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Week 4 Study Guide

Neurological System
Term Definition Example

Cerebral (brain)
Impaired brain function resulting from decrease CVA can be caused by a blood clot in
CVA vascular (vessel)
of blood flow to the brain the brain or brain vessel rupture.

My patient suffered a TIA with slurring

Transient A temporary reduction in the blood supply and
TIA of speech and weakness of his right
Ischemic Attack adequate oxygen to brain cells
face and arm lasting about 10 hours.

Occurs when an external force injures the brain. The young man suffered a TBI when
Traumatic brain
TBI Common causes are falls, vehicular accidents, his head hit the windshield during a
and violence. car accident.

A progressive and fatal degenerative disease of ALS damages motor neurons causing
ALS the nerves that control voluntary muscle muscle weakness and loss of muscle
lateral sclerosis
function. tissue or atrophy.

MS Multiple Sclerosis A degenerative disease affecting the myelin She was 27 when she developed
covering of neurons of the brain and spinal cord inflammation of the optic nerve (optic
causing diffuse deficits including balance neuritis) and trouble feeling steady
problems (ataxia), spasticity of muscles, tremor when walking; a neurologist
and visual disturbances diagnosed MS.

Musculoskeletal System
Term Definition Example

Mr. Johnson who has OA has noticed a

Osteoarthritis -or-
and bone of the joints often causing pain and slow onset of stiffness in his knees and
OA -or- DJD Degenerative Joint
disability more prevalent with aging now has some pain but no heat or
redness in his right knee.

A chronic systemic autoimmune disease that Because she has RA, Mrs. Silkowski is
Rheumatoid causes inflammation of connective tissue, experiencing swollen painful joints of
Arthritis primarily affecting the small joints of the both hands and wrists even though she
wrists, hands, feet and cervical spine is just 30 years old.

Cardiovascular System
Term Definition Example
Mr. Marks complains of chest
discomfort radiating to his left shoulder
Myocardial Destruction of heart muscle cells as a result of
MI and jaw. His pulse feels weak. He may
infarction an interruption of blood supply muscle
be having a MI. We need a 12 lead
ECG, stat.

Mr. Conway’s father died of an MI in

Coronary artery A narrowing or blockage of the arteries that his forties. So Mr. Conway has become
disease provide oxygen and nutrients to the cells of heart educated about changes in life style
that can help prevent CAD.

A surgical procedure in which one or more

CABG can restore blood supply to
Coronary artery blocked coronary arteries are bypassed by a
CABG affected heart muscle through a grafted
bypass graft blood vessel graft to restore blood flow to the
heart tissue.

Occurs when the heart is unable to provide Mr. Lee developed edema or swelling
CHF sufficient pump action to maintain blood flow to in his lower legs because of his CHF
heart failure
meet the body needs disease.

A DVT may be causing Mr. Jensen’s

Deep vein A blood clot in a major vein that usually develops
DVT complaints of pain in the back of his
thrombosis in the legs and/or pelvis
calf when walking.

An abnormal dilation of the abdominal aorta, Mr. Joe complains of severe abdominal
Abdominal aortic
AAA often asymptomatic. May require repair to pain with low blood pressure. Triple A
prevent or treat rupture. is a likely diagnosis.
Extra or additional heart beats originating from
Premature The EKG was consistently detecting
one of the ventricles of the heart. These
PVC Ventricular more than six PVC’s a minute so the
abnormal beats are usually harmless and are felt
Contractions physician decided to do more testing.
as palpation or “skipped beat.”

A common cardiac arrhythmia produced by rapid He was 82 when he noticed

unsynchronized movement of the atria and irregularities in his pulse. His doctor
A-fib -or- AF Atrial Fibrillation
consequent irregular pulse. Often asymptomatic. diagnosed A-fib and placed him on a
Known to increase risk of CVA or stroke. drug to help prevent stroke.

Abnormal fatal arrhythmia usually caused by lack

Ventricular of oxygen to heart muscle. The ventricles quiver The physician said, “He’s in VF. Stand
V-fib -or- VF
Fibrillation rather than contract, cardiac output stops, and back I must defibrillate now.”
unless circulation is restored, the person dies.

Respiratory System
Term Definition Example

An autosomal recessive disorder

affecting epithelial cells of organs, This young girl has been suffering from CF for
CF Cystic fibrosis particularly respiratory and GI. many years with recurrent pneumonia,
Characterized by abnormal secretion exercise intolerance, and chronic cough.
and organ failure
Chronic narrowed airway with
obstructive Mr. Smith who has been a cigarette smoker for
COPD occurrences of bronchitis and
pulmonary 20 years was diagnosed with COPD.

Six hours after his return from the OR, Mr.

Pulmonary Is the obstruction of the pulmonary artery Smith complained of severe SOB and
embolism by a blood clot or thrombus dyspnea. He said he felt he was dying. We
suspected a PE.

Cessation of breathing during sleep Mr. Miller is obese and has chronic fatigue. He
OSA caused by repetitive upper airway has been diagnosed with obstructive sleep
sleep apnea
obstruction apnea.

My patient was being treated for pneumonia

A life threatening syndrome of lung when her condition suddenly worsened. Within
ARDS inflammation generally caused by 4 hours she developed SOB and confusion.
infection or trauma ARDS was diagnosed and she was transferred
to the ICU.

Gastrointestinal System
Term Definition Example
The backward flowing of gastric contents from This patient has classic GERD; he
Gastroesophageal the stomach into the esophagus. Symptoms has heartburn after meals,
Reflux Disease are epigastric burning sensation (heartburn) especially if he lies down to rest
and acidic regurgitation. after a meal.

A digestion problem affecting the large

Mr. Simpson, a 30 young man, with
intestine (colon). Symptoms are abdominal
Irritable bowel IBS is experiencing abdominal
IBS pain, bloating gas (flatus), stomach cramps
syndrome cramping and disabling diarrhea that
and alternating bouts of diarrhea and
interfere with his work.

Genitourinary System
Term Definition Example

Slow progressive loss of kidney or

Chronic kidney Written nursing note: Long term CKD. Being
CKD renal function most often
disease considered for transplantation of a kidney
associated with HTN or diabetes

End stage renal

ESRD -or- The final stage of CKD, also called Untreated chronic kidney disease can result
disease -or- End stage
ESRF renal failure in end stage renal disease.
renal failure

Benign prostatic Enlargement of the prostate gland Mr. Lee suffers from difficulty urination
hyperplasia common in older men (dysuria) because of his BPH disease.
My patient complained of frequency and
An infection of one or more
UTI Urinary tract infection difficulty for urination. We did some simple
structures in the urinary system
tests and confirmed that she had a UTI.

Endocrine System
Term Definition Example

A group of metabolic diseases characterized by lack of Mr. Simpson needs to

DM Diabetes mellitus effective processing of glucose and consequent inject insulin for his DM
development of elevated blood glucose levels disease.

Insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus

Term Definition Example
CA can affect any body tissue when
Uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in
normal cells mutate, becoming
CA Cancer various organs or the body. Formal
abnormal and having uncontrolled
name carcinoma

Disease characterized by progressive The patient said that he had an HIV test
deterioration of the immune system and a year ago and it was negative. He
Immunodeficiency Virus /
occurrence of opportunistic infections knew he had a possible exposure when
HIV/AIDS Acquired
and cancers. Contracted from transfer of he learned that a former lover he was
blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre- with six months ago was recently
ejaculate or breast milk. diagnosed with AIDS.

The patient suffered a GSW to the

A form of physical trauma from the
GSW Gunshot wound chest. Bring me a thoracotomy or chest
discharge of a type of ammunition
tube tray.

A collision of two or more motor vehicles MVA’s are a major cause of morbidity
MVA Motor vehicle accident
resulting in personal injuries or death. in industrialized countries.

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