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Dated: 18/02/2020

Self-Reflection: Internal Relationship Marketing:

“Korean Casino Employee’s Job Satisfaction and
Organizational Commitments”:~
These following theories are used in the research paper.
Equity theory:
Here in the research paper the researcher relate the equity theory with
employee internal service quality. The equity theory stated
“Employee evaluate the quality of their job by comparing their sacrifice,
such as time and effort, with what they get, such as wages, benefits and
Either the benefits he/she received against his sacrifices can fill full
their need and wants. The wages and rewards that he/she get from the
organization is equal to his level of satisfaction so if the employee
realize that his/her need and wants are not fill full then its leads to Job
The internal services quality directly supported its significant direct and
indirect effects on Job satisfaction and turnover intention.
Social Cognitive Theory:
The unique feature of SCT is the emphasis on social influence and its
emphasis on external and internal social reinforcement.
Self-Efficacy: This refers to the level of person’s confidence in his or her
ability to successful perform a behavior. Self-efficacy is influenced by a
person’s specific capabilities and other individual factors, as well as by
environmental factors (barriers and facilitators).
This research paper/work has done on the service industries. The
researcher analyze the good cheer or good fellowship of employee
during services time. It’s also show the link between front line good
cheer / hospitality employee and customer highly influences customer
satisfaction and loyalty.

Conceptual Model:


Communication Satisfaction

Perceived Benefits

Using Independent variable in the given research.
Independent Variable:
A variable that is presumed to influence other
variable. Independent variable bring positive or negative change in
dependent variable.
So, in this conceptual model the first three variable are,
 Training
 Communication
 Benefits
Show the internal service quality.
While the other variables shows the consequence of job satisfaction. Job
satisfaction can be a source of self-esteem for employee.
Internal Service Quality:
A) Training:
Training is needed for the current job performance improving. Here this
research study is on the current performance of employees. They tells us
about that, in the casino services industry employee must know to be
trained about that how to communicate with customer/client. Training
tends towards less role conflict and more job clarity. So the job security
enhancing the job satisfaction.
Actual Performance = Desired performance.
B) Perceived Benefits:
Perceived benefits means indirect and direct benefits or incentives.
i) Direct Incentives:
 Wages
 Bounces
 Rewards etc.
ii) Indirect Incentives:
 Pension
 Health insurances etc.

C) Communication:
Effective communication is top determinants for casino employee
job satisfaction level.
In our society if we look to the business community they have very
soft communication style through communication tools they attract
the customers.
Same case in the casino job. The employee! Who have a good and
also humorous communication style he/she received high benefits
of that.
Result: In this researcher paper. A reliability test was used to assess
internal fitness among item in this study.
Drawback of Casino Service Industries.
In the services industries like casino where employee good fellowship,
characterized by notoriously poor wages, low job security, high risky
long-working hours and also it will greatly contributes to employee
turnover and dissatisfaction.


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