) Oisin Murphy 15; William ASCOT: Hayley Turner rides 2.25
Buick 15; Daniel Tudhope 14; Via Serendipity for C Fellowes,
5-0 Owen Burrows 3 9 7.................... D O’Neill 71 11 (11) STORM AHEAD (11)(D2,A,S)(B) 11 (8) HEER ME David Allan 12; Tom Marquand 12; previous combinations 2 wins
(1) MAGIC VOICE (11) -46250 T Easterby 7 8 13............................D Allan 97 Katie Scott 3 8 11........................P Dennis — Kevin Stott 12; Ben Curtis 11; from 2 mounts 100% strike rate at
Brian Hughes 11; Cieren Fallon 9.
46 T Easterby 3 9 5..............................D Allan 69 RIDE OUT OF LUCK: (Rides course.
Star Betting: 4 Yes My Boy, 11-2 Dubai Mirage, 6 Huboor, Nicklaus, Red 12 (9) SARSANET (12) Jim Crowley rides 4.10 Al Madhar
Bond, 8 Count Of Amazonia, 10 Sha La La La Lee, 12 others. since last win) Tabitha Worsley
(4) FAST DEAL (15) 2019: Mikmak 6 9 6, Jack Garritty 8-1 (T Easterby), drawn (10), 13 ran. 0 J J Quinn 3 8 11................................J Hart 56 105; Robbie Downey 70; Charles for R Hannon, previous
Bishop 57; Alistair Rawlinson 45; combinations 3 wins from 12
-006 T Easterby 3 9 0....................... JP Sullivan 69 STARFORM: HUBOOR Danger: Yes My Boy
Star Betting: 5-2 Sansevero, 3 King Fan, 4 Ajyaall, 5 Fierospeed, mounts 25% strike rate at course.
Sam Coltherd 44; Lorcan Murtagh

2.05 Class 1 1m (9 runners) £20,132
10 Deception Valley, 14 Sarsanet, 16 Al Tarmaah, Al Hajees, 50 others.
43; Tom O’Brien 42. HAYDOCK: Frankie Dettori rides
2.40 Global Giant for J Gosden,
Julie Camacho 3 8 9......................T Eaves 70
3.50 BETVICTOR GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY HANDICAP previous combinations 7 wins
Star Betting: 9-4 Anna Of Lorraine, 5 Puerto from 19 mounts 37% strike rate at
rtog, 13-2 Al Ozzdi, 7 Magic Voice, 8 Captain Corelli, 1 (6) FARZEEN (13)(A,G) Class 3 7f (12 runners) £6,728 TOMORROW’S DREAM (2.05
14 others. course.
2019: No corresponding race. 60-432 R Varian 4 9 2............................... L Dettori 107 Haydock) has a big task at the Richard Kingscote rides 12.30
ARFORM: AL OZZDI Danger: Puerto Banus 1 (4) COLD STARE (14)(CD,C,D2,S)(P,T) weights but is progressing Puerto Banus for I Williams,
2 (5) FOXTROT LADY (16)(F,G) quickly and has a chance to previous combinations 2 wins
BETVICTOR KEYWORKERS HANDICAP (DIV 2) 6-4533 A Balding 5 9 2............................R Hornby 108
3-L2L0 D O’Meara 5 10 4................... R P Downey 90 sneak a place on the podium. from 6 mounts 33% strike rate at
Class 5 1m (10 runners) £3,493 2 (6) YOUNG FIRE (150)(CD,D2,A,S) course.
(3) ICONIC CHOICE (13)(C,D2,F,G,S)(P) 02-104 D O’Meara 5 10 3.......................... D Nolan 90 MUST NEXT TIME NEWMARKET: Stefano Cherchi
rides 1.40 Clearly Crystal for M
(1) STAR OF VALOUR (22)(CD,A,G) T Dascombe 4 9 2......................... B Curtis 109 Botti, previous combinations 2
3 (8) ARBALET (14)(D2,F)(T) MON CHOIX won with plenty
-031 Miss L Siddall 5 10 0..............C Rodriguez ★74 4 (7) POSTED (32)(F) in hand at Sandown yesterday wins from 2 mounts 100% strike
-52540 D O’Meara 5 10 3.......................... B Curtis 90 and has been transformed by rate at course.
(2) TREVITHICK (22)(D3,A) 44-555 R Hannon 4 9 2.......................Hollie Doyle 107 rattling fast ground. Capable of Callum Shepherd rides 1.40 Late
4 (3) BREATH OF AIR (30)(D,G)
0204 B Smart 5 9 13.................................. G Lee 72 5 (1) VERACIOUS (294)(D2,F,G)(T) winning again. Morning, 4.35 Laser Show for S
6L-140 C Hills 4 10 0............................. R L Moore 91 bin Suroor, previous combinations
(7) TORO DORADO (21)(D3,A) 34124- Sir M Stoute 5 9 2..................... R L Moore ★119
1053 E Dunlop 4 9 12......................... R L Moore 73 6 (8) FESTIVE STAR (21)(D2,F,G)
5 (5) IRREVERENT (30)(D2,G) HANDICAP BLOT 2 wins from 7 mounts 29% strike
rate at course.
614-00 R Fahey 4 9 13...................... B Garritty (5) 90 UTTOXETER: Jonathan Burke
(9) BANKSEA (32)(D,F)(B*) 116-61 S & E Crisford 3 8 9............ P J McDonald 113 yeavering belle (6.00 rides 6.00 Yes No Maybe So for
6 (1) WAR GLORY (13)(D4,A,S) Uttoxeter) won easily on her Tom Lacey, previous combinations
L-L0 Mrs M Fife 7 9 12.........................P Dennis 63 7 (9) FINAL SONG (22)(G,S) reappearance and could have
0-0004 R Hannon 7 9 12.......................... D O’Neill 90 2 wins from 2 mounts 100% strike
32340L been let in lightly in her first
(3) GHAYYAR (332)(D3,F,G) S bin Suroor 3 8 9.......................H Crouch 112 foray into handicap company.
rate at course.
7 (10) NORTHERNPOWERHOUSE (20)(D3,A,G)(P) R T Dunne rides 7.30 Leroy Leroy
640- A Whillans 6 9 11........................... R Scott 70 8 (2) TOMORROW’S DREAM (11)(D,A,G) 521-10 B Smart 4 9 11.................................. G Lee 90 for J Boyle, previous combinations

(5) LE REVEUR (26)(D,G,S)(V) 1-4121 W Haggas 3 8 9...................... R Kingscote 101
8 (9) TRIGGERED (21)(F,G) starform treble 2 wins from 2 mounts 100% strike
rate at course.
Sir M Prescott 3 9 8......................L Morris 69 9 (4) WEJDAN (20)(G)(P*) 3L-440 M Loughnane 4 9 9.......................L Morris 89 HAYDOCK 1.30 YES MY BOY
(10) LEXINGTON STORM (58) 150-56 W Haggas 3 8 9.......................... J Fanning 106
9 (11) SIR TITAN (31)(D4,A,F,G)
(nap) wind surgery
0 R Hannon 3 9 6.......................Hollie Doyle 71 ASCOT 1.50 EQUITATION (nb) HAYDOCK: Veracious (2.05).
Star Betting: 4-5 Veracious, 11-2 Festive Star, 6 Final Song, 10 Farzeen, 314-45 A Carroll 6 9 5.........................Hollie Doyle ★93 NEWMARKET 4.35 LASER SHOW
(6) KAYEWHYKELLY (22) 16 Foxtrot Lady, Posted, 20 Wejdan, Tomorrow’s Dream, 25 Iconic Choice.
2019: Miss O Connor 4 9 2, Oisin Murphy 11-10 Fav (W Haggas), drawn 10 (2) INDIAN CREAK (7)(D2,G) (treble)
24-4 Julie Camacho 3 9 3.........................J Hart 69 (4), 7 ran.
STARFORM: VERACIOUS Danger: Tomorrow’s Dream
024-04 M Channon 3 9 5.........................R Hornby 88
Eddystone Rock..............£228,614
11 (7) DUTCH DECOY (11)(D,A,G)

R Fahey 3 8 9........................... T Hamilton
Class 1 1m 2f (7 runners) £20,983
215-16 M Johnston 3 9 3....................... J Fanning 86
IRREVERENT (3.50 Haydock)
has slipped to a lenient rating
12 (12) SERMON (13)(A) and looks primed to run a huge Royal Marine....................£239,865
-500 T Easterby 3 8 8..............................D Allan 65 1 (7) CERTAIN LAD (21)(C2,D2,F,G) race at a good price. He caught UTTOXETER 5.00
2-5251 T Dascombe 3 8 12................ R Kingscote 89
the eye big time at York. Poker School...................£109,248
g: 13-8 Le Reveur, 4 Star Of Valour, 6 Toro Dorado, 7 Trevithick, -13402 M Channon 4 9 5........................... B Curtis 118
lly, 12 Ghayyar, Lexington Storm, 14 others. Star Betting: 11-2 War Glory, 7 Breath Of Air, Arbalet, 15-2 Sermon, Cold
2019: No corresponding race. 2 (2) CROSSED BATON (51)(D3,A,G)(P,T) Stare, 10 Young Fire, Northernpowerhouse, Dutch Decoy, 12 others.
RFORM: TORO DORADO Danger: Le Reveur
J Gosden 5 9 5............................. K O’Neill 113
Class 4 5f (8 runners) £4,690
Class 3 1m (11 runners) £6,728 Class 3 6f (8 runners) £6,728
52-652 R Charlton 5 9 5......................Hollie Doyle 118
1 (4) DANDY’S BEANO (47)(D5,A,G,S)
(4) RED BOND (52)(D,A) 4 (6) FOX TAL (20)(D,F) 1 (6) ARISTOCRATIC LADY (24)(D2,F,G) 116-00 K Ryan 5 9 10.................................T Eaves ★95
-135 K Dalgleish 4 9 13......................... B Curtis 95 /14-60 A Balding 4 9 5............................R Hornby ★121 42-11 S & E Crisford 4 9 12................ R L Moore ★93
2 (5) OUR LITTLE PONY (10)(D6,F,S)
(6) SAMEEM (31)(BF,F,G,S)(B*) 5 (4) GLOBAL GIANT (20)(D,A,F,G) 2 (4) WEDDING DATE (7)(D,A,F,G) 01-632 L Mullaney 5 9 9................. S B Kirrane (5) 89
4-06 J Tate 4 9 12........................ P J McDonald 94 05-141 J Gosden 5 9 5............................. L Dettori 120 -02260 R Hannon 4 9 12........................... B Curtis 91
3 (2) OUTRAGE (14)(CD,D7,A,F)(B)
(7) SHA LA LA LA LEE (147)(D2,A,S) 6 (5) ZAAKI (28)(F,G) 3 (3) BETSEY TROTTER (19)(D6,A,F,G)(P) L0-L64 D & C Kubler 8 9 7................. R Kingscote 87
-225 T Dascombe 5 9 12................ R Kingscote 96 130-36 Sir M Stoute 5 9 5..................... R L Moore 118 1L-054 D O’Meara 5 9 9................. S B Kirrane (5) 85
4 (8) SEEN THE LYTE (13)(CD,D5,F,G,S)(H)
(3) NICKLAUS (14)(BF,D,F,G)(B*) 7 (1) MORISCO (29)(D,A,G) 4 (7) SO SHARP (311)(D,F) 0-0215 N Tinkler 5 9 7................................ R Scott 89
-023 W Haggas 5 9 10....................... R L Moore 98 151-10 T Dascombe 3 8 11................ R Kingscote 106 10L2- J Tate 3 9 7.......................... P J McDonald 82
5 (7) CANFORD BAY (17)(D8,A,F,G)
(2) SO BELOVED (10)(C2,D2,A,F,G,S) Star Betting: Evens Global Giant, 9-2 Zaaki, 6 Extra Elusive, 7 Fox Tal,
5 (2) SHE CAN BOOGIE (13)(F,G,S) 406531 A Brittain 6 9 7............................. C Hardie 90
5040 D O’Meara 10 9 9.......................... D Nolan 95 10 Certain Lad, 12 Crossed Baton, 33 Morisco. 0-0053 T Dascombe 4 9 6.................. R Kingscote 87
2019: Addeybb 5 9 5, Richard Kingscote 11-10 Fav (W Haggas), drawn (4), 6 (3) GLORY FIGHTER (10)(BF,D,G)
(1) YES MY BOY (15)(D,A) 6 ran. 6 (8) DANCING FEET (19)(D,A)(P) 5-2304 I Jardine 4 8 13.......................C Rodriguez 94
STARFORM: GLOBAL GIANT Danger: Certain Lad -11005 Archie Watson 3 9 5................Hollie Doyle 90
22 Archie Watson 3 9 7................Hollie Doyle 93 7 (1) PRIMO’S COMET (7)(D5,A,G)
(9) CLUB WEXFORD (10)(CD,D5,F,G)
Roger Fell 9 9 7................... Paula Muir (3) ★99
3.15 Class 5 7f (12 runners) £3,493
(5) SHE CAN DANCE (21)(A)(P*)
K Ryan 3 9 3...........................K Shoemark 87
L55100 J Goldie 5 8 11.......................... P Mathers 91
8 (6) NIBRAS AGAIN (15)(CD,D3,F)
(8) HUBOOR (21)(BF,G) 1 (7) SANSEVERO (179)(D,A) 8 (1) SOUND OF IONA (9)(G) 004321 P Midgley 6 8 10............................... G Lee 92
-563 1 J Tate 3 9 7.......................... P J McDonald 77
L-4214 J Goldie 4 8 11.......................... P Mathers 92 Star Betting: 10-3 Canford Bay, 5 Our Little Pony,
M Johnston 3 9 4......................... D O’Neill 92 Nibras Again, 6 Outrage, Glory Fighter, Seen The Lyte, 8 Primo’s Comet,
(10) DUBAI MIRAGE (51)(D,A)(P) 2 (3) AJYAALL (H*) Star Betting: 2 Aristocratic Lady, 5 So Sharp, Wedding Date, 6 Sound Of 14 Dandy’s Beano.
Iona, 8 She Can Boogie, Dancing Feet, 12 She Can Dance, 14 Betsey Trotter. 2019: No corresponding race.
-10 S bin Suroor 3 9 1.......................H Crouch 94 W Haggas 3 9 2...................... R Kingscote — STARFORM: ARISTOCRATIC LADY Danger: Sound Of Iona STARFORM: GLORY FIGHTER Danger: Nibras Again

S Left-
with a
out four
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f, 6f &
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8 Saturday, August 8, 2020

number one FOR RACING

in association with


TRACKFACTS A right handed horseshoe-shaped track of 2
(9 flights) 2m 3f (15 runners) €4,576
JASON HEAVEY STAR TIP miles with no sharp bends and a run-in of 3 furlongs and a
steady uphill finish, ideal for the galloping type. The 5 and 6
furlongs are straight. Stalls today.
Rhythm Divine 2.20 Rhythm Divine 1 0/P1 BALINABOOLA STEEL (4)(P) J J Hanlon 8 12 5(5ex).....Mr S Fenelon (7) 101 Iowa 2.00 Colour Sergeant
2 0-51 MISTY MOUNTAIN (4)(G) J J Lambe 6 12 0(5ex)........... L A McKenna (7) 102
Politicise 2.55 Victoria Bay 3 0-41 GONE RACING (15)(G) M McNiff 6 11 12................................. P T Enright 97 Procellarum 2.35 Dacesa
Deauville Society 3.30 Gotta Getaway 4 40-5 OUR BRIAN (25)(C2,G) P J Rothwell 10 11 9.............................. J J Slevin ★107 The Lir Jet 3.10 The Lir Jet 5f (18 runners) €7,627
5 -00P MEZYAN (16) J J Hanlon 5 11 8..................................................B J Cooper 80
Dime A Dozen 4.05 Dime A Dozen 6 0L-L MY PEGGY (22) N C Kelly 8 11 8.............................................. J McGarvey 67 Millisle 3.40 Speak In Colours 1 (18) 5-06 CASTLETOWNSHEND (14)(B) T M Walsh 5 9 10............ D McDonogh 79
7 L-42 DEAUVILLE SOCIETY (7) T G McCourt 5 11 7......................D J O’Keeffe 106 2 (1) ADJUST P Twomey 3 9 7.............................................................. W J Lee —
Dakota Beat 4.40 Golden Nomad 8 0L-4 WILLYOUWALKWITHME (25)(H) H Smyth 5 11 7........C P McNamara (5) 99 Boundless Power 4.15 Taggalo 3 (8) L BEST EVER MORE (28) Kieran P Cotter 3 9 7........................R Whelan 13
Maureen’s Star 5.15 The Trigger 9 50-S LOPITO (16)(T) C A McBratney 5 11 5.........................................A W Short 75 Snow Patch 4.50 Ty Rock Brandy 4 (4) 00 BLUEPOWER (14)(T) J A Stack 3 9 7...........................C D Maxwell (3) 53
5 (10) 3-3D BOUNDLESS POWER (14) John Feane 3 9 7.............................S Foley 82
10 L-02 GOTTA GETAWAY (15)(T,V) Shane Nolan 6 11 1.........................P Corbett 101
Ruinous 5.45 As The Crow Flies 11 -06F MYLADYROSE (7)(T*) Mrs A Mooney 7 10 13...........................E Walsh (7) 88 So Wonderful 5.25 So Wonderful 6 (6) 605 GREY STREAK (31) K J Condon 3 9 7..............................Mark Enright 75
7 (14) 345 I AM THUNDER (14)(B*) M O’Callaghan 3 9 7..................Leigh Roche 77
12 0P-0 PINO BOY (16)(P,T) Mrs A Mooney 6 10 13.............................K J Brouder 88
13 030- MIG DES TAILLONS (145)(H,T) Patrick Turley 5 11 11...............RESERVE 95
Carrytheone 5.55 Frank Arthur 8 (11) 4203 KING OF STARS (18) J P O’Brien 3 9 7...........................Shane Crosse 81
GOING: GOOD 14 006- DESSIE DESCHAMPS (140)(T) G Elliott 7 11 5...........................RESERVE 97 9 (2) 0-60 LINUS LARRABEE (43) E Lynam 3 9 7.................................... Oisin Orr 69


15 00-0 ALTERNO (25)(CD2,S) D McDonogh 8 11 9.................................RESERVE 88
Star Betting: 3 Gone Racing, 4 Deauville Society, 5 Balinaboola Steel, GOING: good to yielding-yielding in places 10 (15) 4 MUDAWY (14) Kevin Prendergast 3 9 7.................................C D Hayes 70
11 (17) 50-0 BLUE UMBRELLA (47) Miss S J Harty 3 9 2.......................... R Colgan 55
11-2 Gotta Getaway, 8 Willyouwalkwithme, 10 others. 12 (9) 0322 CALL OF THE JUNGLE (14)(V) W McCreery 3 9 2.......... N Crosse (5) 80
JACKPOT AND PLACEPOT FirST SIX RACES 13 (5) 60 MISS FLORENTINE (14) Ross O’Sullivan 3 9 2...........Mark Gallagher 56
2.20 (9 flights) 2m 3f (7 runners)
2019: Effernock Lad 10 11 10, M P Flanagan(7) 9-2 (G Keane), 11 ran.
STARFORM: DEAUVILLE SOCIETY Danger: Myladyrose 14 (13) 00 NICE CHILD TWO (14)(P) Kieran P Cotter 3 9 2.......... A Farragher (7) 41
1 032 WHAT WONDERS WEAVE (18) J J Hanlon 6 11 9...................B J Cooper ★118
4.05 MARES HANDICAP HURDLE 2.00 2YO 7f (11 runners) €8,390
15 (12) PASSAGGI Seamus G O’Donnell 3 9 2.........................J M Sheridan (5) —
16 (3) L SASSY DANCER (62) W J Martin 3 9 2.........................Willie Byrne (7) 25
17 (7) L0 SHE’S IN THE GAME (15) W T Farrell 3 9 2.................... Ben Coen (3) 64
2 -323 ESCORT’NAMIX (15)(BF)(T) G Elliott 7 11 1........................S O’Keeffe (5) 114 (10 flights) 2m 6f (10 runners) €5,593 18 (16) -354 TAGGALO (18)(BF)(B*) J P Murtagh 3 9 2................................ C Hoban ★84
1 (4) 0 BATON ROUGE (62) A P O’Brien 9 7.............................E J McNamara 62 Star Betting: 4 Call Of The Jungle, 9-2 King Of Stars, 5 Mudawy,
3 256- JELONA (239) Mrs J Harrington 5 11 1......................................R M Power — 1 -213 DIME A DOZEN (10)(G) J J Hanlon 6 11 12..............................B J Cooper 118 2 (9) L CAESIERE (16)(P*) Matthew J Smith 9 7................................. R Colgan —
4 3F0- RHYTHM DIVINE (150) T Gibney 6 11 1.................................D J O’Keeffe 117 Taggalo, 6 I Am Thunder, Boundless Power, 10 others.
2 42-0 AASLEAGH DAWN (30)(C,D,G) G Cromwell 7 11 9........ Jonathan Moore 91 3 (8) 33 COLOUR SERGEANT (22) G M Lyons 9 7.........................Gary Carroll ★89 2019: Hiella 3 9 0, Shane Foley 5-1 (J P Murtagh), drawn (11), 14 ran.
5 00- SAMANTHA SUNSHINE (243) P J Rothwell 6 11 1..................R Doyle (3) — 3 6/61 KILGANER QUEEN (18)(D,G,S)(T) T Cleary 10 11 2.............R Blackmore 124 4 (3) ESTEEM Donnacha O’Brien 9 7.........................................Shane Crosse —
6 MISS MONEYBAGS (F61) L Lennon 4 10 13................C P McNamara (5) — STARFORM: MUDAWY Danger: King Of Stars
4 15-P FINDING JOY (17)(CD,G) M Hourigan 6 11 1..............................T Ryan (5) 121 5 (10) 6 IOWA (42) A P O’Brien 9 7....................................................W M Lordan 71

4.50 TRM HANDICAP (45-70)

7 TWIN BRIDGES L Lennon 4 10 13................................................A W Short — 5 L-60 PAT’S PEARL (15)(G)(P,T) J McConnell 9 10 7....................... R Treacy (3) 115 6 (6) NEW TREASURE J S Bolger 9 7.....................................Kevin Manning —
Star Betting: 10-11 Rhythm Divine, 11-4 What Wonders Weave, 6 F4P- CASTLE CANNY (239) B Hamilton 6 10 6........................ C A Landers (5) ★125 7 (7) 40 NOBLE SEAL (29)(BF)(P*) Mrs J Harrington 9 7.........................S Foley 74
4 Escort’namix, 15-2 Jelona, 50 Twin Bridges, 100 others. 7 343- MRS DAVIES (148)(BF) G Elliott 6 10 1................................S O’Keeffe (5) 113 8 (11) TASHGHEEL D K Weld 9 7......................................................... Oisin Orr — 5f (21 runners) €5,085
2019: Star Adventure 5 11 5, Sean Flanagan 3-1 (N Meade), 9 ran. 8 06-3 BRACKA LILY (22)(CD) N C Kelly 8 9 12..................................D E Mullins 122 9 (5) THUNDER MOON J P O’Brien 9 7..................................... D McDonogh —
STARFORM: WHAT WONDERS WEAVE Danger: 9 U0-3 LIGHTHOUSE ROSE (25) M McNiff 5 9 12............................... P T Enright 121 10 (2) TIGNANELLO A P O’Brien 9 7.............................................. M C Hussey — 1 (16) -000 AURORA ECLIPSE (14)(D)(B) K Coleman 5 10 2....B P Kennedy (10) 62
Escort’namix 10 -055 CAERLEON KATE (16)(CD,S)(B) C A McBratney 8 9 12... D Johnston (7) 114 11 (1) 00 CREATIVE MOJO (21) A Oliver 9 2............................................ W J Lee 62 2 (4) 1000 LIGHTNING CHARLIE (14)(A,G)(E) J Feane 8 10 2..... A Farragher (7) 71
LONG HANDICAP: Lighthouse Rose 9-10, Caerleon Kate 9-4. Star Betting: 5-2 Colour Sergeant, 7-2 Iowa, 4 Noble Seal, 13-2 3 (1) 4545 DASH D’OR (14)(D3,A,G,S) Kieran P Cotter 7 10 1.......... S B Kelly (3) 72


(9 flights) 2m 3f (13 runners) €8,136
Star Betting: 5-4 Dime A Dozen, 5 Kilganer Queen, 6 Mrs Davies,
8 Bracka Lily, 10 Aasleagh Dawn, Lighthouse Rose, 14 others.
2019: Bracka Lily 7 9 12, Danny Mullins 7-2 (N C Kelly), 7 ran.
Tignanello, 8 Tashgheel, 10 New Treasure, Esteem, 12 others.
2019: Lady Jane Wilde 9 0, N G McCullagh 66-1 (A A Howard),
drawn (16), 19 ran.
4 (2) 5150 PLOUGH BOY (21)(C,D4,A,G)(T) G Donnelly 9 10 1...D McMonagle (7) 69
5 (12) -406 SUNSET NOVA (35)(G)(B) Andrew Slattery 4 10 1....... A J Slattery (3) 66
6 (19) 2630 GLOW WORM (13)(V*) Jack W Davison 3 9 11........Vanessa Maye (7) 70
7 (11) 4000 MOGWLI (15)(G)(B) W McCreery 3 9 10..................................... W J Lee 70
STARFORM: TASHGHEEL Danger: Colour Sergeant
1 50-0 PAKENS ROCK (10)(G,S)(T) B T Murphy 7 11 12............ C A Landers (5) 141 STARFORM Kilganer Queen 18-1 (11-4) Mid-division on 8 (15) -340 BAHLWAN (14)(D2,G)(T) Denis Hogan 5 9 9..............J M Sheridan (5) 70


2 1L-0 CONSTRUCT (36)(CD,G)(P*,T) J McConnell 5 11 7..........S D Torrens (7) 100 outer, 5th halfway, closer 4 out and went 2nd 9 (3) -034 TY ROCK BRANDY (18)(D5,A) Miss N Lupini 5 9 7...................S Foley 70
3 20-5 LEVER DU SOLEIL (30)(G) G Cromwell 5 11 4............... Jonathan Moore 124 next, led after 2 out, pushed along and asserted approaching last, 10 (5) 4-L3 SNOW PATCH (21)(D,A) D Bunyan 5 9 5.................Nathan Crosse (5) 67
4 40-1 RASIYM (23)(G) E J O’Grady 5 11 3............................................P Townend 140 kept on well run-in, won at Ballinrobe 2m 6f mrs hcp hdl in Jul 2YO 6f (7 runners) €7,881 11 (13) 3303 TEDDY BOY (6)(BF,D) E Lynam 5 9 3.....................................C D Hayes 66
5 L00- THE KING OF BREGA (F267)(C,G)(P) H De Bromhead 13 11 3 beating Silver Planeur (11-1) by 2 1/2l, 14 ran. 12 (6) 0-01 HELL LEFT LOOSE (6) Denis Hogan 4 9 1..............................J J Doyle 73
Dylan Robinson (3) 138 Mrs Davies 6-4fav (11-7) Hdwy 10; no ex 2 out, 3rd of 11, 11l 1 (6) 445 PROCELLARUM (14) Donnacha O’Brien 9 12....................W M Lordan 71 13 (8) /00- BORN INVINCIBLE (366)(T) G O’Leary 4 8 13............D N Curran (10) 60
6 2-33 VICTORIA BAY (10)(CD,G,S) C Bowe 7 11 0............................R Doyle (3) 143 2 (7) 426 TAR HEEL (36) J P O’Brien 9 12........................................ D McDonogh 72 14 (14) -0L3 CACTUS TREE (6) M C Grassick 4 8 12.................................. R Colgan 63
behind Scattercash (10-3) at Quantock Hunt 2m 4f ptp in Mar. 3 (3) 14 DACESA (16)(G) Mrs J Harrington 9 11........................................S Foley 70
7 6-40 CAUSEY ARCH (11)(G,S)(T*) C A McBratney 7 10 13................A W Short 137 Dime A Dozen 9-5 (10-10) Prominent, hit 5th and lost position 15 (20) -000 HEE HAW (18)(D,A,G,S)(T) Mrs J Cashin 6 8 12................W M Lordan 73
8 1F-3 HUMM BABY (16)(G,S) M Hourigan 8 10 12.................C P McNamara (5) 141 4 (4) 040 TAMMANY HALL (18)(T*) Charles O’Brien 9 5.......................... W J Lee 74 16 (18) 0-00 SUN AND SCENT (18) Barry J Fitzgerald 3 8 11............... Rory Cleary 63
and chased leaders after, impeded 6th, kept on without 5 (2) 630 DRESS KODE (23) G M Lyons 9 4............................... Sam Ewing (10) 69 17 (10) -454 ALL ABOUT IVY (16)(B*) K J Condon 3 8 10............... M P Sheehy (7) 70
9 505- DOLLYS DESTINATION (F13)(G) Gary McGill 7 10 11..............C J Orr (5) 131 threatening inside final furlong to press for 2nd near finish, 3rd of
10 0-61 SOLDIERS HILL (25)(C,G)(B,T) G Elliott 5 10 11.................S O’Keeffe (5) ★144 6 (5) 500 LUNAR SPACE (6) J S Bolger 9 3...................................Kevin Manning ★78 18 (17) 00L2 MISTERIO (16) J P Murtagh 3 8 10...........................Danny Sheehy (5) 76
11 R-12 KING PELLINOR (F12)(B,T) J P O’Brien 4 10 10.......................M P Walsh 135
7, 10l behind Polished Steel (11-3) at Galway 2m 2f nov chs (1) sft 7 (1) 003 REVOLUTME (35) J P Murtagh 9 3...........................Danny Sheehy (5) 72 19 (9) -430 ANYTHINGYOUWANTOBE (51) W P Browne 4 8 11..............RESERVE 72
12 -132 POLITICISE (10)(P) A McGuinness 4 10 9..............................D J O’Keeffe 134 in Jul. Star Betting: 3 Tar Heel, 4 Revolutme, Procellarum, 9-2 Dress Kode, 20 (7) 3024 MAGGIE THUNDER (6)(BF)(P) P J Hassett 4 8 8...................RESERVE 69
13 4-00 ICE COLD SOUL (10)(G,S)(P) N Meade 10 10 11........................RESERVE 114 Bracka Lily 9-1 (11-1) In rear, headway into 7th 3 out, ridden in 5 Dacesa, 10 Lunar Space, Tammany Hall. 21 (21) 560- REALTIN FANTASY (284) W P Browne 4 8 6..........................RESERVE ★78
Star Betting: 7-2 King Pellinor, 5 Politicise, 7 Rasiym, 15-2 Victoria 3rd before 2 out, kept on same pace, 3rd of 12, 4l behind Elegant STARFORM: DACESA Danger: Tar Heel LONG HANDICAP: Realtin Fantasy 8-5.
Dan (12-0) at Tramore 2m 5f hcp hdl 80-95 in Jul.
KEENELAND PHOENIX STAKES (GROUP 1) Star Betting: 5 Teddy Boy, 6 Snow Patch, 13-2 Misterio, 7 Ty Rock
Bay, Lever Du Soleil, 10 Soldiers Hill, Humm Baby, 12 others.
2019: Darver Star 7 10 9, Jonathan Moore 5-1 (G Cromwell), 8 ran. STARFORM: KILGANER QUEEN Danger: Mrs Davies Brandy, Hell Left Loose, 8 Dash D’Or, 10 All About Ivy, 12 others.
Class 1 2YO 6f (10 runners) €101,695 2019: No corresponding race.
STARFORM Soldiers Hill 7-2 (12-0) Tracked leaders, 5th
halfway, progress to 2nd travelling well 2 out, 4.40 (10 flights) 2m 6f (12 runners) 1 (5) 104 ADMIRAL NELSON (10)(C,G) A P O’Brien 9 5..............E J McNamara 101
STARFORM: MOGWLI Danger: Teddy Boy
led before last, kept on well under hands and heels, very easily,
won at Downpatrick 2m 6f mdn hdl gd in Jul beating Knot On Time
(11-1) by 6l, 12 ran.
1 0-32 DAKOTA BEAT (30)(BF,S)(T) G Cromwell 5 12 0............ Jonathan Moore 115

2 15P- BABYSEAN (172)(S) Caroline Mccaldin 7 11 6............................ J J Slevin 75

2 (8) 2511 GIORGIO VASARI (6)(D,G)(B) A P O’Brien 9 5................... M C Hussey 96
3 (10) 011 LAWS OF INDICES (22)(CD,D,S) K J Condon 9 5................... W J Lee 108
4 (9) 12 LUCKY VEGA (22)(D,G) Mrs J Harrington 9 5.............................S Foley 107
1m (20 runners) €6,102
Rasiym 3-1 (12-0) Mid-division early, waited with, closed up to 3 25-4 CITY LIMITS (27) J Nash 6 11 6...............................................K J Brouder 113 5 (2) 2 ST MARK’S BASILICA (14)(BF) A P O’Brien 9 5...............W M Lordan 84 1 (19) 2-43 MIDNIGHT SUNSHINE (20) D K Weld 4 9 9............................ Oisin Orr 76
4 3-44 GOLDEN NOMAD (23)(BF,G)(T) G Elliott 6 11 6.......................R M Power 117 6 (4) 11 STEEL BULL (11)(G) M O’Callaghan 9 5...........................Leigh Roche 107 2 (2) 00 FEARLESS GIRL (9) John Murphy 3 9 2.................................. R Colgan 68
be prominent travelling smoothly approaching straight, led 7 (3) 112 THE LIR JET (21)(G,S) M Bell (UK) 9 5.................................... Oisin Orr 109 3 (9) INCIDENTAL(T*) G M Lyons 3 9 2........................................Gary Carroll —
approaching last, soon went on, pushed out and stayed on well 5 0-02 KNOT ON TIME (25)(H) Paul Nolan 5 11 6...........................S O’Keeffe (5) ★121
6 4P-5 TOMMY KILN (25) Neil McKnight 5 11 6.....................................A W Short 99 8 (7) 6151 VENTURA TORMENTA (21)(D2,G,S) R Hannon (UK) 9 5.... D McDonogh ★110 4 (16) 40-0 KATIE BO KAT (15) Mrs J Harrington 3 9 2............................. C Hoban 68
run-in, won at Kilbeggan 2m hcp hdl 80-116 in Jul beating 7 P44- IT’S ALL GUCCI (183) Gary McGill 4 11 3......................... Mr O McGill (7) 102 9 (1) 0311 ALOHA STAR (21)(CD) J A Stack 9 2.....................................C D Hayes 107 5 (17) 002 LADY ANNER (15)(P) Mrs J Harrington 3 9 2..............................S Foley 87
Moonball (11-4) by 4l, 10 ran. 8 6L ORCHARD GROVE (22) J J Hanlon 4 11 3................Gearoid Brouder (7) 75 10 (6) 51 BUBBLES ON ICE (27) J A Stack 9 2......................................R Whelan 84 6 (4) LAUNCH HER P McCreery 3 9 2................................Danny Sheehy (5) —
King Pellinor 3-1 (11-9) Soon disputed lead, led from 2nd, 9 GET AWAY ON R K Watson 5 10 13.................................. P J O’Hanlon (7) — Star Betting: 9-4 Steel Bull, 7-2 The Lir Jet, 5 Ventura Tormenta, 7 (12) L6 MARTHA’S VINEYARD (20) John Murphy 3 9 2.........J M Sheridan (5) 51
joined 4th, regained lead after next, slight mistake 3 out, joined 2 10 L-50 IT TAKES TIME (8)(P*) Kevin Smith 6 10 13..............................C J Orr (5) 94 7 St Mark’s Basilica, 8 Lucky Vega, Admiral Nelson, 10 others. 8 (7) 00 MUST BE DREAMING (13) M J Tynan 3 9 2................ P A Harnett (7) 52
11 43-0 SCARLET REBEL (25) Caroline Mccaldin 5 10 13....................E Walsh (7) 64 2019: Siskin 9 3, C Keane 10-11 Fav (G M Lyons), drawn (2), 5 ran. 9 (3) 00 NAILED DOWN (9) Michael Mulvany 3 9 2................... A J Slattery (3) 58
out, narrowly headed last, every chance run-in and kept on 10 (20) 0 PINPOINTED (51) Kevin Prendergast 3 9 2...........................C D Hayes 50
without matching winner close home, 2nd of 8, 3/4l behind Laura 12 0-23 WILL YOU WIN (8)(T) O McKiernan 5 10 13.......................... B Browne (5) 107 STARFORM The Lir Jet (9-3) 2nd of 4, shd behind Ventura 11 (6) 00 PURE NATURE (9) A McGuinness 3 9 2............................Leigh Roche 66
Star Betting: 7-4 Dakota Beat, 7-2 Golden Nomad, 5 City Limits, Tormenta (9-3) at Chantilly(FR) 6f 2yo Grp 2 gs in Jul.
Bullion (10-9) at Bellewstown 2m 1f 4yo hdl gd in Jul. 6 Will You Win, 7 Knot On Time, 14 Tommy Kiln, 25 others. Ventura Tormenta (9-3) won at Chantilly(FR) 6f 2yo Grp 2 gs in 12 (11) ROSE TINTED SAND D K Weld 3 9 2.....................O McSweeney (10) —
STARFORM: SOLDIERS HILL Danger: Rasiym 2019: Summer Hill 6 11 4, Hugh Morgan(7) 13-8 (J P Ryan), 7 ran. Jul beating The Lir Jet (9-3) by shd, 4 ran. 13 (1) 0443 SAGRADA FAMILIA (15)(T) J P O’Brien 3 9 2.................. D McDonogh 82
STARFORM: DAKOTA BEAT Danger: Golden Nomad 14 (13) 04 SHIZAAM (15) P O’Callaghan 3 9 2..............................C D Maxwell (3) 76
Steel Bull 2-1fav (9-1) Held up in touch, headway approaching 15 (18) 0-02 SINDHIA (23) M Halford 3 9 2...................................................R Whelan 75
Racing was HANDICAP CHASE (0-109) final furlong, ridden to lead inside final furlong, ran on, won at
Adult ChAt line ★ abandoned 5.15 (15 fences) 2m 7f 110yds (8 runners) €5,593
Goodwood 5f 2yo Grp 3 (1) gd in Jul beating Ben Macdui (9-1) by
3/4l, 10 ran.
16 (8) 0522 SO WONDERFUL (6)(BF)(B) A P O’Brien 3 9 2..................W M Lordan ★97
17 (10) 05- SOUTH FOREST (261)(V) W McCreery 3 9 2............................ W J Lee 61
18 (14) -302 ZOFAR ZOGOOD (9)(T) J P O’Brien 3 9 2........................Shane Crosse 85
after four races at 1
1111 THE TRIGGER (10)(D2,G) Ronan McNally 11 12 0....................M P Walsh ★111
St Mark’s Basilica 6-4fav (9-5) Slowly into stride and pushed
along early, raced in rear, progress into 4th 2f out, ridden in 3rd 1f
19 (5) L- MUSICAL MEMORIES (294) M C Grassick 3 9 2...................RESERVE 17
20 (15) 000- MACCLIFF (289) G Hussey 4 9 9.............................................RESERVE 44
Sligo yesterday due

4-53 CUSHINSTOWN FINEST (22)(G,S)(P) C Bowe 8 11 12.......J Gainford (7) 106
-606 DA BABA ELEPHANT (8)(D2,G)(T) R McNally 11 11 11.........D E Mullins 104 out, went 2nd and kept on well under hands and heels inside final Star Betting: 6-4 So Wonderful, 5 Sagrada Familia, Lady Anner, 13-2
Sindhia, 7 Zofar Zogood, 8 Incidental, 10 Midnight Sunshine, 14 others.
to safety concerns. 4
25-0 PEGASE AMOUR (25) L Lennon 9 11 11............................K M Donoghue 106 furlong, 2nd of 9, 2 1/4l behind Coill Avon (9-5) at Curragh 6f 2yo
mdn in Jul. STARFORM: SO WONDERFUL Danger: Midnight Sunshine
020- MONSIEUR BAGOT (324)(BF)(T) G Cromwell 8 11 0..... Jonathan Moore —
While the first
000- MLILY (138)(P) Patrick Rooney 7 10 11........................... L A McKenna (7) — Admiral Nelson 6-1 (9-0) Restless in stalls, tracked leaders on
three races took

-163 MAUREEN’S STAR (8)(G) L Lennon 7 9 12...................C P McNamara (5) 107
L-L0 SHANKLYS DAWN (8)(C,D,G,S)(P,T) P J Rothwell 9 9 12..........A W Short 77
rail, pushed along over 2f out, hung right and unable to quicken
from 2f out, no impression final furlong, 4th of 7, 6l behind 1m (17 runners) €7,881
place without LONG HANDICAP: Shanklys Dawn 9-5. Supremacy (9-0) at Goodwood 6f 2yo Grp 2 (1) gd in Jul. Lucky 1 (14) -L00 SETTLE FOR BAY (28)(D5,A,G) D Marnane 6 10 0.....D O’Connor (3) 90
Star Betting: 11-8 The Trigger, 10-3 Maureen’s Star, 5 Cushinstown STARFORM: THE LIR JET Danger: Ventura Tormenta
incident, there was Finest, 6 Da Baba Elephant, 8 Monsieur Bagot, 20 others.
2 (2) 421 CARRYTHEONE (30)(CD) J P Murtagh 3 9 10.................. S B Kelly (3) 79

3.40 PHOENIX SPRINT STAKES (GROUP 3) 3 (11) -000 TRADING POINT (12)(D3,A,G) D English 6 9 9............Kevin Manning 98
drama in the Kevin 2019: No corresponding race.
STARFORM: THE TRIGGER Danger: Monsieur Bagot
4 (15) -110 PROTAGONIST (37)(BF,G) Mrs J Harrington 3 9 6.....................S Foley 89
Egan Cars Class 1 6f (10 runners) €25,424 5 (16) -1L6 SO SUAVE (21)(D,A,G) J P Murtagh 3 9 6........................ Ben Coen (3) 92

5.45 RANDOX HEALTH BEGINNERS CHASE 6 (5) L-55 SKY SEVEN (24)(D,A)(P) M Halford 4 9 5................................R Whelan ★99
Handicap, with (14 fences) 2m 3f (11 runners) €5,593
1 (6) 2511 SPEAK IN COLOURS (35)(CD4,D2,G,S)(T) J P O’Brien 5 10 0
Shane Crosse 109
7 (8) 3-10 STRONGBOWE (24)(BF,G)(T*) P Twomey 4 9 5........................ W J Lee 92
8 (6) 2-1L HIGHTIMEYOUWON (8)(G)(V*) D K Weld 4 9 4....................... Oisin Orr 88
Ideal Pal stumbling 2 (2) 3335 BUFFER ZONE (22)(CD2,D2,A,G) G M Lyons 5 9 9.........Gary Carroll 111 9 (1) 4230 MYTHOLOGIC (12)(D,A) Donnacha O’Brien 3 9 3.............W M Lordan 93
1 000/ AS THE CROW FLIES (490) S McParlan 9 12 0..........Mr N McParlan (5) — 3 (5) 0121 GLEN SHIEL (7)(D2,A) Archie Watson (UK) 6 9 9................... Oisin Orr 114
and unseating 2 -4U2 ASHTON COURT (8)(BF) J J Hanlon 6 12 0............... Rachael Blackmore — 4 (10) 0420 GULLIVER (8)(D5,A,G,S)(P,T) D O’Meara (UK) 6 9 9..............R Whelan 113
10 (3) 2150 GEE REX (25)(BF,CD,G) J P O’Brien 4 9 2....................... D McDonogh 97
11 (7) 2050 FLAMING MOON (7)(S) Matthew J Smith 3 9 0....................... R Colgan 92
Donagh O’Connor 3 000- BACK TO BATAAN (169)(S) Mervyn Torrens 8 12 0..........S D Torrens (7) 75
4 P-0L DOYLER’S MATE (25) L Lennon 5 12 0................................. B Browne (5) —
5 (8) -620 FOREVER IN DREAMS (18)(BF,D2,G,S)(P) A Fogarty 4 9 6
W M Lordan 115
12 (10) -212 FRANK ARTHUR (21) G M Lyons 3 8 12............................Gary Carroll 93
13 (9) -030 IMPOSING SUPREME (9)(D,G) T Gibney 4 8 11.......... A Farragher (7) 95
during the race – 5 5-3L FALLEN FOREST (17)(P) William Durkan 5 12 0.................... J B Kane (5) — 6 (4) 5-12 JUNGLE JANE (42)(A) W McCreery 4 9 6.........................Leigh Roche 101 14 (17) -206 KHAFAAQ (13)(D,A) Andrew Slattery 5 8 9................... A J Slattery (3) 97
6 0P-0 MIRACLE IN MEDINAH (8)(B) G Elliott 9 12 0........................ J McGarvey 86 7 (3) 1-11 SONAIYLA (21)(CD,C,D,G)(T,V) P Twomey 4 9 6...................... W J Lee 114
and three other 7 -040 RUINOUS (9)(T) G Cromwell 5 12 0................................... Jonathan Moore — 8 (7) 0521 MILLISLE (18)(C,D2,G,S) Mrs J Harrington 3 9 5.......................S Foley ★116
15 (12) 10-0 ELITE LEGION (13)(S) Mrs J Harrington 3 8 8......................... C Hoban 88
16 (13) L0-0 MCCABE (21) J S Bolger 3 8 6............................................ Rory Cleary 87
horses coming to 8 206- THE ABBEY (F20) G Elliott 7 12 0.......................................K M Donoghue —
9 -L0B TOAST TO THOMAS (9)(T) P Griffin 6 12 0.................................A W Short ★91
9 (1) -L26 BACK TO BRUSSELS (18) J A Stack 3 9 2...........................C D Hayes 103
10 (9) -06L SCHRODERS MISTAKE (28)(D) K J Condon 3 9 2.........Mark Enright 94
17 (4) 1604 SILVERTOWN (8) A Oliver 3 8 6..............................................C D Hayes 88
LONG HANDICAP: Mccabe 8-5, Silvertown 8-4.
grief after the line 10 63-6 WHATSYOURSTATUS (8)(T) G O’Loughlin 7 12 0........C P McNamara (5) — Star Betting: 6-4 Millisle, 5 Speak In Colours, 11-2 Sonaiyla, 13-2 Star Betting: 9-2 Frank Arthur, 5 Carrytheone, 8 Protagonist, 10 Sky
11 02L- RUBIANA (164) Caroline Mccaldin 7 11 7.................................... J J Slevin —
and on the same Star Betting: 5-2 Ruinous, 10-3 Miracle In Medinah, 5 The Abbey,
Glen Shiel, 8 Forever In Dreams, 12 Gulliver, Buffer Zone, 20 others.
2019: Gustavus Weston 3 9 3, G F Carroll 16-1 (Joseph G Murphy),
Seven, Imposing Supreme, 12 So Suave, Hightimeyouwon, 14 others.
2019: Solar Wave 4 9 10, Gavin Ryan(7) 16-1 (J S Bolger), drawn (5),
part of the track. 6 Whatsyourstatus, 7 Ashton Court, 8 Fallen Forest, 14 others.
drawn (5), 9 ran.
10 ran.

THE LIR JET and Ventura
Tormenta clash again in
useful performer. He
to ride The Lir Jet but
will now miss the ride

tomorrow’s Keeneland battled on bravely to deny following a fall at Sligo
Phoenix Stakes at the his rival by a short-head yesterday.
Curragh. last time – and David Oisin Orr will take the
LIVE 1-2-1 Qatar Racing’s Royal Redvers, racing manager reins. Molecomb winner

09097 400060
Ascot winner The Lir Jet for The Lir Jet’s owners, Steel Bull is also among
had the Richard Hannon- thinks it may be another the 10 runners.
Sexual entertainment svc 18+ Reserve the right to send promotional material
Calls cost 35p per min plus your phone companies access charge. trained colt six-and-a-half tight affair. The unbeaten sprinter
lengths behind in the “It’s a big race for our is Betfair’s 9-4 favourite,
Calls recorded. Service supplied by Callme247 Ltd Help/Optout 01618339558

Norfolk Stakes but the horse and it looks ahead of The Lir Jet on
score was levelled in last competitive,” he said. 7-2 and Ventura Tormenta
month’s Prix Robert “We are taking on at 5-1. St Mark’s Basilica
Papin. Ventura Tormenta again is 7-1 and the shortest
Ventura Tormenta was and there isn’t much price of Aidan O’Brien’s
making his debut at the
royal meeting and has
between them.”
Top apprentice Ben
three runners. He is the
race’s leading trainer with ■ JET POWER:
The Lir Jet
wins at Royal Ascot
quickly developed into a Cohen was booked 16 winners overall.
Saturday, August 8, 2020 9

number one FOR RACING

in association with

salisbury TOMORROW) ITV3: 1.40-3.25 WINDSOR (TOMORROW)

Class 6 1m (12 runners) £2,782
Minzaal 12.40 Minzaal (nap) Illykato 1.00 Mary Cassatt 1 (8) -060 THE STALKING MOON (20)(D,G,S)(P) M Usher 6 9 12..............R Tate 68

2.50 BRITISH EBF FILLIES’ HANDICAP 2 (4) 53L0 TANQEEB (23)(A)(P) I Williams 4 9 10............................... G Ashton (7) ★69
Kodiac Pride 1.10 Winklemann Under Curfew 1.30 Smokey 3 (11) -005 PLANSINA (9)(D4,A,G,S) A Wintle 5 9 8...................................L Morris 63
Happy Power 1.40 Lord Tennyson Class 3 1m (4 runners) £9,962 Genuflex (nb) 2.05 Star Cactus 4 (6) 00-5 DREAMING OF PARIS (54)(BF,D,A)(P) P Chamings 6 9 7.....D Muscutt 66
5 (12) 0-26 ZEST OF ZAMBIA (14) D Burchell 4 9 5.................................W Carson 65
Tone The Barone 2.15 Poets Dance 1 (4) 2-23 SALAYEL (33)(BF)(H) R Varian 4 10 0.....................................J Mitchell ★97 Master Rocco 2.40 Folie D’amour 6 (1) L413 AIR OF YORK (18)(C,D,A,F,G,S)(P) G Harris 8 9 4...... Tyler Heard (7) 64
2 (1) 0640 SEPARATE (12)(G)(B) R Hannon 3 9 4.................................. S M Levey 94 7 (2) L-63 VALLETTA SUNSET (23) Miss J Feilden 3 9 2......................C Bennett 65
One Small Step 2.50 One Small Step (nb) 3 (2) 3213 INDIE ANGEL (15)(BF,D,A,G)(P) J Gosden 3 8 12..................R Havlin 96 Don’t Cry About It 3.15 Tanqeeb 8 (7) 00-0 SPRINGVALE LAD (209) M Loughnane 3 9 0....................... O Murphy 60
Bless Him 3.25 Duke Of Hazzard 4 (3) 21 ONE SMALL STEP (25)(G) B Meehan 3 8 10........................J Crowley 88 Royal Appointment 3.50 Ice Station Zebra 9 (9) 0336 MRS BENSON (25) M Blanshard 5 8 13.................................. R Hornby 67
Star Betting: Evens Salayel, 9-4 Indie Angel, 9-2 One Small Step, 10 (3) U256 RODNEY LE ROC (44) J Best 3 8 12........................................ B Curtis 63
Anglo Saxson 4.00 Cloud Drift 10 Separate. First Winter 4.20 Soghan 11 (5) 4L-3 DON’T CRY ABOUT IT (47)(B,T) Ali Stronge 5 8 12........ T Marquand 52
Awesomedude 4.30 Jack D’Or 2019: No corresponding race. Grinling (nap) 4.55 Labeebb 12 (10) L0-L BARBOUKHA (32) L Dace 3 8 5.............................................. J Haynes 35
LONG HANDICAP: Don’t Cry About It 8-11.
By Jove 5.05 Master Milliner STARFORM Salayel 5-2fav (9-0) Held up, ridden and head-
way approaching final furlong, no impression Chosen Star 5.30 Uganda Heights Star Betting: 7-2 Air Of York, 6 Zest Of Zambia, 7 Rodney Le Roc,
inside final furlong, 3rd of 9, 2l behind Romola (9-0) at Pontefract Mrs Benson, 8 Plansina, Dreaming Of Paris, 10 others.
BRITISH EBF NOVICE STAKES 1m fll lst stks (1) gd in Jul.
GOING: good to firm
12.40 Separate 33-1 (9-6) Held up in rear, never on terms, 8th of 12,
About It
Class 5 2YO 6f (10 runners)
1 (3) 1 NEVER SAY WHEN (47)(D,A) Sir M Stoute 9 9.................R Kingscote 80
£4,140 4l behind Tomorrow’s Dream (8-9) at Goodwood 1m flls hcp 0-95
(3) gd in Jul.
Indie Angel 5-2fav (9-1) Steadied start, in touch in rear, wide
Class 5 5f (6 runners) £3,493
2 (6) GOSNAY GOLD W Muir 9 2.................................................K Shoemark — and headway over 2f out, ridden over 1f out, stayed on to go 3rd
3 (8) GRAND SCHEME R Hannon 9 2..........................................Rossa Ryan — 1 (3) NO MORE PROMISES Frank Bishop 4 9 8.............................W Carson —
4 (2) 00 HEADSHOT (22) R Hannon 9 2..................................................... J Fahy 68 towards finish, 3rd of 7, 3l behind Pretty In Grey (8-10) at Class 5 2YO 6f (12 runners) £4,140 2 (4) 22 ROYAL APPOINTMENT (30)(P*) R Cowell 3 9 5.....................L Morris ★78
5 (1) MARLAY PARK R Hannon 9 2...........................T Hammer Hansen (3) — Newmarket 7f flls hcp 0-95 (3) gf in Jul. 3 (6) 3243 VITARE (16)(BF) M Channon 3 9 5......................................... O Murphy 75
6 (7) 4 MINZAAL (15) Owen Burrows 9 2...........................................J Crowley ★85 One Small Step 5-4fav (9-0) Prominent centre, led over 2f out, 1 (10) COUSINS JOY W Jarvis 9 0..............................................T Greatrex (3) — 4 (2) 0-45 FINAL DEAL (46) M Usher 3 9 0............................... Isobel Francis (7) 63
7 (5) ROUND SIX A Balding 9 2....................................................... D Probert — ridden and ran on, won at Yarmouth 7f fll mdn auc stks (5) gf in 2 (2) ENOUGHISGOODENOUGH R Hannon 9 0.............................. R Hornby — 5 (1) ICE STATION ZEBRA R Beckett 3 9 0.................................... R Hornby —
8 (10) VITALLINE B Millman 9 2...........................................................C Bishop — Jul beating Aspiration (9-0) by 2 1/4l, 15 ran. 3 (3) FIVE STONES D Ivory 9 0...................................................... G Downing — 6 (5) L650 KYLLA LOOKS (12) Mike Murphy 3 9 0................................ D Muscutt 77
9 (9) 00 YUAN PRINCE (32) C Cox 9 2.................................................H Crouch 63 STARFORM: SALAYEL Danger: Separate 4 (1) 5 FLIRTY RASCAL (19) Tom Ward 9 0................................ James Doyle 77 Star Betting: 6-4 Vitare, 7-4 Royal Appointment, 3 Ice Station Zebra,
5 (5) 2 ILLYKATO (9) M Channon 9 0.................................................... B Curtis ★86 20 Final Deal, 25 Kylla Looks, 33 No More Promises.


10 (4) FASHION R Hannon 8 11......................................................... S M Levey —
Star Betting: 13-8 Minzaal, 3 Never Say When, 7 Fashion, 8 Round 6 (9) 0 ISLA VISTA (22) Sir M Stoute 9 0........................................... O Murphy 73 2019: No corresponding race.
7 (4) KINZ J Spearing 9 0.........................................................................R Tate — STARFORM: ROYAL APPOINTMENT Danger: Vitare
Six, 10 Grand Scheme, 16 Marlay Park, Yuan Prince, 20 others. Class 1 1m (8 runners) £20,983 8 (11) 0 LUXY LOU (15) R Hannon 9 0...............................................S Hitchcott 57
2019: Ascension 9 5, J Mitchell 13-8 Fav (R Varian), drawn (1), 11 ran.
STARFORM: MINZAAL Danger: Fashion 1 (2) 3-54 ACCIDENTAL AGENT (42)(D,A,G,S)(P) E J-Houghton 6 9 3.....C Bishop 118
2 (3) 56-L BEAT LE BON (29)(D,A,G) R Hannon 4 9 3......................... S M Levey 117
9 (12)
10 (6)
4 MARY CASSATT (16) W Haggas 9 0.................................. T Marquand 71
MAZAMINSKY(H*) Frank Bishop 9 0........................................K O’Neill — 4.20 FINAL FURLONG PODCAST HANDICAP
Class 3 1m 2f (5 runners) £6,728
1.10 3 (5) -006 BLESS HIM (9)(D4,A,F,G)(H) D M Simcock 6 9 3..............C Shepherd 117 11 (8) L MUSICAL GODDESS (8) A Carroll 9 0.......................................B Doyle —
4 (8) -032 DUKE OF HAZZARD (12)(D4,G,S)(B,T) P & O Cole 4 9 3... D Probert 122 12 (7) 0 TIPOFTHETONGUE (19) C Cox 9 0..........................................L Keniry 46 1 (4) 131- VICTORY CHIME (349)(D5,A,G,S) R Beckett 5 10 0............ R Hornby 91
Class 5 7f (14 runners) £3,493 5 (1) 1300 MARIE’S DIAMOND (12)(D2,G,S) M Johnston 4 9 3........ S De Sousa 121 Star Betting: 6-4 Illykato, 4 Enoughisgoodenough, 5 Isla Vista, 11-2 2 (5) 5/1- SOGHAN (568)(A)(T) R Hughes 6 9 13....................................S W Kelly —
6 (7) 6-11 MOTAKHAYYEL (29)(D2,A,G,S) R Hannon 4 9 3..................J Crowley 123 Mary Cassatt, 8 Flirty Rascal, 16 Luxy Lou, 25 others. 3 (2) 1112 LUCKY’S DREAM (158)(D7,A,G) I Williams 5 9 9..................M Dwyer 92
1 (4) -L01 KODIAC PRIDE (5)(D2,A,S) M Prescott 4 10 5(5ex).......K Ingolfsland ★79 2019: No corresponding race. 4 (3) -421 FIRST WINTER (27)(CD,G)(P) C Appleby 3 9 2.............. James Doyle 88
2 (11) 6414 IN THE COVE (23)(BF,D3,A,S)(B) R Hannon 4 10 0......... L Catton (7) 72 7 (4) -365 REGAL REALITY (15)(D,G,S)(V*) Sir M Stoute 5 9 3.......R Kingscote ★125
3 (12) 4-L0 RAGSTONE VIEW (21)(D,G,S) B Millman 5 10 0......Charlie Price (3) 70 8 (6) 6-46 POSITIVE (21)(C,G)(B*) C Cox 3 8 10.....................................H Crouch 116 STARFORM Illykato 25-1 (9-0) Chased leaders, pushed 5 (1) 5332 BARYSHNIKOV (9) T D Barron 4 9 1.................................. T Marquand ★93
Star Betting: 9-4 Positive, 11-4 Motakhayyel, 4 Duke Of Hazzard, along 2f out, switched right to challenge 1f out, Star Betting: 5-4 First Winter, 4 Baryshnikov, Victory Chime,
4 (2) 43L0 JUANITO CHICO (17)(D3,A,G)(P) M Attwater 6 10 0....R Clutterbuck (7) 73 kept on well, 2nd of 10, 1l behind Ventura Diamond (9-0) at 9-2 Lucky’s Dream, 12 Soghan.
5 (6) 2120 HUMAN NATURE (30)(D3,A,G,S)(T) S C Williams 7 9 13...M Ghiani (3) 72 7 Regal Reality, 10 Marie’s Diamond, 12 Accidental Agent, 16 others.
2019: Kick On 3 8 10, Oisin Murphy 9-2 (J Gosden), drawn (7), 6 ran. Goodwood 6f mdn flls stks (4) gf in Jul. 2019: Caradoc 4 9 13, Oisin Murphy 11-10 Fav (Ed Walker),
6 (7) 2L56 SIX STRINGS (9)(A,G) M Appleby 6 9 13.....................................T Ladd 76 drawn (5), 6 ran.
7 (9) -L42 BIOTIC (19)(C,D,A,G) B Millman 9 9 13............................. O Searle (7) 75 STARFORM Motakhayyel 5-1 (9-7) Close up, led going Isla Vista 6-1 (9-0) Held up and behind, never dangerous, 7th
8 (1) 101- WINKLEMANN (318)(D2,A,G)(P) J Flint 8 9 12...Imogen Mathias (7) 74 well 2f out, ridden out, won at Newmarket 7f of 14, 8l behind Fly Miss Helen (9-0) at Newbury 6f mdn flls stks STARFORM First Winter 4-7fav (9-2) Made virtually all,
hcap (2) gd in Jul beating Sir Busker (9-4) by 3/4l, 17 ran. (5) gd in Jul. ridden 2f out, clear over 1f out, stayed on
9 (14) 5035 ALFIE SOLOMONS (7)(A)(B) Mrs A Perrett 4 9 11................ D Keenan 70 strongly, unchallenged, won at Windsor 1m 2f nov mdn stks (5)
10 (5) 0031 BALTIC PRINCE (8)(D9,A,G) A Carroll 10 9 9..........E Whittington (5) 71 Duke Of Hazzard 5-1 (9-3) Close up, pushed along over 2f out, Enoughisgoodenough Dark Angel filly out of The Hermitage.
11 (8) 0403 RAINS OF CASTAMERE (10)(D,A) M Channon 3 9 3......... G Bass (7) 72 ridden to chase winner inside final furlong, stayed on, 2nd of 11, Mary Cassatt 8-1 (9-0) Tracked leaders, ridden over 2f out, gf in Jul beating Kimberley (8-11) by 4l, 12 ran.
12 (10) 0-10 BONUS (54)(BF,G) J Boyle 3 9 3................................................ C Fallon 70 2l behind Space Blues (9-3) at Goodwood 7f Grp 2 (1) gd in Jul. kept on same pace, 4th of 10, 7l behind Red Fascinator (9-0) at Victory Chime 2-1 (9-9) Made all, set steady pace, quickened
13 (3) 4366 ARAFI (19) R Hannon 3 9 1......................................T Hammer Hansen 70 Positive (8-11) 6th of 8, 6l behind Persian King (9-6) at Ripon 6f 2yo fll nov stks (5) gd in Jul. pace over 2f out, ridden entering final furlong, ran on, won at
14 (13) -6LL GIFTED DREAMER (9)(P) M Usher 3 8 3................ Rhiain Ingram (3) 49 Chantilly(FR) 1m 1f Grp 1 gs in Jul. STARFORM: ILLYKATO Danger: Isla Vista Epsom Downs 1m 2f hcp 0-90 (3) gd in Aug ‘19 beating Stealth
Star Betting: 15-8 Kodiac Pride, 5 In The Cove, 8 Human Nature, Fighter (9-7) by 1 3/4l, 4 ran.
Regal Reality 7-1 (9-6) Midfield, ridden over 3f out, lost place
Biotic, 12 Baltic Prince, 14 Winklemann, Bonus, 16 others. over 1f out, plugged on one pace, 5th of 7, 8l behind Aspetar Baryshnikov 4-1 (9-5) In rear, not clear run over 1f out,
2019: Another Boy 6 8 12, Charlotte Bennett(7) 12-1 (R Beckett), (9-6) at York 1m 2f Grp 2 (1) gd in Jul. Class 6 6f (13 runners) £2,782 switched right inside final furlong, ridden and ran on close home,
drawn (2), 10 ran.
Marie’s Diamond 9-1 (9-3) Led, ridden and headed approach- not quite reach winner, 2nd of 6, hd behind Highwaygrey (9-6) at
STARFORM: SIX STRINGS Danger: Human Nature 1 (8) 5114 GARTH ROCKETT (4)(D2,A,G)(P,T) Mike Murphy 6 9 11... D Muscutt 68 Pontefract 1m 2f Handicap (0-78) (3yo+) (4) gf in Jul.
ing final furlong, no extra, 7th of 11, 4 1/2l behind Space Blues 2 (1) 2242 UNDER CURFEW (44)(A) A Carroll 4 9 10......................... T Marquand 67 Lucky’s Dream 15-2 (8-3) Led, driven over 2f out, headed when
1.40 Class 2 7f (4 runners) £9,704
(9-3) at Goodwood 7f Grp 2 (1) gd in Jul.
3 (6) 4120 OUTER SPACE (8)(D,A,G)(P) J Flint 9 9 9..............................W Cox (3) 67
4 (11) -L00 STRAWBERRY HIND (22) M Channon 3 9 7.......................... R Hornby 48
ridden over 1f out, no chance with winner inside final furlong, 2nd
of 6, 2 3/4l behind Felix (9-0) at Kempton 1m 2f hcp 0-105 (2) pol

4.00 AJN STEELSTOCK CECILIA HALL HANDICAP 5 (12) 0330 BROUGHTON EXCELS (158)(D,A) S C Williams 5 9 6.......... H Turner 67 in Mar.
1 (4) -324 HAPPY POWER (23)(BF,D2,G,S) A Balding 4 9 5............. S De Sousa ★115 6 (7) L-LL IMPART (59)(D,A,G,S)(P) Mrs L Mongan 6 9 4.......................W Carson 40
Soghan 10-1 (8-10) Close up in rear, headway on inner over 1f
2 (1) 1200 LORD TENNYSON (29)(A) J Gosden 4 9 5...............................R Havlin 107 Class 4 3YO 1m (7 runners) £4,690 7 (2) -L00 GLAMOROUS CRESCENT (31)(G) C Mason 4 9 3...................J Quinn 71
out, led entering final furlong, ridden out, won at Lingfield 1m 4f
3 (2) L-05 TIP TWO WIN (22)(D2,G,S) R Teal 5 9 5............................... D Probert 109 8 (3) 0-L0 LADY MONICA (18)(D,S) J Holt 4 9 2.......................................L Keniry ★74
1 (6) -051 CLOUD DRIFT (23)(D2,G,S)(V) M Bell 9 9............................J Crowley 92 9 (10) 054 SMOKEY (48) C Wallis 3 8 13.................................................. O Murphy 63 hcap (2) pol in Jan ‘19 beating Primero (9-7) by nk, 6 ran.
4 (3) 0L-5 ANNA NERIUM (9)(C,D3,G,S) R Hannon 5 9 0.................... S M Levey 111 STARFORM: FIRST WINTER Danger: Victory Chime
Star Betting: 11-10 Happy Power, 3 Lord Tennyson, 4 Anna Nerium, 2 (4) -215 HOT SUMMER (14)(D,G) R Hannon 9 7............................... S M Levey 90 10 (4) 1226 COOL STRUTTER (7)(D,A,G)(P) J Spearing 8 8 13.....................R Tate 67


5 Tip Two Win. 3 (7) 421- ITKAANN (248)(D,A) Owen Burrows 9 6................................ D Probert 86 11 (5) 40-0 SANTORINI SAL (54) J Bridger 3 8 12...................................C Bennett 66
4 (2) -05L WORLD TITLE (27)(D2,G,S)(P*) Archie Watson 9 6.........K Shoemark ★93 12 (9) 0-63 TIGERINMYTANK (26) J Holt 4 8 10.........................................L Morris 64
STARFORM Tip Two Win 50-1 (9-7) Raced towards near 5 (3) -530 SWORD BEACH (32)(D,S)(P) Eve J-Houghton 9 5.............G Dobie (5) 91 13 (13) 0432 PORTO FERRO (41)(BF,CD,C,D2,A,G)(T) J Bridger 6 8 10..K O’Neill 68 Class 4 1m 3f (6 runners) £4,690
side, in touch, pushed along and outpaced over 6 (1) 32-0 HIBERNIAN WARRIOR (15)(BF) R Varian 9 1.......................J Mitchell 89 LONG HANDICAP: Tigerinmytank 8-9, Porto Ferro 8-9.
2f out, plugged on but never dangerous after, 5th of 12, 4 1/2l 7 (5) -031 ANGLO SAXSON (18)(G) C Fellowes 8 12........................... S Donohoe 91 Star Betting: 4 Under Curfew, 5 Garth Rockett, Porto Ferro, 13-2 1 (3) -031 BURIRAM (13)(CD,D,S) R Beckett 4 10 0.............................. O Murphy ★87
behind Tabdeed (9-7) at Newbury 6f Grp 3 (1) gd in Jul. Star Betting: 2 Cloud Drift, 9-4 Itkaann, 9-2 Hibernian Warrior, Tigerinmytank, 8 Smokey, Cool Strutter, Broughton Excels, 14 others. 2 (1) 4300 MY BOY SEPOY (17)(F,G) S C Williams 5 9 7........................ R Hornby 85
Happy Power 2-1fav (9-5) Tracked leaders, headway and every 7 Anglo Saxson, 10 Hot Summer, 12 Sword Beach, 25 World Title. 2019: No corresponding race. 3 (6) 2L1L GLENTIES (11)(BF,CD,G) M Johnston 3 9 7............................ B Curtis 85
chance from over 1f out, not quicken inside final furlong, no 2019: Alfred Boucher 9 4, D Probert 4-1 (H Candy), drawn (5), 7 ran. STARFORM: UNDER CURFEW Danger: Broughton Excels 4 (5) 125 MEDIA STORM (15)(BF,A) D M Simcock 3 9 3........................L Morris 80
extra, 4th of 6, 1 1/2l behind D’bai (9-5) at Haydock 7f cond STARFORM: ITKAANN Danger: Cloud Drift 5 (4) 3D1 LABEEBB (15)(G)(T) S & E Crisford 3 9 0........................ James Doyle 84
Stakes (3) gs in Jul.
Lord Tennyson 12-1 (9-1) Raced wide 1st 2f, tracked leader
Class 5 1m 2f (8 runners) £3,493
Class 4 2YO 1m (5 runners) £3,946
6 (2) -612 GRINLING (13)(C,G) R Hannon 3 8 11............................... T Marquand 86
Star Betting: 6-4 Labeebb, 7-2 Grinling, 4 Buriram, 5 Glenties,
Media Storm, 25 My Boy Sepoy.
and keen, every chance 2f out, weakening when hung right over 2019: No corresponding race.
1f out, 10th of 11, 16l behind Mohaather (9-1) at Ascot 1m Grp 2 1 (4) 421 STAR CACTUS (15)(G) S & E Crisford 9 7....................... James Doyle 85
(1) gd in Jul. 1 (6) 0111 AWESOMEDUDE (12)(D2,A,G) James Ferguson 4 9 9..... C Fallon (3) 84 2 (3) 3L3 ZAISAN (26)(BF)(P*) Archie Watson 9 1................Adam J McNamara 86 STARFORM Glenties 7-2fav (8-6) Led after 2f, ridden and
2 (2) -622 CARP KID (27)(A,G)(P) J Flint 5 9 7......................................D Costello 84 3 (2) 35 EAGLE’S REALM (26)(BF) Sir M Prescott 9 0.........................L Morris 78 headed over 2f out, weakened over 1f out, last
STARFORM: TIP TWO WIN Danger: Happy Power 3 (7) -332 JACK D’OR (22)(A) Ed Walker 4 9 6....................................... D Probert 83 4 (1) 52 GENUFLEX (19) R Hannon 8 13......................................... T Marquand 84 of 10, 10l behind Mambo Nights (8-12) at Goodwood 1m 4f 3yo
4 (5) 60-0 ASHAZURI (17)(C,D3,G)(H) J Portman 6 9 1....................R Kingscote 77 5 (5) 36 ZOOKEEPER (25) M Johnston 8 12.......................................... B Curtis ★87 hcp 0-105 (2) gd in Jul.
5 (3) 3320 AEGEUS (6)(A) M Appleby 4 9 0.......................................... S De Sousa 84 Star Betting: 9-4 Star Cactus, 3 Zaisan, 4 Genuflex, 9-2 Eagle’s Grinling 9-2 (8-11) Prominent in chasing group, went 2nd over
Class 2 5f (7 runners) £9,704 6 (8) -406 ESCAPE THE CITY (29)(D,G) H Morrison 5 9 0...................J Crowley ★88 Realm, 5 Zookeeper. 1f out, ridden and stayed on inside final furlong, not quite pace
7 (1) 223- THE LORDS WALK (339)(BF,D,A,G)(P) W G M Turner 7 8 13.. R Clutterbuck (7) 84 2019: Arthur’s Court 9 2, James Doyle 7-2 (H Palmer), drawn (2), to challenge, 2nd of 11, nk behind Buriram (10-0) at Windsor 1m
1 (1) 61L0 CASPIAN PRINCE (12)(D18,A,G,S)(T) M Appleby 11 9 12.....A Rawlinson 104 8 (4) 0-34 CUTTIN’ EDGE (30)(C,A,G,S) W Muir 6 8 7......................K Shoemark 85 4 ran.
2 (5) 0005 WELL DONE FOX (12)(CD,D2,G,S) R Hannon 4 9 8........ S De Sousa 99 3f hcp 0-80 (4) gs in Jul.
Star Betting: 2 Awesomedude, 3 Carp Kid, 5 Jack D’Or, 6 The Lords STARFORM: ZAISAN Danger: Star Cactus
3 (3) 0323 KONCHEK (14)(D,G)(T) C Cox 4 9 6.......................................H Crouch 105 Walk, 10 Cuttin’ Edge, Aegeus, 14 Escape The City, 33 Ashazuri. Buriram 10-3fav (10-0) Went left and bumped start, held up off
4 (7) -L1L MR KIKI (15)(G)(B,H) R Beckett 3 9 3.................................Rossa Ryan 102
5 (2) 1101 TONE THE BARONE (14)(D5,A,G)(T) S C Williams 4 9 1.... H Bentley 103
6 (4) -600 ENCORE D’OR (43)(D10,0,A,G,S) R Cowell 8 9 0...........R Kingscote ★108
2019: No corresponding race.
STARFORM: CARP KID Danger: Aegeus 2.40 ATClass
6 1m (13 runners) £2,782
the pace in 6th, headway and switched left over 2f out, led inside
final 2f, hung left inside final furlong, ridden out, won at Windsor
1m 3f hcp 0-80 (4) gs in Jul beating Grinling (8-11) by nk, 11 ran.
7 (6) -241 POETS DANCE (25)(D2,G) R Guest 3 8 9............................. D Probert 101
Star Betting: 3 Poets Dance, 7-2 Konchek, Tone The Barone, 5 Mr 5.05 1 (8) -210 MABO (8)(D2,A,G)(B) Grace Harris 5 10 0................................L Morris 65 STARFORM: GLENTIES Danger: Grinling
Class 6 1m 6f (10 runners) £2,782
2 (4) 0601 KODILINE (23)(C,D,A,G)(B) P Evans 6 9 12.......................... O Murphy 62
Kiki, 6 Well Done Fox, 10 Caspian Prince, 16 Encore d’Or. 3 (10) 400- DANCING JO (233)(D,A) M Channon 4 9 10..................... T Marquand ★66
STARFORM Tone The Barone 18-1 (8-10) Steadied start, 1 () 5000 MASTER GREY (19)(CD2,G,S) B Millman 5 10 0..............C Shepherd 67 4 (6) 0030 MISTER DEPENDABLE (14) A Carroll 4 9 8.............................B Doyle 64 Class 6 3YO 1m 3f (9 runners) £2,782
held up last, good headway between horses 2 () 0-25 SPRING RUN (19)(D,G) J Portman 4 9 11...............................C Bishop 65 5 (9) L-23 CRYSTAL CAROLE (54) J Best 4 9 6........................................ B Curtis 62
over 1f out, ridden to lead entering final furlong, edged left inside 3 () 3360 LUCK OF CLOVER (32) A Balding 4 9 11.............................. D Probert 68 6 (1) 6400 ACT OF MAGIC (26)(D,G) L McJannet 4 9 5...........................K O’Neill 65 1 (2) -540 GLORIOUS RETURN (64) J Portman 9 9............................... R Hornby 62
final furlong, ran on well, won at Ascot 5f hcp 105 (2) gd in Jul 4 () 3620 ADAMS PARK (19)(P) M Appleby 5 9 10............................ S De Sousa 64 7 (2) -L02 MASTER ROCCO (36) J Chapple-Hyam 3 9 3..........Levi Williams (7) 63 2 (5) 4652 DIVA KAREEM (3) G Baker 9 9.................................................. B Curtis ★72
5 () 02-5 MASTER MILLINER (24)(P*) Emma Lavelle 4 9 9............... S M Levey 66 8 (7) 0-L3 FOLIE D’AMOUR (22) Eve J-Houghton 3 9 3..........................M Dwyer 60 3 (8) 00-L INDIGO TIMES (16)(H) D M Simcock 9 7................................M Dwyer 64
beating Equitation (8-11) by 1l, 9 ran. 4 (4) -045 BINYON (8) T D Barron 9 7.................................................. T Marquand 70
Mr Kiki 11-2 (9-2) Went right start and rider lost irons, in touch, 6 () -112 BY JOVE (16)(BF,C,G) M Bell 3 9 7....................................K Shoemark 63 9 (12) 0L0 TREPIDATION (28) B Johnson 3 9 1.......................................W Carson 59
7 () -020 LIFE MATTERS (24) R Hughes 3 9 7.................................. F Marsh (3) 63 10 (11) -304 HARLEQUIN ROSE (18)(D2,G)(V) P Chamings 6 9 0..............L Keniry 59 5 (7) 00-4 CHOSEN STAR (11) M Bell 9 7............................................... O Murphy 65
saddle slipped over 2f out, soon eased, last of 9, 11l behind 8 () 2262 SINGLE (9)(BF) M Channon 3 9 5.......................................... G Bass (7) 64 11 (3) 0-0L TRIPLE FIRST (23) P Chamings 6 8 12................................ D Muscutt 43 6 (9) 0306 LADY MAGDA (34) J Portman 9 7................................. T Saunders (5) 71
Theotherside (8-0) at Newmarket 6f 3yo hcp 0-100 (2) gf in Jul. 9 () 5003 PERCY’S PRINCE (28)(A) Mrs A Perrett 4 9 0......................J Crowley ★69 12 (13) 000- LOVE NOT MONEY (248) J Bridger 3 8 8..........................A Beech (5) 57 7 (1) 00-6 CHEESE AND WINE (25) C Wall 9 4.......................................S W Kelly 63
Konchek 15-2 (9-7) Wore hood to post, raced freely, led until 2f 10 () 3554 SINNDARELLA (22) Sarah Hollinshead 4 8 10................... C Fallon (3) 66 13 (5) LL-L TOOLMAKER (22) D Flood 3 8 5............................................. J Haynes 54 8 (6) 0004 UGANDA HEIGHTS (6)(V) A Balding 9 2............................... R Da Silva 66
out, soon ridden, lost 2nd over 1f out, ran on same pace inside Star Betting: 9-4 By Jove, 5 Single, Percy’s Prince, 8 Spring Run, Star Betting: 5-2 Kodiline, 4 Crystal Carole, 6 Folie D’amour, 9 (3) 0640 CONTRACT KID (40)(P) M Loughnane 8 7...............................L Morris 66
final furlong, 3rd of 9, 1 1/4l behind Tone The Barone (8-10) at Master Milliner, 12 Life Matters, Sinndarella, Luck Of Clover, 16 others. 7 Mabo, 8 Master Rocco, 10 Harlequin Rose, 14 others. Star Betting: 9-4 Diva Kareem, 7-2 Chosen Star, 4 Uganda Heights,
Ascot 5f hcp 105 (2) gd in Jul. 2019: No corresponding race. 2019: No corresponding race. Binyon, 10 Cheese And Wine, 12 Lady Magda, 25 others.

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10 Saturday, August 8, 2020

number one FOR RACING

in association with


TRACKFACTS Left-hand oval track of one mile two furlongs
Class 3 6f (10 runners) £6,728
with an undulating run-in of four furlongs. High numbers best
in sprints. Low numbers best in seven furlongs & one mile
12.15: 1, NAIZAGAI (M
About Ivy, Briseuse De Coeur.
2.45: 1, AMBITIOUS
APPROACH (Kevin Manning 9-1);
races. Stalls today Straight Centre; 7f Inside; 1m Centre; 1m4f Kendrick 2-1 fav); 2, Global
Riffaa Wonder 12.50 Anatiya 1 (3) 560- ANOTHER BATT (322)(D2,G,S) T D Barron 5 9 12.... R P Downey 95 Stands Side. Agreement (12-1); 3, To Fly Free
2, In From The Cold (6-1); 3, Mr
Mooj (9-4 fav). nk, hd. 12 ran. J S
2 (7) -000 ABERAMA GOLD (22)(D2,G,S) K Dalgleish 3 9 11.........J Fanning 91
Mecca’s Hot Steps 1.20 Sandy B (11-1). 51/2l, 18l. 8 ran. F O’Brien.
3 (4) 0251 MUSCIKA (14)(CD3,D3,G)(B) D O’Meara 6 9 10...........D Tudhope 99 Bolger. Tote: €7.60; pl €2.10, €1.40,
Tote: £2.50; pl £1.20, £2.90, £1.90.
Indian Sounds 1.55 Watchable 4 (9) 1630 PRESIDENTIAL (14)(D,G,S) Roger Fell 6 9 7...........Paula Muir (3) ★100
5 (8) 0-00 ROYAL PROSPECT (22)(CD,D3,A,G,S) Julie Camacho 5 9 3 Class 3 1m (4 runners) £9,962 Exacta: £23.20. Trifecta: £170.40.
€1.50. Exacta: €59.80. Tricast:
€166.57. Trifecta: €164.60. CSF:
Swissterious 2.30 East Street Revue G Lee 89 CSF: £26.10. €62.38. NR: Malbas.
6 (5) 1241 ABATE (15)(C,D2,G,S) Adrian Nicholls 4 9 2...................B McHugh 95 1 (2) 3001 QAYSAR (22)(D3,A,G,S) R Hannon 5 9 9........................D Tudhope ★117 12.50: 1, FINISK RIVER (B
Redzone 3.05 Jack Randall 7 (6) 1035 BOSSIPOP (3)(D7,G,S)(B) T Easterby 7 9 0..........................D Allan 98 2 (3) 3400 DREAM CASTLE (21)(G)(P) S bin Suroor 6 9 5................J Fanning 116 Hughes 10-11 fav); 2, Kilfinan Bay
Remaining races abandoned due
to unsafe confitions.
Balavad (treble) 3.35 Balavad 8 (1) 1401 INTRINSIC BOND (15)(D2,A,G) Miss T Waggott 3 9 0..........J Hart 95 3 (4) 0L-2 OSTILIO (23)(D4,G,S)(T) S & E Crisford 5 9 5.................... A Atzeni 114
4 (1) -444 PRINCE EIJI (21)(G) R Varian 4 9 5................................David Egan 115
(40-1); 3, Now Children (10-3). 19l, QUADPOT: €1.40
9 (10) -002 SWISSTERIOUS (15)(G) T D Barron 4 8 12...............P J McDonald 96 13l. 11 ran. D McCain. Tote: £1.70;
Ostilio 4.10 Qaysar 10 (2) -4L3 EAST STREET REVUE (11)(CD,G,S)(B) T Easterby 7 8 8.. D Fentiman 97 Star Betting: 7-4 Ostilio, 2 Qaysar, 3 Prince Eiji, 6 Dream Castle. pl £1.10, £7.40, £1.30. Exacta:
Nomadic Empire 4.45 Dewey Road Star Betting: 3 Intrinsic Bond, 5 Muscika, 6 Abate, 13-2
Swissterious, 15-2 East Street Revue, Bossipop, 12 others.
2019: No corresponding race.
STARFORM Ostilio 14-1 (9-5) Keen tracked leader,
£43.90. Trifecta: £152.10. CSF:
£37.91. NR: Our Rodney.
Grand Canal 5.20 Monsaraz 2019: No corresponding race. ridden and every chance over 1f out, not 1.25: 1, SPEEDY CARGO (H
4.15: 1, PRETTY LADY (O
Stammers 8-1); 2, Kaafy (13-8 fav);
STARFORM Swissterious 14-1 (9-6) Prominent cen- quicken towards finish, 2nd of 6, 1/2l behind D’bai (9-5) at Bannister 5-1); 2, Whateva Next 3, Reims (18-1). 13/4l, 1l. 12 ran. M
tre to near side, ridden over 2f out, headway Haydock 7f cond Stakes (3) gs in Jul. (5-1); 3, Ciarabella (40-1). 11-4 fav
GOING: good to firm-good in places to chase leader over 1f out, kept on, 2nd of 14, 1 1/2l behind
Abate (9-5) at York 6f hcap (4) gd in Jul.
Qaysar 10-1 (9-13) Held up in rear, headway on stands rail
over 2f out, led over 1f out, clear inside final furlong, easily,
Hidden Cargo. nk, 10l. 12 ran. W
Johnston. Tote: £9.50; pl £3.70,
£1.02, £5.00. Exacta: £24.30.
Greatrex. Tote: £6.10; pl £2.20, Tricast: £241.84. Trifecta: £283.70.
PLACEPOT FirST SIX RACES Presidential 5-1 (9-1) In touch, ridden and headway 2f out, won at Haydock 1m hcp 105 (2) sft in Jul beating Alternative £2.00, £10.00. Exacta: £35.80.
no impression final furlong, 7th of 12, 6l behind Firmament Fact (9-8) by 4 1/2l, 12 ran. CSF: £21.15. NR: Krishmaya.
Tricast: £908.33. Trifecta: £698.20. 4.50: 1, ROMAN DYNASTY (J
(9-5) at York 7f hcp 0-95 (3) gf in Jul. Prince Eiji 8-1 (9-6) Led briefly, took keen hold tracking
CSF: £30.36. Mitchell 7-1); 2, Rivers Lad (12-1);
Intrinsic Bond 5-2fav (9-8) Held up and keen, not much leaders, headway on outside 3f out, ridden in 3rd over1f out, 2.00: 1, SWORD OF FATE (D R 3, Apres Dark (5-4 fav). 13/4l, 1/2l.
Class 5 2YO 5f (11 runners) £3,493 room over 2f out, switched left and ridden over 1f out, led final weakened inside final furlong, 4th of 9, 3 1/2l behind Global Fox 20-1); 2, Lough Kent (11-2); 3, 10 ran. Joseph Parr. Tote: £7.80; pl
furlong, kept on well, won at Doncaster 6f hcap (4) gf in Jul Giant (9-6) at Newbury 1m 2f Listed stks (1) gd in Jul. Dogon (3-1). 11-4 fav Fort De
1 (7) L AVIOR STAR (53)(T*) Phillip Makin 9 5....................... P Mulrennan 27 £2.10, £3.20, £1.20. Exacta: £71.60.
beating Wadi Al Salaam (8-11) by 1 1/4l, 8 ran. Dream Castle 14-1 (9-6) Raced keenly in last pair, never a L’Ocean. nk, 3l. 9 ran. L Kerr. Tote:
2 (6) 6 BEDFORD FLYER (11)(P) J L Eyre 9 5...........................L Edmunds 65 Trifecta: £350.30. CSF: £86.57. NR:
Muscika 10-1 (9-0) Clear with near side leader,ridden to factor, 7th of 9, 6l behind Global Giant (9-6) at Newbury 1m 2f £26.40; pl £5.80, £2.20, £1.30. Apollo One.
3 (2) 06 ELZAAL (17) P Midgley 9 5...............................................B McHugh 56 lead over 1f out, ran on, won at York 6f hcp 105 (2) gf in Jul Listed stks (1) gd in Jul.
4 (10) 0 PENOMBRE (11) B Smart 9 5................................................... G Lee 47 Exacta: £149.50. Tricast: £429.37. 5.20: 1, DANDYS DERRIERE
5 (4) 5 RIFFAA WONDER (12) R Hannon 9 5....................................D Allan ★74
beating Golden Apollo (9-4) by 3/4l, 12 ran. STARFORM: OSTILIO Danger: Qaysar Trifecta: £975.60. CSF: £124.63. (D O’Neill 8-15 fav); 2, Semper
Abate 11-2 (9-5) Held up in centre, crept closer over 2f out,
6 (3) TAMASKA D O’Meara 9 5.................................................D Tudhope — 2.35: 1, SEDDON (A P Heskin Augustus (6-1); 3, Light Wakeup
7 (11) 204 TANTASTIC (30) B Ellison 9 5..............................................C Hardie 72 ridden and led over 1f out, kept on strongly, won at York 6f 7-4 fav); 2, Shantaluze (11-1); 3, (16-1). 21/4l, 31/4l. 10 ran. B
8 (9) 0 VIVACIOUS BOY (13) R Fahey 9 5..................................T Hamilton 23 hcap (4) gd in Jul beating Swissterious (9-6) by 1 1/2l, 14 ran. Class 5 2YO 5f (10 runners) £3,493 Captain Buck’s (15-8). 21/4l, 3/4l. 4 Meehan. Tote: £1.50; pl £1.10,
9 (1) ANATIYA S & E Crisford 9 0.................................................. A Atzeni — Bossipop 9-1 (8-12) Led main group and probably overall, ran. T R George. Tote: £2.70; £2.00, £3.70. Exacta: £6.40.
10 (8) 4 BOBBY’S ROSE (16) M Dods 9 0................................. C Rodriguez 49 headed in group inside final furlong, no extra and lost 4th last 1 (1) DEWEY ROAD R Hannon 9 5............................................... A Atzeni —
2 (7) DUSK ART M Dods 9 5.........................................................A Mullen — Exacta: £19.20. Trifecta: £48.20. Trifecta: £32.90. CSF: £4.52.
11 (5) L0 MAX OCLOCK (11) Roger Fell 9 0........................................ R Scott 54 strides, 5th of 11, 4 1/2l behind Staxton (9-1) at Ripon 6f hcp CSF: £14.05. NR: Paseo. 5.50: 1, HARD SOLUTION (C
Star Betting: 2 Riffaa Wonder, 10-3 Anatiya, 4 Tantastic, 5 0-95 (3) gd. 3 (4) EQUATE B Smart 9 5.................................................................. G Lee —
4 (2) HIGH SECURITY J Tate 9 5........................................P J McDonald — 3.10: 1, STOP THE WORLD (A P Hardie 16-1); 2, Captain Ryan (20-
Tamaska, 12 Bedford Flyer, 20 Bobby’s Rose, Elzaal, 25 others. STARFORM: SWISSTERIOUS Danger: Presidential Heskin 7-4 fav); 2, Dee Star (5-1);
2019: Balancing Act 9 0, P J McDonald 13-8 Fav (J O’Keeffe), 5 (9) 32 NOMADIC EMPIRE (22)(BF) D O’Meara 9 5..................D Tudhope ★83 1); 3, Teepee Time (9-1). 5-2 fav


drawn (10), 8 ran. 6 (8) SHARK TWO ONE R Fahey 9 5........................................T Hamilton — 3, Rising Marienbard (5-2). 3/4l, Independence Day. hd, 1l. 10 ran.
STARFORM: ANATIYA Danger: Tamaska 7 (10) SIR BENEDICT I Williams 9 5..........................................David Egan — 61/2l. 5 ran. T R George. Tote: £2.60; D O’Meara. Tote: £19.00; pl £4.80,
Class 6 6f (20 runners) £2,782 8 (3) 4L CHILLI LEAVES (37) K Dalgleish 9 0................................J Fanning 72 pl £1.40, £2.00. Exacta: £9.30. £5.00, £2.90. Exacta: £273.30.
1.20 Class 5 5f (7 runners) £3,493
1 (6) -035 HERRINGSWELL (18)(BF,D3,A,G,S) M Smith 5 9 10....D E Hogan (3) 74
2 (9) 4235 ALMURR (20)(D2,A,G) Phillip Makin 4 9 9....... Megan Nicholls (3) 71
3 (15) 6-3L MY TOWN CHICAGO (22)(D,A) J Stimpson 5 9 8.... R Dawson (5) 70
9 (5) LILY’S GIFT A Brown 9 0...................................................H Shaw (3) —
10 (6) 5 NORTHERN GREY (10) P Midgley 9 0.............................B McHugh 16
Star Betting: 6-4 Nomadic Empire, 4 High Security, 5 Dewey
Trifecta: £25.00. CSF: £10.10.
3.45: 1, GLAN Y GORS (A
Anderson 8-1); 2, Authorizo (5-1); 3,
Tricast: £3094.72.
£4246.50. CSF: £286.28. NR:

1 (2) -320 SPRING BLOOM (26)(BF) K Burke 3 9 5........................H Shaw (3) 81 Road, 10 Shark Two One, 12 Equate, 14 Sir Benedict, 16 others. The Steward (9-2). 4-1 fav Rukwa. 6.20: 1, DREAMING BLUE (T
4 (18) 6-50 SFUMATO (18)(D3,A,G) Adrian Nicholls 6 9 8................. C Beasley 73 2019: No corresponding race.
2 (3) ALLAYNE B Mrs A Duffield 3 9 0........................................... T Eaves — 5 (4) -615 DIRCHILL (28)(D4,G,S)(B) D Thompson 6 9 7...............H Shaw (3) 75 3 /2l, 5l. 11 ran. D Thompson. Tote:
Hamilton 4-1); 2, Escalade (9-2); 3,
3 (7) 3 AL MANSOURA (8) D O’Meara 3 9 0...............................D Tudhope 62 6 (14) 01-L HAWK IN THE SKY (25)(G,S) R M Whitaker 4 9 7........... P Dennis 70 STARFORM Nomadic Empire 1-2fav (9-5) Led 1f, £7.80; pl £2.10, £2.10, £1.60. Exacta: En Famille (10-3 fav). 1l, nk. 8 ran.
4 (6) 0232 MECCA’S HOT STEPS (20)(BF)(P) M Dods 3 9 0.......... C Beasley ★82 7 (8) 1362 BURTONWOOD (16)(CD,D4,A,G) J Camacho 8 9 7... C Murtagh (3) ★76 pressed winner, ridden over 1f out, held £54.40. Tricast: £203.79. Trifecta: R Fahey. Tote: £4.60; pl £2.00, £1.60,
5 (1) MISS PLYMWICK A Crook 3 9 0..........................................C Hardie — 8 (17) 3-0L JERBOURG (51) T Easterby 3 9 6..........................................D Allan 69 inside final 100 yards, ran on, 2nd of 4, nk behind J R Cavagin £275.40. CSF: £47.03. £1.30. Exacta: £28.00. Tricast:
6 (4) 33 NORTHERN CHARM (18) D Brown 3 9 0................... P Mulrennan 79 9 (7) 5021 LADY NECTAR (18)(D,G) Mrs A Duffield 3 9 5.................J Fanning 73 (9-5) at York 5f 2yo nov stk (5) gd in Jul. 4.20: 1, THE BLACK £64.97. Trifecta: £98.70. CSF: £21.82.
7 (5) SANDY B Mrs R Carr 3 9 0............................................... JP Sullivan — 10 (5) 0215 MORETTI (13)(C,F,G) J L Eyre 5 9 5..............................L Edmunds 72 Dewey Road No Nay Never colt out of Celestial Dream. SQUIRREL (B Hughes 7-1); 2, 6.50: 1, MY BROTHER MIKE (J
Star Betting: 5-2 Northern Charm, 11-4 Mecca’s Hot Steps, 7-2 11 (20) 0260 HIGHLAND ACCLAIM (12)(D9,A,F,G) R Carr 9 9 3...... JP Sullivan 73 High Security Acclamation colt out of Excelette. Holme Abbey (14-1); 3,
Spring Bloom, 9-2 Al Mansoura, 12 Sandy B, 14 others. Quinn 20-1); 2, Costello (6-1); 3,
12 (1) 1L00 REBEL REDEMPTION (20)(D2,A)(V) J J Quinn 3 9 3............J Hart 72 Shark Two One Adaay colt out of Touching. Talkingpicturestv (15-8 fav). 21/2l, Swinging Eddie (3-1 fav). 1l, shd.
2019: Society Star 3 8 11, Cam Hardie 8-11 Fav (R Cowell), drawn 13 (12) 43-2 GLEAMING ARCH (12)(A) F Watson 6 9 3.......................... D Nolan 72 Equate Equiano colt out of Spontaneity.
(5), 5 ran. 15l. 13 ran. H Hogarth. Tote: £7.50; 13 ran. J Stimpson. Tote: £19.60; pl
14 (11) 0310 PRISSY MISSY (12)(D,G,S)(P) Rebecca Menzies 3 9 3.....C Hardie 72 Dusk Art Twilight Son colt out of Renaissant. pl £2.00, £5.30, £1.20. Exacta: £5.30, £2.40, £1.50. Exacta:
STARFORM Spring Bloom 4-1fav (9-2) Chased lead- 15 (13) -066 ARCAVALLO (157)(D,G,S) M Dods 5 9 2............................. T Eaves 67 Sir Benedict Dandy Man colt out of Kingdomforthebride. £96.80. Tricast: £257.82. Trifecta: £146.60. Tricast: £474.09. Trifecta:
ers on outside, pushed along and every 16 (3) 450- CLOTHERHOLME (235) Mrs A Duffield 3 9 2...............Jane Elliott 69 Chilli Leaves 8-1 (9-0) Led on near rail, joined over 2f out,
chance 2f out, ridden and weakened final furlong, 9th of 12, 5l 17 (10) 4012 REDZONE (29)(D,G) B Smart 3 9 2.......................................... G Lee 74 £404.70. CSF: £92.32. £544.50. CSF: £134.00.
18 (16) 3400 LUCKY BEGGAR (5)(CD,C,D3,G,S)(P) D C Griffiths 10 9 2... J F Egan 74 ridden over 1 out, weakened final furlong, last of 7, 9l behind QUADPOT: £22.90 7.20: 1, BIZZI LIZZI (N Mackay
behind Dick Datchery (9-8) at Ayr 6f hcp 0-75 (5) gd in Jul. First Greyed (9-5) at Hamilton 6f nov aut stk (5) sft in Jul.
Mecca’s Hot Steps 3-1fav (9-7) Close up, ridden over 1f out, 19 (2) 33-0 FOAD (23)(D,G) M Walford 3 9 2..........................................A Mullen 70 PLACEPOT: £55.70 10-11 fav); 2, Bint Australia (11-4);
20 (19) 3-54 JACK RANDALL (20)(G)(P) I Jardine 4 9 2................. P Mulrennan 71 Lily’s Gift Poet’s Voice filly out of Nefetari.
ran on final furlong, went 2nd final strides, 2nd of 10, shd
behind Ice Ice Lady (9-7) at Ayr 5f 3yo hcp 0-65 (6) gf in Jul. Star Betting: 4 Lady Nectar, 11-2 Burtonwood, 7 Redzone, 8 Northern Grey 11-1 (8-9) Slowly into stride, outpaced in last SANDOWN 3, Mountain Dreams (7-1). nk, 1l. 7
ran. J Gosden. Tote: £1.80; pl £1.10,
Herringswell, 10 Jack Randall, 12 Almurr, Moretti, 14 others. pair, never a factor, 5th of 6, 20l behind Ready Freddie Go 12.35: 1, POLITICS (O Murphy £1.90. Exacta: £4.20. Trifecta:
Northern Charm 4-1 (9-0) Prominent, ridden over 1f out, 2019: No corresponding race. (9-1) at Musselburgh 5f 2yo mdn aut (5) gd in Jul. 11-10 fav); 2, Dark Illusion (9-2); 3,
edged left inside final furlong, no impression on winner and £12.00. CSF: £3.44. NR: Tefnut.
lost 2nd towards finish, 3rd of 10, 3 1/2l behind Stars In The STARFORM Jack Randall 5-1 (9-7) Led, ridden and Pure Dreamer (3-1). 21/4l, hd. 8 7.50: 1, NIGHT TIME GIRL


headed inside final furlong, kept on, 4th of ran. A Balding. Tote: £1.80; pl (Ray Dawson 5-1); 2, Vivacious
Night (9-0) at Catterick 5f mdn stks (5) gd in Jul. 12, 1 1/2l behind Hachert (9-2) at Ayr 7f hcp 0-60 (6) gf in Jul. £1.10, £1.40, £1.10. Exacta: £6.50.
Al Mansoura 9-1 (9-0) Slow into stride, outpaced halfway, Spirit (6-1); 3, Uncle Sid (14-1).
ridden and kept on inside final furlong, not trouble leading pair, Burtonwood 14-1 (8-9) Held up towards rear, good head- Class 6 1m 4f (15 runners) £2,782 Trifecta: £19.00. CSF: £6.94. 7-2 fav Freedom And Wheat. 1l, nk.
way on outside halfway, ran on inside final furlong, led final 1.10: 1, PEROTTO (M Dwyer 13 ran. I Mohammed. Tote: £6.30;
3rd of 5, 4 1/2l behind Alwaatn Sound (9-5) at Hamilton 5f nov 1 (11) 22L0 VAMPISH (9)(D2,A,G) R Thompson 5 10 0......Laura Coughlan (7) 67 9-4); 2, Onaraggatip (14-1); 3,
mdn stks (5) sft. 100 yards, headed post, 2nd of 10, ns behind Nibras Again 2 (5) 3464 GREENGAGE (18)(D,A)(H) Tristan Davidson 5 9 13.......... P Dennis 69 pl £2.50, £2.70, £4.60. Exacta:
(9-3) at Beverley 5f hcp 0-75 (5) gf in Jul. Holwah (7-4 fav). 13/4l, 1/2l. 4 ran. £45.90. Tricast: £419.66. Trifecta:
STARFORM: SPRING BLOOM Danger: Mecca’s Hot 3 (7) 64-6 THE ROCKET PARK (190) J Berry 7 9 13.........................H Cheng 61 M Tregoning. Tote: £3.00; Exacta:
Steps Lady Nectar 3-1fav (9-2) Held up in rear, switched right and 4 (14) 523- VINTAGE ROSE (365)(P*) M Walford 4 9 12.............. P Mulrennan 66 £413.50. CSF: £34.63.
headway over 1f out, ran on inside final furlong, led towards 5 (2) 0500 FLOWER POWER (5)(D4,G) T Coyle 9 9 5.......................... D Nolan 61 £15.60. Trifecta: £43.00. CSF: 8.20: 1, WRATH OF HECTOR (S
1.55 Class 3 5f (8 runners) £6,728
finish, won at Catterick 6f hcp 0-60 (6) gd in Jul beating
Midnite Bride (9-1) by 1 1/4l, 12 ran.
Redzone 9-2 (9-6) Close up, led briefly 2f out, headed over
6 (1) -021 GRAND CANAL (18)(G) Tom Clover 3 9 5........................... A Atzeni 63
7 (10) 13L1 MONSARAZ (9)(D,A,G)(P) J Given 3 9 4.............................A Mullen 64
8 (12) 2L05 CLIFFTOP HEAVEN (15) M Walford 3 9 2............................... G Lee 68
£21.96. NR: Lothian, One Day,
1.45: 1, MINHAAJ (J Crowley
De Sousa 13-8 fav); 2, Jack Ryan
(6-1); 3, Giant Steps (28-1). 1/2l,
13/4l. 9 ran. M Appleby. Tote: £2.10;
1 (7) LL62 WATCHABLE (3)(D4,A,G)(P) D O’Meara 10 9 9..... S B Kirrane (5) ★103 9 (8) 03-0 HALF BOLLY (18)(V*) M Walford 4 9 2.....................................J Hart ★70 20-1); 2, Garsman (4-1); 3, Pink pl £1.30, £2.00, £3.00. Exacta:
1f out, kept on but no match for winner, 2nd of 12, 3l behind Sands (7-2). 10-3 fav Pop Dancer.
2 (2) 60-0 SPARTAN FIGHTER (51)(D2,G,S) D Carroll 3 9 8.........D Tudhope 96 10 (13) 600 GAINSBORO GREY (17) Mrs A Duffield 3 8 12................J Fanning 60 £11.50. Tricast: £190.06. Trifecta:
Devil’s Angel (9-11) at Newcastle 6f hcp 0-62 (6) in Jul. 11 (15) 4600 VERTICE (34) Miss T Waggott 3 8 10................................... T Eaves 64 hd, nk. 6 ran. M Attwater. Tote:
3 (3) 2200 VENTUROUS (8)(D2,A,G) T D Barron 7 9 5................. R P Downey 102 £223.80. CSF: £11.23. NR: Banmi,
4 (4) 0005 TANASOQ (6)(CD,D4,G)(P) P Midgley 7 9 4............................ G Lee 94
Herringswell 16-5fav (9-5) Went right, very awkward and 12 (4) 0-0L TAKE THAT (24)(P) R Fahey 3 8 9....................................B McHugh 68 £15.40; pl £7.30, £2.20. Exacta:
slowly away, behind, switched left and headway 2f out, no Clover Hill, Upstage.
5 (6) 1-5L MIGHTY SPIRIT (21)(D,S) R Fahey 3 9 0........ Megan Nicholls (3) 96 13 (6) 5L-0 MIDNIGHT WARRIOR (25)(G)(T) R Barr 10 8 9.......Paula Muir (3) 54 £78.20. Trifecta: £327.30. CSF: JACKPOT: Not won, pool of
6 (5) 4042 DUKE OF FIRENZE (10)(CD,D6,G,S) D C Griffiths 11 9 0..D Allan 97 impression, well held inside final furlong, 5th of 8, 6l behind 14 (3) LL00 GLORYELLA (18)(B,T) B Rothwell 4 8 9.........Connor Murtagh (3) 61 £92.26. NR: Ishvara. £2,189.88 carried over.
7 (8) 6211 INDIAN SOUNDS (26)(D2,A,G) P Midgley 4 8 10.... C Murtagh (3) 99 Craigburn (9-4) at Yarmouth 6f hcp 0-65 (6) gf in Jul. 15 (9) 005 STRICT ORDER (17) L Mullaney 3 8 0.......................... D Fentiman 52 2.20: 1, RECOVERY RUN (O QUADPOT: £81.90
8 (1) 5246 AUTUMN FLIGHT (15)(D2,S)(B) T Easterby 4 8 7.............C Hardie 98 Almurr 9-2 (9-12) Led, ridden and headed entering final Star Betting: 6-5 Grand Canal, 4 Monsaraz, 13-2 Greengage, 8 Murphy 13-8 jtfav); 2, Lone Eagle
Star Betting: 3 Indian Sounds, 10-3 Mighty Spirit, 11-2 Duke Of Vintage Rose, 10 Clifftop Heaven, 20 Half Bolly, 25 others. PLACEPOT: £249.70
furlong, no extra, 5th of 8, 4 1/2l behind Epeius (9-11) at Ayr 6f (10-1); 3, Symbolic Power (13-8
Firenze, Watchable, 15-2 Spartan Fighter, 10 others. hcp 0-65 (6) gf in Jul. 2019: No corresponding race.
jtfav). hd, 5l. 8 ran. A Balding. Tote: TIPPERARY
STARFORM Mighty Spirit 7-1 (8-2) Towards rear STARFORM: JACK RANDALL Danger: Burtonwood STARFORM Grand Canal 4-5fav (9-2) Mid-division, £2.30; pl £1.10, £2.60, £1.20. 4.10: 1, MATEO CRUZ (Shane
when groups merged halfway, never on not much room and lost place over 5f out,
Exacta: £19.20. Trifecta: £50.10. Crosse 11-4 fav); 2, Lightning
terms, last of 13, 17l behind Lahore (9-5) at York 5f hcp 105 headway over 3f out, led over 1f out, clear inside final furlong, CSF: £20.84. NR: React. Boltz (6-1); 3, I Am Magnetic (7-2).
(2) gd in Jul. Class 6 2YO 7f (9 runners) £2,782 comfortably, won at Yarmouth 1m 2f hcp 0-52 (6) gf in Jul 2.55: 1, MON CHOIX (O 1 /2l, 1/2l. 13 ran. J P O’Brien. Tote:
Indian Sounds 3-1fav (9-12) Chased clear leader, headway beating Winter Snowdrop (8-11) by 7l, 10 ran. Murphy 10-11 fav); 2, Delicate €3.80; pl €1.50, €2.50, €1.90.
to lead briefly over 1f out, rallied to lead again inside final fur- 1 (4) 004 BURRISTO (28) R Hannon 9 11........................................... A Atzeni 66 Monsaraz 33-1 (8-7) In touch, wide and headway 2f out, Kiss (16-1); 3, Coverham (20-1). Exacta: €25.80. Trifecta: €83.20.
long, ran on, won at Bath 5f Handicap (0-72) (3yo+) (5) gf in Jul 2 (1) 5334 BALAVAD (10) J Osborne 9 10............................................. N Currie 68 ridden to lead over 1f out, edged left inside final furlong, ran
3 (5) 050 CUBAN CIGAR (16)(B) R Hannon 9 7.............................D Tudhope 65 41/2l, 11/4l. 10 ran. A Balding. Tote: CSF: €19.68.
beating Zulu Zander (9-6) by 2 1/2l, 10 ran. on, won at Pontefract 1m 4f hcp 0-70 (5) gf in Jul beating £1.70; pl £1.20, £4.10, £3.70. 4.40: 1, JACK DUGGAN (Rory
Duke Of Firenze 12-1 (9-12) Held up, headway over 1f out, 4 (6) 36 DIAMOND HAZE (34) M Dods 9 7................................... C Beasley 68 Hammy End (9-4) by 1 3/4l, 12 ran. G
5 (2) 33 MOIELLA (25) J Bethell 9 7........................................P J McDonald 70 Exacta: £17.50. Tricast: £188.10. Cleary 20-1); 2, Skilled Warrior
went 2nd inside final furlong, unable to challenge, ran on, 2nd reengage 11-2 (9-7) Behind, headway under stands rail Trifecta: £154.70. CSF: £17.87. NR: (4-1); 3, Brazil (8-15 fav). 13/4l, 3l. 9
6 (8) L46 IT’S A GREEN THING (18) R Fahey 9 6.........................T Hamilton 69
of 7, 1/2l behind Militia (9-5) at Musselburgh 5f Handicap (0-88) 7 (7) 300 LISTEN AGAIN (15) T Easterby 9 4........................................D Allan ★72 from 2f out, kept on inside final furlong, 4th of 14, 4 1/2l Quarry Beach, Rectory Road. ran. J S Bolger. Tote: €12.70; pl €2.60,
(3yo+) (3) gs in Jul. 8 (3) 66 FIVE AND DIME (26) Adrian Nicholls 8 12......................B McHugh 64 behind Madeeh (8-12) at Catterick 1m 4f hcp 0-65 (6) gd in Jul. 3.30: 1, STAR OF WINS (T €1.40, €1.02. Exacta: €43.40. Trifecta:
Watchable 14-1 (9-9) Went to raced alone on far rail, well on 9 (9) 06L MONT BLANC (32) P Kirby 8 10........................................... T Eaves 68 Vintage Rose 9-1 (9-5) Raced keenly, held up in 5th, pushed Marquand 11-4); 2, Native Tribe €133.10. CSF: €95.53. NR: Grid.
terms with leaders, ridden over 1f out, just lost out in head Star Betting: 11-4 Balavad, 7-2 Burristo, 4 Moiella, 7 Diamond along over 3f out, headway on outside chasing leaders 3f out, (8-1); 3, Louganini (10-3). 11-10 fav 5.10: 1, ZEPHRON (R Coakley
bob, 2nd of 11, ns behind Staxton (9-1) at Ripon 6f hcp 0-95 Haze, Cuban Cigar, 10 It’s A Green Thing, 14 others. 3rd and one pace final furlong, 3rd of 9, 4 1/2l behind The Enemy. 3/4l, nk. 4 ran. W Haggas. 3-1); 2, Broken Silence (66-1); 3,
(3) gd. 2019: No corresponding race. Fiddler (9-3) at Redcar 1m 6f hcp 0-65 (6) gd in Aug ‘19. Tote: £3.70; Exacta: £15.20. Puddle Of Luck (9-1). 5-4 fav
STARFORM: MIGHTY SPIRIT Danger: Indian Sounds STARFORM: MOIELLA Danger: Burristo STARFORM: GRAND CANAL Danger: Monsaraz Trifecta: £40.40. CSF: £19.40. NR: Pirate Lass. 21/4l, nk. 15 ran. D
Kingbrook, Nova Roma. Cullen. Tote: €4.40; pl €1.30,
€13.50, €3.20. Exacta: €198.00.

A - Ascot H - Haydock Canford Bay..................H 4.55 Royal Marine.................N 4.00 Storm Ahead.................H 1.30 4.05: 1, REVOLVER (L Morris
N - Newmarket U - Uttoxeter Cap Francais.................A 2.25 Sameem........................H 1.30 Tabaahy.........................A 4.45 6-5 fav); 2, Dancing Harry (9-2); 3, Trifecta: €1601.10. CSF: €209.84.
Aeglos............................U 5.00 Captain Corelli..............H 12.30 Sansevero......................H 3.15 Teqany...........................U 8.00 Punctuation (7-2). 11/4l, 13/4l. 5 NR: Angel’s Trumpet,
Aesthete........................N 2.50 Captain Tom Cat...........U 7.30 Sarsanet........................H 3.15 Thank You Next............N 2.50 ran. Sir M Prescott. Tote: £1.80; pl Departmentalize, Tempore Belli.
Ahead Of Schedule......U 4.30 Caradoc.........................A 3.35 Equiano Springs...........A 1.50 Hamish Macbeth..........A 1.50 Justatenner...................U 6.00 Mister Universum.........U 6.00 Saunton.........................N 2.50 The Boola Bee..............U 6.30 £1.30, £1.80. Exacta: £6.60. 5.40: 1, REAL FORCE (C D
Airton.............................U 8.30 Cecco Bravo.................N 2.15 Equitation......................A 1.50 Han Solo Berger...........A 4.45 Kaloor............................A 3.00 Mondain.........................A 3.00 Say It As It Is.................N 2.15 The Darley Lama..........U 8.30 Trifecta: £18.70. CSF: £6.80. Hayes 5-2); 2, Aztec Parade (11-10
Ajax Tavern....................N 4.35 Certain Lad...................H 2.40 Ernesto..........................A 3.00 Handy Hollow................U 8.30 Kasbaan........................A 2.25 Morisco..........................H 2.40 Schnabel........................U 6.30 The Whipmaster...........A 12.40 4.35: 1, GYPSY WHISPER (W fav); 3, Sheer Bravado (33-1). 23/4l,
Ajrad..............................A 12.40 Charlie D........................A 3.00 Escobedo......................A 12.40 Harrovian.......................N 5.10 Kayewhykelly................H 1.00 Motataabeq...................A 12.40 Sea Voice.......................N 4.35 13l. 6 ran. G O’Leary. Tote: €2.80; pl
Theotherside.................A 1.50 Buick 9-5 fav); 2, Arabic Charm
Ajyaall............................H 3.15 Chil Chil.........................A 1.50 Esprit De Baileys..........U 8.00 Hasanabad....................A 3.35 Kenstone.......................H 12.30 Mouriyani.......................N 5.40 Seattle Rock.................N 3.20
Al Hajees.......................H 3.15
Timetochill.....................U 5.30 (7-1); 3, Strict Tempo (12-1). nk, 2l. €1.20, €1.20. Exacta: €5.70. Trifecta:
Clearly Crystal..............N 1.40 Et Tu Brute....................A 1.15 Hateya............................A 2.25 Kick On Kick On...........A 4.45 Mr Buzzbee...................N 2.15 Sebastian Beach...........U 6.00
Al Madhar......................A 4.10 Club Wexford................H 1.30
Tipalong Tyler...............U 8.30 11 ran. D Menuisier. Tote: £2.70; pl €71.00. CSF: €5.33. NR: Ballyvil.
Evening Sun..................N 4.35 Heer Me.........................H 3.15 King Fan........................H 3.15 Murray Mount...............U 5.00 Seen The Lyte...............H 4.55 Tomfre............................N 4.00 6.10: 1, KOURVOISIER (G
Al Ozzdi.........................H 12.30 Cobweb Corner............A 1.15 Extra Elusive.................H 2.40
£1.30, £1.90, £4.10. Exacta: £15.60.
Hello Fellas....................U 8.30 Koeman.........................A 3.35 Myboymax.....................N 2.15 Send In The Clouds......H 3.15 Tomorrow’s Dream.......H 2.05 Halpin 66-1); 2, High Altitude (20-
Al Rufaa.........................N 4.00 Cognac..........................N 5.10 Farzeen..........................H 2.05 Tricast: £121.50. Trifecta: £148.10.
Henrietta Bell................U 5.00 Kyllachy Gala................A 3.35 Niagara..........................H 3.15 Sermon..........................H 3.50 Toro Dorado..................H 1.00
Al Tarmaah....................H 3.15 Cold Stare.....................H 3.50 Fast Deal.......................H 12.30 CSF: £14.70. NR: Adelante, Queen 1); 3, Kodiac Prince (5-1). 16-5 fav
Hidden Cargo................U 7.00 Laneqash.......................A 12.40 Nibras Again.................H 4.55 Setarhe..........................N 3.20 Toronto..........................N 4.35
Amaretto........................U 7.30 Coltrane.........................N 5.40 Festive Star...................H 2.05 Sha La La La Lee..........H 1.30 Of Silca. Madaket Mystery. 31/4l, 1/2l. 15 ran.
High Peak......................N 2.50 Laser Show...................N 4.35 Nicklaus.........................H 1.30 Trevithick.......................H 1.00
Anna Of Lorraine..........H 12.30 Coul Queen...................N 3.20 Fierospeed....................H 3.15 Late Morning.................N 1.40 No Nonsense................N 4.00 Shandoz.........................A 4.10 QUADPOT: £18.60 Ross O’Sullivan. Tote: €51.60; pl
High Wells.....................N 5.40 Triggered.......................H 3.50
Anywayyoulookatit.......U 7.00 Count Of Amazonia......H 1.30 Final Song.....................H 2.05 Highland Dress.............A 1.50 Laxton Ladd..................A 12.40 Northernpowerhouse...H 3.50 Shanghai Rock.............A 1.15 PLACEPOT: £68.10 €13.90, €5.60, €2.00. Exacta: €960.80.
Arbalet...........................H 3.50 Crimson King................U 4.30 First Prophet.................A 1.15 Trumps Benefit.............U 6.30 Tricast: €7790.76. Trifecta: Not won.
Arcadian Spring............U 4.30 Crossed Baton..............H 2.40 Fly Miss Helen..............N 3.20
Holy Kingdom...............A 3.00
Honourmission.............U 7.00
Le Reveur......................H 1.00
Leapaway......................U 5.30
Oi The Clubb Oi’s..........U 4.30
Omnivega......................A 3.35
Shantou Village.............U 6.00
She Can Boogie............H 4.25
Veracious.......................H 2.05
Via Serendipity..............A 2.25
SLIGO CSF: €1083.30. NR: Deadwood,
Arctic Valley..................U 4.30 Daafr..............................H 12.30 Fox Champion...............N 4.00 1.00: 1, BELL I AM (S Foley 11-4 Petticoat Rule, Tribal Path.
Horatio Star...................N 5.40 Leeswood Lily...............U 4.30 One Step Too Far..........H 3.15 She Can Dance.............H 4.25
Arion Fox.......................N 1.40 Dancing Feet.................H 4.25 Fox Tal...........................H 2.40 Wakening.......................N 1.40 jtfav); 2, Allagar (10-3); 3, Zoom 6.40: 1, DANGER MONEY (G M
Huboor...........................H 1.30 Leroy Leroy...................U 7.30 Open The Eagle............N 2.15 Shelir..............................A 2.25
Aristocratic Lady..........H 4.25 Dandy’s Beano..............H 4.55 Fox Vardy.......................A 3.35 War Glory.......................H 3.50 Call (17-2). 11-4 jtfav Shambara. Ryan 13-2); 2, Dewcup (9-2); 3,
Huwaiteb.......................H 12.30 Lexington Storm...........H 1.00 Orczy..............................A 4.10 Silent Attack..................A 2.25
Astapor..........................N 2.15 Danilova.........................N 3.20 Foxtrot Lady..................H 2.05 Wbee..............................U 7.30 1
/2l, nk. 12 ran. Mrs J Harrington.
Hyanna...........................A 3.35 Light In The Sky............U 7.30 Our Little Pony..............H 4.55 Silver Man.....................U 6.30 Watchmen (9-2). 6-5 fav Silver
Ataser............................A 1.15 Daschas.........................A 4.45 Foylesideview...............U 7.30 Wedding Date...............H 4.25
Australis........................A 3.00 Iconic Choice................H 2.05 Line Of Departure.........A 1.15 Outback Boy.................A 12.40 Simply Mani..................U 8.30 Tote: €4.30; pl €1.70, €1.30, €2.00. Fox. 1/2l, 21/4l. 14 ran. A Oliver.
Data Protection............N 5.10 Franz Klammer.............U 8.30 Wejdan...........................H 2.05
Ayo Patsy......................N 2.15 Dazzling Dan.................A 1.50 Iconic Mover.................N 2.15 Little Saint.....................U 8.30 Outrage..........................H 4.55 Sir Titan.........................H 3.50 Exacta: €14.10. Trifecta: €68.70. Tote: €10.70; pl €2.20, €1.40, €1.60.
Freddy Fanatapan........U 8.30 West To Crossgales......U 7.00
Babindi...........................N 1.40 Dazzling Rock...............N 5.40 Freddy Flintshire...........A 12.40 Impacoble.....................A 12.40 Loch Ness Monster......U 7.30 Pacify.............................U 5.30 Sixntwothrees...............N 1.40 CSF: €11.78. NR: Aqua Flyer, Exacta: €62.80. Trifecta: €292.70.
In The Genes.................N 1.40 Longhouse Sale............U 5.30 Packettotherafters.......U 6.30 Sleeping Lion................A 3.00 What Will Be..................U 8.00 Catherine Chroi, Lust For Life.
Banksea.........................H 1.00 Dear Sire........................U 8.00 French Conquest..........A 12.40 CSF: €35.39. NR:
Indian Creak..................H 3.50 Look Closely.................A 3.35 Pepinillo.........................N 1.40 So Beloved....................H 1.30 Whelans Way.................A 4.45
Bay Watch.....................A 4.45 Deception Valley...........H 3.15 Game Line.....................U 7.00 1.35: 1, ZOFFANY’S DELIGHT Approachcautiously, Coral Blue,
Internationaltiger..........H 1.00 Looktotherainbow........N 1.40 Percy..............................U 8.00 So Sharp........................H 4.25 Wild Hope......................A 2.25
Bear Force One............N 4.00 Decoration Of War........U 7.30 Game Player..................A 2.25 (D McDonogh 9-4); 2, Mass Sideshow Bob, Six Of Us.
Irreverent.......................H 3.50 Lovato............................U 8.00 Perpignan......................U 6.30 Sound Of Iona...............H 4.25 Will To Win.....................A 1.50
Bear Me In Mind...........N 2.15 Diocletian......................A 3.00 Gateway To Europe......U 8.00 Wise Glory.....................A 4.10
Gathering (9-1); 3, Shannon Valley 7.10: 1, PLACE DES VOSGES
Bendy Bow....................U 8.30 Dubai Fountain.............N 3.20 Ghayyar.........................H 1.00 Island Brave..................A 3.00 Luck Of The Legion......U 6.30 Poker School................U 5.00 Spanish Archer.............A 3.35 (9-2). 15-8 fav Revolutme. 1l, 1/2l. 6 (Miss N Fahey 9-2); 2, Rock On
Istimraar........................U 6.30 Magic Voice...................H 12.30 Posted...........................H 2.05 Spanish Colt..................N 2.50 Woven............................A 1.50
Beni Light......................U 5.00 Dubai Mirage................H 1.30 Global Giant..................H 2.40 ran. J P O’Brien. Tote: €3.30; pl Seamie (7-2 fav); 3, Millford Sound
Bertog............................H 12.30 Duesenberg...................N 4.35 Jack Snipe.....................U 7.00 Magisterium..................N 2.50 Present Chief................U 8.30 Spirit Mixer....................A 12.40 Yccs Portocervo...........U 5.00
Glory Fighter.................H 4.55 €2.10, €1.30. Exacta: €23.70. (15-2). hd, 1/2l. 14 ran. Mark Fahey.
Betsey Trotter...............H 4.25 Dutch Decoy.................H 3.50 Go To Court...................U 6.30 Jadwal...........................A 1.15 Mcgivern........................N 1.40 Primo’s Comet..............H 4.55 Spirit Of Bermuda.........N 3.20 Yeavering Belle.............U 6.00
Yes My Boy....................H 1.30 Trifecta: €76.80. CSF: €21.39. Tote: €4.10; pl €2.00, €1.60, €2.10.
Big Lachie.....................A 4.45 Eddystone Rock...........A 3.00 Goldslinger....................U 8.30 Jalaad............................A 2.25 Medal Winner................A 3.35 Princess Power.............A 4.45 Spirit Of Rome..............U 8.30
Jeremiah........................A 3.35 Megallan........................A 12.40 Protected Guest...........A 3.35 Spirit Of Sisra................N 2.50 Yes No Maybe So.........U 6.00 2.10: 1, EARLS (D McMonagle Exacta: €25.80. Tricast: €121.80.
Bite My Tongue.............U 6.30 Ejtilaab...........................A 2.25 Good Birthday...............N 5.10 9-4 fav); 2, Misterio (11-4); 3,
Jessop...........................N 2.15 Mere Green...................N 3.20 Puerto Banus................H 12.30 Spirited Guest...............A 4.45 Yoshimi..........................N 4.00 Trifecta: €152.00. CSF: €20.80. NR:
Blue De Vega.................A 4.45 Elkstone.........................U 5.00 Goodbye Dancer...........U 6.00
Bob’s Girl.......................U 7.30 Elleon.............................U 4.30 Graceful Magic.............A 1.50 Jim Ja............................U 7.30 Midnight Jewel.............U 4.30 Quloob...........................N 5.40 Stand By Me..................U 5.30 Young Fire.....................H 3.50 Valquinto (14-1). 11/4l, 31/4l. 12 Sharp Focus.
Breath Of Air.................H 3.50 Emissary........................N 5.10 Grand Bazaar................A 4.10 John Constable............U 8.00 Midnight Magic.............U 7.00 Red Bond......................H 1.30 Star Of Emaraaty..........N 3.20 Zaaki..............................H 2.40 ran. E Lynam. Tote: €2.90; pl €1.30, JACKPOT: Not won, pool of
Bronze River.................A 4.10 Employer.......................U 7.30 Grand Pianola...............H 1.00 Joie De Vivre.................U 7.30 Mine’s A Pint.................U 5.00 Red Force One..............A 3.00 Star Of Valour...............H 1.00 Zegalo............................N 4.35 €1.60, €4.40. Exacta: €10.00. €2,042.07 carried over.
Burning Issues..............U 7.00 Enemy Coast Ahead.....U 4.30 Hahadi...........................U 8.30 Joy Choi........................N 1.40 Misdflight.......................U 7.00 Rhythm Is A Dancer.....U 6.00 Statement......................N 1.40 Ziggle Pops...................N 4.00 Tricast: €72.27. Trifecta: €133.40. QUADPOT: €29.70
CSF: €8.56. NR: Ahaziah, All PLACEPOT: €64.50
Saturday, August 8, 2020 11

in association with


6.09 (Open) 480m 7.18 (Open) 480m 8.38 (Open) 480m 10.12 (A1) 400m 12.01 (A8) 400m
1 2123 SHARPYS JUNIOR (sa ro)................. 00.00 1 1236 Aero Rackitup (sa md)....................... 00.00 1 2435 Ballymac Wizard (rl ep)...................... 28.28 1 4615 Lemon Tas (rl fw)................................ 24.39 1 6422 MAYSES MINNIE ME (rl ro)............... 25.08
2 2656 Ballydoyle Miley (rl ro)........................ 28.39 2 1445 Ballydoyle Blake (ep md)................... 28.31 2 5124 Savana Darn Hot (sa ro).................... 28.59 2 2 Rising Lava (rl ro)................................ 24.48 2 3332 Maysons Hawk (rl ep)........................ 24.77
3 2312 Seaglass Tiger (sa ro)........................ 28.21 3 3 Savana Volcanic (md ro)..................... 28.39 3 1125 Newinn Jacko (sa ro).......................... 27.93 3 4254 Too Swift Jet (md ro).......................... 24.24 3 3522 Atticora (ep md).................................. 24.94
4 1533 Hather Regal (wd ep).......................... 28.30 4 3454 Newinn Liz (md ep)............................. 00.00 4 3356 Swansalona Playa (md ep)................. 00.00 4 5414 Droopys Firmino (md ro)................... 24.14 4 3333 Waikiki Act (md ro)............................. 24.88
5 1214 Aero Madrid (wd ep)........................... 00.00 5 5643 Gonzo (ep fw)..................................... 28.50 5 6165 Savana Scamp (sa fw)........................ 28.70 5 1322 ROUGH WONDER (sa ro).................. 24.39 5 4661 Harley Queen (sa ro)........................... 25.08
6 2334 Headford Tony (sa ro)......................... 28.66 6 2314 DROOPYS BOSS (sa fw).................... 00.00 6 5131 SWIFT FABIO (wd ep)........................ 28.29 6 1536 Crossfield Alice (qa wd)..................... 24.32 6 2562 Bonville Salt (ep wd)........................... 25.00
Star betting: 11-4 Sharpys Junior, Hather Star betting: 11-4 Droopys Boss, 3 Ballydoyle Star betting: 9-4 Newinn Jacko, 3 Savana Darn Star betting: 3 Rough Wonder, 7-2 Droopys Star betting: 2 Maysons Hawk, 3 Waikiki Act,
Regal, 3 Seaglass Tiger, Ballydoyle Miley, 9-2 Blake, 7-2 Aero Rackitup, 4 Gonzo, 9-2 Savana Hot, Ballymac Wizard, Swift Fabio, 6 Savana Firmino, 4 Lemon Tas, Too Swift Jet, Crossfield Alice, 10-3 Atticora, 5 Mayses Minnie Me, 6 Harley Queen,
Headford Tony, 8 Aero Madrid. Volcanic, 6 Newinn Liz. Scamp, 8 Swansalona Playa. 5 Rising Lava. Bonville Salt.
6.28 (Open) 630m 7.36 (Open) 630m 8.54 (Open) 630m 10.31 (A6) 400m 12.16 (A4) 400m
1 3125 Desperado Dan (sa ro)....................... 00.00 1 2323 Killeacle Gus (sa ro)............................ 00.00 1 1413 Smallmead (sa rl)................................ 37.99 1 4545 Borwick Auction (rl fw)....................... 25.13 1 2253 Fireball Lee (sa ro).............................. 24.47
2 5315 Perrys Choice (md ep)........................ 00.00 2 4114 SOUTHFIELD BEA (sa fw)................. 38.21 2 2411 SAVANARUBICHANEL (sa ro)........... 00.00 2 4142 TEMPEST DYLAN (rl ro)..................... 24.70 2 2553 Slaneyside Irene (sa ro)...................... 24.60
3 5315 Sheldan (sa fw)................................... 00.00 3 3134 King Lennon (sa md).......................... 38.04 3 1151 Droopys Catch (md ep)..................... 37.76 3 4444 Shiraz (fw md)..................................... 24.57 3 4 43 Bowmers Alpha (md ro)..................... 24.56
4 4341 Feora Sal (md fw)............................... 37.83 4 3356 Da Honey Man (wd ro)....................... 00.00 4 4133 Ballymac Osby (sa ro)........................ 38.48 4 5342 Jessicas Hope (ep fw)........................ 24.72 4 322 REAL ROCKNROLLA (md ep)........... 24.71
5 5411 Sharpys Rocket (sa ro)...................... 00.00 5 2241 Beatties Power (wd ro)....................... 38.39 5 1532 Somermead Guest (sa ro).................. 37.87 5 1233 Cubsy Haribo (md ro)........................ 24.64 5 4342 Leemount Blake (wd ep)................... 24.65
6 3111 KINGSBROOK GLYN (NAP) (sa fw)... 37.67 6 2222 Seans Molly (wd ro)........................... 38.01 6 1514 King Cash (md wd)............................. 00.00 6 3333 Newstead Moll (md ep)...................... 24.62 6 6555 Aero Turner (sa ro).............................. 24.63
Star betting: 11-4 Sheldan, 3 Kingsbrook Glyn, Star betting: 3 Southfield Bea, King Lennon, Star betting: 5-2 Droopys Catch, 11-4 Star betting: 3 Shiraz, Newstead Moll, 4 Star betting: 10-3 Fireball Lee, Real Rocknrolla,
7-2 Feora Sal, Desperado Dan, 5 Perrys Choice, 6 Seans Molly, 7-2 Beatties Power, 4 Killeacle Gus, 8 Smallmead, 7-2 Somermead Guest, 9-2 Ballymac Jessicas Hope, Cubsy Haribo, Tempest Dylan. 7-2 Bowmers Alpha, Leemount Blake, 4 Slaneyside
Sharpys Rocket. Da Honey Man. Osby, Savanarubichanel, 8 King Cash. 10.46 (A3) 400m Irene, 6 Aero Turner.
6.43 (Open) 480m 7.56 (Open) 480m 9.12 (Open) 480m 1 4633 Amelias Princess (ep rl)...................... 24.58 12.31 (A5) 400m
1 3115 MAGICAL OTIS (rl ro)......................... 28.16 1 1226 Droopys Proven (rl ep)....................... 00.00 1 2251 Amka Rofe (md ep)............................. 28.41 2 2431 Gentle Jimmy (sa ro).......................... 24.57 1 3522 PADRES LIGHT (sa ro)....................... 24.35
2 1643 Holdem Lauren (md ro)...................... 28.33 2 1213 KNOCKBOY JET (md ro)................... 00.00 2 1131 QUEEN JESSIEJ (sa fww).................. 27.82 3 4351 Woodcocks Ariana (md ro)................ 24.65 2 6245 Whiteys Poldark (rl ep)....................... 24.72

■ GOLDEN 3 4636 Movealong Denver (ep ro).................. 00.00 3 6244 Fools Gold (sa fw)............................... 28.36 3 3231 Droopys Nadal (sa fw)....................... 00.00 4 1142 BORWICK TURBO (sa ro).................. 24.53 3 4225 Sheffield Buck (rl ro).......................... 24.90
4 4151 Billies Tea (sa ro)................................ 28.22 4 4363 Tasty Treat (sa rl)................................ 28.32 4 3341 Droopys Addition (md ro)................... 28.04 5 5 56 Trapstyle Shadow (ep md)................. 24.67 4 2145 Brainstorm (md ep)............................. 24.77
CHANCE: 5 2314 Dower Tyson (sa md).......................... 00.00 5 3155 King Sheeran (sa ro)........................... 28.39 5 4314 Market Call (wd ro)............................. 28.07 6 1663 Droopys Pal (wd ep)........................... 24.52 5 626 Chopchop Titch (wd ro)..................... 24.43
6 5226 King Louis (wd ep).............................. 29.11 6 1465 Deadly Expert (sa ro).......................... 28.68 6 4226 Gentle Jet (sa ro)................................ 00.00 Star betting: 3 Droopys Pal, 7-2 Borwick Turbo, 6 4356 Whiteys Fifi (wd ro)............................. 24.86
Seaglass Tiger Star betting: 3 Billies Tea, 10-3 Movealong Star betting: 2 King Sheeran, 11-4 Deadly Star betting: 9-4 Amka Rofe, 5-2 Market Call, Gentle Jimmy, 4 Amelias Princess, 9-2 Woodcocks Star betting: 9-4 Padres Light, 7-2 Chopchop
Denver, 7-2 Magical Otis, Holdem Lauren, 4 Dower Expert, 3 Knockboy Jet, 4 Tasty Treat, 5 Fools Gold, 11-4 Droopys Addition, 3 Queen Jessiej, 8 Droopys Ariana, 5 Trapstyle Shadow. Titch, 4 Whiteys Poldark, Whiteys Fifi, 5 Sheffield
Tyson, 8 King Louis. 8 Droopys Proven. Nadal, Gentle Jet. 11.01 (A5) 400m Buck, 11-2 Brainstorm.

Tiger can roar to

6.58 (Open) 630m 8.17 (Open) 630m 9.28 (Open) 480m 1 3336 Chopchop Doris (rl ro)........................ 24.84 12.46 (A4) 400m
1 4235 Touchdown Zak (sa ro)....................... 00.00 1 2324 Gabriel (sa ro)..................................... 00.00 1 2432 Lenson Whelan (sa fw)....................... 28.34 2 25 Ben Hur (rl ro)..................................... 24.59 1 6312 ACT COOL (rl ep)............................... 24.64
2 1233 King Dylan (sa fw)............................... 37.96 2 2166 Ballymac Zoro (sa ro)......................... 00.00 2 3515 Ballymac Pat (ep md)......................... 28.27 3 415 Dark And Stormy (md ep).................. 24.82 2 6231 Remote Control (sa ro)...................... 24.74
3 3112 COOLAVANNY BANI (md ep)............ 00.00 3 3326 Unlikely Rogue (sa ro)........................ 00.00 3 4523 Bockos Boss (sa md)......................... 00.00 4 5524 Gigi Coyote (md ro)............................ 24.60 3 6154 Narabane Emma (ep md)................... 24.76
4 4561 Zeno (sa fw)........................................ 00.00 4 2515 Greenhill Jack (md ro)........................ 38.03 4 3361 Vics Charm (md ro)............................. 00.00 5 5532 Newlawn Danny (sa ro)...................... 24.68 4 6166 Sneezys Kestrel (md ro)..................... 24.93

Monmore victory
5 1123 Southfield Code (sa fw)..................... 00.00 5 2322 DISTANT MOVE (wd ep).................... 37.96 5 6133 Willowdale Shane (wd ep)................. 00.00 6 4423 BUBBLY GOSH (sa wd)...................... 24.67 5 3551 Spottyulla (sa md)............................... 24.93
6 5453 Leemount Venus (wd ep).................... 00.00 6 6332 Droopys House (wd ro)...................... 00.00 6 2111 MAGICAL CARSON (nb) (sa fw)........ 28.44 Star betting: 5-2 Ben Hur, 10-3 Bubbly Gosh, 7-2 6 1153 Hurricane Sally (wd ro)....................... 24.62
Star betting: 3 Touchdown Zak, 10-3 King Star betting: 5-2 Ballymac Zoro, 3 Greenhill Star betting: 7-4 Lenson Whelan, 5-2 Ballymac Gigi Coyote, 9-2 Newlawn Danny, 5 Dark And Stormy, Star betting: 2 Hurricane Sally, 11-4 Act Cool,
Dylan, Southfield Code, 7-2 Zeno, Leemount Venus, Jack, Distant Move, 4 Gabriel, 6 Unlikely Rogue, Pat, Willowdale Shane, 11-4 Magical Carson, 8 Chopchop Doris. 7-2 Remote Control, 6 Sneezys Kestrel, Spottyulla.
8 Coolavanny Bani. Droopys House. Bockos Boss, Vics Charm. 11.16 (A10) 400m 1.02 (A2) 400m
1 6533 BORWICK RONNIE (sa ro)................ 25.07 1 2234 Boudiccas Law (rl ro)......................... 24.57

sheffield RPGTV
2 5642 Lisneal Lupo (sa fw)........................... 25.40 2 1522 Harlem Rose (md ep)......................... 24.33

3 62 4 Tiermana Spirit (md ep)...................... 25.29 3 4645 Ameras Topaz (md ep)....................... 24.45
4 4326 Marbella Katie (md ep)...................... 25.10 4 4566 Chopchop Lucy (ep md).................... 24.29
6.19 (A6) 500m 7.26 (A5) 500m 8.27 (A5) 500m 5 5525 Pernera Mollie (wd ep)....................... 25.01 5 3552 Westlake Ben (sa fw).......................... 24.46
1 61 DROOPYS JUNIOR (ep rl)................. 29.89 1 2411 WILLY THE RAM (sa rl)...................... 29.47 1 1562 Stonepark Ann (ep rl)......................... 29.46 6 3543 Westlake Mike (sa ro)......................... 25.09 6 1211 BANGBANGRAVYCHIP (nb) (md ep).24.14

2 3 Glengar Martin (rl ro).......................... 30.18 2 2155 Rybrook Ruby (ep md)....................... 29.57 2 3246 Food To Go (md ep)........................... 00.00 Star betting: 7-4 Pernera Mollie, 7-2 Marbella Star betting: 11-4 Harlem Rose,
3 52 Wilmas Nidge (md sa)........................ 00.00 3 5164 Spoken For (sa ep)............................. 29.62 3 4435 Coyote Dragonfly (ep ro).................... 29.72 Katie, Borwick Ronnie, 4 Westlake Mike. Bangbangravychip, 7-2 Chopchop Lucy.
4 5153 Little Beauty (md ep).......................... 29.97 4 4525 Coney Kojo Mojo (md ep).................. 29.46 4 1142 Burgess Mary (md ep)....................... 29.75 11.31 (A1) 400m 1.17 (A4) 400m
5 154 Bog Tree (sa md)................................ 29.89 5 1366 Rhoden Lilly (wd ro)............................ 29.64 5 2221 GEORGE HENRY (ep md).................. 29.74 1 4521 Bubbly Owen (ep rl)............................ 24.37 1 5631 Im In Charge (md sa).......................... 24.70
6 626 Amazing Act (sa wd)........................... 29.79 6 5342 Swift Perplex (wd ep)......................... 29.60 6 413 Paradise Duchess (sa wd)................. 29.88 2 6511 BEECHVIEW PUMA (rl ro).................. 24.37 2 4541 Piemans Lynx (ep md)........................ 24.91
MONMORE takes Jacko (8.38), the Star betting: 3 Wilmas Nidge, 10-3 Little Star betting: 3 Willy The Ram, 10-3 Coney Kojo Star betting: 11-4 Food To Go, 7-2 Stonepark 3 1461 Bonville Nancy (sa fw)........................ 24.25 3 2135 Wisemans Angel (md ro)................... 24.67
centre stage on Monmore Puppy Beauty, 7-2 Droopys Junior, Bog Tree, Amazing Act.
6.36 (A4) 500m
Mojo, 7-2 Rybrook Ruby, 4 Rhoden Lilly, Swift
Perplex, 5 Spoken For.
Ann, Burgess Mary, 9-2 Coyote Dragonfly, George
Henry, 5 Paradise Duchess.
4 5514 Macash Dream (md fw)...................... 24.49
5 2145 Catunda Keaton (md ep).................... 24.23
4 3111 MOMOMINSTREL (NAP) (md ep)..... 24.92
5 2645 Milltown Rover (wd ep)...................... 24.59
RPGTV tonight as the Derby champion over 1 3263 Tromora Loch (rl ro)............................ 29.58 7.41 (A7) 500m 8.46 (A7) 500m 6 6241 Pro Pearl (sa ro)................................. 24.33 6 2144 Denwill Oscar (wd ep)........................ 24.63
Star betting: 7-2 Bubbly Owen, Bonville Nancy, Star betting: 5-2 Denwill Oscar, 7-2 Milltown
Wolverhampton track C&D, well-drawn 2 6 Toems Lad (sa fw).............................. 30.38
3 6311 COPELAND CAIN (md ep)................. 29.57
1 3522 Unique Adelaide (rl ro)........................ 30.21
2 5121 PEEKABOO DAB (nb) (md ep).......... 30.29
1 5331 Briannas Boy (rl ep)............................ 30.09
2 6 Saleen Finn (rl ro)................................ 30.45 Catunda Keaton, Pro Pearl, 4 Beechview Puma. Rover, 4 Im In Charge, Wisemans Angel.
prepares to launch Smallmead (8.54) 4 3321 Sizzling Sally (sa fw).......................... 29.42
5 1515 Chosen Destiny (md ep)..................... 29.29
3 6125 Clare From Clare (md ro)................... 30.04
4 Baltovin Linda (sa fw)......................... 00.00
3 12 MILLROAD BLACKIE (NAP) (md ep).30.19
4 2463 Coney Clinique (sa md)...................... 30.18
11.46 (A2) 400m
1 1342 Swabys Prince (sa ro)......................... 24.42
1.33 (A7) 400m
1 5644 Denwill Marshall (sa ro)...................... 00.00
the Ladbrokes for John Mullins, 6 3241 Allround Paddy (sa ro)........................ 29.47 5 2415 Oakvale Danny (wd ro)....................... 30.28 5 1231 Unique Jeff (md ro)............................ 00.00 2 2215 LILYS GIRL (rl ro)................................ 24.40 2 6322 Carriglong Gill (rl ro).......................... 24.85
Summer Festival of prolific-scoring Star betting: 9-4 Chosen Destiny, 7-2 Copeland
Cain, Allround Paddy, 4 Tromora Loch, Sizzling
6 352 Coney Kardashi (sa ro)....................... 30.07
Star betting: 2 Unique Adelaide, 5-2 Clare From
6 4225 Unknown Flash (sa ro)........................ 30.11
Star betting: 9-4 Briannas Boy, 3 Millroad
3 2434 Benalmadena Tia (md ep).................. 24.34
4 1323 Ace High Jazz (ep ro)........................ 24.45
3 2 63 Jaxx Mermaid (md ro)........................ 25.18
4 2256 Piemans Liberty (md ro)..................... 24.92
Racing with a series Queen Jessiej Sally, 8 Toems Lad. Clare, 3 Coney Kardashi, 9-2 Peekaboo Dab, 11-2 Blackie, Unique Jeff, 4 Unknown Flash, 6 Coney 5 6144 Coral Express (ep ro).......................... 24.16 5 1122 SIENNAS ISABELLA (wd ro).............. 24.89
6.51 (A4) 500m Oakvale Danny, 8 Baltovin Linda. Clinique, 8 Saleen Finn. 6 2521 Regal Dress (ep ro)............................. 24.49 6 2215 Borwick Sleepy (wd fw)...................... 24.96
of Gold Cup and (9.12) for Liz McNair 1 215 Courtmac Regatta (md ep)................ 29.55 7.58 (A6) 500m 9.01 (D3) 280m Star betting: 3 Coral Express, 7-2 Benalmadena Star betting: 3 Denwill Marshall, Carriglong Gill,
Summer Stayers and in-form Kevin 2 6544 Mickeys Hero (md ep)........................ 29.80
3 3 21 SWIFT COLOSSUS (sa fw)................ 29.32
1 6223 Kranky David (rl ro)............................ 29.72
2 1533 Trumpers Deano (ep ro)..................... 29.80
1 1133 Sullane Mark (rl ep)............................ 16.73
2 2415 Peachstreet Lady (sa fw).................... 16.74
Tia, 4 Swabys Prince, Lilys Girl, 9-2 Ace High Jazz,
Regal Dress.
Siennas Isabella, 4 Borwick Sleepy, 9-2 Piemans
Liberty, 8 Jaxx Mermaid.
Classic trial stakes Boon’s Bockos 4 5123 Sizzling Belle (md ro)......................... 29.43 3 3456 Cabriol Curtis (md ro)......................... 00.00 3 12 3 COYOTE STORM (md ep)................. 16.48
over 480m and 630m. Boss (9.28). 5 343d Mask Of Zorro (md ro)........................ 29.23
6 5465 Tromora Kylie (wd ro)......................... 29.46
4 6456 Sezlez (ep ro)...................................... 00.00
5 3222 SPRINGSIDE CAIN (wd ep)............... 29.93
4 4631 Trumpers Shelly (ep md).................... 00.00
5 5326 Fahy Mai (wd ro)................................. 16.96 CRAYFORD
Defending Gold ■ VOTING opens Star betting: 3 Sizzling Belle, 10-3 Courtmac 6 2152 Jaydee (wd ro).................................... 29.81 6 1546 Droopys Storm (wd ro)....................... 00.00 10.17 (A5) 380m 12.09 (E1) 714m
Regatta, Mask Of Zorro, 7-2 Swift Colossus, 5 Star betting: 11-4 Kranky David, Springside Star betting: 2 Coyote Storm, 3 Sullane Mark,
Cup champion tonight for July’s Tromora Kylie, 6 Mickeys Hero. Cain, 3 Trumpers Deano, Jaydee, 6 Cabriol Curtis,. 7-2 Peachstreet Lady, 9-2 Fahy Mai.
1 3663 Tranquil Bonnie (rl ep)........................ 23.81
2 6431 PENNYS SUNDEW (ep rl).................. 23.68
1 1635 Smokin Sam (md ro)........................... 46.26
2 531 Rise Above (md ro)............................. 00.00
Seaglass Tiger RPGTV/GWA 7.09 (D4) 280m
1 4363 Blackrock Aurora (rl ro)...................... 17.10
8.12 (A2) 500m
1 416 Jaguar Blake (md ro).......................... 29.32
9.16 (A3) 500m
1 5356 Shestheonlyone (md ep).................... 28.90
3 2441 Bonnie Skye (md ep).......................... 23.74 3 4612 Glorious Billie (sa fw).......................... 00.00
4 Airmount Roddick (sa md)................. 00.00 4 3222 BLACK QUARTZ (md ro)................... 46.21
(6.09) kicks off Greyhound of the 2 62 PEEKABOO POPCORN (ep rl).......... 17.08 2 1121 LOSTRIGG FREDDY (md ep)............ 29.19 2 1643 Forward Thinking (sa fw).................... 29.19 5 5515 Kilcolgan Ava (md ro)......................... 23.91 5 3241 Glenbeg Val (wd ep)........................... 45.45
proceedings and Month. The 3 3566 Milliondollarlad (ep ro)........................ 16.98
4 5624 Sullane Flash (sa ro)........................... 16.68
3 3121 Good Material (sa fw)........................ 29.01
4 1531 Highview Al (md ep)........................... 29.07
3 2354 Skilful Wonder (sa md)....................... 00.00
4 1364 Security Tipp (md ep)......................... 29.23
6 1233 Droopys Eureka (md ep)................... 23.78
Star betting: 9-4 Bonnie Skye, 5-2 Pennys
6 5444 Kelva Ivy (ep md)................................ 00.00
Star betting: 7-4 Glenbeg Val, 10-3 Black Quartz,
Patrick Janssens’ nominations are 5 2235 Me And Tom (md ro).......................... 16.96
6 6563 Kuwait (sa fw)..................................... 16.88
5 1161 Bills Direction (md ro)......................... 29.25
6 5266 The Other Rex (wd ep)....................... 29.16
5 261d Swift Benedict (ep md)...................... 29.37
6 6212 DREAMY LIAMY (md ep)................... 29.20
Sundew, Droopys Eureka, 9-2 Tranquil Bonnie. 7-2 Smokin Sam, 4 Kelva Ivy, 5 Glorious Billie, 8 Rise
dog has returned Bower Luke Shrewd 10.37 (H’cap H’dle) 380m Above.
Star betting: 2 Sullane Flash, 7-2 Me And Tom, Star betting: 3 Good Material, 10-3 The Other Star betting: 9-4 Shestheonlyone, 5-2 Dreamy 1 3354 Bubbles Of Gold (0m) (ep fw)............ 24.21 12.24 (A8) 380m
after injury in Call Waltham Magic Kuwait, 5 Blackrock Aurora, 11-2 Milliondollarlad,
Peekaboo Popcorn.
Rex, 7-2 Lostrigg Freddy, 9-2 Bills Direction,
Highview Al, 5 Jaguar Blake.
Liamy, 7-2 Forward Thinking, 4 Security Tipp, 5
Swift Benedict, 8 Skilful Wonder.
2 2542 Fantasy Bert (0m) (ep md)................. 23.61 1 1324 Rahale Ted (rl ep)............................... 23.96
3 6211 CYCLERS SAM (nb) (0m) (ep md)..... 24.02 2 3541 Ferryforth Blake (rl ro)........................ 23.99
fantastic style and Dark Ocean. 4 5134 Tyraxes (0m) (md ro)........................... 23.91 3 2211 CIROCCO (sa fw)............................... 23.99
and ran a Voting hove newcastle 5 2331 Cruise On Luckie (0m) (sa fw)........... 24.03
6 5356 Piper Paudie (0m) (sa ro).................... 24.27
4 4425 Princess Naz (sa ro)........................... 23.78
5 6666 Slim The Jockey (sa ro)...................... 24.31
storming race opens at 9pm 6.17 BRESKA LIFESTYLE (1)........ Punkrockpreacher (4) 2.04 DOG GONE DREAMS (3)......... Bramble Luciano (4)
Star betting: 5-4 Fantasy Bert, 3 Cyclers Sam, 6 461 Skiproe Liz (sa wd)............................. 23.74
11-2 Cruise On Luckie, Piper Paudie. Star betting: 11-4 Skiproe Liz, 7-2 Slim The
last week, tonight via @ 6.33 DARDIS WILLOW (2)..........................Scart Alice (5) 2.19 ALNWICK MATT (2)....................Apalachie Lady (6) 10.53 (A7) 380m Jockey, 4 Princess Naz, Rahale Ted, Cirocco, 11-2
being just rpgreyhounds 6.48 STOP THAT ZIGGY (2)..................... Bet On Spot (5) 2.36
NOW WERE HERE (3)..............Slaneyside Nevin
HOT SUN (2).................................... Local Queen
1 223 COOLSIDE OPHELIA (ep rl).............. 24.07
2 4253 Mines A Pinkgin (rl ro)........................ 23.89
Ferryforth Blake.
12.39 (S3) 540m
edged out by on Twitter. 7.07 BALLYMONEY ZUMA (1)................ Classic Tune (2) 3.09 ALNWICK SKY (3).......................... Glaise Buddy (5) 3 1313 Rarity (md ep)..................................... 24.08 1 2 65 Absolute Legend (rl ep)...................... 34.67
Hiya Boyo. He ■ MARK 7.24 DYSERT MOLLY (nb) (6)................. Gemini Tiger (3) 3.26
BRAMBLE ROBSON (4).................. Laughil Toby
ALNWICK MAGIC (6)..............Solway Moonlight
4 43 5 Twisted Bliss (ep ro)........................... 24.93
5 5351 Ping King (md ep)............................... 23.95
2 1146 Woodcocks Ariela (md ep)................. 00.00
3 651 Aghaburren Dolly (md ro)................... 34.17
7.44 FLETCHWOOD CO CO (6)....... Kylegrove Grace (1)
can go one MOISLEY has 8.03 LULLY GIRL (5)................................. Swift Repair (2)
4.04 BIT VIEW LISA (1)................... Blackhousearthur (2) 6 3565 Surewhynot (sa ro).............................. 24.14 4 1164 Blackberry Jam (md ep)..................... 34.44
5 5135 Corrin Sean (sa ro)............................. 34.08
4.23 GENERAL JACK (4)....................Catunda Prince (2) Star betting: 5-2 Mines A Pinkgin, 10-3 Ping
better. been named as 8.23 BARFETT BOY (1).......................... Mineola Titch (6) 4.43 OVER THE ROAD (nap) (6).................Victor Tree (4) King, 7-2 Rarity, Coolside Ophelia, 4 Surewhynot. 6 2133 CLONGEEL GIFT (sa fw).................... 34.51
Southfield the GBGB’s first 8.43 STOPHERS BRANDY (3).......... Tidy Up Buttons (1) 5.03 ALNWICK CAT (nb) (2)........... Queensland Mags (6) 11.09 (A6) 380m
1 1134 Shaneboy Kane (rl ep)........................ 23.88
Star betting: 9-4 Corrin Sean, 7-2 Aghaburren
Dolly, Woodcocks Ariela, 4 Clongeel Gift.
5.22 WAZOKIE RANGER (6)................... Fourbet Link (3)
Code (6.58) finished executive commercial 9.02 BURNPARK ROSIE (5).......................In A Minute (2) 5.42 ACCESS CALL (4)....................... A Bit Of Neville (6) 2 2642 Talented Lad (md ro).......................... 23.71 12.54 (A5) 380m
3 14 5 Mimo Fergie (md ro)........................... 23.81 1 3431 Coolruss John (rl ro)........................... 23.52
close up in last director. 9.18 COONOUGH EDEN (nap) (4)........ Robbies Zeds (1) 5.59 KILLOUGH DIVA (3)......................View The Man (6) 4 1115 LAGILE DAZL (md ro)........................ 23.61 2 5212 Tarsna Belle (md ro)........................... 23.58
week’s Regency final With 20 years’ 5 Droopys Wizard (ep md).................... 00.00 3 2144 Yacht Jem (md ep).............................. 23.73

at Hove but had experience in the YESTERDAY’S RESULTS ROUND-UP 6 1 42 Caislean Atir (wd ro).......................... 23.87
Star betting: 9-4 Lagile Dazl, 10-3 Caislean Atir,
4 5226 Absolute Queen (md ro)..................... 23.76
5 2111 MEGGIE MOON (NAP) (wd ep)......... 23.39
6 52 3 Toomdeely (sa fw)............................... 23.55
previously won well at sports sector, Moisley CRAYFORD £90.10. 11.46: Doc Holliday (2) 10-3,
Ballynabe Taylor (1) 6-1, bf: £23.84,
Yassoo Andrico (4) 9-2, bf: £30.66, tri:
(2-4-5) £91.17. 5.18: Roses Kate (2)
7-2 Mimo Fergie, Shaneboy Kane, Talented Lad.
11.24 (A10) 380m Star betting: 11-4 Meggie Moon, 10-3
Monmore and can get has previously held 10.17: Albert (4) 7-4, Five Hoppers tri: (2-1-5) £59.69. 12.01: Monfin Rose 5-1, Gemini Belle (1) 3-1, bf: £23.34, 1 5346 Slaneyside Buffy (rl ro)....................... 24.16 Toomdeely, 7-2 Tarsna Belle, 4 Coolruss John.
(6) 6-1, bf: £14.34, tri: (4-6-2) £55.25. 2 3366 Merry Jester (rl ro).............................. 24.22 1.09 (S1) 540m
the better of the commercial roles at 10.37: Coco Quest (2) 7-4 fav,
(1) 5-2, Tarsna Silk (3) 7-4 fav, bf:
£8.34, tri: (1-3-2) £26.31. 12.16: Miss
tri: (2-1-5) £73.19. 5.37: Insane Luga
(2) 10-1, Roaming Blueboy (1) 9-4, 3 6 66 Maybeanothertime (sa md)................ 25.02 1 3643 Pemberley (ep ro)............................... 34.14
younger Coolavanny Sunderland FC, Squidges Hero (5) 7-1, bf: £17.60, tri:
(2-5-4) £52.11. 10.53: Upyoulittleduck
Lucky (3) 5-2 fav, Our Boy Bodie (4) NR: Jimmy Wassup (res), bf: £41.75,
4 52 4 MOANTEEN BENTLEY (md ro)......... 24.23
5 5 42 Savana Timmy (ep md)...................... 24.06
2 5d23 Could Be King (sa fw)........................ 34.29
3 1641 Manic State (sa ro)............................. 33.76
Bani, interesting Oldham FC, England (1) 7-2, Pulp Fiction (2) 4-1, bf:
7-2, bf: £13.07, tri: (3-4-5) £50.67.
12.31: Fantasy Boss (5) 7-4 fav, Decoy
tri: (2-1-5) £181.75. 5.54: Final Sauce 6 265 Tidy Up Blue (md ro).......................... 24.12 4 4452 Southfield Ariel (md ep)...................... 34.00
(1) 7-4 fav, Skips Brew (2) 8-1, bf: Star betting: 9-4 Savana Timmy, 10-3 Merry 5 2 51 CLASSY LEXIE (wd ep)...................... 34.01
upped in trip after a Hockey and Wembley £17.96, tri: (1-2-6) £47.85. 11.09:
Kilcarn Jeff (5) 2-1 jt-fav, Droopys
Chippy (1) 9-2, bf: £12.16, tri: (5-1-6) £15.81, tri: (1-2-4) £62.58. Jester, 7-2 Slaneyside Buffy, Tidy Up Blue, 11-2 6 Trap empty
solid Newcastle Stadium. Arya (1) 5-1, bf: £14.64, tri: (5-1-3)
£32.06. 12.46: Salems Vermont (6)
10-3, Fengate Penny (5) 9-2, bf: MONMORE
Moanteen Bentley, 8 Maybeanothertime. Star betting: 5-2 Manic State, 3 Could Be King,
Classy Lexie, 7-2 Southfield Ariel, Pemberley.
11.39 (A10) 380m
four-bend campaign. GBGB managing £66.69. 11.24: Adamant White (4)
13-8 fav, Salthill Romeo (1) 11-4, bf:
£19.65, tri: (6-5-4) £85.17. 1.02: 1.57: Move Over Mindy (1) 10-3, 1 4455 Walkofshame (sa erl).......................... 24.29 1.24 (A7) 380m
Killeacle Gus director Mark Bird £7.32, tri: (4-1-5) £30.48. 11.39: Manic
Benwell Girl (1) 13-8 fav, Chapters
New (6) 10-3, bf: £8.53, tri: (1-6-3)
Dhustone Smile (6) 2-1 fav, bf:
£13.71, tri: (1-6-3) £30.81. 2.12:
2 5433 James Racing (rl ro)........................... 24.15
3 4322 Longvale Prince (md ep)................... 24.11
1 4623 Beslow Pops Ryan (sa fw)................. 23.78
2 5631 Westwind Zebra (sa fw)...................... 23.60
(7.36, above) is also said: “British Zelda (5) 10-3, Carrigoon Fox (3)
11-4, bf: £18.26, tri: (5-3-4) £75.75.
£20.29. 1.17: Wotwilbewilbe (4) 4-1, Sporting Ruth (2) 3-1, Mitchells Baz 4 523 Unleashthehope (md ep).................... 24.14 3 1663 Glenvale Juliet (md ep)....................... 23.94
4 2235 Absolute Dollie (ep ro)........................ 23.73
5 2311 DARK VALLEY (md ro)....................... 24.10
up in distance and the greyhound racing is 11.54: Glen Pops (6) 11-4, Shot of
Sneezys Mistral (2) 5-1, bf: £33.26,
tri: (4-2-1) £139.32. 1.33: Daves Shot
(5) 9-2, bf: £22.36, tri: (2-5-6) £72.98.
2.32: Groovy Hannah (5) 5-1, Moiras
6 6354 Whats Hazel Upto (wd ro).................. 24.22 5 4123 LISSARRA KERO (md ep).................. 23.62
Sussex Cup third an exciting, historic Brandy (1) 9-4 fav, bf: £11.03, tri:
(6-1-2) £29.00. 12.09: Altior (1) 5-2,
(4) 9-2, Salems Virginia (5) 9-4, bf: Joy (3) 6-1, bf: £48.59, tri: (5-3-2)
Star betting: 5-2 Dark Valley, 11-4 James
Racing, 7-2 Longvale Prince, 9-2 Unleashthehope,
6 4312 Rising Coco (md ep).......................... 23.87
Star betting: 3 Westwind Zebra, 7-2 Absolute
£20.85, tri: (4-5-1) £39.81.
looks drawn for a and welfare-centric Smearla Princess (3) 9-2, NR: Merry £193.86. 2.52: Elderberry Jaxx (3) 11-2 Walkofshame, 6 Whats Hazel Upto. Dollie, Lissarra Kero, Rising Cocot.
long lead in his 630m sport. But to ensure it Minstrel (res), bf: £16.42, tri: (1-3-2) HOVE 6-1, Harveys Gem (2) 4-1, bf: £35.98,
tri: (3-2-4) £93.26. 3.11: Image
11.54 (A9) 380m
1 4 Tidy Up Billy (rl ro).............................. 25.00
1.39 (A6) 380m
1 3142 BURNPARK SHIRLEY (rl ro).............. 23.74
£0.00. 12.24: Adrigole Antonia (6) 1.49: Punkrock Banshee (1) 8-1,
trial stakes, while the has a bright future we 3-1, Nice Diamond (2) 5-1, bf: £21.68, South Downs Mist (5) 5-2 jt-fav, bf:
Makina (4) 6-4 fav, Dixie Chick (3) 2 3256 Cosmic Outlaw (sa fw)....................... 24.19
3 6416 Wilbrook Golden (ep ro).................... 23.99
2 2252 Cushie Donie (md ro).......................... 23.44
3 1432 Tip Top Silver (md ep)........................ 23.67
5-1, bf: £10.68, tri: (4-3-2) £42.16.
speed of Droopys need greater and tri: (6-2-3) £75.47. 12.39: Woodcocks
Anna (2) 10-1, Island Dream (4) 5-2,
£41.67, tri: (1-5-2) £159.87. 2.07:
3.28: Swift Acappella (2) 11-4 jt-fav, 4 5663 Hatfield Derek (md fw)........................ 23.70 4 2115 Spirit Breeze Up (sa md)................... 23.89
Batmans Girl (6) 11-4 jt-fav, Carraig 5 544 Phat Alice (wd ro)............................... 24.08
Proven (7.56) could more focused bf: £54.51, tri: (2-4-1) £101.89. 12.54: Molly (1) 7-2, bf: £13.51, tri: (6-1-2) Fiddle Stick (4) 8-1, bf: £30.63, tri: 5 6351 KELVA CHARLOTTE (sa fw).............. 23.89
6 6515 Vivaro Camden (wd ro)....................... 24.21 6 43 Ashwood Blake (wd ro)...................... 23.86
(2-4-1) £81.04. 3.48: Scala Brady (1)
also see her surprise commercial direction. Whats Tasha Upto (2) 3-1, Feheneys
Hill (5) 11-8 fav, bf: £10.60, tri: (2-5-6)
£41.45. 2.23: Oonahs Grumpy (4) 6-1,
Gatchells Storm (2) 9-2, bf: £44.64, 4-1, Droopys Aussie (3) 6-5 fav, bf:
Star betting: 11-4 Hatfield Derek, 3 Kelva
Charlotte, 4 Cosmic Outlaw, Vivaro Camden, 5
Star betting: 5-2 Cushie Donie, 7-2 Burnpark
Shirley, Tip Top Silver, 9-2 Ashwood Blake, 5 Phat
some big names, “Mark has a clear £33.22. 1.09 Race Void. 1.24 Race Void. tri: (4-2-3) £134.12. 2.42: Knight £11.74, tri: (1-3-4) £30.91. 4.08: Wilbrook Golden, Tidy Up Billy. Alice, Spirit Breeze Up.
Tommys Control (4) 5-2, Newry View
including King entrepreneurial drive 1.39 Race Void. Rider (6) 5-1, Music Master (2) 3-1,
(5) 8-1, bf: £25.08, tri: (4-5-2) £55.89.
Sheeran, and get and through the HARLOW
bf: £27.38, tri: (6-2-1) £135.76. 3.02:
Clairkeith Cobey (1) 6-1, Druids So 4.28: Sandyhill Queen (2) 4-1, Beepee
Sophie (5) 4-1, bf: £28.66, tri: (2-5-6)
romford evening
away. recruitment process 10.12: Killacolla Lola (2) 10-1,
Decoy Louis (6) 9-4, bf: £52.46, tri:
Bright (3) 6-1, bf: £44.79, tri: (1-3-4)
£131.43. 3.18: Freeky Quinn (1) 13-8 £66.79. 4.48: Affleck Pete (3) 6-1, Bojo 6.22 THATCHERS PUMA (4)..............................................Landfall Prince (5)
Other Monmore has proven his ability (2-6-5) £200.21. 10.31: Proper Conor fav, Shut Up Vinny (2) 7-2, bf: £7.80, (6) 9-2, bf: £42.30, tri: (3-6-1) £129.56. 6.39 TUCK UP TOM (6).................................................Rushbrook Rocco (3)
5.08: Peebee Carranna (5) 11-4,
fancies are Ernie to see the big picture (6) 7-2, Killnafly (5) 4-1, bf: £19.50,
tri: (6-5-2) £79.32. 10.46: Moaning
tri: (1-2-4) £25.79. 3.38: Popular
Queenie (4) 7-1, Insane Maggie (1) Elderberry Simba (1) 5-2 fav, bf:
6.54 BJORNDALEN LAD (nap) (3)..................................... Trapstyle Lady (2)
7.12 KIND HOFFMAN (4)............................................... Bubbly Nebraska (6)
Gaskin’s Newinn for the sport’s future.” Matrix (6) 6-4 fav, Dapper Jack (2) 3-1, bf: £38.09, tri: (4-1-5) £147.14. £13.09, tri: (5-1-2) £39.03. 5.28:
7.32 BURTON LODGE BOB (4)................................... Huwearsdtrousers (3)
9-2, bf: £10.20, tri: (6-2-4) £21.31. 3.58: Lisneal Mia (1) 2-1 fav, Miss Droopys Nuala (4) 11-4 fav,
11.01: Glenbeech Roch (4) 9-4 fav, Rankin (4) 4-1, bf: £11.63, tri: (1-4-2) Woodcocks Blue (3) 4-1, bf: £16.53, 7.52 ASHWOOD LUCY (6)............................................. Chickenrun Dolly (2)
Jeevy (1) 5-1, bf: £15.40, tri: (4-1-2) £35.42. 4.18: Mandeville Koby (2) tri: (4-3-6) £46.32. 5.44: Clough 8.08 TAGGED (6)............................................................ Walk On Thomas (4)
£51.53. 11.16: Tullycanna Boss (1) 11-4, Yassoo Emmet (4) 11-1, bf: Babyshark (5) 4-1, Jackapops (6) 9-2, 8.28 BIT VIEW AL (1).................................................... Madabout Wacker (3)
13-8 fav, Snooze Button (2) 4-1, bf: £39.36, tri: (2-4-3) £154.48. 4.38: bf: £24.45, tri: (5-6-1) £77.91. 6.02:
£8.71, tri: (1-2-3) £19.16. 11.31: Sanctury Queen (2) 2-1 fav, Fagans Kurtas Carranna (6) 7-4 fav, Some 8.48 CHILLI TREND (nb) (2).......................................... Moorstown Victor (1)
Quickly Does It (3) 10-3, Millmount Fiasco (1) 5-1, bf: £12.51, tri: (2-1-4) Sketch (2) 6-1, bf: £13.89, tri: (6-2-4) 9.07 FORTUNATE OCEAN (1)............................................ Sneezys Rebel (3)
Duke (5) 5-1, bf: £25.53, tri: (3-5-6) £31.49. 4.58: Dream To Night (2) 4-1, £45.05. 9.22 CHOPCHOP AUTUMN (3).................................................. Chilli Flirt (2)

Star Bets
12 Saturday, August 8, 2020


TOP HOPE. Jalaad had success at York

The right Laad

on jackpot day
THE Scoop6 fund
has rolled for an
Mason to help restore Blues’ pride
amazing six weeks Mason Mount
IT’S all about saving by STEVE ANDERSON
– so today punters can help face for Chelsea in
could win an good use once Munich tonight when defeat. You have to go back to
Chelsea reduce
estimated £280,000 again. they get back down to September for the last time
the deficit
for just a £2 stake. He stays well, has European Champions Chelsea lost two games in a row,
in Munich
All our legs are at set some decent League duty. going down then to Valencia
Ascot, starting with times and can defy a Bayern’s 3-0 first-leg victory and Liverpool.
the 1.50 where weight rise here. at Stamford Bridge in February Oliver Giroud has been in fine
Richard Hannon’s Andrew Balding’s left Frank Lampard’s men with form recently with six goals in
improving filly Bronze River might a huge mountain to scale – and the last eight games but I fancy
Theotherside rates be a good price in no one could have predicted Mason Mount to strike for
as the one to beat. the 4.10 and looks they would have to wait until Lampard’s men.
She scored nicely set for a big run. August to pull on their climbing He’s scored in two of Chelsea’s
at Newmarket last Others are less boots. last four games so I’d be tempted
time and has an exposed but this There’s no way on earth by the 12-1 he gets the first goal
excellent son of Chelsea will make history although the odds of 18-5 he
attitude. ROLLOVER Archipenko by overcoming a three-goal scores at any time are still
The Estimated is steadily deficit to progress to the decent.

next leg progressive quarter-finals. If they get their noses in front,
can go the and the But I think there’s every I think Chelsea could earn a
way of step up in chance they will restore a little draw so take Betfred’s 5-1 for a
Jalaad, a
Estimated combined pools. 18+
trip will
pride. score draw or the 9-1 for a 1-1
recent York winner suit. It wouldn’t be the first time a stalemate.
who is good on the Finally, take Blue side with a decent away victory North of the border, the
clock and looks to De Vega to land the in Europe fails to live up to Scottish Premiership got under
be the improving final leg at 4.45 after expectations in the home leg. way last week and gave us a clue
horse in the field. success at Just look at Manchester as to which sides are adapting
At 3.00, we have Newmarket on his United in midweek, scraping a best to empty stadiums.
an open, stamina- last appearance. 2-1 win over LASK at Old Rangers picked up an
sapping handicap, Trafford after a 5-0 away win. impressive 1-0 win at Aberdeen
but it’s James Lampard’s men are big 13-2 and Ianis Hagi looks like he
Fanshawe’s Sleeping outsiders and to expect a victory could be an inspired signing by
Lion who just gets might be asking too much. But Steven Gerrard.
Tips they could sneak a draw or a He’s dangerous from
the nod

on the back of a Ascot 1.50 one-goal defeat, so it’s worth free-kicks and isn’t afraid to have
solid second at Theotherside looking at the handicap market. a pot-shot from any distance.
Newcastle last time. Ascot 2.25 Betfred offer odds of 2-1 on The Gers play St Mirren at
Jalaad Starbets’ Steve Chelsea with a one-goal start Ibrox tomorrow and I’d back
The fourth leg at Anderson was spot-on
3.35 should see the Ascot 3.00 but if you want to play safe, them to score three or more
Sleeping Lion last week when he take the 4-5 they win given a goals at 10-11.
Charlie Fellowes tipped underdogs
trained course and Ascot 3.35 two-goal advantage. Hagi can get off the mark and
Jeremiah Arsenal to beat The Blues have been hit he’s 15-8 to score any time –
distance winner Chelsea 2-1 in the
Jeremiah put his Ascot 4.10 hard by injuries but whoever while’s it’s also worth doubling
Bronze River FA Cup final at starts will be keen to make up him up with Alfredo Morelos at
recent Ascot odds of 10-1
Ascot 4.45 for last weekend’s FA Cup final odds of 9-2 they both score.
experience to Blue De Vega

Back The Hawk to ruffle Robertson’s feathers

RECORDS tumbled in the by MARK PEARSON Hawkins. It’s incredible to PEARSON’S PICK other game Kyren Wilson gets
first week of the Betfred think Robertson has not Take Barry Hawkins his first taste of action
World Snooker even been to a final since following a first-round bye.
Championship. he won it. (+3.5 frames) to beat He is 4-9 to edge out
Ronnie O’Sullivan took second-round clash that The Thunder from Down Neil Robertson at 10-11 Martin Gould who beat
just 108 minutes to beat ended in defeat to Kurt Under has already landed Stephen Maguire 10-3 and
Thepchaiya Un-Nooh 10-1 Maflin. And there’s still 10 three events this season the second round for the is available at 7-4.
in the fastest-ever Crucible days of action to unfold. and is fancied by many. 10th successive year. Gould is leading the
match. Two second-round It won’t be easy, though, Robertson is short at 2-7 head-to-heads but
There were a record 39 clashes begin today. overcoming Hawkins (right). and I want to get with The backing Wilson to win
century breaks – and the The first sees 2010 The Hawk has been to a Hawk so the 10-11 in on the handicap -3.5
first Crucible 147 in eight winner Neil Robertson take final, four semis and a receipt of 3.5 frames looks a frames – basically 13-9
years when John Higgins on 2013 finalist and quarter-final in the last good bet. If he gets to 10 or better – looks the play
managed the feat in his four-time semi-finalist Barry seven years. He is playing in frames, it’s a winner. In the at 6-5.
8 – 14 august 2020 • INSIDE THE daily STaR EvEry SATUrDAy


You’ll love to hate Diane
Morgan’s new comic creation

rOlling in iT
It’s all about luck and chance in
Stephen Mulhern’s new game show

TOTal WipeOuT: Freddie

& paddy TaKeOver
The lads bring the bants as they
bounce this classic back to life
Leyla is attacked by a terrifying
and mysterious figure at work
Bigger and Better 7-daY tV listings / don’t miss a thing
We’re off to some exotic locations as brave
Instagram: @Dailystartvmags
Twitter: @hottvmag

homebuyers decide to take the plunge and

buy themselves A Place In The Sun

t’s the addictive daytime series somewhere in my subconscious
we’re all hooked on, and at I knew it was going to happen,
a time when flying off to the that it was meant to be.
sun might seem too risky, ‘Each episode takes a week to
then why not escape through film and I do about 20 or 25 a year
your telly box instead? and the kids come along with me To CaTCh a Sex offender:
A new series of A Place In The during the school holidays.’ Crime & PuniShmenT unSaid STorieS
Sun kicks off this week as more During the pandemic, however,
hopeful property hunters descend things have definitely changed a
on sunny locations in the hope of lot for Jasmine and the crew. But Headlines about cuts to the police Four short but powerful new dramas
buying their dream holiday home. she says the show must go on. ‘I and criminal justice system are inspired by the Black Lives Matter
And helping them pick the perfect don’t really believe in spending alarming – but just how bad is it? movement hit our screens this week.
pad are hosts Jasmine Harman, a lot of time fretting about things This hard-hitting doc follows the Each 15-minute film has a different
Laura Hamilton, Danni Menzies, you can’t control,’ she explains. work of the Ministry Of Justice, focus – ranging from damaged
Scarlette Douglas, Jean Johansson, ‘And we’ve still got thousands of legal teams, the police, victim love and complicated parent/child
Jonnie Irwin and Ben Hillman. people applying to be on the show.’ support and other services to find relationships to encounters with the
‘I felt very blessed when I got this So what about the house hunters answers – specifically about how police – all set against the backdrop
job,’ Jasmine – who’s been part of who do take part – has there been the prosecution system deals with of racism. Stars include Marcella’s
the show since 2004 – tells us. ‘It anyone she didn’t like? ‘There reports of rape. This episode charts Nicholas Pinnock and I May Destroy
was weird because I remember have only been a few. And they’re the progress of two different cases. You actor Paapa Essiedu.
at the time I had visions of myself usually the ones who are far too Thursdays, 9pm, Channel 4 Monday-Thursday, 9pm, ITV
standing in front of a camera. ambitious in terms of what we
It was like can find for them. They don’t
like anything you show them
– nothing ever satisfies them.
But we can’t work miracles!’
Well, after seeing some of the
incredible homes, we would
disagree with that.
A Place In The Sun, Monday-
Friday, 4pm, Channel 4

formula 1
inSide miSSguided: 70Th anniverSary
made in manCheSTer Qualifying highlighTS

It’s one of Britain’s biggest and most Steve Jones, David Coulthard and
popular fast-fashion brands and now Mark Webber return to present more
Missguided is letting the cameras in of this week’s F1 qualifier highlights.
Laura with Simon and to its Manchester HQ to see the team Brit favourite Lewis Hamilton has
Sarah Greenstreet
in Fuerteventura at work. And there’s excitement in said a flat-out lap of Silverstone is
the air as this four-part series begins like flying a fighter jet, so he’ll no
with them battling their main rival doubt be bringing his A game to
in a bid to land Love Island star the track. However, he’ll need to be
Molly-Mae Hague as the face of going full throttle to take another
their new collection. But who will pole on his home circuit as he faces
manage to win the pitch? stiff competition from his rivals.
Wednesdays, 10pm, Channel 4 Saturday, 7.30pm, Channel 4

Sarah Ackroyd and Suzie

Butters property hunting meghan & harry:
in Bulgaria with Jonnie The new revelaTionS

A new bombshell book has revealed

yet more stories about the young
couple who quit royal life to move to
the US – but this time it’s their side
of the story. This documentary takes
a look at those claims, from their
relationship with Kate and Wills to
why they ditched the UK. Featuring
Jasmine loves her job Presenter exclusive interviews with key royal
on A Place In The Sun Scarlette insiders, it promises to be explosive.
Saturday, 9pm, Channel 5

Editor-in-Chief: Mel Brodie TV Editorial Director: Jennifer Rodger

CONTENTS 4-8 HIGHLIGHTS 9-12 SOAPS TV Editor: Jenny Kyte Deputy TV Editor: Rianne Ison Art Editor: Lee Dalgleish
Supplements Picture Editor: Karen Vowles Deputy Picture Editor: Sara Lofthouse
13 mOVIES 15 TV LISTINGS 30 HOROSCOPES Picture Researcher: Will Perry Sub-Editor: Julia Ray






On a r
Stephen Mulhern is back on the box with a new celebrity-packed and fun new game show, Rolling In It

e all love a game Jennie McAlpine and Sair Khan, teaming up as a duo – how does Who was your favourite
show, and Stephen then, over the weeks, get ready that work? celebrity guest?
Mulhern is the cream to see the likes of Mark Wright, I love the dynamic you get between Jimmy Carr. Sometimes when you
of the crop when it Gemma Collins, Jimmy Carr and the celeb and the punter. If they get another comedian on, it can
comes to hosts. So his latest series Fleur East taking part. We spoke get nervous or worried, they can get competitive for the laughs.
won’t disappoint. to Stephen to find out more… pass the buck to the celeb. And But Jimmy was brilliant. He was
Three contestants will be playing vice versa. I prefer working with such a laugh. Then we had Gemma
alongside some well-known faces Tell us about Rolling In It… normal people to celebrities, hands Collins. Her game partner was on
in the hope of bagging themselves I think it’s one of the most down. I’m a people person and a good roll. He trusted Gemma
a load of cash. But it’s all down exciting game shows to hit TV love chatting to new people. to make a couple of decisions – I
to chance and the roll of a coin for a long time. I remember when don’t know why. Anyway, they lost
– truly a game of luck! Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Did you have to film without their money. I don’t know what
Each contestant will be teamed launched and there was a massive a studio audience? went on after the show – I don’t
up with one celebrity to make buzz around it. This is the same. No, fortunately, we got the think they were even speaking.
three teams. The team will then The tension is mad. And let’s face filming in just before lockdown.
roll a coin down a moving it, it’s been a long lockdown, so to But I’ve filmed the new series of What was your luckiest break?
conveyor belt towards different have something new to watch is a Catchphrase without an audience. I think I hit the big time when I
slots – each one labelled with gift. And it involves large sums of I was a bit worried how it would got my first job at Butlin’s, aged
sums of money on them. But free money, so why not? work but it wasn’t that bad. The 18. I was on holiday there with my
there’s also a ‘bankrupt’ slot, contestants preferred it as they family at the time and one of the
too, which they need to avoid You’ve got celebrities and didn’t feel so self-conscious about acts failed to show up, so I stepped
at all costs. members of the general public giving the wrong answer. in. That really was my lucky break.
In the It enabled
first me to earn
episode, my stripes
we’ll see and then get
three my next job
members on Saturday
of the morning TV.
public I’m so lucky to
teaming do my job, it’s
up with a dream.
Corrie Rolling In It,
stars Sair Khan with Celebrities with contestants and Jennie McAlpine Saturdays,
Antony contestant Melissa host Stephen Mulhern with contestant Joel 6.25pm, ITV
total recall
Freddie Flintoff and Paddy McGuinness take over the outrageously fun assault course show, Total Wipeout

t was the agility game show enjoy seeing it F: Obviously, bouncing, jumping. The only one
guaranteed to have viewers back on BBC1. you see the big I might have a chance with is
at home in stitches, as one by We need those red balls and that wall where they punch you
one contestants were taken big red balls remember all and you have to stay on. But then
out by those famous big red balls. back in those things, if anyone saw me boxing, they’d
Now, BBC1’s Total Wipeout is our lives! but there was probably disagree.
making a comeback to our screens, a person on it
as we relive the best episodes from Were you when I watched Do you have any pre-show
10 years ago – but this time with excited to work the series and rituals when you work together?
a new twist. on it together? it’s a friend’s F: Paddy never sees what I do
Freddie Flintoff and Paddy F: I’m never daughter! There before we start because he’s always
McGuinness are taking over from excited to was a cricketer late. So whatever I do, Paddy’s
original hosts Richard Hammond work with Climbing the wall in the 80s and oblivious. Then he waltzes in and
and Amanda Byram and have Paddy! [Laughs] early 90s called just starts as if we’ve got the call
recorded hilarious new voice-overs Because the two Allan Lamb, and time wrong. So there’s no warm-
to some of the most entertaining of us are doing I know Allan and ups, we’re just sitting there waiting
contestants that braved the course Top Gear now and we have so much his daughter. And she was on! for Paddy.
to be in with a chance of winning fun on that, for both of us it was a P: Fred still has a lot to learn from
£10,000. And, as fans of the Top no-brainer. What makes it stand out? me so part of that routine is him
Gear co-hosts have come to expect, P: It’s all about getting the
they don’t hold back, bringing Who roasts the contestants not taking chance to sit
their boyish banter to the show the most? yourself too back and watch
as they have their say on the P: I can probably be a bit harsher seriously and a professional
contestants’ efforts. on some of the contestants than going for it. at work. But,
Here, the lads reveal the fun in Fred. I see it more as tough love. It’s silly, pure seriously, it’s
store and why they jumped at F: Paddy gets stuck into a few comfort TV and always fairly
the chance to people, as do I think, more easy for us to get
take an amusing I, to be honest! than ever, that’s stuck in while
trip down When they the kind of telly having a laugh.
memory lane… were filming, people have an Total Wipeout:
it’s almost as appetite for. Freddie & Paddy
You’ve taken if some of the F: Nothing’s Ready for a splash down Takeover,
over Total contestants been as good as Saturday,
Wipeout. What’s weren’t aware Wipeout, hence 7.10pm, BBC1
in store? it’s being filmed! bringing it back,
Freddie: It’s and even watching the old episodes,
just fun, isn’t it? What are your it just doesn’t date. It’s fun,
You don’t stop memories there’s a bit of jeopardy and
laughing at it. Head over heels from watching it’s quite hard, so hopefully
on the big red balls
But some of the the show? it’ll go well and, who
stuff people go P: I’ve always knows, they might
through is hard loved the mix make it again.
– from getting punched off a wall, of contestants that take part in
to falling on the big red balls. This the show – they’re up for anything How would you get
time round it’s the best episodes and aren’t afraid of looking daft, on as a contestant?
from 10 years ago and then me and a bit like myself and Fred. It F: The easiest one is when
Paddy have done the voice-over. brought back loads of happy you get on to the course
Paddy: There was a great response memories watching it. It and you slide down.
when the news felt nostalgic. After that, it’s all hell!
was announced so It’s balance,
I really hope

And Out Diane Morgan stars as hopeless Mandy in this bonkers new comedy

omedy lovers rejoice as ‘Oh, that person looks and sounds on my leg so I could feel the from her. It wasn’t easy being
BBC2’s new sitcom is as just like me, that’s odd.’ weight of it. practically naked lying on a
silly as they come. Mandy table covered in raw fish in
follows the journey of a In episode one, you have to film That sounds awful... front of my co-star Sean
hapless woman called, you guessed a scene with tarantulas. Was that Honestly, inside I was Lock. I obviously don’t
it, Mandy, as she tries to navigate your idea?! throwing up. At one think things through
the ups and downs of ‘grown-up’ Oh my God, I’m glad you brought point it walked up the when I’m writing.
life, aka trying to get a proper job them up. When I wrote that episode, back of my neck and
and settle down. But try as she I thought, ‘It’s 2020, they’ll have I was wearing a top Are there any other
might, it never quite goes to plan. realistic-looking [fake] tarantulas.’ with holes in it and famous faces
Episode one shows her attempting Turns out they don’t! I freaked out. one of its legs slid involved?
to hold down a new career in They’re my worst fear ever. The through the hole and My mate Maxine
a banana factory killing deadly thought of them makes me shudder, touched my skin. I was Peake is in it, Natalie
tarantulas that are trying to feast so a handler came biting my tongue, praying Cassidy, practically
on the fruit. But it’s a decision that in and had one for them to shout ‘cut’. Maxine Peake everyone from the set
comes back to bite her when it in a sandwich I’m sweating talking about stars in the show of After Life… I stole Ricky
goes disastrously wrong – and box. They said it. I thought they’d get a Gervais’s cast – cheers, Ricky!
that’s just the beginning. they’d have stand-in but we couldn’t afford it.
Comedy actress Diane to get me used Did you love starring in
Morgan plays the title role, to it, in case Was that the hardest bit of After Life?
and also wrote the six-part I do the scene filming the series? It was great. I love working with
series. Here, the After Life and flip out For sure. And a scene where Mandy Ricky Gervais. He’s really generous
star chats to us about the and kill it out strips off so people can eat sushi and good fun. And the people he
show, facing her fears on set, of sheer shock. casts are always lovely people you’d
and why her co-stars had to Diane ‘freaked out’ They put it want to hang out with
eat sushi off her body… at the tarantulas anyway. Even
watching it back
Hi Diane. Tell I sob – and I
us all about know what
Mandy… happens.
She isn’t the
most ‘woke’ What’s
person. And coming up
she’s based next for you?
on a real-life More funny.
person. She’s She starred as After Life series
walking about Kath in After Life three will start
amongst us! filming soon and
Her hair is there is a new Motherland in the
actually like pipeline. I’m hoping for more
that in real Cunk, too. Although I’m still not
life. I can’t convinced I can make people
say who it laugh, I’m going to keep trying!
is, but I Mandy, Thursdays, 9.30pm,
worry she’ll BBC2
watch it
and think,

Diane takes on
the role of Mandy

Tom was knighted
by the Queen earlier
this summer

AsiAn uper
Gok Wan takes us on a culinary adventure as he
shows us how to cook Asian dishes the easy way… Tom!
e may be best Asian food was the most
ITV roll out the red carpet for the nation’s latest
known as a Treasure Island eaten food in the UK, hero in The Life & Times Of Captain Sir Tom

makeover chop suey but the least cooked
guru, but at home. fter raising almost weeks, but there is simply nothing
Gok Wan can also ‘It’s just a case of £40 million for NHS that can compare to this. I was
transform humble people getting to charities during lockdown, overwhelmed with pride and joy.
food ingredients into know the basic core Captain Sir Tom has
a Southeast Asian ingredients, then become a symbol of hope for the The Second World War was
dish of the day. understanding how nation. And now ITV is celebrating a huge part of your life. How
The stylist grew up to cook with the wok. this amazing man, who has it affected your
working in his father’s ‘My whole life I’ve had has just been knighted outlook since?
Chinese restaurant in a fascination with food by the Queen, in its new Being in the army has
Leicester, so he can whip up from this part of the world. documentary. stayed with me all my
recipes from his dad’s homeland as My dad taught me most of the Cameras will be life. We were part of a
well as Vietnam, Indonesia, the Chinese dishes, but I’ve also given unprecedented team and had to work
Philippines and Malaysia. travelled around Asia access to Tom and his together for the benefit
This series sees Gok taking cookery lessons.’ family, as the veteran of all, I’ll never forget it.
show us how to make Seafood laksa Presented with tells his life story –
dumplings, classic Gok’s patented from his childhood What advice have
curries, street food energy and charm, to his wartime you passed on down
favourites and laksas he reveals how experiences, fighting the generations of
– all from easy-to- to create one-pot on the frontline in the Captain Sir your family?
source produce in wonders and Second World War. Tom Moore I’ve always been
double-quick time. express lunches, He’ll also talk about an optimist and
‘I practically grew take-out tricks how he made a life in have passed that
up in a wok,’ jokes and easy snacks. business after the war, falling head on along with the feeling that
Gok. ‘So these dishes For the more over heels for wife Pamela and tomorrow will be a good day.
are truly my comfort ambitious, there are tips how he’s seen Britain change.
food from the heart.’ on putting together feasts to Here, Captain Sir Tom tells us What has been your biggest
In each half-hour episode, show off to friends and loved ones. about receiving his recent honour passion in life?
Mr Wan will rustle up four ‘It’s lockdown-friendly food,’ Gok and how he’s always loved giving To try and do good for all people
mouth-watering meals. He’ll adds. ‘It’s fun and takes you back to others… and help wherever I could, there is
also be modernising some on a journey of learning. no greater joy than helping others.
traditional dishes. ‘This isn’t about Congratulations on your
Indeed, Gok insists producing Michelin- knighthood! What was the What do you see as your
that though the starred cuisine, it’s experience like? greatest achievement?
recipes may seem about wholesome To stand so close to the Queen and Raising nearly £40 million for NHS
Wontons and
exotic, anyone can steamed gyozas food that you be given such a great honour was charities. I still can’t quite believe
cook this food if they put on the table incredible. I could never imagine it and I’m so thankful to everyone
put their mind to it. for your family that it would happen to me, but who supported our frontline
‘It shouldn’t be seen to adore.’ it certainly did and it was a very heroes. I am so proud of our
as intimidating cuisine,’ Gok Wan’s Easy special day indeed. I have been NHS and all our key workers.
he says. ‘Research Asian, Mondays, overwhelmed by the many honours The Life & Times Of Captain Sir
showed that Southeast 8pm, Food Network I have received over the past Tom, Thursday, 9.15pm, ITV
Project Power Netflix

Netflix has pulled out all the stops with the cast
of its summer superhero movie, securing Jamie
Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Dominique
Fishback. When New Orleans residents hear
about a pill that can unlock their superpower
they queue up to take it. But soon it becomes
responsible for an increase in crime, and it’s
down to a cop (Gordon-Levitt), an ex-soldier
(Foxx) and a teen dealer (Fishback) to come
together to put an end to it. Available Friday.

The Great Heist Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story

If you were a fan of Money Heist, you’ll lap up Netflix’s It was one of the biggest true crime shows of 2018, and this
latest robbery drama that hits on Friday. This one centres Friday it’s time for the second part of the story. However,
on a crime committed in Columbia in 1994, known for season two the focus isn’t on con artist ‘Dirty’ John
as The Robbery Of The Century. Thieves managed Meehan, but Betty and Dan Broderick (Amanda Peet and
to steal an eye-watering 24 billion Colombian pesos Christian Slater, above), a wealthy San Diego couple
– the equivalent of £26 million – from a central bank. whose divorce hit the headlines in 1989. With their
And they didn’t take what they were doing lightly, relationship fallout often described as ‘America’s messiest
planning an elaborate heist, which involved tools, divorce’, you can be certain it’ll have you just as gripped as
masks, welding machines and even oxygen tanks. the first case, with twisted love again taking centre stage.

The Best of
On Demand...
Get ready for some serious telly bingeing with our round-up of what’s new On Demand this week…

Disney+ Hayu
World’s Toughest Race:
Apple Eco-Challenge Fiji
TV The Bachelor Presents:
When Bear Grylls is involved in Weird But True! Listen To Your Heart
a TV show, you know it’s going
Ted Lasso to be epic. But this is, without Friday also brings us Disney’s Reality dating show junkies, this
a doubt, his hardest yet. Across latest fun series for all the family. is one you won’t want to miss.
Meet Ted Lasso, a small-time 10 episodes, 66 teams from Now in its third season, the The Bachelor has launched
soccer coach from the US who 30 countries endure 11 days show is hosted by science-loving a new spin-off series where
travels across the pond to the of nonstop racing across the children’s entertainers Charlie 20 single and ready-to-mingle
UK when he lands a massive tough Fijian terrain. And it’s Engelman and Carly Ciarrocchi. musicians sign up to find their
football coaching job. The not for the faint-hearted, as Each episode sees them exploring soulmates. Twelve hunks and
problem? He quickly discovers they compete 24/7 to make it the weird but wonderful world eight babes from across the US
he’s a fish out of water and across the miles of rugged around us, from dinosaur will enjoy a string of dates with
has no knowledge of the landscape which lie in front of fossils, to erupting volcanoes. a musical twist. But will they
beautiful game or how to them, from boiling hot jungles Featuring a mix of arts, crafts fall truly, madly deeply, or will
play it. Let alone coach it! to mountains and oceans. It’s and jaw-dropping facts, your they end up leaving the show
Let the hilarity commence… adventure – but supersized! kids will lap it up. as a solo act?

Lorraine, Zack and

Maisie recap the
Taylor family’s
best moments

Here comes
It’s Lorraine Stanley’s turn to spill soap secrets as she takes to the hot seat in
EastEnders: Secrets From The Square

t’s always a big risk introducing fun. I showed Stacey how the Dean]. I remember thinking, ‘Oh when she got the job at the laundrette
a new soap family, but when washing machine worked out the my God. I don’t know her that well!’ she was chuffed to bits, so you
the Taylor gang piled out of back and how they have to spin it I was nervous and she was a bit change your perception of her.
a van into Albert Square back by hand. I think she was surprised! nervous as well. She’s the queen of
in 2017, it was one that paid off the Square and I had to be all mouthy Were you a fan before you joined
almost immediately. Did you enjoy watching old and then punch her. I was thinking, the show?
Led by loudmouth mum Karen, clips from the soap? ‘Is she going to like me after?’ But I’ve watched it from day one. I’m a
she and her four kids brought chaos They showed us the clip when we we had a good laugh filming it. big fan. I was probably about eight
and mayhem in their wake – and first came in, all the Taylors coming when it first came on. I especially
viewers lapped it up. out of the van. It’s only three years Do you think Karen has changed remember Dirty Den and Angie and
This week, we relive their amazing ago, but it seems a lot longer. as a character over the years? the divorce papers, that was one of
introduction, as well as the many When she first arrived, she was loud my favourite storylines. It’s been on
explosive moments viewers have What’s your first standout and brash. But as she’s been in the in my family’s house forever.
enjoyed since, as Lorraine Stanley, memory of filming EastEnders? show longer, you can see a more
who plays Karen, joins Secrets The first week, I had to punch vulnerable and warm side to her. Who’s your favourite character?
From The Square host Stacey Dooley. Sharon [Watts, played by Letitia She wears her heart on her sleeve. It’s got to be Dot Cotton. June
Lorraine is taking part in the And she’d die for her kids, Brown is an absolute legend. So
show alongside her co-stars Maisie they mean everything to her. when I got a job in the laundrette
Smith, who plays Tiff, and her Lorraine looks I knew I had big shoes to fill.
on-screen son Zack Morris, who back over her What is it about the
plays Keegan. All three will be time as Karen Taylors that has made Why do you think EastEnders is
revealing some juicy gossip, as them so popular? so popular 35 years on?
well as giving us an exclusive Everyone can relate to It’s something that everyone can
tour of the famous laundrette. them because they’re relate to, and the subjects are
Here, Lorraine reminisces about kind-hearted people. They relevant to a modern-day audience.
joining the soap she’s always loved might take wrong turns, Everyone knows a Dot, everyone
and having to punch EastEnders but they mean well. And knows a Karen…
royalty for one of her first scenes… Karen’s a lioness, just
trying to protect her How’s it been since you changed
Hi Lorraine. What have you children in any way she to socially distanced filming?
enjoyed most about filming can. When she arrived, It just takes a lot longer to film with
Secrets From The Square? she didn’t have a job and the two-metre rule. But we’ve all
Showing Stacey and the audience people said, ‘She’s just on just got on with it. We’d rather be
at home around the Square. You’ll the dole, she’s just one of doing that than not working!
see parts you wouldn’t normally them.’ But, actually, she was EastEnders: Secrets From The
see. The laundrette was especially desperate for a job and Square, Mondays, 8pm, BBC1

Adam orders Sarah
to tell him the truth
about Gary

Alya decides to
sell her shares in
Speed Daal ...

... but Sally offers

her the wedding
fund money to
buy Geoff out


mON, wEd, fRI, ITv to hear about
the watch which

He’s been like a dog with a bone him she kept Sally’s having
for weeks now, so when Adam his secret, but none of it, and
discovers Rick’s watch was found in that Adam tells Alya she’ll
the woods, he’s adamant that Gary thinks she’s give her the
killed the loan shark. Then he walks still in love wedding fund
in on Sarah holding it, and he wants with him. And money so she
answers – fast. Feeling torn, Sarah from the looks can buy Geoff
says that if Gary were responsible, in their eyes as out instead.
he’d only have done it to protect her they share a Gary quizzes And when
and her family. How will that go moment, Adam Sarah over what Geoff finds
down with Adam? could be on to she has told Adam out what his
Later, things only get more something… daughter-in-
complicated for Sarah when Gary Elsewhere, law has been
arrives on her doorstep to find out after Alya shares her concern with up to, his spiteful side comes out.
And when Geoff
what she’s said to Adam. Sarah tells Yasmeen about Elaine’s sudden Plus, Abi has a change of heart finds out he is
disappearance, she makes a about the twins, and Mary confides furious

SOAP CHAT decision about Speed Daal

– she will sell her shares.
she’s in love with a very familiar face
– Ben Shephard!

As exes Sarah and Gary she want to tell him Gary’s husband. But the question is, will
struggle to keep away secret? she betray Gary?
from each other, sparks She’s worried that if she tells
fly. Actress Tina O’Brien Adam the whole truth then This week Gary goes to see
she also compromises herself. Sarah and there’s a charged
gives us a glimpse into She’s never told him about moment. what goes through
their future… what happened with her killing her head?
Callum. She’s kept that secret. It’s that feeling of, ‘I could love
How’s Sarah feeling about And she knows Gary knows and you and hate you in equal
keeping Gary’s secret that that it would open a whole can measures.’ Gary presses Sarah’s
he murdered Rick? of worms. buttons but he also cares about
She feels very torn. She would her and she’s a bit of a sucker for
have always said she would have Adam’s convinced that Sarah’s how much he loved her. There’s
gone to the police, but because in love with Gary. does he a moment where she thinks
Gary saved her life and the things have anything to worry about? something could happen.
he said about his feelings towards I can understand why Adam
her, she’s very confused of how to thinks Sarah has feelings for If Gary was out of the picture,
move forward and what to do for Gary because she isn’t being very would Sarah and Adam have
the best. honest with Adam and she isn’t a happy ending?
behaving how she should. Sarah’s I think so, but Adam’s a Barlow.
Adam starts to get suspicious under no illusion that if she Without Gary on the scene it had
about what she knows. does carries this on, she could lose her a really, really good chance.

Jamie tells Belle about Harriet’s affair

the hit and run with Malone
is revealed

Dawn goes to the police and

demands a senior police
officer is investigated

Mon, WED, FRi, itv

Jamie risks it all this week when going to go to secret safe for? ultimatum – she tells Will, or Dawn
he decides to confess about the the police. It’s also bad will. Then Dawn heads to the police
hit and run to Belle. After battling However, when news for Harriet station, telling the officers she wants
with his conscience, he arrives at he appears to be when Dawn to launch a report against a senior
the vets begging her to hear him relieved at this finds out all the policeman…
out. He reveals that he doesn’t want news, she has sordid details Also this week, Nate skips work to
to be with Andrea and that she’s second thoughts. Jamie appears about her affair support Tracy, Mandy wants to stop
blackmailing him to keep them Will she choose to relieved when with Malone. things with Paul, and – after a string
Belle threatens to
together. But when Jamie reveals it’s incriminate the man go to the police Understandably, of disasters – Leyla finds herself
because he hit Moira and covered it she loves, or protect Dawn sees red in danger at the hands of her
up, Belle is livid and tells him she’s him? And how long is his and hands Harriet an mystery enemy.

Mick is reeling after Is schoolboy Justin

Shirley’s bombshell the daddy?

Mon, E4
Mon, tuES, bbc1 It was a storyline that
hooked Hollyoaks fans
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CARTERS IN back in 2006. School
THIS EPIC FLASHBACK EPISODE teacher Becca had caught
the eye of pupil Justin
They’ve been making waves ever However, with emotions running and, before long, they
since they first arrived in Albert high, Mick storms out of the pub were enjoying a full-blown
Square, but the Carter family were to take a moment to himself. Linda affair. But as is the way
once again the talk of the town back chases after him but he’s not in in soapland, it was only
in 2014 when it was revealed the mood to chat to anyone a matter of time before
that Shirley wasn’t Mick’s and soon the two Carter the whole village found
sister, but his mum! She matriarchs come to out about what Becca had Anna has a shock
blurted out the secret blows, with Linda been up to – and it wasn’t in store for Jake
in front of the rest of ordering Shirley out a pretty fallout.
the family during of the pub for good. The week begins as
their Christmas Meanwhile, on Becca reveals she’s pregnant, but Tensions run high between the
celebrations at The Secrets from the doesn’t know if partner Jake or siblings and when Jake sees them
Vic in an attempt Square, it’s triple lover Justin is the father. While fighting, he gets suspicious. Becca
to stop Mick from the fun as Stacey Justin believes they have a future sees no way out but to admit to Jake
attacking Dean. Dooley is joined by together, Becca dashes his hopes, that she’s been having an affair –
Shirley tries to
This episode picks explain herself three EastEnders saying they’ve come to the end of and when he hears it’s with Justin,
up just after that to Mick stars. This week the road. However, little does Becca he’s out for revenge. He turns up at
bombshell revelation. Zack Morris (Keegan), know that Nicole has already spotted Justin’s house, where a party is in
Mick is reeling and can’t Lorraine Stanley (Karen) them kissing and chooses to blab full swing, and punches him to the
believe what he’s hearing, and Maisie Smith (Tiffany) to Becca’s sister Nancy. As Justin floor, leaving everyone gobsmacked
while Shirley tries to explain are the guests of honour ready to nurses a broken heart, Nancy orders at what they’re hearing. And that’s
herself to him and the family. spill their behind-the-scenes secrets. Becca to tell Jake the truth. only the beginning of the fallout…
‘It’s a very
unnervIng tIme’ As Leyla’s tormentor turns up the heat, she finally realises who is out to get her

ust when it looked like things
were back on track for Leyla
and she’d reunited with on/off
boyfriend Liam, another major
spanner is about to be thrown in the
works. After being plagued by bad
reviews for her company Take A Vow,
Leyla finds herself locked out of her
online diary, plunging the working A figure suddenly
week into chaos. jumps out at her
Then a mystery man called Gaz
shows up in the Dales, telling David
he’s going on a date with Leyla after out of there quick enough. He turns
meeting her on a dating app. David and quite edgy and she suddenly realises
Jacob are totally confused – especially the seriousness of the situation. It does
when Leyla invites him into her office, get a bit scary.
assuming Gaz is there for a meeting
she’d forgotten about. But she soon Does she think this is a strange
twigs that this is all part of a wider one-off event, or something
set-up. Once she manages to get rid of more serious?
Gaz, Leyla’s blindsided further when There have been a few things and she
she hears a loud noise in the office. puts them all together quite quickly.
She realises someone’s in there with You’d have to be in the office to access
her and begins to fear the worst. the computer and you’d have to know
Thinking on her feet, Leyla manages her quite personally to put her on the
to defend herself, striking the assailant, dating website. You also have to have
but they make a quick escape. The cops a lot of animosity. She has no idea
are called and Leyla is left shaken but who it is and why it’s happening. It’s
soon the penny drops and she realises a very unnerving time for her.
who her enemy is. Actress Roxy
Shahidi fills us in… Then a dark figure accosts her in
the office…
Ever ything seems to be going That’s the climax of the scary events.
well with Leyla and Liam at the I don’t think there could be anything
moment, doesn’t it? more intimidating than going into
Every relationship Leyla has ever been a space you think you’re safe in and
in, she’s tried to organise a wedding someone being there. Her first thought
and been head over heels. So, yeah, she is, ‘They want to hurt me!’ It’s terrifying
definitely thinks she’s found The One. but she does defend herself.
There have been a lot of ups and downs
but she’s sure they’re going to live Does she fear for her life?
happily ever after and have six dogs! She definitely does when she doesn’t
know what’s happening and who it is.
So, what goes through her head It’s the uncertainty of who it is – that’s
when Gaz approaches her? the most scary thing.
When this guy turns up and says
he has a meeting, she’s nothing Leyla then realises who is behind
but apologetic – she thinks she must the events. Will she want revenge?
have forgotten. It couldn’t be more It depends on who it turns out to be
obvious, but she doesn’t twig until he’s and what their motives are. Given the
being very overtly obvious about why right set of circumstances, Leyla can
he’s there. be a very empathetic and forgiving
person. But equally she is someone
And how does she react? who will stick up for herself. She isn’t
She’s mortified when she sees herself someone who is going to be walked
on the dating app, and can’t get him all over.

Leyla is petrified
when she hears a
noise in the office



Sunday, 6.50pm, ITV2

Plastic bricks brilliance as the
Dark Knight stars in a CGI
romp. Will Arnett voices the
hero as he battles familiar
foes, including the Joker,
while mentoring his camp
new sidekick Robin. ★★★★


Friday, 9pm, Channel 5 Wednesday, 10pm, Comedy Central

An affable return for the bumbling heroine of Helen Fielding’s novels. How very meta – a movie spoofing a film which itself lampooned an
Bridget has fallen pregnant, but has no idea if the father is her ex Mark entire genre of horror flicks. Anna Faris is one of many ditzy teens
Darcy (Colin Firth) or her new lover, a billionaire dating guru (Patrick stalked by a masked slasher in this comedy, which pokes affectionate
Dempsey). ★★★ fun at Scream. ★★★

ThE rEVEnanT ThE daMnEd UnITEd WhaT WOMEn WanT TWInS

Saturday, 9pm, BBC2 Thursday, 9pm, BBC4 Thursday, 9pm, Comedy Central Saturday, 12.50pm, ITV
You can almost feel the bone- Having played Tony Blair and After being electrocuted in ‘Only their mother can tell them
chilling cold in Alejandro David Frost, Michael Sheen steps the bath, Mel Gibson’s sexist apart.’ Comedy with Arnold
Iñárritu’s intense survival epic. into the shoes of another British advertising exec gains an unusual Schwarzenegger as a genetically
Leonardo DiCaprio plays a icon – football manager Brian superpower – he can hear the engineered perfect specimen.
wounded frontiersman who Clough. This sports biopic tells the thoughts of women. He uses this He learns that he has a long-lost
wants revenge on the man who story of the coach’s ill-fated tenure for mischievous purposes until he twin brother – Danny DeVito’s
murdered his son. ★★★★★ at Leeds United. ★★★★★ falls for his boss, Helen Hunt. ★★★ vertically challenged crook. ★★★

Live SporT
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eUroSport 1 10.00am-1.00pm Snooker:
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Derrick Lewis v Aleksei Oleinik. Bt Sport 2 The 70th Anniversary Grand Prix (Start time 2.10pm). Antonio Spurs v Houston Rockets (Tip-off 7.00pm). 6.45-10.00pm Snooker: World championship
7.30-10.30pm UeFA champions League 4.00 test cricket England v Pakistan. 7.00pm- 11.30 nBA Memphis Grizzlies v Boston celtics
Barcelona v Napoli (Kick-off 8.00pm). 11.30pm- 2.00am pGA championship Golf Coverage of (Tip-off 11.30pm). 2.00-4.30am nBA Washington Friday
2.30am MLB Tampa Bay Rays v New York Yankees day four of the Major from TPC Harding Park in Capitals v Milwaukee Bucks (Tip-off 2.00am). Sky SportS Action 10.00-11.45am Super
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Live: v8 Supercars championship Action from 9.30am AFL West Coast Eagles v Carlton Blues Dundee United v Hibernian (Kick-off 6.00pm). 10.05am). 7.00-11.00pm Fight night Felix Cash v
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4.30-5.45am Live: v8 Supercars Angeles Dodgers v San Francisco Giants (Start time 1.00am). Sky SportS MAin event 5.00pm AnZ premiership netball Mystics v Stars
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Sky SportS ArenA 7.05-9.00am nrL Lakers v Denver Nuggets (Tip-off 2.00am). quarter-final. eUroSport 1 10.00am-1.00pm Sky SportS GoLF 12.00noon european tour
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6.25-8.45 S/Lge Leeds Rhinos v St Helens (Kick-off 2.00-4.30am nBA Los Angeles Lakers v Denver 11.00pm pGA tour Golf The Wyndham
6.30pm). 11.30pm-2.00am nBA Portland Trail Nuggets (Tip-off 2.00am). Bt Sport 1 7.00- Wednesday Championship. Sky SportS MAin event
Blazers v Philadelphia 76ers (Tip-off 11.30pm). 11.00pm UeFA europa League Action from the Sky SportS ArenA 9.00-11.30pm nBA 8.00-9.30am AnZ premiership netball Mystics v
Sky SportS cricket 10.30am-7.00pm test quarter-final of the UEFA Europa League. 1.00- Houston Rockets v Indiana Pacers (Tip-off 9.00pm). Stars (Centre-pass 8.00am). 10.30 test cricket
cricket England v Pakistan. Sky SportS F1 4.15am Live: WWe Monday night raw 2.00-4.30am nBA Denver Nuggets v Los Angeles England v Pakistan. 7.00-11.00pm Fight night
2.05pm 70th Anniversary Grand prix The 70th Bt Sport 2 10.30am-12.30pm A-League Clippers (Tip-off 2.00am). Sky SportS Felix Cash v Jason Welborn. Bt Sport 1
Anniversary Grand Prix (Start time 2.10pm). Brisbane Roar v Sydney FC (Kick-off 10.30am). FootBALL 5.00-8.15pm SpFL St. Mirren v Celtic 7.00-10.30pm UeFA champions League Action
6.30-9.00pm Live: indy 200 Mid-ohio 7.45-10.00pm UeFA europa League Action from (Kick-off 6.00pm). Sky SportS GoLF 8.00- from the UEFA Champions League quarter-final.
Coverage of the Honda Indy 200 from the Mid-Ohio the quarter-final of the UEFA Europa League. 10.00pm charity challenge 12.08 1.00-3.00am Live: WWe Friday night
Sports Car Course. Sky SportS FootBALL 11.00pm-2.00am MLB Philadelphia Phillies v Sky SportS MAin event 5.00-8.00pm SpFL SmackDown Bt Sport 3 10.30am-1.30pm
3.30-7.00pm SpFL Kilmarnock v Celtic (Kick-off Atlanta Brave (Start time 11.05pm). Bt Sport 3 St. Mirren v Celtic (Kick-off 6.00pm). 9.00-11.30 AFL Geelong Cats v Port Adelaide Power
4.30pm). Sky SportS GoLF 1.30pm european 9.00am-12.00noon AFL Geelong Cats v St nBA Houston Rockets v Indiana Pacers (Tip-off (Bounce-up 10.50am). eUroSport 1 10.00am-
tour Golf The English Championship. 6.00pm- Kilda Saints (Bounce-up 9.10am). eUroSport 1 9.00pm). 2.00-4.30am nBA Denver Nuggets v Los 1.00pm Snooker: World championship
2.00am pGA championship Golf Coverage of 10.00am-1.00pm Snooker: World Angeles Clippers (Tip-off 2.00am). Bt Sport 1 Coverage of the second semi-final. 2.30-5.30pm
day four of the Major from TPC Harding Park in San championship The opening two quarter-finals get 7.00-10.30pm UeFA champions League Snooker: World championship The second
Francisco, California. Sky SportS MAin under way. 2.30-5.30pm Snooker: World Atalanta v Paris Saint-Germain (Kick-off 8.00pm). semi-final continues. 7.15-10.30pm Snooker:
event 6.00-7.30am AnZ premiership championship The afternoon session. Bt Sport 2 7.30-9.30am A-League Perth World championship The third and
netball Mystics v Tactix (Centre-pass 6.00am). 6.45-10.00pm Snooker: World championship Glory v Western United (Kick-off 7.35am). penultimate session of the opening semi-final.

BBC ONE BBC TWO ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

Casualty, 8.40pm One Giant Leap, 5.30pm The Masked Singer US, 4pm Grand Prix Qualifying, 7.30pm The New Revelations, 9pm

6.00am Breakfast 10.00 Saturday 6.45am Marrying Mum and Dad (R) 6.00am CITV: Dino Dana (R) 6.10 Mr 6.00am Everybody Loves Raymond: triple 6.00am Milkshake!: Mofy (R) 6.05 Peppa
Kitchen Best Bites 11.30 The Great Food 7.15 Wild & Weird (R) 7.30 All Over the Magoo (R) 6.35 Thunderbirds Are Go (R) bill (R) 7.15 Frasier: triple bill (R) 8.30 The Pig (R) 6.25 Bob the Builder (R) 6.40
Guys 12.00noon Homes Under the Place: UK (R) 8.00 The Dengineers (R) 7.00 Mission Employable (R) 7.05 Mr Big Bang Theory: triple bill (R) 9.55 The Noddy: Toyland Detective (R) 6.50
Hammer. Properties in Bow, East 8.30 Deadly 60 (R) 9.00 Mountain Gorilla Magoo (R) 7.30 Mighty Mike (R) 7.40 Buck Simpsons: triple bill (R) 11.20 Couples Thomas & Friends (R) 7.00 Fireman Sam
London, the Afan Valley and Derbyshire. (R) 10.00  LIVE  Snooker: The World & Buddy (R) 7.45 Mr Bean: The Animated Come Dine with Me (R) 12.25pm Four (R) 7.10 Shane the Chef (R) 7.25 Ben and
(R) 1.00 BBC News, Weather 1.15  LIVE  Championship. Coverage of the morning Series (R) 8.00 NinjaGo: Secrets of the in a Bed: five episodes (R) 2.55 The Holly’s Little Kingdom (R) 7.35 Paw Patrol
Snooker: The World Championship. session on day nine at the Crucible Forbidden Spinjitzu (R) 8.15 Ben 10 (R) Supervet. Noel Fitzpatrick tries to save a (R) 7.50 Milkshake! Monkey (R) 8.00
Coverage of the afternoon session on Theatre in Sheffield, featuring two 8.30 Drop Dead Weird: double bill 9.25 cat’s leg by cutting out a tumour that has Peppa Pig: triple bill (R) 8.25 Butterbean’s
day nine at the Crucible Theatre in matches from the second round. James Martin’s Saturday Morning (R) developed and replacing its knee with a Cafe (R) 8.40 Little Princess (R) 8.50 Nella
Sheffield. 4.30  FILM  The BFG (2016, PG) 12.00noon Nigellissima (R) 12.30 The 11.35 John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen bionic implant. (R) 3.55 A Place in the Sun. the Princess Knight (R) 9.05 Wissper (R)
An orphaned girl befriends a benevolent Good Cook (R) 1.00 Royal Recipes (R) 12.40pm ITV News, Weather 12.50  FILM  Danni Menzies helps a couple who are 9.15 Pirata & Capitano (R) 9.25 Shimmer
giant, who takes her off to a magical 1.05 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation (R) Twins (1988, PG) Genetically designed looking to retire to Spain. (R) 4.55 Kirstie and Shine 9.40 Floogals (R) 9.50 Peppa
land. Fantasy adventure, starring Mark 2.05  FILM  The Dark Mirror (1946, PG) twin brothers who were separated at and Phil’s Love It or List It. Kirstie Allsopp Pig: double bill (R) 10.00 SpongeBob
Rylance and Ruby Barnhill. ★★★★★ Detectives enlist the help of a psychiatrist birth set out on an adventure in search of and Phil Spencer help the Clayton-Fishers, SquarePants 10.15 Ryan’s Mystery
to uncover which of two identical twin their unknown mother. Comedy, starring who have fallen out of love with their Playdate 10.25 Access 10.30 Friends: five
6.20 BBC News sisters is a murderer. Mystery, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny home in Walthamstow, East London. (R) episodes (R) 1.00pm Police Interceptors:
6.30 BBC Local News, Weather Olivia de Havilland. ★★★★ 3.30 Animals DeVito. ★★★ 3.00 Tenable (R) 4.00 five episodes (R) 5.55 5 News Weekend
with Cameras (R) 4.30  LIVE  Snooker: 6.00 Channel 4 News Headlines.
The Masked Singer US 5.00 ITV News,
6.40 Celebrity Mastermind 6.00 Jane McDonald:
Carl Frampton, Victoria Fritz, The World Championship. Coverage of 6.30 Grand Designs
Weather 5.20 Local News, Weather
the afternoon session on day nine at the 5.30 The Chase Celebrity Special (R) Steph and Alex Wilson build Cruising Mississippi
Wayne Sleep and Rav Wilding The singer travels through
Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, featuring a contemporary farmhouse
take to the black chair, two matches from the second round. 6.25  PICK   NEW  Rolling in It the American Deep South,
answering questions on Stephen Mulhern hosts a new in Herefordshire. (R)
5.30 Jonathan Edwards – One Giant Leap sailing along the Mississippi
The Office, the Chelsea gameshow featuring a giant 7.30 Formula 1 70th and sampling the jazzy vibes
Flower Show, Lilian Baylis 6.00 Great Continental arcade machine, which three Anniversary Grand Prix of vibrant New Orleans.
and The Inbetweeners. (R) Railway Journeys members of the public have Qualifying Highlights
Michael Portillo travels from Steve Jones presents action 7.30 The Queen and Charles:
7.10  PICK   NEW  Total Wipeout: to play to win thousands of Love vs Duty
Freddie & Paddy Takeover the chateaux of the Loire pounds. In the first episode, from the battle for pole position
Valley to the heart of the in the fifth round of the season Documentary exploring the
Freddie Flintoff and Paddy Stephen is joined by Coronation relationship between the
McGuinness provide the Champagne region at Reims, Street stars Jenni McAlpine, from Silverstone. This venue
beginning in the city of Orleans will be hosting a Grand Prix Queen and Prince Charles. The
voiceover for classic editions Antony Cotton and Sair Khan. programme charts significant
of the adventure gameshow in north-central France. (R) See Picks of the day. for the second successive
weekend as part of a calendar moments in both their lives,
in which contestants take 7.00 Cricket: Today at the Test 7.25  PICK  The Voice Kids from the Queen’s coronation
on a variety of crazy obstacles. England v Pakistan. Action Emma Willis hosts the that was heavily revised due
to the coronavirus pandemic. when her eldest son was three
See Picks of the day. from the fourth day of the First beginning of this year’s Battle years old to Charles’ divorce.
Test in the three-match series, Rounds. Solo singers and duos With analysis from David
7.50 Pointless Celebrities Coulthard and Mark Webber. In recent years, Charles
Alexander Armstrong and taking place at Emirates Old between the ages of seven and has taken on an increasing
Richard Osman present Trafford in Manchester. 14 perform to impress judges 9.00  FILM  Battle of the Sexes amount of his mother’s royal
a musicals version of the 8.00 American History’s Biggest Paloma Faith, Danny Jones, (2017, 12) responsibilities, allowing a
general knowledge quiz, with Fibs with Lucy Worsley Pixie Lott and, hoping Premiere. Women’s tennis glimpse into the kind of king
contestants including Denise Historian Lucy Worsley to make them spin their famous champion Billie Jean King takes he will eventually become. (R)
Van Outen and Rufus Hound. (R) explores the myths and red chairs around. There are up the challenge to face former
men’s champ Bobby Riggs 9.00 Meghan & Harry:
8.40 Casualty deceptions told following the 12 places in the semi-final up The New Revelations
United States’ emergence as a for grabs, bringing the talented on the court, and disprove his
Ethan entrusts Fenisha with the Documentary looking at the
superpower after the Second performers who win them claims that the women’s game
truth about his PTSD and the events that led to the Duke and
World War. Last in series. (R) one step closer to a £30,000 is an inferior sport. As the
death of Big Al. Inspired by his Duchess of Sussex stepping
bursary towards their musical match develops into a media
faith in him, Ethan decides to 9.00  FILM  The Revenant circus, both players face back from the royal family,
give HEMS another try and, as (2015, 15) education and a VIP holiday delving into new claims about
to Universal Orlando Resort. problems of their own, as
the day winds down, Fenisha A frontiersman leading a the decision and speculation
See Picks of the day. King comes to terms with her
feels closer to Ethan than ever. hunting party through the contained in recent books.
sexuality and Riggs battles his
9.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys wilderness is mauled by a bear, 9.05  FILM  The Spy Who gambling addiction. Fact-based 10.30 When Celeb Double Acts
Cathy refuses to introduce her and a travelling companion who Loved Me (1977, PG) Fall Out
James Bond teams up with a comedy drama, starring Emma
boyfriend, Mark will not reveal pledged to stay with him until Stone and Steve Carell. ★★★★ Documentary looking at how
why his wife threw him out, help comes kills his son and KGB agent to recover missing entertainment partnerships
leaves him for dead. Against British and Soviet nuclear 11.20  FILM  Red (2010, 12)
and Dermot lies about his job have succumbed to the pressure
all odds, the wounded man submarines, before whoever A retired CIA agent survives
– all of which convinces Agnes of being in the spotlight,
survives his injuries and stole them can use their an assassination attempt and
her family is too secretive. (R) including the likes of Cannon
embarks on a gruelling quest warheads. Unfortunately, 007 realises something in his past
10.00 BBC News, Weather has made him a target. He sets and Ball, Simon and Garfunkel,
for revenge that takes him was responsible for the death David Baddiel and Rob
10.20  PICK   FILM  Thor: through a harsh landscape. of his new ally’s lover – and out to reunite the members of
The Dark World (2013, 12) his old hit squad to find out who Newman, and Kim Woodburn
Adventure drama, starring she is determined to make and Aggie MacKenzie. (R)
The thunder god joins forces an Oscar-winning Leonardo him pay before their mission is trying to kill them and why,
with his treacherous brother to is complete. Spy adventure, but in the process, uncovers 11.50 Greatest Ever
DiCaprio, with Tom Hardy and
defend the universe against an starring Roger Moore and dangerous secrets. Action Celebrity Wind Ups
Domhnall Gleeson. ★★★★★
old foe. Superhero adventure Barbara Bach. ★★★★ thriller, with Bruce Willis, Morgan Joe Pasquale narrates more
sequel, with Chris Hemsworth 11.25 Snooker: The World Freeman, John Malkovich celebrity pranks, including Ant
Championship 11.25 ITV News, Weather and Dec’s efforts to spring a
and Tom Hiddleston. See and Helen Mirren. ★★★
Picks of the day. ★★★★ Highlights of this evening’s 11.45 Play to the Whistle surprise on Jamie Oliver, and
second-round matches in 1.15am Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares
Holly Willoughby welcomes Take That’s Mark Owen being
12.05am  FILM  Behind the Candelabra USA: Featuring Arizona bistro owners who
(2013, 15) Biopic of pianist Liberace,
Sheffield, featuring the second footballer Ashley Cole, Strictly have a contempt for customer feedback. hassled by a bogus lawyer. (R)
following his secret five-year relationship session on both tables, with Come Dancing 2016 winner (R) 2.05 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 12.50am Access: Showbiz news and
with a younger man. Directed by Steven the fixtures set to conclude Ore Oduba and comedian (R) 3.00 The Fantastical Factory of gossip. 1.05 The Live Casino
Soderbergh and starring Michael Douglas tomorrow afternoon. Kevin Bridges to the show. (R) Curious Craft (R) 3.55 Undercover Boss Show 3.00 Our Yorkshire Farm: double bill
and Matt Damon. ★★★★ 1.55 Weather 12.15am Snooker: World Championship 12.35am Home Shopping 3.00 Small Canada (R) 4.45 Fifteen to One (R) (R) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 House
for the Week Ahead 2.00-6.00am News Extra 2.15-6.05am This Is BBC Two Fortune (R) 3.50-6.00am ITV Nightscreen 5.35-6.00am All Star Driving School (R) Busters (R) 5.35-6.00am House Doctor (R)

STV 12.35am ITV Nightscreen: Text information. 7.30 Sportscene Saturday 8.30 Corner Shop 5.45 Nuacht. Followed by RTE News 6.00 The 10.00 Cefn Gwlad 11.00 Y Sioe Fwyd 11.30 (R) Repeat

BBC2 N Ireland 3.30pm Put Your Money Where Cook-Off 9.30 Scots in China 10.30  FILM  Angelus 6.01 RTE News 6.35  FILM  Fantastic Gerddi Cymru 12.00noon Un Teulu, Mil o Star ratings
Your Mouth Is 4.00 Our Farming Life 6.00 Suzie Morvern Callar (2002, 15) ★★★★ 12.00m’t Close Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016, 12) ★★★. Flynyddoedd, Un Fferm 12.30 Wil ac Aeron: ★★★★★ Brilliant
Lee’s Home Cook Heroes: Sticky toffee pudding. RTE1 6.00am EuroNews 6.30 Teleshopping 8.05 Followed by Lotto 9.00 RTE News 9.30  FILM  Taith yr Alban 1.00 Ar Werth 1.30 Cynefin 2.30 ★★★★ Very good
6.30 Gardening Together with Diarmuid Gavin 10 Things to Know About 9.05 Nationwide 9.35 Spectre (2015, 12) ★★★★ 12.10am  FILM  Two Y Fets 3.30 Natur a Ni 4.00 Sgwrs Dan y Lloer
Weeks Notice (2002, 12) ★★ 1.55 Unforgotten ★★★ Worth a watch
Ros na Run 10.40 Lark Rise to Candleford 11.45 4.30 Codi Hwyl America 5.00 Ynys Adra 5.15
BBC2 Wales 6.00pm Hidden Wales with Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil 12.55pm 2.50 Waking the Dead: double bill 4.40 EuroNews Olobobs 5.20 Kung Fu Panda 5.45 3 Lle 6.15 Y ★★ Could be worse
Will Millard: Exploring the history of Wales. RTE News 1.05 Ireland’s Fittest Family 2.05 S4C 6.00am Cyw 8.00 Stwnsh Sadwrn 8.00 Sioe 2020: Pencampwyr y Sioe 7.15 Newyddion ★ Pretty dire
BBC Scotland 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland Shakespeare & Hathaway – Private Investigators Crwbanod Ninja 8.25 Byd Rwtsh Dai Potsh S4C 7.30 Cymry ar Gynfas 8.00 Sioe yr All programme details
4.30 Sportscene Results 5.10 This Is BBC 3.00 Gardening Together with Diarmuid Gavin 8.35 Potsh 8.55 Bwystfil 9.05 Y Brodyr Adrenalini Eisteddfod Goll 9.35 Gig Olaf Edward H Dafis are correct at time of
Scotland 7.00 The Seven 7.15 Rewind 2000s 3.30  FILM  The Champ (1979, PG) ★★★★ 9.10 FM 9.35 Dreigiau – Marchogion Berc 10.35 Steddfod! Steddfod! 12.15am Diwedd going to press
Best of the rest Picks of the day

ITV2 Freeview 6
DAVE Freeview 19

6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 The 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Yianni:

Ellen DeGeneres Show: triple bill Supercar Customiser: double bill
9.30 Dress to Impress: double 8.00 Top Gear 9.00 Rick Stein’s
bill 11.30 Take Me Out 12.50pm Long Weekends 10.00 American
You’ve Been Framed! Gold: Top Pickers: Best Of: double bill
100 Talent 1.50  FILM  Nancy Drew 12.00noon Storage Hunters UK:
(2007, PG) Mystery, starring Emma four episodes. 2.00 Border Force:
Roberts. ★★ 3.55  FILM  Dr Seuss’ America’s Gatekeepers 3.00
The Lorax (2012, U) Animated Border Interceptors: double bill
fantasy, with the voice of Danny 4.00 Top Gear: double bill
DeVito. ★★★ 5.40  FILM  Jurassic 6.00 Red Dwarf Triple bill.
World: Fallen Kingdom (2018, 12) 8.00 Red Dwarf: The First Three
Action sequel, with Chris Pratt and Million Years A look at the
Bryce Dallas Howard. ★★★★★ troubled origins of what was soon
8.00  FILM  Sherlock Holmes (2009, to become the most celebrated
12) Action thriller, starring Robert and successful sci-fi comedy ever.
Downey Jr and Jude Law. ★★★★ 9.00 Not Going Out Double bill.
10.45 Family Guy Triple bill. 10.20 Mock the Week Triple bill.
12.10am American Dad! 1.10 The 12.20am Have I Got a Bit More
Cleveland Show 2.05 Don’t Hate News for You 1.20 Dave Gorman:
the Playaz 2.50 Totally Bonkers Modern Life Is Goodish 2.25 Not
Guinness World Records 3.20 Going Out: double bill 3.25 Mock
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping the Week 4.00 Teleshopping

ITV3 Freeview 10

6.00am That’s My Boy: double bill 6.00am Monster Ships 8.00 Sounds
6.55 Agatha Christie’s Marple of the Seventies 8.30 Sounds
The Voice Kids

August 8
8.55 Coronation Street: triple bill of the Sixties 9.00 David Bowie:
10.30 Inspector Morse 3.00pm Finding Fame 10.00 The Railway:
Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5.00 Lewis First Great Western 1.00pm 7.25pm, ITV
7.00 Midsomer Murders When an Ocean Giants: five episodes During the Blind Auditions, the coaches each chances for the coaches to ‘steal’
international cycling competition 6.00 Ocean Giants The vocal
comes to Midsomer and the race ranges of whales and dolphins. had nine slots to fill on their teams – but there unsuccessful acts from the other teams, so
leader is murdered, DCI Barnaby 7.00 Sounds of the Seventies are only 12 places in the semi-finals. the kids have just one chance to impress.
and DS Nelson are drawn into a 7.30 Sounds of the Sixties So, to whittle down the talented young But those who do convince the judges that
world of bribery and bloodshed. 8.00 David Bowie: Finding Fame singers, who are aged between seven and they should go through to the next stage will
9.00 Midsomer Murders The murder The singer’s rise, from Jones
of a reclusive couple in Dunstan to Bowie to Ziggy Stardust. 14, Paloma Faith, Danny Jones, Pixie Lott move a step closer to claiming victory, along
awakens memories of a fatal road 9.00 Royal Murder Mysteries and are going to have to send their with a £30,000 bursary and a VIP trip to
accident and the disappearance The life of Prince Albert Victor. youngsters into the Battle Rounds. Unlike the Orlando Studios in Florida. Host Emma Willis
of a teenager 20 years earlier. 10.00 Britain’s Biggest Warship grown-up version of the show, there are no is on hand to oversee proceedings. ★★★★
11.00 Law & Order: UK Steel finds Goes to Sea Exploring aircraft
himself pitted against a brilliant carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.
defence lawyer in a murder case. 11.00 Abandoned Engineering
12.00m’t Law & Order: UK 2.05 1.00am Monster Ships. The MV
Barging Round Britain with John Helgafell. 2.00 Walking Through
Sergeant 2.40 That’s My Boy 3.10 History: Nazi Occupation –
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping Channel Islands 3.00 Teleshopping

FIlm4 Freeview 14
11.00am Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Porridge:
Long Haul (2017/U) ★★ 12.50pm Inside Out 8.00 Only Fools and
Horton Hears a Who! (2008/U) Horses 8.40 Are You Being NEW SERIES NEW SERIES FILM CHOICE
★★★★ 2.30 The Pink Panther Served? 9.20 Only Fools and
Strikes Again (1976/PG) Comedy, Horses: eight episodes Total Wipeout: Freddie & Rolling in It Thor: The Dark World
starring Peter Sellers. ★★★ 4.40 6.20pm Only Fools and Horses Paddy Takeover 6.25pm, ITV 10.20pm, BBC One
Evolution (2001/PG) Sci-fi comedy, Del-Boy goes eco-friendly. 7.10pm, BBC One
starring David Duchovny. ★★★ 7.50 Only Fools and Horses Del’s Stephen Mulhern hosts a Chris Hemsworth picks up
6.45 The Imitation Game (2014/12) mum apparently makes contact Sadly, it’s not exactly a new new gameshow in which his hammer again for the
Biopic of codebreaker Alan Turing, during a seance at the Nag’s Head. series of the fun gameshow, members of the public team superhero sequel. He’s not
with Benedict Cumberbatch. ★★★★ 9.00 Only Fools and Horses Rodney
9.00 Spy (2015/15) A deskbound ties the knot with Cassandra. which saw contestants up with a celebrity to roll the only one who’s back, as
CIA agent goes into action for the 10.10 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy tackling crazy obstacles, coins down a conveyor belt. Tom Hiddleston returns as
first time to avert a global disaster. Roadshow Featuring Jason including the infamous If they land in the right slot, his treacherous brother Loki
Comedy, starring Melissa McCarthy Manford, John Bishop, Sarah bouncy red balls. Instead, they could be rolling in it – and Thor must form an
and Jason Statham. ★★★★ Millican and Mick Ferry.
11.20 Crank 2: High Voltage (2009/18) 11.10 The Office The new members we’re being treated to – but the bigger the prizes, uneasy alliance with him if he
A hitman pursues a mobster who of staff arrive from Swindon. classic episodes with a the bigger the risks. The first is to save the universe from
took his heart and replaced it with a 11.50 The Office The staff new twist – Top Gear mates edition sees Coronation an old enemy who has got
machine. Action thriller sequel, with receive their annual appraisals. Freddie Flintoff and Paddy Street stars Jennie McAlpine, his hands on a powerful
Jason Statham. ★★★ 1.15-3.15am 12.30am The Office 1.05 Michael
The Hallow (2015/15) Horror, McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow McGuinness will be narrating Antony Cotton and Sair Khan weapon dating back to the
starring Joseph Mawle. ★★★★ 2.05 The Office 4.00 Teleshopping the action. ★★★★ trying their luck. ★★★ dawn of time. ★★★★
E4 Freeview 13
DRAmA Freeview 20
6.00am Ramsay’s Kitchen 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Where the 6.00am Animal 999 8.30 Modern 6.00am Elementary: triple bill 6.00am Nothing to Declare: double
Nightmares USA 7.50 Don’t Tell Heart Is: double bill 9.00 Lovejoy: Family: four episodes 10.45 9.00 Blue Bloods: five episodes bill 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s
the Bride: double bill 10.00 double bill 11.00 Sharpe 1.00pm  LIVE  70th Anniversary F1 GP: 2.00pm CSI: Crime Scene Front Line: double bill 8.00 The
Supernanny USA 11.00  FILM  Doctor Who: triple bill 4.00 One P3. The 70th Anniversary Grand Investigation: four episodes Real A&E 9.00 Air Rescue: double
Kubo and the Two Strings Foot in the Grave 4.55 ’Allo ’Allo! Prix third practice session. 6.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation bill 10.00 Paramedics Australia:
(2016, PG) Animated adventure, 6.00 The Brokenwood Mysteries 12.10pm The Simpsons 1.00  LIVE  A biker is murdered in a bar. double bill 12.00noon Sun, Sea
with the voice of Charlize Theron. Shepherd is called upon to 70th Anniversary F1 GP: Quali. 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and A&E 1.00 Send in the Dogs.
★★★★★ 1.00pm Melissa & Joey: investigate when a rugby coach’s The 70th Anniversary Grand Prix Deaths are connected to a Documentary. 2.00 Border
triple bill. 2.30 The Goldbergs: body is found tied to a goal post. qualifying session (Start time 2pm). cache of stolen casino chips. Security: Australia’s Front Line
four episodes 4.30 The Big 8.00 Hetty Wainthropp Investigates 3.35 Golf’s Funniest Moments 8.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 6.00 Nothing to Declare
Bang Theory: four episodes Hetty investigates when a body 4.35 The Simpsons: triple bill A man confesses to a murder. 7.00 Blue Bloods Double bill.
6.25 The Big Bang Theory is found at the bottom of a cliff. 6.00 The Simpsons Four editions. 9.00  FILM  Maria Full of Grace 9.00 9-1-1 The squad responds to a
6.50  FILM  The Adventures of Tintin 9.00 New Tricks The team reopens 8.00 A League of Their Own The (2004, 15) A pregnant Colombian viral stunt gone wrong, a fishing
(2011, PG) Animated adventure, the case of criminal Mark Johnson, best moments from the 11th series. teenager agrees to smuggle heroin disaster and a disastrous first date.
HOT TV|Daily Star

with the voices of Jamie Bell who was killed in a fire in 1996. 9.00  FILM  Ocean’s Eleven (2001, 12) into the United States, but things 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims
and Andy Serkis. ★★★★ 10.20 Men Behaving Badly Gary Crime comedy, starring George do not go to plan. Drama, starring Unit A woman accuses a plastic
9.00  FILM  True Lies (1994, 15) gets rid of his 25-year-old sofa. Clooney and Brad Pitt. ★★★★ Catalina Sandino Moreno. ★★★★ surgeon and his girlfriend of rape.
James Cameron’s action comedy, 11.00 Doctor Who A man becomes 11.20 Prodigal Son Crime drama. 10.55 Dexter Debra witnesses 11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims
starring Arnold Schwarzenegger obsessed with stories of the Doctor. 12.20am 70th Anniversary F1 her brother kill Travis Marshall. Unit A serial rapist strikes again
and Jamie Lee Curtis. ★★★★ 12.00m’t Doctor Who. Fantasy GP: Quali Hlts 2.05 PL Greatest 12.05am Dexter. Crime drama. after two decades of inactivity.
11.45 Celebrity Gogglebox USA adventure. 1.00 Doctor Who 1.55 Games 2.20 Brit Cops: Law & 1.15 Californication: triple bill 3.00 12.00m’t Law & Order: Special
12.40am Gogglebox 1.45 First Where the Heart Is 2.55 Where Disorder 3.25 Road Wars 4.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets Victims Unit 1.00 Blue Bloods 3.00
Dates 3.45 Don’t Tell the Bride the Heart Is 4.00 Teleshopping Stop, Search, Seize: double bill 4.00 Urban Secrets: double bill Nothing to Declare: six episodes
BBC ONE BBC TWO ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

Countryfile, 7pm The Australian Dream, 10pm Moonraker, 4.05pm Patriots Day, 9pm Inside Legoland, 8pm

6.00am Breakfast 9.00 BBC News 10.00 6.05am The Edible Garden (R) 6.35 The A 6.00am CITV: Dino Dana (R) 6.10 Mr 6.00am Everybody Loves Raymond: triple 6.00am Milkshake!: Mofy (R) 6.05 Peppa
Sunday Morning Live 11.00 Wanted Magoo: triple bill (R) 6.35 Thunderbirds
to Z of TV Cooking (R) 7.20 Countryfile (R) bill. (R) 7.15 Frasier: double bill (R) 8.05 Pig: four episodes (R) 6.25 Bob the
Down Under (R) 11.45 Homes Under the 8.15 Gardeners’ World (R) 9.15 Beechgrove Are Go (R) 7.00 Mission Employable (R) The Big Bang Theory: triple bill (R) 9.30 Builder (R) 6.40 Noddy: Toyland Detective
Hammer (R) 12.30pm Bargain Hunt 1.00 9.45 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites (R) 7.05 Mr Magoo: triple bill (R) 7.30 Sunday Brunch 12.30pm The Simpsons: (R) 6.50 Thomas & Friends (R) 7.00
BBC News, Weather 1.15 Songs of Praise 11.15 My Life on a Plate (R) 12.00noon Scrambled!: Mighty Mike: double bill (R) double bill. (R) 1.25 Couples Come Dine Fireman Sam (R) 7.10 Shane the Chef (R)
1.50 Escape to the Country 2.45 Money Stories of Us 1.00  LIVE  Snooker: 7.50 Scrambled!: Mr Bean: The Animated with Me (R) 2.25 Four in a Bed 3.25 A 7.25 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom (R)
for Nothing 3.45  FILM  Tommy’s Honour The World Championship: Two more Series (R) 8.00 Scrambled!: NinjaGo: Place in the Sun 4.10  FILM  Fantastic 7.35 Paw Patrol (R) 7.45 Milkshake!
(2016, PG) Premiere. Fact-based drama second-round matches are set to reach Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu (R) Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007, PG) Monkey (R) 7.55 Peppa Pig: triple bill (R)
examining the relationship between the a conclusion at the Crucible Theatre, 8.15 Scrambled!: Ben 10 (R) 8.30 Martin & The superhero team faces a powerful 8.15 Butterbean’s Cafe (R) 8.30 Little
father-son team who ushered in the with four players aiming to claim the Roman’s Sunday Best! 9.25 John and alien sent to prepare Earth for destruction Princess (R) 8.45 Nella the Princess
modern game of golf. Starring Sam Neill. two places on offer in the quarter-finals.Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen (R) 10.20 by its planet-eating master. Sci-fi Knight (R) 9.00 Wissper (R) 9.10 Pirata &
★★★★ 5.35 Spy in the Wild (R) Beautiful Baking with Juliet Sear (R) adventure, starring Ioan Gruffudd. ★★★ Capitano (R) 9.25 Shimmer and Shine
6.00  PICK  Best of Top Gear 11.20 Inside Britain’s Food Factories (R) 9.40 Floogals (R) 9.50 Peppa Pig: double
6.35 BBC News The team looks back at 11.50 ITV News, Weather 12.00noon 6.00 Channel 4 News bill (R) 10.00 SpongeBob SquarePants
6.50 BBC Local News, Weather highlights of the last two series The Voice Kids (R) 1.40 The Masked 6.30 Formula 1 70th Anniversary 10.15 Ryan’s Mystery Playdate 10.25
7.00 Countryfile of the motoring show, including Singer US (R) 2.35 Rolling in It (R) Grand Prix Race Highlights Access 10.30 WWE Raw Highlights
Ellie Harrison is in the Freddie Flintoff, Chris Harris and 3.40 Coronation Street: Scandals (R) Steve Jones presents action 11.30 Friends: triple bill (R) 1.05pm
Cotswolds at the Broadway Paddy McGuinness heading to 4.05  FILM  Moonraker (1979, PG) James from the fifth round of the Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords:
Tower folly to look back at the heat of Ethiopia in their first Bond’s search for a missing space shuttle season from Silverstone. This triple bill (R) 4.00 The Yorkshire Vet:
cars. See Picks of the day. leads to an industrialist bent on genocide Country Show Season (R) 5.00 The
unusual events that have was the first time Great Britain
– and a rematch with old foe Jaws. Spy Yorkshire Vet: The Peter Wright Story (R)
featured on the programme. 7.00  LIVE  Snooker: The adventure, starring Roger Moore. ★★★ had held two Grands Prix in
World Championship the same season since 1993, 6.00 My New Greek Life
8.00 Antiques Roadshow
Fiona Bruce presents a second The final session in the second 6.35 ITV News, Weather when Donington Park held the A couple who retired to
round gets under way at the 6.50 Local News, Weather European Grand Prix and this Kefalonia struggle with being
visit to Eltham Palace, and venue the British Grand Prix.
Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, 7.00  PICK  The Durrells separated from family. Laura
explores the art deco wing that Lewis Hamilton won here last
with the line-up for the The family prepares for a and Ross move their yacht
was built in the 1930s. Items week despite suffering a
quarter-finals set to be decided. celebration, and Margo is to a new island, only to
brought in to be valued include puncture on the last lap of
9.00 Cricket: Today at the Test determined to persuade the encounter fierce weather. (R)
a pair of duelling pistols with a what was, until then, turning
story to tell, two rare Fijian war England v Pakistan. Action from Countess to attend. Gerry 6.55 5 News Weekend
the fifth and final day of the First thinks about releasing out to be a routine victory.
clubs, and a panel of stained 7.00 Rich Kids, Skint Holiday
glass from the Houses Test in the three-match series, his animals into the wild. 9.00  FILM  Patriots Day Well-to-do teens are taught the
of Parliament which was taking place at Emirates Old See Picks of the day. (R) (2016, 15) value of money by swapping
broken during the Blitz. (R) Trafford in Manchester. The 8.00 Downton Abbey A police sergeant appointed to their first-class globetrotting
sides last met here in this Double bill. The Crawleys watch security duty for the 2013 getaways for micro-budget
9.00  PICK  A Suitable Boy Boston marathon gets caught
Concerned by Lata’s growing format in 2016, when current Henry compete in a motor breaks in the UK. (R)
captain Joe Root scored 254 in racing event, Violet hatches a up in the aftermath of the 8.00  NEW  Inside Legoland:
friendship with poet Amit bombing. He is drawn into the
Chatterji, Mrs Mehra enlists the first innings and added plan, Andy’s secret is brought A World of Wonder
another 71 in the second to light, and Mrs Patmore and FBI investigation into the attack, A look behind the scenes at
the help of a friend to find her and joins survivors, first
headstrong daughter a as England recorded an Mrs Hughes teach Carson a one of the UK’s most popular
emphatic 330-run victory. lesson; Edith must choose responders and investigators in theme parks, including a profile
husband. When Rupa meets a race against the clock to hunt
enthusiastic shoemaker Haresh 10.00  FILM  The Australian whether to tell the truth, Mary of Paula who is in charge
wonders if she can make down the bombers before they of the park’s model workshop.
Khanna she is immediately Dream (2019, 15)
peace with her sister, and Mrs flee the city. Fact-based drama,
charmed, but Lata is not so Premiere. Documentary 9.00 Rich House, Poor House
Patmore’s bed and breakfast starring Mark Wahlberg and
easily convinced. Banished to profiling Australian Football Families from Rickmansworth
attracts unwanted attention. (R) Michelle Monaghan. ★★★★
the countryside with his Urdu League legend Adam Goodes, and Enfield swap homes
centring on an incident when 10.40 ITV News, Weather 11.35  NEW  The Lawyer and budgets for the week –
tutor, Maan is preoccupied by
he was racially abused by Frank Nordling is reinstated and although they live just
thoughts of Saeeda Bai, but as 10.55 What the Durrells Did Next
a 13-year-old opposition as a lawyer after his release 20 miles apart, their financial
his eyes are opened to the Keeley Hawes presents a look
supporter. The film unpicks the from custody with all charges circumstances differ greatly. (R)
hardships of rural life, he at the true story behind the
unfolding events from 2013 to dropped, and he and Patricia
becomes an unlikely drama series, revealing what 10.00 Bargain-Loving
2015, raising fundamental have a baby daughter and hope
campaigner for social justice. the four Durrell siblings and Brits in the Sun
questions about the nature of to move on with life. However,
See Picks of the day. their mother did when their Jan and Jose’s animal
racism and discrimination in Thomas Waldman survived the
10.00 BBC News time living on Corfu came to an sanctuary takes in a dog left
society today. ★★★★ shooting at the funeral and
end. The programme reveals with a badly injured back
10.20 BBC Local News, Weather there has already been one
11.40 Heroes stories of African expeditions, leg following a botched
10.30  PICK   FILM  Saving attempt to break him out of
Double bill. Hiro jumps at the international celebrity, and operation, and a football-
Mr Banks (2013, PG) prison, while Sara gains
chance to embark on a quest the establishment of a themed promotion ends in
Walt Disney becomes information suggesting that
to save the world. Niki is led zoo dedicated to saving disaster for Lawrence’s bar. (R)
determined to adapt Mary Therese’s death might not
into the desert by a sinister endangered species. (R) 11.05 Benidorm: Brits on the Pull
Poppins into a film, but faces have been suicide after all,
force and Claire attempts to 1.55 Gone to Pot:
1 which shocks everyone. Pensioners living the high life in
an obstacle in the shape of restore normality after a tragic American Road Trip
author PL Travers, who resists The full series is available free Spain, including one couple
date; the heroes’ paths cross in Linda Robson, Pam St to view or download, on All 4. who organise swingers’ parties,
the idea of a sentimental Las Vegas, where Hiro exploits Clement, Christopher Biggins,
12.35am  FILM  The Florida Project (2017, a rapping granny and a
Hollywood version of her book. his powers to help Ando win in John Fashanu and Bobby 15) A six-year-old girl roams the grounds Lancashire man who enjoys
As the movie mogul’s charm a casino and Niki encounters George visit The Farm, a of the motel where she lives, looking for weekly lads’ nights. (R)
offensive comes unstuck, he Nathan. Meanwhile, Claire licensed marijuana cultivation
begins to realise why the story adventure with her small band of friends. 12.05am On Benefits: It’s A Hard Knock
takes revenge on Brody. (R) operation in Colorado. (R) Drama, with Willem Dafoe. ★★★★ Life: A Derby man who dreams of making
is so important to its creator. 1.10am Snooker: The World 12.45am Wonders of the Coast Path: 2.35  FILM  Grandma (2015, 15) Comedy it in showbusiness. (R) 1.00 The
Fact-based drama, with Emma Championship: Action from the evening In Cardigan Bay, Sean Fletcher helps drama, with Lily Tomlin. ★★★★ 3.55 Live Casino Show 3.00 Nightmare
Thompson and Tom Hanks. session on day 10 in Sheffield. 2.00 monitor the local dolphin population and Undercover Boss Canada (R) 4.45 Tenants, Slum Landlords: Alarming
See Picks of the day. ★★★★ Snooker: World Championship Extra 4.00 discovers a 4,000-year-old sunken forest. Fifteen to One (R) 5.35 Kirstie’s Fill tales. (R) 3.50 Police Interceptors (R)
12.30am Weather for the Week Ahead: Sign Zone: Holby City (R) 5.00-6.00am (R) 1.10 Home Shopping 3.00 Nightscreen Your House for Free (R) 5.50-6.30am 4.40 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.05 House Busters
Reports. 12.35-6.00am BBC News Sign Zone: Once Upon a Time in Iraq (R) 5.05-6.00am Judge Rinder: Real cases. (R) Countdown: Champion of Champions (R) (R) 5.35-6.00am House Doctor (R)

STV 1.10am ITV Nightscreen 7.00 The Seven 7.15 Sportscene: Action from News 6.00 The Angelus 6.01 RTE News 6.30 No 10.00 Creaduriaid Gwyllt Affrica 11.00 Llefydd (R) Repeat

BBC1 N Ireland 5.35pm Tide today’s Premiership fixtures. 8.30 Right Here 9.00 Place Like Home 7.00 Gay Byrne’s Late Late Sanctaidd 11.30 Dal Ati 12.30pm Glan Llyn 1.00 Star ratings
David Wilson’s Crime Files 10.00 Still Game 10.30 Moments 8.00 Killinaskully 8.30 Pat Shortt’s Music Pethe 1.30 Sgwrs Dan y Lloer 2.00 04 Wal. double ★★★★★ Brilliant
BBC1 Scotland 10.30pm Sportscene Gary: Tank Commander 11.00 Seven Days from D’Telly 9.00 RTE News 9.30 Dublin Murders: bill. 3.00 Celwydd Noeth. double bill. 3.55 Ty am
11.45  FILM  Saving Mr Banks (2013, PG) ★★★★ Very good
RTE1 6.00am EuroNews 6.25 Teleshopping 8.00 double bill 11.55 Dawn French Live: 30 Million Ddim 4.50 Waliau’n Siarad 5.45 Pethe 6.10
Fact-based drama. ★★★★ 1.50am BBC News Minutes: The comedian’s one-woman show. ★★★ Worth a watch
Holby City 9.10 Casualty 10.10 Nationwide 10.40 Eisteddfod 2020: Canrif o’r Babell Len 7.10
BBC1 Wales 12.30pm Tudur’s TV Flashback 1.50 Keeping Up Appearances 11.10 Service 12.55am Silent Witness 1.55 Vikings 2.50 Call the Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 7.25 Y Gymanfa ★★ Could be worse
Scrum V Classics 3.20 Iolo: The Last Wilderness 12.00noon Creedon’s Road Less Travelled 1.00 Midwife 3.45 Civilisations 4.40 A Dangerous Ganu 9.00 Clwb Rygbi: Super Rugby Aotearoa ★ Pretty dire
of Wales 5.35 The Story of Wales: England and RTE News 1.10 Emma 2.10 A Wild Irish Year 3.15 Dynasty: House of Assad 5.30 EuroNews 10.00 Huw Edwards a’r Cymry Estron: Stori All programme details
Wales. The first Welsh king of England. Open for Business 3.45  FILM  The Bookshop S4C 6.00am Cyw 8.50 Penblwyddi Cyw 8.55 Cymry Llundain 11.00 Prosiect Pum Mil: are correct at time of
BBC Scotland 12.30pm This Is BBC Scotland (2017, PG) ★★★ 5.40 Nuacht. Followed by RTE Pen-Blwydd Pwy? 9.00 Ail Agor Ysgol Maesincla A project in Llanfair. 12.05am Diwedd going to press
Best of the rest Picks of the day

ITV2 Freeview 6
DAVE Freeview 19

6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 Totally 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Yianni:

Bonkers Guinness World Records Supercar Customiser: double bill
7.35 The Ellen DeGeneres 8.00 Rick Stein’s Long Weekends
Show: double bill 9.10 Dress to 9.00 Red Bull Soapbox Race 10.00
Impress: triple bill 12.10pm The Top Gear: double bill 12.00noon
Masked Singer US 1.05 Celebrity American Pickers: Best Of 1.00
Catchphrase 2.05 You’ve Been Drug Wars: double bill 2.00
Framed! Presents Top 100 Storage Hunters UK: four episodes
Shockers 3.10  FILM  Minions 4.00 Would I Lie to You?: triple bill
(2015, U) Animated comedy, with 6.00 Would I Lie to You? Triple bill.
the voice of Sandra Bullock. ★★★ 8.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse:
5.00  FILM  Hotel Transylvania Gone Fishing The duo go angling.
(2012, U) Animated comedy, with 8.40 The ‘Christmas’ Misadventures
the voice of Adam Sandler. ★★★ of Romesh Ranganathan
6.50  FILM  The Lego Batman Movie 9.40 Have I Got a Bit More News for
(2017, U) Animated comedy, with You Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts.
the voice of Will Arnett. ★★★★ 10.40 QI XL With Sandi Toksvig.
9.00 Family Guy Five episodes. 11.40 Live at the Apollo Stand-up.
11.25 American Dad! Double bill. 12.40am Mock the Week 1.20 Have I
12.20am The Cleveland Show: triple Got a Bit More News for You 2.30
bill. 1.50 Don’t Hate the Playaz The ‘Christmas’ Misadventures
2.35 Release the Hounds: Famous of Romesh Ranganathan 3.20
& Freaked 3.30 Teleshopping Judge Romesh 4.00 Teleshopping

August 9
ITV3 Freeview 10

6.00am That’s My Boy 6.25 6.00am Monster Ships: double bill

Coronation Street: triple bill 7.50 8.00 Narrow Escapes of World War
Emmerdale: triple bill 9.20 Agatha
Christie’s Marple: double bill
Two: four episodes. 12.00noon
VE Day: Countdown to Peace.
Best of Top Gear
1.30pm  LIVE  ITV Racing: Live Documentary. 1.00 Abandoned 6pm, BBC Two
from Salisbury: Coverage from Engineering: five episodes Finding a team that shared the chemistry of tank. In fact, they’ve been such a success,
Salisbury, Thirsk and The Curragh. 6.00 Abandoned Engineering
4.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot Double bill. Forgotten relics from Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and the next series will be promoted to BBC One.
6.00 Midsomer Murders the defence of America’s homeland; James May was always going to be difficult, But until that happens, we have this
A wealthy landowner’s body goes the desert town that faced a so it’s not surprising that Top Gear compilation, which rounds up some of their
missing on the night of his death. disaster of biblical proportions.
sometimes seemed to have lost its spark in best bits. It includes Freddie, Chris and
8.00 Long Lost Family A woman 8.00 ’Allo ’Allo! Triple bill. Edith
searches for her Salvadoran father. searches for a new husband; a the Chris Evans and Matt Le Blanc eras. Paddy heading to Ethiopia in their first cars,
9.00 Joanna Lumley’s Japan British agent arrives; Rene and But then Freddie Flintoff, Chris Harris and and Chris seeing how the £2.5m McLaren
The actress explores Tokyo. Captain Geering are ambushed. Paddy McGuinness took over, and it became Speedtail fares when pitted against the
10.00 Sanditon An accident forces 10.00 War Factories The exploitation clear the format still had plenty of juice in the RAF’s newest fighter jet. ★★★
Charlotte and Sidney together of the Baku Oilfields which
11.00 Vanity Fair War is brewing. led to the battle of Stalingrad.
12.00m’t Law & Order: UK: double 11.00 Abandoned Engineering
bill 2.05 Heartbeat 3.10 Agatha 1.00am Monster Ships. Examining
Christie’s Poirot 4.15 That’s the Orca 2.00 Walking Through
My Boy 4.40 Emmerdale: History: King John’s Ruin –
triple bill 5.55 ITV3 Nightscreen Peak District 3.00 Teleshopping

FIlm4 Freeview 14
11.00am Rugrats in Paris: The Movie 6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 Saluting
(2000, U) Animation, with the voice Dad’s Army 7.50 Only Fools and
of Christine Cavanaugh. ★★★ Horses: eight episodes. FILM CHOICE
12.35pm Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011, 7.00pm Only Fools and Horses
PG) Animated comedy sequel, with Double bill. Del’s beloved mum A Suitable Boy The Durrells Saving Mr Banks
the voice of Jack Black. ★★★★ apparently makes contact during a 9pm, BBC One 7pm, ITV 10.30pm, BBC One
2.25 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty seance at the Nag’s Head; Rodney
(2013, PG) Comedy drama, ties the knot with Cassandra, Mrs Mehra is on a mission to As the first series comes to Tom Hanks takes on the role
starring Ben Stiller. ★★★4.40 while Del tries to dodge a bashing. get her daughter a husband an end, Gerry is facing an of Walt Disney in this
Romancing the Stone (1984, 12) 9.25 Dad’s Army Corporal Jones’s
Comedy adventure, starring
– and poet Amit Chatterji is ethical dilemma as he intriguing drama about the
fitness to serve is tested.
Michael Douglas. ★★★★★ 10.05 Hold the Sunset Double bill.
not what she had in mind. questions whether he should making of Mary Poppins.
6.55 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006, Bob suggests that Roger apply to So she recruits a friend to really be keeping animals in The magical nanny’s prickly
12) Superhero adventure sequel, become his mother’s paid carer; find a more suitable match, captivity. Luckily, the rest of creator PL Travers (Emma
starring Hugh Jackman. ★★★ Phil fears he will lose Edith to Bob. but Lata isn't quite to so the family is in more of a Thompson) is reluctant to
9.00 Four Weddings and a Funeral 11.20 The Office Triple bill. Brent
(1994, 15) Romantic comedy, becomes a motivational speaker; impressed by shoemaker party mood as they prepare see her books turned into a
starring Hugh Grant. ★★★★★ the staff celebrate Red Nose Haresh. Meanwhile, Maan for a celebration. Sven sentimental Hollywood
11.20 Mercury Rising (1998, 15) Day; David Brent shares his has been banished to the passes a grilling with flying movie, and flashbacks
Thriller, starring Bruce Willis. ★★★ management philosophy.
countryside, where his eyes colours and Margo tries to explore her background
1.35am Northwest (2013, 15) Crime 1.15am Hold the Sunset: double bill
drama, starring brothers Gustav of the comedy 2.25 The Office: are opened to the realities get the countess to visit and why the story means
and Oscar Dyekjaer Giese. ★★★ triple bill 4.00 Teleshopping of rural life. ★★★★ the island. ★★★★ so much to her. ★★★★
E4 Freeview 13
DRAmA Freeview 20
6.00am Rude(ish) Tube Shorts 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 The 6.00am Hour of Power 7.00 Animal 6.00am Elementary: double bill. 8.00 6.00am Nothing to Declare: six
6.15 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Bill: four episodes. 11.00 Bramwell: 999: four episodes 9.00 Modern CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: episodes 9.00 Customs UK:
USA: double bill 8.05 Supernanny double bill. 1.10pm Doctor Finlay: Family: four episodes 11.00 The eight episodes. 4.00pm Blue double bill 10.00 Paramedics
USA 9.00 Don’t Tell the Bride: double bill. 3.20 Call the Midwife: Simpsons: double bill 12.00noon Bloods: Double bill of the drama. Australia: triple bill 1.00pm UK
double bill 11.10 Melissa & Double bill of the drama series. MacGyver 1.00 S.W.A.T. 2.00 6.00 Blue Bloods Triple bill. A Border Force 2.00 Nothing
Joey: double bill 12.10pm The 6.00 Keeping Up Appearances Hawaii Five-0: triple bill 5.00 The police officer is accused of killing to Declare: ten episodes
Goldbergs: four episodes 2.10 The Triple bill. Hyacinth attends an Simpsons 5.30 70th Anniversary a suspect who was in custody; 7.00 Ghost Whisperer Double bill.
Big Bang Theory: ten episodes exclusive auction; Emmet rehearses GP Hlts 6.30 The Simpsons a detective from Danny’s precinct Delia attracts a secret admirer;
7.10  FILM  Shrek Forever After a musical production; Hyacinth 8.00 MacGyver Angus and the is killed while working undercover; Aiden has mysterious visions.
(2010, U) A magical trickster leaves auditions for a part in a musical. team board a plane mid-flight. Danny turns to Frank for help. 9.00 FBI A man is kidnapped after
the grumpy ogre stuck in an 8.00 Death in Paradise A murder 9.00 S.W.A.T Hondo’s parents’ 9.00 Little Birds Double bill. getting involved in illegal dealings.
alternate world. Animated comedy, suspect is shot dead in police relationship becomes worse. Adaptation of Anais Nin’s collection 10.00 Coroner A body that does
with the voice of Mike Myers. ★★★ custody. James Fox guest stars. 10.00 Condor 2 Reuel realises of erotic short stories, starring not have any ID is found in
9.00 Batwoman In a crossover with 9.20 My Life Is Murder When a he has found himself in the Juno Temple as troubled American the middle of a country road.
HOT TV|Daily Star

DC’s other superhero shows, Iris drunk driver turns herself in for a middle of an unexpected conflict. heiress Lucy Savage; Lucy gets 11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims
West-Allen, Clark Kent and Lois hit-and-run, Alexa is not convinced, 11.00 Hawaii Five-0 A plane that herself an invitation to a wrap party, Unit Doubel bill. Stone takes on
Lane search for a mysterious believing the accident was the mysteriously crashed into the which she attends with Adham. the case of a woman who killed
Kryptonian. Last in the series. work of an opportunistic killer. Pacific in the 1980s is found. 11.00 Dexter The forensic expert her abusive husband; Tutuola
10.00 Naked Attraction Double bill. 10.25 Rebus The gruff detective 12.00m’t NCIS: Los Angeles: Crime explains Harry’s code to Debra. teams up with a colleague to
12.00m’t Supernatural 1.00 The Big investigates a colleague’s link drama. 1.00 The Blacklist: Crime 12.10am Californication: Comedy find the owner of a brothel.
Bang Theory: double bill 2.00 to a convicted paedophile. thriller. 2.00 The Force: North East drama. 12.45 Perry Mason: double 1.00am Ghost Whisperer: double
Gogglebox 2.55 Batwoman 3.40 12.30am Silent Witness 2.35 3.00 Brit Cops: Law & Disorder bill 3.15 Richard E Grant’s Hotel bill 3.00 Nothing to Declare:
Don’t Tell the Bride: double bill New Tricks 4.00 Teleshopping 4.00 The Real A&E: four episodes Secrets 4.10 The British: double bill six back-to-back episodes
BBC ONE BBC TWO ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

The One Show, 7pm Once Upon a Time in Iraq, 9pm Coronation Street: Battleaxes, 8.30pm The Yorkshire Jobcentre, 9pm Shoplifters: At War with the Law, 9pm

6.00am Breakfast 9.00 BBC News 6.00am This Is BBC Two 6.20 Murder, 6.00am Good Morning Britain 9.00 6.30am Cheers: double bill (R) 7.20 6.00am Milkshake!: Peppa Pig: four
10.00  NEW  Murder, Mystery and My Mystery and My Family (R) 7.05 Meerkat Lorraine 10.00 This Morning 12.30pm Everybody Loves Raymond: triple bill (R) episodes (R) 6.20 Mya Go 6.25 Fireman
Family: Case Closed? 10.45 Homes Manor (R) 7.30 Sign Zone: Great Asian Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News, 8.40 Frasier: double bill (R) 9.40 The Big Sam (R) 6.35 Shane the Chef (R) 6.45
Under the Hammer (R) 11.45 Dom Does Railway Journeys (R) 8.30 Westminster Weather 1.55 Local News, Weather 2.00 Bang Theory: double bill (R) 10.35 Thomas & Friends (R) 7.00 Abby Hatcher
America (R) 12.15pm Bargain Hunt 1.00 in Review 9.00 Mountain Gorilla (R) Dickinson’s Real Deal (R) 3.00 Tenable (R) Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R) (R) 7.10 Daisy & Ollie (R) 7.20 Milkshake!
BBC News at One, Weather 1.30 BBC 10.00  LIVE  Snooker: The World 4.00 Tipping Point (R) 5.00 The Chase (R) 11.30 Come Dine with Me (R) 12.00noon Monkey’s Amazing Adventures (R) 7.25
Local News, Weather 1.45 The Heights Championship: The quarter-finals get Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Come Peppa Pig: double bill (R) 7.40 Ricky
2.15 Celebrity Eggheads (R) 3.00 Escape under way at the Crucible Theatre. 6.00 Local News, Weather Dine with Me: four episodes (R) 2.10 Zoom 8.00 Pirata & Capitano (R) 8.15
to the Country (R) 3.45 Garden Rescue: 12.00noon BBC News 1.00  LIVE  6.30 ITV Evening News, Weather Countdown 3.00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) Paw Patrol: double bill (R) 8.45 The
Top of the Plots 4.30 Antiques Road Snooker: The World Championship: 7.00 Emmerdale 4.00  NEW  A Place in the Sun 5.00 Four Secret Life of Puppies (R) 8.50 Wissper
Trip (R) 5.15 Pointless. Quiz show. (R) Two more quarter-finals commence. Leyla has an intruder in her in a Bed (R) 5.30 Come Dine with Me (R) (R) 9.00 Floogals (R) 9.10 Sunny Bunnies
9.15 Jeremy Vine 11.15 Can’t Pay? We’ll
6.00 BBC News at Six, Weather 6.00 Eggheads office, Jamie confesses to 6.00 The Simpsons Take It Away! (R) 12.10pm 5 News at
6.30 BBC Local News, Weather Jeremy Vine hosts the quiz in Belle, and Mandy asks for help. Marge is mugged at the Lunchtime 12.15 Nightmare Tenants,
7.00 The One Show which the winners of famous 7.30 Coronation Street supermarket and develops a Slum Landlords (R) 1.10 Access 1.15
Alex Jones and Chris Ramsey gameshows work as a team to Adam tells Imran he is convinced fear of venturing outdoors. (R) Home and Away (R) 1.45 Neighbours
present the first visit of the tackle a new set of challengers Gary murdered Rick, and Alya 6.30 The Simpsons 2.15  FILM  Death of a Cheerleader (2019)
hoping to win a cash prize. (R) confides in Imran that she will Bart faces a tough test at Thriller, starring Aubrey Peeples and
week to the studio, featuring Morgan Taylor Campbell. ★★★ 4.00
the usual mix of topical 6.30 Meerkat Manor sell her share of Speed Daal to school when he gets a new
distance herself from Geoff. Friends: double bill (R) 5.00 5 News
stories and celebrity chat. A pup ventures out with the teacher who seems to want to at 5 5.30 Neighbours: Bea manages
7.30 Has Lockdown Changed foragers sooner than anticipated, 8.00 Birds of a Feather crush his spirit, while the family to stop Kyle and Levi’s clash from
but learns a valuable lesson Sharon makes plans to take attends a community festival. (R) degenerating into a full-on fight. (R)
What We Eat? – Panorama
about living in the wild. (R) Tracey and Dorien on a 7.00 Channel 4 News
Tom Heap investigates the 6.00 Home and Away
6.55  LIVE  Snooker: The 1970s-themed weekender,
impact of the coronavirus 7.55 The Political Slot Stuck in Summer Bay without
World Championship but Tracey is about to receive
pandemic on Britain’s food Nick Thomas-Symonds MP Gemma, Nikau’s despair
Further coverage from Sheffield, some eye-opening news
manufacturing sector, and sets out the Labour Party’s plan reaches new heights when
as two quarter-finals continue. that could spoil her fun. (R)
looks at the transformation to win back the trust of voters. the rent comes in short.
in the way people shop, The players involved were 8.30 Coronation Street:
Battleaxes 8.00 Devon and Cornwall Ari turns Tane away from
cook and consume food. in action this morning, and On St Michael’s Mount, west
Jason Manford narrates an vengeance on Colby to focus
8.00  PICK  EastEnders: return to the tables to play the Cornwall, boatman Josh
edition celebrating the soap’s on honouring Mikaere. (R)
Secrets from the Square second of three sessions. Sedgeman readies the island’s
matriarchs and strong women, 6.30 5 News Tonight
Stacey Dooley is joined by 8.00 Our Friend Victoria amphibious vessel for winter,
Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton including Ena Sharples, Ivy 7.00 Traffic Cops
Maisie Smith, Zack Morris and while there is a search for blue
and Reece Shearsmith explore Tilsley, Vera Duckworth, Blanche An insight into the working life
Lorraine Stanley, aka Tiffany, sharks off the Isles of Scilly. (R)
Victoria Wood’s take on TV, Hunt and Evelyn Plummer. of officers patrolling the nation’s
Keegan and Karen, who chat 9.00  NEW  The Yorkshire
about their biggest storylines The hosts also look at Victoria’s 9.00  PICK   NEW  Unsaid Stories roads, using modern technology
The first of four short dramas Jobcentre and old-fashioned methods to
and share backstage gossip. pioneering mockumentaries. (R) Behind the scenes at a busy
See Picks of the day. addressing topics relating bring criminals to justice. (R)
8.30 University Challenge public employment service,
to Black Lives Matter. A 8.00 Ultimate Police Interceptors
8.30 Ghosts The fifth first-round match sees revealing what life is like
man catches his teenage An edition focusing on youths
Pat’s family make their annual the University of Reading take for those living on welfare and
daughter sneaking out of behaving badly, with a lad
pilgrimage to the site of his on Birkbeck, University of how the dedicated team of job
the house to attend a BLM in Bradford managing to
death and he begs Alison to London for a place in the next coaches help customers.
march. See Picks of the day. give Spenner the slip after a
pass on a message, while Mike stage. Jeremy Paxman hosts. 10.00 999: What’s Your
struggles to come to terms 9.15 The Parachute Murder Plot pursuit, despite the officer
9.00 Once Upon a Time in Iraq Emergency? commandeering a push bike.
with his bathroom paranoia. (R) Fiona Bruce examines the case
A look at the consequences Cameras focus on the five per
of Emile Cilliers, who was 9.00 Shoplifters:
9.00  PICK  Line of Duty of the 2003 invasion of Iraq cent of the UK’s families who
convicted in 2018 of the At War with the Law
Arnott is convinced Gates by the US-led coalition, with are collectively responsible
attempted murder of his wife The West Orchards team
played a part in Jackie’s America forced to return when for a staggering amount of the
Victoria, having tampered uncovers one of the biggest
disappearance, so the team Isis took over huge swathes of nation’s crime – 50 per cent
with her parachute before a hauls in the centre’s history,
uses Fleming to set a trap, the country. Last in series. of criminal arrests. Police are
routine skydive. He also and gives a lifetime ban to a
hoping he will reveal his 10.00 Mock the Week dispatched to apprehend a
deliberately caused a gas serial offender who flees after
involvement in covering up Host Dara O Briain and drunk young man outside a
leak at the family home. Fiona he is caught stealing sweets.
the missing woman’s crimes. regular Hugh Dennis are joined nightclub. Some members
goes beyond the headlines, 10.00 Police Under
Thriller, starring Lennie James. by guests Tom Allen, Ed shedding new light on the crime of his family have amassed
(R) See Picks of the day. Gamble, Milton Jones, Zoe 193 arrests and 111 Attack: Man Down
itself, the investigation and the After a knife falls out of a
10.00 BBC News at Ten Lyons and Geoff Norcott. (R) subsequent prosecution. (R) convictions between them. (R)
criminal’s pocket in Bedford, it
10.30 BBC Local News, Weather 10.35 Rick Stein’s Long Weekends 10.15 ITV News at Ten, Weather 11.05 24 Hours in A&E
takes three officers to get him in
10.45 Enterprice The chef heads to Berlin, where 10.45 Local News, Weather An 83-year-old woman has an
handcuffs, while a policeman is
Kazim’s date with Ire does he finds the German capital open ankle fracture that needs
11.00 Joanna Lumley’s knocked out in an unprovoked
not go to plan, while Jeremiah teeming with an overwhelming urgent realignment to restore
Unseen Adventures attack in King’s Lynn. (R)
tries to rebuild his relationship array of innovative chefs the blood flow to her leg, while
Unseen footage from the four-year-old Maddi has fallen 11.05  FILM  King of Thieves
with his estranged mother. offering delicious creations. (R)
actress’ travels in India and over and injured her neck. (R) (2018, 15)
11.10 Canada’s Drag Race 10.45 Newsnight, Weather Uzbekistan, including an Retired criminals attempt to pull
Comedian Tom Green hosts 12.10am Lose a Stone in 21 Days with
1.30 Snooker: The World
1 encounter with the flower-sellers Michael Mosley: Five volunteers go off a major burglary in London’s
as the contestants’ creative Championship of Madurai and a guide to the jewellery district. Crime drama
on a low-calorie diet. (R) 1.05 Ramsay’s
marketing skills are put to Highlights of the evening secrets of gem-making. (R) Kitchen Nightmares USA: Blackberry’s in based on the Hatton Garden
the test as they write and session on day 11. 12.00m’t ITV Sport Stories: Featuring Plainfield, New Jersey. (R) 1.55 Couples heist, with Michael Caine. ★★★
produce commercials for 12.20am Snooker: World Championship Nicola Adams and Severiano Ballesteros. Come Dine with Me (R) 2.50 This Is Us (R) 1.10am The Live Casino Show
fictional drag queen law firms. Extra 2.20 Sign Zone: Countryfile (R) (R) 12.25 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 3.35 Unreported World (R) 4.00 Undercover 3.10 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords
12.10am Have I Got a Bit More News for 3.20 Sign Zone: Home Is Where the Art Is 1.15 Home Shopping 3.00 Parveen’s Boss Canada (R) 4.50 Fifteen to One (R) (R) 3.55 The Funny Thing About Dating (R)
You (R) 12.55 Weather for the Week (R) 4.05 Sign Zone: Celebrity MasterChef Indian Kitchen (R) 3.50 ITV Nightscreen 5.40 Jamie’s Comfort Food (R) 5.50-6.30am 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 House Busters
Ahead 1.00-6.00am BBC News (R) 5.05-6.20am This Is BBC Two 5.05-6.00am Judge Rinder (R) Countdown: Champion of Champions (R) (R) 5.35-6.00am House Doctor (R)

STV 1.15am ITV Nightscreen BBC Scotland 1.30 Sign Zone: Flour Power 2.00 Impossible 10.05 The Ellen DeGeneres Show About Obesity 2.00 Bad Banks 2.55 Nationwide (R) Repeat

BBC1 N Ireland 7.30pm Gardening Together Sign Zone: Mini Disco Divas 2.30 Sign Zone: 11.00 Dr Phil 11.55 Shortland Street 12.25pm 3.20 Dr Phil 4.50 Doctors 5.20 EuroNews Star ratings
with Diarmuid Gavin 8.30 Panorama 10.45 Beechgrove 3.00 Sign Zone: Great Escapes Doctors 1.00 RTE News 1.15 Home and Away S4C 6.00am Cyw 12.00noon Pobol y Rhondda ★★★★★ Brilliant
NI on The One Show 11.15 Enterprice 11.40 with Colin and Justin 3.25 This Is BBC Scotland 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 Tracks and Trails 2.45 Ray & 12.30 Heno Aur 1.00 Heno 1.30 Ar Werth 2.00 ★★★★ Very good
Canada’s Drag Race 12.40am Have I Got a Bit 7.00 Beechgrove 7.30 Mini Disco Divas 8.00 Ó Sé’s Fitness 15 3.00 My Kitchen Rules: Australia Newyddion 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion
Scottish Vets Down Under 8.30 Fish Town ★★★ Worth a watch
More News for You 1.25 BBC News 4.15 American Housewife 4.45  NEW  The Heights 3.05 Y Sioe 2020: Pencampwyr y Sioe 4.00 Awr
9.00 The Nine 10.00 River City Rewind 11.00 5.45 Nuacht 6.00 The Angelus 6.01 News 6.30 Fawr 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 Clwb Rygbi: Super Rugby ★★ Could be worse
BBC1 Wales 8.30pm The Crash Detectives Rewind 2000s 11.15 The Social Presents – ★ Pretty dire
Reeling in the Years 7.00 Nationwide 7.30 Scannal Aotearoa 6.57 Newyddion 7.00 Heno 7.30
BBC2 N Ireland 10.00pm I Rith an Bhealaigh Outdoor Life 11.45  FILM  Dark Road (2019) ★★★ 8.00 Big Life Fix 9.00 News 9.35 Mrs Brown’s Newyddion 8.00 Sgwrs Dan y Lloer 8.25 Garddio All programme details
BBC Scotland 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland RTE1 6.00am EuroNews 6.35 Teleshopping. Boys 10.15 The Young Offenders 10.55 Love/Hate a Mwy 8.55 Newyddion 9.00 Ffermio 9.30 Rygbi: are correct at time of
12.15 Politics Scotland Special 1.15 This Is triple bill. 8.10 Summer Best of Today 9.10 11.55 No Country for Women 1.00am The Truth Clasuron Bermuda 10.00 Côr Digidol Rhys Meirion going to press
Best of the rest Picks of the day

ITV2 Freeview 6
DAVE Freeview 19

6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Yianni:

DeGeneres Show 8.00 Emmerdale Supercar Customiser 8.00
8.30 Coronation Street 9.00 American Pickers 9.00 Storage
You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9.25 Hunters UK 10.00 American Pickers
Supermarket Sweep 10.25 Ellen’s 12.00noon Border Force: America’s
Game of Games 11.20 Dress to Gatekeepers 1.00 Abandoned
Impress 12.25pm Emmerdale Engineering 2.00 James May’s
12.55 Coronation Street 1.30 You’ve Cars of the People 3.00 Rick
Been Framed! Gold 2.00 The Ellen Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey
DeGeneres Show 2.55 Ellen’s 4.00 Top Gear: double bill
Game of Games 3.50 Supermarket 6.00 Would I Lie to You? Double bill.
Sweep 4.55 Dress to Impress 7.20 Richard Osman’s House
6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold of Games With Ellie Taylor.
8.00 Superstore Garrett and Mateo 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Seville
come up with a financial plan. 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Venice
8.30 Superstore Amy joins Jonah for 9.00 QI XL With Josh Widdicombe.
lunch with his parents and brother. 10.00 Red Dwarf: The First Three
9.00 Family Guy Five episodes. Million Years A look at the series.
11.25 American Dad! Double bill. 11.00 Taskmaster Gameshow.
12.25am The Cleveland Show 1.20 12.00m’t Mock the Week 12.40
Superstore: double bill 2.20 Would I Lie to You? 1.20 QI XL 2.30
Through the Keyhole 3.20 ITV2 Would I Lie to You? 3.00 Mock the
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping Week 3.35-4.00am Indestructibles

ITV3 Freeview 10

August 10
6.00am Classic Coronation Street 6.00am History’s Greatest Hoaxes:
6.55 Classic Emmerdale 8.00 double bill. 8.00 Forbidden History
Heartbeat 9.00 Rising Damp
10.05 That’s My Boy 10.40 Agatha
9.00 The World at War 10.00
Abandoned Engineering: double
Line of Duty
Christie’s Marple 12.40pm bill. 12.00noon Great British 9pm, BBC One
Heartbeat 1.45 Classic Emmerdale: Railway Journeys 1.00 Antiques According to the show’s creator Jed by coronavirus – but anyone who only started
double bill 2.50 Classic Coronation Roadshow 2.00 Bangers and
Street: double bill. 3.55 Agatha Cash 3.00 Trains That Changed Mercurio, the BBC wasn’t always convinced watching when Line of Duty moved to BBC
Christie’s Marple 5.55 Heartbeat the World 4.00 Abandoned that Line of Duty had the makings of a hit. He One for the fourth series can catch up with
7.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot The Engineering 5.00 Auschwitz: The said in a recent interview that the acclaimed this repeat of the first run.
sleuth is invited to attend a ball Nazis and the Final Solution
dressed as someone famous. 6.00 The World at War The drama was originally shown on BBC Two In the third episode, Arnott is convinced
8.00 Endeavour Morse and Thursday 1941 attack on Pearl Harbour. because BBC One passed on it. that Gates was involved in covering up
investigate a clash between rival 7.00 Great British Railway Journeys Clearly, the Beeb has since seen the error Jackie’s disappearance. So the anti-
gangs during the 1970 general 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys of its ways. Not only is a sixth run in the corruption team turns to Fleming to set a trap
election. Shaun Evans stars. 8.00 Impossible Railways Unusual
10.00 Law & Order: UK Brooks rail networks from around the world.
works – although filming has been held up and hopefully find out the truth. ★★★★★
and Devlin investigate the murder 9.00 Bangers and Cash Double bill.
of a former top-flight footballer. 11.00 Porridge Double bill.
11.00 Scott & Bailey Crime drama. 12.20am Porridge. Classic comedy.
12.00m’t Inspector Morse 2.10 1.00 Auschwitz: The Nazis and
Agatha Christie’s Poirot 3.25 ITV3 the Final Solution 2.00 Walking
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping Through History 3.00 Teleshopping

FIlm4 Freeview 14
11.00am The Perfect Catch (2005, 6.00am Teleshopping 7.30
PG) Romantic comedy, starring dinnerladies 8.00 Keeping Up
Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore. Appearances 8.40 Only Fools and NEW SERIES FILM CHOICE
★★★ 1.05pm Stuart Little (1999, U) Horses 9.20 Are You Being
Comedy. ★★★★ 2.45 Rango Served? 10.00 Last of the Summer EastEnders: Secrets from Unsaid Stories Jason Bourne
(2011, PG) Oscar-winning animated Wine 12.00noon Keeping Up the Square 8pm, BBC One 9pm, ITV 9pm, Film4
comedy, with the voice of Johnny Appearances 12.40 dinnerladies
Depp. ★★★★ 4.55 Carry On 1.20 Only Fools and Horses 2.00 At the grand old age of 19, The first of four short dramas After sitting out The Bourne
Spying (1964, U) Comedy. ★★★ Are You Being Served? 2.40 Maisie Smith is already a airing on consecutive Legacy, Matt Damon
6.40 Charlotte Gray (2001, 15) Keeping Up Appearances 3.20
Dad’s Army 4.00 Last of the
soap veteran – she made her evenings and exploring returned to the action
Drama, starring Cate Blanchett. ★★
9.00  PICK  Jason Bourne (2016, 12) Summer Wine 6.00 Are You Being debut as Tiffany when she issues related to Black Lives franchise for this thriller,
The former operative is drawn out of Served? 6.40 Only Fools and was just six years old. Here, Matter stars Nicholas which also stars Tommy Lee
hiding to uncover truths about his Horses 7.20 Dad’s Army: double she’s joined by her on-screen Pinnock as Oliver, a father Jones and Alicia Vikander.
father. Action thriller, starring Matt bill 8.40 Gavin & Stacey: Comedy.
9.20 Not Going Out Comedy series. husband and mother-in-law who catches his daughter Former government operative
Damon and Tommy Lee Jones.
See Picks of the day. ★★★★ 10.00 Live at the Apollo Comedy. Keegan and Karen, aka Zack (Yasmin Monet Prince) trying Jason Bourne is being
11.25 Roman J. Israel, Esq (2018, 12) 11.00 Inside No 9 Comedy series. Morris and Lorraine Stanley, to sneak out. It doesn’t put hunted once again, this time
Crime drama, starring Denzel 11.40 Gavin & Stacey Comedy. to talk to Stacey Dooley his mind at rest when she by a rogue former CIA agent
Washington. ★★★★ 1.50-3.40am 12.20am Not Going Out: Comedy. about life on the Square. The reveals she’s heading to a who has acquired top secret
Tangerine (2015, 15) Comedy 1.00 Live at the Apollo 2.00 Inside
drama, starring Kitana Kiki No 9 2.30 Snuff Box 3.00 You, Me presenter also gets a tour of protest, as he fears she’ll information about Bourne’s
Rodriguez and Mya Taylor. ★★★★ & Them 4.00 Teleshopping the launderette. ★★★★ be in danger. ★★★★ own father. ★★★★
E4 Freeview 13
DRAmA Freeview 20
6.00am The Goldbergs 7.00 Couples 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 London’s 6.00am Futurama: double bill 7.00 6.00am Urban Secrets 7.00 CSI: 6.00am Nothing to Declare: four
Come Dine with Me 8.00 Don’t Burning: double bill 9.00 The Bill Animal House: double bill 8.00 Crime Scene Investigation 10.00 episodes 8.00 Stop, Search, Seize
Tell the Bride 10.30 Melissa & 10.00 Classic Holby City 11.00 Animal 999: double bill 9.00 The Elementary 11.00 The Guest Wing 9.00 Border Security USA 10.00
Joey 11.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Classic Casualty 12.00noon The Dog Whisperer 10.00 Brit Cops: 12.00noon Richard E Grant’s Blue Bloods 11.00 CSI: Crime
12.00noon Young Sheldon 1.00 Bill 1.00 Classic EastEnders: Law & Disorder 11.00 NCIS: Los Hotel Secrets 1.00 Elementary Scene Investigation 12.00noon
The Big Bang Theory 2.00 Melissa double bill 2.20 London’s Angeles: double bill 1.00pm 2.00 Blue Bloods 4.00 CSI: Crime Law & Order 1.00 Blue Bloods 2.00
& Joey 3.00 The Goldbergs 4.00 Burning 3.20 Peak Practice 4.20 Hawaii Five-0: double bill 3.00 Scene Investigation: triple bill Air Ambulance ER 3.00 Paramedics
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: double bill Dangerfield 5.20 Birds of a Feather Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 4.00 6.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Australia 4.00 UK Border Force
5.00 Young Sheldon: double bill 6.00 Waiting for God Comedy. Modern Family: double bill 5.00 Ray and Nick investigate an 5.00 Nothing to Declare
6.00 The Big Bang Theory 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Classic sitcom. Futurama 5.30 The Simpsons underground fetish scene. 6.00 Nothing to Declare
6.30 The Big Bang Theory 7.15 Last of the Summer Wine 6.00 The Simpsons Four episodes. 7.00 Blue Bloods Danny and 8.00 Ghost Whisperer Melinda is
7.00 Hollyoaks@25 From 2006. Smiler meets his ideal woman. 8.00 A League of Their Own: Baez come under attack as they faced with a puzzling case.
8.00 Father Brown The Roman European Road Trip escort confiscated drugs to be 9.00 Criminal Minds The team
7.30  NEW  Married at First incinerated, and Frank must deal
Catholic priest has to contend with 9.00  FILM  Ocean’s Twelve (2004, investigates a triple murder in Utah.
Sight Australia Reality series.
HOT TV|Daily Star

a tramp, a missing donkey, an 12) Crime caper sequel, starring with personal and political issues. 10.00 The InBetween Tom and
9.00 Supernanny USA outbreak of laryngitis in the church George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia 8.00 Blue Bloods Danny and Erin Damien investigate a murder.
10.00 Celebs Go Virtual Dating choir and a kidnapped baby. Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones, clash when a case is reopened. 11.00 Criminal Minds The team
10.35 First Dates Reality series. 9.00 Rosemary & Thyme A body Matt Damon and Andy Garcia. ★★ 9.00 Perry Mason As the trial winds investigates a triple murder in Utah.
11.35 Buffy the Vampire Slayer is found in Regent’s Park. 11.30 Prodigal Son Crime drama. to a close, Mason and team 12.00m’t Ghost Whisperer.
1.40am The Big Bang Theory 2.30 10.00 New Tricks Crime drama. 12.30am The Twilight Zone 1.15 attempt to tie up loose ends. Paranormal drama. 1.00 9-1-1 2.00
Gogglebox 3.25 Supernanny USA 11.25 Silent Witness Drama. The Force: North East 2.10 NCIS: 10.15 True Blood Double bill. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
4.10 Don’t Tell the Bride 5.05 1.45am The Bill 2.40 London’s Los Angeles 3.05 Hawaii Five-0 12.40am Little Birds 2.40 Dexter 3.45 3.00 Law & Order 4.00 Road Wars
Couples Come Dine with Me Burning: Drama. 4.00 Teleshopping 4.00 The Flash 5.00 Supergirl Californication 4.20 Fish Town 5.00 Brit Cops: Rapid Response
BBC ONE BBC TWO ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

Holby City, 8pm Cuba: Castro vs the World, 9pm Doc Martin, 7pm How to Beat – Pain, 8pm The Yorkshire Vet, 8pm

6.00am Breakfast 9.00 BBC News 10.00 6.20am Murder, Mystery and My Family: 6.00am Good Morning Britain 9.00 6.30am Cheers: double bill (R) 7.20 6.00am Milkshake!: Peppa Pig: four
Murder, Mystery and My Family: Case Case Closed? (R) 7.05 Garden Rescue: Lorraine 10.00 This Morning 12.30pm Everybody Loves Raymond: triple bill (R) episodes (R) 6.20 Mya Go (R) 6.25
Closed? 10.45 Homes Under the Hammer Top of the Plots (R) 7.50 Meerkat Manor Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News, 8.40 Frasier: double bill. (R) 9.40 The Big Fireman Sam (R) 6.35 Shane the Chef (R)
(R) 11.45 Dom Does America (R) 12.15pm (R) 8.15 Sign Zone: Gardeners’ World (R) Weather 1.55 Local News, Weather 2.00 Bang Theory: double bill (R) 10.35 6.45 Thomas & Friends (R) 7.00 Abby
Bargain Hunt (R) 1.00 BBC News at One, 9.15 The Super League Show 10.00  LIVE  Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R)
Dickinson’s Real Deal (R) 3.00 Tenable (R) Hatcher (R) 7.10 Daisy & Ollie (R) 7.20
Weather 1.30 BBC Local News, Weather Snooker: The World Championship: 11.30 Come Dine with Me (R) 12.00noon
4.00 Tipping Point (R) 5.00 The Chase (R) Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing Adventures
1.45 The Heights 2.15 Celebrity Eggheads The quarter-finals continue in Sheffield. Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Come (R) 7.25 Peppa Pig: double bill (R) 7.40
(R) 3.00 Escape to the Country (R) 3.45 12.00noon BBC News 1.00  LIVE  Snooker: 6.00 Local News, Weather Dine with Me: four episodes (R) 2.10 Ricky Zoom (R) 8.00 Pirata & Capitano (R)
Garden Rescue: Top of the Plots 4.30 The World Championship: Further 6.30 ITV Evening News, Weather Countdown 3.00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 8.15 Paw Patrol: double bill (R) 8.45 The
Antiques Road Trip (R) 5.15 Pointless (R) quarter-final coverage from the Crucible 7.00 Doc Martin (R) 4.00 A Place in the Sun 5.00 Four in a Secret Life of Puppies (R) 8.50 Wissper
Theatre in Sheffield, where another Martin’s GMC report requires he Bed (R) 5.30 Come Dine with Me (R) (R) 9.00 Floogals (R) 9.10 Sunny Bunnies
6.00 BBC News at Six, Weather match is scheduled to reach a conclusion 9.15 Jeremy Vine 11.15 Can’t Pay? We’ll
6.30 BBC Local News, Weather ahead of tomorrow’s semi-finals.
passes three refresher courses 6.00 The Simpsons Take It Away! (R) 12.10pm 5 News at
which will then decide whether Homer takes Ned Flanders’ Lunchtime 12.15 Nightmare Tenants,
7.00 The One Show 6.00 Eggheads he is deemed fit to practice, advice and starts praying. (R) Slum Landlords (R) 1.10 Access 1.15
Alex Jones and Chris Ramsey Jeremy Vine hosts the quiz in starting with phlebotomy.
present another mix of reports 6.30 The Simpsons Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours
which the winners of famous Meanwhile, Louisa focuses on Homer finds himself caught in a 2.15  FILM  Killer Close-Up (2018, 12)
and live studio-based chat. gameshows work as a team to her new career as a child and mid-life crisis, so he takes up Premiere. A photographer is hired by a
7.30 EastEnders: Shirley tackle a new set of challengers adolescent counsellor. Much to private eye to spy on someone, only for
bass guitar and forms a band
Confesses hoping to win a cash prize. (R) Bert’s dismay, Al hires Caitlin, with some of the other dads. (R) the subject of her surveillance to turn
An episode from Christmas 6.30 Meerkat Manor and confesses to his accidental up murdered. Thriller, starring Daphne
2014 in which the fallout proposal. With Martin Clunes. (R) 7.00 Channel 4 News Zuniga and Adam Huss. ★★ 4.00
Tosca searches for a roving
continues for the Carters as male to start a new group 8.00  PICK  Who Wants 7.55 The Political Slot Friends: double bill. (R) 5.00 5 News at 5
more lies are exposed. Ronnie with, while Flower leaves to Be a Millionaire? Azzees Minott, Chair of the 5.30 Neighbours: After the discovery of a
and Charlie hand over the ferry Greens of Colour, sets out the drug stash, the police investigate. (R)
Shakespeare in charge as she Jeremy Clarkson hosts the
tickets and cash to Nick and he goes searching for food. (R) quiz, with six more contestants Green Party’s aim for a greener
6.00 Home and Away
says goodbye to his family. (R) Britain after the pandemic.
6.55  LIVE  Snooker: in the studio hoping to sit inthe The tension between Tane and
8.00 Holby City The World Championship hot seat and have the chance 8.00 How to Beat – Pain Ari reaches its climax due to
Guy finds Ric lying unconscious to take home the £1million Kate Quilton and Dr Javid financial problems, and Dean’s
The remaining two quarter-
in theatre, and decides to seize jackpot. (R) See Picks of the day. Abdelmoneim enlist nine life changes when he becomes
finals reach their concluding
the opportunity he is presented volunteers from around the owner of Ben’s Boards. (R)
session, with the players needing 9.00 Unsaid Stories
with. It falls to Louis and Donna the UK to take part in a
to reach 13 frames in order to A middle-class black woman 6.30 5 News Tonight
to uncover his intentions and six-week experiment to see
book their place in the semi- is reunited with her working 7.00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly
stop him before it is too late. what simple techniques can
finals, which begin tomorrow. class white ex-boyfriend at a Trainer Graeme Hall deals with
Sacha is encouraged by help treat chronic pain. The
8.00 Wild Cuba: party, and they reflect on the two dachshunds who have
Fletch to set things right with programme tries out various
A Caribbean Journey role racism and class have become enemies and a
Essie, only to discover she methods including yoga,
Part two of two. Colin Stafford- played in their relationship. Doberman who needs to be
has big plans for the future. tai chi, acupuncture or cold-
Johnson encounters bats 9.15  PICK  Joanna Lumley’s water swimming, and question taught to obey for the sake
9.00 Line of Duty emerging from limestone caves Unseen Adventures of its owner’s parents. (R)
Fleming resolves to salvage the how much of the experience
and tiny frogs, smaller than a The actress presents a final of pain is psychological. 8.00  NEW  The Yorkshire Vet
anti-corruption investigation fingernail, living in patches of selection of previously unseen
and goes to worrying lengths to 9.00  PICK  24 Hours in A&E Julian rushes to an emergency
hidden emerald forest. (R) footage from her travelogue at Jackie’s alpaca farm, but
earn Gates’ trust – but arouses A 66-year-old is rushed to St
9.00 Cuba: Castro vs the World programmes, revealing unseen rural North Yorkshire isn’t
Morton’s suspicions in the George’s struggling to breathe
Part two of two. A look at the stories and special moments always the best place for driving
process. Vicky McClure stars.(R) through her tracheostomy,
rocky relationship between of how these journeys are when time is of the essence.
10.00 BBC News at Ten while a 10-year-old is brought in
Castro and Bill Clinton in the made. This one follows her having fallen at school and 9.00 Our Yorkshire Farm
10.30 BBC Local News, Weather wake of the end of the Cold War, adventures in and around Iran, suffered internal bleeding. (R) The family has recently
10.45 How’s Your Head, Hun? as the loss of Soviet support from where she followed the See Picks of the day. discovered that their home is
with Michelle Visage proved devastating for Cuba. Silk Road through Azerbaijan more than 700 years old, which
and Georgia, finally moving 10.00 Shameless
Michelle’s lockdown guests 10.00 Live at the Apollo inspires Edith and Violet to
on to Venice. The programme First-ever episode of the
include morning host Lorraine Eddie Izzard hosts an evening search the barn for evidence of
also presents behind the drama about a dysfunctional
Kelly, The Unbreakable Kimmy of stand-up at the Apollo in previous occupants. Clemmy
scenes footage from Joanna’s family who cause havoc on
Schmidt star Tituss Burgess, Hammersmith, London, treating helps Amanda to treat a ewe
travels in Haiti and Cuba, Manchester’s Chatsworth
and Drag Race Canada the audience to his own brand suffering from a nasty ailment,
including previously unseen estate. The ceremonial burning
judge Brooke Lynn Hytes. of stream-of-consciousness while the discovery of a
footage of her other adventures of a stolen car marks the end of
11.20 Hayley Goes… humour before introducing summer, but 16-year-old Lip collection of toy steam trains
Hayley Pearce is challenged to routines by The Last Leg star in the Caribbean. Last in
has something else in mind sparks a restoration project
spend two weeks wearing only Josh Widdicombe and South series. See Picks of the day.
when he offers to help Karen for Clive and the boys.
14 items of clothing from her African comic Trevor Noah. (R) 10.15 ITV News, Weather Jackson with her homework. (R) 10.05  FILM  Bridget Jones: The
vast collection. She discovers 10.45 Newsnight, Weather 10.45 Local News, Weather Edge of Reason (2004, 15)
11.10 The Yorkshire Jobcentre
what becomes of discarded 1.30 Snooker: The World
1 11.00 Inside the Ritz Hotel The hapless journalist’s new
Behind the scenes at a busy
clothes and investigates the Championship The establishment hosts a romance looks set to be
public employment service,
work of online influencers. Highlights from the remaining dinner dance, John Williams short-lived when she ends
revealing what life is like for
11.50 Jack Whitehall’s quarter-final matches, as the launches a new ingredient those living on welfare and how up serving time in a Thai prison.
Sporting Nation line-up for the semi-finals was onto the menu and some the dedicated team of job Comedy sequel, starring
In his latest discourse, the decided in Sheffield, in the final Spanish superstars arrive to coaches help customers. (R) Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth
comedian takes a celebratory tournament of the season. prepare for Prince Charles’s 12.10am Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares and Hugh Grant. ★★★
tour through the long-standing 12.20am Snooker: World Championship 70th birthday party. (R) USA (R) 1.00 Couples Come Dine with Me 12.15am Greatest Ever Movie Blunders
and essential rivalries that Extra: Extended highlights. 2.20 Sign 12.00m’t Unforgettable RWC Moments: (R) 1.55 How to Lose Weight Well: (R) 1.10 The Live Casino Show
underpin British sport. (R) Zone: The Repair Shop: Fixing Britain A look back at classic action from the Summer Special (R) 2.50 This Is Us (R) 3.10 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords
12.20am Surviving the Virus: My Brother (R) 3.05 Sign Zone: Beechgrove (R) 3.35 Rugby World Cup. (R) 12.50 Home 3.40 Undercover Boss Canada (R) 4.30 (R) 3.55 OMG! Make Me a Famous Face
& Me (R) 1.20 Weather for the Week Sign Zone: Celebrity MasterChef: double Shopping 3.00 ITV Nightscreen 5.05- Fifteen to One (R) 5.20 All Star Driving (R) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 House
Ahead 1.25-6.00am BBC News bill (R) 5.05-6.05am This Is BBC Two 6.00am Judge Rinder: Real-life cases (R) School (R) 5.50-6.30am Countdown (R) Busters (R) 5.35-6.00am House Doctor (R)

BBC1 N Ireland 10.45pm My First Home 11.15 BBC1 Wales 11.45am Bargain Hunt 12.30pm DeGeneres 10.50 Dr Phil 11.45 Shortland Street Home from Home 3.00 Prime Time 3.30 Telly (R) Repeat

How’s Your Head, Hun? with Michelle Visage Coronavirus Update 10.45 Hayley Goes… 11.15 12.15pm Doctors 12.45 Telly Bingo 1.00 News Bingo 3.40 Dr Phil 4.25 Doctors 4.55 EuroNews Star ratings
11.50 Hayley Goes… 12.20am Jack Whitehall’s How’s Your Head, Hun? with Michelle Visage 1.15 Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 S4C 6.00am Cyw 12.00noon Codi Hwyl America ★★★★★ Brilliant
Sporting Nation 12.50 Surviving the Virus: My Tracks and Trails 2.45 Ray & O Se’s Fitness 15 12.30 Datganiad Dyddiol Covid-19 1.00 Heno
Brother & Me 1.50 BBC News. Headlines. BBC Scotland 1.15pm This Is BBC Scotland 7.00 ★★★★ Very good
3.00 My Kitchen Rules: Australia 4.15 American 1.30 Ffermio 2.00 Newyddion 2.05 Prynhawn Da
Great Escapes with Colin and Justin 7.25 ★★★ Worth a watch
BBC1 Scotland 12.15pm Politics Scotland Housewife 4.45 The Heights 5.45 Nuacht 6.00 The 3.00 Newyddion 3.05 Y Castell 4.00 Awr Fawr
Beechgrove Repotted 7.30 The Great Food Guys ★★ Could be worse
Special 10.45 Sportscene SPFL Highlights 11.15 Angelus 6.01 News 6.30 Reeling in the Years 7.00 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 3 Lle 6.30 Stori Pêl-Droed
8.00 Corner Shop Cook-Off 9.00 The Nine 10.00 Open for Business 7.30 Liveline: Call Back 8.00 ★ Pretty dire
How’s Your Head, Hun? with Michelle Visage Ideal Scotsman 11.00 David Wilson’s Crime Files Cymru 6.57 Newyddion S4C 7.00 Heno 7.30
11.50 Hayley Goes… 12.20am Jack Whitehall’s Francis Brennan – All Hands on Deck 9.00 News Newyddion 8.00 Pobol y Cwm 8.25 Only Men All programme details
Sporting Nation 12.50 Surviving the Virus: RTE1 6.00am EuroNews 6.25 Teleshopping 8.00 9.35 Prime Time 10.10 The Victim 11.20 An Aloud 8.55 Newyddion 9.00 Cefn Gwlad 10.00 are correct at time of
My Brother & Me 1.55 BBC News Death in Paradise 9.00 Impossible 9.55 Ellen Klondike 12.25am Holby City 1.35 Taken 2.30 Tewach Na Dwr 11.15 Bad Achub Porthdinllaen going to press
Best of the rest Picks of the day

ITV2 Freeview 6
DAVE Freeview 19

6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Yianni:

DeGeneres Show 8.00 Emmerdale Supercar Customiser: double bill
8.30 Coronation Street 9.00 8.00 American Pickers 9.00 Storage
You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9.25 Hunters UK: double bill 10.00
Supermarket Sweep 10.25 Ellen’s American Pickers: double bill
Game of Games 11.20 Dress to 12.00noon Border Force: America’s
Impress 12.25pm Emmerdale 12.55 Gatekeepers 1.00 Abandoned
Coronation Street 1.30 You’ve Engineering 2.00 Travel Man: 48
Been Framed! Gold 2.00 The Ellen Hours in Seville 2.30 Travel Man:
DeGeneres Show 2.55 Ellen’s 48 Hours in Venice 3.00 Rick
Game of Games 3.50 Supermarket Stein’s Mediterranean Escapes
Sweep 4.55 Dress to Impress 4.00 Top Gear: double bill
6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.00 Would I Lie to You? Double blil.
8.00 Superstore Dina tries to help 7.20 Richard Osman’s House of
Amy keep a secret from Jonah. Games Light-hearted quiz.
8.30 Superstore Amy meets a 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Dubai
hero from her childhood. 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Berlin
9.00 Family Guy Five episodes. 9.00 QI XL Comedy panel show.
11.30 American Dad! Animation. 10.00 This Country Double bill.
12.00m’t American Dad! 12.30 The 11.15 Taskmaster With Greg Davies.
Cleveland Show 1.30 Superstore 12.20am Mock the Week 1.00 Would
2.30 The Almost Impossible I Lie to You? 1.40 QI XL 2.45 This
Gameshow 3.30 Teleshopping Country 4.00 Teleshopping

ITV3 Freeview 10

August 11
6.00am Classic Coronation Street: 6.00am History’s Greatest Hoaxes:
double bill 6.55 Classic Emmerdale: double bill 8.00 Forbidden History
double bill 8.00 Heartbeat 9.05
Rising Damp: double bill 10.05
9.00 The World at War 10.00
Antiques Roadshow 11.00
Joanna Lumley’s Unseen Adventures
That’s My Boy 10.40 Agatha Abandoned Engineering 9.15pm, ITV
Christie’s Marple 12.40pm 12.00noon Great British Railway Travelling abroad may only be for the brave from them, as well as watching unseen
Heartbeat 1.45 Classic Emmerdale Journeys: double bill 1.00 Antiques
2.50 Classic Coronation Street: Roadshow 2.00 Bangers and at the moment, but thanks to the model- footage and outtakes during this series
double bill 3.55 Agatha Christie’s Cash 3.00 Trains That Changed turned-actress, we’re getting to see the world which, sadly, is reaching the end of the road.
Marple 5.55 Heartbeat: Drama. the World 4.00 Abandoned from the safety of our own sofas. The final episode focuses on Joanna’s
7.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot Engineering 5.00 Auschwitz:
Hastings and a reluctant The Nazis and the Final Solution As you might expect from the woman explorations of two mysterious and often
Poirot attend a grouse shoot. 6.00 The World at War who shot to fame as Purdey in The New controversial countries – Iran and Cuba.
8.00 Midsomer Murders 7.00 Great British Railway Journeys Avengers, she’s thrown herself into her There’s also footage of her in Venice,
The leader of an archaeological dig 8.00 Abandoned Engineering The globe-trotting adventures over the years, and Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as her
is murdered. Neil Dudgeon stars. vast monolithic structures that
10.00 Law & Order: UK A high-court dominate the island of Guernsey. we’ve thoroughly enjoyed reliving moments sun-kissed spell in the Caribbean. ★★★★
judge is injured by a hitman. 9.00 Porridge Triple bill of comedy.
11.00 Scott & Bailey A vulnerable 11.00 Open All Hours Triple bill.
young man goes missing. 1.00am Auschwitz: The Nazis and
12.00m’t Inspector Morse 2.15 the Final Solution. Genocide at the
Agatha Christie’s Poirot 3.25 ITV3 camp. 2.00 History’s Greatest
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping Hoaxes 3.00 Teleshopping

FIlm4 Freeview 14
11.00am Crack in the World (1965, U) 6.00am Teleshopping 7.05
Thriller, with Dana Andrews. ★★ dinnerladies: double bill 8.05
12.55pm Snoopy and Charlie Keeping Up Appearances 8.40 FILM CHOICE
Brown: The Peanuts Movie (2015, Only Fools and Horses 9.20
U) ★★★★ 2.40 Ice Age: Collision Are You Being Served? 10.00 Who Wants to Be 24 Hours in A&E Parental Guidance
Course (2016, U) Animation, with Last of the Summer Wine: a Millionaire? 9pm, Channel 4 4.30pm, Film4
the voice of Ray Romano. ★★ triple bill 12.00noon Keeping Up 8pm, ITV
4.30  PICK  Parental Guidance Appearances 12.40 dinnerladies The staff at St George’s Billy Crystal and Bette Midler
(2012, U) Comedy, with Billy 1.20 Only Fools and Horses 2.00 With no new episodes for the hospital face more tricky make a fine comedy duo in
Crystal. ★★ See Picks of the day. Are You Being Served? 2.40 Gavin
& Stacey 3.20 Dad’s Army 4.00 forseeable future, we cases, but impress everyone this entertaining offering. A
6.35 Gods of Egypt (2016, 12) continue to be treated to
Fantasy adventure, starring
Last of the Summer Wine: triple bill by taking them in their stride. working mother struggling to
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. ★★ 6.00 Are You Being Served? classic episodes from the First through the doors is find suitable childcare turns
9.00 Disobedience (2018, 15) 6.40 Only Fools and Horses archive – at least it gives us Maureen, who has multiple to her parents for support. It
Premiere. A woman returns to the 7.20 Dad’s Army Double bill.
a chance to brush up on our system atrophy, and needs seems like the ideal solution
strict Jewish community she was 8.40 Gavin & Stacey Comedy.
forced to leave because she was in 9.20 Not Going Out Double bill. general knowledge, if nothing her tracheostomy clearing – until it becomes clear each
love with her female friend. Drama, 10.40 Inside No 9 Dark comic tale. else. Once again, members urgently as she’s struggling generation has a very
starring Rachel Weisz. ★★★ 11.20 Gavin & Stacey Comedy. of the public hope to win a to breathe. Plus, Ryan, who’s different opinion on how the
11.15 Sisters (2015, 15) Comedy, 12.00m’t Not Going Out: double bill life-changing amount of 10, is brought into resus youngsters should be raised.
starring Amy Poehler. ★★★ 1.20 Smack the Pony 1.55 Inside
1.35-3.55am Nebraska (2013, 15) No 9 2.25 You, Me & Them: money and have lifelines to suffering from internal Tom Everett Scott and Marisa
Drama, with Bruce Dern. ★★★★★ double bill 4.00 Teleshopping help them. ★★★ bleeding. ★★★★ Tomei co-star. ★★★
E4 Freeview 13
DRAmA Freeview 20
6.00am The Goldbergs 7.00 Couples 6.00am Teleshopping 7.15 Classic 6.00am Futurama: double bill 7.00 6.00am Urban Secrets 7.00 CSI: 6.00am Nothing to Declare: four
Come Dine with Me 8.00 Don’t Tell EastEnders: double bill 8.25 The Animal House: double bill 8.00 Crime Scene Investigation: triple episodes 8.00 Stop, Search, Seize
the Bride 9.00 Married at First Bill 9.30 Classic Holby City 10.55 Animal 999: double bill 9.00 The bill 10.00 Elementary 11.00 The 9.00 Border Security USA 10.00
Sight Australia 10.30 Melissa & Classic Casualty 12.00noon Dog Whisperer 10.00 Brit Cops: British 12.00noon Richard E Blue Bloods 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene
Joey 11.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Bill 1.00 Classic EastEnders: Law & Disorder 11.00 NCIS: Los Grant’s Hotel Secrets 1.00 Investigation 12.00noon Law &
double bill 12.00noon Young double bill. 2.20 London’s Angeles: double bill 1.00pm Hawaii Elementary 2.00 Blue Bloods: Order 1.00 Blue Bloods 2.00 Air
Sheldon: double bill 1.00 The Big Burning 3.20 Peak Practice 4.20 Five-0: double bill 3.00 Brit Cops: double bill 4.00 CSI: Crime Ambulance ER 3.00 Sun, Sea and
Bang Theory: double bill 2.00 Dangerfield 5.25 Birds of a Feather Law & Disorder 4.00 Modern Scene Investigation: double bill A&E 4.00 UK Border Force 5.00
Melissa & Joey: double bill 3.00 6.05 Waiting for God Tom and Family: double bill 5.00 Futurama 6.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Nothing to Declare: six episodes
The Goldbergs: double bill 4.00 Diana bicker about furniture. 5.30 The Simpsons: five episodes A racist teenager is murdered. 8.00 Ghost Whisperer Drama.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: double bill 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Gruber rescues Rene. 8.00 An Idiot Abroad Karl Pilkington 7.00 Blue Bloods Double bill. Danny 9.00 9-1-1 The 118 respond to
5.00 Young Sheldon: double bill 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine visits the Great Wall of China. and Baez are caught in the middle trouble at a bowling alley, while
6.00 The Big Bang Theory Foggy keeps an old tradition alive. 9.00 Prodigal Son One of Martin’s of office politics; Danny is charged Athena pursues a car thief.
7.00 Hollyoaks@25 From 2006. 8.00 Father Brown Lady Felicia’s favourite psychologists is linked to with using excessive force. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims
HOT TV|Daily Star

7.30 Married at First Sight Australia niece is suspected of murder. a murder. Michael Sheen stars. 9.00 Little Birds Adham finds his Unit Rollins and Fin immerse
9.00  FILM  Dodgeball: A True 9.00 Rosemary & Thyme The 10.00 The Twilight Zone A camcorder royal bearing is of little help. themselves in learning a new
Underdog Story (2004, 12) duo find an abandoned baby. has the power to turn back time. 10.00 Six Feet Under Double bill. witness interview technique.
Sporting comedy, starring Ben 10.00 New Tricks The publication of 11.00 Condor 2 Reuel finds himself Nate clashes with Lisa’s family; 11.00 Criminal Minds A family
Stiller and Vince Vaughn. ★★★ a biography reopens an old case. in the middle of an conflict. Keith starts work as a bodyguard. feud leads to a double murder.
10.50 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 11.20 Silent Witness Crime drama. 12.00m’t Road Wars 1.00 MacGyver 12.20am Penny Dreadful: City of 12.00m’t Ghost Whisperer. Drama.
12.50am The Big Bang Theory 1.40am The Bill. Police drama. 2.35 2.00 Micky Flanagan Thinking Angels. Diego is interrogated 1.30 1.00 Coroner 2.00 Station 19
1.50 Gogglebox 2.50 First Dates London’s Burning 3.25 Birds Aloud 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 4.00 Dexter 2.40 Elementary: double 3.00 Law & Order 4.00 Road Wars
3.45 As 8am 4.40 As 7am of a Feather 4.00 Teleshopping The Flash 5.00 Supergirl bill 4.20 Fish Town: double bill 5.00 Brit Cops: Rapid Response
BBC ONE BBC TWO ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

Ibiza Dreams, 10.45pm Continental Railway Journeys, 8pm Coronation Street, 7.30pm Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes, 8pm Too Good to Be True?, 10.05pm

6.00am Breakfast 9.00 BBC News 10.00 6.05am Murder, Mystery and My Family: 6.00am Good Morning Britain 9.00 6.30am Cheers: double bill (R) 7.20 6.00am Milkshake!: Peppa Pig: four
Murder, Mystery and My Family: Case Case Closed? (R) 6.50 Garden Rescue: Lorraine 10.00 This Morning 12.30pm Everybody Loves Raymond: triple bill (R) episodes (R) 6.20 Mya Go 6.25 Fireman
Closed? 10.45 Homes Under the Hammer Top of the Plots (R) 7.35 Meerkat Manor Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News, 8.40 Frasier: double bill (R) 9.40 The Big Sam (R) 6.35 Shane the Chef (R) 6.45
(R) 11.45 Dom Does America (R) 12.15pm (R) 8.00 Sign Zone: Amazing Hotels: Life Weather 1.55 Local News, Weather 2.00 Bang Theory: double bill (R) 10.35 Thomas & Friends (R) 7.00 Abby Hatcher
Bargain Hunt (R) 1.00 BBC News at One, Beyond the Lobby (R) 9.00 Yellowstone Dickinson’s Real Deal (R) 3.00 Tenable (R) Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R) (R) 7.10 Daisy & Ollie (R) 7.20 Milkshake!
Weather 1.30 BBC Local News, Weather (R) 10.00 BBC News 1.00pm  LIVE  4.00 Tipping Point (R) 5.00 The Chase (R) 11.30 Come Dine with Me (R) 12.00noon Monkey’s Amazing Adventures (R) 7.25
1.45 The Heights 2.15 Celebrity Eggheads Snooker: The World Championship: Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Come Peppa Pig: double bill (R) 7.40 Ricky
(R) 3.00 Escape to the Country (R) 3.45 The opening semi-final gets under way. 6.00 Local News, Weather Dine with Me: four episodes (R) 2.10 Zoom (R) 8.00 Pirata & Capitano (R) 8.15
Garden Rescue: Top of the Plots 4.30 6.30 ITV Evening News, Weather Countdown 3.00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) Paw Patrol: double bill (R) 8.45 The Secret
Antiques Road Trip (R) 5.15 Pointless (R) 6.00 Eggheads 4.00 A Place in the Sun 5.00 Four in Life of Puppies (R) 8.50 Wissper (R) 9.00
7.00 Emmerdale
Jeremy Vine hosts the quiz in a Bed (R) 5.30 Come Dine with Me (R) Floogals (R) 9.10 Sunny Bunnies 9.15
6.00 BBC News at Six, Weather The penny finally drops for
which the winners of famous Leyla, Dawn makes a discovery, Jeremy Vine 11.15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take
6.30 BBC Local News, Weather gameshows work as a team to 6.00 The Simpsons It Away! (R) 12.10pm 5 News at
and Lydia has her suspicions. Double bill. Bart separates Lunchtime 12.15 Nightmare Tenants,
7.00 The One Show tackle a new set of challengers
hoping to win a cash prize. (R) 7.30 Coronation Street from his parents and moves Slum Landlords (R) 1.10 Access 1.15
Magazine show, with stories of
Sarah admits to Adam that if into a loft apartment; the Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours
interest from around the UK. 6.30 Meerkat Manor Gary did kill Rick then he did it family visits the home planet 2.15  FILM  Murder by Text: Garage Sale
7.30 Desperate to Drive – The mother of the family is to protect her family, and of Kang and Kodos. (R) Mystery (2017, PG) Mystery, starring Lori
Our Lives worried when one of her pups Leanne offers Steve a shoulder Loughlin. ★★★ 4.00 Friends: double bill
goes missing following a battle 7.00 Channel 4 News
A behind-the-scenes look at to cry on as he tries to cope (R) 5.00 5 News at 5 5.30 Neighbours:
a unique driving centre in with a rival meerkat colony. (R) 7.55 The Political Slot Nicolette is stunned that her mother,
with Oliver’s condition. Adam Price, the leader of Plaid
Cardiff where staff decided if 6.55  LIVE  Snooker: Jane, is on her way to Erinsborough. (R)
8.00 Paul O’Grady’s Cymru, sets out the party’s
higher-risk drivers who have The World Championship Animal Orphans 6.00 Home and Away
vision to eradicate child poverty.
lost their licence are safe to Further coverage from Sheffield, The comedian travels across 8.00 Phil Spencer’s Alf surprises Ben and Maggie
be back behind the wheel. as the second semi-final begins South Africa and Zambia Stately Homes before their new adventure
8.00 The Repair Shop at the Crucible Theatre, with helping to hand-rear orphaned starts. John feels even more
The team sets to work restoring eight frames scheduled to take The property expert visits
animals and prepare them for Hampton Court Palace just isolated when Marilyn doesn’t
four treasured family heirlooms. place. The unseeded Gary release back into the wild. As invite him for lunch. (R)
Metal worker Dom Chinea takes Wilson and 16th seed David outside London, most famous
the trip begins he calls at a as King Henry VIII’s home. After 6.30 5 News Tonight
on the challenge of restoring an Gilbert both reached this stage penguin sanctuary, visits an
old, dilapidated barber’s pole, for the first time last year, with 500 years of royal rebuilding, 7.00 Walking Britain’s
elephant nursery and takes is now a fusion of styles. (R) Lost Railways
while luthier David Kennett Wilson coming up against some lion cubs for a walk
turns his attention to a broken eventual champion Judd 9.00 Lose a Stone in 21 Retracing the route of the
at a rehabilitation centre. (R) Deeside Railway, which followed
Portuguese guitar. Elsewhere, Trump, and Gilbert being Days with Michael Mosley
9.00 Unsaid Stories It is week two of their very the River Dee upstream from
Lucia Scalisi takes on the edged out in a thriller by Pippa Bennett-Warner and low-calorie diet and the Aberdeen into what is now the
restoration of a Nigerian four-time winner John Higgins. Paapa Essiedu star in Lynette volunteers’ tempers are Cairngorms National Park. (R)
painting, and Will Kirk 8.00 Great Continental Linton’s drama, Look at Me, beginning to fray, but Michael 8.00 Traffic Cops
transforms a wooden Railway Journeys following the events that unfold gets them doing high-intensity An insight into the working life
writing slope that hid a This time, Michael Portillo when a couple are stopped by work-outs and yoga. He also of officers patrolling the nation’s
life-changing secret. (R) ventures on a rail journey police on route to a restaurant. explores the connection roads, using modern technology
9.00  NEW  Reported Missing through Germany, beginning in 9.15  PICK  Tina & Bobby
The return of the programme the city of Berlin, where he between obesity and and old-fashioned methods to
West Ham player Bobby leads inflammation and the role it is bring criminals to justice.
following the hunt for missing visits the Museum of Modern England to World Cup glory at thought to have in almost 9.00 Diana: Her Last Summer
people. The first edition focuses Art in Berlin’s Kreuzberg. Wembley and he and Tina are every major disease and illness. First-hand accounts from inside
on Cheshire police’s search for 9.00  PICK  Harlots
reunited amidst the raucous 10.00  PICK   NEW  Diana, Princess of Wales’
Mark Smith, an ex-soldier with Double bill. Lucy is hired to celebrations. Fame and fortune Inside Missguided: household, including from
PTSD who went missing after spend a few days with Lord follow as the couple become Made in Manchester butler Paul Burrell, bodyguard
posting on social media that and Lady Repton; Margaret’s icons of their time, and when Documentary going behind Ken Wharfe, private secretary
he wanted to end it all. debts mount in the face of baby Dean arrives Tina thinks the scenes at the online fashion Patrick Jephson and favourite
10.00 BBC News at Ten Lydia’s campaigns against she has it all. The price of retailer’s offices in the heart driver and bodyguard Colin
10.30 BBC Local News, Weather her and Florence’s religious celebrity becomes apparent of Manchester, beginning Tebbutt, provide intimate details
10.45 Ibiza Dreams tirades. See Picks of the day. when Tina is besieged after of life at Kensington Palace.
as it launches a new campaign
A budding influencer and 10.35 Grand Tours of Scotland Bobby is arrested in Colombia with a superstar influencer.
accused of theft, and although 10.05 William & Kate:
hard-working hairdresser move Paul visits the Isle of Mull and The members of the design
he goes on to play well at the Too Good to Be True?
into the apartments, and Jake boards a boat to the remote team are up against it to
1970 Mexico World Cup, they Exploring the relationship
starts to question his hard- Treshnish Islands, where he create the hottest new style.
return home to a kidnap threat between the Duke and Duchess
partying lifestyle after a two-day experiences a spot of ‘puffin See Picks of the day.
and a wedge increasingly of Cambridge, examining the
bender. Maya Jama narrates. therapy’ before heading to the
being driven between them. 11.05 First Dates lifelong preparation William
1.15 Total Wipeout: Freddie &
1 Firth of Forth and Bass Rock. (R) Fred Sirieix welcomes more has gone through for his
Paddy Takeover 10.45 Newsnight, Weather See Picks of the day. (R)
singletons, including builder eventual role as king. (R)
Freddie Flintoff and Paddy 1.30 Snooker: The World
1 1
0.20 ITV News, Weather Albert, who meets office 11.35 When Celeb
McGuinness provide the Championship 10.50 Local News, Weather manager Maria. (R) Double Acts Fall Out
voiceover for classic editions of Highlights from the opening 11.05 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 12.10am Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares How entertainment partnerships
the adventure gameshow in sessions of the best-of-33 Singer-songwriter Lionel USA (R) 1.00 Couples Come Dine with Me have succumbed to the pressure
which contestants take on a frame semi finals in Sheffield, Richie talks about growing up in (R) 1.55  FILM  Her (2013, 15) A lonely of being in the spotlight,
variety of crazy obstacles. (R) featuring a potential eight Alabama against a background man falls in love with the artificial including Cannon and Ball, and
11.55 Celebrity MasterChef: frames in each match as of racial segregation and intelligence that operates his computer. Simon and Garfunkel. (R)
A Recipe for Success the players adapt to the arena. his rise to fame in the Romantic drama, starring Joaquin
Phoenix, with the voice of Scarlett 1.05am The Live Casino Show
The first in a special run of 12.20am Sign Zone: The Repair Shop: world of pop music. (R) 3.05 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords:
episodes celebrating 15 Johansson. ★★★★ 4.00 Undercover
Fixing Britain: An insight into the First 12.00m’t Home Shopping 3.00 James Boss Canada (R) 4.50 Fifteen to A retired couple seek help. (R) 3.55
years of the show. (R) World War’s legacy on the UK today. (R) Martin’s American Adventure: The My Mum’s Hotter Than Me! (R) 4.45
One (R) 5.45 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for
12.55am Weather for the Week Ahead: 1.05 Sign Zone: Home Is Where the vineyards of Sonoma County. (R) 3.50 ITV Free (R) 5.50-6.30am Countdown (R) Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 House Busters
Reports. 1.00-6.00am BBC News Art Is (R) 1.50-6.05am This Is BBC Two Nightscreen 5.05-6.00am Judge Rinder (R) (R) 5.35-6.00am House Doctor (R)

STV 8.00pm Scotland Loves High Road 8.30 Freddie & Paddy Takeover 12.55 Celebrity Scotland: The Promised Land 11.00 Sportscene (R) Repeat

★★★ 11.35 The Disappearance 12.35am Keys to

Sean’s Scotland Revisited 12.00m’t Nightscreen MasterChef: A Recipe for Success 2.00 BBC News RTE1 8.10am Death in Paradise 9.10 Impossible My Life 1.05 Marty and Bernard 2.05 All Walks of Star ratings
BBC1 N Ireland 10.45pm True North: Hell or High BBC1 Wales 9.00pm Kidnapped by My Father 10.05 Ellen DeGeneres 11.00 Dr Phil 11.55 Life 2.35 Home of the Year 3.05 Mother Father Deaf ★★★★★ Brilliant
Water 11.15 Ibiza Dreams 11.45 Total Wipeout: 10.45  NEW  Reported Missing 11.45 Ibiza Dreams Shortland Street 12.25pm Doctors 1.00 News S4C 12.30pm Cegin Bryn 1.00 Heno 1.30 ★★★★ Very good
Freddie & Paddy Takeover 12.25am Celebrity 12.15am Total Wipeout: Freddie & Paddy Takeover 1.15 Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 Tracks Mamwlad 2.00 Newyddion 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00 ★★★ Worth a watch
MasterChef: A Recipe for Success 1.25 BBC News BBC Scotland 12.15pm Politics Scotland and Trails 2.45 Fitness 15 3.00 My Kitchen Rules: Newyddion 3.05 Trysorau’r Teulu 4.00 Awr Fawr
Australia 4.15 American Housewife 4.45 The ★★ Could be worse
BBC1 Scotland 12.15pm Politics Scotland Special 1.15 This Is BBC Scotland 7.00 Fish Town 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 Y Ty Cymreig 6.30 Dim Byd Fel
Special 9.00  NEW  Blood of the Clans. Drama- 7.30 Scottish Vets Down Under 8.00 Great Heights 5.45 Nuacht 6.00 The Angelus 6.01 News Hogia’r Wyddfa 7.00 Heno 7.30 Newyddion 8.00 ★ Pretty dire
documentary. 10.45  NEW  Reported Missing Escapes with Colin and Justin 8.25 Beechgrove 6.30 Reeling in the Years 7.00 Nationwide 7.30 Heno Aur 8.25  NEW  Be’ Ti’n Gwylio? 8.55 All programme details
11.45 Ibiza Dreams 12.15am Total Wipeout: Repotted 8.30 Test Drive 9.00 The Nine 10.00 Eco Eye 8.00 Big Week on the Farm: Harvest 9.00 Newyddion 9.00 Ail Agor Ysgol Maesincla 10.00 are correct at time of
RTE News 9.35  FILM  Ghostbusters (2016, 12) Stori Pêl-Droed Cymru 10.35 Miwsig Fy Mywyd going to press
Best of the rest Picks of the day

ITV2 Freeview 6
DAVE Freeview 19

6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen 7.10am Yianni: Supercar Customiser

DeGeneres Show 8.00 You’ve 8.00 American Pickers 9.00
Been Framed! Gold: Best of the Storage Hunters UK 10.00
Best 9.00 You’ve Been Framed! American Pickers 12.00noon
Gold 9.25 Supermarket Sweep Border Force: America’s
10.25 Ellen’s Game of Games Gatekeepers 1.00 Abandoned
11.20 Dress to Impress 12.25pm Engineering 2.00 Travel Man: 48
You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12.55 Hours in Dubai 2.30 Travel Man: 48
Celebrity Catchphrase 2.00 The Hours in Berlin 3.00 Rick Stein’s
Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.55 Ellen’s Mediterranean Escapes 4.00 Top
Game of Games 3.50 Supermarket Gear 6.00 Would I Lie to You?
Sweep 4.55 Dress to Impress: 7.20 Richard Osman’s House of
With rugby player Jakob in Cardiff. Games Light-hearted quiz.
6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in New
8.00 Two and a Half Men Double bill. York With Katherine Ryan.
9.00 Family Guy Five episodes. 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in
11.25 American Dad! Double bill. Helsinki With actor Paul Rudd.
12.25am The Cleveland Show: 9.00 QI XL Phill Jupitus guests.
double bill 1.25 Two and a Half 10.00 Mock the Week Double bill.
Men: double bill 2.20 Iain Stirling’s 11.20 Taskmaster 12.25am Mock the
CelebAbility. With Joe Swash. 3.00 Week 1.00 Would I Lie to You?
Totally Bonkers Guinness World 1.40 QI XL 2.35 Would I Lie to You?
Records 3.30 Teleshopping 3.20 Judge Romesh: Disputes.

ITV3 Freeview 10

6.00am Classic Coronation Street: 6.00am A Tale of Two Sisters: double

double bill 6.55 Classic Emmerdale bill 8.00 Forbidden History 9.00
8.00 Heartbeat 9.00 Rising Damp:
double bill 10.05 That’s My Boy
The World at War 10.00 Antiques
Roadshow 11.00 Abandoned
Tina & Bobby
10.40 Agatha Christie’s Marple Engineering 12.00noon Great 9.15pm, ITV
12.40pm Heartbeat 1.45 Classic British Railway Journeys: double They may not look anything like the people Jules Rimet trophy at Wembley on a sunny
Emmerdale: double bill 2.50 bill 1.00 Antiques Roadshow 2.00
Classic Coronation Street: double Bangers and Cash 3.00 Trains That they’re playing, but Lorne MacFadyen and, in July day and Tina gives birth to their son
bill 3.55 Agatha Christie’s Marple Changed the World 4.00 particular, Michelle Keegan, deliver pitch- Dean, they’re regarded as a golden couple,

August 12
5.55 Heartbeat. Rural drama. Abandoned Engineering 5.00 perfect performances in this footballing the Posh and Becks of their day.
7.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final
An art dealer is murdered. Solution: The system the Nazis drama about much-missed former England But when Bobby is arrested in Colombia
8.00 Lewis Hathaway and Lewis put in place to exterminate Jews. captain Bobby Moore and his first wife Tina. ahead of the 1970 World Cup in Mexico,
uncover a web of lies, while 6.00 The World at War Documentary. The second episode features a moment in and the pressure from the media increases
investigating a student’s death. 7.00 Great British Railway Journeys Moore’s career that we’re all aware of – the back home, cracks begin to appear in their
10.00 Law & Order: UK A pregnant 8.00 War Factories How Fiat
doctor is found beaten to death. made and broke governments. 1966 World Cup final. After Bobby lifts the once rock-solid marriage. ★★★★
11.00 Scott & Bailey The duo take 9.00 Open All Hours Triple bill.
on a high-profile historical case. 11.00 Abandoned Engineering
12.00m’t Inspector Morse. A brewery 12.00m’t The World at War 1.00
manager is murdered. 2.15 Auschwitz: The Nazis and the
Agatha Christie’s Poirot 3.25 ITV3 Final Solution 2.00 A Tale of
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping Two Sisters 3.00 Teleshopping

FIlm4 Freeview 14
11.00am Edward Scissorhands 6.00am Teleshopping 7.05
(1990, PG) Fantasy. ★★★★★ dinnerladies 8.05 Keeping Up
1.05pm The Book of Life (2014, U) Appearances 8.40 Only Fools and NEW SERIES FILM CHOICE
Animation, voiced by Diego Luna. Horses 9.20 Are You Being
★★★ 2.55 Megamind (2010, PG) Served? 10.00 Last of the Summer Harlots Inside Missguided: Lemony Snicket’s
Animated comedy, voiced by Will Wine 12.00noon Keeping Up 9pm & 9.45pm, BBC Two Made in Manchester A Series of Unfortunate
Ferrell. ★★★★ 4.50  PICK Lemony Appearances 12.40 dinnerladies
Moving to the new Greek
10pm, Channel 4 Events 4.50pm, Film4
Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate 1.20 Only Fools and Horses
Events (2004, PG) Comedy 2.00 Are You Being Served? 2.40 Street property should boost This new fly-on-the-wall It’s perhaps a little too dark
adventure, with Jim Carrey. Gavin & Stacey 3.20 Dad’s Army documentary series takes for some children, but this
See Picks of the day. ★★★★
Margaret’s business, but she
4.00 Last of the Summer Wine
6.55 Evolution (2001, PG) Sci-fi soon realises that having viewers behind the scenes fantasy adventure is an
6.00 Are You Being Served?
comedy, starring David Duchovny 6.40 Only Fools and Horses Florence Scanwell preaching at the central Manchester impressive adaptation of the
and Orlando Jones. ★★★
7.20 Dad’s Army Double bill. outside puts off the very men offices of online fashion popular books. Jim Carrey
9.00 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers she was hoping to attract. retailer Missguided. In the stars as Count Olaf, a master
8.40 Gavin & Stacey Comedy.
of Benghazi (2016, 15) Fact-based
thriller, starring John Krasinski. ★★ 9.20 Sandylands Comedy drama. Thankfully Charlotte has a first episode, the bosses of disguise who is
11.55 Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime 10.00 Live at the Apollo Stand-up. cunning plan that should are attempting to seal the determined to get his hands
Walk (2016, 15) War drama, 11.00 Inside No 9 Dark comedy. entice the upper classes signature of Love Island star on the fortune of three
starring Joe Alwyn. ★★★ 11.40 Gavin & Stacey Comedy. Molly Mae, who they hope
through her doors – she orphans in his care – by fair
2.10am She’s Funny That Way 12.20am Sandylands 1.00 Live at the
(2014, 12) Comedy, starring Owen Apollo 2.00 Inside No 9 2.30 You, proposes holding a masked will become the face of a means or foul. Jude Law is
Wilson and Jennifer Aniston. ★★ Me & Them 4.00 Teleshopping ball. ★★★★★ new collection. ★★★★ the narrator. ★★★★

E4 Freeview 13
DRAmA Freeview 20
6.00am The Goldbergs 7.00 Couples 6.00am Teleshopping 7.20 Classic 6.00am Futurama: double bill 6.00am Urban Secrets 7.00 CSI: 6.00am Nothing to Declare 8.00
Come Dine with Me 8.00 Don’t Tell EastEnders: double bill 8.25 The 7.00 Animal House: double bill Crime Scene Investigation 10.00 Stop, Search, Seize 9.00 Border
the Bride 9.00 Married at First Bill 9.30 Classic Holby City 10.55 8.00 Animal 999: double bill 9.00 Elementary 11.00 The British Security USA 10.00 Blue Bloods
Sight Australia 10.30 Melissa & Classic Casualty 12.00noon The The Dog Whisperer 10.00 Brit 12.00noon Richard E Grant’s Hotel 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene
Joey 11.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Bill 1.00 Classic EastEnders: Cops: Law & Disorder 11.00 NCIS: Secrets: double bill 2.00 Blue Investigation 12.00noon Law &
12.00noon Young Sheldon 1.00 double bill 2.10 London’s Los Angeles: double bill 1.00pm Bloods: double bill 4.00 CSI: Crime Order 1.00 Blue Bloods 2.00 Air
The Big Bang Theory 2.00 Melissa Burning 3.15 Peak Practice 4.15 Hawaii Five-0: double bill 3.00 Scene Investigation: triple bill Ambulance ER 3.00 Sun, Sea and
& Joey: double bill 3.00 The Dangerfield 5.20 Birds of a Feather Caught on Dashcam 4.00 Modern 7.00 Blue Bloods Double bill. Frank A&E 4.00 UK Border Force 5.00
Goldbergs: double bill 4.00 6.00 Waiting for God Diana uses a Family: double bill 5.00 Futurama has to deal with a political scandal Nothing to Declare: six episodes
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: double bill slingshot to feed squirrels. 5.30 The Simpsons: five episodes involving Henry; Erin considers 8.00 Ghost Whisperer The spirit
5.00 Young Sheldon: double bill 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Classic comedy. 8.00 S.W.A.T. Hondo’s parents’ moving into the private sector. of a beautiful woman haunts Jim.
6.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine relationship becomes worse. 9.00 Penny Dreadful: City of Angels 9.00 Coroner Jenny’s interest in a
7.00 Hollyoaks@25 From 2006. 8.00 Father Brown The priest looks 9.00 Condor 2 Joe finds it hard to Dottie and Lewis confront Brian for case complicates the investigation.
7.30 Married at First Sight Australia into a death involving pagans. believe that Gordon is guilty. lying about his duel allegiances. 10.00 Station 19 A suspicious Andy
HOT TV|Daily Star

9.00 Celebrity Gogglebox 9.00 Rosemary & Thyme A tennis 10.00 Russell Howard Live: 10.10 Perry Mason As the trial investigates her mother’s death,
10.00 Gogglebox Appraising whows player is discovered dead in Spain. Dingledodies The comedian winds to a close, Mason and while the crew find themselves in
including This Morning and Liar. 10.00 New Tricks The team performs at the Brighton Dome. team attempt to tie up loose ends. grave danger. Last in series.
11.05 Buffy the Vampire Slayer investigates an arson attack. 11.15 In the Long Run Comedy. 11.25 Dexter Double bill. Debra gets 11.00 Criminal Minds The
1.05am The Big Bang Theory: double 11.10 Silent Witness Nikki’s 11.45 A League of Their Own to know a local writer; things heat profilers search for a kidnapper.
bill 2.05 Gogglebox. Narrated by testimony frees a convicted killer. 12.45am The Force: North East 1.40 up between Dexter and Hannah. 12.00m’t Ghost Whisperer 1.00 FBI
Craig Cash. 3.00 First Dates 1.25am The Bill: Sisters go missing. The Blacklist. Crime thriller. 2.35 1.30am Get Shorty: Crime comedy. 2.00 How to Get Away with Murder
3.55 Don’t Tell the Bride 4.50 2.35 London’s Burning 3.25 Birds Road Wars 3.05 Hawaii Five-0 2.40 Blue Bloods 3.30 Elementary 3.00 Law & Order 4.00 Road Wars
Couples Come Dine with Me of a Feather 4.00 Teleshopping 4.00 The Flash 5.00 Supergirl 4.20 Fish Town: double bill 5.00 Brit Cops: Rapid Response
BBC ONE BBC TWO ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

Inside the Bruderhof, 10.45pm Semi-Detached, 10pm Eat, Shop, Save, 7.30pm Escape to the Chateau, 8pm Neighbours, 5.30pm

6.00am Breakfast 9.00 BBC News 10.00 6.05am Murder, Mystery and My Family: 6.00am Good Morning Britain 9.00 6.30am Cheers: double bill (R) 7.20 6.00am Milkshake!: Peppa Pig: four
Murder, Mystery and My Family: Case Case Closed? (R) 6.50 Garden Rescue: Lorraine 10.00 This Morning 12.30pm Everybody Loves Raymond: triple bill (R) episodes (R) 6.20 Mya Go 6.25 Fireman
Closed? 10.45 Homes Under the Hammer Top of the Plots (R) 7.35 Meerkat Manor Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News, 8.40 Frasier: double bill (R) 9.40 The Big Sam (R) 6.35 Shane the Chef (R) 6.45
(R) 11.45 Dom Does America (R) 12.15pm (R) 8.00 Sign Zone: Pluto: Back from the Weather 1.55 Local News, Weather 2.00 Bang Theory: double bill (R) 10.35 Thomas & Friends (R) 7.00 Abby Hatcher
Bargain Hunt (R) 1.00 BBC News at One, Dead (R) 9.00 Yellowstone (R) 10.00  LIVE  Dickinson’s Real Deal (R) 3.00 Tenable (R) Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R) (R) 7.10 Daisy & Ollie (R) 7.20 Milkshake!
Weather 1.30 BBC Local News, Weather Snooker: The World Championship: The 4.00 Tipping Point (R) 5.00 The Chase (R) 11.30 Come Dine with Me (R) 12.00noon Monkey’s Amazing Adventures (R) 7.25
1.45 The Heights 2.15 Celebrity Eggheads second session of the opening semi-final. Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Come Peppa Pig: double bill (R) 7.40 Ricky
(R) 3.00 Escape to the Country (R) 3.45 12.00noon BBC News 1.00  LIVE  6.00 Local News, Weather Dine with Me: four episodes (R) 2.10 Zoom (R) 8.00 Pirata & Capitano (R) 8.15
Garden Rescue: Top of the Plots 4.30 Snooker: The World Championship: The 6.30 ITV Evening News, Weather Countdown 3.00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) Paw Patrol: double bill (R) 8.45 The Secret
Antiques Road Trip (R) 5.15 Pointless (R) second session of the second semi-final.
7.00 You’ve Been Framed! 4.00 A Place in the Sun 5.00 Four in a Life of Puppies (R) 8.50 Wissper (R) 9.00
Bed (R) 5.30 Come Dine with Me (R) Floogals (R) 9.10 Sunny Bunnies 9.15
6.00 BBC News at Six, Weather 6.00 Eggheads Harry Hill narrates a comical Jeremy Vine 11.15 Can’t Pay? We’ll
6.30 BBC Local News, Weather Jeremy Vine hosts the quiz. (R) selection, including a teenager 6.00 The Simpsons Take It Away! (R) 12.10pm 5 News at
6.30 Meerkat Manor terrified by a seagull. Double bill. Homer develops a Lunchtime 12.15 Nightmare Tenants,
7.00 The One Show
There is a sombre mood at the 7.30 Eat, Shop, Save ravenous appetite for a new Slum Landlords (R) 1.10 Access 1.15
Alex Jones and Chris Ramsey
present the magazine show manor when Shakespeare fails Ranvir Singh meets sandwich; Homer makes a Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours
to return, seeming to confirm Manchester family the connection with Bart after being 2.15  FILM  House of Terror (2017, 12)
featuring a mixture of celebrity Thriller, starring Francia Raisa. ★★ 4.00
chat and stories of interest. concerns that he died Marshalls, whose eating and hypnotised into thinking he
spending habits have spiralled is a 10-year-old boy. (R) Friends: double bill (R) 5.00 5 News at 5
7.30 Fake Britain defending Flower’s pups. (R) 5.30 Neighbours: Emmett is admitted to
6.55  LIVE  Snooker: out of control. Last in series. 7.00 Channel 4 News
A report on the fake alcohol hospital with a possible spinal injury. (R)
being served to British The World Championship 8.00 Wonders of the Coast Path 7.55 The Political Slot
holidaymakers that left one Coverage from the Crucible Sean Fletcher reaches Conservative Party MP Saqib 6.00 Home and Away
Theatre in Sheffield, featuring Pembrokeshire, where he Bhatti gives the government’s John and Marilyn have an
woman blind. Plus, the internet
the third and penultimate meets a family who have view on how they have honest conversation about
scams that have left thousands
session in the opening moved to live off-grid. supported businesses during their marriage, and Tori gets
of people out of pocket. (R)
semi-final, where eight frames 8.30 Inside Britain’s Food the coronavirus pandemic. agitated when Jasmine and
8.00  PICK  Celebrity MasterChef: Grace are the faces of the
A Recipe for Success are scheduled to be played. Factories 8.00 Escape to the Chateau:
Following how traditional Make Do and Mend new gym classes. (R)
John Torode and Gregg 8.00 Glow Up: Britain’s
Next Make-Up Star Lancashire Eccles cakes are Dick and Angel Strawbridge 6.30 5 News Tonight
Wallace look back on further
highlights from 15 years of the The contestants visit the set of made, jam fit for the Queen’s help transform a couple’s 7.00 Railway Journeys
show, remembering the Holby City, where they learn breakfast table and gin infused Second World War air-raid with Chris Tarrant
contestants’ first experience of about applying realistic with exotic natural ingredients. shelter into a craft room, fix a Chris travels through Argentina,
a professional kitchen, recalling wounds, injuries and blood 9.00 Unsaid Stories woman’s broken record player starting his journey at British-
those who thrived and those effects, with the best two Drama about an uncomfortable and make a chicken coop. built railway station in Buenos
who only just survived the having their work televised. between a woman who has 9.00  NEW  To Catch a Sex Aires and ending by taking a
pressure. See Picks of the day. 9.00 QI just had a baby with a black Offender: Crime & ride across Patagonia. (R)
9.00 Death in Paradise A selection of the best man and her mother. Starring Punishment 8.00 The Secret World of Your
The Saint Marie Literary Festival moments from the recent Nicole Lecky, with Amanda The return of the documentary Rubbish
is rocked by the death of a series, in which host Sandi Abbington. Last in the series. following the work of police, A waste facility in Nottingham
young literature student – and Toksvig posed Alan Davies and 9.15  PICK  The Life & prosecution and other law where rubbish is burnt to create
Florence’s childhood friend – guest panellists a range of Times of Captain Sir Tom professionals focuses on the energy for surrounding homes,
whose body is discovered at tricky questions connected to A profile of the former British challenges of investigating and a Glasgow father and son
the bottom of a cliff. Suicide the letter R. Last in series. Army officer, who captured the this complex and devastating who recycle clothing.
seems the likely cause, but as 9.30  PICK   NEW  Mandy hearts of the nation with his crime. The programme follows 9.00 Diana: Queen of Hearts?
ever Humphrey isn’t so keen to Double bill. Comedy short, fundraising walk for the NHS at two cases as they move Diana, Princess of Wales’
jump to conclusions – even with written, directed by and starring the height of the Covid-19 through the system, from the devotion to charity work
the presence of a note in the Diane Morgan. Mandy tries to pandemic. With access to Tom’s perspective of the police and good causes, asking
victim’s bag. But with everyone find work – but the only job everyday life, the film explores and the Crown Prosecution whether her compassion
the dead girl knew at the available is in a fruit-packing the man behind the blazer Service as well as the accounts was a genuine attempt to
festival, who could have pushed factory; Mandy enters the local and hears his story, including of the alleged victims. change the world or a push to
her over the edge? Away from line dancing endurance his time on the frontline during 10.00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does change her public image.
the investigation, the inspector challenge. See Picks of the day. the Burma campaign in the Countdown 10.00 Meghan & Harry:
is busy preparing the shack for 10.00 Semi-Detached Second World War. Tom also Jon Richardson and Tom Allen The New Revelations
Martha’s stay. Sun-soaked Stuart is late for a much- recalls his teenage years, take on Sean Lock and Rosie The events that led to the
whodunit, guest starring Fiona needed DJ-ing job having lost previous jobs and nursing his Jones in the classic words-and- Duke and Duchess of Sussex
Allen and Ramon Tikaram. (R) the device containing his MP3s wife through illness – as well numbers quiz, while Sean Bean stepping back from the royal
10.00 BBC News at Ten – and during his search, he as a near-fatal accident he – aka Adam Riches – joins family, delving into new
10.30 BBC Local News, Weather stumbles upon an angry suffered just 18 months ago. Susie Dent in Dictionary Corner. claims about the decision
daughter, a poorly cat and a See Picks of the day. Jimmy Carr hosts. (R) and speculation contained
10.45 Inside the Bruderhof in recent books. (R)
The story of a community of dead body. Lee Mack stars. 10.15 ITV News, Weather 11.05 Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell
radical Christians living a 0.30 Squeamish About…
1 10.45 Local News, Weather and Back 11.35 QE2: The World’s Most
remarkable self-sufficient life in Reporter Michael Squeamish Gordon Ramsay has 24 hours Luxurious Hotel
11.00 Joanna Lumley’s to renovate the premises of the The ship’s most important
a quiet Sussex village – and (Matt Berry) gives his unique Unseen Adventures
how one resident is now take on relationships. Brownstone Bistro, a Caribbean restaurant undergoes a
Footage from the actress’ fusion restaurant in LA. (R) significant renovation. (R)
questioning her future. 10.45 Newsnight, Weather travelogue programmes,
12.00m’t Wife Swap USA (R) 12.50 Inside 12.35am Wonderful World of Chocolate:
11.25 Reported Missing 11.30 Cricket: Today at the Test featuring her travels in and
Missguided: Made in Manchester (R) 1.40 Documentary offering a glimpse inside
The search for Mark Smith, an England v Pakistan. around Iran, Haiti and Cuba, Couples Come Dine with Me (R) 2.35 the confectionery world. 1.00 The
ex-soldier who went missing 12.30am Snooker: The World as well as unseen adventures Amazing Spaces Special: 24 Hour Build Live Casino Show 3.00
after posting on social media Championship: Semi-final highlights. in the Caribbean. (R) (R) 3.30 This Is Us (R) 4.20 Fifteen to One Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords (R)
that he wanted to end it all. (R) 1.20 Sign Zone: The Repair Shop: Fixing 12.00m’t Home Shopping 3.00 ITV (R) 5.10 All Star Driving School (R) 5.35 3.50 Inside Britain’s Biggest Mosque (R)
12.25am New Tricks (R) 1.25 Weather for Britain (R) 2.05 Sign Zone: Stories of Us Nightscreen 5.05-6.00am Judge Rinder: Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free (R) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 House Busters
the Week Ahead 1.30-6.00am BBC News (R) 3.05-6.05am This Is BBC Two Real-life cases in a studio courtroom. (R) 5.50-6.30am Countdown: Word game. (R) (R) 5.35-6.00am House Doctor (R)

STV 12.00m’t ITV Nightscreen Great Food Guys 8.30 The Edinburgh Show 9.00 American Housewife 4.40 The Heights 5.45 S4C 6.00am Cyw 12.00noon Ar y Bysus 12.30 (R) Repeat

BBC1 N Ireland 7.30pm Suzie Lee’s Home The Nine 10.00 Scot Squad: Spoof police Nuacht. Followed by RTE News 6.00 The Angelus 04 Wal 1.00 Heno 1.30 Garddio a Mwy 2.00 Star ratings
Cook Heroes 10.45 Belfast Harbour: Cruises, documentary. 10.30 Scotland – Contains Strong 6.01 RTE News 6.30 Reeling in the Years 7.00 The Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05 Prynhawn Da ★★★★★ Brilliant
Cranes & Cargo: The Superfast ferry. 11.15 Inside Language 11.30 Mirror Mirror 12.00m’t Close Test 7.30 How to Be Good with Money 8.00 What 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 3.05 Eisteddfod ★★★★ Very good
the Bruderhof: Documentary. 11.55 Reported RTE1 6.00am EuroNews 6.25 Teleshopping 8.00 Planet Are You On? 9.00 RTE News 9.35 Prime 2020: Tudur Owen ar ei Orsedd 4.00 Awr Fawr
★★★ Worth a watch
Missing 12.55am New Tricks 1.55 BBC News Death in Paradise 9.00 Impossible 9.55 The Ellen Time 10.10 Passing it On: Ballymun Kickhams: 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 Arfordir Cymru: Bae Ceredigion
The story of a north Dublin GAA club that helped 6.30 Y Sioe Fwyd 6.57 Newyddion S4C 7.00 Heno ★★ Could be worse
DeGeneres Show 10.50 Dr Phil 11.45 Shortland
BBC1 Wales 7.30pm Iolo: The Last Wilderness Street 12.15pm Doctors 12.45 Telly Bingo 1.00 local youth. 11.15 Who Do You Think You Are?: 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 8.00 Pobol y ★ Pretty dire
of Wales: Iolo Williams continues his exploration. RTE News 1.15 Home and Away 1.45 Neighbours With Robert Rinder. 12.30am Kiri 1.30 Cwm 8.25 3 Lle 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd All programme details
BBC Scotland 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland 2.15 Tracks and Trails 2.45 Ray & O Se’s Fitness MasterChef: double bill 3.35 Prime Time 4.05 Telly 9.00 Goreuon Eisteddfod Llangollen 10.30 Y are correct at time of
7.00 Island Medics 7.30 Beechgrove 8.00 The 15 3.00 My Kitchen Rules: Australia 4.15 Bingo 4.15 Dr Phil 5.00 Doctors 5.30 EuroNews Cosmos 11.30 Lwp: Curadur 12.05am Diwedd going to press
Best of the rest Picks of the day

ITV2 Freeview 6
DAVE Freeview 19

6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Yianni:

DeGeneres Show 8.00 Emmerdale Supercar Customiser 8.00
8.30 Coronation Street 9.00 You’ve American Pickers 9.00 Storage
Been Framed! Gold 9.25 Hunters UK 9.30 Storage Hunters
Supermarket Sweep 10.25 Ellen’s 10.00 American Pickers 12.00noon
Game of Games 11.20 Dress to Border Force: America’s
Impress 12.25pm Emmerdale Gatekeepers 1.00 Abandoned
12.55 Coronation Street 1.30 You’ve Engineering 2.00 Travel Man: 48
Been Framed! Gold 2.00 The Ellen Hours in New York 3.00 Rick Stein’s
DeGeneres Show 2.55 Ellen’s Mediterranean Escapes 4.00 Top
Game of Games 3.50 Supermarket Gear 6.00 Would I Lie to You?
Sweep 4.55 Dress to Impress 7.20 Richard Osman’s House of
6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Totally Games Light-hearted quiz.
You’ve Been Framed! 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Lisbon
7.00 Supermarket Sweep 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Naples
8.00 Two and a Half Men 9.00 Red Dwarf: The First Three
9.00 Family Guy Five episodes. Million Years Documentary.
11.25 American Dad! Double bill. 10.00 Red Dwarf Double bill.
12.25am Joel Dommett: Finding 11.15 Taskmaster Gamshow.
Emo 1.30 Two and a Half Men 12.25am Mock the Week. Panel
1.55 Timewasters 2.30 Iain show. 1.05 Would I Lie to You?
Stirling’s CelebAbility 3.15 ITV2 1.45 QI XL 2.45 Red Dwarf 3.15
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping Judge Romesh 4.00 Teleshopping

ITV3 Freeview 10

6.00am Classic Coronation Street: 6.00am A Tale of Two Sisters: double

double bill 6.55 Classic bill 8.00 Forbidden History 9.00
Emmerdale: double bill 8.00 The World at War 10.00 Antiques The Life & Times of Captain Sir Tom

August 13
Heartbeat 9.05 Rising Damp: Roadshow 11.00 Abandoned
double bill 10.05 That’s My Boy Engineering 12.00noon Great 9.15pm, ITV
10.40 Agatha Christie’s Marple British Railway Journeys: double A few short months ago, nobody outside his Now we’re about to learn more about the
12.40pm Heartbeat 1.45 Classic bill 1.00 Antiques Roadshow 2.00
Emmerdale: double bill 2.50 Bangers and Cash 3.00 Trains immediate circle of friends and family had man known affectionately as Captain Sir
Classic Coronation Street: double That Changed the World 4.00 heard of Keighley-born Thomas Moore, a Tom, the centenarian who has captured the
bill 3.55 Agatha Christie’s Marple Abandoned Engineering 5.00 former British Army officer who served British public’s hearts during a crisis.
5.55 Heartbeat. Rural drama. Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final
7.00 Downton Abbey The Crawleys Solution. Corruption within the SS. during the Second World War. With unprecedented access to his family
attend a motor racing event. 6.00 The World at War Documentary. But then, in April, he began a challenge as well as Tom himself, the programme takes
8.00 Midsomer Murders Lower 7.00 Great British Railway Journeys that turned him into a national treasure, us back to his Yorkshire childhood before
Pampling’s star cricketer is 8.00 Abandoned Engineering earned him a knighthood and raised tens of exploring his wartime record, later career and
found dead after a match. 9.00 Train Truckers The exploits of a
10.00 Law & Order: UK A teenager crew of heavy-haulage specialists.
millions of pounds for NHS charities. relationship with his wife Pamela. ★★★★★
is killed in a fire at his home. 10.00 The World at War Blackouts.
11.00 Scott & Bailey The murder of a 11.00 Abandoned Engineering
gay man appears to be a hate crime. 12.00m’t The World at War 1.00
12.00m’t Inspector Morse 2.15 Auschwitz: The Nazis and the
Agatha Christie’s Poirot 3.25 ITV3 Final Solution 2.00 A Tale of Two
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping Sisters 3.00 Teleshopping

FIlm4 Freeview 14
11.00am The SpongeBob 7.05am dinnerladies: double bill 8.05
SquarePants Movie (2004, U) Keeping Up Appearances 8.40
Animation, voiced by Tom Kenny. Only Fools and Horses 9.20 Are NEW SERIES FILM CHOICE
★★★ 12.45pm Mary and the You Being Served? 10.00 Last of
Witch’s Flower (2017, U) the Summer Wine: triple bill Celebrity MasterChef: Mandy Baggage Claim
Animation, with the voice of Kate 12.00noon Keeping Up A Recipe for Success 9.30pm & 9.45pm, BBC Two 3pm, Film4
Winslet. ★★★★ 3.00  PICK Appearances 12.40 dinnerladies 8pm, BBC One
Baggage Claim (2013, 12) 1.20 Only Fools and Horses 2.00 Following a successful pilot David E Talbert adapted his
Romantic comedy, with Paula Are You Being Served? 2.40 Gavin Kitchens are notoriously last year, Diane Morgan own novel for the big screen,
Patton. See Picks of the day. ★★ & Stacey 3.20 Dad’s Army 4.00 stressful to work in, and now returns for a full series of the and directed the movie too.
4.50 The Last Airbender (2010, PG) Last of the Summer Wine: triple bill we’re about to see how some
Fantasy, with Noah Ringer. ★ 6.00 Are You Being Served?
sitcom she also wrote and It’s a romantic comedy about
6.55 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006, of the famous competitors directed. She plays the title a flight attendant who sets
6.35 Only Fools and Horses
12) Superhero sequel, with Hugh
7.20 Dad’s Army Double bill.
coped when they were set to character, a dreamer whose herself a challenge – to find a
Jackman and Ian McKellen. ★★★ work in a restaurant for the
8.40 Gavin & Stacey Comedy. ambition is to become a top fiance before her youngest
9.00 Action Point (2018, 15) first time. Plus, we go back to
Premiere. Comedy, starring Johnny 9.20 Sandylands Comedy drama. Doberman Pincher breeder. sister gets married in just 30
Knoxville and Chris Pontius. ★★★ 10.00 Not Going Out Double bill. 2013 to witness celebrities The opening two episodes days time. She uses her job
10.40 A Walk in the Woods (2015, 15) 11.15 Inside No 9 Dark comedy. including Les Dennis and see her trying to find a job to travel around looking for
Fact-based drama, starring 11.55 Gavin & Stacey Comedy. Adrian Edmondson preparing
Robert Redford. ★★★
and facing up to a challenge. Mr Right – a task that proves
12.30am Sandylands 1.10 Smack the a meal at Cambridge
12.45am Graduation (2016, 15) Pony 1.45 As 10pm 2.45 You, Me Maxine Peake and Sean very tricky indeed. Paula
Drama, with Adrian Titieni. ★★★★ & Them 3.15 As 11.15pm University. ★★★ Lock guest star. ★★★★★ Patton stars. ★★★
E4 Freeview 13
DRAmA Freeview 20
6.00am The Goldbergs 7.00 Couples 6.00am Teleshopping 7.15 Classic 6.00am Futurama: double bill 7.00 6.00am Urban Secrets 7.00 CSI: 6.00am Nothing to Declare: four
Come Dine with Me 8.00 Don’t Tell EastEnders: double bill 8.25 The Animal House: double bill 8.00 Crime Scene Investigation: triple episodes 8.00 Stop, Search, Seize
the Bride 9.00 Married at First Bill 9.30 Classic Holby City 10.55 Animal 999: double bill 9.00 The bill 10.00 The British: double bill 9.00 Border Security USA 10.00
Sight Australia 10.30 Melissa & Classic Casualty 12.00noon The Dog Whisperer 10.00 Caught on 12.00noon Richard E Grant’s Hotel Blue Bloods 11.00 CSI: Crime
Joey 11.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Bill 1.00 Classic EastEnders: Dashcam 11.00 NCIS: Los Secrets: double bill 2.00 Blue Scene Investigation 12.00noon
12.00noon Young Sheldon 1.00 double bill 2.20 London’s Burning Angeles: double bill 1.00pm Hawaii Bloods: double bill 4.00 CSI: Crime Law & Order 1.00 Blue Bloods
The Big Bang Theory: double bill 3.20 Peak Practice: Drama. 4.20 Five-0: double bill 3.00 Caught on Scene Investigation: triple bill 2.00 Air Ambulance ER 3.00 Sun,
2.00 Melissa & Joey: double bill Dangerfield 5.20 Birds of a Feather Dashcam 4.00 Modern Family: 7.00 Blue Bloods Double bill. Danny Sea and A&E 4.00 UK Border
3.00 The Goldbergs: double bill 6.00 Waiting for God Comedy. double bill 5.00 Futurama and Baez struggle to protect an Force 5.00 Nothing to Declare
4.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine: double 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Rene opens the safe. 5.30 The Simpsons Five episodes. informant; Danny and Baez 8.00 Ghost Whisperer A spirit seeks
bill 5.00 Young Sheldon: double bill 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine 8.00 Freddie Down Under investigate the murders of three help in finding her daughter.
6.00 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 Father Brown There are Andrew Flintoff heads to Darwin. prominent community leaders. 9.00 FBI The death of a Wall
7.00 Hollyoaks@25 From 2006. suspicious circumstances 9.00 The Blacklist Ressler is 9.00 Get Shorty A botched hit Street investor leads the team
7.30 Married at First Sight Australia surrounding a local fighter’s death. forced to confront past trauma. puts Capotillo in danger. to an insider-trading ring.
HOT TV|Daily Star

9.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 Rosemary & Thyme The duo 10.00 In the Long Run Valentine gets 10.10 Penny Dreadful: City of 10.00 How to Get Away with Murder
10.00 The Inbetweeners investigate a death at a theatre. a DJ gig through Dawn’s friend. Angels Molly wrestles with her Panic and paranoia rise over
11.00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10.00 New Tricks The team looks 10.30 Micky Flanagan Thinking guilt over Diego’s confession. Annalise’s disappearance.
1.00am Rick and Morty 1.30 Robot into the death of a 1970s rock star. Aloud The issue of offence. 11.15 Dexter Double bill. 11.00 Criminal Minds A killer with
Chicken 1.45 The Jellies! 2.00 Rick 11.20 Silent Witness Nikki and Jack 11.30 An Idiot Abroad In China. 1.35am Californication 2.10  FILM  an interest in Greek mythology.
and Morty 2.25 The Inbetweeners examine a body found in a forest. 12.30am The Twilight Zone 1.30 Maria Full of Grace (2004, 15) 12.00m’t As 8pm 1.00 Criminal
3.15 The Big Bang Theory: double 1.35am The Bill. Police drama. 2.40 Road Wars 2.00 Stop, Search, Drama, starring Catalina Sandino Minds 2.00 CSI: Crime Scene
bill. 4.05 Don’t Tell the Bride 5.00 London’s Burning 3.30 Birds of a Seize 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 Moreno and Virgina Ariza. ★★★★ Investigation 4.00 Road Wars
Couples Come Dine with Me Feather 4.00 Teleshopping 4.00 The Flash 5.00 Supergirl 4.05 Fish Town: double bill 5.00 Brit Cops: Rapid Response
BBC ONE BBC TWO ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

The Young Offenders, 9.30pm Gardeners’ World, 9pm Vera, 8pm Unreported World, 7.30pm The Gadget Show, 7pm

6.00am Breakfast 9.00 BBC News 10.00 6.05am Murder, Mystery and My Family: 6.00am Good Morning Britain 9.00 6.30am Cheers: double bill (R) 7.20 6.00am Milkshake!: Peppa Pig (R) 6.20
Murder, Mystery and My Family: Case Case Closed? (R) 6.50 Garden Rescue: Lorraine 10.00 This Morning 12.30pm Everybody Loves Raymond: triple bill (R) Mya Go 6.25 Fireman Sam (R) 6.35 Shane
Closed? 10.45 Homes Under the Hammer Top of the Plots (R) 7.35 Meerkat Manor Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News, 8.40 Frasier: double bill (R) 9.40 The Big the Chef (R) 6.45 Thomas & Friends (R)
(R) 11.45 Dom Does America 12.15pm (R) 8.00 Sign Zone: The North York Weather 1.55 Local News, Weather 2.00 Bang Theory: double bill (R) 10.35 7.00 Abby Hatcher (R) 7.10 Daisy & Ollie
Bargain Hunt (R) 1.00 BBC News at One, Moors: A Wild Year (R) 9.00 Yellowstone Dickinson’s Real Deal: David Dickinson is Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R) (R) 7.20 Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing
Weather 1.30 BBC Local News, Weather (R) 10.00  LIVE  Snooker: The World joined by antiques dealers Tony Geering, 11.30 Come Dine with Me (R) 12.00noon Adventures (R) 7.25 Peppa Pig (R) 7.40
1.45 The Heights 2.15 Celebrity Eggheads Championship: Semi-final coverage James Layte, Corrie Jeffrey and Alison Channel 4 News Summary 12.05 Come Ricky Zoom (R) 8.00 Pirata & Capitano (R)
(R) 3.00 Escape to the Country (R) 3.45 continues at the Crucible Theatre in Chapman in Scarborough, North Dine with Me: four episodes (R) 2.10 8.15 Paw Patrol (R) 8.45 The Secret Life of
Garden Rescue: Top of the Plots 4.30 Sheffield. 12.00noon BBC News 1.00  LIVE  Yorkshire. (R) 3.00 Tenable (R) 4.00 Countdown 3.00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) Puppies (R) 8.50 Wissper (R) 9.00
Antiques Road Trip (R) 5.15 Pointless (R) Snooker: The World Championship: Tipping Point: Ben Shephard hosts the 4.00 A Place in the Sun 5.00 Four in Floogals (R) 9.10 Sunny Bunnies 9.15
Coverage of the concluding session arcade-themed quiz in which contestants a Bed (R) 5.30 Come Dine with Me (R) Jeremy Vine 11.15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take
6.00 BBC News at Six, Weather of the opening semi-final in Sheffield. drop tokens down a choice of four chutes It Away! (R) 12.10pm 5 News 12.15
6.30 BBC Local News, Weather in the hope of winning a £10,000 jackpot. 6.00 The Simpsons Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords
6.00 Eggheads (R) 5.00 The Chase: Bradley Walsh Hollywood star Sara Sloane (R) 1.10 Access 1.15 Home and Away
7.00 The One Show
Jeremy Vine hosts the quiz in presents as four contestants answer visits Springfield and becomes (R) 1.45 Neighbours 2.15  FILM  You
The usual mix of celebrity
which the winners of famous general knowledge questions and work infatuated with Ned Flanders. (R) Killed My Mother (2017, 12) Thriller,
guests and reports. With Alex
gameshows work as a team to as a team to take on one of the ruthless 6.30 The Simpsons starring Carlena Britch. ★★ 4.00 Friends:
Jones and Chris Ramsey. double bill. (R) 5.00 5 News at 5 5.30
tackle a new set of challengers Chasers and secure a cash prize. (R)
Billionaire entrepreneur and
7.30 Miranda hoping to win a cash prize. (R) Neighbours: Pierce is hurt by how little
As Gary prepares for the grand 6.00 Local News, Weather inventor Elon Musk comes to his opinion seems to matter to Chloe. (R)
6.30 Meerkat Manor town and dreams up a new
reopening of the restaurant, 6.30 ITV Evening News, Weather
The Whiskers take Flower’s idea for the power plant. (R) 6.00 Home and Away
Miranda realises she is more 7.00 Emmerdale
new pups on a foraging trip and 7.00 Channel 4 News Tori and Colby talk about
attracted to him than ever, so There is no going back for
are caught out by another group Jasmine’s mental state,
Stevie advises her to tell him Dawn, Nate suggests he 7.30 Unreported World
of war-dancing meerkats. (R) Colby takes action, Marylin is
exactly how she feels. (R) skip work to support Tracy, The growing movement of
6.55  LIVE  Snooker: The unable to control emotions
8.00 A Question of Sport and Harriet feels guilty. women in the US who idolise and Irene tries to help out. (R)
With Crystal Palace footballer
World Championship President Trump, putting him at
Further coverage from Sheffield, 7.30 Coronation Street 6.30 5 News Tonight
Jeffrey Schlupp, 2012 Olympic Gary fears that Sarah has the heart of their anti-feminist,
long jump gold medallist Greg where the second semi-final is traditional family values. 7.00 The Gadget Show
set to reach a conclusion, shared his darkest secrets,
Rutherford, Solheim Cup Maria asks David to witness 8.00  PICK  Travel Man’s Greatest The team equips a pair of
winner Bronte Law and and the line-up for the final of backpackers with the latest
the showpiece tournament her wedding instead of a Trips: Arts and Crafts
Commonwealth champion sick Audrey, and a spiteful Richard Ayoade continues gear, Otis Deley goes off-road in
swimmer Hannah Miley. decided after 15 days of play. Ukraine, and Jon Bentley
Geoff tells Sally that Tim will to delve into the Travel Man
8.30  PICK  Jack Whitehall’s 9.00 Gardeners’ World reveals how to protect yourself
always choose him over her. archive with a look at highlights
Sporting Nation Featuring a man in Margate from being hacked online. Plus,
8.00 Vera themed around arts and
Jack turns his comedic who has come up with Craig Charles turns on
DCI Stanhope and her team, crafts. See Picks of the day.
sights on how when the British a unique way of using a shed voice-activated home lighting.
roof to grow vegetables, and including new recruit DC 9.00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does
fail at sport, it’s done in a Hicham Cherradi, travel to a Countdown 8.00  PICK  Diana:
truly spectacular and glorious inspirational gardener Sue A Mother’s Love
Kent in Swansea, who remote country house when Sean Lock and Daisy May
fashion. Last in series. An examination of how Diana,
shows how she has designed the woman looking after it is Cooper take on guest team
See Picks of the day. Princess of Wales, raised
her plot to enable her to killed. No sooner have they captain Richard Ayoade and Ivo
9.00 Would I Lie to You? Princes William and Harry,
garden successfully despite arrived, than a second body is Graham in the word game.
Richard Hammond, Sean and her desire to keep the
her upper limb difference. discovered. Vera discovers the Adam Buxton is in Dictionary
Lock, Judy Murray and Trevor childhoods of these two young
two victims met the night before Corner with Susie Dent, and
Noah join team captains David 10.00 I Love 1987 royals as normal as possible.
their deaths, and goes in search Joe Wilkinson joins Rachel
Mitchell and Lee Mack for Actor Richard E Grant looks See Picks of the day.
of a connection between them. Riley at the numbers board.
the comedy panel show. back at the year when he 9.00  FILM  Bridget Jones’s
Forensics evidence reveals 10.00  PICK   FILM  The
Hosted by Rob Brydon. (R) starred in cult classic Withnail & Baby (2016, 15)
that one was definitely present Inbetweeners Movie
I, and Rick Astley, Terence Trent Bridget’s focus on single life
9.30 The Young Offenders when the other died – but (2011, 15)
D’Arby, Run DMC and the and her career is interrupted
Conor and Jock are hoping when no murder weapon or Awkward teenagers Simon,
Beastie Boys hit the charts. (R) when she finds herself
to make the school debs a motive can be found, Vera Will, Jay and Neil head to
special night for the girls, but 10.30 State of the Union begins to suspect a third pregnant, but with one hitch –
Presumptive predictions about Greece for a wild holiday – but she can only be 50 per cent
they’re destined to create party was involved. (R) things do not go to plan.
chaos despite themselves. their personal futures result in sure of the identity of her baby’s
10.00 ITV News at Ten, Weather Comedy, with Joe Thomas,
an offbeat agreement between father after a pair of one-night
10.00 BBC News at Ten Louise and Tom. Comedy, 10.30 Local News, Weather Simon Bird and James Buckley. stands. Is the dad old flame
10.30 BBC Local News, Weather starring Chris O’Dowd and 10.45  FILM  American Gangster ★★★ See Picks of the day. Mark Darcy or US dating guru
10.45  FILM  The Railway Man Rosamund Pike. (R) (2007, 18) 11.55  FILM  Pain & Gain Jack Qwant? Comedy sequel,
(2013, 15) 10.45 Newsnight, Weather The story of 1970s drug kingpin (2013, 15) starring Renee Zellweger, Colin
A traumatised former prisoner Frank Lucas, whose innovative Three bodybuilders make a Firth and Patrick Dempsey
11.20 Cricket: Today at the Test disastrous attempt to get rich
of war gets married, but methods of smuggling heroin and Sally Phillips. ★★★★
England v Pakistan. Action
continues to suffer nightmares into the US made him one of by kidnapping a wealthy 11.30 Britain’s Favourite Rom-Com
from the second day of the
about his experiences. He is the leading figures in the businessman who goes to their A selection of film stars,
Second Test in the three-match
unable to talk to his wife about New York underworld. A gym and forcing him to sign comedians and TV personalities
series, taking place at the
his time in captivity, so she detective is assigned to bring over his fortune to them. The revisit some of cinema’s
Ageas Bowl in Southampton.
tracks down a fellow hostage to Lucas’s empire down, but his plan goes awry when the most memorable romantic
learn the truth – and discovers 12.20am  FILM  The Edge (2019, 15) investigation is undermined by hostage escapes and hires a
Documentary about England’s Test comedies, via a top 40 list
the cruel Japanese officer police corruption. Ridley Scott’s relentless private detective to interspersed with personal
cricket team between 2009 and 2013,
he is fixated on is still alive. the first and only English side to ever fact-based crime drama, track them down. Fact-based accounts of first loves. (R)
Fact-based drama, starring reach the top of the world rankings. starring Denzel Washington, comedy, with Mark Wahlberg 2.05am The Live Casino Show
Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman ★★★★ 1.50 Sign Zone: Has Lockdown Russell Crowe, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Dwayne Johnson. ★★★ 4.15 Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords
and Stellan Skarsgard. ★★★ Changed What We Eat? – Panorama (R) and Josh Brolin. ★★★★ 2.10am Come Dine with Me: five (R) 5.00 Access 5.10 Wildlife SOS: The
12.35am Weather for the Week Ahead 2.20 Sign Zone: The Rise of the Murdoch 1.25am Home Shopping 3.00 1000 episodes (R) 4.30 Undercover Boss work of volunteers at a wildlife sanctuary.
12.40-6.00am BBC News: Headlines. Dynasty (R) 3.20-6.45am This Is BBC Two Heartbeats (R) 3.50-6.00am Nightscreen Canada (R) 5.20-6.15am Fifteen to One (R) (R) 5.35-6.00am House Busters (R)

STV 1.25am ITV Nightscreen 8.30 Shared Vision 9.00 The Nine 10.00 Still Game double bill. 5.45 Nuacht. Followed by RTE News S4C 6.00am Cyw 12.00noon Ysgol Ddawns Anti (R) Repeat

BBC1 N Ireland 9.00pm Keepin ’er Country 10.30 Mirror Mirror 11.00 Gary: Tank Commander 6.00 The Angelus 6.01 RTE News 6.30 Reeling in Karen 12.30 Codi Pac 1.00 Heno 1.30 Y Sioe Star ratings
11.30 Scot Squad 12.00m’t Close the Years 7.00 Nationwide 7.30 Only Fools and Fwyd 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05 ★★★★★ Brilliant
BBC1 Wales 8.30pm Tudur’s TV Flashback Horses 8.00 Gardening Together with Diarmuid Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd
9.00 Jack Whitehall’s Sporting Nation 9.30 Rhod RTE1 6.00am EuroNews 6.25 Teleshopping. ★★★★ Very good
triple bill. 8.00 Death in Paradise 9.00 Impossible Gavin 8.30 Fleadh Cheoil 9.00 RTE News 9.35 3.05 Goreuon Lorient 4.00 Awr Fawr 5.00 Stwnsh
Gilbert’s Work Experience 10.45 The Young ★★★ Worth a watch
9.55 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10.50 Dr Phil The Young Offenders 10.15  FILM  Liar Liar 6.00 Cledrau Coll 6.30 Garddio a Mwy 6.57
Offenders 11.15  FILM  The Railway Man (2013, 11.45 Shortland Street 12.15pm Doctors 12.45 (1997, 12) ★★★★ 11.55  FILM  Sweet November Newyddion S4C 7.00 Heno 7.30 Newyddion ★★ Could be worse
15) Fact-based drama, starring Colin Firth and Telly Bingo 1.00 RTE News 1.15 Home and Away (2001, 12) Romantic drama, starring Keanu S4C a’r Tywydd 8.00 Gêm Gartre 8.25 Hwyl y ★ Pretty dire
Nicole Kidman. ★★★ 1.05am BBC News 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 Tracks and Trails 2.45 Ray & Reeves and Charlize Theron. ★★ 2.00am Noson Lawen 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd All programme details
BBC Scotland 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland Ó Sé’s Fitness 15 3.00 My Kitchen Rules: Australia Casualty 2.55 Telly Bingo 3.05 Nationwide 3.30 Dr 9.00 Ffwrnes Gerdd 10.00 Sgwrs Dan y Lloer are correct at time of
7.00 The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2019 4.15 American Housewife 4.45 The Heights. Phil. double bill. 5.00 Doctors 5.25 EuroNews 10.30 Maes B o Bell 11.35 Diwedd going to press
Best of the rest Picks of the day

ITV2 Freeview 6
DAVE Freeview 19

6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 The Ellen 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Yianni:

DeGeneres Show 8.00 You’ve Been Supercar Customiser 8.00
Framed! Gold: A-Z of Growing Up American Pickers 9.00 Storage
9.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold Hunters 10.00 American Pickers
9.25 Supermarket Sweep 10.25 12.00noon Border Force:
Ellen’s Game of Games 11.20 America’s Gatekeepers 1.00
Dress to Impress 12.25pm You’ve Abandoned Engineering 2.00
Been Framed! Gold 12.55 Celebrity Travel Man: 48 Hours in Lisbon
Catchphrase 2.00 The Ellen 2.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Naples
DeGeneres Show 2.55 Ellen’s 3.00 Rick Stein’s Mediterranean
Game of Games 3.50 Supermarket Escapes 4.00 Top Gear
Sweep 4.55 Dress to Impress 6.00 Would I Lie to You?
6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.20 Richard Osman’s House
8.00 Two and a Half Men of Games With Ellie Taylor.
9.00  FILM  We’re the Millers (2013, 8.00 Have I Got a Bit More Old
15) Comedy, with Jason Sudeikis News for You Extended edition.
and Jennifer Aniston. ★★★ 9.00 QI XL With Johnny Vegas.
11.15 Family Guy Double bill. 10.00 Mock the Week Double bill.
12.15am American Dad! 1.15 The 11.20 Taskmaster Gameshow.

August 14
Cleveland Show 2.10 Two and a 12.20am Mock the Week 1.00 Would
Half Men 3.05 Totally Bonkers I Lie to You? 1.40 Have I Got a
Guinness World Records 3.25 ITV2 Bit More News for You 2.35 Mock
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping the Week 3.15 Judge Romesh

ITV3 Freeview 10

6.00am Classic Coronation Street: 6.00am A Tale of Two Sisters 8.00 LAST EPISODE
double bill 6.55 Classic Forbidden History 9.00 The World
Emmerdale: double bill 8.00
Heartbeat 9.05 Bless This House:
at War 10.00 Antiques Roadshow
11.00 Abandoned Engineering
Jack Whitehall’s Sporting Nation
double bill. 10.10 That’s My Boy 12.00noon Great British Railway 8.30pm, BBC One
10.40 Agatha Christie’s Marple Journeys: double bill 1.00 During the lockdown, this series provided But now, with the likes of football, cricket,
12.40pm Heartbeat 1.45 Classic Antiques Roadshow 2.00 Bangers
Emmerdale: double bill 2.50 and Cash 3.00 Trains That sports fans with a glimpse of the games they snooker and ruby league back on the box,
Classic Coronation Street: Changed the World 4.00 Abandoned love at a time when no new matches or Whitehall and his show are bowing out.
double bill 3.55 That’s My Boy Engineering 5.00 Auschwitz: events were taking place. Nevertheless there’s still time for one last
4.30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 5.35 The Nazis and the Final Solution
Heartbeat: Rural police drama. 6.00 The World at War Documentary. Whitehall, an alumni of A League of Their tongue-in-cheek look at some of the UK’s
6.30 Downton Abbey Bertie’s 7.00 Great British Railway Journeys Own, is a huge sports enthusiast, so realised biggest sporting failures, and how we love
circumstances change suddenly. 8.00 Wonders of the Universe what a gap there was in the lives of fellow nothing better than a plucky loser. Among
8.00 Doc Martin Mrs Tishell’s crush 9.00 Abandoned Engineering fans as they began to miss seeing their the moments featured is Derek Redmond’s
on Martin takes a dramatic turn. 10.00 War Factories How Fiat
9.00 Doc Martin The Doc and favourite teams and players in action. heartbreaking Olympic disaster. ★★★★
didn’t just make cars, but made
Louisa’s big day arrives. and broke governments too.
10.00 Law & Order: UK Drama. 11.00 Abandoned Engineering
11.00 Scott & Bailey Crime drama. 12.00m’t The World at War 1.00
12.00m’t Inspector Morse 2.15 Auschwitz: The Nazis and the
Agatha Christie’s Poirot 3.25 ITV3 Final Solution 2.00 A Tale of Two
Nightscreen 3.30 Teleshopping Sisters 3.00 Teleshopping

FIlm4 Freeview 14
11.00am Carry On Spying (1964, U) 6.00am Teleshopping 7.30
★★★ 12.45pm Horton Hears a dinnerladies 8.00 Keeping Up
Who! (2008, U) ★★★★ 2.30 A Dog’s Appearances 8.40 Only Fools and FILM CHOICE
Purpose (2017, PG) Drama. ★★★★ Horses 9.20 Are You Being
4.30 Cocoon (1985, PG) Sci-fi Served? 10.00 Last of the Travel Man’s Greatest Diana: A Mother’s Love The Inbetweeners Movie
drama, with Wilford Brimley. ★★★★ Summer Wine: triple bill 12.00noon Trips: Arts and Crafts 9pm, Channel 5 10pm, Channel 4
6.45 The Imitation Game (2014, 12) Keeping Up Appearances 12.40 8pm, Channel 4
Biopic of Alan Turing, who broke dinnerladies 1.20 Only Fools There’s no doubt that Diana, After the success of the
vital Nazi codes during the Second and Horses 2.00 Are You Being Among the highlights are the Princess of Wales was a sitcom, friends Simon, Will,
World War, but was condemned Served? 2.40 Dad’s Army: double sight of Joe Lycett – who will devoted mother to William Jay and Neil headed for the
for his homosexuality. With bill 4.00 Last of the Summer Wine
Benedict Cumberbatch. ★★★★
replace Richard Ayoade as and Harry. This programme big screen in this spin-off that
6.00 Are You Being Served?
9.00 Four Weddings and a Funeral 6.40 Only Fools and Horses
host when the show returns reveals how she tried to give focuses on the teenagers’
(1994, 15) A man’s misfortunes in 7.20 Dad’s Army Double bill. for its next run – on a drawing them as normal a childhood antics after finishing their
love look set to change when he 8.40 Gavin & Stacey Comedy. tour of the Rijksmuseum in as possible, away from royal exams. It sees the quartet on
meets an American beauty at a
wedding. Romantic comedy, 9.20 Sandylands Les plots his escape. Amsterdam. Plus, Katherine traditions. Those who knew holiday in Greece, where
starring Hugh Grant. ★★★★★ 10.00 Live at the Apollo Comedy. Ryan visits New York’s her, including butler Paul they embark on a series of
11.20 Professor Marston and the 11.00 Inside No 9 Comedy. smallest museum, Jon Hamm Burrell and private secretary cringeworthy adventures.
Wonder Women (2017, 15) Biopic. 11.40 Gavin & Stacey Comedy. gets crafty in Hong Kong and Patrick Jephson, discuss Joe Thomas, Simon Bird,
★★★★ 1.30-3.45am Pride and 12.20am Sandylands 1.00 Live at the
Prejudice and Zombies (2016, 15) Apollo 2.00 Inside No 9 2.30 You, Bob Mortimer shares his love their lives at Kensington James Buckley and Blake
Comedy starring Lily James. ★★★ Me & Them 4.00 Teleshopping of statues. ★★★★ Palace. ★★★★ Harrison star. ★★★★
E4 Freeview 13
DRAmA Freeview 20
6.00am The Goldbergs: double bill 6.00am Teleshopping 7.20 Classic 6.00am Futurama: double bill 6.00am Urban Secrets 7.00 CSI: 6.00am Nothing to Declare: four
7.00 Couples Come Dine with Me EastEnders 8.25 The Bill 9.30 7.00 Animal House: double bill Crime Scene Investigation 10.00 episodes. 8.00 Stop, Search, Seize
8.00 Don’t Tell the Bride 9.00 Classic Holby City 10.55 Classic 8.00 Animal 999: double bill The British 12.00noon Richard E 9.00 Border Security USA 10.00
Married at First Sight Australia Casualty 12.00noon The Bill 1.00 9.00 The Dog Whisperer 10.00 Grant’s Hotel Secrets: double bill Blue Bloods 11.00 CSI: Crime
10.30 Melissa & Joey 11.00 Classic EastEnders 2.15 London’s Caught on Dashcam 11.00 NCIS: 2.00 Blue Bloods: double bill 4.00 Scene Investigation 12.00noon
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: double bill Burning 3.20 Peak Practice 4.20 Los Angeles: double bill 1.00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Law & Order 1.00 Blue Bloods
12.00noon Young Sheldon: double Dangerfield 5.20 Birds of a Feather Hawaii Five-0: double bill 3.00 6.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Air Ambulance ER 3.00 Sun,
bill 1.00 The Big Bang Theory: 6.00 Waiting for God Comedy. Caught on Dashcam 4.00 Warrick testifies at a rape and Sea and A&E 4.00 UK Border
double bill 2.00 Melissa & Joey: 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Rene is reunited Modern Family: double bill 5.00 murder hearing and discovers the Force 5.00 Nothing to Declare
double bill 3.00 The Goldbergs: with his childhood sweetheart. Futurama 5.30 The Simpsons weapon used to kill the victim 6.00 Nothing to Declare
double bill 4.00 Brooklyn 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine 6.00 The Simpsons Four episodes. cannot be submitted as evidence. 8.00 Ghost Whisperer Melinda is
Nine-Nine 5.00 Young Sheldon 8.00 Father Brown A local writer is 8.00 Modern Family Double bill. 7.00 Blue Bloods Double bill. visited by the ghost of a chef.
6.00 The Big Bang Theory murdered, leaving Father Brown 9.00  NEW  We’re Here Small- 9.00 Chernobyl Valery Legasov and 9.00 Criminal Minds Two members
7.00 Hollyoaks@25 Classic episode. delving into her novel Lulu and town residents participate in Boris Shcherbina come up with a of a Roswell conspiracy group
HOT TV|Daily Star

7.30 Married at First Sight Australia Lucia for clues as to who might a one-night drag performance. life-saving idea to remove die in quick succession.
9.00  FILM  True Lies (1994, 15) have committed such a crime. 10.00 A League of Their Own: radioactive debris. Elsewhere, 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene
Action comedy, starring Arnold 9.00 New Tricks A case involving European Road Trip Highlights of Ulana faces problems as she Investigation Crime drama.
Schwarzenegger. ★★★★ Sandra’s father is reopened. Andrew and Jamie’s adventures. investigates the explosion. 11.00 Criminal Minds Drama.
11.50 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10.10 New Tricks Sam Kelly stars. 11.00 The Force: North East Police 10.10 Boardwalk Empire 12.00m’t Ghost Whisperer 1.00
12.50am Buffy the Vampire Slayer 11.30 Silent Witness deal with a samurai sword attack. 12.40am Dexter 1.50 Californication The InBetween 2.00 CSI: Crime
1.50 The Big Bang Theory: double 1.45am The Bill: Drama. 2.35 12.00m’t In the Long Run 12.30 Road 2.25 CSI: Crime Scene Scene Investigation 3.00 Law &
bill 2.45 Gogglebox 3.40 8 Out of London’s Burning 3.25 Birds Wars 1.00 Hawaii Five-0: triple bill Investigation: double bill. 4.10 Fish Order 4.00 Road Wars 5.00
10 Cats 4.30 Don’t Tell the Bride of a Feather 4.00 Teleshopping 4.00 The Flash 5.00 Supergirl Town 5.05 The Guest Wing Brit Cops: Rapid Response

Jan 21 – Feb 19
Feb 20 – Mar 20
Mar 21 – Apr 20
Apr 21 – May 21

You’re A friend wants to Impulsive You can’t be

considering the share details of behaviour could blamed for
possibility of their relationship get you into something you
changes in your with you. You trouble.You might didn’t do and
career. There prefer not to put your foot you will find it
are a number know but they in your mouth. easy to prove
of options and cannot take a Relationships are your innocence.
you will need to hint. One secret more likely to You’re ready
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Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

May 22 – June 22 June 23 – July 23 July 24 – Aug 23 Aug 24 – Sep 23

You keep You’re putting A partner who You’re nervous

analysing a a lot of effort into has always about taking on
situation and relationships and been loving a big challenge.
it’s making commitments. and attentive It’s surprising
you mentally Keeping things is keeping their what you can
exhausted. Veer harmonious distance. Reading get used to and
your thoughts in a has often been too much into once everything
different direction. a challenge someone’s is under way,
A peaceful mind but you are behaviour could you will soon
will bring inner starting to see a cause further establish new
harmony. difference now. problems. routines.

0905 789 3643 0905 789 3644 0905 789 3645 0905 789 3646

Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn

Sep 24 – Oct 23 Oct 24 – Nov 22 Nov 23 – Dec 21 Dec 22 – Jan 20

A relationship Your priorities You’re determined A friend needs

has passed its are changing to complete a your advice more
sell-by date. and with this task you started than they care to
You no longer comes a need to months ago. You admit. Consider
enjoy a partner’s establish new will find a way to their situation.
company and are routines. People get this job done, If you sense
being prevented around you even if it means someone needs
from pursuing will offer their having to seek the a shoulder to
your own aims. Is assistance. You advice of a friend lean on, be
it time to go your may make useful who has been the first to
separate ways? contacts online. through it before. offer yours.

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