Spider-Man: A Snapshot

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S pide r-Man:

A S naps ho t
S pide r-Man at S o ny Pic ture s : A
S naps ho t
The Original Trilogy

200 200 200

2 4 7

Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man 3

US: $404m US: $374m US: $337m
Int’l: $418m Int’l: $410m Int’l: $554m

Amazing Spider-Man Series

2 Upcoming

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (May 2, 2014)

The Amazing Spider-Man 3 (June 10,


The The Amazing Spider-Man 4 (May 4, 2018)

US: $262m
Int’l: $490m
S pide r-Man at S o ny Pic ture s : A
S naps ho t
All Well-Received by
US Exits:
US Exits:
Norm ~40% Norm ~55%

Spider-Man 63% 81%

Spider-Man 2 60% 80%
Spider-Man 3 49% 65%
The Amazing Spider- 59% 72%
Exit scores based on opening day. SM2 AND ASM1 exit scores among total general audiences; SM1 and SM3 exit scores among all audiences.


But still…
As beloved as the
Spider-Man franchise is,
moviegoers need to be
re-engaged with each
installment, with
reminders of what they
love best about their

The Amazing S pide r-
Man: Brand Ove rvie w
AS M: Ke y Take aways

Fanship for the Spider-Man brand
overall is still strong after the release of
Amazing Spider-Man.

Spidey is known throughout the world
for its big-screen action, visual
spectacle, and compelling characters.

Audiences perceive Spider-Man as a

story with more to tell. With the new
Amazing Spider-Man series firmly
established , there is great opportunity
with the next installment.

Interest in a sequel is strong globally.
Interest also hinges on viewership of
ASM1 and continual engagement.

S pide r-Man:
Glo bal Fans hip amo ng Ge ne ral
Audie nc e s

Overall Fanship
Fanship defined as strong + moderate fans


Male 64% 55%
Neutral 13-17 18-24 25-34
by Age 61% 59% 60%
US/UK 73% 71% 64% 59% 58% 34%

ASM in
Data for general moviegoers shown;
Combined data for US, UK, JP, MX, FR, and

S pide r-Man:
Glo bal Fans hip amo ng Familie s

Families are even more

likely than general audiences
to be fans of the SPIDER-
MAN brand.
70% 65%
of kids of parents
Fanship defined as strong + moderate fans

SPIDER-MAN family fans…

Boys Girls
Male 80% 60%
Dads Moms
70% 60%
Neutral 8-9 10-12
by Age* 70% 70%
Territories* 80% 72% 70% 69% 68% 59%

Combined data for US, UK, JP, MX, FR, and R

* Data for kids shown

Ke y Ele me nts fo r AS M2
Humor and Fun
• Humor is a top requirement for general
audiences, and it is the #1 must-have for
• Spidey’s sarcastic sense of humor and the
of being Spider-Man make the franchise fun to
• Spider-Man is no reluctant hero – he fully
embraces his superhero status, and loves the
rush he Superhero
Big gets Elements & Action
• Spidey fighting bad guys and protecting
• An epic final showdown with the villain
• Strong special effects that are best
A New Villain
with the in-theater experience
• Electro (Jamie Foxx) is made of pure
and will be Spider-Man’s greatest
challenge yet
• Very impressive visually
• It’s important that he is a relatable
character Gwen Stacy
with human emotions, and not just a villain
• Gwen Stacy is extremely well-liked
• Males find her attractive, while females
appreciate the smart, strong female
she brings to the film

S to ry/To ne Co ns ide ratio ns
Audiences will be happy to see that ASM2 tells a story
they’ve never heard before, and it doesn’t lose the
much-loved superhero fun.

Challenge in ASM1 Opportunity in ASM2

ASM1 retold Spider- ASM2’s plot will

Man’s origin story. inherently shift any
Peter was seen perception of a rehash.
becoming Spider-Man, Now that the origin story
in high school, and has been told, ASM2 is
dealing with his Uncle’s about moving the Peter
death – for the second Parker story forward, with
time in the franchise’s Peter looking at the
history. present, and into the

ASM1 was seen as First and foremost, Peter

too dark and serious/ takes time to enjoy the
introspective. thrill of being Spider-
Peter was driven by a Man. He is motivated by
desire to avenge his a desire to protect, rather
Uncle’s death and find out than exact revenge. As
what happened to his well, ASM2 has a brighter
parents. He also came palette and features
across as “brooding” to plenty of outdoor action.

Audie nc e Co ns ide ratio ns
While we want to reach the broadest audience possible,
there are two segments in particular that require extra

Challenge in ASM1 Opportunity in ASM2

Males took issue with the Gwen Stacy is still a key

romance elements in ASM1. asset overall, but should be
Many felt as though Gwen presented as her own
Stacy and Peter Parker’s person, and not just defined
love story was too big a part by her relationship with
of the overall film. Peter. She plays a key role
in taking on Electro.

Parents who didn’t see When parents first meet

ASM1 say they were Electro, they will know him
concerned it was too scary as Max, a sympathetic
(the Lizard) or too heavy character who just wants to
(death in Peter’s family) for be noticed and appreciated.
their children. His journey from
powerlessness to great
power is awesome to

Po te ntial Hurdle s S pe c ific to
ASM2 has a wealthAS M2 new elements –
of exciting
but the treatment of certain plotlines and characters
will need to be handled delicately when it comes to

Ultimately, promoting ASM2’s family-

friendliness will require a two-pronged

Make the villain Approach more

more “fun” than adult situations
“scary” for with a lighter
families touch
Electro’s appearance may Storylines surrounding
be scary for some kids. In Gwen Stacy and her
family materials, show relationship with Peter might
Electro’s powerful, even feel “too adult” or “serious”
“cool” side – and emphasize for some parents, so
his potential for causing approach interactions with
major destruction instead of these characters with more
any personal vendetta levity than drama.
against Spidey.

The Amazing S pide r-Man 2:
Campaig n S naps ho t by
De partme nt
S trate g ic Campaig n Arc hite c ture

We cannot take anything for granted with

ASM2. The challenge for marketing the
sequel will be foremost to re-engage
people in what they like best about ASM,
while immersing them in the specific
qualities that make the sequel a more
satisfying and entertaining experience.
In other words, maximize our assets and
minimize our liabilities.
And always remember our core
with great power comes great

Do me s tic Me dia
• Target Audience: P12-49, Young Moviegoers, Kids, Parents

• Position confidently in market by surrounding iconic media

• Some early, with impactful presence/execution

Winter NCAA
Super Bowl Red Carpet Sponsorshi
Olympics Tournament

• Buy media programs on-air and/or digitally for maximum

• Set up opportunity for broadest audience conversion early out

• Target top media companies for top-level promotional

• NBC/Universal and Turner “Symphony-Like” Multi-Media

• Continue with kids, general and adult individual promotional

programs for maximum noise & diversity

• Balance front end strength with solid close

• Multi-Media, Multi-Target Closers
• Paid media, added-value promotions and studio promotional
partnerships to drive heat

Inte rnatio nal Me dia
• Targets
•Primary: People 12-54
•Secondary: Kids 6-12, Slight Boy Skew; Moms
•Tertiary: Tweens/Teens

•Build strong event presence around key high profile media

High impact units, Early :60s, Key event programming

Winter Sanremo Music

Italy, Germany, Japan Baseball
Olympics Worldwide Festival
Spain Season Opener Worldwide
Worldwide Italy

•ASM 2 Theme Nights, ASM 1 Airings: Clips, Talent


•Event placements

IMAX, UK Bus Sides Bus Shelter Takeovers

Regional Channel IDs, Talent Greetings, Sneak Peeks,
One Sony • Paid media partnerships garnering
Kids Audience Generalrobust
added value

Dig ital
1 – Re-Engage Key Audiences

The digital campaign will focus on re-engaging demos that attended Spider-
Man 3 in greater numbers than The Amazing Spider-Man:
• Families
• Females
• Ethnic (all)
• Fanboys

Strategies to include:
• Custom content creation, Targeted media, Tailored editorial,
Integration in
Pre-existing Games, Fan Loyalty Program
2 – Position ASM2 as existing in an expanded “Universe”

Movies in the superhero category have successfully set audience

expectations that there will be many heroes, villains and complex
relationships. The campaign, where possible, will tap into the extensive
Marvel comic universe to which Spider-Man belongs

Strategies to include:
• Daily Bugle, Character profiles on social, Fan art
3 – Avoid/Manage Spoilers

Keep certain elements of the movie under wraps until release. Manage the
conversations that will occur once the movie is screened

• Strategies to include:
• Social media disinformation campaign – release “red herrings” to
create speculation about what really happens in the movie

• Amplify audience enjoyment post screenings to create the

sentiment: “I heard about what happens in the movie but I had to
see it for myself”

Do me s tic Public ity

• Target an audience of ages 8 to 80

• Utilize the pedigree and popularity of our talent to expand our
reach through all media platforms
• Create targeted and dedicated campaigns within Hispanic,
African-American, Science & Technology, Sports, and Faith-
Based Communities
• Through the use of traditional media, along with unique and
original ideas, craft and eventize a campaign that encompasses
all four quadrants

Inte rnatio nal Public ity

• Provide content & talent access to ensure ASM2 is top

entertainment story internationally.
• Create newsworthy stunts with global appeal.
• Promote theme “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.”

• Create breakout campaigns beyond entertainment sections to provide

ubiquity in the market place and local relevancy (travel, fashion,
science, music, stunts/fitness, photography etc).
Pro mo tio ns
Global Promotions - Strategy
• Focus on kids and families
• Capitalize on the success of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN to leverage
marketing support
• Target global brands first (QSR, Auto, Cosmetic)
• Engage ASM partners where appropriate
• Explore/exploit relevant storyline/character angles – hero, power,
• Extend partnerships to female-targeted brands
• Leverage placement opportunities for marketing support (billboards &
hero Key Attributes Key Categories
placement) •
• Cool & iconic Insurance
• Secret identity • Candy
• Heroic • Power/energy
• Power & companies
Responsibility • .com
• Battles Villains • Surge protectors
• Wall-crawling • Glue/Adhesive
• Web slinger • U.S. Postal Service
• Youthful
Global Promotions – In Negotiations

Additional promotions pending

Co ns ume r Pro duc ts Lands c ape

Brand Affinity Toy Performance

One of the most ●

79% of
popular characters in
Boys 3-17
the world** (in research
• #1 action-based study) have
character among Spider-Man
Boys 3-11* merchandis
• #2 most mentioned
character overall* 82% of

Boys 3-5
and 62% of
Boys 6-12
Merchandise TV want to
own more

Top 3 licensed boys Animated
franchise in CP, Show on
across a range of Disney XD
product with Boys
categories** 6-8***

Viewed by
unique total
***SOURCE: Disney Channels Worldwide U.S. Ratings Highlights - July - September 2012 (based on Nielsen)
* SOURCE: Unaided mentions as part of 2011 Character Strength Study ** SOURCE: Toys and CE NPD data as of December 2011

Re tail Lands c ape
Target key retailers who can activate the Spider-Man
brand across entertainment, toys, apparel and food

Includes full corporate support
• In-store displays and signage through-out store
• Newspaper tab ad
• In-store TV
• In-store events with costume characters
• Full social and digital support
• Potential TV commercial (TBC)
• Interest in promoting movie ticket sales
• Opportunity to launch content via VUDU, walmart.com &

Walmart stats:
• 140 million customers
store each week
• 30 million facebook fans
• 35 million email subscribers
• 40 million newspaper tab

Re tail Lands c ape (c o ntinue d )

Target key retailers who can activate the Spider-Man

brand across entertainment, toys, apparel and food

Includes corporate marketing support
• In-store TV
• Target.com vanity URL/microsite
• Social and mobile media advertising
• Focal In-store signage
• Circular (front page or interior product spread)

Best Buy
• In-store signage
• Email blasts
• Social media
• Reward Zone
• SPHE/Activison/Playstation bundles

Site wide marketing
• Email blasts
• Social media
• Potential exclusive viewing of trailer
• Presell toys and BD at theatrical
• Potential gateway and category flyouts
• Potential AMG buy

One S o ny Oppo rtunitie s

Identify opportunities for bundles and joint retail offers

and placement

Sony Product/Group Opportunity

Sony Mobile – i2 phone Bundle with ASM1, content and
assets from ASM 2
Sony TV – 4K 4K bundle with ASM 1, assets
from ASM 2
VAIO HD ASM 1 bundle, assets and
content from ASM 2
Playstation – PS3/PS4 & Hard bundle with PS3 or PS 4,
peripherals peripherals, ASM 1 BD and
Activision game (possibly at Best
Buy and Walmart)
Sony BD players Connected player ASM 1 bundles
and ASM 2 assets – including
VUDU (Walmart) and Amazon
Instant Video
Sony USB drives & SD cards Pre-load content, branding on
packaging and potential VUDU
(Walmart) offer


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