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Institución Educativa Escuela Normal Superior De Gigante

10 th grade – 2nd term 1st Activity – 2020

Topic: Past simple Desempeño: Con mi vocabulario trato temas generales, aunque recurro
a estrategias para hablar de hechos y objetos cuyo nombre desconozco.

Vocabulary: verbs 2nd term: 2nd Activity

1. Read the text and complete the chart.

questions Thulani Pushpa Catalina

Thulani lives in kilptown, Pushpa lives in Nepal. Catalia lives in Colombia.
a. where do they live? south Africa.

When Thulani was little his One day Pushpa visited a When Catalina worked as a
father couldn't pay for prison for women and saw volunteer in a hospital in
secondary school and he children living there, that Cartagena, a child died in
had difficulties, so he starts surprised her and decided her arms, twelve days old
b. Why did they decide to
a youth program to help to open a nursery for these because her mother had no
help people
children improve their lives children. money for treatment to
and get an education. save him. A week later, her
son fell from a balcony and
died, she did not want to
die. more children for those
terrible situations.
c. how do they help people It helps them improve their Directing a daycare for It transforms the lives of
lives and get an education, children under the age of Colombian teenage
you give them uniforms, six who leave prison in the mothers. The services it
books and money for morning to spend the day offers are medical care and
school expenses. at the center, she also runs training programs to help
a residential home for older teenage mothers and their
children who have the children have a better life.
opportunity to go to school,
get food and medical care.

2. Watch the following video about pas simple grammar:

3. Answer the next question using the past simple, write full answers.

a. he had to work because his father had no money to pay for college.
b. Thulani created the kliptown youth program to help other youth in kliptown get an education and improve their
lives, giving them uniforms, books and money for their school expenses.
c. Pushpa studied social work at university.
d. Because one day she visited the women's jail and saw what children were living there, that surprised her and
she decided to open a nursery.
e. Catalina Escobar and Juan Felipe's son fell from a balcony and died.
f. Because the baby's teenage mother had no money for treatment to save him.

4. Match the verbs with the corresponding past simple form.

Do – did make – made leave – left say – said eat – ate drink – drank drive – drove

Come – came give – gave have – had go – went get – got swim – swam sleep – slept

Meet – met read – read buy – bought teach – taught run – ran

5. Choose ten verbs from the previous exercise. For each verb write two past simple sentences, one affirmative and
one negative

1. Maria did homework this morning. / Maria didn’t do homework this morning.
2. Liliana left in the afternoon for Bogotá. / Liliana didn’t leave in the afternoon for Bogotá.
3. My mom said that the bike is damaged. /My mom didn’t say that the bike is damaged.
4. I ate a lot of fruit for breakfast. / I didn’t eat a lot of fruit for breakfast.
5. Camilo drank beer at the age of ten. /Camilo didn’t drink beer at the age of ten.
6. Betty drove drunk at Christmas. /Betty didn’t drive drunk at Christmas.
7. Fernanda came to my party on Saturday. /Fernanda didn’t come to my party on Saturday.
8. I gave Maria a gift for her birthday. /I didn’t give a gift for her birthday.
9. Juan Pablo had a dog two years ago. /Juan Pablo didn’t have a dog two years ago.
10. Luis got a very cheap computer a few months ago. / Luis didn't get a cheap computer a year ago.
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