Collaboration Mechanisms For Business Models in Distributed Energy Ecosystems

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Journal of Cleaner Production 102 (2015) 226e236

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Collaboration mechanisms for business models in distributed energy

€ m a, *, Anastasia Tsvetkova a, b, Magnus Gustafsson a, b, Kim Wikstro
Magnus Hellstro € m a, b
Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
PBI e Research Institute for Project-Based Industry, Turku, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To succeed business around renewables and sustainability often need new types of business models.
Received 4 August 2014 Business models are typically considered from the viewpoint of a focal firm, whereas renewables and
Received in revised form sustainability often require a broader, system perspective. We explore how firms together in the energy
14 March 2015
business ecosystems develop their business models to facilitate change in the logic of the industry.
Accepted 28 April 2015
Available online 9 May 2015
Earlier studies on ecosystems have looked at the role of technical interdependencies in ecosystems,
whereas we use a business model lens to study collaboration between companies. We use three cases
from the distributed energy ecosystems to illustrate how different kinds of mechanisms trigger closer
Business model
collaboration, sustainability and increased overall value creation. Our findings pinpoint the importance of
Collaboration identifying the factors driving the business models of the collaborating firms to facilitate system tran-
Business ecosystem sitions and change in the logic of an industry.
Renewables © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Distributed energy systems

1. Introduction A central aspect of business models is indeed the notion of

change or transformation (Demil and Lecocq, 2010). The idea is to
Distributed energy systems rely on a different logic compared to improve performance by choosing a new business model that does
large-scale, centralised power plants, and fuel production units things better (Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart, 2010; Magretta,
(Johansson et al., 2005; Magnusson et al., 2005; Mirata et al., 2005). 2002), a phenomenon studied under the label of business model
The logic cannot rely on the same premises as in the traditional innovation (Amit and Zott, 2012; Bock et al., 2012; Desyllas and
energy sector, for instance when it comes to power equipment Sako, 2013). An emerging stream of research suggest that busi-
manufacturing (Magnusson et al., 2005), but also in general ness models not only transform businesses, but may in fact be
creating specific logics of distributed economies (Johansson et al., vehicles for transforming entire sectors by integrating discon-
2005; Mirata et al., 2005). This implies a need for considering the nected parties or by inducing system changes (Brusoni et al., 2009;
underpinning business models. It has been argued that distributed Johnson and Suskewicz, 2009). Industry transformation and system
energy systems, like sustainable or renewable energy at large, changes tend to require the joint efforts of several companies or the
require new and differing types of business models, often putting change of more than one company's business model. Still, most
the entrepreneur at a centre stage (see e.g. Johnson and Suskewicz, studies on business models revolve either around the performance
2009; Loock, 2012; Okkonen and Suhonen, 2010; Provance et al., implications for a single firm (e.g. Patzelt et al., 2008; Zott and Amit,
2011). However, few business models have become established in 2007; 2008) or around dyadic constellations like that between a
the field, but new ones are continuously being developed and supplier and its customer(s) (e.g. Bjo€rkdahl, 2009; Chesbrough and
tested (see e.g. Okkonen and Suhonen, 2010; Provance et al., 2011). Rosenbloom, 2002). Moreover, even if business model design is to
For example, in the biogas business one recurring question has describe the design of boundary-spanning transactions (Zott and
been the one between centralised and farm scale plants (Raven and Amit, 2007), very few researchers have focused on explaining
Geels, 2010). what actually connects two (or more) business models with one
another. Provance et al. (2011) pinpoint this fact by examining
different institutional influences the choice of business model in
* Corresponding author. Industriell ekonomi, Åbo Akademi University, Bis-
kopsgatan 8, 20500 Åbo, Finland. the microgenerated energy industry. They argue that such external
E-mail address: (M. Hellstro factors may have a larger impact on the choice of business model
0959-6526/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
€m et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 102 (2015) 226e236
M. Hellstro 227

than factors internal to the firm. Recent developments in the Boons et al. (2013) that current industry structures, and thus
business model literature also support this argument by arguing business models employed by companies, are not sustainable, there
that the concept indeed holds the promise of describing the net- is a clear need to redefine the business models within energy in-
worked nature of value creation (Zott and Amit, 2009) and systems dustry and other industries. Since new disruptive business models
of interdependent activities spanning a firm's boundaries (Zott and are able to achieve larger system shifts (Brusoni et al., 2009;
Amit, 2010). The emerging literature on sustainable business Johnson and Suskewicz, 2009), there is a growing interest in the
models also seems to adopt a systems view on business models connection between business model and eco-innovation research
(Boons et al., 2013). (Boons et al., 2013; Boons and Lüdeke-Freund, 2013; Ceschin, 2013;
The above described problem is accentuated in business or Halme et al., 2007; Mont, 2002; Tsvetkova et al., 2014). One of the
innovation ecosystems, which are gaining popularity in describing major conclusions of this research is that companies striving to
collaborative and interdependent arrangements among larger sets make radical system innovations need to shift the innovation effort
of companies (Adner, 2006; Gulati et al., 2012; Moore, 1993). A from the products or processes they control to the larger systems
similar notion of industrial ecosystems, which accentuates syner- they are part of. The next step is to actively construct the appro-
getic material and energy exchanges among traditionally uncon- priate business model and engage the relevant stakeholders in such
nected industries, is the underlying concept in the field of industrial a development (Boons et al., 2013).
ecology (Chertow, 2000; Co ^te
 and Cohen-Rosenthal, 1998; Ehren- According to Boons and Lüdeke-Freund (2013), business model
feld, 2000). It has been claimed that the development of relatively innovation could contribute to eco-innovation through the imple-
independent but integrated local industrial ecosystems is a key mentation of alternative paradigms other than the neoclassical
prerequisite for creating resilient distributed systems. Industrial economic worldview that shape the culture, structure and routines
ecosystems are analogous to and a sub-set of business and inno- of organizations. Such sustainable business models would ulti-
vation ecosystems. We argue that in both cases the interdepen- mately change the way companies do their business towards sus-
dence asserts certain requirements on the business models of the tainable development. More concretely, sustainable business
member companies. To be precise, we expect these business models aim at creating, delivering and capturing value in a truly
models to be more outward bound and open (Chesbrough, 2006). sustainable way by providing products and services that improve
To pinpoint our interest in industry change, our focus lies on the quality of life while doing so within environmental limits (Hannon,
birth phase of ecosystems (Moore, 1993), that is, in nascent or 2012).
transforming fields (Aldrich and Fiol, 1994; Santos and Eisenhardt, A number of recently proposed business models, such as sus-
2009), where the inertia of incumbent firms meets entrepreneurial tainable Product Service System (PPS) (Mont, 2002; Stahel, 2007;
action. Tukker and Tischner, 2006) or Energy Service Company (ESCo)
In sum, we believe that the business model is the appropriate (Fawkes, 2007; Hannon, 2012; Vine, 2005) incorporate the ideas of
unit of analysis for understanding what connects businesses and dematerialisation and the switch from owning to delivering func-
eventually triggers a system change or the formation of distributed tionality (Ceschin, 2013). While these models address the question
energy (system) business ecosystems. Hence we strive to advance of how to decrease demand for energy or other resources through a
our understanding of energy business models as depictions of different way of delivering them, in this paper, we are interested in
firms' boundary-spanning activities (Amit and Zott, 2001; Zott and how the energy or fuel, which is still required in some amount, can
Amit, 2007) and as vehicles for triggering system change (Johnson be produced in not only an environmentally, but also economically
and Suskewicz, 2009). We do so by investigating business model sustainable manner. That is, although it has been argued that
changes when firms move towards more cooperative arrange- distributed, small-scale production mode is environmentally
ments, such as energy business ecosystems. More specifically, our beneficial and suitable for bioenergy production its economic
aim is to explore the mechanisms that enable closer collaboration feasibility remains to be uncertain.
and connect business models and enable value creation and cap- One major reason for why such a mode of production is strug-
ture. We investigate the characteristics, function, and impact of gling with implementation is precisely in the interconnectedness of
such mechanisms on the business models of the respective com- business models of various actors within business ecosystems.
panies by posing the following interrelated questions: how and Value creation and value capture in ecosystems are largely deter-
why do collaborators in distributed energy systems engage in mined by the industry architecture of the system. Industry archi-
business ecosystems, and how is the engagement reflected in their tectures can be defined as “sector-wide templates that circumscribe
business models? the division of labour” and revenue, or simply “who does what” and
In the next section we continue developing our conceptual “who takes what” (Jacobides et al., 2006: 1200, 1204). Once these
argument by reviewing some of the general literature on business templates become settled, it is challenging for new, more envi-
models and sustainability, and their role in business ecosystems ronmentally sustainable business models to succeed in becoming
and industry change. We then present our method and present economically sustainable as well.
both within-case and cross-case analyses of three cases from the Business models are connected to and must be understood in
emerging distributed energy systems industry. We discuss the the context of their respective industry architectures. They are
findings in the light of the extant theories and conclude with a note both bound by them, but may as well be vehicles in shaping new
on the contribution, limitations and further research. industry architectures (Brusoni et al., 2009; Pisano and Teece,
2007). One salient feature of business models is indeed the
2. Theoretical background notion of change or transformation of the prevailing ways of
conducting business within an industry (Demil and Lecocq, 2010).
2.1. Business models for sustainable energy Johnson and Suskewicz (2009) argue that the system change, such
as the move to distributed energy systems, underpinning the
The fact that distributed energy systems rely on a very different clean-tech economy need, among others, an innovative business
logic compared to large-scale, centralised power plants, and fuel model to realize. We, in turn, argue that such an innovative
production units (Johansson et al., 2005; Magnusson et al., 2005; business model needs to stress the interlinks with other actors'
Mirata et al., 2005; Richter, 2012), implies a need for considering business models rather than focus purely on the offering, orga-
the underpinning business models. Moreover, adopting the view of nisation or other internal factors.
228 €m et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 102 (2015) 226e236
M. Hellstro

2.2. A system view on business models system-level goal (Adner, 2006; Gulati et al., 2012). While inter-
dependence in innovation ecosystems typically is perceived in
Business models are typically conceived as devices that fore- terms of technological interdependence (Adner and Kapoor, 2010)
most describe how companies create and capture value (Amit and and in industrial ecosystems in terms of material or energy flows
Zott, 2001; Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, 2002). In their widely (Chertow, 2000; Ehrenfeld and Gertler, 1997), few studies investi-
cited article, Chesbrough and Rosenbloom (2002) conceptualize a gate the economic logic that connect the parties in an ecosystem
business model as a link in transforming technological inputs into (Tsvetkova and Gustafsson, 2012).
economic outputs, or more broadly, as a tool for capturing value
from innovation. Another early contribution on business models 3. Method
defines it as a depiction of “the content, structure, and governance
of transactions designed so as to create value through the exploi- 3.1. Research design
tation of business opportunities” (Amit and Zott, 2001). The beauty
of the business model concept lies in the fact that it manages to Research in business models has attracted a lot of interest dur-
combine the relevant aspects of value creation in a way that the ing the past decade. Their role in ecosystems and industry transi-
more established theories, such as value chain analysis, Schumpe- tions constitute an unexplored phenomenon, which justifies a case
terian innovation, RBV, TCE, and strategic networks, cannot (Amit study approach (Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007; von Krogh et al.,
and Zott, 2001). Therefore it has also become so popular as a unit 2012). A key aspect of business models is that they provide new
of analysis in the fields of strategic management and entrepre- unit of analysis (Zott et al., 2011). As our interest lies in the
neurship (Zott et al., 2011). connection between the business model(s) of the focal firm(s) and
Earlier studies have mainly considered business models as the underpinning ecosystem, we apply an embedded multiple case
product- (Bjo € rkdahl, 2009; Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, 2002; design, which implies the use of multiple units of analysis (Yin,
Zott and Amit, 2008) or firm-level descriptions of business 1989).
(Doganova and Eyquem-Renault, 2009; Morris et al., 2005; Zott and We analyse three case studies from the distributed energy sys-
Amit, 2007). Whereas value capture indeed is a firm-level issue, tems sector exploring the particular phenomenon of business
many studies suggest that the locus of value creation is found in the model innovation and ecosystems change. Three cases obviously do
inter-organizational relationships of firms (Dyer, 1997; Powell et al., not suffice as a true inductive study (Eisenhardt, 1989). Instead our
1996) and that, essentially, value is co-created (Lusch and Vargo, study hinges foremost upon the motivational and to some extent
2006; Ramirez, 1999). In this vein Chesbrough (2006) propose the illustrative power of particular cases studies (Siggelkow, 2007).
that there is a need for “open business models”, which refers to the
exploitation of innovative ideas inside the own firm, or exploration 3.2. Sampling
of innovative ideas outside the own firm. The business model
concept can therefore be held as the appropriate unit of analysis for The cases were selected based on the principles of theoretical
describing the networked nature of value creation (Zott and Amit, sampling, i.e. we selected cases exhibiting polar characteristics so
2009). As both value creation (Porter, 1985) and transactions are as to uncover differences and similarities between contexts
about connecting activities, an activity system perspective (Porter (Eisenhardt, 1989; Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007). First we scoped
and Siggelkow, 2008) to business models has been proposed (Zott our study so that we were looking for particular cases that could
and Amit, 2010). The framework suggests that business models exemplify business models in the emerging distributed energy
are seen as systems of interdependent activities spanning a firm's systems sector, where new models are required but very few have
boundaries (Zott and Amit, 2010). become established in the field.
The activity system perspective addresses value creation on an Furthermore, all cases entail a challenging business model
ecosystem level while keeping the focus on a focal company which design task, where the business cannot be developed without
actively tries to reconnect the links between itself and other com- ‘opening’ business model boundaries and integrating other actors
panies. The activity system framework cover three design ele- into it. However, the focal actors in all cases are of different type
ments: content, structure, and governance of transactions; and four and/or strive for different outcomes. Thereby they address rather
sign themes: novelty, lock-in, complementarities, and efficiency. different issues, which is likely to help us in developing more
However, the activity system perspective does not directly consider robust design propositions and theory. The general characteristics
value capture (revenue model), which still is considered an of the cases are presented in Table 1.
essential part of business models (Zott et al., 2011). Thereby we look The cases differ on a number of points. The first one comes from
at three business model elements (content, structure, and gover- the heating business and the latter two from the biogas business.
nance) and four sources of value creation (novelty, complemen- The first case is at the outset a rather typical supply chain that
tarity, lock-in, and efficiency) and apply them on activities and transforms to an innovation ecosystem. The second case, in turn, is
mechanisms creating and capturing value in highly interdependent a mixture of an innovation and industrial ecosystem. Finally, the
industry architectures. third case is a typical industrial ecosystem. Case 1 and 2 are triads,
In adopting a system view on how firms connect their business whereas case 3 is a dyad, albeit non-traditional. Case 1 and 2
models to one another we touch upon the topic of ecosystems. In represent sectors, or ecosystems, addressing an overall solution or
the literature two kinds of (business) ecosystems are discussed. system-level goal (Dalziel, 2007). In case 3 two widely different
Innovation ecosystems, on the one hand, refer to the situation sectors meet, but continue primarily supplying their respective
when the success of an innovator depends on other innovating markets.
firms in its environment (Adner and Kapoor, 2010). Industrial
ecosystems, on the other, build on the theories of industrial ecology 3.3. Data collection and analysis
and symbiosis (Chertow, 2000; Ehrenfeld, 2000; Graedel, 1996).
Both ecosystem conceptions can be defined in terms of two as- Our approach is both explorative and pragmatic. All cases were
pects: firstly, the idea of a system of interdependent firms whose such that we set up clinical collaborative research projects with the
performance depends on the actions of their collaborators (Adner focal firms. Our intervention reside in designing, together with the
and Kapoor, 2010; Moore, 1993); and secondly: the presence of a participating firm(s), solutions that incorporate and build on
€m et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 102 (2015) 226e236
M. Hellstro 229

Table 1
General characteristics.

Case 1 e Heat service Case 2 e Biogas for traffic Case 3 e Biogas and farming

Type of ecosystem Innovation ecosystem Industrial/innovation Industrial ecosystem

Focal firm (initiator) Energy company Biogas company Biogas company
Other participating firms Heat entrepreneur Vehicle dealer Farmer
Boiler manufacturer Transportation company
Focal setting Triad Triad Dyad
Number of interviews 4 27 6
Interviewed parties Fuel supplier, boiler Vehicle dealers, waste Farmers' union, agricultural
manufacturer, heat management companies, research institute, biogas
entrepreneur, financier delivery companies, biogas producer, food safety authority
producer, financer

certain mechanisms that in turn enable the transition towards a of small-scale boilers proved to be much less profitable compared
new desired state. As we have worked with the companies and to large heat stations that the company traditionally owned and
collected data only during the planning stage our cases mainly operated within its heat production business but where the market
reflect the plans, i.e. the companies' intentions, that have later been was largely saturated.
or are about to be implemented. They are all based on thorough The solution was based on outsourcing the operation of boilers
research projects where different actors have been heard and the to local facility management companies by means of heat entre-
collaborating companies have been brought together to jointly plan preneurship arrangements (cf. Okkonen and Suhonen, 2010;
the new opportunities. Moreover, the fact that all companies have Suhonen and Okkonen, 2013). The idea was that the heat entre-
accepted the general ideas and invested in them makes them at preneurs in addition to their existing business would invest in the
least illustrative evidence. In that sense our methodological equipment as well as operate it. To engage the entrepreneurs, a
approach relying on expert judgement of the designed business franchising concept was developed. The concept was created
models is similar to what of Kajanus et al. (2014) propose. around the operation of the boilers and included financing,
As our aim is to bridge the relevance gap between organization permitting, training and fuel supply. However, the boilers were still
science and managerial practice, we use a design science mode of an unfeasible investment. To enhance the franchising offering, the
research, especially for the analysis of our data. A design science energy company also made an agreement with a boiler manufac-
approach has been articulated as especially useful in the explor- turer for the development of a modular boiler of a standard size,
atory phases of research as opposed to the explanatory phases which would be part of the franchising concept. As a result, a vol-
where the theoretical sciences prevail (Holmstro €m et al., 2009). ume order for the equipment could be made with the boiler
Design science hinges upon pragmatism as the underlying episte- manufacturer, decreasing the investment costs for the potential
mological notion and uses design and engineering as academic role franchisees. The additional advantage for the energy company was
models (Romme, 2003). The focus in design science is on outlining that the boilers would not appear in their balance sheet, but would
solutions (rather than on explaining the existence of problems) instead form a network of entrepreneurs which would act both as
based on field-tested technological rules grounded in terms of consumers of biofuel supplied by the focal company and as oper-
generative mechanisms (van Aken, 2004), or what Romme (2003) ators of heat boilers.
terms an integrated set of design propositions that can be refor- In essence, the focal company had to engage in a triadic set-up to
mulated into theoretical hypotheses. Recent developments in develop their new business. Certain adjustments to the business
design science methodology has argued for adopting a CIMO-logic models of the involved actors were required in order to achieve the
(context-intervention-mechanism-outcome) for developing design ecosystem set-up in order for the focal company to operate in the
propositions that can help us overcome the challenge with the new market of small-scale heat production. The changes and new
fragmented knowledge base of management studies (Denyer et al., sources of value in the business models are analysed in Table 2.
2008). Research synthesis is thus considered the starting point for Complementarity of two businesses e fuel production and
studies based on the CIMO-logic. The logic builds on the identifi- boiler manufacturing e allowed developing an offering with which
cation of a problematic context, the deployment of a required the companies could enter the target market. Cooperation between
intervention to trigger a certain mechanism that delivers an the companies reduced capital costs while at the same time
intended outcome. keeping operating costs down (manpower) and thereby enabled
the franchising concept. The roles of the companies change in the
4. Case descriptions new set-up compared to the original situation, where none of the
three companies in the triad could reach the target customers on
4.1. The “Heat service franchising” case their own. The described collaboration made it possible to achieve
the ecosystem transition, which was required to deliver the value
The first case focuses on a large Finnish energy company whose proposition of all the companies. This transition is demonstrated in
main business activities include supply of biofuel and production Fig. 1.
and supply of heat. The focal firm, the energy company, was plan- By establishing collaboration with the boiler manufacturer and
ning to increase its heat and fuel sales by increasing the number of introducing franchising concept the focal firm managed to ‘create’
small boilers stations all over the country, since a significant po- its own customer and supplier e a heat entrepreneur. Such busi-
tential was identified in producing heat from the company's biofuel ness model innovation spanned the boundaries of one company,
in small-scale boilers. However, in order to enter this market the because it required changes in the business models of other actors.
company would need to invest into a large number of small boilers The designed concept was evaluated in a meeting with repre-
which would burden its balance sheet. Investment in and operation sentatives from the focal company and finally documented in the
230 €m et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 102 (2015) 226e236
M. Hellstro

Table 2
Value creation in the ecosystem of renewed business models in the “Franchising” case.

Fuel productiona Boiler manufacturer Heat production

Content of transactions Fuel sales connected to overall Standard boilers of optimal size No change - heat production for
franchising concept (with boiler and acceptable price for small- small consumers of behalf of
manufacturer). scale heat production. franchiser (energy company).
Structure of transactions Split of fuel and heat production Sales directed to heat No change - franchiser offers
activities creating a new entrepreneur instead of fuel ready concept and bargaining
customer (i.e. the heat producer. power over equipment supplier
entrepreneur). (boiler manufacturer).
Governance of transactions No change No change A new actor is introduced, the
heat entrepreneur.
Sources of value Complementarity introducing Complementarity introducing Complementarity introducing
novelty efficiency novelty and efficiency
Value capture mechanisms Fuel sales þ franchising fee No major change (internal No change (heat sales as before,
efficiency gains) but by another actor)
Focal firm.

Fig. 1. Ecosystem transition in “Franchising” case.

form of a concept manual. It is important to note that all concerned distribution investment and put the business of a biogas company
stakeholders were heard (interviewed) when designing the at risk.
concept, i.e.: different functions within the energy company, two There are a number of other uncertainties making the success of
different boiler suppliers and an entrepreneur. In addition, two biogas business increasingly dependent on a larger business
institutions providing finance for franchising entrepreneurs, and ecosystem. Firstly, the attractiveness of an investment into gas-
both local and national authorities were interviewed. The plans fuelled vehicles is not only defined by the availability and quality
were considered feasible by all parties. of the biofuel, but also by the reliability and value of the vehicles as
such. This concerns the availability of gas-fuelled vehicles, trucks in
this case, on the local market, maturity of appropriate maintenance
4.2. The “Biogas for traffic” case network, second-hand value of the vehicles, etc. As a result, another
actor in the ecosystem e a vehicle dealer e appeared to be a crucial
In the second case the focal firm, a biogas production business, company that needed to be integrated more deeply into the focal
was exploring opportunities beyond electricity and heat produc- business ecosystem.
tion, where biogas as a source of energy is not very competitive in Based on the outlined challenges, a joint offering was designed,
an urban region like the one under scrutiny. The focal region is a which included the vehicle, a long-term and fixed-price contract
medium-sized municipality in Finland, which has a population of for biogas, and optional leasing and maintenance agreements. With
around 200 000 people, and thus a rather large public trans- such agreement, the total lifecycle cost of the investment into a gas-
portation system. This fact makes the use of biogas as a traffic fuel a fuelled truck was more competitive compared to traditionally used
potentially more viable option. But to exploit the opportunity, and diesel vehicles for which the fuel price is the single major business
to develop a local energy solution, the focal firm had to align with risk. A long-term fuel contract aimed at reducing customers' un-
public and private transportation businesses. Transportation and certainty regarding fuel availability, while it at the same time
waste management companies are potential large consumers of ensured the profitability of the biogas distribution investment by
biogas, and therefore their commitment to switch to biogas tech- securing the revenue stream. As a result, the business models of the
nology was crucial for the success of the overall biogas-for-traffic respective companies required a certain change. An overview of
ecosystem. However, the move into the traffic fuel business this transition is presented in Table 3.
would require a considerable investment in a biogas distribution The major sources of value creation in this case include com-
system and that was yet to be done, while potential customers plementarities and lock-in. Complementarity of a gas-fuelled
proved to be reluctant to invest in gas-fuelled vehicles. Low con- vehicle and biogas, initially seen as a barrier, is turned into a
sumption of biogas, in turn, hindered the payback of the gas value proposition with higher value compared to competing diesel
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M. Hellstro 231

Table 3
Business model change of the firms in the “Biogas for traffic” ecosystem.

Biogas productiona Vehicle sales Transportation

Content of transactions Required volumes of biogas are New type of vehicles (gas- No change (still selling
guaranteed for long term at fuelled trucks) and vehicle transportation services).
stable prices; biogas is reliability (maintenance).
promoted together with gas
Structure of transactions Coordinate with vehicle sales, Coordinate with biogas supply; No change (still buying fuel and
joint offering with vehicle gas-fuelled trucks become a new fleet separately).
dealer. part of joint offering with
biogas producer.
Governance of transactions No change No change No change
Sources of value Complementarity introducing Complementarity introducing Efficiency; novelty
novelty; Lock-in. novelty.
Value capture mechanisms No change (gets a part of new No change (gets a part of new Internal efficiency gains thanks
overall value pie). overall value pie). to reduced business risk and
Focal firm.

Fig. 2. Ecosystem transition in “Biogas for traffic” case.

technology offering. This is the way collaboration with the vehicle business, with which the focal firm has to align so as to expand the
dealer can enhance the offering of the biogas company. Alignment biofuel business and guarantee green biomass supply. At the same
of the companies' activities is reflected in the value creation and time, an increase in biogas production volume creates the need for
capture systems through the division of responsibilities, risks and ensuring that the by-product, i.e. digestate, is disposed of in a safe
benefits. and feasible manner. Farms can provide green biomass to be used
Lock-in enhances the total value produced in the business for biogas production, such as hay, and can utilise digestate as
ecosystem, since it mitigates customers' risks related to the fuel and organic fertiliser. Therefore, they act as a crucial business actor that
at the same time ensures sustainable revenues to the biogas com- needs to be integrated in the biogas business.
pany. Lock-in of the fuel consumers is achieved both through the The key challenge in establishing this supply relationship is in
long-term fuel contracts and through the fact that once a gas- the fact that the current business model of farmers builds on uti-
fuelled vehicle is purchased, the user is locked-in in the biogas- lising available fields for growing most profitable food crops. For
for-traffic ecosystem. Without inducing many changes to the the biogas company it means that there should be a proper
transportation company's business model, the new offering is able incentive provided to the farmers for them to start using fields for
to deliver the benefit of stable and competitive operating costs. The growing hay instead of highly valuable grain and selling it to the
transition in the focal ecosystem is demonstrated in Fig. 2. biogas producer. Following this model, the biogas producer needs
The designed concept was evaluated throughout continuous to purchase hay or other green biomass at the price that is equal or
discussions with the relevant actors: vehicle dealers, local trans- higher compared to the grain price, so that the farmer's revenue
portation companies, such as delivery and public transportation would not decrease. Such high price is unacceptable for the biogas
companies, and the biogas company. In fact, the final model of company, since it ultimately leads to an increased price for biogas.
cooperation was shaped by the concerns and needs of various ac- As a result, the biogas producer would not be able to offer the
tors so as to form a winewin situation. Moreover, a joint workshop competitive price for the biofuel, which will destroy its offering to
was held involving vehicle dealers in order to validate the potential the customer. Moreover, supply of green biomass based purely on
for the new business model. price bargaining is unsustainable for the company that strives to
produce and deliver biogas on a fixed-price and long-term contract
4.3. The “Biogas and farming” case basis (as described in the previous case).
The solution for solving this challenge is based on introducing
In our third case the focal firm, a Finnish biogas business, is ley farming, where fields in turns stay fallow, i.e. unused for
looking for ways to increase its capacity by adding new biomass growing food crops, for a year to then be taken back into growing
sources to its repertoire. One such source is the local farming grain. The hay that is growing during the ‘fallow’ periods is supplied
232 €m et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 102 (2015) 226e236
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Table 4
Business model change of the firms in the “Biogas and farming” ecosystem.

Biogas companya Farmer

Content of transactions Stable supply of biogas at a competitive and Organic farming based on ley farming.
stable price.
Structure of transactions The farmer becomes long-term supplier due to Biogas supplier acts as fertiliser supplier and
common production planning. customer for hay.
Governance of transactions No change No change
Sources of value Complementarity introducing novelty and Complementarity introducing novelty and
efficiency. efficiency.
Value capture mechanisms Increased value of by-product (digestate). Also Price premium of organic products and reduced
some internal efficiency gains through reduced cost of fertilizing.
cost of raw material.
Focal firm.

Fig. 3. Ecosystem transition in “Biogas and farming” case.

to the biogas producer. By practicing ley framing and utilising local authorities, and through discussions with farmer's union
digestate from biogas production as organic fertiliser, a farmer is representatives.
able to eliminate or significantly reduce the use of synthetic fer-
tilisers that constantly increase in price. In such case it is even
5. Discussion
possible to switch to organic farming, where the agricultural
products have higher value and price. Also, when the fields are
The chosen cases differ from more traditional supply chain
managed in this way, the overall yield from all the fields and the
optimization cases, where various actors in one value chain and
revenue generated by the farmer are apt to increase. For the biogas
acting in connected industries strive for improved collaboration. In
producer this means that by extending the collaboration with the
the outlined cases the additional challenge lies in the diversity of
farmer they can reduce the cost for purchasing the hay. At the same
the actors involved in the ventures and their traditional discon-
time the problem with disposing the digestate can be solved.
nectedness from each other's businesses. To this end, all the com-
In order to achieve collaboration as outlined earlier, the farmer's
panies in the three cases have sought for new business
business model need to undergo significant change. Although the
opportunities in system-level goals by interconnecting and by
two business actors operate in traditionally disconnected in-
becoming interdependent upon each other. The increased inter-
dustries, they may gain significant benefits by introducing joint
dependency is bound to, in addition to environmental sustain-
production planning and interchanging material flows. Applying
ability (Boons et al., 2013), increase the overall value creation
the activity system perspective on the business models of the
potential in the system, a key outcome of business models (Amit
involved ecosystem actors, we analyse what is the source of value
and Zott, 2001). In the next we discuss how the increased system
creation and what business model change is required in order to
value is created, shared and captured, by the focal companies in our
create and deliver it, as shown in Table 4.
three cases in concert with their collaborators. As a basis for the
This case is an example of how the biogas producer's and
discussion we have summarized our cases in Table 5. In the table we
farmer's business models are integrated in order to create more
use the CIMO logic (Denyer et al., 2008) to pinpoint the value cre-
value at an ecosystem level. The value is created mainly from effi-
ation and capture mechanisms employed in the system transitions,
ciency improvement in terms of production processes of both
rather than to develop design propositions per se.
parties and by lock-in that reduces uncertainty of stable biogas
supply promise. Thus, the biogas producer is able to optimise its
production process by effectuating the business model change of a 5.1. System level goals and increased total value creation
farmer. Total value creation, although companies operate in
different industries, is increased through collaboration. The As illustrated in the within-case analysis, the changes in value
ecosystem transition happening due to joint production planning is creation could only be understood from a system perspective. Due
depicted in Fig. 3. to the challenging industrial contexts, where collaboration be-
The designed concept was evaluated in a workshop, which tween traditionally unconnected (or less connected) companies
involved an agriculture research organisation, biogas company and was required, complementarity of products, services or side-
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Table 5
System-level analysis of the cases.

Franchising Biogas as traffic fuel Biogas and farming

Context Problems for the current business models to Transportation company fear to invest in gas Current business models make hay an
bear the capital and operating costs for smaller driven fleet due to uncertainty in gas supply and expensive source for biogas production.
scale boilers. vehicle reliability.
The heat entrepreneur lacks capability to set up
successful heat service business, partly due to
too high initial capital expenditure.
Intervention Introduction of a franchising concept for a new Joint offering for end user based on stable fuel Biogas production is deeply integrated with
actor in the ecosystem. price, leasing, and a long-term maintenance biomass production (joint production
Pooling of franchisee boiler orders to a contract. planning), leading to the possibility of nutrient
manufacturing partner. cycling and organic farming.
Mechanism Standardised business format makes starting Biogas consumption and steady supply are Both farmer and biogas company achieve
business easier for entrepreneur (transaction ensured from the start of the system operation efficiency improvements in production and
efficiency) and ensures economies of scale for in order to facilitate the simultaneous increased value of their offerings to customers.
boiler manufacturer (efficiency). investment into the new vehicles and
Energy company is able to achieve new revenue distribution system. This is achieved by
streams from franchising and increased fuel mitigating transportation company's
sales. uncertainties about biogas technology
(transaction efficiency) with a joint offering.
Both biogas company and vehicle dealer are
able to increase the sales volume of their
products and services.
Outcome Business format franchising and outsourcing of ‘Chicken and egg’ problem is solved. New business model that builds on the low
non-core activities. Investments can be made simultaneously. price for hay and the ensured disposal of
Potential for increased total value creation Initial ecosystem for biogas to be used as traffic digestate.
through an innovation ecosystem. fuel is created. Potential for increased total value creation
Potential for increased total value creation through an industrial ecosystem.
through an innovation ecosystem.

streams of various companies appeared to be the initial reason for thereby securing the profitability of their investment into the ve-
aligning them into functioning business ecosystems. hicles in the long term.
The common feature of all three cases is that the need of a focal Finally, novelty appeared as an important source of value crea-
firm to develop its business ultimately requires redesign of the tion in ‘franchising’ case. In the attempt to optimise capital in-
business ecosystem it operates within. The redesign can be ach- vestments and operating costs, the focal firm e an energy company
ieved by increasing collaboration with certain relevant companies, e designed a franchising concept, which ultimately created a new
driven by complementarity as the primary source of value. In the player in the ecosystem e a heat entrepreneur.
first two cases it is the complementarity of the upstream actors' In all the discussed cases new value is created through the
offerings that enable the downstream actor to introduce a new exploitation of various collaboration mechanisms between the
value proposition. However, without making changes to their companies in the triads or a dyad. That is, none of the companies
business models, the downstream actors could not promote their are on their own able to achieve the system level goals, but it is
own value propositions. In the third case it is complementarity of possible only within a functioning ecosystem. In that respect, the
side streams e biomass and digestate e that enables more efficient business model of an individual company can reflect only part of
production for both companies, and a new, more sustainable of- the overall value creation. But it can be seen as a unit that serves a
fering for the farmer. certain function in the ecosystem, thereby enabling system value
Complementarity, in turn, induced a series of other value creation.
drivers. Thus, the potential of efficiency, lock-in and novelty to It can be summarized that the overall ecosystem-level value is
create the system value depended on the initial context, i.e. the created in the transactions and non-transactional links between
need for business ecosystem change and current situation. For the companies. Thus, the analysis of one business model in isolation
example, the challenge of inadequate capital investments in rela- is not able to explain the way towards increased value creation.
tion to revenues and operating costs of small-scale boilers was However, it is a crucial concept for grasping the value capture of
solved by redesigning the business model of boiler manufacturer each individual company, which in the end is the main incentive for
towards a more cost-efficient serial production, which was more engaging in collaboration. It is important to note that also non-
appropriate in that concrete context. In the ‘biogas and farming’ transactional links between the companies were established in
case value creation was hindered by poorly optimised production order to ultimately create concrete business and financial value to
costs, which depend largely on the business model of another the respective companies. In the ‘Franchising’ case, although the
company e the farmer. In this case, efficiency was achieved by boiler manufacturer did not supply the equipment directly to the
benefiting from complementarity of side streams of the companies energy company, the introduction of franchising concept by the
and the introduction of joint production planning. latter company enabled serial production of small-scale boilers and
Another challenge common for newly developed business eco- a more profitable offering for the heat entrepreneur.
systems is the uncertainty regarding who is the first to make in- It is to be underlined that value capture was taken into account
vestments, the profitability of which will ultimately depend on the in the development of the ways to enable collaboration among the
investments of others. In the ‘biogas for traffic’ case this uncertainty respective companies. As demonstrated in Tables 3 and 4 each
is tackled by creating a mutual lock-in between the fuel supplier company is able to benefit from being part of the new business
and its customer. This is achieved by offering the customer a value ecosystem in a different way: depending on their core industry,
proposition that integrates the complementary products e gas- most critical issues to their current business model and ambitions
fuelled vehicle, biogas, and relevant services e in one package, for growth. A focal firm in such a case takes a leading role in
234 €m et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 102 (2015) 226e236
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understanding how it can achieve its goals (of entering new mar- framework we aim to provide a better understanding of the ante-
ket, enhancing current operations, etc.), and how this depends on cedents and mechanisms of business model design and the role of
the actions of other ecosystem actors. Upon understanding the key collaboration mechanisms in this process.
drivers in the businesses of the respective actors, the focal firm can The value of collaboration mechanisms is, therefore, in enabling
incentivize them in order to adjust their business models to be fit business model design that is based on the need for transition in
for achieving the value that can be generated only within a func- business ecosystems and the current business models of all rele-
tioning ecosystem. vant ecosystem actors, not only of the company that takes the lead
in ‘shaping’ the ecosystem. Therefore we subscribe to a view ac-
5.2. Increased interdependence through collaboration mechanisms cording to which the industry architectures in fact may be shaped
and redefined by the involved actors (Jacobides et al., 2006;
Taking the perspective of the focal firm in each case, it is not Normann and Ramírez, 1993), similar to the notion of market
enough to innovate one's own business model and attempt to fill effectuation (Sarasvathy and Dew, 2005). Firms shape structures so
the missing functions in the ecosystem in order to achieve system- as to facilitate knowledge integration and to introduce new busi-
level goals. This is often neither financially feasible nor always ness models (Brusoni et al., 2009). Therefore focal, “integrator”
possible. Rather, the changes in the business models of other actors firms need to develop a business understanding that covers larger
achieved through increased collaboration allow for creating value parts of the overall system and to focus on the business benefits of
that is inaccessible for one company on its own and for developing all stakeholders or, in other words, to understand the underlying
a resilient business ecosystem consisting of companies that benefit business ecosystem. Further, collaboration mechanisms become a
from cooperation with the focal firm. crucial element in building boundary-spanning business models,
Based on the discussion in the previous section, it can be argued which imply understanding and reflecting a larger ecosystem in the
that there is a need for both creating and capturing system value business model design.
when attempting to establish collaboration within business eco-
systems. Identifying the value drivers in each ecosystem member's 6. Conclusion
individual business was put forward as a pre-requisite for estab-
lishing the ecosystem. However, as can be seen from Table 5, there In this study we have analysed how firms in the distributed
seems to be barriers to exploiting these drivers. In the studied energy systems engage in business ecosystems and how that re-
cases, the focal firms, at times in concert with their lateral collab- lates to the business models of the firms. In general, firms engage in
orator, enacted various mechanisms to make the value drivers business ecosystems so as to harness a higher total value creation
come into play. We therefore use the concept “collaboration that would not be available for each individual firm. Despite their
mechanism” to signify something that both triggers and enhances inherent value potential, business ecosystems do not emerge like
collaborative value creation and capture. Through our three cases natural ecosystems, but need to be built. We have illustrated how
we have illustrated how designing such collaboration mechanisms this can be achieved by exploiting and connecting the value drivers
informs business model redesign. Thus, envisioning of a desired of ecosystem members through various collaboration mechanisms.
ecosystem structure and function is followed by the development In essence, to achieve system change the corresponding business
of collaboration mechanisms that would reveal and address the models need to be collectively built around the underlying value
challenges related to the current business models of relevant drivers, their connections and the facilitating mechanisms. The
ecosystem actors. In essence, a collaboration mechanism reflects collaboration mechanisms focus on aspects of the different busi-
the part of overall value creation for each company, i.e. its role or nesses' production and logic. Collaboration mechanisms are vehi-
function in the ecosystem, and value capturing for each company. cles of business model innovation that enable new business models
Ultimately, it helps to achieve ecosystem transition. and business by connecting elements that previously were not
As Table 5 shows, the key element in all the cases lies, on the one primary parts of the business models. To some extent our findings
hand, in being able to identify the impediments in the prevailing echoes the well-known fact that successful entrepreneurs create
business models to achieving the desired ecosystem goals, and on and depend on their networks. However, rather than strategizing
the other, in understanding the value drivers in the new business for oneself (Stuart and Sorenson, 2007), we have argued that en-
models. By harnessing these drivers the companies are incentivized trepreneurs and larger firms alike in the renewable energy business
to participate and cooperate in the new ecosystem. In the ‘biogas may benefit from a system perspective with the focus on drivers, i.e.
and farming’ case, the need to integrate farming and energy pro- collaboration mechanisms, for increased total value creation, which
duction industries posed the question of what the mechanisms are includes not only economic but also environmental and potentially
that may ensure long-term and sustainable collaboration. By social value. Such approach can yield in developing business
establishing long-term contracts between the biogas supplier and models that are sustainable.
the transport company in the “biogas as a traffic fuel” case a sig- Our study constitutes an attempt to connect the research
nificant risk was reduced for both companies which enabled the streams on business models and ecosystems in the distributed
investment needed in order to make the system function. The energy systems industry. We use the idea of boundary spanning
pricing and contractual mechanism also enabled the companies to business model designs (Zott and Amit, 2007) to extend earlier
focus on their core competence (logistics and processing organic studies that have pinpointed the influence of various institutional
material). Similarly, by establishing a franchising concept based on factors on the choice of business model (Provance et al., 2011). We
heat entrepreneurship, as described in the corresponding case, the suggest that in the distributed energy systems industry a profound
energy company was able to offer additional business to the local feature of business models is the way they make companies
facilities managers without forcing them into plant design and interdependent upon each other and how they share common
permitting, while at the same time increasing their own fuel sales. business model elements so as to drive value, not only for them-
In line with the idea of purposeful structuring of activity systems selves, but also for their partners. In this regard, we suggest
(Zott and Amit, 2010), we attempt to show how ecosystem transi- different value drivers are exploited through what we have called
tion needs can inform the redesign of the business model of the “collaboration mechanisms”. We suggest collaboration mecha-
focal company through the development of collaboration mecha- nisms be an additional antecedent to business models that has to be
nisms. The framework is presented in Fig. 4. Through this accommodated in the business model designs just like value
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Fig. 4. Framework for business model innovation in ecosystem transition context.

drivers. Differently put, from a business ecosystem perspective we Networks) and REBUS (Towards relational business practices)
conceptualise interdependencies in terms of the linkages between programs. Funding from Tekes e the Finnish Funding Agency for
the business models of the ecosystem members, rather than in Innovation (1121/13) e is gratefully acknowledged.
terms of technological connections, as previous literature tend to We also want to thank the two anonymous reviewers, whose
(Adner and Kapoor, 2010; Chertow, 2000). This allows us to focus thoughtful comments and recommendations certainly helped to
on, and exploit, the commercial logic that constitute a subsequent improve the quality and argumentation of the article. We also want
condition for system change. In sum, in our view a business model to thank the business partners involved in the research project for
in the distributed energy systems industry is not only a matter of their commitment and collaboration. As always, all the remaining
choice under different institutional pressures, but an active shaping mistakes are the authors' own.
process trying to render a local business ecosystem commercially
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