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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

137 (3rd series)

J.M. Furman and T. Lempert, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 14

Principles of vestibular pharmacotherapy

Integrative and Adaptative Neurosciences, University of Aix Marseille, Marseille, France

Ideally, vestibular pharmacotherapy is intended, through specific and targeted molecular actions, to sig-
nificantly alleviate vertigo symptoms, to protect or repair the vestibular sensory network under pathologic
conditions, and to promote vestibular compensation, with the eventual aim of improving the patient’s qual-
ity of life. In fact, in order to achieve this aim, considerable progress still needs to be made. The lack of
information on the etiology of vestibular disorders and the pharmacologic targets to modulate, as well as
the technical challenge of targeting a drug to its effective site are some of the main issues yet to be over-
come. In this review, my intention is to provide an account of the therapeutic principles that have shaped
current vestibular pharmacotherapy and to further explore crucial questions that must be taken into con-
sideration in order to develop targeted and specific pharmacologic therapies for each type and stage of
vestibular disorders.

THE “BLACK BOX,” OR THE QUEST FOR knowledge of available and appropriate pharmacologic
PROOF BY INFERENCE actions that would efficiently control vestibular input, both
on healthy and damaged sides. A further issue derives
It is a somewhat difficult, if not hazardous, task to establish
from the fact that there is no suitable pharmacokinetic pro-
an exhaustive review of vestibular pharmacotherapy. Cur-
tocol to verify the presence and fate of administered com-
rent pharmacopeia originates from empiric approaches,
pounds at the sites of targeted actions. In addition, we do
based upon assumptions that have not always been veri-
not know the best therapeutic windows to achieve the opti-
fied, rather than from accurate and well-defined biologic
mum effect of administered drugs. Moreover, current clin-
actions, founded on established molecular mechanisms.
ical approaches are incapable of confirming or disproving
The main issue that has to be faced is the lack of informa-
the long-term effects of therapy. Ultimately, the modalities
tion on the etiology and time course of most vestibular
of vestibular pharmacotherapy also depend on regional
impairments. It is even more difficult to invoke notions
rules dictated by national medical leaders and health
of specificity or selectivity of action in relation to available
authorities. This being so, most antivertiginous treatments
drugs. In most cases, we often try to reconcile the observed
lack specificity and may engender side-effects. The result
(or expected) therapeutic effects with the molecular prop-
is a lack of efficacy with regard to the targeted symptoms
erties of the drugs. The aim is to assign to the compounds a
or pathologies.
mode of action, and eventually to speculate about patho-
physiologic mechanisms that remain, most of the time,
impossible to decipher on the basis of available diagnostic
tools and medical devices. Moreover, the molecular mech-
anisms involved in the shaping and transfer of the vestib- Vestibular pharmacotherapy consists of the administra-
ular information have still to be completely deciphered. tion of active compounds and medications for the treat-
This has resulted in a problematic gap in the current ment of acute or chronic vestibular disorders. It intends to

*Correspondence to: Christian Chabbert, PhD, Physiopathologie et Therapie des Desordres Vestibulaires, Aix Marseille Universite,
CNRS, Neurosciences Integratives et Adaptatives UMR 7260 3 Place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille Cedex 3, France. E-mail:
alleviate the different vertigo symptoms, to protect the pharmacologic targets expressed throughout the vestibu-
vestibular end organs in pathologic situations, and possi- lar sensory pathway with the assumed antivertigo poten-
bly to repair damaged tissues, with the aim of restoring tial of these compounds. The second review classifies
vestibular function. Another goal is to promote the reac- antivertigo drugs in alphabetic order, with mention of
tive processes that support vestibular compensation. All their class and doses used, indications, and contraindica-
the different classes of compounds are usually systemi- tions in order to facilitate their use by the clinician.
cally administered. The administration per os is by far
the most common. Intravenous application and occasion- Symptomatic treatments
ally suppositories are recommended in case of severe
nausea and vomiting. Local (transtympanic) drug admin-
istration remains restricted to corticosteroid treatments of The principle of vestibular suppression consists in mod-
inner-ear inflammations and to destructive treatments ulating the molecular effectors expressed throughout the
with ototoxic compounds in persistent and intractable vestibular sensory network, in order to control the sen-
Menière’s disease. sory information generated in the vestibular end organs
and transmitted to the vestibular nuclei through the ves-
tibular nerve. This strategy, which dates back to the
works of Bárány at the turn of the 20th century
(Bárány, 1935), relied on the assumption that the vertigo
episodes observed in Menière patients resulted from a
Among the various action principles in vestibular transient unilateral hyperexcitability of primary vestibu-
pharmacotherapy, two main categories may be distin- lar neurons, in response to unknown vestibular dysfunc-
guished. A first category, referred to as “symptomatic tion. The logical countermeasure proposed by Bárány
treatments,” includes drugs that are intended to alleviate consisted in counteracting this hyperexcitability by
vertigo symptoms. These include dizziness, nausea, and blocking the nerve influx. With this aim, he administered
vomiting that often accompany vestibular disorders and to Menière patients antagonists of voltage-gated sodium
nystagmus as their main clinical sign. A second category channels such as lidocaine. This vestibular suppressant
is composed of different approaches referred to as “causal operation later evolved into local administration through
treatment.” The aim of these treatments is to counteract transtympanic applications because of cardiac or neuro-
the causes – most often assumed, but not confirmed – logic risks. It was designed as vestibular anesthesia or
of the different types of vestibular pathologies. This cate- inner-ear anesthesia (for review, see Adunka et al.,
gory includes antibiotics, antiviral, and anti- inflammatory 2003). Since these pioneering works, a number of clini-
approaches and medications designed to improve inner- cal studies have confirmed the benefits of vestibular
ear blood perfusion or to stimulate vestibular compensa- anesthesia. However, this approach has not become a
tion. Other approaches, referred to as “destructive,” are standard protocol in the management of the acute vertigo
used to reduce or suppress vestibular function, especially episodes or other vestibular disorders, such as unilateral
in patients with intractable Menière’s disease. Other ther- vestibular deafferentation (uVD) syndromes (Rahm,
apeutic approaches under development, that aim to protect 1962; Gejrot, 1963; Sakata et al., 1984; Fradis et al.,
the integrity of the vestibular end organs under pathologic 1985; Halmagyi et al., 2010). This may be due to the risks
conditions or to stimulate the repair of the vestibular sen- of inappropriate vestibular suppressant effects. Vestibu-
sory network, will be mentioned in the last part of this lar suppressant action, when performed outside the
chapter. period of unilateral hyperexcitability, or excessive inhi-
In the present review, I have chosen to classify the bition of the affected side, would lead to amplification
main compounds used in vestibular pharmacotherapy of the vestibular imbalance and subsequent exacerbation
according to the mode of action for which they are pre- of the vertigo syndromes, rather than to their reduction.
scribed (symptomatic or causal treatments). For addi- On the other hand, to achieve an alleviating effect in uVD
tional and more complete information on the assumed syndromes, vestibular anesthesia needs to be applied to
mechanisms of action of these drugs, readers are referred the healthy ear. However, the modulation of vestibular
to the outstanding reviews by Soto and Vega (2010) and function currently remains the basis of most antivertigo
Huppert et al. (2011). The first review presents the anti- treatments. Its expected therapeutic output relies more
vertigo drugs according to their molecular and cellular on a general reduction, through combined peripheral
properties: modulators of membrane receptors and neu- and central actions, of the imbalance of activity between
rotransmitters, as well as compounds acting on voltage- contralateral labyrinths and vestibular nuclei that occurs
gated ionic channels (Figs 14.1 and 14.2). This rational under pathologic situations (Curthoys and Halmagyi,
approach reconciles the idea of a modulation of 1995; Dieringer, 1995; Hain and Uddin, 2003; Jones

Fig. 14.1. Synaptic relationships of type I (right) and type II (left) hair cells. The type I hair cells are characterized by the large-
calyx afferent innervation that covers its basolateral surface. The efferent fibers make synaptic contacts with the external surface of
the calyx in the afferent neuron. In type II hair cells, the afferent neurons form bouton-type synapses, and the efferent neurons make
synaptic contact directly upon the hair cell body. The hair cell to afferent synapse uses glutamate as the principal neurotransmitter.
At the postsynaptic cell glutamate interacts with several subtypes of excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors, including N-methyl-D-
aspartic acid (NMDA), a-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA), kainic acid (KA), and metabotropic
receptors. The efferent neurons are primarily cholinergic, and acetylcholine (Ach) released from afferent neurons interacts with
muscarinic (mACh) and nicotinic (nACh) receptors. The efferent neurons also release calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP),
substance P (SubsP), and enkephalins (Enk), which act on specific receptors (in the case of the enkephalins k opioid receptor
in the hair cells and m opioid receptors in the afferent neurons). Both the hair cells and the afferent neurons express nitric oxide
synthase (NOS) and nitric oxide (NO). Hair cells also express H1 histamine receptors and the afferent neurons H3 histamine recep-
tors. The hair cells typically express purinergic receptors (ATP) in their apical portion. (Reproduced from Soto and Vega, 2010,
with permission from Bentham Science Publishers.)

et al., 2009; Halmagyi et al., 2010). Conventional and Sterkers, 2001) out of the USA. H1R antagonists
antivertigo drugs are classified into three main groups: were the first to be demonstrated as significant regulators
antihistamines, anticholinergics, and benzodiazepines of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in patients displaying
(Table 14.1). Calcium channel antagonists, which are chronic vestibular disorders (Jackson and Turner, 1987).
less widely used, can also be added to this list. These sub- Dimenhydrinate (H1R antagonist with molecular proper-
stances are currently used for fast symptomatic action, ties close to diphenhydramine) reduces both the duration
including reduction of nystagmus, dizziness, vomiting, and intensity of acute vertigo episodes, as confirmed
and postural imbalance. by meta-analysis of several randomized, double-blind
controlled studies (Schneider et al., 2005; Thormann
et al., 2013).
Antihistamines are historically among the first antivertigo Nevertheless, a number of questions remain open
drugs and constitute today a large part of the vestibular regarding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that
pharmacopeia (McCabe et al., 1973; Lacour and support these antivertigo effects, as well as the effective
Sterkers, 2001; Soto and Vega, 2010). Diphenhydramine, site of action of the drugs. Several studies in animals have
meclizine, cyclizine, and promethazine, all displaying demonstrated that the application of histamine receptor
antagonist actions on type 1 histamine receptors (H1R), modulators was able to modulate the firing activity
are among the most widely used antivertigo drugs in the of vestibular nuclei neurons (Kirsten and Sharma,
treatment of vestibular disorders in the USA. They are 1976; Lacour and Sterkers, 2001; Zhang et al., 2008).
mainly prescribed to alleviate acute vertigo symptoms A number of studies have reported the expression of dif-
and to prevent kinetosis (Huppert et al., 2011). Betahis- ferent histamine receptors in the vestibular end organs
tine, which is both an antagonist of type 3 histamine recep- and primary neurons (Botta et al., 2008; Tritto et al.,
tors (H3R) and an H1R agonist, is the standard treatment 2009). Others have demonstrated modulation of the neu-
for the long-term management of Menière disease (Lacour ronal excitability after application of H1R and H3R

Fig. 14.2. Complexity of synaptic input impinging on vestibular nucleus neurons. The neurons of the nuclei are heterogeneous and
not all cells necessarily receive all types of synaptic influences. The main synaptic input to the vestibular nuclei neurons is from the
vestibular primary afferents, mediated by glutamate that interacts with N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA), a-amino-3-
hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA)/kainic acid (KA), and metabotropic receptors. Vestibular nuclei also
receive glutamatergic synapses originating from spinal cord neurons. GABAergic fibers originating primarily from the cerebellum
and from the contralateral vestibular nuclei impinge on the vestibular nucleus neurons, activating GABA-A and GABA-B recep-
tors. Histaminergic fibers originating from the tuberomammillary nucleus act on H1, H2, and H3 receptors. Serotonergic fibers
originating from the raphe nuclei activate 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 receptors. Intrinsic and commissural connections give rise to glyci-
nergic fibers acting on glycine inhibitory receptors. The output of the vestibular nuclei neurons is primarily by glutamatergic and
cholinergic projections, but GABAergic and glycinergic projections have been demonstrated also. Finally, the vestibular nucleus
neurons express nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and may produce nitric oxide (NO) as a cellular messenger. ACh, acetylcholine;
nACh, nicotinic acetylcholine; mACh, muscarinic acetylcholine; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; ORL, opioid receptor-like.
(Reproduced from Soto and Vega, 2010, with permission from Bentham Science Publishers.)

Table 14.1 antagonists (Housley et al., 1988; Tomoda et al., 1997;

Vestibular depressants Guth et al., 2000). The real questions remaining are
whether antivertigo drugs administered systemically
Compounds Administration Class are able to reach action sites that are potentially important
for the control of vestibular information, and whether
Lidocaine Transtympanic Anesthetic histamine receptors really mediate their antivertigo
Diphenhydramine Per os Antihistamine effect. It cannot be ruled out that the acknowledged
Meclizine Per os Antihistamine antivertigo effect of H1R antagonists may occur via
Cyclizine Per os Antihistamine their well-known anticholinergic action (Hain and
Promethazine Per os Antihistamine Uddin, 2003). Only studies based on local antihistamine
Scopolamine Per os/ Anticholinergic
applications (in the brainstem or directly to the vesti-
Atropine Per os Anticholinergic
bule), associated with regular pharmacokinetic studies,
Diphenidol Per os Anticholinergic will provide suitable answers to these questions.
Diazepam Per os Benzodiazepine Today, the development of novel antivertigo treat-
Lorazepam Per os Benzodiazepine ments based on modulators of histamine receptors is
Clonazepam Per os Benzodiazepine moving towards H1R antagonists with negligible seda-
Nimodipine Per os Calcium antagonist tive effect, or towards the use of modulators of other
Nitrendapine Per os Calcium antagonist categories of histamine receptors. The antivertigo poten-
Verapamil Per os Calcium antagonist tial of type 4 histamine receptor (H4R) antagonists is cur-
Cinnarizine Per os Calcium antagonist rently under study. These strong modulators of the
Flunarizine Per os Calcium antagonist vestibular primary neurons’ excitability have shown
significant antivertigo properties in animal models of acid (GABA), the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of
uVD (Desmadryl et al., 2012; Wersinger et al., 2013). vestibular neurons. However, it cannot be ruled out that
Due to their lack of sedative effect, this compound family benzodiazepines may act through a peripheral action, as
may become the next generation of antivertigo drugs, if GABAA receptors have been shown to be expressed in
their benefit is confirmed in humans. mammal vestibular end organs (Rezaee et al., 1999;
Meza, 2008). The benefits of benzodiazepines in ver-
ANTICHOLINERGICS tigo patients may also result from their anxiolytic effect
(Zajonc and Roland, 2005). Use of benzodiazepines
Anticholinergics, such as scopolamine or atropine, both
as antivertigo medication is essentially restricted to
muscarinic receptor antagonists, are among the most
the USA. Recently they have been less widely used
widely used drugs in the pharmacologic treatment of ves-
because of their serious side-effects, such as addiction,
tibular disorders. Scopolamine is also one of the most
loss of memory, and risk of falling (Funderburk et al.,
effective compounds in the prevention of motion sickness.
1988). Another GABAergic substance is baclofen,
However, as for antihistamines, it is not known whether its
which acts as a GABAB agonist. Several nonrando-
action is central or peripheral or if it has a combined effect
mized clinical studies have demonstrated the reduction
at both levels (Wackym et al., 1996; Ishiyama et al., 1997).
of periodic alternating nystagmus by baclofen (Stahl
Both nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are
et al., 2002; Straube et al., 2004; Straube, 2005). This
expressed in vestibular end organs (Wackym et al., 1995,
effect may result from the inhibition of central vestibu-
1996; Anderson et al., 1997; Elgoyhen et al., 2001), as
lar neurons via the antagonization of GABAB receptors
well as in vestibular nuclei (Matsuoka and Domino,
(Zee, 1985).
1975; Perez et al., 2009). At the periphery, these different
receptors are involved in the complex modulation of ves-
tibular afferents by efferent fibers (Goldberg and
Fernández, 1980; Valli et al., 1984; Bernard et al., 1985; The voltage-gated calcium channel antagonists also
Highstein and Baker, 1985). The efficacy of scopolamine belong, although to a lesser extent, to the family of vestib-
in alleviating acute vertigo episodes was demonstrated in ular suppressants. They are used mostly for acute vertigo
randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical studies in episodes but they may also have the potential to prevent
vestibular patients (Babin et al., 1984). Similarly, its effect vestibular migraine. The majority of calcium channel
in preventing kinetosis is significant versus placebo, but antagonists used as antivertigo medication are dihydropyr-
does not differ significantly from other vestibular suppres- idine derivatives. Because these compounds specifically
sants such as antihistamines or voltage-gated calcium block the voltage-gated calcium channels restricted to
channel antagonists (Spinks et al., 2007). Because of its the vestibular end organs, it is widely accepted that their
significant side-effects (blurred vision, behavioral disor- effect is essentially peripheral (Soto and Vega, 2010).
ders, and dry mouth), there is a tendency for oral admin- The calcium channel antagonists used as antivertigo med-
istration of scopolamine to be replaced by transcutaneous ication are nimodipine, nitrendipine, and verapamil
applications (Renner et al., 2005; Nachum et al., 2006). (Lassen et al., 1996; Hain and Uddin, 2003; Scholtz
The administration of diphenidol in Menière patients et al., 2004). Cinnarizine and flunarizine, which both
has also demonstrated significant reduction of vertigo display an antihistaminic action, are also used in the treat-
symptoms compared to placebo (Futaki et al., 1975). ment of vertigo symptoms, especially in vestibular
This effect may result, as for scopolamine, from its antag- migraine (Lepcha et al., 2014). A multicenter, random-
onist properties against muscarinic receptors (Varoli ized, double-blind, controlled study has demonstrated that
et al., 2008). per os administration of cinnarizine and nimodipine sig-
nificantly reduced the frequency of vertigo attacks of
BENZODIAZEPINES vestibular origin (Pane-Pianese et al., 2002).
Benzodiazepines are used in the symptomatic treatment
Other compounds
of acute vertigo episodes to reduce nausea and vomiting
(Huppert et al., 2011). They are also used in the preven- Other compounds or combinations of compounds have
tion of kinetosis (McClure et al., 1982). The main shown significant antivertigo effects upon oral or intra-
benzodiazepines used for antivertigo treatment are diaz- venous administration during the acute phase. This
epam, lorazepam, and clonazepam. Their fast action in applies to acetylleucine, which has demonstrated signif-
reducing nystagmus was demonstrated in humans icant alleviation of vertigo symptoms in animals (Leau
(Blair and Gavin, 1979; Padoan et al., 1990) and is attrib- and Ducrot, 1957) and humans (Ferber-Viart et al.,
uted to a central action similar to gamma-aminobutyric 2009). Treatments combining H1R antihistamine and
calcium channel antagonists also showed significant CAUSAL TREATMENTS
benefits (Novotny et al., 1995). Amphetamines are
In contrast to symptomatic treatments, causal treatments
sometimes used in combination with anticholinergics
are intended to counteract the underlying pathologic pro-
as antimotion sickness drugs. In animals, D-amphetamine
cesses, in order to limit the extension of tissue damage
has been reported to reduce the excitability of vestibular
and related functional alterations of the vestibular laby-
nuclei neurons through central action (Kirsten and
rinth. Upcoming treatments under development have
Sharma, 1976). Its use may be of interest in the treatment
been designed to preserve the different cell types
of vestibular disorders, as amphetamines also accelerate
involved in the generation and transfer of the vestibular
vestibular compensation, perhaps by stimulating the gen-
sensory information, while others are intended to stimu-
eral activity of the patient (Peppard, 1986).
late their regeneration.

Antiemetics Antibiotics and antivirals

Administration of antiemetic compounds is sometimes Antibiotics are commonly used in clinical situations
proposed in parallel to other active compounds in where the labyrinth is likely to be suffering from bacterial
order to alleviate the neurovegetative reaction involved superinfection (acute otitis media in children with vertigo,
in most vestibular disorders (Miller and Grelot, 1996). vertigo in patients with chronic otitis media and cholestea-
Antiemetics are generally administered per os, except in toma and postoperative vertigo symptoms after opening of
the case of excessive vomiting, for which rectal or intra- the labyrinth). Penicillin A plus clavulanate or third gen-
venous administration is recommended (Table 14.2). eration of cephalosporin are commonly used. In most
The antiemetic pharmacology associated with vertigo cases, antibiotics are administered through oral or intrave-
treatment is based on the use of setrons (antagonists nous routes. However, their real benefit for vestibular
of the 5-HT3 receptors: ondansetron, granisetron), recovery is not clearly established (Pellegrini et al.,
dopaminergic antagonists (metoclopramide, domperi- 2012). Aminoglycoside antibiotics are used in patients
done), and antihistamines that combine both antiver- with intractable Menière’s disease regarding their ototoxic
tiginous and antiemetic properties. These different properties. Antiviral approaches rely on the assumption
compounds display both central action at the vomiting that a significant proportion of vestibular neuritis (the
control site in the area postrema and peripheral action name of which literally refers to inflammation of the ves-
on gastric mobility (Miller and Leslie, 1994). Through tibular nerve) results from the reactivation of the herpes
these different actions, these compounds promote simplex virus (Arbusow et al., 1999; Theil et al., 2003).
rapid emptying of the stomach. Meclizine and pro- This viral reaction may affect the vestibular ganglia, the
methazine – both antihistaminics – also display antie- vestibular nerves, and, more generally, the whole labyrinth
metic properties. Their effect may occur through the or a combination thereof (Walker, 2009; Jeong et al.,
antagonization of both dopamine and muscarinic recep- 2013). This results in unilateral loss of vestibular sensory
tors (Minor et al., 2004; Zajonc and Roland, 2005). It information and vertigo. This hypothesis is supported by
should be noted that dopamine receptor antagonists the demonstration of the expression of CD8-positive lym-
may be contraindicated in the treatment of vestibular phocytes, cytokines, and chemokines concomitantly to
disorders, because of the effect of phenothiazines vertigo (Derfuss et al., 2007). The most widely used treat-
in slowing vestibular compensation (Petrosini and ment is the administration of valacyclovir, often in associ-
Dell’Anna, 1993). ation with corticotherapy, in the first hours following the
onset of the vestibular neuritis symptoms (Strupp et al.,
2004). While the therapeutic benefits of this approach
Table 14.2 have been demonstrated, they are rather attributed to cor-
ticosteroids. Therefore, the question of the real benefit of
Antiemetics the antiviral treatments is as yet unresolved (Strupp et al.,
2004; Amber et al., 2012).
Compounds Administration Class

Ondansetron Per os Setron Anti-inflammatories: corticosteroids

Granisetron Per os Setron
Inflammation is a reactive process that has often been
Metoclopramide Per os Antagonist DOPA
Domperidone Per os Antagonist DOPA
suspected to cause inner-ear dysfunction (Ruttin, 1909;
Promethazine Per os Antihistamine Nylen, 1924; Dix and Hallpike, 1952). The terms vestib-
Meclizine Per os Antihistamine ular neuritis or labyrinthitis literally refer to inflamma-
tion of the vestibular nerve or the whole labyrinth,
respectively. It is only recently that the involvement of neurons via its antagonist effect on the H3R (Lacour
an inflammatory process in vestibular neuritis has been and Sterkers, 2001; Desmadryl et al., 2012; Lacour,
confirmed (Kassner et al., 2011), consistent with the 2013). The real therapeutic benefit of betahistine is how-
long-time standard corticosteroid-based treatment of this ever still questioned, as a systematic Cochrane review of
condition (Walker, 2009). Although used as standard clinical studies in Menière patients was inconclusive
treatment in most patients with uVD syndromes, the clin- (James and Burton, 2001).
ical benefit of corticosteroid-based treatments using Recently, two studies offered significant insight into
intravenous or transtympanic administration has been the pharmacologic management of Menière disease. At
strongly questioned because of their limited clinical effi- very high doses and over a prolonged administration
cacy (Shupak et al., 2008; Goudakos et al., 2010; period, i.e., 480 mg/days for several years, betahistine
Fishman et al., 2011). Functional restoration following also demonstrated therapeutic benefit with regard to
vestibular neuritis is often incomplete, even after steroid the frequency of vertigo episodes in severely affected
treatment (Mandala and Nuti, 2009; Strupp and Brandt, Menière patients (Lezius et al., 2011). These benefits
2009), resulting in a permanent dynamic deficit of the were, however, associated with serious side-effects.
vestibulo-ocular reflex that cannot be fully compensated Betahistine administered at doses of 24 mg/day between
by other mechanisms (Halmagyi and Curthoys, 1988; 3 and 90 days in neurectomized Menière patients demon-
Curthoys and Halmagyi, 1995). Intratympanic steroids strated significant benefits in improving vestibular com-
to reduce the frequency and severity of the vertigo symp- pensation (Redon et al., 2011).
toms in Menière’s patients have been gaining popularity.
Up to now, however, there is limited evidence to support
Destructive pharmacotherapies
the effectiveness of such an approach in this pathology
(Phillips and Westerberg, 2011). It should also be noted The principle of vestibular neurectomy was first pro-
that, similarly, a meta-analysis of clinical studies has posed by J.M. Charcot as the therapy “de la dernière
shown a lack of effect of steroids in patients with sudden chance” [the last resort] in the treatment of Menière dis-
hearing loss (Wei et al., 2013). ease (Charcot, 1874). The benefits of this approach
(Miyazaki et al., 2005) were closely associated with
the risks of complications of an intracranial procedure
Peripheral vasodilators
(Thomsen et al., 2000). The main advantage of vestibular
In his famous study, C.S. Hallpike was one of the first to neurectomy over chemoablative procedures is that a
speculate that acute vertigo episodes in Menière patients neurectomy disrupts the connection of the Scarpas’s ves-
are associated with vestibular ischemia that could result tibular ganglion to the vestibular nuclei. This connection
from impairments of the blood circulation following may be the basis for vestibular plasticity via plasticity of
endolymphatic hydrops (Hallpike and Cairns, 1938). the histamine H3R, and may explain differences in the
The principle of vasodilation of the arteries irrigating course of vestibular compensation after vestibular neur-
the inner ear has been pursued since then, with the aim ectomy and chemical ablation (Dutheil et al., 2011;
of improving the perfusion of the inner ear and limiting Tighilet et al., 2014). Chemical labyrinthectomy progres-
damage to the vestibular detectors. The vasodilator prop- sively developed over time as the standard therapeutic
erties of histamine were the basis of the first treatments of method in the management of intractable Menière’s dis-
episodic vertigo and other forms of inner-ear dysfunction ease, first on the basis of the work of Schuknecht using
(Fischer, 1991). The observed benefits resulted in the parenteral application of streptomycin (Schuknecht,
development of betahistine, an analog of histamine for 1956; Wilson and Schuknecht, 1980), then through local
oral administration. First references to the clinical use transtympanic applications of gentamicin (Nedzelski
of betahistine in the treatment of vertigo refer to its use et al., 1993). The clinical benefit of the transtympanic
in the management of patients who underwent unilateral gentamicin is now widely acknowledged and has been
vestibular neurectomy (McCabe et al., 1973). In terms of confirmed by a series of randomized, double-blind clin-
the pharmacologic treatment of Menière disease, betahis- ical studies (Cohen-Kerem et al., 2004; Pullens and van
tine (H3R antagonist) has for several decades remained Benthem, 2011; Huon et al., 2012). However, extensive
the most widely used drug in Europe. However, its ther- research is currently dedicated to the question of which
apeutic action is not fully understood. Beside its action in dose of the drug is required to prevent acute vertigo epi-
increasing inner-ear blood flow, demonstrated in animals sodes, while preserving hearing (for review, see Daneshi
(Martínez, 1972; Dziadziola et al., 1999), the antivertigo et al., 2014).
effect of betahistine may also depend on central neuro- The question of the best therapy is directly associated
modulatory actions on the vestibular nuclei neurons, with the fact that we still do not know the pathophysio-
and also on the peripheral action of vestibular primary logic mechanisms that cause Menière’s disease, and even
less those of the antivertigo effect of gentamicine. throughout the progression of the disease, a series of
A review proposed an attractive hypothesis regarding compounds that are often very different, sometimes
the etiology of Menière’s disease (Foster and Breeze, with conflicting effects (e.g., agonist and antagonists
2013). Returning to the hypothesis originally proposed of H1R in the same prescription!), or others where
by C.S. Hallpike in 1938 for an ischemic source of the the risks of interaction have not been fully recognized.
Menière symptoms (Hallpike and Cairns, 1938), the This situation is perfectly illustrated in the treatment of
authors proposed that the iterative attacks of vertigo vestibular neuritis, for which, often, a cocktail of
might result from transient alterations of the vestibular drugs, combining antivertiginous, antiemetic, antiviral,
blood perfusion inducing ischemia of certain areas of and anti-inflammatory medication, is given, with the
the sensory epithelia. Excitotoxic consequences of the aim of covering all the aspects and possible causes of a
ischemia on the synaptic contacts between vestibular hair poorly understood disease. It comes as no surprise that
cells and their cognate afferents in turn could trigger the lack of specificity of such strategies usually results
hyperexcitability in part of the vestibular nerve fibers. in a lack of therapeutic benefit.
This situation may support the different symptoms
encountered during acute vertigo episodes, and espe-
cially so-called irritative nystagmus. Over time, repeated
local ischemia would eventually result in loss of hair
cells, synapses, and sensory neurons, leading to progres-
sive hearing and vestibular impairment. Eventually, as The question now is to know in which direction to
such patchy damages gradually become confluent, they develop vestibular pharmacotherapy in order to treat
may lead to the late stage of Menière’s disease. In this each type and stage of vestibular impairment. To achieve
scenario, the ototoxic effect of gentamicin might affect this objective requires overcoming several stumbling
preferentially damaged epithelial zones (i.e., having blocks. First, it is necessary to decipher the etiology of
experienced transient ischemia), which would lead to the different types of vestibular disorders. Several ongo-
the suppression of the irritative foci and effectively alle- ing studies on animal models of vestibular impairments
viate the vertigo symptoms from the early stages of the have been attempting to understand how a vestibular
disease, unfortunately without treating its cause. injury develops within the vestibule and how its charac-
teristics (pathogenic substrate, severity, time course)
Antivertigo drugs with undefined therapeutic govern the heterogeneity of the vertigo symptoms.
actions Financial support for this type of project is essential,
since it is through this process that we can hope to
Ginkgo biloba has been used for many years in the treat- identify potential drug targets. At a time when increasing
ment of vestibular disorders in many countries. However, control on medications is imposed by the health author-
its action mechanisms and therapeutic benefits have ities, it is essential to identify the mechanisms and phar-
yet to be clarified (Cesarani et al., 1998). A recent macologic targets that are truly modulated by antivertigo
double-blind controlled study performed in a mixture compounds. The essential question of using incompati-
of vertigo patients, which compared ginkgo with betahis- ble or even antagonistic drugs to treat acute vertigo epi-
tine, reported similar improvement of vertigo symptoms sodes and to promote central compensation was recently
of treatment in both groups (Sokolova et al., 2014). The raised by an elegant animal model (Beck et al., 2014).
results were however inconclusive, as a placebo control Then, it is crucial to define the preferential sites to tar-
was lacking and the efficacy of betahistine is unproven. get with active compounds for optimum therapeutic ben-
efit, while minimizing the risks of side-effects. This
FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF VESTIBULAR applies both to the effective control of vertigo attacks
PHARMACOTHERAPY and to the optimization of central compensation mecha-
nisms. To achieve this aim, original approaches using
Lack of specificity and lack of efficacy
local administration (transtympanic or intrathecal drug
The diversity and heterogeneity of the compounds used administration) in animal models of the respective
in the pharmacologic treatment of vestibular disorders, as human disorders (Dutheil et al., 2009, 2013) constitute
well as the history of their use as antivertigo drugs, illus- a suitable approach to discriminate between central
trate the fact that current pharmacotherapy results more and peripheral actions of drugs such as betahistine or ves-
from an empiric approach than from systematic and con- tibular suppressants. The improvement of the methods
trolled pharmacologic strategies. In practical terms, the and techniques of administration of active compounds
patient who suffers from a vestibular disorder will be and the development of pharmacokinetic studies deserve
administered, from the onset of the first symptoms and similar priority.
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