Final Project - English Iv 2020 - MARZO: Datos Del Estudiante

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2020 - MARZO
Sede : Arequipa 
Carreras : Todas 
Profesor Titular del Curso : John Costello  
Duración de la exposición : 4 – 5 minutes
Fecha del examen : 05-08-2020  
Aula/Laboratorio :  Virtual
Hora programada : 2:30 p.m.
Modelo de examen : Indicaciones y Rúbrica


APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES: Caza Huamani Mario Alberto

CÓDIGO UTP: U18306909        NRO. DE CELULAR: 958211775



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 No está permitido el uso de apuntes, materiales de clase o separatas.  
 No está permitido el uso de celulares; apáguelo y guárdelo.  
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George Stephenson

The Civil enginneer and mechanical engineer George Stephenson was born on June
9th, 1781 in Wylam, Northumberland, England. There is no information about their
studies. He got married 3 times, firts with Frances Henderson from 1802 and divorced
in 1806, then to Elizabeth Hindmarsh from 1820 and divorced in 1845, finally he
married with Ellen Gregory in 1848. The engineer George Stephenson had 2 children
based on his first marriage, the first is called Robert Stephenson, he was also an
engineer and Frances Stephenson, this son died when he was a child, the date is
unknown. The enginneer George Stephenson died on August 12 th in 1848 at 67 years
old in Chesterfield, Derbyshire in England. He is recognized as the “Father of railways”
for creating the wolrd’s first public rail line using steam locomotives.

George Stephenson is remembered as the inventor of the modern railroad, for her
great contribution to railways, The engineer made the first modern railway line at
Liverpool - Manchester in 1830, also the material type of rails and locomotives. He is
creator of the 1435 mm track gauge, actually known as “standard track gauge” on
railroad tracks, these inventions consolidated his fame forever.

The railroad invented by George Stephenson contributed to economic development by

transporting raw materials, and also contributed to social development by giving
workplaces to people for the construction of railway tracks. This invention came to
Peru in the government of Ramon Castilla, which was used for transport guano, raw
materials and people. Finally, the railway created by George Stephenson promoted
the transport of people, also the reason for the construction of better railroads as the
electric train and bullet train.

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