Learjet 35A Checklists: Startup Taxi Before Takeoff

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Learjet 35A Checklists

Startup Taxi Before Takeoff

Batteries On/Volt Check Departure Runway Verified Parking Brake Released
Emergency Battery Stby Transponder Set Transponder On
Avionics On Brakes and Steering Checked Thrust Reversers Arm
Parking Brake Set Anti-Skid On Pitot Heat On
Cabin Door 2 Fwd Lights Out Flight Controls Free and Correct Anti-Ice As Required
Fuel Qty/Bal/Count Checked/Reset Flight Instruments Checked Cabin Air On
Air Cond./Aux Heat Off Spoilers Retracted Autopilot Master As Required
Hydraulic Pump Off Flaps 8 or 20 Degrees Stall Warning On
Inverters On/Volt Check Elevator Trim Set/Light Out Air Ignition On
Fuel Computers On Current Limiters Light Out Annunciatior Panel Normal
Beacon On Electrical Panel Checked Flaps, Spoilers, Elev. Trim 8 or 20, Retracted, Set
Thrust Levers Cutoff Engine Instruments Checked HOLD LINE
Stbd Jet Pump On Avionics Set for Departure Landing,Recog,Strobe Lights On
Stbd Engine Start Thrust Reversers Stowed/Lights Out Before Takeoff Check Complete

Stbd Start/Gen Sw "R Gen"/Checked Speed Bugs/N1 Ref Set/Verified

Flaps 30 degrees Pressurization Set/Verified
Spoilers Checked Bleed Air/Cabin Air On Weight Lbs V_r Flap 8 Rway Flap 8 V_r Flaps 20
Flaps 8 degrees Cabin Temp Con trol Set
18300 144 5100 137
Port Jet Pump On Takeoff Briefing Completed
18000 142 5000 136
Port Engine Start Taxi Check Complete
17000 139 4500 134
Stby Att indicator On/Uncaged OAT (°F) – OAT (°C) T/O N1 (%) (SL, no Anti-Ice)
16000 135 3900 130
Radar Standby 100 – 38 92.2
15000 130 3400 127
No Smoking/Seatbelts On 80 – 27 95.4
14000 125 3000 125
Att Ind Flags Off 60 – 16 96.0
13000 125 2700 125
Park Brake Release 40 – 5 94.0
12000 125 2700 125
20 - -7 91.9
Start Check Complete
0 - -17 89.8
11000 125 2700 125
Learjet 35A Checklists
After Takeoff Descent Before Landing
Landing Gear Up Windscreen Heat As Required Spoilers Retracted
Flaps Retract On Schedule Pressurization Set To Field Altitude Landing Gear Down, 3 Green
Yaw Damper Engaged Anti-Ice Systems As Required Landing Lights On
Thrust Reversers Off Descent Check Complete Parking Brake Off
Pressurization Check Hydraulic Pressure Checked
Air Ignition As Required Approach (FL180) Anti-Skid On
Engine Sync On Flaps Set For Landing
Landing, Taxi Lights Off Altimeter Set Local Air Ignition On
Hydraulic Pressure Check Recognition Lights On Engine Sync Off
AoA Indicator Crosschecked Speed Bug Set For Vref Yaw Damper Off
Autopilot As Required Fuel Balances Checked Autopilot Off
After Takeoff Checklist Complete Hydraulic and Emergency Air Checked Before Landing Check Complete
No Smoking/Seatbelts On
Radar Altimeter On
Transition (FL 180) Thrust Reverser Armed Weight Lbs V_app V_ref Rwy Len (ft)
Approach Check Complete MLW 15300 lbs – Flaps 40
Altimeters 29.92, Cross-Checked 15300 135 129 5200
Recognition Light Off VS Descent Mode Min Fuel (ft/min) Normal (ft/min) 15000 134 127 5100
Oxygen Pressure Check To 31000 ft 3000 at Mmo 3000 at Mmo 14000 130 123 4900
Transition Check Complete To 10000 ft 4000 at 300 KIAS 3000 at Vmo 13000 125 119 4600
To Sea Level 3000 at 250 KIAS 3000 at 250 KIAS
12000 121 115 4400
Time, Dist From Min Fuel Normal
Cruise Mode Long Range High Speed 11000 116 110 4200
45000 16.4 min, 109 nm 14.5 min, 92 nm
Airspeed 424 KTAS / M .74 451 KTAS / M .786 10000 111 105 4000
35000 13.0 min, 83 nm 11.2 min, 66 nm
Fuel Flow (pph) 990 1210 Touchdown speed never less than Vref – 10!
25000 09.7 min, 57 nm 08.4 min, 45 nm
Altitude (FL) 430 410 Contaminated Runway Factor: 1.15
10000 04.6 min, 21 nm 04,6 min, 21 nm
Learjet 35A Checklists

After Landing Shutdown

Stall Warning Off Parking Brake Set Maximum Continuous N1
Air Ignition Off Anti-Ice Off RAT(°C) SL 10000 20000 30000 40000
Thrust Reverser Off Standby Attitude Indicator Caged 45 88.5 89.2
Cabin Air Off Emergency Battery Off 40 90.2 91.0
Pitot Heat Off Air Conditioning Off 35 91.8 92.3
Anti-Ice As required Thrust Levers Cutoff 30 93.2 93.5
Landing,Recog,Strobe Lights Off Jet Pumps Off 25 94.3 94.5 94.4
Spoilers Retracted Start/Gen Switches Off 20 95.2 95.3 95.1
Flaps Up Inverters Off 15 94.4 96.0 95.7
Transponder Off Fuel Transfer Off 10 93.5 96.4 96.0 95.4
After Landing Check Complete Crossflow Valve Closed 05 92.5 96.7 96.4 95.8
Beacon Off 00 91.6 97.1 96.7 96.2
Climb To Alt. (ISA) [Time (min)/ Fuel per eng (lbs) + Dist (nm)]
Avionics Off -05 90.7 97.4 97.0 96.7 93.9
(ft) \ (lbs) 18000 16000 14000 12000
Batteries Off -10 89.8 97.5 97.4 97.1 94.7
45000 < FL290: Ca. 260 KIAS 19.4/533 13.8/403
> FL290: Ca. M 0.6 120.9 84.9 Chocks Install -15 88.9 96.5 97.9 97.5 95.3
43000 21.0/611 15.2/467 11.7/370 Shutdown Check Complete -20 88.0 95.5 98.4 98.1 95.9
130.2 92.8 71.1
-25 87.2 94.6 99.1 98.8 96.6
39000 17.4/589 14.0/481 11.3/396 9.2/323
104.6 83.3 67.2 54.1 Speed Limits -30 86.3 93.6 99.7 99.4 97.4
35000 13.4/497 11.2/417 9.2/348 7.6/286 Vmo – SL to FL140 307 KIAS -35 85.5 92.7 100 100 98.1
77.7 64.4 53.2 43.5
Vmo - Above FL140 359 KIAS -40 84.6 91.8 100 100 98.7
31000 10.6/421 9.0/357 7.5/301 6.2/249
59.0 49.7 41.6 34.3 Mmo – Maximum Mach 0.81 Subtract 3% from N1 Value with Anti-Ice on full
25000 7.5/324 6.4/277 5.4/235 4.5/196
Vlo – Landing Gear Ops 202 KIAS
38.6 33.0 27.9 23.2
21000 5.9/268 5.0/230 4.3/196 3.6/163 Vle – Landing Gear Extended 265 KIAS
29.2 25.0 21.2 17.7
Vfe – Max. Speed Flaps 8 198 KIAS
15000 3.9/189 3.3/163 2.8/139 2.4/116
18.2 15.6 13.3 11.2 Vfe – Max. Speed Flaps 20 183 KIAS

11000 2.7/138 2.3/119 2.0/102 1.7/86 Vfe – Max. Speed Flaps 40 153 KIAS
12.3 10.6 9.1 7.6
Vmca – Min. Contr. Speed 112 KIAS
05000 1.2/63 1.0/55 0.9/47 0.7/39
5.1 4.4 3.8 3.2
Learjet 35A Checklists

• Made for Flysimware's Learjet 35A
• For Flight Simulator use only!
• Sources: CAE Simuflite's Learjet 35/36 Operating Handbook, Scott Brunner's Learjet 35A spreadsheets
• Checklists are abbreaviated and assume familiarity with the aircraft. Read the virtual aircraft's manual for reference!
• Performance tables are abbreviated for quick reference. Consult the real Learjet's performance or operating handbook for more
information and more detailed tables


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