Mal de Debarquement Syndrome

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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

137 (3rd series)

J.M. Furman and T. Lempert, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 28

Mal de debarquement syndrome

Chicago Dizziness and Hearing and Department of Physical therapy and Human Movement Sciences,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA
Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

Mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDS) is typified by a prolonged rocking sensation – for a month or
longer – that begins immediately following a lengthy exposure to motion. The provoking motion is usually
a sea voyage. About 80% of MdDS sufferers are women, and most of them are middle-aged. MdDS
patients are troubled by more migraine headaches than controls. Unlike dizziness caused by vestibular
disorders or motion sickness, the symptoms of MdDS usually improve with re-exposure to motion.
The long duration of symptoms – a month or more – distinguishes MdDS from land-sickness. Treatment
of MdDS with common vestibular suppressants is nearly always ineffective. Benzodiazepines can be help-
ful, but their usefulness is limited by the potential for addiction. Studies are ongoing regarding treatment
with visual habituation and transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDS), literally, “bad feeling like you are on rough seas 24 hours a day, 7 days
disembarkment,” refers to prolonged and inappropriate a week.” This sensation persisted for several months.
sensations of movement after exposure to motion. The A meta-analysis of MdDS was recently published by
syndrome typically follows a lengthy sea voyage Van Ombergen and associates (2015). MdDS is a disor-
(Brown and Baloh, 1987), but it has also been observed der that mainly affects middle-aged women. The propor-
following extended airplane travel, train travel, and space tion of males affected by MdDS varies between 0 and
flight (Stott, 1990). Symptoms include rocking, swaying, 25% (Van Ombergen et al., 2015). Symptoms last at least
and imbalance. MdDS is distinguished from ordinary 1 month (in most studies) and usually abate before
motion sickness, seasickness (mal de mer), and some- 6 months have elapsed. However, symptoms can persist
times from “land-sickness” by persistence of symptoms for years, as well as recur after periods of remission.
for a month or longer. Also, unlike disorders of the inner MdDS patients are often very distressed by their symp-
ear and seasickness, most individuals with MdDS report toms (Arroll et al., 2014) and also are troubled by more
that their symptoms improve with re-exposure to motion, migraine headaches than controls (Cha and Cui, 2013).
such as driving a motor vehicle (Hain et al., 1999; Cha Between 41% and 73% of persons disembarking from
et al., 2008). seagoing voyages experience unsteadiness (Gordon
A typical case history is as follows: a 50-year-old et al., 1995, 2000; Cohen, 1996). This is commonly
woman went on an ocean cruise. She developed motion called land-sickness. Land-sickness typically persists
sickness on the cruise, which responded to transdermal for 2 days or less. Some authors use an alternative term
scopolamine. Immediately after returning from the cruise for land-sickness – “transient mal de debarquement,”
and getting on to solid ground, she developed imbalance defining the transient syndrome as symptoms lasting less
and a rocking sensation, accompanied by fatigue and dif- than 48 hours (Van Ombergen et al., 2015). We prefer the
ficulty concentrating. Her description was: “Imagine more common term.

*Correspondence to: Timothy C. Hain, M.D., Professor (Emeritus), Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
645 N. Michigan, Suite 410, Chicago IL 60611, USA. Tel: +1-312-274-0197, E-mail:
Table 28.1 is provoked by exposure to motion that does not trouble
Features distinguishing mal de debarquement syndrome most individuals. While on the boat, the brain must
from land-sickness adjust leg and body motion so that they counter the
rhythmic pattern of shipboard motion. Adaptation to
Mal de debarquement Land- such movement is sometimes called “gaining sea legs.”
syndrome sickness A common explanation for MdDS is that persons with
MdDS are good at adapting to unusual motion situations,
Duration 1 or more months, can 2 days such as ocean travel, but slow to give up their adaptation
last for years maximum when they return to stable ground (Mair, 1996). This is a
Gender About 80% female Equal reasonable general suggestion, but it lacks specifics.
Let us consider the visual, somatosensory, and
Motion-sick on No Yes
vestibular consequences of boat motion in the ante-
Relieved by Yes No rior–posterior plane, and how the brain might develop
driving adaptive “rules” to handle them. Traveling on a boat
exposes a person to angular and linear movement, some
of which is predictable and some of which is not. For
Table 28.1 lists the features that distinguish MdDS small rotations of the boat under the person, there is no
from land-sickness. Persons with land-sickness are vestibular consequence, as bodily inertia tends to keep
also likely to have seasickness (Gordon et al., 1995), the person upright in space. Vision is accurate on the deck
while persons with MdDS generally are untroubled by but inaccurate inside. Although there is rotation around
seasickness. Males and females do not appear to differ the ankle joint, and thus somatosensory input, there
significantly in the incidence, intensity, or duration of should be no “righting” response from the person
land-sickness symptoms (Cohen, 1996). Land-sickness, because the body is upright in space. As vision is unreli-
confusingly, is also termed “mal de debarquement,” able, a “rule” about using visual cues cannot be made.
without the transient qualifier, by some authors. The rule then for pitch rotation of the boat is that
MdDS also has similarities to motion sickness or sea- one should ignore somatosensory information signaling
sickness (mal de mer). However, MdDS is easily distin- rotation. Thus, for pitch of the boat, a selective “down-
guished from motion sickness, as motion sickness starts weighting” of somatosensory information, or both
during motion rather than after motion as does MdDS, by somatosensory and visual information, according to con-
the shorter duration of motion sickness, and because text, would be reasonable.
motion sickness often provokes nausea and vomiting, For linear acceleration of the boat under the person, or
while MdDS generally does not. Most persons with “surge,” as it is called in nautical contexts, inertia tends to
MdDS have relief of rocking symptoms when in motion, keep the person still in space, but because of shear force
such as driving a car, but experience recurrence of rock- at the feet, the person rotates at the ankles and becomes
ing once motion has stopped (Hain et al., 1999; Cha et al., destabilized. Then vision, vestibular and somatic senses
2008). In motion sickness, many persons find driving, are activated by the bodily rotation with respect to the
entailing more motion, very difficult. This is also often boat, and an active response is needed to prevent a fall.
true for persons with vestibular disorders. Thus, for surge of the boat, no relative sensory down-
MdDS also overlaps with a little-studied group of weighting would be appropriate, but increased responses
patients with rocking sensations, who develop similar to all types of input might be helpful.
symptoms to MdDS, without a preceding motion expo- As different weightings would be useful for different
sure (Cha and Cui, 2013). Often these patients develop types of boat motion, no single weighting rule would be
head or trunk rocking. In our clinical experience, the optimal. A potential solution that also explains persistent
age, gender, and pattern of medication responsiveness symptoms is that in MdDS there is prediction of boat
of this group are similar to those of MdDS. motion through an internal model of boat motion – an
internal oscillator. By using prediction, one can deter-
mine the best rule to follow – one should ignore
(down-weight) ankle and visual inputs that are entrained
with boat rocking, but attend to or perhaps up-weight
sensory input that is uncorrelated with boat rocking.
MdDS syndrome does not have the features of a With respect to the hypothesis that MdDS is caused by
“pathologic” disease, in the sense that it does not follow persistent reweighting of visual, vestibular, or somato-
an injury and is not associated with structural damage to sensory input, the data so far are contradictory. Further-
the inner ear or a blood chemistry abnormality. Rather, it more, the data are largely based on studies of the more

abundant subject groups having land-sickness (largely suggested that MdDS might be a secondary complication
sailors), but that have almost no overlap with the usual involving anxiety and focused attention on symptoms.
demographic characteristics of the MdDS population While possible in some cases, these ideas do not provide
(i.e., middle-aged women). an explanation for the age and female gender distribution
Nachum and associates (2004) used posturography to of MdDS.
study young males aged 18–22 with motion sickness and The most recent mechanistic proposition for MdDS is
land-sickness (they considered land-sickness to be that of Dai and associates (2014). They proposed that
equivalent to mal de debarquement). They reported that MdDS was caused by maladaptation of the vestibulo-
these young men developed increased reliance on ocular reflex (VOR) to roll of the head during rotation,
somatosensory input after motion exposure, and reduced and reported that a 5-day-long protocol attempting to
weighting of vision and vestibular input. While the accu- readapt the VOR resulted in “substantial recovery on
racy of visual input depends on whether one is inside the average for approximately 1 year” of 17 of 24 subjects
boat or on the deck, semicircular canal input is accurate (Dai et al., 2014). While these results are encouraging,
on boats, and somatosensory input is intermittently accu- this theory does not explain why patients with MdDS
rate. Accordingly, it is difficult to understand a rationale are better while driving. Furthermore, it is difficult to
for this adaptation. Another study, that of Stoffregen and see why ordinary movement through the environment
associates (2013), also miscategorized land-sickness as should not recalibrate the VOR over a few days – the
MdDS and also studied a population with almost no over- usual upper limit for the duration of land-sickness. At
lap with the MdDS patients reported in the medical the time of writing (2015), the roll adaptation theory
literature. and treatment protocol need more study.
A more reasonable possibility than increased reliance
on somatosensory input is that individuals with MdDS
may develop an increased reliance on visual and vestib-
ular information. This occurs in normal subjects who are The usual clinical treatment strategy for MdDS is to
exposed to situations where somatosensory feedback is attempt to make the patient comfortable, while waiting
distorted (Peterka, 2002), and would also be a reasonable for the MdDS to end by itself (typically within 6 months).
adaptation to boat pitch. Either adaptation might result in Conventional vestibular suppressants that affect anticho-
inaccurate land sensorimotor integration. Nevertheless, linergic pathways, such as meclizine and transdermal
neither of these adaptations explains the rocking sensa- scopolamine, are not helpful in MdDS (Hain et al.,
tion of MdDS or the characteristic improvement when 1999). Benzodiazepines, such as clonazepam, are of
driving a car. the most benefit (Hain et al., 1999; Cha, 2012), but risk
In an attempt to explain the prolonged duration of of addiction limits their use. Selective serotonin reuptake
MdDS and the characteristic improvement with driving, inhibitor-type antidepressants are also suggested as
in 2007 we first proposed that MdDS might be explained being potentially helpful (Cha, 2012). There are also
by internal model theory. In particular, an internal model reports of good responses to gabapentin, amitriptyline,
of periodic boat motion – an internal oscillator that is and venlafaxine – all medications that are also helpful
entrained by boat motion – might allow one to select in migraine.
out salient sensory input (boat surge) and ignore the non- After 6 months have gone by, if the MdDS patient is
salient input (boat pitch) (Hain, 2007). Cha (2015) no better, there is more pressure to find another interven-
recently offered a similar theory involving “intrinsic tion. While vestibular physical therapy would seem rea-
brain networks driven by oscillatory motion exposure.” sonable, Cha (2012) commented that “only rare patients
In support of this idea, some animals exhibit persistent seem to be cured by vestibular therapy.” In fact, the only
oscillations in central neurons after periodic movement peer-reviewed literature describing physical therapy
ends (Barmack and Shojaku, 1992). Also, postmove- treatment for MdDS are two case reports (Zimbelman
ment illusions of rocking can be induced by sinusoidal and Watson, 1992; Liphart, 2015). Of course, it is not
rotation in some individuals (Lewis, 2004). Such an known how these cases would have done without inter-
internal oscillator might be activated and produce a per- vention. In general, while many individuals with MdDS
sistent rocking sensation because of noise related to undergo vestibular rehabilitation, again because of a lack
activities of daily life, even when there is no ongoing of controls, it is not possible to determine whether they
periodic motion. did any better than persons who were not treated (Hain
Moeller and Lempert (2007) proposed that MdDS et al., 1999). Thus the efficacy of vestibular rehabilitation
might be due to “pseudo-hallucinations from vestibular for MdDS is unknown.
memory,” similar to the Charles Bonnet syndrome that Motion sickness has been treated successfully with
afflicts some persons with severe visual loss. They also habituation (Dai et al., 2011) and one might reasonably
argue that, if MdDS is a motion sickness variant, it might REFERENCES
also respond to a similar approach. Habituation entails a
Arroll MA, Attree EA, Cha YH et al. (2014). The relationship
down-weighting of motion input, and can reduce the
between symptom severity, stigma, illness intrusiveness
long-duration vestibular responses commonly associated and depression in mal de debarquement syndrome.
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