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Unidad 1: Fase 1. Contextualización de la evaluación de impacto ambiental.


Katherin Hincapié Pasiminio




María Fernanda Domínguez


Evaluación de impactos ambientales



Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias y del Medio Ambiente - ECAPMA

Programa Ingeniería Ambiental

Santiago de Cali, 8 de Septiembre del 2020.

Analytical Summary

In the sustainable construction article, the role of evaluating environmental methods

presents the development of a sustainability index using a multi-criteria approach in

project evaluation and classification to evaluate projects at the feasibility stage, to

include environmental issues in the process of decision making with the evaluation of

the life cycle and the design for the environment focusing on the development of

inventories of emissions and consumption of raw materials for particular products and


The article compares the structure properties of six different methods.

1. The health risk rating system weighs the toxic effects in the workplace and the

risks of accidents.

2. The material input per service unit is the material input required to produce a

product or service.

3. The Swiss ecological point method scores pollutant loads based on the

contribution of a source to an acceptable total pollution load and an environmental

scarcity factor.

4. The sustainable process index determines the area that would be required to

operate a process in a sustainable manner, based on the generation of renewable

resources and toxic degradation.

5. The life cycle impact assessment method of the Society of Toxicology and

Environmental Chemistry adds pollutants with similar impacts to equivalence

potentials measured in kg of CO, kg of equivalent benzene, etc.)

6. The environmental priority system (EPS) characterizes the environmental damage

caused by equivalence potentials and expresses it in monetary terms, derived

from the environmental economy.

Despite their use for the same purposes, the six methods differ in what they try to

achieve, in the effects they consider, in the depth of the analysis, in the way in which the

values influence the final score and in the use of measures ordinal or cardinal impact.

According to the author, the judgment and attitude in the efficient allocation of

resources, minimum energy consumption, low energy incorporated in construction

materials, reuse and recycling, and other mechanisms to achieve effective and efficient

short and long-term use of natural resources In sustainable development, it helps

ensure our longterm stay in the ecological, social and economic framework. And, if the

environmental assessment methods are not adequate, it does not help in the overall

evaluation of sustainable development.

The evaluation methods contribute to the objective of sustainable development within

the construction, providing how to monitor the environmental performance of buildings,

and warn about the importance of sustainable development in the construction process.

The limitations that exist are related to the decrease in effectiveness and utility. A more

sophisticated model is needed to handle multidimensional data matrices.

The sustainability index is a way of addressing multiple criteria in relation to project

decision making.

Ding, G. (2008). Sustainable construction—The role of environmental assessment

tools”. Revista ELSEVIER, pág. 451. Recuperado de https://www-sciencedirect-


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