Using English Movie As An Attractive Strategy To Teach Senior High School Students English As A Foreign Language

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1 ISSN 1410-7201

Using English Movie as an Attractive Strategy

to Teach Senior High School Students
English as A Foreign Language

Maria Asumpta Deny Kusumaningrum

The major purpose of this paper is to reveal how to implement English movies in
teaching English as foreign Language to senior high school students. English as
Foreign Language is implemented as the compulsory subject to learn in senior
high school in Indonesia. Unfortunately, beyond the implementation, the fact
that not all pupils enjoy learning English occurs. Realizing that fact, teacher
should find a strategy to attract students’ attention to learn EFL. Moreover,
using English movies to teach English can be the answer. In the application,
teacher can use English movies to teach four skills. They include listening,
speaking, and also writing skills. By using English movies, teacher can also teach
grammar and introduce new vocabulary to students. Furthermore, the belief
that everyone loves watching movies strengthens the teacher’s confidence to use
English movies as an attractive strategy to teach English as a Foreign Language
to senior high school Students.

Keywords: English movies, English as a Foreign Language, four skills

A. INTRODUCTION To answer this problem, senior high

English as a Foreign Language is school teacher is expected to find a creative
implemented as the compulsory subject to strategy to apply in the teaching and learning
learn in senior high school in Indonesia. The process. Teacher is challenged to be able
aim of the implementation is to achieve the to apply an attractive strategy in his/her
informational level of literacy which expects English class. There are some ways to make
students to be able to use English to access an attractive teaching and learning process.
accumulated knowledge and use English in Teacher can use flash cards and English
informal and formal contexts. songs to teach and involve students to
Unfortunately, beyond the learn English. However, there is another fun
implementation, the fact that not all pupils strategy to implement in teaching English
enjoy learning English occurs. Besides to senior high school Students in Indonesia,
learning a new language, the existing namely through using English movies.
teaching method which merely transfer By using English movies to teach
knowledge takes part in forming the stressful English, teacher does not only facilitate a
environment to students. Considering visual or audio aid to students, but teacher
the boredom atmosphere experienced by also facilitates them with both audio and
students during the teaching and learning visual elements at the same time. Besides,
process, the knowledge cannot be received teacher can use a movie to teach students
effectively. Moreover, the goal of the teaching several skills including listening, speaking
and learning process will not be achieved. and writing. Other benefits in implementing
English movies in teaching and learning

Using English Movie as an Attractive Strategy to Teach Senior High School Students ....

process can also be gained. In addition, the B. REVIEW OF LITERATURE

belief that everyone loves watching movie As stated by Agustin in her paper
strengthens the teacher’s confidence to use entitled Competence, Process, and Assessment
English movies as an attractive strategy to Standards: Towards autonomy in ELT, there
teach English as a Foreign Language to senior are four literacy levels implemented in
high school Students. Curriculum Based Competence. They are
An inappropriate strategy performative, functional, informational,
implemented in teaching English as a Foreign and epistemic level. Performative level is
Language to senior high school students often implemented in Elementary School, whereas
comes as a problem. The teacher-centered functional level is applied in Junior High
way of teaching which usually occurs in School. She goes on to say that informational
class in which teacher merely transfers level is implemented in Senior high school
knowledge without considering senior high whereas epistemic level is applied in
schoolstudents’ attention span is ineffective. University.
The following assignments or quizzes Since this paper focuses on the Senior
make them bored during the teaching and high school, therefore informational level as
learning process. The boring environment the literacy level implemented in Senior high
experienced by senior high school students, school will be discussed in depth. According
therefore, contributes to the level of success to Agustin, in the informational level,
students experience in learning. learners are expected to:
It was explained earlier that English • use English to access accumulated
movies facilitates teacher to teach several knowledge.
skills at the same time, including listening, • use English in informal and formal
speaking, and writing, and also provides contexts.
enjoyable learning environment in learning By considering the goal to achieve in
grammar and vocabulary. Therefore teaching Senior high school students,
the major focus on this paper is how to teacher should be able to apply appropriate
implement English movies in teaching techniques and strategy. However, it is not
English as a foreign Language to senior high an easy job for teachers. Besides focusing on
school students. the goal to reach, teachers should also pay
Considering the importance of an attention to their students. As an example,
attractive strategy to teach senior high teacher should be able to comprehend the
school students, this paper intends to characteristics of Senior high school students.
address a question: How are English movies By understanding the characteristics of
implemented to teach English as a foreign students, teacher can maximize the success
language to senior high school students? of teaching and learning process. As cited
This paper is aimed at providing in, Senior high schoolstudents
information about how English movies are generally have some characteristics, such as:
used as an attractive strategy to teach English • They are interested in learning
as a Foreign Language to senior high school activities
students. This strategy of using English • They need opportunities for self-
movies for teaching and learning activity expression
also considers about its benefit. Therefore, • They want to take individual
this paper also states the benefits of using responsibility for learning and progress
English movie as an attractive teaching and towards targets
learning strategy.
LLT JOURNAL VOL. 18, NO. 1 ISSN 1410-7201

• They have attention span between aims to avoid the misconception and
eight to fourteen minutes. misunderstanding among students in
responding the movie.
Understanding the goal to achieve • Third, teacher should consider the
in Senior high school grade and general appropriateness between movie and
characteristics of the students, teacher the level of students. Since the movie
can start to find, choose and apply will be played for Senior high school
an appropriate strategy to apply in teaching students, teacher can choose movie
EFL to Senior high school students. One which does not contain too much
strategy that can be implemented in teaching slang words and idioms, except for
EFL to Senior high school students is by using some reasons. There are some English
English movies. According to Louis Pugliese, a movies suggested to implement such
lecturer in Educational Psychology California as Groundhog Day, Freaky Friday
State University, Northridge, movie is an and Nine to Five. Those movies are
exiting way to learn English, since it gives considered as suitable movies to use
not only the matter of pronunciation, but in teaching Senior high school students
also a lot of other unspoken parts of English since besides they do not contain much
language. slang, the movies are funny and easy to
follow. Moreover, they also have deeper
C. DISCUSSION underlying messages which can lead to
1. The Implementation of English good discussions.
Movie in Class Activity • Fourth, teacher should consider
To conduct an attractive English the relation between movie and the
teaching and learning process for Senior syllabus of Senior high school. Teacher
high school students, teacher can use English should be creative in relating the movie
movie. In the implementation, before teacher and topic discussed based on the
starts conducting teaching and learning syllabus. For example, when the basic
activity by using western movie, there are competence states the topic discussed
some points to consider. The points are: is asking for information, teacher can
• First, teacher should consider the play certain scene which shows how
audience of English movie. Since the people ask for information. Thus, it is
audiences of the movie are Senior high no doubt that the movie really supports
school Students, teacher is expected to the syllabus.
choose the movie which is appropriate • Fifth, teacher should consider time of
to watch. Directly, it insists teacher course and time needed to play the
to watch first the movie for making movie. Since it is Senior high school,
sure whether the movie is suitable for time allocation for one meeting is 45
students or not. minutes. Let’s say that in a certain
• Second, teacher should consider the day, English subject has 2 meetings.
content of the movie. Teacher should be It means that the subject can be
careful to play movie containing certain conducted in 90 minutes. By realizing
religious or race issue. If teacher still that fact, it is almost impossible for
wants to play the movie in any reasons, teacher to play the entire movie. It
before turning the movie on, teacher is based on the consideration that
can give some notes to students. It commonly movie lasts for 90 minutes

Using English Movie as an Attractive Strategy to Teach Senior High School Students ....

or more. If teacher still forces to play watching the movie, teacher can post
an entire movie, then there is no time students worksheets containing some
for class discussion. Teacher should questions which are related to the movie.
remember that teacher is not showing Furthermore, the implementation of
the movie, but by the movie teacher is those three parts can be seen in the
teaching English to Senior high school following example:
students. Besides, it is possible for Topic : Narrative Text
students to get bored. Because of that, Movie Title : Groundhog Day
teacher should choose a movie which 1. Pre-Watching :
less in less than 90 minutes, such as  Teacher delivers some questions
Mr. Bean the series. Another possibility orally to students about their
is that teacher can only play several knowledge of Groundhog Day
scenes which have strong correlation tradition, such as :
to the topic discussed in the meeting. 1. Have you ever heard about
• Sixth, teacher should consider the Groundhog Day?
existence of supporting media to play 2. Do you know what country
the movie. Before starting the lesson, celebrating Groundhog Day?
teacher should make sure whether the 3. Do you know when Groundhog Day
supporting media such as computer is celebrated?
set or LCD has already been provided  After students respond to the
or not; whether the supporting media questions, teacher starts to
can work well or not. introduce students the movie. For
example, teacher can ask students
In the application, teacher can use some questions such as:
English movies to teach four skills. They 1. What will you do when you
include listening, speaking, and also writing wake up in the morning, you
skill. By using English movie, teacher can find that it is the same day
also teach grammar and introduce new like yesterday and experience
vocabulary for students. exactly the same events that
happened the day before?
a. Listening Skill Could you imagine it?
Since it is obviously seen that movie 2. Do you know Bill Murray?
can produce audio elements, teacher can 3. Have you ever watched
use English movie to teach Senior high Groundhog Day movie?
school students listening skill. Moreover, 2. While-watching :
in the implementation, teacher can divide  Teacher plays a movie entitled
class activity into three parts. They are Groundhog Day.
pre-watching, while-watching, and post-  Teacher plays the movie without
watching. In pre-watching, teacher can showing its Indonesian subtitle.
ask students whether they have already  Teacher asks students to take
known the movie or issues related to notes while watching movie.
the movie they will watch. After doing 3. Post-watching :
the pre-watching, teacher can play the  After watching the movie,
movie in the while-watching part. After teacher can start asking students’

LLT JOURNAL VOL. 18, NO. 1 ISSN 1410-7201

opinions about the movie. Teacher 1. Pre-Watching :

can ask, “What do you think  Teacher asks the students about
about Groundhog Day movie? Is it their experiences in the holiday,
interesting?” such as :
 Having heard students’ responses, 1. Where did you spend your last
teacher leads to individual task holiday?
for students. 2. What did you do in this place
 Teacher distributes a worksheet you went to?
containing some comprehension 3. How did you get there?
questions related to the movie. 4. Who did you go with?
The worksheet can contain 5. What was your most memorable
several questions such as: holiday? Why?
1. What is Phil Connors’  After students respond to the
profession? questions, teacher starts to
2. Where are Phil Connors and introduce students to the movie
his team asked to go to cover they will watch. For example,
Groundhog Day celebration? teacher can ask students some
3. What happens to Phil when he questions such as:
wakes up in the morning? 1. Do you know Mr. Bean?
4. What does Rite suggest to 2. Have you ever watched his
do when Phil explains the movie?
situation to him? 3. Do you love watching Mr.
5. What does Phil do during his Bean’s movie?
stay in Punxsutawney Phil? 2. While-watching :
 Teacher plays Mr. Bean’s Movie
b. Speaking Skill entitled Mr. Bean in Room 426
In addition to listening skill, Part 1.
teacher can use English movies to teach  Teacher plays the movie without
Speaking skill. Just like in listening skill, viewing the Indonesian subtitle.
in its implementation, teacher can also  Teacher asks students to take
divide the class activity into three parts. notes while watching the movie.
They are Pre-watching, While-watching, 3. Post-watching :
and Post-watching. Since the objective  After watching the movie, teacher
in speaking skill is for the students to be can start to ask students’ opinions
able to speak English accurately, fluently about the movie. Teacher can ask,
and contextually, teacher should focus “What do you think about Mr.
more on students’ speaking activities. Bean’s movie? Is it interesting?
For that reason, in post-watching, teacher Funny?”
can ask students to work in group. The  Teacher asks students to work
implementation of the whole activity can in group of three and create
be seen as follows: dialogues for the receptionist, Mr.
Topic : Narrative Text Bean and the bellhop. After that,
Movie Title : Mr. Bean in Room practice the dialogues among the
426 Part 1 receptionist, Mr. Bean and the

Using English Movie as an Attractive Strategy to Teach Senior High School Students ....

As the follow-up activity, teacher can listening, speaking and writing skill.
ask some groups to perform the dialogues Nevertheless, in spite of those three skills,
in front of the class. In responding to the teacher can also use English movies to
performances, it is possible for the teacher teach grammar. For Senior high school
to give several feedbacks in the students’ students, learning English grammar has
pronunciation or diction. its own challenge. Since there are many
In spite of the activity mentioned grammar rules to remember, students
above, teacher can use English movies to often experience stress. In addition,
teach some common expressions used in grammar teaching which focuses only on
English, such as expressing happiness and the grammar theory and exercises will
sympathy. What teacher can do is choose and rob the students of the chance to have fun
play certain scene showing any expressions grammar learning.
of happiness or sympathy. Then, teacher The stressful environment,
can ask students to find the expressions of therefore, influences negatively on their
happiness or sympathy as many as possible successto receive the lesson. Students
in the scene. After that, based on the who are already in stressful and boredom
expressions they got, students can work in environment will not be easy to receive the
pair and make a short conversation. lesson. If they are bored, unconsciously,
they will refuse the lesson. Then, they
c. Writing skill will ignore the lesson and prefer to do an
By using English movies, teacher activity they like, such as falling asleep
can also teach writing skill. In writing in the middle of lesson, chit-chatting
skill, teacher still can implement the with friends, or even skipping the class.
same movie like in speaking skill, which Realizing that fact, teacher should find a
is Mr. Bean in Room 426 Part 1. Teacher strategy to attract students’ attention to
can also implement same activities of learn grammar. Moreover, using English
pre-teaching and whilst-teaching such movies to teach English grammar can be
as in speaking skill. However, in the post- the answer.
watching, students can have different Still using the same movie
assignment to do. For example, each like in speaking and writing skill, Mr.
student has to construct writing as the Bean in Room 426 Part 1, teacher can
summary of Mr. Bean in Room 426 Part teach sentences using ‘going to’. What
1 movie. If time is limited for students teacher needs to do is playing the movie
to accomplish it, then they can continue and before another event comes in the
writing at home based on the notes they scene, teacher can pause the movie and
took while watching the movie. ask, “What is Mr. Bean going to do?” Then,
As the follow-up activity, students teacher can lead a class discussion based
can work in pair and do peer-editing on it. Besides teacher can also teach
in order to check the correctness of tenses such as present continuous by
grammar, diction, spelling and other using English movies. For example, after
minimum requirements in writing. several times, teacher pauses the movie
and ask to students, “What is Mr. Bean
d. Grammar doing?” Following the question, teacher
It is obviously seen that by can start to teach present continuous
using English movies, teacher can teach based on the movie, for example by

LLT JOURNAL VOL. 18, NO. 1 ISSN 1410-7201

producing the sentence: “Mr. Bean is 1. English movies present more natural
driving on his yellow car” and after that language, since the speakers in the
analyzing the structure of sentence. movie are native speakers. Because
of that, students can learn how to
e. New vocabulary pronounce the words appropriately.
Implementing English movies in 2. English movies provide students a
teaching English as a Foreign Language lot of contexts which can help them
to Senior high school students can also to learn how to use such expressions
improve students’ vocabulary. Students appropriately and contextually.
not only get fun learning environment, 3. Students love watching movies. Fun
but they also get new vocabulary from learning environment gives them
the movie they watch. motivation to learn English as a
Teacher can conduct teaching Foreign Language.
vocabulary by playing English movies 4. Students can also learn English
without showing the Indonesian subtitle. culture. While watching English
Teacher can also ask students to write movies, students can see cultural
strange words in the movie for them. aspects included in the plot to
After watching the movie, teacher can ask illustrate social customs such as
some students to share what new words table manners to weddings and
they learned from the movie. Following funerals, holidays, and celebrations.
the activity, and as the individual Thus, students’ understanding in
task, teacher asks students to find the cross cultural communication is also
Indonesian meaning of the new words. improved.
However, in the implementation,
teacher can also make word specification g. Disadvantages
in teaching vocabulary. For example, Besides giving some benefits, the
teacher can use movie entitled Groundhog implementation of English movies in
Day. The main character in the movie, teaching EFL to students also gives some
Phil Connors, works as a meteorologist. disadvantages. They include:
Based on the information from the movie, 1. While the movie is playing, students
teacher can ask students, “What is Phil try to understand word by word
Connors’ profession?” After that, teacher instead of the main point of the
can begin to introduce other professions. movie. This may frustrate the
students. Therefore, before playing
f. Advantages the movie, teacher should explain
Using English movies can be an clearly what the students have to do.
attractive strategy to teach English as a Thus, students can enjoy watching
Foreign Language to Senior high school the movie and learning English at the
students. It can be used to teach listening, same time.
speaking and writing skill. Besides, 2. If the movie takes too much time to
it provides fun learning environment play, it is possible that students will
to teach grammar and vocabulary to get bored. To anticipate that, teacher
students. In the application, there are should consider the length of the
some other benefits to gain. They are: movie to watch or break the movie
into several segments.

Using English Movie as an Attractive Strategy to Teach Senior High School Students ....

3. English movies can be American classroom environment contributes to the

or British movies to give students success of students’ understanding of the
different varieties of English. lessons. It will not be easy for students who
Different varieties entail different are in a stressful and boring environment to
pronunciation and vocabulary. These comprehend the lesson. If they are bored,
differences may make students unconsciously, they will resist any lesson.
confused. Therefore, before or after Realizing that fact, teacher should
watching the movie, teacher can find a strategy to attract students’ attention
explain or lead a class discussion to learn EFL, for example by using English
about the English variety used in the movies. Moreover, using English movies
movie. to teach English is fun. In the application,
4. The limited facilities in school can teacher can use English movies to teach
also pose an obstacle in teaching four language skills. They include reading,
EFL using movies. If school has an listening, speaking, and also writing skills. By
English laboratory, then teacher can using English movies, teacher can also teach
play the movie in the lab. However, grammar and introduce new vocabulary
if the school does not have an LCD or to students. Furthermore, the belief that
big screen TV, it is almost impossible everyone loves watching movies strengthens
to play the movie in the class. In the teacher’s confidence to use English
addition, the activity might disturb movies as an attractive strategy to teach
the teaching and learning process of English as a Foreign Language to senior high
other classes. schoolstudents.

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