Causas de La Personalidad en Ingles

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Diferencias Individuales

NRC. 23349

Actividad 8

Causas de Trastorno de Personalidad

Elaborado Por

Angélica Montes Soto ID: 585374

Karen Tatiana Sanchez ID:


Mercy Yovana Polania Garzón

NRC 9253

Universidad Minuto de Dios

Neiva, Huila

What are the main causes of personality disorders?

In the formation of personality involved a number of factors that not only shape the
personality in one way or another, but can also influence the appearance of a disorder.

Although the genetic factors exert an influence, the effect of the environment is also
very important, which means that the personality is not something fixed with what we
come to the world, but, in large part, is influenced and modified by the experiences
lived .

The main factors that intervene in the development of a personality disorder are the


Genetics and the biological structure of the brain could be considered the main causes.
However, these causes can play only a predisposing role; that is, they predispose the
individual to suffer from a certain disorder but it is the environmental factors and
external influences and learning that determine their appearance.

On the other hand, the influence of genetics depends on the type of disorder. In some,
such as antisocial personality disorder, genetics seems to play an important role, while
in other cases, such as dependency disorder, the environment seems to exert a
greater influence. However, in general, there is usually an interaction between both
factors (genetic and environmental).

Child traumas
Child abuse, neglect or emotional neglect seem to play an especially important role in
the development of various personality disorders.

In particular, among people with borderline disorder, 55% have been victims of sexual
abuse. This does not necessarily mean that sexual abuse is the cause, but rather it
may imply that, in a personality with a certain predisposition, the trauma of the abuse
acted as a trigger.

Emotional neglect is another important aspect to consider in the appearance of these

types of disorders.

Is to ignore or not pay attention to the emotional needs of children.

In some cases, the personality of a child can be (for genetic reasons) so difficult to
manage that parents do not know how to do it and end up responding with abuse or
neglect, aggravating the child's problems and promoting the appearance of the

Verbal abuse can also have an impact. In a study of 793 mothers, the researchers
asked them if they had yelled at their children and told them they did not want them or
threatened to throw them out. Children who had experienced this type of verbal abuse
were three times more likely to develop borderline, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive
or paranoid personality disorder in adulthood.

The highly sensitive personality

Approximately 20% of people have what is called a highly sensitive personality. It is a
normal personality pattern that does not have to create problems, although children are
very sensitive to various types of stimuli, such as light, noise, textures, which react with
great intensity to them. They may have a greater predisposition to develop social
phobias or personality disorder by avoidance.

  However, only 10% of these children develop this type of disorder, so it can not be
considered an especially important factor.

Friendships, significant people, experiences

Even peers, teachers or other significant people can have an impact, both positive and
negative. A child with a predisposition to develop a personality disorder, may never
develop it if you are in a healthy and protective environment, but if you are in a situation
of abuse or abuse is very likely to end up suffering from the disorder.

Life experiences also play an important role. For example, explains Judith Beck,
director of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research, a child with
obsessive-compulsive tendencies that has alcoholic parents can take responsibility for
caring for their younger siblings, which can expand their propensity until the disorder

As we see, genetics can make you have a predisposition but the environment and
experiences you live can influence, for better or for worse, both the development of the
disorder and its management and treatment, always being possible change.

As children grow, they learn from the experiences they experience. However, this
learning can be affected in a harmful way by environmental factors such as the

One. Frequent experiences that create anxiety can undermine feelings of security and
end up provoking behavioral styles and ways of dealing with those experiences that are
not healthy. For example, children of alcoholic parents can learn that others are
unpredictable and unreliable, which will influence their behavior with others.

Two. Experiences that do not create emotional discomfort but that lead to harmful
behaviors. For example, a child who gets everything and never receives a "no" for an
answer, can learn to expect everyone to behave like that with him or her.

Three. The lack of certain experiences can cause that certain behaviors necessary to
have a good functioning are not learned. For example, a child who grows up almost
solely because his parents are never at home learns not to expect anything from

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