Electrocardiogram Hyperkalemia: Disturbances

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Electrocardiogram in Hyperkalemia

Electrocardiographic Pattern of Anteroseptal Myocardial Infarction

Mimicked by Hyperkalemia-Induced Disturbance of Impulse Conduction
Morton F. Arnsdorf, MD

in the magnitude or
In a patient with renal failure and
shortness of breath, Q waves transiently
appeared in the right precordial leads of
in the sequence of electromotive
generated by the septum, apex,
level was 4.2 mEq/liter, showed a normal
sinus rhythm at a rate of 75 beats per
minute; an axis of 0°; a PR interval of 0.16
the electrocardiogram (ECG) during epi- and anterior free left seconds; a QRS interval of 0.10 seconds; a
right ventricle,
sodes of hyperkalemia, without a substan-
ventricular wall may produce Q waves QT interval of 0.42 seconds; a prominent Q
tial change in mean electrical axis. With wave in aV,.; small Q waves in I, Vr„ and V,;
in the right precordial leads of the
restoration of the plasma potassium R waves in V, through V:); left atrial
levels to normal, R waves reappeared in electrocardiogram (ECG).' The pres¬ enlargement; left ventricular enlargement;
ent case is, to my knowledge, the first

these leads. It is concluded that the tran- and ST-T wave abnormalities. The admis¬
sient development of Q waves in the right description of a transient hyperka- sion ECG on May 1 (Figure, middle panel),
precordial leads during hyperkalemia lemia-induced conduction disturbance at which time the plasma potassium level
resulted from a hyperkalemia-induced that mimics the electrocardiographic was 6.2 mEq/liter, showed a normal sinus
conduction disturbance. Hyperkalemia, pattern of anteroseptal myocardial rhythm at a rate of 65 beats per minute; an
by affecting conduction in Purkinje fibers infarction. axis of -5°; a PR interval of 0.18 seconds; a
or ventricular muscle, or both, disturbed QRS interval of 0.12 seconds; and a QT
the normal sequence of septal and ante- REPORT OF A CASE interval of 0.44 seconds. Compared to the
rior wall depolarization and resulted in an A 43-year-old man was first seenat the tracing of April 10, the voltage had
ECG pattern that mimicked that of antero- University of Chicago Hospitals and Clin¬ decreased, and Q waves had appeared in
septal myocardial infarction. Clinically, ics in 1973 because of renal failure. the right precordial leads V, through V;l.
hyperkalemia-induced conduction distur- Although the cause of his renal disease was Further, a terminal rightward conduction
bances of this type must be included in never fully defined, it was believed to be an disturbance of a right bundle-branch type
the differential diagnosis of the ECG that immune-complex glomerulopathy that per¬ had appeared. There may have been some
suggests an anteroseptal myocardial in- haps was related to heroin abuse. At this positional difference in the placement of
farction. time, a chronic peritoneal dialysis program the right precordial leads compared to that
(Arch Intern Med 136:1161-1163, 1976) was initiated. Associated problems in¬ of April 10, but this would not change the
cluded hypertension, which was controlled interpretation of a substantial alteration
by methyldopa; cardiac disease with left in the initial depolarization vectors, since
ventricular hypertrophy, congestive heart the Q wave is apparent even in V.,. It should
failure, which was treated with digitalis be noted that the initial depolarization
and diuretics, and pericardial effusions; vectors changed little in the frontal plane.
anemia; acid-base abnormalities; and elec¬ The decreased voltage was attributed to a
Received for publication Oct 27, 1975; accepted trolyte imbalance. pericardial effusion that was verified by
Feb 18, 1976. He was admitted to the hospital on May echocardiographic findings.
From the Section of Cardiology, Department 1, 1974 for peritoneal dialysis; he had Following peritoneal dialysis on May 2,
of Medicine, Pritzker School of Medicine, Univer-
sity of Chicago.
hyperkalemia and increasing shortness of the plasma potassium level was 4.5 mEq/
Reprint requests to Department of Medicine, breath. An ECG taken three weeks prior to liter, and the ECG that is shown in the
University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics, 950 this admission on April 10 (Figure, upper lower panel of the Figure was obtained.
E 59th St, Box 423, Chicago, IL 60637. panel), at which time his plasma potassium The normal sinus rate was 72 beats per

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TU aVR aVL aVF V, V2 V3 V4 V9 V6
Ll 1 m
tt hÍm
Date 4/10/74


Date 5/1/74

itetaff^: Has
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4.5 ^IS^^á-rrT

Dote 5/2/74
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Electrocardiograms prior to admission (upper panel), during hyperkalemia (middle

panel), and following correction of hyperkalemia by peritoneal dialysis (lower panel).

minute; the axis was essentially un¬ gâtions in the experimental animal,714 Domínguez and Fozzard."
changed; the duration of the PR and QRS as has hyperkalemia-incuced prolon¬ The development of reversible right
intervals decreased to 0.15 and 0.10 gation of the His-ventricular time in precordial Q waves in our patient,
seconds, respectively; the QT interval was man.1' The mechanism for the de¬ resulting in an electrocardiographic
0.38 seconds; and R waves reappeared in V, creased conductivity has been eluci¬
through V3. Again, little change in the pattern mimicking anteroseptal myo-
initial depolarization vectors was seen in
dated by Domínguez and Fozzard, cardial infarction, seems to have
the frontal plane. who examined the influence of extra¬ resulted from abnormalities of im¬
A similar sequence of events occurred cellular potassium ion concentration pulse conduction. The septal vector of
on cable properties and conduction the heart arises from activation of the
during another admission, when, at a
plasma potassium level of 5.8 mEq/liter, Q velocity in isolated cardiac Purkinje middle third of the septum from left
waves appeared in V, and V.,, without a fibers by microelectrode techniques.14 to right and initiates the R wave seen
substantial shift in electrical axis. When They observed conduction velocity to by the right precordial ECG leads. The
the plasma potassium level was reduced to decrease as the extracellular potas¬ remainder of the R wave is produced
4.2 mEq/liter by peritoneal dialysis, R sium concentration was increased
waves reappeared in these leads. There
by activation of the lower two thirds
from 4.0 to 7.0 mEq/liter and of the septum, the apex, and portions
was no enzymatic evidence for myocardial
infarction during either of these two
attributed this to hyperkalemia- of the right ventricular and free left
induced depolarization of the Purkinje ventricular wall, with the process
episodes. In late 1974, the patient was
referred to another hospital nearer his fiber membrane, which resulted in completed in 0.03 to 0.04 seconds.'-
home for continued care. less inward sodium current being The normal sequence of septal and
available. Purkinje fibers are respon¬ anterior wall depolarization, then,
COMMENT sible for the normally rapid conduc¬ depends on an orderly sequence of
The effect of hyperkalemia on tion through the His-bundle-branch- wave-front propagation through the
cardiac electrophysiologic characteris¬ terminal Purkinje system. Previously septofascicular branch of the left
tics and the ECG has long interested described cases of bundle-branch and bundle, the terminal Purkinje fiber
both the basic investigator and the trifascicular block during hyperka¬ network, and finally the ventricular
clinician. Recently, the subject has lemia315"18 presumably resulted from a tissue itself. In this patient, the devel¬
been extensively reviewed.,T Slowing notable decrease or abolition of con¬ opment of reversible Q waves strongly
of impulse conduction in the special¬ ductivity through these tissues sec¬ suggested an alteration in this normal
ized conduction system and in ventric¬ ondary to hyperkalemia-induced al¬ depolarization sequence.
ular muscle during hyperkalemia has terations in fundamental membrane Recently, Gambetta and Childers
been demonstrated by several investi- properties, such as those described by have observed the development of

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rate-related Q in the right
waves plane. The development of right by affecting conduction in Purkinje
precordial leads, which they at¬ bundle-branch block in our patient fibers orventricular muscle or both,
tributed to reversible septofascicular suggests that other Purkinje fibers disrupted the normal sequence of
block.1" Frequently, right bundle- were also influenced by hyperkalemia. septal and anterior wall depolariza¬
branch block accompanied this pat¬ Given the relative resistance of Pur¬ tion, resulting in an electrocardio-
tern. They contended that previously kinje fibers, as compared to ventricu¬ graphic pattern mimicking that of
described cases of transient right lar muscle to hyperkalemia-induced anteroseptal myocardial infarction.
precordial Q wave development dur¬ conduction disturbances,24 it is proba¬ Clinically, hyperkalemia-induced con¬
ing episodes of chest pain without ble that intraventricular conduction duction disturbances of this type must
evidence of infarction-"LM and during delays were present as well. be included in the differential diag¬
aberrant conduction2--' represented In conclusion, it seems reasonable to nosis of an electrocardiographic pat¬
instances of intermittent septofascic¬ suppose that the transient develop¬ tern that is suggestive of anteroseptal
ular block. As in the cases of Gambet- ment of Q waves in the right precor¬ myocardial infarction.
ta and Childers, the electrocardio- dial leads during hyperkalemia, which
graphic manifestation of abnormal was noted on two occasions in our
septal and anterior depolarization in patient, resulted from a hyperka¬ This study was supported in part by Public
our patient were more apparent in the lemia-induced conduction disturbance, Health Service grant HL 17648-01 SCOR IHD
horizontal plane, as reflected by the III-l, Research Career Development award PHS
presumably in the presence of under¬ 1 K04-HL-00196-01, and a grant-in-aid from the
precordial leads, than in the frontal lying cardiac disease. Hyperkalemia, Chicago Heart Association (A76-14).

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