Part-A: (Answer Any Two Questions)

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Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

Institute of Information and Communication Technology

BSc (Engg.) In Software Engineering
1' Year 2nd Semester Final Examination, 2018
Course: SWE 127 (Data Structures)
Credits: 3 Full Marks: 100 Time: 3 Hours

(Answer any two questions)
a. Find g(n), C, n0 for the following f(n): 9
I. 10n + 3n + 11
II. Sn +3n
Ill. 2" + 3n 1
Such that f(n) <== C • g(n) where n >= n0 and n0 > 0.
b. Using Recurrent Tree method find the complexity of the following recurrent 5
T(n) = T{n-1) + T(n-2) + o(l)
c. Define Bridge and Articulation Points. Give proper examples 6
d. Suppose T contains the text "HIS FATHER IS THE PROFESSOR". Perform the 5
following operations.
i) INSERT(T, 3, 'XYZ')
II) DELETE(T, 2, 8)
Iii) INDEX(T, 'THE')
iv) SUBSTRING(T, 4, 12)
v) REPLACE{T, 'THE', 'PP')

y a. Write the cases that arise while Inserting an element to a linked list. Describe the 5
steps in each case.
b. Find states, transition table and DFA for the pattern= "AAABBAA" 10
c. Sort the array using Merge sort (Show the tree of recursive calls and also sequence 10
number of the calls)
19, 26, 22, 1, 8, 41, 6, 11, 13

a. What are the conditions to apply Binary Search to an array? Write the complexity of 2
Binary Search
b. Show the steps to find 304 using Binary Search from the given array of numbers. 8
t 2, 3, 4, 23, 134, 139, 140, 150, 160, 180, 290, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304
c. Translate the infix expression to Its equivalent postfix expression using stack. Show 10
the steps using a table.
P /Q • (A - T • (B + C) i S / D • E) +Fi G
d. Order the sorting algorithms (Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, 5
Quick sort) according to their complexity, where number of Items is 4096.

(Answer any two questions)
a. Sort the array using Quick sort (Show only the steps required to find the first 10
correct pivot position. Choose the last element as pivot)
1, 12, 6, 2, 66, 11, 56, 10.
b. Find the DFS and BFS traversal of the given graph: 6

c. Write the cases that arise while deleting a node from a Binary Search Tree. 6
d. Write the advantages of using adjacency 11st over adjacency matrix. 3
5. 5
a. Build a Binary Search Tree for the following array:
100, so, 170, ro, 59, i62, 185, 51, 5, 11, 60, 161 BST Show the 6
b. Now, delete 170 from the SST in question (a) and g~nerate the new ·
steps to perform this delete operation. . 9
c. Find the Topological ordering for the given graph and show every step.

d. Build a binary tree using the information given below. 5

Pre-order: G B QA CK F P D E R H
In-order: QB KC FAG P E D H R

a. Sort the array in descending order using Heap sort. 10
3, 10,100,50,1,60,90, 104
b. Find t he minimum distance from start to all other nodes of the graph given below: 10

start Q o 1-_,;;--4

c. Find the MST of the given graph (Show the steps):

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Dlsclpllne: Software Engineering
1st Year 2nd Semester Examination, 2018
Session: 2017-18
Course: SWE 125 (Introduction to Software Engineering)
Full Marks: 100 Credlt:3.0 Time: 3 Hours

Note: Answer four questions taking any two from each group. Figures at right margin
show marks.

Group - A
(Answer any two questions, 25 marks each)

a. What is software engineering? What are the fundamental software 2+4
engineering activities or process activities?

b. Differentiate- 2*2
i) computer science and software engineering
ii) software engineering and system engineering
c. Explain how the principles underlying agile methods lead to the 6
accelerated developme.nt and deployment of software.
Q What is Extreme Programming (XP)? Explain. 4

c. Suggest four reasons why the productivity rate of programmers working as a 4

pair m\ght be more than half that of two programmers working individually.

(b Does web based approach apply to software engineering? 1

a. Draw the waterfall model diagram and explain. What are the drawbacks 7
of waterfall model?
b. Discuss incremental development with example. 4
c. When would you recommend against the use of an agile method for 3
developing a software system?
~ What is scrum? Concisely explain. 4
e. What is use case model? What do they show? Show a simple use case 4
r. Differentiate system context model and interaction model. 3

a. What is software requirement? Differentiate types of software 2+4
requirements and explain.
b. What are functional and non-functional requirements? Explain with 4
c. Classify non-functional requirements. 3
d. Can you specify how requirement comes handy in different software

development method? . 4
Ex laln why a software system that Is used in real-worlq environment
e. mist change or become progresslvely less useful.
f. Explain data and event driven modelllng.

Group - B
(Answer any two questions)

Q4. 5
0 Explain the 4+1 model of software architecture.
vwhat is MVC? Explain.
b For a software, can you explain MVC with an example?
pxplain real life example of client-server architecture.
,-:- What is Open Source software? How this business model operate?
y Discuss any 2 different types of software licensing models.

;,,,-What is the purpose of software testing? What are the goals of software
/ What are~ t_ages.of testing? Explain (oncisely. 4
~ -
r<what are the main difference between unit, component and system 2
testing. .
r,say, you are developing a game. With example explain how you would 4 I
divide them unit, component and system testing. . ·
e. What -are the benefits of involving users in release-testing at an. early 4
stage 'fn the testing process? Are there disadvantages in user ·
involvement? . . .
/4ffne differ~~tt y~e·s of UML diagram and explain. 7
Q6. .......~ .~- .
a. Draw a spiral model of development and evolution. 4

b. What is "Program evolution dynamics"? 1

c. Explain Lehman's Laws and discuss the applicability of Lehman's laws. 5+2
ct. What is system re-engineering? What are the benefits of re-engineering? 2+2
e. Explain "Bad smells" in program code. 7
r. What is UML diagram? What are the uses of UML diagram? 2
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Institute of Information and Communication Technology
B.Sc. (Engg.) In Software Engineering
1st Year 2nd Semester Examination, 2018
Session: 2017-2018
Course: ENG 10\W (Effective Communication in English)
Full Mark;: SO Time: 2 Hours

Group A

Read the following passage and answer questions (1-2}.

There is no doubt that Bangladesh has made tremendous progress in economic growth in the last few decades. But there
is also the inescapable fa1.t that income inequJ~ity in the country has gone up sharply. It's the wealthy and the powerful
who have captured most of the benefits of economic grov:th in recent years, as studies carried out by research
organizations have repeatedly shown. And mnre problematic is the fact that very little is being done to reduce this ~ap
between the rich and poor, as reflected in our ranking ( 148th among 157 countries) in Oxfam's Commitment to Reducing
Inequality (CRI) Index 2018.

Needless to say, unequal distribution of income is a major threat to the country's economic and social progress. The
national income share of the poorest IO percent of the household population decreased from two percent in 20 IO IQ 1.0 I
percent in 2016 whereas it increased for. the richest IO percent from 35.84 percent in 20 IO to 38.16 percent in 2016. Along
with this, lack of equal access to education and healthcare for all, lii:nited employment opportunities, and rising youth
unemployment, among other factors:are further fuelling inequality ·in our society.

There is an urgent need for increased public sper.ding in the sectors of education, healthcare and social protection. But that
is not all. State and other institutions have to ; -~ rescued from the grip of the rich and a system of transparency and
accountability needs to be restored. The anarchy in the financial sector-with loan defaulters escaping unscathed and
ta.xpayers ultimately paying the price-is a good example of the immense influence wielded by the wealthy in the
country. The progress we have made as a country would not be possible without the contribu1fo·11 of the population as a
whole. So, why should the rich get most of the<: :onomic pie?

l.'!'he w~rds/phrases in column A are taken from the above reading passage. Match the words/phrases in column A
w,th the,r closest meanings in column B. There are more meanings than necessary. (10)

Column A
/,.tremendous I
cau·;ing inequality ')
·- -
,Inescapable ,__ dei:reasing inequality
needs to be restored 1
very great in amount l I)
needs to be released
anarchy 'S"'
loan defaulters J.
l,(leeds to be re-established .,
unscathed saved someone or something from a dangerous or difficult situation I,
1- saved the. rich people • ·
wielded ~
an honest way of doing things that allows other people to know
exac:ly what you are doing, '?
fuelling inequality '\ peop!e dell)anding loan
rescued ,,. \' peo~:c who do not make debt payment
.una':.lle to be avoided or denied.
~ st;.~e of disorder due to absence or non-r ..
other controlling systems: ' ecogrntion of authority or
without suffering any loss, injury, or harm
use.:: or showed power

2. Say whether the following statements are ~rue or false. [SJ

a. CRI Index 2018 shows that the condition of the poor ·n . .
b. According 1 our country 1s improving
to the second paragraph of the passage ab . ·
. ove, poverty 1s affecting ou •
c. According to the passage, the inequality in our society is cau d b r soc1a 1and economic progress

d . According se Your educational ·
to the last paragraph of the passage loan d f system.
' e au Iters are under the t .
e. The author of the passage states that taxpayers are resp 'bl f s net supervision of law.
ons1 e or anarchy in our economic sect
3 . Write a compacted paragraph on any one O · the followin t • (
a. Blessings of Technology
g op1cs. Words . ZOO- 250)
b. Treasure under the Ocean
c. Software Engineering as Career


Q4. Suppose that Rita bas read the following story. Now ask Rita five 'Wh' questions about the story using w/10.
whaJ, when, wl,y, and how often. Make at least oQe question with eac~ of the given words/phrases. One example
answer is given. [SJ
Hank is a horse rider. He lives on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank's grandfather gave him the horse. Hank is
taking care of the horse with love and sympathy: Hank has made a stable where Ginger lives happily. He rides Ginger
every day. Sometimes they walk slowly, and sometinies they run fast. They always have a good time.

Ginger is Hank's horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are dark brown. She is three years old. She lives in the
stable by the house.

Ginger waits for Hank ev~ry morning. She enjoys their time together. Ofl!)n, Hank gives her apples. After long rides,
Hank always washes and brushes Ginger. He usually bru~hes her tail. Then he gives her food and fresh water. Ginger
loves Hank because Hank loves Ginger.

Example : When does Hank wash Ginger?

Q . Read_the following passages and write the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to make the sentences
grammatically coherent and appropriate. (5) ·

~) My friend Shaheen is a doctor now. He is working at MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital in Sylhet. He (attend)
. C_ college and passed HSC with distinction in 1991 . He (study) Ml3BS at Dhaka Medical College and joined his current
Job m 200~. He (award) a scholarship to pursue FCPS for his outstanding result in 2001 .He is very sincere and
sympathet1 t d h· ·
c owar s 1s patients. He works long hours to serve the patients and·(treating) poor patients without taking
any fee from them. Shaheen is now an Assistant professor. He (promote) to Associate Professor next year.
(b) am a professor of English at SUST in Sylhet. SUST (establish) in J990 . English Department (arrange) a study tour
every ~ear.. All th~ t~achers and students (parti-;ipates) in the tour if it is arranged during a long vacation. Any study tour
( provide) the part1c1pants with an opportunity to enhance their knowledge. So students should participate in the tour
whenever it (organize). '

6 - Read the following.extracts and write the bold and underlined words in their appropriate parts of speech. [SI

0) Our freedom fighters fought with (a) ~ouragwus to Ji berate our country in I 971. Their struggle·and sacrifice still (b)
courage us to stand by and safeguard the nation in crisis. We are now an (c) independence and developing nation and we
can make our choices and decisions (d) independent.

(II) Illiteracy and (e) ignorant are two major obstacles to the development of a nation. A nation needs to be (f) proper
educated to ensure its peace and (g) prosperous

(III) We were watching a (h) terrify movie yesterday and everyone found the movie (i) bore .

(TV) Students should be given (j) autonomous to choose their subjects for higher studies.
, ,.:.~r
7. Write the appropriate form~ .of the underlined words in the following conditional sentences. (5)

(I) If! do well at school, my parents (a) take mt: on a trip with them next summer. Unless they (b) change their plans, we
will go to England. Ifwe have time, we (c) travel to Scotland, too. We (d) spend a lot of time outdoors if the weather is
good. However, ifit (e) rain, we will stay indoors and play lots of games.

(II) One of my neighbours arranges a party every month . . I j?in his party if_he _(f) invite me. My nex~ door neighbour
celebrated his marriage anniversary past week. I was not mv1ted. Ifhe had mv1ted me I (g) ~ his party. Another
couple living on the 3 rd floor is also going t? give ahbirth dda~ ~artyh next week. I am not sure whether they will invite me or
not. If they (h) .!.!!!'.ill: me, I would have a gift fort em an JOlfl t e party.

(III) Rafi achieved A in HSC examination. He did not work hard. If he had studied seriously, he (i) obtain A +.

(fV) My uncle is a millionaire. He Jives in UK. If he (j) live in Bangladesh, he would invest in our country and contribute
to the country's business sector .

. t ces are made to compose a coherent story. Combine the sentences. (SJ
8. The foJlowmg sen en
'b the bus termina l. / saw a car driver. He was standing. He was standing by his car.
a . / got down th e us a I .
b.) got into the car. I sat beside the dnver. . .
with stone It was go ing to knock the car.
c A truck was Ioad e d . f h d .
·' d Jt · aved becau.;e of the prompt response o t e river.
d J3ut the car was save . was s
· . d LJ d ed me in front of the gate of my home. It was 9 pm.
c . The dn vcr droppe me. r e ropp
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Software Engineering
1 d
Final Examination, 1 ' Year 2" Semester, 2018
course No: MAT-107W Course Title: Linear and Abstract Algebra
Credits: 3 Full Marks: 100 Time : 3 Hours

(Answer any two from each group. Use separate answer script for each group}

(Answer any two questions)

1 2
What is upper triangular matrix? Find the determinant of the upper triangular


0 -2

What is idempotent matrix? Test whether the matrix belpw is idempotent or not. 3
A= (
-2 0
2 ~1)

Compute the determinant by row reduction of the matrix. 3

0 0 0

7 0
6 3
3 1 1)
d. Consider the matrix-

( -1
~ 2
Test whether the matrix A is invertible or not.
II. Find adj(A), theacljointmatrixof A.
Ill. Find A·1, the inverse of A (if exists).
IV. Show that AA-1 = 10 , the identity matrix of order n x n.

Find the equivalent row reduced echelon matrix of the matrix 4

C) 1 2 0

•·(: -1 0
and hence find the rank of A.
2 -1
1 -1

1 -2
f. Using Cramer's Rule, solve the system of linear equations: 5
2x-3y + z = 1
X + 2y -3z = 5

a. Define subspace of a vector space. Prove that a non-empty subset W of a vector 6
space V over the field F is a subspace of V if and only if au+ pv E w for all a, 13 E F
and u, v E W.
b. Determine whether or not the vectors (2, -1, 3), (4, 1, 2) and (8, -1, 8) span the 6
vector space l!l3.

C. Test the linear dependency of the following sets. 6

I. { (1,2,-3), (2, 0,-1), (7,6,-1)}
II. {(2,0, - 1), ( 1,1,0) , ( 0, -1,1))
d. Let U and W be the subspace of lll1 generated by the set of vectors 7
{ (1 , 1, 0, - 1), (1, 2, 3, 0), (2, 3, 3, -1)} and
( (1 , 2, 2, - 2), (2, 3, 2, - 3), (1, 3, 4, -3)} respectively. Find dim(U + W) d
L dim(U n W) . an

Define basis ilnd dimension of a vector space
il .
b. What is the standard bilsis of V - l!ll.
C. D!!fine i11ner product space .
- 2
- - - ---
1) (2 -1, 3) E ~l.
. duct of two vectors (-1, 3, ' ' 4
Find the Euclidean inner pro
e. Show that the set ce
S = ( (1 0, -1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1)} f h nswer is "no"' then justify and hen
' h set orthonormal? I t e a
is orthogonal. Is t e h mal set corresponding to 5. 6
convert the set to the ort onor to transform the basis
Apply the Gram - c
himdt Process
1·nto an orthonormal basis
f. 1
S - ( (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, O), (1, 0, O) I th code words 0001 and 1110.
g. Find the hamming distance between e . d the code word 01101. 1
Suppose you send the code word 11111 and you receive
What is the error vector? 2
How many error can be corrected of the code
c - {0000 0111, 1001, 1100} . . b f 4
- h 'C - ( 000 100 001 101 } is a binary linear code which is a su space o
j. Show t at - , , ,
V( 3, 2). Find a basis and dimension of C.

(Answer any two questions)

a. Define linear transformation. Let T: JRl.2-► ~ 3 be a linear transformation defined

T( ( x 1, x 2 )) =(
x2, -Sx1 +13x2, -7x1 + l6x2 ). ,
Find the matrix for T with respect to the bases B ={(3 , 1), (5, 2) } for~ 2 and B
= 0, 1, 2 for !Rl3 .
b. Let
A=(~1 ~ ~2) 0
0 3
I. Find eigenvalues for A.
Find eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues for A.
Find p such that p·1AP is a diagonal matrix .

A=0 -12 -12)

Show that ,1_,_s.bo_ws the-€haracrerisfic equation for A.

a. Define a group with example. Show that the set 5

\ \(: :) : x E JR, x =t= 0 l is an abelian group under multiplication of matrices.

b._Oefine subgroup of a group. State and prove a necessary and sufficient condition 5
\ for a non empty subset of a group to be a subgroup of the group.
C. Define order of an element in a group. If 'a' is an element of a group G such that 5
O{a) = m and 1 <= k <= m, prove that O(ak) = Ck~ml, where (k, m) is the gcd of k, m.
d. Prove that every sub group of a cyclic group is cyclic. 5
e. Suppose H and Kare subgroups of a multiplicative group G. Prove that HK is a 5
subgroup of G if and only if HK= KH.

~ v e an example of a normal subgroup of a group. Also show that every sub group 4
may not be normal.
b. What is factor group? Consider the normal subgroup N = { (1), (123), (132) ) of 4
(5 3; 0) . Find the Cayley Table for the factor group (SJ/N ; 0) .
C. Define group homomorphism and kernel of a group homomorphism. Consider the 5
normal subgroup N = { (1), (123), (132)} of (Si; 0) . Show the correspondence of
natural homomorphism C(l : S3 -► S3/N.
d. Define ring with ar'I example . 4
e. Show that< Z6 ; +, · > is a ring but not an Integral domain . 4
f. Find all the principal ideals of the ring ZG, 4
Shahjalal University of Science and Tecnnu,v&,
Institute of Information and Communication Technology
B.Sc. (Engg.) in Software Engineering
1st Year 2nd Semester Examination, 2018
Session: 2017-2018
Course: ENG 10\W.)
(Effective Communication In English)
Full Marks: SO Time: 2 Hours

Group A

Read the following passage and answer questiCtns (1-2).

Tht·re is no doubt that Bangladesh has made trcml'ndous progress in economic growth in the last few decades. But there
is also the inesc1n111hll' foct that income inequality in the countl)1 has gone up shnrply. It's the wealthy and the powerful
who hnve captured most of the benefits of economic growth in recent yenrs, as studies carried out by research
org.anizntions have repeatedly shown. And more problematic is the fact that very little is being done to reduce this gap
betwt.'('11 thti rich and poor, as reflected in our ranking ( 148th among 157 countries) in Oxfom's Commitment to Reducing
Int-quality (CRI) Index 20 IS.

Ncedkss to say, unequal distribution of income is a mnjor threat to the country's economic and social progress. The
m1tional income share of the poorest IO percent of the household population decreased from two percent in 20 IO to 1.0 I
pt•rcent in 2016 whereas it increased for the richest IO percent from 35.84 percent in 20 IO to 38.16 percent in 2016. Along
with this, lack of equal access to education and healthcare for all, lj!!iited emp loyment opportunities, and rising youth
un~ployment, among other factors, are '.urtJier fuelling inequality in our society.

There is an urgent need for increased public spending in the sectors of education, healthcare and social protection. But that
is not all . State and other institutions have to he ~ from the grip of the rich and a system of transparency an~
accountability needs to be restored . The anarchy in the financial sector-with loan defaulters escaping unscathed and
ta~payers ultimately paying the price-is a pod example of the immense influence ~ by the wealthy in the
country. The progress we have made as a coun,ry would not be possible without the contribution of the population as a
whole. So, why should the rich get most of the economic pie?

l.l'be words/phrases in column A are taken from the above reading passage. Match the words/phrases in column A

wit\i \\ieil' c:losest meauinp in column B. Thel"e are more meanings than necessary. [10)

Column A Columns/
tremendous causing inequality ✓
Inescapable decreasing inequality y:,
transparency very great in amount cl>¢'~-----
needs to be restored needs to be released ')Cl
loan defaulters
needs to be re-establisl!ed ~ L ----
saved someone or something from a dangerous or difficult situation.)' i
unscathed saved the rich people -A
an h, :nest way of doing things~ t h e r people to know
/ exac•(y what you are doing. \.
fuelling inequality ./ people demanding loan
rescued -
pec.;:,le who do not make debt payment'----. /
un:ible to be avoided or denied. ~
tran.- 'ormation
a state of disorder due to abse~nition of authority or
other controlling systems. '-
mon,irr.hy - ]
with iut suffering any loss, injury, or harm y--
used or showed power ✓ .
2. Say whether the following statements are true or false. [SJ
a. CRI Index 2018 shows that the condition of the poor in our country is improving.
b. According to the second paragraph of the passage above poverty is ff 1- .
~ . ' a ec mg our social and economic
'l;)Accord111g to the passage, the inequality in our society is caused by our ed t· I progress.
. uca 1ona system
d. Accord111g to the last paragraph of the passage, loan defaulters are d h . .·.
un er t e strict superv1s1on of law
e. The author of the passage states that !?~payers are responsible for an h • . ·
. arc Y 111 our economic sector.

G)vrite a compacted paragraph on any one · . •he following topics. (Words: 200- )
a. Blessings of Technology [lO]
b. Treasure under the Ocean
c. Software Engineering as Career
Groupe ~ ""11111111111
. bout the story using ~- "'111111111111

k Rita five •Wh' questtonsrda s/pbrast!S· One exa,mple '\

• t ry Now as f h aiven wo , ,
. . ~ the follow1ng s o . . n with each o t e t,'" • •

Q4. Suptse that Rita bas ·" ,.,.ake at least one quest10 .
r d 1,o o,ten. 1u . h rse Hank 1s
wl,at, w en~ why, an ' andfather gave him the o ..
answer is given. (5) med Ginger. Hank s gr h . ·1y He rides Gmger
. farm He has a horse na here Ginger lives app1 .
Hank is a horse rider. He 1_1ves on a d s ~pathy. Hank has made a stable w )ways have a good time.
taking care of the horse with love an I y d sometimes they run fast. They a
every day. Sometimes they walk slow y, an . ars old. She lives in the
dark brown. She is three ye
. Her tail and mane are
Ginger is Hank's horse. She is hght brown.
stable by the house. . After long rides,
Oft Hank gives her app1es.
. Sh ·oys their time together. en, ood d fi esh water Ginger
Ginger waits for Hank every morm~g. e enJ all brushes her tail. Then he gives her fi an r .
Hank always washes and brushes Gmger. He usu y
loves Hank because Hank loves Ginger.

Example : When docs Hank wash Ginger?

. riate forms of the verbs in brackets to make the sentences
Q5 Read the following passages and wnte the approp
gr~mmatically coherent and appropriate. (5)
. .

MC college and passed HSC with d1stmction m 1991. He (

(a) My friend Shaheen is a doc~or n?"'.· H~ 1s :,vorkmg at
ni Medical College Hospital in Sylhet. He ~attend)
Os:~ · at Dhaka Medical College a?d joined his current
d' It • 20 0 I He is very smcere and
job in 2004. He (awa~d) a ~cholarship to pursue FCPS for his o~:ta;ti;~r=~~·(t1;eatin~) poor patients without taking
sympathetic towards his patients. He works long hours to s~e(t P t ) t Associate Professor next year.
any fee from them. Shaheen is now an As:;istant professor. e promo e 0
. . 990 E lish Department (arrange) a study tour
(b) I am a professor of English at SUST in Sylhet. SUST_ (establish~ I~~ • ng durin a Ion vacation. Any study tour
every year .. All the teachers and students (participates) m th~ tour if it is arranged d g h Idgparticipate in the tour
( provide) the participants with an opportunity to enhance their knowledge. So, stu ents s ou
whenever it (organize).
. . . •ate parts of speech. [51
6. Read the following extracts and write the bold and underlined words m their appropn
· . · . . · le and sacrifice still (b)
(I) Our freedom fighters fought with (a) courageous to liberate our country m 1971. Their strugg . . d we
courage us to stand by and safeguard the nation in crisis. We are now an (c) independence and developmg nation an
can make our choices and decisions (d) independent.

(II) Illiteracy and (e) ignorant are two major obstacles to the development of a nation. A nation needs to be (f) proper
educated to ensure its peace and (g) prosperoui;

(III) We were watching a (h) terrify movie ye~terday and everyone found the movie (i) bore .

etudents should be gi~en G) autonomous to choose their subj~c: for higher studies.

7. Write the appropriate forms of the underli'led words in the'.foifowing conditional sentences. (5)

(I) If I do well at school, my parents (a) take me on a trip with them next summer. Unless they (b) change their plans, we
will go to England. lfwe have time, we (c) travel to Scotland, too. We (d) spend a lot of time outdoors if the weather is
good. However, if it (e) rain, we will stay indoors and play lots of games.

(II) One of my neighbours arranges a party every month. I join his party if he (f) invite me. My next door neighbour
celebrated his marriage anniversary past week. I was not invited. If he had invited me I (g) attend his party. Another
couple livin¥,~he 3 floor is also going to give a birth day p'.lrty next week. I am not sun: whether they will invite me or
not. If the~ mvite me, I would have a gift fo~ them and join the party.

(III) Rafi achieved A in HSC examination. He c.fai not work hard. If he had studied seriously, he (i) obtain A +.
(IV) My uncle is a millionaire. He lives in UK. If he (j) live in Bangladesh, he would in\,est in our count and co •
to the country's business sector. ry ntnbute

8. The following sentences are made to compose a coherent story. Combine the sentences. [SJ

a. I got down the bus at the bus terminal. I saw a car driver. He was standing He was st d' b h'
. . · an mg y 1s car
b. I got into the car. I sat beside the driver. ·
c. A truck was loaded with stone. It was going to knock the car.
d. But the car was saved. It was saved becmise of the prompt response of the driver.
c. The dri~er dropped me. He dropped me in front of the gate of my home. It was 9 pm.

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