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1, In USA Southern part is known for its warm hospitality (ask Mr.Modi who is
getting taste of it ;-)), however ask this man to take it to next level. He passed
away earlier this year but the radically new way of running an industry that he
created more than 40 years ago has changed the world in a big way.

Those are the only hints you identify this amazing business man from the
South of USA.
Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines.
The person who started the concept of
low cost airlines.
Girls play with dolls and boys play with cars and
guns, you need a creative genius to change these
stereotypes in the real world. Here is a guy who did
just that by creating an iconic toy that perfectly met
the need of kids growing up under the shadow of
cold-war. Name him and his creation.
Stanley Weston the creator of gi Joe
The teacher's day was on 5th September and Engineer's day will
be on 15th September in India, so trying to put in a question in
between about a legendary teacher and technocrat. He is
spreading the knowledge of crucial things that will shape our
world for coming centuries, some think that this will bring us
doom but he is sure that we are headed to some technical

Who is he?
Andrew N G, one of the founder of
Once you succeed at something, you need to leverage on that
and make it happen all over again by expanding in nearby

Here is one such hugely successful start-up trying to do that.

Connect and identify.
Hospitality business is tough to win in, but not if you
are this brand, and you are offering something that has
appealed to mankind for millennia.

Identify the hospitality chain brand from the images

Barbecue nation
Very few academic command great respect among
business people, he is an exception, because what he
thinks and writes might very well decide the value of
their business.

So you better be listening what he says.

Who is he?
Aswanth damodaran
From its humble religious roots, to its rather funky image these
days this Indian company has made it large in the world of
Online entertainment and is literally Chart-busting.

Identify the juggernaut.

He is going to get the reins of a sprawling empire pretty
soon, his job would be not just to grow the empire but
to also keep it safe from the raiders.

Identify him.
Alan jope, new chief at unilever
The automobiles sales are declining in India, and that
should have these guys worried as they are part of the
automobile ecosystem. But given their business model
and some big-time financial backers they are in a
sweet-spot to make most out of this downturn.

Identify the founders and the company that they

Vikram chopra and mehul agarwal, the
founders of cars 24.
Thanks for exploring !

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