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My Hobby

For some time, I have dedicated myself to collecting succulents and cactus. It is very satisfying for me to
spend time with my plants. I´m always looking for information about how to take care of them. There is
no need to take special care with them, there are different methods to reproduce them and not to
mention the great variety.

Write an Essay
Race and Racism

Although by anatomy we are all equal, race, which is a class or class of people unified by shared
interests, habits or characteristics, distinguishes us. Throughout history, humanity has
witnessed how different races, due to their attributes, look inferior to others, reaching the
point of wanting to exterminate them. An example of this was the extermination of the Jews by
the Nazis. These with their hate speech terrorized and massacred for decades an entire
community of people.
According to the Oxford dictionary racism is defined as the inability or refusal to recognize the
rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins. More
widely, the devaluation of various traits of character or intelligence as 'typical' of particular
peoples. It could be said that after so long the perspective has changed, but it is not. These
days, around the world there have been a series of protests claiming an incident in the United
States, where an African American man was mistreated and possibly suffocated by a negligent
police officer.
It is worrying that in the 21st century people are so explicitly denigrated for the simple fact of
having a different skin color. As a globalized society we should be clear that above all, respect
for others is essential regardless of gender, sexual orientation, skin color, or any other
difference. We are a single race, despite having different origins and stories. It is time to change
the hate speeches that oppress us day by day, put aside indifference, and love each other.

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