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(Prepared by C. L. Cadao)

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to

 differentiate concepts of salvation and expose its weaknesses in comparison with

biblical teaching of how man can be saved.
 comprehend the real meaning of Grace and faith.
 nurture personal relationship with God to continue living a sanctified life.
Lesson Focus and coverage:

 Different concepts on “how man can be saved.”

 The sound biblical concept of salvation.
 What is the real essence and meaning of Grace and Faith?
 Does faith and law oppose each other?
 What is the true test of discipleship and what two errors against which the children of
God need to guard?
Time Allotment: 4.5 hours

 Study the Materials – 1 hr. & 30 mins.

 Answer Activity Questions – 1 hr. & 30 mins.
 Accomplish the Assessment: 1 hr. & 30 mins.
Schedule: August 13, 18 & 20 2020

How man can be saved? This is the most important question man need to ask, answer,
but above all need to experience. In search for an answer for this vital question, various
concepts of “How Man can be Saved” were formed. But among these teachings, seekers should
clearly distinguish which one is Christ centered and biblically sound. The Bible teaches
“Salvation is by Grace Through Faith in Jesus Christ.” It discusses deliverance form the penalty
of sin, power of sin and presence of sin which are called by theologians as justification,
sanctification, and Glorification all by faith.
This first module focusses on the justification aspect, which is about faith and
conversion. This is the starting point of walking in the newness of life or daily experience of
sanctification. Understanding Christ life, death and resurrection, sinners need to respond by
faith on Christ sacrifice on his stead. It also emphasizes the relationship between faith and
obedience which is the true test of discipleship.
In reference with the book of Genesis chapter 3, Paul stated that sin entered the world
through one man’s disobedience. This resulted to the reign of death upon all men (Romans
5:12; 6:23), for “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). But the
problem brought about by this disobedience was not just limited to penalty of sin, because
when the first man disobeyed God’s provisions, sin took dominion over man and sins made its
presence in the world. So, in the light of these dilemma, the big question is, how man can be
saved form the penalty of sin, from the dominion of sin and from its presence. In answer to this,
this module and the second focuses on the deliverance from penalty and dominion of sin.

Concepts of How Man Can Be Saved?

A. Augustine Concept of Salvation (The Medieval Roman Catholic Teaching) – Salvation

Through Church Sacraments
 Augustine concept of salvation was the most popular concept ever taught and it
was the one embraced by majority of Christians.
 He taught that “Church takes care of man’s salvation” and that if you will
complete and fulfill sacraments required and offered by the church, then you will
be saved.
 This concept was the one embraced and taught in the Roman Catholic Church,
who claimed that Augustine was our church father.
 Since the church takes care of your salvation, there are important steps that you
need to follow and fulfill.
STEP 1: Free Infusion of Healing Grace at Baptism – First Holy Sacraments

 Baptism neutralizes responsibility for the original sin

 Baptism washed away guilt for past sins
STEP 2: Moral Cooperation – Fulfillment of the rest of the Sacraments

 Sacraments infuse the Christian habitual grace, give power to perform good works.
 Empowered, a Christian can earn salvation by doing good works.
 Reason for the common saying, “as long as I am doing good, treating everyone fairly and
not offending anybody, surely I will be saved.
BIG QUESTION: How can a Christian be righteous when he/she continues to make mistakes?”
The answer lies on the 3rd step which is the sacrament of penance.
STEP 3: Sacraments of Penance.
 Through penance, the believers make satisfaction or atonement for sins committed.
 Satisfaction needed depended on the gravity of sins committed.
 Satisfaction is through doing good works.
 Giving of indulgences which is also a sacrament.
 Self-punishment and inflictions.
Penance Defined:
a. A Christian sacrament in which a member of the Church confesses sins to a priest and is
given absolution.
b. A voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having
done wrong.
c. Atonement, expiation, self-punishment, self-mortification, self-abasement, amends.

 This concept is like an accounting or ledger understanding of salvation. Sins are minus or
debts while good works are plus, or credits points earned to cover debts.
 Salvation is given as just reward for those who did their moral best.
 In a sense, this is a Christ less concept of salvation.

B. Lutheran and reformed Theology Concept of Salvation

 Salvation is a gift. All you need to do is to accept it.
 Once you accepted it, you have it and so you are forever saved.
 Once saved always saved belief.
 Because it is a gift, works, though fruits of faith, has nothing to do with salvation.
 Because we are already saved, faith and law opposed each other.


Read Ephesians 2:8-10, compare it to Romans 3:25; I Corinthians 1:30; and Galatians 2:16 and
discover the concept of salvation taught by apostle Paul. How will you live now being the object
or recipient of God’s saving grace?
Paul Concept of salvation: Paul insists that salvation is received by the grace of God. Paul says
that it is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith. There is a way to be saved
apart from being good enough to be saved.God’s righteousness can be achieved by sinful man.
God’s righteousness is achieved by faith in Jesus Christ.
How I will Live: (1-2 sentence answer)
God has given us the gift of grace and it is only up to us to prove that He can trust us with it.
Our lives must be a testament to God`s love among His people and give hope for those who
have gone astray.

“Salvation by Grace”

 Salvation is a “gift”, the gift of Jesus Christ. It is not to be earned by the Christians in any
form of payment.
 It is not received as a reward for anything we have done.
 It is not a Christ less salvation for it is salvation through Christ alone. Salvation is By
Grace Through Faith in Jesus Christ.”

Grace Defined:
Since biblical concept of salvation is by Grace through faith in Christ, how can “grace” be best
defined biblically? Read the following Bible passages and discover its biblical meaning.
1. Lamentation 3: 22-23
“great love”, unfailing compassion or mercy
2. II Timothy 1:9, Titus 3:5
Salvation is not on the basis of great deeds, but only by the power of God
3. Ephesians 1:13
His promises are sure and everlasting. His seal is secure and cannot be broken

Stories to STUDY: Story of love and forgiveness. In relation to grace, choose one story below
and explain how does the story convey grace and how it was granted? How do you relate it to
our condition as hopeless and helpless sinner? (3-5 sentences answer)
a. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant – Matthew 18:21-35
b. Jesus at the home of Simon the Pharisee - Luke 7:36-50
c. Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers - Luke 17:11-19
In the Story of the ten lepers, faithfulness is demonstrated in two ways. One, the
Samaritan recognizes that mercy has come from Jesus, and returning to thank Jesus is a form of
faithfulness to the mercy of God that has been made manifest; and two, the Samaritan’s
thankfulness for his physical healing shows evidence of deeper, spiritual healing, which is our
true salvation. Anyone can experience God’s salvation, shout with joy for it, praise God for it
and walk along the same road Jesus is travelling.
If “grace” were defined as covenant of love, undeserved favor, and presence of the
Holy Spirit, what must be the response of sinners to this divine grace? Read Romans 5:2. (1
phrase or 1 sentence answer) “wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. ... 5 And
hope maketh not ashamed”


Faith Defined: Read the following passages and define what is faith.
a. John 3: 16 believing
b. Proverbs 3:5; Ezekiel 33:13 trusting with all your heart
c. Jeremiah 29:13 seeking the Lord
To have saving faith, we need more than simple assent (believe) but trust that leads to
surrender. In fact, the devil himself have that much and they tremble as a result. The devils
believe, but they do not trust. That is the crucial difference. (95 Theses of Righteousness by
Faith p. 47) That is why believing must lead to trusting which to total surrender, allowing God
to work in our lives. It is trusting God’s mercy and promises completely that opens our lives to
His salvation.

Stories to Study: Stories of Faith. Select one story below and discover how the main
character/s showed his/her faith? (1 sentence answer) What message does this story tells’ you
personally? (2-3 sentences)
a. Matthew 15:21-28 - The Syro-Phoenician Woman
b. Luke 5:17-20 – The Paralytic lowered through the roof
c. Luke 7:1-9 – The Centurion.
d. Luke 8:40-48 – Invalid woman, Jairus’ Daughter
e. Luke 18:35-42 – Blind Bartimaeus
Despite the circumstances that the Paralytic man have encountered, he and his friends did
everything they could; even if it was unsure and dangerous.
Ellen G. White on Faith
The faith that is unto salvation is not a mere assent to the truth of the gospel. True faith
is that which receives Christ as a personal Savior. God gave His only begotten son, that I, by
believing in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). When I come to Christ,
according to His word, I am to believe that I receive His saving Grace. The life that I now live, I
am to "live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." Galatians
2:20. {MH 62.1}
“Faith is trusting God--believing that He loves us and knows best what is for our good.
Thus, instead of our own, it leads us to choose His way. In place of our ignorance, it accepts His
wisdom; in place of our weakness, His strength; in place of our sinfulness, His righteousness.
Our lives, ourselves, are already His; faith acknowledges His ownership and accepts its blessing.
Truth, uprightness, purity, have been pointed out as secrets of life's success. It is faith that puts
us in possession of these principles. {Ed 253.1}
“More than this, Christ changes the heart. He abides in your heart by faith. You are to
maintain this connection with Christ by faith and the continual surrender of your will to Him;
and so long as you do this, He will work in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure.
So, you may say, "The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who
loved me, and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20. So Jesus said to His disciples, "It is not ye
that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you." Matthew 10:20. Then with
Christ working in you, you will manifest the same spirit and do the same good works --works of
righteousness, obedience.” {SC 62,63}

Through Faith in Christ

 Faith is the human response to divine grace.

 Grace is God-ward, Faith is man-ward.
 Faith could also mean the relationship between God and man.
 By faith we are connected or have a relationship with God, and not just a relationship
but “dependent relationship with God.”
 Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ simply means we can access grace only
through faith.
 We will be saved, if we will accept Christ and trust that he is the only one who can save
 Romans 5: 2 says, “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we
stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”
How can we have faith that makes saving grace ours? Can a sinful man have faith? Read and
analyze Philippians 1:29 and answer the question. Believing in Christ is accompanied by many
trials and tribulations. It is never too late to have faith in Him even with all our trespasses for He
is faithful and just to forgive us.


The gift of faith from God produces a multifaceted response in man. This gift of “Faith”
from God is manifested in the lives of believers in what ways? Read and review the following
verses to strengthen your understanding of the genuineness of FAITH. What are the evidences
that someone’s faith is true?
a. Romans 16:26, John 14:15 – Faith is manifested in OBEDIENCE
b. Galatians 5:6, I John 5:3 – Faith is manifested in LOVE
c. Titus 3:8 – Faith is manifested in maintaining GOOD WORKS
d. James 2: 14-26 – Genuine faith was evident in WORKS

Review again the passages above and compare it to Roman 3:31 and answer the following
questions. What is the relationship between Salvation by Grace Through Faith in Christ to
obedience to the law? Is it true that faith and Law oppose each other? Briefly explain your
answer. Refer on a, b, c & d above & the true sign of discipleship below?
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we
have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of
the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Paul’s ringing defense of salvation by
grace and his emphatic denunciation of justification through works of the law seem almost in direct
contradiction to faith and law. Thus the purpose of the law was simply to make us aware of our
sinfulness that we may be justified by faith rather than based upon our performance.

True sign of discipleship and two errors against which the children of God need to guard:
A. True sign of discipleship
“Obedience–the service and allegiance of love–is the true sign of discipleship” (SC p. 60). A sign
of and mark of true & genuine faith.
B. Two errors against which the children of God need to guard:
1. Looking to their own works, trusting to anything they can do, to bring themselves
into harmony with God.
2. Belief in Christ releases men from keeping the law of God; that since by faith alone
we become partakers of the grace of Christ, our works have nothing to do with our
There are various concepts of salvation taught and embraced by different Christians
denominations. However, the Bible clearly taught that “Salvation is by Grace through Faith in
Christ. Grace simply means life, the death and resurrection of Christ, so it was defined as
covenant of love, undeserved favor, and presence of the Holy Spirit. The reason why Christ
came here on earth was for sinners to be saved. Giving his life on the cross, His death was our
substitutionary death for he was the lamb of God. To respond on this undeserved favor and
love, God gave us this gift of faith that through the convictions of the Holy Spirit sinners will
realize his need of Salvation. Accepting Christ as personal savior, sinners entered in a saving
relationship with God. This saving relationship with God make man love Him more and desire to
do his will.
1. Seventh-day Adventists Belief, A Biblical Exposition of Fundamental Doctrines (2006)

Assessment: Do not answer the assessment unless you study first the materials. You will surely
miss the important points that you need to include in your answers.
1. In the light of “Salvation by Grace Through Faith in Christ”, what weakness/weaknesses
were evident in the first & second concept of salvation?
2. How does the discussion of Biblical concept of Salvation (salvation by Grace through
faith in Christ) enlightened you about how you will live as someone who have been
saved? (refer on the genuineness of faith)
3. Write a reflection paper by briefly answering these questions: What are the things that
you are doing that keeps your faith burning? What more do you think are worthy to add
to what you are practicing?
4. Now that you finished answering the three assessment questions, copy paste the pages
of the module that covers activities you answered (pp. 3-7) and paste it as number 4.
This will serve as your participation. (look at the structure below)

Submission Pattern:
1. It says good works and deeds without faith is just as useless as faith
without good works. The 2 are so closely tied together that they are
inseparable. On the opposite end works and good deeds nor the strict
obedience to the Law could Save a sinner.
2. It goes to show how the concept of salvation works in many ways. But it
clearly states that we should believe, have faith, and do God`s deeds in
our time as we live.
3. My relationship with other people. Being around church members
enlightens me with their thoughts and faith in God. It pushes me to have
a deeper and intimate relationship with Him because of how they
describe how great they`ve experienced God`s love. As I become closer to
them, I became closer to God. As the saying goes, be around people who
can lift you up. The influence people have on each other is so strong that
just a single nudge of the devil might bring you to an unending loop of
sinful actions. It is important to look after yourself and the people around

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