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Two friends talked and sang merrily as they walked

through the forest. Suddenly a bear appeared. The first friend

quickly climbed a tree. The second one wanted help but his
friend had already left him.
He was very scared because the bear was big and strong
and could easily kill him. He thought hard and when the bear
came near, he lay very still on the ground and controlled his
breath. The bear came close to him and sniffed and smelt his
body all over. Now, bears do not attack the dead. The bear
walked away thinking that the man was dead.
The first friend then came down from the tree when the
bear went away. He asked his friend mockingly, “What did the
bear tell you?”
The second friend thought for a while. “The bear told me
never to trust a friend who escapes and leaves you alone when
you need him most,” he said.
The first friend realised his mistake and was ashamed of
his behaviour.

A true friend is someone who always cares for you.

Answer the questions below according to the story.

What were the two friends doing when

1 they saw a bear?

What did the first friend do after they

2 saw a bear?

What did the second friend do when the

3 bear came near?

Why didn't the bear attack the second

4 friend?

What was the first friend's mistake that

5 he ashamed of?

Tick the correct option.

1. Two friends walked sadly through the forest. Yes No Doesn't say
2. Nobody wanted to help them when they saw a bear. Yes No Doesn't say
3. The first friend climbed a tree quickly. Yes No Doesn't say
4. The bear sniffed and smelt their bodies. Yes No Doesn't say
5. The second friend wanted to climb another tree. Yes No Doesn't say

Read the definitions and guess the words.

1. feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you have done
5. to breathe air in through your nose in a way that makes a noise
6. to seem to be a particular thing or have a particular quality
7. a violent act intended to hurt or damage someone or something
9. quickly and unexpectedly
10. frightened or worried

2. something that you do or think which is wrong
3. to succeed in getting away from a place where you do not want to be
4. the way that you behave
8. near in distance

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