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Elastic modulus can be estimated using SPT 'N' value or based static cone penetration

resistance (qc)
Sand (Normally consolidated) E = 500(N+15) or E = 2 to 4qc
sand(saturated) E = 250(N+15), sand(over consolidated), E = 6 to 30qc
gravelly sand E = 1200(N+6)
clayey sand E=320(N+15)
silty sand E=300(N+6)
i also recommend you to read the following text book for your answer;
Foundation analysis and design by J.E. Bowles
Principles of Foundation Engineering by Braja M. Das
EPRI - Manual on estimating soil properties,
Bowles - Foundations Analysis and Design
Kramer - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
However, you may consider that the variability of an SPT is about 45% and the
uncertanty in the correlations can also be significant.

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