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Health & Safety – Risk Management Assessment

for September reopening of school

RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT - Slimbridge Primary School
Title (Activity or
3 4 5
1 1 2 3 4 5

Location Whole School RARE


Lead Assessor's 3 3 6 9 12 15

Head Teacher POSSIBLE
5 5 10 15 20 25
Authorising Head's Signature: CERTAIN
Review Date: 01/10/20
Rationale: All children will return to school in September 2020. Class ‘bubble’ will be maintained to reduce the risk of infection and impact on the school.
What are the Residual Risk Additional
(Risk) Person(s) Control Measures evaluation initials
Task/Area significant control/precautionary By Whom & By When
Consequences at risk (What are we doing now?) & date
Hazards S L R measures required
Preparing System Safety Fire Staff 1. Fire Alarm testing 2 3 6  All systems checked  SBM to update
Buildings and checks have 2. Run water system across all areas of with registers brought Fire point check
Facilities not been Legionella Pupils the school and arrange for water up to date, reinstated  HT arrange Fire
undertaken hygiene test routine testing. evacuation
routinely Failure of Parents 3. Check emergency lighting  New Fire Evacuation practice week 2
Emergency 4. Run AC unit to clear then switch off Plans to be posted in all  LD to undertake
Inadequate Lighting Visitors (Not to be used until further notice) rooms emergency
signage 5. H & S Walk to check  Fire Drill to be lighting check
Alarm failure buildings/windows/doors in good undertaken within 2  Handyman to
order weeks of reopening undertake water
. 6. Review emergency evacuation  H & S governor to hygiene check
procedures monitor logs and report
7. Covid-19 posters/signage displayed to FGB
at all entrances.  Head to log any
8. Entry points to school controlled concerns and
(including deliveries) communicate to FGB
9. Building access rules clearly  Risk Assessment to be
communicated through signage on posted on the website
 When managing a child
10. Floor markings outside school to
or adult with Covid
indicate distancing rules if queuing at
symptoms maintain 2
peak times
metres distance and
11. Communal area timetable
wear PPE. Wash
12. Sufficient handwashing facilities
hands after care and
13. Parents informed of procedures via
dispose of PPE
Newsletter/Tapestry. Including that
anyone with symptoms or who has
 Clean the area used by
someone with symptoms in their
the person with
family should not attend school.
14. Make provision for children and
 If the carer has had
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Health & Safety – Risk Management Assessment
for September reopening of school
adults who display symptoms close hands on contact
/become ill during the day to be they should monitor
isolated – Head’s office. SLT to refer themselves for
to PHE Action Cards symptoms over the next
15. Ensure that catering provider 14 days
complies with guidance
What are the Residual Risk Additional
(Risk) Person(s) Control Measure Evaluation Initials
Task/Area significant control/precautionary By Whom & By when
Consequences at risk (What we are doing now) & date
Hazards S L R measures required
Preparing Spread of Ill-health Staff 1. Where possible maintain space  Toys and play SLT
Classrooms infection Pupils between seats and desks. equipment to be
Others 2. Class groups (bubbles) kept together appropriately cleaned
throughout the day and do not mix between groups of
with other groups pupils using and not
3. Keep a record of the children and shared with multiple
staff in each bubble groups
4. Seating plans in place to ensure
pupils sit side by side at the same
desk, facing forward wherever
5. Individual pens, pencils etc provided
for each individual.
6. Removal of unnecessary soft toys
and furnishing
7. Laminated picture signs in front of
sinks showing handwashing and e-
8. Adequate supplies of soap &
9. Skin friendly wipes can be used as
an alternative to hand washing and
10. Lidded bins will be provided for
tissues and children and staff will
follow ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
11. Sufficient tissue will be provided in
each room
12. Doors identified that can be left open
for additional ventilation and avoid
the need to use handles and
regularly touch parts. Door to be
closed at the end of the day and in
the event of a fire.

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for September reopening of school
Reception Area Unauthorised Ill-health Admin 1. Signage on entrance door showing  Hand hygiene SLT & Admin staff
Access Abuse Staff rules of access and social distancing promoted
Other requirements.  Sneeze and cough
staff 2. Screens installed at Hatch to protect protocol
employees  Hand sanitiser available
3. Visitors to use their own pen to sign
4. Staff to sign in using their own pen
Toilets Lack of Spread of Staff 1. All bubbles to have delegated toilets.  Limit number of pupils
hygiene infection Pupils Maximum two children to use toilet who use the toilet
control Cleaners area at a time facilities at one time.
Others 2. Laminated picture signs in toilets
showing handwashing
Care of children Inadequate Pupil safety Pupils 1. All staff working with the children  Safeguarding Policy SLT 2 wkly
safeguarding – accidents, Staff employed by Slimbridge Primary procedures to be
well-being, School have DBS/Barred list checks followed using including
safeguarding and up to date safeguarding training. reporting on CPOMS as
incidents. 2. Staff organised to work in bubbles – required
to ensure limited circle for spreading  SLT review on a
the virus. fortnightly basis and
3. If staff unwell or self-isolating, amendment to any
contact SLT as soon as possible – procedures if risk
so that SLT can make the necessary identified.
arrangements for cover / cleaning /  Recovery Curriculum to
reporting. demonstrate a focus on
4. SLT members on site at all times, Well-being
providing leadership and DSL
5. Covid-19 folder established for SLT
with all key information and placed in
HT office area (not removed from
6. Break and lunchtime rotas to provide
staff with adequate breaks and
maintain bubbles.
7. All classes to have a focus on
children’s well-being
8. Learning outside is encouraged.
9. A regime of handwashing has been
agreed and MUST be implemented.
10. Children will only use their own play
space and toilet – including at
11. DSL/ Deputy DSL available at all
times, on site.

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for September reopening of school
12. Paediatric First Aid trained staff on

Further staff guidance has been written,

discussed and circulated. Staff MUST
follow the guidance.

Cleaning Virus Risk of Staff 1. Cleaner available in the middle of the 

spreading contamination Parents day to clean shared areas and
Ill health Pupils frequently touched surfaces
Others 2. Classroom staff to monitor cleaning
within the classroom as required
3. Anti-bacterial spray and disposable
wipes/towels available in each area,
including offices
4. Thorough cleaning of rooms at the
end of the day
5. Shared materials and surfaces to be
cleaned frequently
6. Resources and equipment that are
shared between bubbles to be
cleaned frequently and meticulously
between bubbles
7. Outdoor equipment to be cleaned
8. Toilets to be cleaned frequently
What are the Residual Risk Additional
(Risks) Person(s) Control Measures Evaluation Initials
Task significant
Consequences at risk (What are we doing now?)
control/precautionary By Whom & By when
& date
Hazards S L R measures required
Movement Virus Risk of Staff 1. All rooms except Class 3 accessed  Staff on duty outside SLT
Management and spreading contamination Parents directly from outside. Class 3 to use the school to monitor
contact Ill health Pupils Willow room door protection measures
Others 2. One-way system for drop off and and guide parents
collection of children  Discourage toys or
3. Implement one-way system in the main other items from home.
corridor– (Traffic light system)  Books etc going home
4. Classes are not to use the library will be limited
5. Staggered start /finish times to minimise  Updates to parents via
mixing bubbles Newsletter/Tapestry
6. Staggered lunchtimes – initially bubbles and website
to eat in classrooms  Class libraries
7. Limit group or individual movement of  Management of
children around the school intervention groups and
8. Signage in place cleaning of shared
9. Parent protocol already issued including areas after use
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for September reopening of school
request that only one parent accompany  Playground zones
child to school and arrangements to  Virtual assemblies
speak to staff.  Managed use of toilets
10. Contractors and suppliers notified of  Limiting additional
procedures teachers with bubbles
11. Children and staff to remove face  Children staying in their
coverings used outside school. These class base and
will be bagged and stored to take home additional staff coming
or bagged and disposed of in lidded bin to them
in each room.
12. Parents/carers informed not to gather at
the school gate
13. SLT to monitor protection measures
outside the school gates
14. Meetings to be ‘virtual’ whenever
Daily Pupil / Staff Virus Risk of Staff 1. SLT to understand the track and  Pupils encouraged to SLT weekly
arrangements spreading contamination Children Trace procedures and how to learn and practice good
– ill health Parents contact PHE hygiene habits through
(See PHE for 2. Staff and parents informed how to games, songs, and
details in the event book a test, identify symptoms, who repetition.
of a suspected to inform and length of isolation.  Adults and pupils
case of Covid-19) 3. All children to be informed of hygiene encouraged not to
and social distancing expectations touch their mouth, eyes
4. All staff and children to wash their and nose.
hands as they first enter the building  Staff to be vigilant to
and then regularly throughout the pupils putting items in
day (Posters are displayed their mouths etc and
throughout the school reminding make sure these are
pupils, staff and visitors to wash their dealt with immediately.
hands, e.g. before entering and  Use tissues to cough or
leaving the school). Every sneeze then bin it
classroom has a sink. “Catch it, bin it, Kill it”
5. Hand gel provided throughout the  Initial EY ratio 8:2 to
school, to use throughout the day. settle children back into
PHOTOCOPY ROOM essential.  If required, deep clean
Sanitise hands as soon as signed in. to be carried out.
6. Pupils, staff are encouraged to
 Groups use same
follow infection control procedures in
classroom or area
accordance with the DfE and PHE’s
throughout day.
 The same teacher(s)
7. Admittance of visitors at SLT
and other staff
discretion only. Visitors / parents are
assigned to each group
not permitted into the building
and, as far as possible,
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for September reopening of school
without an appointment. Meetings these stay the same.
will be virtual where possible.  Take lessons outside
8. Meetings out of school hours if face whenever possible
to face is necessary  Social stories to
9. Physical distancing and hygiene support younger
explained to all visitors children and SEN
10. A record kept of visitors to assist pupils.
Test and Trace to include, name,
contact number, date, arrival &
departure time, name of assigned
staff member.
11. Sufficient amounts of soap (or hand
sanitiser where applicable), clean
water and paper towels are supplied
in all toilets and staffroom (Bar soap
is not used).
12. Sufficient supplies of PPE including
cleaning materials and hand
washing/sanitising liquids to meet
13. Pupils are supervised by staff when
washing their hands to ensure it is
done correctly.
14. Pupils are not allowed to share
cutlery, cups or food - all cutlery and
cups are thoroughly cleaned before
and after use.
15. Cleaners are employed by the
school to carry out daily, thorough
cleaning that follows national
guidance and is compliant with the
Health and Safety Policy – cleaning
rota for which rooms/areas must be
16. No Assemblies will be held
17. PE will be in class bubbles and
equipment cleaned or used on a rota
between groups. No contact games
will be played
18. PE will be outside whenever
19. Sports Activities organised by
Allsorts will need to meet this RA
20. Playground divided into sections for

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for September reopening of school
individual group use.
21. No trips or visits will be organised for
the foreseeable future

Staff Guidance issued – this must be

Classroom Virus Ill-health Staff 1. Safe distancing is a preventative  Doors to be closed in
Protocol Spreading Children measure that will be adopted so far the event of a fire and
Parents as is reasonably practicable. at the end of the day.
However, it is acknowledged that this  Twice daily cleaning of
is not always possible in schools. door handles and other
2. Doors and windows to be kept open surfaces
as much as possible to aid good
3. Children will be reminded of the
importance of washing their hands
after using the toilet and where
possible use the hand sanitiser on
re-entering classroom
4. Limit shared equipment across
bubbles, clean between bubbles or
rota equipment use
5. Singing, wind and brass playing
should not take place in large groups
such as assemblies
6. When playing instruments in music
lessons, practise physical distancing,
playing outside, limiting numbers to
15 or less, positioning children back
to back or side to side
7. Avoid sharing instruments
8. Ensure good ventilation in music
Intimate Care Infection Ill Health Staff 1. When staff are carrying out any  Ensure adequate JJ
Control Children intimate care they must: supplies of PPE
 Use the allocated toilet and clean
down afterwards
 Wear Gloves
 Wear an apron
 Wear a mask
 Nappies, wipes etc. must be double
bagged and placed into a bin
 Soiled clothes to be double bagged
and given to Parents on collection of
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for September reopening of school
 Staff must wash their hands once
gloves and masks are removed
 An instruction poster displayed which
must be followed in all toilets
Break-times Unsafe Infection Staff 1. Staggered breaktimes  Remind children of
practices Ill health Children 2. Playground Zones need to social distance
Mixing with 3. Use doors that go straight outside and stay within their
other groups wherever possible “family groups”
4. Play Boxes allocated to each group
Staff (General) Wellbeing Stress Children 1. Review of Staff Audit of availability  Ensure requirements of
Ill Health Parents 2. Clinically vulnerable Staff identified, “Work/Life balance”
and roles discussed that they are policy being
comfortable undertaking. implemented.
3. Regular contact with staff working  Share additional Mental
off-site Health support for staff
4. Staff encouraged to “look after each  “Open door” policy for
other” staff to discuss
5. Staff serving food will wear gloves, concerns
face masks and plastic disposable  Where necessary, carry
aprons. out individual RA for
6. Staff will maintain 2 metres from staff at special risk.
other adults as much as possible  Take advantage of
7. Class teachers to maintain distance Students available to
from children if appropriate work under the
8. Cover staff to maintain distance from direction of a teacher.
children and other adults as much as  Utilize outside areas for
possible meetings whenever
9. Occupancy of staffrooms and offices possible.
to be minimised
 Nominated person to
10. Staff to avoid working face to face
monitor protection
11. Encourage a ‘no touching’ approach
with the younger children, if
Pupil (General) Wellbeing Stress Staff 1. Parents of clinically vulnerable  Staff to monitor
Ill health Parents contacted and told not to attend behaviour and ensure
school if shielding compliance with rules.
2. Older children to be remaindered of  Review and update
the need to distance Behaviour Policy to
include C-19
Vulnerable Pupils Inadequate Pupil safety Pupils 1. Vulnerable pupils register  SLT review on a weekly SLT weekly
and staff safeguarding –well-being, established with key contacts (social basis and amendment
safeguarding worker, family) and managed by DSL to any procedures if risk
incidents. / LAC leader. identified.
2. Maintain contact with families by SLT  Update Safeguarding
members and then information Policy
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for September reopening of school
collected by DSL– any concerns  Update SEN Policy
discussed by DSL and then  Update relevant
escalated. policies on the website
3. DSL/LAC lead to make regular
contact with social workers to review
care arrangements and LAC
reviews/ core group meetings
completed remotely.
4. Identify people of greater risk – age,
pregnancy, underlining health issues
and ethnicity. Undertake a personal
RA if necessary
5. Staff working off site to be kept
First Aid and Daily Identified Risk of Staff 1. Staff are informed of the symptoms  School to follow DfE SLT weekly
Health monitoring COVID-19 spreading Children of possible coronavirus infection, e.g. guidance and check for
arrangements case virus – ill Parents a cough, difficulty in breathing, high updates regularly - see
health. temperature and loss of taste or /
and smell, and are kept up-to-date ernment/publications/sa
with national guidance about the fe-working-in-
signs, symptoms and transmission of education-childcare-
coronavirus. and-childrens-social-
Administering 2. Staff given copies of this RA care/safe-working-in-
First Aid 3. DfE posters are displayed around education-childcare-
the school. and-childrens-social-
4. Parents will be contacted care-settings-including-
immediately to collect the child and the-use-of-personal-
advised to follow the stay at home protective-equipment-
guidance and the testing guidance. ppe
5. Whilst awaiting collection - child will  SLT to monitor
be isolated from others in a room provision
where they can be isolated behind a  See Staff Guidance
closed door (we will be mindful of issued for reporting and
individual children’s needs – for testing procedure
example it would not be appropriate  Update First Aid Policy
for younger children to be alone to cover special
without adult supervision). Ideally, a procedures during C-19
window should be opened for Pandemic
ventilation. If it is not possible to  Identify First Aid trained
isolate them, move them to an area staff
which is at least 2 metres away from
other people. Staff with children who
have symptoms should be wearing
PPE (first aiders)
6. First Aiders will be trained in putting

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for September reopening of school
on and taking off PPE.
7. If they need to go to the bathroom
while waiting to be collected, they
should use a separate bathroom if
possible. The bathroom should be
cleaned and disinfected using
standard cleaning products before
being used by anyone else.
8. If we need clinical advice, we will go
online to NHS 111 (or call 111 if they
don’t have internet access). In an
emergency, call 999 if they are
seriously ill or injured or their life is at
9. If a member of staff has helped
someone who was taken unwell with
a new, continuous cough or a high
temperature, they do not need to go
home unless they develop symptoms
themselves. They should wash their
hands thoroughly for 20 seconds
after any contact with someone who
is unwell.
10. A decision on whether to complete a
whole school deep clean or to close
the school will be a PHE decision
based on various factors such as
establishment size and risk of further
spread. SLT will review incident, in
conjunction with PHE & LA to make
decisions on next steps
11. Staff delivering general first aid are
not expected to maintain physical
distance, to mitigate this they must
wash their hands before and after
treating the injured person, wear
gloves when dealing with an open
12. If CPR is required, an adult should
attempt compression only and early
defibrillation until an ambulance
13. If CPR is required on a child, use a
resuscitation face mask if available
14. Dispose of all waste safely

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for September reopening of school
Breakfast and Virus Ill-health Staff 1. Breakfast club to have class tables 
After School Club Spreading Children to maintain school bubbles
Parents 2. After School Club to run EY/KS1 and
KS2 as separate groups in the Hall,
one staff member to manage each
3. Increased cleaning regime
Remote Learning Lack of Impact on Children 1. All classes to have appropriate  Update Curriculum
academic children’s remote learning to be implemented Policy
progress learning and in the event of periods of partial or
well-being full school closure
2. Staff to identify on-line learning
resources to support remote learning

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