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10 steps to creating a purpose
driven business that’s aligned with
your strengths, goals and values
Let’s kickstart your entrepreneurial journey and get clear on your business goals and what
you want to achieve. The aim of this workbook is to help you identify your key strengths
and start building the foundations of your dream business.

Purpose has power and creates drive. Having a purpose-driven business isn’t just 'touchy-feely', it’s the most
strategic thing you can do for your business because you’re building something long term, you'll attract
better clients and it's the key to fueling higher profits and your higher purpose.

Put simply, a purpose-driven business means consciously and intentionally making your business about
more than just money, you use it as a vehicle to create change for people, community and the planet.
Through Upsiders my purpose is to inspire, educate and empower more women to start sustainable
and profitable businesses they feel proud of. I believe if more people earn a living doing something
they love, we'll be more fulfilled and the world will be a happier place. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What higher purpose do you want to serve? If you need some help check out my podcast interview
with life coach Kay Wilson on finding your why LISTEN HERE⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Upsiders | Building Your Business

How do you love to spend your time? When do you feel like you’re in your flow? What comes so
naturally to you that it doesn’t feel like work at all? You want to create a business based of what you
really enjoy doing so ask yourself - if you didn’t have to work, what would you do for free? List some of
your interests, things you value and passions below.

What do you believe your 3 strongest qualities are? What makes you unique? What do people talk to
you about and ask your advice on? How do you most often help others? Ask your friends, family and
colleagues. For example: positive, empathetic, kind, good listener, inspiring, brave, reliable,
solution focused, cheeky, fun, quirky etc

Upsiders | Building Your Business

What life experiences have shaped you? What’s your core business story? Why do you do what you do?
It’s important for every business owner to know their core brand story and to continue to collect stories
to share with customers and via social media. It will help people connect with you and your business on
a deeper level. Write a list of a couple of stories that are personal and meaningful, and that help
illustrate why you do what you do.

This is the big vision reason why you do what you do. It must be something that you feel passionate and
motivated by outside of making money. It’s your higher purpose. It’s the impact or difference you want
to make through your business to create change for people, communities or the planet. For example: I
want to help more women start and grow sustainable, purpose-driven businesses because I’ve
experienced how empowering and liberating it is to make a difference doing something I love. I also
hate seeing people not realise their potential or follow their passion due to fear or a lack of self-belief.

Upsiders | Building Your Business

Who do you want to serve through your business? What difference do you want to make to their
lives? How would you improve their current situation? For example: you may want to help
people find love, support new parents who are struggling or inspire people to live a
healthier lifestyle.


Your business must solve meaningful problems for your customer. What three problems does your
customers have? For example: lack of knowledge, skills, confidence, direction, support
Also think about the frustrations you or your customers have with what’s currently
available (or lacking) in your industry.

Upsiders | Building Your Business

What three services would solve some of these problems? What subject matters are you an authority
on? Or would like to become an expert on? What skills and strengths do you have that your customers
would pay for? How could you add value through your experience?
For example: run webinars that give ideas for activities for children, create a program that supports and
educates parents resulting in clarity, confidence, better health and happier relationships.
List some ideas or thought-starters below.

How do you want your customers to feel after having worked with you? What result will they get?
For example I want my clients to feel confident and clear about the type of business they’re
building and have the tools and knowledge needed to create a brand they are proud of.

Upsiders | Building Your Business

Decide where you want your business to be 12 months and 5 years from now. Be specific and realistic about
what you can achieve in a year (often we overestimate this) but think big on where you want your business
to be in 5 years.

REMEMBER it’s important to define what success means to you. Each of us is unique with our own
custom-sized hopes and dreams, and our own definition of success and fulfillment — both financially and
otherwise. Rather than letting society or traditional business standards dictate the kind of business you
should build, I want you to think and dream for yourself."

12 month goal - visualise yourself and your business a year from now. How many clients have you
worked with? Have you had media exposure? What revenue have you generated?

5 year goals - do you want to be recognised across Australia or globally for what you do? Are you
generating a consistent income and profit from your business? Are you the go-to influencer in your
industry and well known and respected for what you do? Write your dream scenario below.

Upsiders | Building Your Business

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