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1. What do we call the process of organizing and coordinating a business'
activities in order to achieve defined objectives?

2. What level of management would a person who takes decisions that affect
the entire organization be?
Top Management

3. What are First line managers in charge of managing?
Individuals involved with production

4. Who would be a good example of someone with reward type of power?

5. Lucy has been working at the grocery shop for over a year, she knows her
job perfectly and what needs to be done, but still her boss comes in every
single morning to watch her do her job and constantly comment on what
she is doing to make sure she is doing it right. What is this example of?
Theory X

6. Which of the following is a Theory Y characteristic?
Self-motivated to complete their tasks

7. Jimmy is just beginning her career in a new company that sells insurance
policies to students. He is very concerned because his paycheck depends on
whether he reaches his goals or not. What is this example of?
Maslow's Pyramid of Needs

8. What type of planning is designed with the entire organization in mind and
it is intended for long-term goals?

9. Which of the following could be consider an Autocratic leader?
Adolf Hitler

10. Which of the following area of the SWOT is external?


1. Management Planning Organizing

2. Presidential First line Top

3. Supervisors Individuals involved with production Distributors

4. Lady Gaga Parents CEO

5. Theory X Job Inconformity Theory Y

6. Unmotivated workers Self-motivated to complete tasks Dislike work

7. Equity Theory Valence Maslow's Pyramid of Needs

8. Strategic Technical Operational

9. Adolf Hitler Steve Jobs Red Ranger

10. Social Trending Threats

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