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The challenge I present is a real case in which we applied the method of Design Thinking in its
different phases. Our users are people suffering from
Parkinson's disease in fairly advanced stage and to whom is
performed a surgical operation for the medication to reach
them directly into the duodenum. This means carry a device
through which the medicinal product is delivered. This device
has measures of 22 cm.x 10 cm. X 2.5 cm. (Length x width x
height) and weighs 500 g.

The challenge that we were proposed was to raise ways to bring the medical device as
functional, comfortable and aesthetic for the patient (men and women).

At the beginning of this phase of the project, we had 7 prototypes to test with patients. Each
prototype was very different in terms of: place of the body to be carried, way of subjecting,
type of fabric, accessory details.

With these 7 different prototypes, we should determine which worked and which did not, and
for those who worked what and how they should be improved.


With the range of possible proposals, our objective at this stage was to determine which were
really valid and could finally be real solutions to carry the medical device. Because patients can
be male / female and different age and physical states, we had to see if one product was
enough to give as a solution or we would validate different from them.

Learning Launch the tool is the best way to perform this test because we had groups of
patients to whom we could perform testing of prototypes.


The first learning launch was made with a group of 8 patients (5 men / 3 women) of different
ages and different physical state (some fully autonomous, others more dependent and one

We arranged a meeting in which each patient was provided with a kit with 7 different
prototypes models with detailed explanation - how to carry, instructions, etc. - In this phase,
nurses accompany patients throughout the process, so questions or doubts could be solved.
This test phase lasted a month. At the end of the month we held a meeting with all patients to
obtain feedback from each of them. The conclusion of this first learning launch was to dismiss
2 prototypes and make improvements in the remaining 5.
We made a second learning launch with improved prototypes with another group of patients,
following the same process as before. At the end of the round, with the feedback obtained we
refined the prototypes.

Finally we considered a third learning launch with patients who were in the initial phase of
introducing the device, so they had no vices, as in former groups of patients we diagnosed
sometimes were little open to admit new ways to bring the apparatus because they were
already used to a specific way.

At the end of this stage we got confirmation of 4 prototypes fully validated in terms of way to
wear, fabrics, and accessories.


At the beginning of the Learning Launch process we were unclear of how many rounds of
testing would be required. The application of the same process gave us the key.

In the meeting with patients and nurses held at the end of the first learning launch, we gave
the first clue of the prototypes to be dismissed; They did not meet the functionality that
should be required.

In the second learning launch we tested the refined prototypes and got further feedback with
improvements to be made as on fabrics.

At the end of the third learning launch, we got four validated prototypes.


After the second learning launch, we did not give the phase concluded, because we questioned
what would happen to new patients with the device. Previous learning launch were conducted
with patients who had had time with the device which gave us the insight that they were
people with vices as to how to carry and less open minded for introducing different ways.

This gave us the key to the need for a third learning launch with new patients in the disease
because we made assumptions or assumed vices we had to contrast.

Future learning launch should get all range of different users from the beginning.

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