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“ai MONOTONE — romeo — SSR oot w ~The Key to the QWeb- The Q-web isa chronological timeline of our Hidden History, highlighting declassified govemment projects & operations, the true global power structure elitist occultism, and generaly things you wont read about in standard history books yet ‘an be easly referenced in mainstream literature Allinfrmation should technicaly be considered “theory’ and you are ‘encouraged to research each point on this web yourself and come to your own conclusion about it validity. The Q-web blends generally accepted facts and plausible theories together, and challenges the viewer tous their own discernment. Sections 1 and 2 atthe top ofthe web are devoted to ancient and pre-20th century history. The main timeline down the ‘enter (3)is divided into two categories, “Technology /Spintualty’on the left, and "War /Violence”on the right. Each {erm on the web is designed a.a keyword granting access to further investigative material online. The arrows indicate a tnique connection of interest between the two keywords at each endpoint. Many topics relate tothe closest adjacent topics without an arrow. Many connections that could be made are not drawn on the map forthe purpose of ‘maintaining leibity ofthe text. The “Key to the O-webs” shown here, s divided into 9 colorized sections which correspond tthe topics shown in the legend at the bottom ofthe diagram. The Great Awakening is upon us. History is being rewritten not by the victors, bu by the indlviduals, and the collective consciousness connected to Source. The New World Order is crumbling before ur eyes. Were using ther cyberweapons against them, and were winning! Find high resolution digital files ofthe Q-web and other diagramson the DS MP website. These diagrams are hypersigils intended to accelerate the awakening process, and help you spread truth and light. Youare encouraged ta share this information the most effective way you deem appropriate. The survival of our Republic and indeed the human species may depend on it. iors nea! rot RS DEEP STATE Posten: "MAPPING PROJECT ° agnis or W.DEEPSTATEMAPPINGPROJECT.COM

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