Meeting Handout January

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January 2011



Welcome 608 Brothers and Sisters. It was very unfortunate and poor planning by Council representatives
that our very first meeting scheduled on December 20, 2010 had to be canceled. The venue was
re-evaluated, deemed inappropriate, and the decision was made to cancel the meeting and Christmas Party.

There are many questions that need to be answered about the timing and reasons for the dissolution of
Local 608, and we are entitled to complete answers and reports from Supervisor Frank Spencer.

More importantly, we should not be distracted and argue about the dissolution of Local 608 or to offer
conspiracy theories. This should not be the main issue of our attention.

On December 3, Review Officer, Dennis Walsh issued his first interim report. The report is a bombshell,
there is no stone left unturned as it peers into the secret world behind the doors of 395 Hudson Street.

Walsh, in email communication, regarding the dissolution of Local 608 has expressed the following:

"The awful legacy of corruption at 608 speaks for itself. All of its former members know that. They must not
let sentimentality cloud their judgment; they must recognize that labels and local union numbers mean nothing
to their futures. Federal law and the Consent Decree and Stipulation and Order protect their rights. Fixing the
system is what matters. They must participate in that undertaking if they really want to protect their rights."

"Whether there are 11 local unions or only one, what is sacrosanct is that the best interests of the members
are protected. Members should be asking questions that relate to the future preservation of rights and
interests, ranging from benefits, collective bargaining, market share, the progress of reform measures at the
DC, and what it means to them be a member of the United Brotherhood. Members should read my first
interim report and be prepared to intelligently discuss and debate the issues that matter."

Former Local 608 members expressed that one of their most important concerns is that our "democratic
rights are being violated and eroded away." "The democratic process is vital to the prosperity of our union."

We can argue about the dissolution of Local 608 or we can look at it as an opportunity. We have an
opportunity to demonstrate to the UBC that we are united and will conduct ourselves courteously and use
this new forum to keep the dialogue relevant, and focused on what is in our best interest.

Any person who conducts himself in a manner that ruins or erodes this opportunity will be doing a huge
disservice to himself, his brother and sister members and his very future.

One issue relevant to our immediate future is our contract, set to expire June 30, 2011.

Due to the emergency supervision imposed on our council, Vice President, Frank Spencer, pursuant to his
authority as the duly-designated supervisor of the District Council is the only person empowered to oversee
and conduct the affairs of the District Council which include negotiating a new contract.
Council representatives and organizers are nothing more than council employees and have no authority to
negotiate or vote on any issue. That includes the former delegate body which serves only as an advisory
board, and in Walshʼs report he wrote, "they have been nothing more than the barest of rubber
stamps on matters placed before them.”

On July 1, at the urging of the contractors, Supervisor Spencer enacted a 90 day wage freeze with neither
the counsel nor consent of the membership. This wage sacrifice was based on a theory by contractors that
freezing wages would "spur new projects." That predication has been disproved, since our contractors could
not provide any documentation to support that theory, therefore the wage freeze could not be justified.

On December 30, with no advance notice or consent of the membership, Spencer again, unilaterally
altered the terms and conditions of our 2006/2011 contract, and gave back our negotiated January 1, $2.13
per hour raise, based on an unproven theory that a wage give back, will "preserve carpenter members
jobs and increase potential employment opportunities in the near term."
Critics say, Spencer does not have the authority to unilaterally alter a collective bargaining agreement in
effect and it is illegal under the National Labor Relations Act, and a violation of our "democratic rights.”

The power to negotiate new contracts should not be left in the hands of one person or an appointed
"rubber stamp" committee. It is vitally important that we have a voice in our next contract negotiations.

Therefore, we hold the following FACTS to be true, in support of a motion for ratification of our Collective
Bargaining Agreements by the rank and file, which is in our best interest and imperative to our future.

FACT, the New York City construction market continues to be marked by fierce competition between
non-union employers.

FACT, the livelihood of Carpenter members employed is constantly threatened by employers attempts
to reduce labor costs.

FACT, a coordinated effort among all Carpenter Local Unions is essential in order to build market share,
work opportunities and preserve our area standards.

FACT, Supply-side economics and a lowering of tax rates and less regulation will grow our economy.

FACT, this country was founded on mans inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  

FACT, the issue of taxation without representation was the corner stone of our countries beginnings.
FACT, this country continued and became great with a government of the people by the people and for
the people.
FACT, our great Union for the first one hundred and fifteen years of existence followed the same path of

FACT, the UBC grew strong and prospered based on the shared wisdom of no single person or
committee, but of all the members who voted on their officers, by-laws, dues, expenditure of funds,
collective bargaining agreements and all other issues affecting their union, their funds and their livelihood.
FACT, the UBC's proud history was founded by the same principles as our great nation. Where as the
leadership was voted in, answerable to, and held accountable by the membership directly.

I MOVE THAT our next Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated with our signatory contractors, prior
to any signing and or settlement must first be submitted to the membership with sufficient time for review,
explained, discussed, debated and ratified by the membership before enacted.
By the adoption of this motion this Union will be returned to the rank and file membership who are its rightful
stewards and entitled to participate in all matters that effect them and the restoration of the members
"inalienable rights" the PRIDE, SPIRIT, DEDICATION and PARTICIPATION in and to THEIR UNION will
also be restored!

Get Involved, Get Informed, Do It Now!
Where NYC Carpenters, Communicate, Connect and Stay Informed!

Mentioned in the NY Times, NY Daily News, NY Post and the Village Voice

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