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com Shawnee Vocab

One Nekat
Two Shiv
Three Nitli
Four Niwa
5 Linwe
6 waihe
7 Nesh
8 Sashek
9 Katswa
10 Tathi
11 Tathi Negat
20 Nīshwati
30 Tītaki
40 Wabetu
50 Nyalin
60 Gatewa
70 Nisha
80 Swashe
90 Chaka
100 Tepawa
200 Tepawa Shiv

1000 Tepwa
2000 Tepwa Shiv
Old Man Pashe
Young Man Melnek
Chief Okema
Dog Weshe
Horse Meshwe
Corn Methot
Sheep Mekefa
Hog Kasko
Cat Pos
Turkey Pelewa
Dear Peshik
Raccoon Epate
Bear Mugiwa
Otter Kitate
Mink Chaqui
Wildcat Peshī
Panther Mespes
Buffalo Mefoa
Elk Wabela
Fox Wawako
Muskrat Oshasqua
Beaver Magqua
Swan Wabuk
Goose Nyāk

[Page 3]

Duck Hepuk
Fish Amaf
Tobacco Syama
Canoe Olagak
Big Vessel or
Ship Mishō olagak
Paddle Shumagti
Saddle Papivi
Bridle Shabetska
Man Elene
Woman Equiwa
Boy Lewefe
Girl Aplo
My wife Nīwa
Your wife Kīwa
My husband Washana
Your husband Wachet
My father Nofa
Your Father Sofa
My mother Mīga
Grandmother Kokum
My sister Nishima
My brother Nīfet
My daughter Nītanet
Great Chief Kitchokema
Soldier Shemagana
Great Soldier Kitcho (Great) and
as Gen.
Wayne Shemagana (Soldier)
Hired man
or Servant Alolagafa
Englishman English – Manake
Frenchman Fola
American Shemanose or big Knives

[Page 4]

The Lake Chekom

The sun Kesapwa
The moon Tepefka
The stars Alaqwa
The sky Menqua
Rainbow Quagku
Clouds Pasqua
Thunder Unemak
Lightening Papapa
Rain Gomwa
Snow Konī
Wind Wishkwa
Water Nippe
Fine Vāte
Cold Weppe
Warm Aqueta
Ice Muquamo
The Earth Ake
The trees or
the woods Motogkwe
The hills Mavug
Ground Alwamke
Prairie Tawatska
Friend Netsan

Pond Miskwe
Wet ground
or swamp Miskwe Koppe
Good land Neshe Siske
Small Stream Boife
Poor land Chelsiske
House Wīgwa
Great House
or Council
House Takatchemaka – wigwa
The great
God or good
Spirit Mishem/ Mishem Meneto

[Page 5]

The bad
Spirit or the
Devil Wochem Meneto
Dead Nepwo
Alive Enawa
Sick Agkwelo
Well Shamama
Corn Dāmi
Wheat Kawaskwe
Beans Miskūchet
Potatoes Myashfa
Turnips Penyak
Pumpkins Walegs
Melons Uskelo
Onions Kagshek
Apples Meshmena
Nut Pēkam
Gum Metequa
Axe Tetsatsa
Tomahawk Chektyats
Knife Manes
Powder Mekat
Flints Shakekla
Trap Petoko
Blanket Aquewa
Fresh [XXX} Wotte
Salt Nepim
Bread Takwam
Kettle Atsokwa
Sugar Melasa
Medicine Chobek
Have got
no bread Taquana

[Page 6]
I am very
Sick Olame – ne – taghque – lo – ge
I am very
Well Ne – wes – he – la – la – shama – mo
A fine day Wash – he – kee – she – ke
A cloudy day Mes – queh – wee
My friend Ne – can – a
The great
Spirit is a
Friend of the
Indians Ne – we – can – e – tepa – we – sphe – ma – mi – loo

Cut – e – we – Ka – sa or Blackfoot, the Head Chief of the Shawanoes died at Wabogh –

Konella – (nepokneta) in 1831 age about 105 yrs.

She – me – ne – too or the Tneke, another aged Chief – Emigrated with the Nation West.

[XXXXXXXXX] Wa - Kargin

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